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China China, a wonderful place Ancient secrets held inside Beautiful architecture Surrounded by a gorgeous, blue sky It does not take A history professor To tell you that China has a long history There were dark times, And good times, But from this history came new ideas These ideas formed into buildings Buildings that challenge modern Architects to this day It is truly a wonderful place And I envy those that go China, a wonderful place Ancient secrets held inside Beautiful architecture Accompanied with a gorgeous, blue sky.
Ode to Money Money, You are everything Anything can happen with you You can change lives You're famous People love you You're all unique With faces on your front And structures on your back Numbers and letters Even a president's signature. You have a large effect on people's lives Provide jobs Solve problems Cause problems You're kept in vaults Crimes are committed for you You're constantly protected You're constantly stolen You've seen the world You've traveled to lots of states On road trips In pockets Money, You are quit special Anything can happen with you You can change lives You're famous People love you
The Frail Old Man Nobody knew much about this man All that they knew is that he’s been here all his life, And tells stories It’s quite incredible, This man has seen time go by Generation by generation Decade by decade A whole city changing right in front of him He’s seen everything From the mountains of Korea to The fields of Ireland From the North Pole To the South Pol He’s done everything He’s been in the army for 20 years Mainly as an aviator Aiding Korea, to fighting Japan Rescuing pilots, taking down pilots Throughout his life, new technologies have come and gone Skyscrapers built near his home, Spaceships, atomic energy He’s seen it all Now he lies at home But never alone
Image Citations / Recordings Image. “Old House” http://bit.ly/1vNXnj4 10/6/2014 Image. “Money” http://bit.ly/1nZsHfM 10/6/2014 Image. “Tiananmen Square” http://bit.ly/1vNXICp 10/6/2014 Image. “Tropical Island” http://bit.ly/1CUOIQd 10/7/2014
China: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0dUIgubuG2P Money: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0YUUXnvaAJ3 The Frail Old Man: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1jumVhalbiP