Review of sustainability work at SweMaint 2019/2020

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Review of sustainability work at SweMaint 2019/2020

the track of fuiure maintaining railway logistics

Sustainability review 2019/2020







Environment and freight The UN’s Global Goals New sustainable business creating healthier bottom line Railways as the obvious choice for the future Most relevant global goals for SweMaint

8 8 9 10 11

Fundamentals and focus on the future 12 Stakeholder dialogue and materiality assessment 12 Interconnected industry logistics as a trail blazer for the future 14 We are all colleagues “We are each other’s working environment” Safe, secure and thriving “6 per cent is 6 more than nothing at all” Skills and personal development Our fellow colleagues – our fellow humans Welcome to SweMaint Borlänge!

16 18 20 22 24 25 26

We take responsibility for our business Maintaining your railway logistics What do we at SweMaint mean by “business ethics”? On the track of the future since 1859 Sustainable purchasing through clear trace ability requirements

28 30

Without us, freight would come to a standstill An all-round service and maintenance package for rail freight Increasing the exploitation of railways by adapting services to suit customers Well-maintained customer relationships


We take responsibility for the climate and the environment On the track of a climate-safe future

31 32 34

38 40 41 42 44


railways – future ways:

beginning of the end for fossil-fuel land transport?

This review of sustainability work at SweMaint in 2019/2020 What’s new for this financial year is the decision to begin undertaking reviews by taking inspiration from

Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues


We take responsibility for our business Without us, freight would come to a standstill We take responsibility for the climate and the environment

constitutes our company’s statutory sustainability report. the Global Reporting Initiative to increase the tempo and level of ambition – the environment can’t wait.

SweMaint 2019/2020 4

At a glance

12 30 40

locations from north to south

unique wheel supply locations

one hundred fifteen years of experience We have been systematically expanding our range of services since way back in 1905 by focusing on and listening to customer benefits. This gives us a unique platform for making rail freight an even more obvious and more competitive alternative. n

In Autumn 2020, we began work on a new logotype and rebranding. The aim is to piggyback on the reputation of our owners – and simultaneously one of Sweden’s most well-known brands and to indicate our perseverance. Implementation across the entire organisation is expected to be completed during Spring 2021. SweMaint – a Kockums Industrier company, it’s as simple as that.



a complete serservice and maintenance offering for rail freight


Gävle Borlänge Kil

mobile units


always connected – all work orders are carried out online using tablets.


Göteborg Varberg

Malmö In 2019/2020 SweMaint transitioned to conducting reviews by taking inspiration from the Global Reporting Initiative, an independent international initiative for standardising sustainability reviews. n



Geographical coverage across Sweden:

from malmö in the south to kiruna in the north

Sustainability review 2019/2020


doubling lathe capacity for SEK 25 m vs new EU directive SweMaint AB has been owned by Malmö-based Kockums Industrier since 2007.

With an investment of SEK 25 m in BA Wheel supply, we are responding to the railway industry’s increased need for a response to the EU’s new regulations on noise reduction. n

• ECM certification train car maintenance • Quality certification ISO 9001:2015 • Welding certification EN15085 • Environmental certification ISO 14001:2015 • VPI certification for train cars • VPI certification for wheels • EVIC

without swemaint, sweden would come to a standstill In 2019/20 we got 25,000 freight cars and 10,000 wheel sets back on track quickly and effectively. n

24 7 365 days a year

Maintainable since 1905.

< 30 years old 22%

White collar 26%

Women 6%

>50 years old 40%

Blue collar 74% White collar/blue collar divide among total of 250 employees.

30–50 years old 38% Age divide among all employees.

Men 94%

Gender divide among all employees. Of the 7 leaders in the company, 2 are women and 5 are men.

