Abstract Words
SILLY SALLY Recording - http://vocaroo.com/i/s08mvjFOzxrN
Silly Sally ran up to me one day, and asked, Do you want to play to-day? I replied go away, And she went away till the next day.
Silly Sally ran up to me, And her friend was smiling with glee, She asked if I could play that day, And I said maybe tomorrow.
Silly Sally ran up to me, And her friends were smiling with glee, She asked if I could play,
I followed her down to a fall, Until she came to a stop, Her friends all made a circle,
And I said “Ok, but just today,” and she jumped away.
And then she said to me.
I didn’t want to play,
At the last word,
I just wanted to say,
She galloped away,
I tricked you,
As fast as a fox,
And it’s time for me to play.
And was never seen till today.
DO WHAT YOU CAN DO Recording – http://vocaroo.com/i/s1EVsALvPFIc
The time is right, For you to do,
The time is right,
Anything in the whole wide world that you can possibly do.
For you to do,
The time is right, For you to do, Whatever you could even wish to.
The time is right, For you to do, Anything, anyway, that you can even do it.
Whatever you can even think to do.
The time is right, For you to do, What you can only dream of in your deepest dreams.
The time is right, For you to do, Whatever you can do.
AS THE LONG DAY ENDS Recording - http://vocaroo.com/i/s0bkw1J9q8ZQ
The day has come to an end,
Gleams, and glows, in its eyes.
The birds are chirping as the time has come for the sun to disappear, I turn around, and there it is, The red, old sun smiles his last smile and laughs his last laugh, As the very red and old horizon laughs and reaches for the sun.
The sun accepts the gesture, And begins its slow waltz towards the horizon, And then, the sun’s dance ends in a flash,
The great, big, lumbering mass of the moon, Gleaming, and shining, It looks into my eyes.
The moon begins its dance, Towards the point where the sun died, The waltz is slow,
And the sun reaches one of its long rays towards the horizon.
And soon the moon is there.
The horizon takes the sun in its long arms,
The moon reaches to the horizon,
And the sun gets pulled towards the very bottom of the world,
And reluctantly,
Alas, the sun has fully disappeared,
The purple eyes and white eyes look together, And the hands touch.
And I shall never feel the sun’s nice, young, warm, and happy rays fall onto my face. As the horizon pulls for the moon, The horizon turns dark and grim,
I look where the moon emerged,
As it frowns and looks at me with its deep, white eyes of stars,
And I can see,
I look back at it, And I see a bit of regret, as our eyes make contact.
I wait for only minutes, Until I see a bit of a gleam in his eyes, As the great hulk of the moon,
The sun rising, with a youthful gleam.
PHOTO CITATIONS Abstract Words: http://bit.ly/1BIFNi6 Just Tomorrow: http://bit.ly/10F46SN What you can do: http://bit.ly/1t1f9SS Sun: http://bit.ly/1nX6DT7