Chris T.

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Untouchable: Audio for Poem

As the florescent green tennis ball flies up, My neon orange racket swings down Knocking the ball at just the right place And it soars through the air right Into the corner of the box And the opponent swats at the ball with his racket, Hoping that it will make contact, But it doesn't. Everyone in the stadium cheers as a new set starts; "1-0, 0-0, love all" the umpire shouts And my opponent preps for the starting shot, And I sigh in relief as the ball shoots into the net, And nestles in there like a bird in a nest. Soon, the game is over, dominated by my foe, But I quickly get over that as a true tennis player would And later ask for a ball from the ball boy as it turns 40-15, Last game, last point, and my serve. The pressure is all on me As I think about his weak points, his strong points, And decide to do a slice if the opponent returns the serve. Soon, the ball has flown back to me after the serve, And I slice the ball, with small bits of green particles bouncing in the air, Like a ballerina dancing in front of an audience. As the spinning ball juts forward, I immediately notice that I sliced it too low, And know that it will find its way to the net, But as I look closer, I see that I might prevail, And I am screaming inside as the ball brushes against the net And drops over, untouchable.

Pi: Audio for Poem

No matter how you spell it, Pie is amazing. Pie, spelled "P-I-E" tastes delicious. There are many different types of pie, Such as jelly-filled pie, Chicken pie or the stereo-typical pie. There are many different flavors of pie as well, Including apple pie, cinnamon pie, and cherry pie. As for pi spelled "P-I", can be fun to. Pi is approximately 3.14, but as you get further into the number, the more fun it is. 3.14159 is a little fun, but the fun starts here: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105

Miracle Throw Audio for Poem

The disc slices through the air Like a knife slices through turkey. As it glides right towards the chain basket, It curves slightly to the left, Slamming right into a tree. The next player chucks his disc, But he overthrows it, And it crested the hill that the chain basket was on, Soaring deep into the woods behind the hill, Lost forever. As the second player sprints over to the woods to find his disc, The third person steps up, And he tries to curve it around the tree. At first, the disc flies flat, And the third player is devastated, But that frown turns upside down As the disc flies right behind the tree and into the basket. "EAGLE! EAGLE!" chants everyone who was watching, And the other players just stand there, Not knowing what to think, Only knowing that they just experienced a miracle.

Citations: Picture for “Miracle Throw”: Picture for “Pi”:

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