SweMaint 2019/2020

a word from our ceo


“The environment can’t wait” is a statement we come across a lot. It’s a fact that can’t be stated often enough. Crucial and urgent, but at the same time a chance for new business opportunities and space for innovation. an indication of the future:

“The events of this year have only Spreading and implementing the UN’s Agenda 2030, the plan to ensure everyone’s continued existence, is injecting renewed hope into efforts aimed at achieving a sustainable future. At SweMaint, we are pushing our sustainability work forwards and increasing the tempo and the volume. Our ambition for this year is to conduct our review by taking inspiration from the Global Reporting Initiative which, among other things, involves a useful cross-section of the business as a whole. This has resulted in what we consider our “fundamental sustainability issues”, how we tackle these and how we connect them to the UN’s Global Goals. You can read more about this in the report, starting from page 10. We are also committed to a future where rail transport is always the obvious option. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this fact quite clear. A large number of on-the-road transport providers have transitioned to rail transport and its more resilient system, both within Europe and for logistics from Asia. The effect this has on reducing environmen-

tal impacts is a case of simple maths. For SweMaint, the 2019/20 financial year has been stimulating but also challenging. Initially, a great deal of focus was on the launch and commissioning of the new workshop in Ånge. Our four new service trucks, in collaboration with Scania, were ready to meet the usual winter-season demand more effectively. However, the usually demanding winter season never materialised and instead attention was turned to our stationary workshops where we set about our repair work by rerouting train cars. Then came spring and the COVID-19 pandemic, which required crisis and contingency plans for the company to be drawn up fast. Throughout, public health recommendations have governed how we have adapted places where we work and train, and how we meet with customers. At a time of social distancing and a strained job market, it is especially pleasing to announce that we are in need of new recruits for our Ånge and Borlänge workshops in order to meet

Sustainability review 2019/2020


strengthened our conviction the increased demand for train car repairs. Additionally, our mobile units, which complement our stationary workshops, now have complete geographical coverage across Sweden. These units are also connected to the internet at all times and all work orders are carried out online using tablets. During the autumn, we launched our new production line at our wheel workshop in Gothenburg. One of the incentives behind this endeavour was the new EU regulations on noise level which are leading to an increased need for wheel lathes. The new wheel lathe, an investment costing SEK 25 m, doubles our lathe capacity and will be put into operation in Winter 2021. The system is also equipped with repair equipment for managing VPI stock repairs. These last few months have certainly been eventful, but we at SweMaint are well-prepared. Our organisation is designed in such a way that we can transition flexibly and meet demand consistently with the right resources. In short, we make sure Sweden doesn’t come to a standstill. n

Peter Overup, CEO, SweMaint.

SweMaint 2019/2020 8

environment and freight





UN’s Global Goals

...and the ones most relevant for SweMaint We must be engaged in working towards achieving these global goals by no later than 2030. That’s why we’ve selected those goals we can most clearly contribute to based on risks, challenges and opportunities. n

Sustainability review 2019/2020

Agenda 2030 factsheet Agenda 2030 is a plan of action for the wellbeing of humanity and the planet which also aims to consolidate world peace and increase freedom. It is the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development ever adopted by the nations of the world and is an acknowledgement that ending all forms and aspects of poverty, including extreme poverty, is the world’s biggest challenge and an absolute must for achieving sustainable development.

In order to achieve the aim of Agenda 2030, we need to realise that these Global Goals define not just challenges but also the greatest business opportunities of our age. A business plan for the planet

The UN has formulated these 17 goals as follows: 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutri tion and promote sustainable agriculture 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all 7. Ensure access to affordable, reli able, sustainable and modern energy for all 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and de cent work for all 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ter restrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land de gradation and halt biodiversity loss 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustain able development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development n

new sustainable business creating healthier bottom line As well as being the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development ever adopted by the nations of the world, the UN’s Global Goals at the same time represent a business plan for humanity and the planet. As a business, having a solution to a global challenge puts you in an excellent position for achieving increased growth, and for attracting skills and also loyal customers in future. Sustainability and profitability go hand in hand so get inspired and dare to invest sustainably. New forms of partnerships and collaborations are also crucial. One example from our own organisation is our investment in doubling wheel lathe capacity at our Gothenburg plant. Originally initiated because of the new EU requirements for noise reduction which came into force on 1 January 2021, this measure is more than just a business action and will improve living conditions for many people across Europe. The rest of the railway industry will have to transition and adapt continuously. n


