The Poems of Greatness
Google Image Result for I AM HUMAN I am human I have feelings and characteristics I get furious at teachers for their disrespect I get enraged at people when they call me mean names This has lots of effect I am aggressive when it comes to football I am brave and courageous This allows me to stand tall I have opinions like why people want to go to war and kick the other side’s butts “The reason is they do stuff to each other which makes them want to rip out the others guts." I have dislikes like when babies drool I have likes, like going to the pool I think there is no real reality People can look at the smallest things different Like a cup of tea I can get sad like when I lost Passion my dog I can feel warm and tickled like when I'm drinking Egg-Nog
I can get cocky like when I run lots of football yards I can get excited lie when I hear my favorite quote "Ball so hard" I can get in trouble for something someone else did which gets me really fuming There is only one explanation for why I do and feel all of this, I AM HUMAN.
Google Image Result for Hatred Hatred is something that is not wanted at all When something bad happens hatred is there to call Hatred is something that the world has It's something that the world needs to pass Hatred leads to killing That’s extremely chilling If we all would just get along Then people’s lives would become prolong Let’s get rid of all the hatred in these places And put some smiles on these unhappy faces 6-0 Our coach huddles us up on the side line He starts his pre-game pump up speech We all hop and hop giving a sign that we are pumped The Team Mom’s prance on to the field with our banner Boom! We break through and run to our bench Our captains decide to kick off first Our team sprints on the field and we kick Crack! Pads hit and bodies fly This is the start of the game
Our Coaches call plays We listen and then do our job Hard hits are given and taken by each player Tackles and good runs receive praise
We fight hard and trash talk Our defense makes their offense go 3 and out every time Our offense surges down the field and works for a win The buzzer wails That’s the end of the half
Coaches gather us and give feedback on how we played so far We listen and take it into account We run on the field ready for the second half We fight hard and we sacrifice our bodies We will do anything to win But they will too
The last minutes come Both of our teams out of breath, fight for that last chance to be victorious But it doesn’t matter to us We fought hard enough at the beginning We widened the gap in the middle There is no way they can come back We are cocky yet steady We are filled with joy yet fatigued
We know then, that we have done it again We have won 23-0 We are 6-0