By Mackenzie N
LOVE? Love? What in the world is that? People always say it’s a baby angel floating from the sky Others say it’s the devil who comes to break your soul and say good bye Some say it greets you with a smile and a hug But others say it steps of you and kills you like a bug I’ve heard it can be sweet and bring you chocolates too But I’ve also heard it’s sour, scary, and tries to frighten you I’ve asked around and heard it makes you want to sing However, I also heard it’s the most terrible, terrible thing But despite the awful things that have been told, spoken, and said I think I will take a chance on my neighbor “sigh” Fred
The Boy Down the Road There is a boy down the road Who is rude and rotten and has a Big Fat toad He scares little girls And then takes there pearls He has two large teeth Both underneath He runs not walks And he screams not talks He lives in a hut all by himself Or should I say by itself He only comes out for a meal Or should I say to steal This is what I tell him when he talks to me Cuase I think I have a crush on little Mike Lee
THE ROOM In a faraway place their lives a room On a far off hill in the center of the moon From this room, comes a magical tune People journey day and night for years and years But they all come to hear the room bring them to tears In a faraway place their lives a room On a far off hill in the center of the moon From this room, comes a magical tune Despite the long voyage they don’t close their eyes For fear the room might bring a surprise In a faraway place their lives a room On a far off hill in the center of the moon From this room, comes a magical tune Some people claim to have opened the door But we all know they never swore In a faraway place their lives a room On a far off hill in the center of the moon From this room, comes a magical tune But I know for a fact that no one has been in on any given afternoon For I am the one who sits on the moon, in the room, and plays the magical tune