SweMaint 2019/2020

environment and freight


According to the EPA, carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles need to fall by 8% annually between now and 2030 if Sweden is to achieve its climate goals... breaking the fossil fuel habit:

railways as the obvious choice for the future

Functioning infrastructure and freight transport are the foundations of consumption, society and, by extension, our entire well-being. The Swedish transport system’s dependence on fossil fuels, however, is striking. Nearly one third of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions come from domestic transport. While the Swedish Environmental Protection

Agency (Naturvårdsverket) emphasises the reduced levels of emissions recorded between 2007 and 2012, this trend has come to a standstill in recent years and is now more or less unchanged. In order to achieve the climate-change goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles by 70 per cent, emissions need to fall by 8 per cent every year between now and 2030. This effort might not be enough, however. Traffic also needs to be reduced and more of us need to choose alternatives to travelling by car and plane – and not least of all to on-the-road freight. The majority of people are in agreement that lengthy highway routes should be transitioned to the railways. In Sweden, rail freight over distances of more than 10 miles already accounts for more than 25 per cent of total domestic freight transport. Internationally, this is helping Sweden to lead by example. However, the obvious benefits of rail transport in terms of climate and traffic safety also have to be aligned with business models – sustainable business models. In its role as Europe’s leading repair and maintenance company for freight cars, SweMaint has a higher purpose here – to strengthen the foundations that give rail freight its competitive edge. n

Sustainability review 2019/2020


Business and companies have a particular responsibility to implement the UN’s Global Goals. We therefore have a clear duty to take the lead in implementing the global sustainability agenda. We at SweMaint have taken it upon ourselves to minimise any obstacles our business might conceivably pose to the transition to a sustainable future that these goals clearly require. We have identified the following four global goals as being particularly relevant for SweMaint:

Most relevant Global Goals for SweMaint

Decent work and economic growth Currently, more than half of the world’s workforce is working under insecure conditions, often with poor wages and limited access to both education and social security. The global workforce is expected to increase by 800 million people over the next 20 years, so it will take serious efforts to create new jobs which are also sustainable for people and the environment. As an employer with nationwide coverage from Malmö in the south to Kiruna in the north, we at SweMaint clearly have a role to play to ensure that all our current and future employees have good and safe working conditions. n

Industry, innovation and infrastructure A functioning and stable infrastructure is the foundation of any suc-

cessful society. In order to tackle future challenges that both people and the planet will face, our industries and our infrastructures need to become more inclusive and more sustainable. This is what we are working towards every day. But we want to do even more. n

Responsible consumption and production Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources,

but as human beings we have not exploited this wealth in a responsible manner and are now consuming at a far greater rate than our planet can withstand. Achieving sustainable development requires us to reduce our environmental footprint by changing how we produce and consume goods and resources. For us at SweMaint, this doesn’t just mean minimising our own environmental impact; it also means helping our customers to minimise their environmental impact. n

Climate action Climate change is real and poses an incontrovertible threat to all of civilisation. Greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to rise, as a result of which we risk achieving an average rise in global temperatures of more than two degrees, which could have serious consequences for ecosystems, ocean acidification, human safety, food production, access to water, health and an increased risk of natural disasters. SweMaint wants to contribute to reversing this trend by working actively to make rail freight the obvious choice n

SweMaint 2019/2020

fundamentals and focus on the future


Using this year’s materiality assessment, we are identifying which issues are the most important to address, both in terms of the impact we are having on the environment, and the expectations our stakeholders have in this regard. interests and materiality:

vital outside perspective

n Stakeholder dialogue Collaborating with our top-priority stakeholders is a natural part of our business. These stakeholders are primarily our Employees, Owner, Customers, Suppliers and “Society”, that is to say, public authorities, action groups etc. Discussions with our suppliers are on-going. We also actively engage with our customers to assist with mutual needs and interests. In 2018, we undertook a deep-dive to understand what our stakeholders expect of our sustainability work. Through surveys and interviews with representatives from our top-priority stakeholder groups, we were able to establish which sustainability issues they consider a top priority for SweMaint to address. Issues that were considered priority matters included our customer relations, long-term profitability, technical development, development of skills, the working environment and supplier relationships.

