Nica k

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The Past, Present, and Future Poems by Nica Kostenko

The Edge I stand at the edge of the cliff, The misty air cools my face, As I step closer, To the edge.

Of this mysterious, Lost world. In the distance, As if in a trance, A bird hovers in the sky, Motionless. I step forward even closer, And point, But no one is there to see. This wonder is a secret to me. Nothing is moving, As if time has stopped, The bay is placid, The waves are frozen. But soon time is slowly released, Free. The beautiful water, So still before,

Is reaching out again, It's calling for me. So I open my arms, And I step to the edge And fall. The ocean has taken me.

Life is a journey, Through the harsh lands of reality. First is the path, Through the forest of dreams. Next is the desert, The barren land, Of worries and troubles. This, Is where we face all our difficulties, Make our mistakes. It's where all our faults are hidden. And there is the ocean, Where we immerse our thoughts, Where we submerge ourselves in the seawater full of wondrous things. Life is a journey, But not only through the toughness of the outside world, But also the land in our subconscious.


Beach Cliff. Digital image. Heron. N.p., 7 July 2014. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. < univ&sa=X&ved=0CB0QsARqFQoTCLP0g_y8kMgCFYw9PgodcE8NXw&biw=1536&bih= 777&dpr=1.25#tbm=isch&q=bay+w%2F+cliffs+surrounding+it&imgrc=qCjrT6fZYAmFtM% 3A>. 2. Forests. Digital image. Forest Initiatives. N.p., 14 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. < a=X&ved=0CB0QsARqFQoTCI2hqSnksgCFch6PgodlPgKZQ&biw=1536&bih=777&dpr=1.25#imgrc=SUtrj0zFIr1NvM%3A>. 3. Journey. Digital image. Journey of Health. N.p., 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. < ved=0CAkQ_AUoA2oVChMI4rqt_6SwyAIVhDMCh0QZw2a&biw=1536&bih=777#tbm=isch&q=journey+picture&imgrc=QeNFDhiA7VrwN M%3A>.

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