Phoebe e

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Deep, Dark, as Bright as the Sun

Phoebe Ellison CARY ACADEMY LA Period 4

What To Write? They say to us It's poetry unit Now it's Time to write! They give us our journals We get out our bright pencils And open to a fresh, white page And don't know what to write. All of the sudden the pencil is growling The paper gets dark And our minds go blank We try to think of something Anything To write But topics are so hard to think of Sometimes you just have to write If you think of your feelings Feel the pencil in your hand And the paper on the table Then write about the meaning of life And if you still don't know what that is Then just write about not knowing What to write Birthday There's something special About having a birthday Just a little happier Feel like smiling more And then when the party comes Your parents are tense But you're so excited You can't wait To see your friends And a few come way too early But you don't mind Just a few extra minutes of talking And when everyone comes You can't stop smiling When you hug your friends And they give you the gift And that one person didn’t use wrapping paper So you can see the gift clearly And you freak out Because it's exactly what you wanted And you hug them Just once more And you open everyone else's presents And squeal in delight For pretty much Every one By the end of the night Your voice is hoarse From squealing so much And everyone's ears hurt From all your squealing But you still Feel so happy And Can't Stop


Seven billion What if we're in an experiment? Just think There is a whole world Of people Who can hold our world Literally in the palm of their hand Our universe is just one Of many The size of A fish tank? The planets all in it The big people Use their big fingers To zoom in To our little world Like we use computers They can look at us See what we're doing They can love us But They can ruin us Destroy us Get angry and crush the Earth We will end in a flash Why would they care? If seven billion people die Just look at the rest There are other universes That they can manipulate The Earth had just had So many people With all the control in one. You're at their mercy.

The World Is Fake They said in class today That Monday's sky was flawless And then they said It almost looks fake And I thought What if it is What if this is all fake? If this is just A simulation My feelings don't exist And neither do anyone else's I guess we might as well Keep living Keeping in routine And maybe when death finally comes The truth will be plain to see...

Image Citations: [Image.] search?q=blue+sky&espv =2&biw=1745&bih=883&so urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa= X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWo VChMI_eia6PujyAIVSxgCh0skgcd#tbm=isch&q=cl ear+blue+sky&imgrc=2sE 8N__6BhgeFM%3A . 2 October, 2015. Web. [Image.] search?q=little+person+a nd+giant&espv=2&biw=1 745&bih=883&source=lnms &tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0C AYQ_AUoAWoVChMIh4v 5mPujyAIVATwCh3jQgOI#tbm=isch&q=gi ant+with+person&imgrc= Mjjw3GFKTdPvfM%3A . 2 October, 2015. Web. [Image.] search?q=birthday&espv =2&biw=1745&bih=883&so urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa= X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWo VChMIvqXo6fqjyAIVAXoCh1XcAM#imgrc=eLZMiEOaNuZAQ M%3A . 2 October, 2015. Web.

[Image.] search?q=scribbled+jour nal&espv=2&biw=1745&bi h=883&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ _AUoAWoVChMI693u5_mj yAIVBXACh2CjAys#tbm=isch&q=jo urnal+pencil&imgrc=2PCmKyHov9pEM%3A . 2 October, 2015. Web.

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