Sustainability review 2019/2020


n Materiality assessment In Spring 2020, we carried out a materiality assessment Our stakeholder dialogue and a comprehensive impact assessment helped us to identify which sustainability issues are most important for SweMaint. These priority issues then resulted in us identifying areas of focus. This process involved internal key persons working in tandem with external experts who offered their opinions on the assessment. The method we applied comes from the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) guidelines on materiality assessments. In addition to stakeholder expectations and issues which SweMaint clearly has an impact on as part of its business, the assessment also considered risk elements in the form of a SWOT. After key issues were prioritised in tandem with company management, it was determined that the sustainability issues that are priorities for SweMaint are (in no particular order): • Safe, secure and thriving employees • Skills and personal development • Sustainable purchasing • Responsible action, management and develop- ment • Sustainability and risk management • Service adapted to customer needs for optimal exploitation of railways • Well-managed customer relationships • Use of chemicals • Exploitation of resources • Environmentally-friendly transport • Energy use The result of this analysis was an agreement to focus the company’s sustainability strateg on these four areas: • We are all colleagues • We take responsibility for our business • Without us, freight would come to a standstill ...and • We take responsibility for the climate and the en vironment. n

FOCUS area

we are all colleagues 16–27 Sustainability review 2019/2020

FOCUS area

we take responsibility for our business 28–32

FOCUS area

without us, freight would come to a standstill 36–41

FOCUS area

we take responsibility for the climate and the environment 42–45

SweMaint 2019/2020

fundamentals and focus on the future


Kockums Industrier After their acquiSweMaint Founded in 1905, SweMaint sition of state company SweMaint AB in is an industrial enterprise whose history 2007, new owners Kockums Industrier, mirrors that of its owners almost exactly. based in Malmö, were keen to communiKockums Industrier’s takeover was therecate the strategic idea and industry logic fore explicitly, and in a broader sense, behind the business quickly. Similar to negotiated in order to create, maintain Kockums Industrier’s own tagline “Railand strengthen the competitive edge rail way logistics since 1859”, SweMaint was transport has over fossil fuel-based onfurnished with its own slogan of “Mainthe-road freight. taining your railway logistics”. As a result, Under the name ”Statens Järnvägars our range of services and Maskin och Teknikdivision” Railway Maintaining (State Railways Machinery logistics since new mission would now your railway include both manufactu and Technology Division), 1859 logistics ring and maintenance the company was founded activities equally. Taking a further impor46 years after Frans Henrik Kockum betant step towards a respectful approach gan manufacturing rail cars in Malmö. to exploiting resources and therefore What we know today as SweMaint theretowards a more sustainable future was fore has its origins in a network of worka given. shops which SJ (Swedish State Railways) Today, the enriched Kockums Indusestablished during the mid 19th century. trier AB is a holding company that ex In other words, most of the company’s ercises ownership over SweMaint AB and current workshops have played an imthe group’s overall finances, and which portant role in the growth of the railway looks after all of the former manufacindustry and have been hugely significant turing department’s drawings and patent for infrastructure across Sweden. documents. n As an almost direct descendant, we announced in 2020 quite humbly but without mincing our words: SweMaint – a Kockums Industrier company. n

Sustainability review 2019/2020


We are working long-term to secure our future with a clear view to sustainability. But our existence is hard to explain without history and reference points. two sustainable ideas become one

Interconnected industry logistics as a trailblazer for the future

SweMaint 2019/2020 16

FOCUS area we are all colleagues

Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues


SweMaint takes a preventative approach to issues of health, safety and the working environment, and to combating discrimination and promoting equal rights and opportunities in the workplace. What we care about is the sort of long-term wellbeing in the workplace that a diverse and thriving workforce contributes to. Our long-term goals support our ambitions to be an attractive, considerate and inclusive employer with access to a skilled base of recruits. n

we are all colleagues 18

Laws and guidelines SweMaint follows all legislation that governs our sector, and our own agreements too, of course. In order to ensure that we are fulfilling our legal and ethical duties, we have put together a number of governing policy documents, such as: • Working environment and transport safety policy • Sustainability policy • Crisis policy • Policy against sexual harassment • Alcohol and narcotics policy • Code of conduct

Core values We work continuously to ensure all our employees feel safe and are proud to be a part of SweMaint. Both internally, and in our relationships with customers, suppliers and other external stakeholders, SweMaint’s values form the basis for every employee’s actions and decisions.

Our values Decisions and actions at SweMaint must be based on our “Care” value – In practice this means that: • We see the person we are talking to and listen with interest • We react when something is wrong • We communicate what we see, be it positive or negative • We act consistently, everyone is treated equally • We stick to our word • We enforce and stand by our joint decisions • We constantly strive to create improvements both internally and externally • We encourage initiative • We support one another and learn from our mistakes white collar/blue collar divide among a total of 250 employees

White collar 26%

Blue collar 74%

Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues


This places demands on all of us in the organisation and at the same time requires that we are also provided with various opportunities to contribute to a sustainable culture and, by extension, the success of the company. Loyalty, respect and being considerate to one another are of course all part and parcel of being colleagues. In short, we are each other’s working environment. SweMaint conducts business at several locations across Sweden, and many managers work remotely day to day. This places further demands on the locations where our employees are working. Having the ability to take initiative, taking a high degree of responsibility and being agile are just some of these demands. In this way, we create an organisation made up of in-

the future’s working environment:

“we are each other’s working environment” Paul Søndergaard, Head of HR, SweMaint.

dependent and resourceful people possessing a huge amount of drive. Of course, this positive reaction has to be maintained through tailor-made training programmes based on the particular challenges posed by remote leadership. This has naturally been incredibly important during the on-going COVID pandemic. To get an idea of how people within the organisation perceive their physical and mental working environment, and of course to identify shortcomings, we conduct employee surveys in alternating years. This year’s survey was expanded to include workshops at all locations and focused on social sustainability. These forums are important pieces of the puzzle for ensuring a safe and equal working environment. The 2019 employee survey showed, among other things, that employees want more and clearer information on our overall economic performance, both for SweMaint as a whole and for their own individual workshops. Employees are also keen on inter-workshop exchange programmes to drive skills growth and continue to develop our so-called feedback culture. A third proposal is to set goals locally and to monitor these continuously. Smart and proactive leadership is likely the most important aspect of a healthy and thriving working environment. That the feedback training we previously elected to conduct for all workshop managers should have such an immediate impact and response is very pleasing. n

we are all colleagues 20

Equality and diversity At SweMaint, men and women should be equal – all employees should have the same rights and duties regardless of their gender or background. Everyone must feel welcome to work with us. We currently have employees from a number of different national backgrounds, especially on the repair side of the business, who enrich us all and help us to grow.

The company can only grow with employees who are engaged, aware and safe when on the job. So, how do we safeguard the working environment at SweMaint?

Illness-related absences and occupational injuries Whenever one of our employees falls ill, we always look into how we can help them get well again. All illnessrelated absences are followed up monthly and, if an employee requires further assistance, rehabilitation or other support, we work with our insurer and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) to ensure that the matter is resolved as best as possible.

safe, secure and thriving

maintaining a workforce

Our work on preventing accidents and incidents is based on continuous risk assessments within the purview of the Safety Committee. We have created quick links on our intranet to make it easier for the Committee to be able to monitor cases. This increased accessibility also gives other departments within the company the opportunity to monitor relevant cases in parallel. As a result, our entire organisation benefits from this information so hopefully similar accidents can be avoided in future. A further resource for investigations, rehabilitation and the like is FHV Previa, which the Central Safety Committee has an agreement with. As part of its directive, the Safety Committee has also created a catalogue of what PPE the company stipulates as mandatory. This way, we ensure that everyone in the organisation is using appropriate and standardised equipment. This catalogue, which is also available on the intranet, also contains laws, regulations and recommendations. During the last 12 months, we have unfortunately suffered both minor incidents and serious accidents as below: Incidents and accidents, distribution 2019–2020:

Type of damage:

Accident Incident*


* Refers to incidents that did not involve personal injury and indicates what sort of damage may have been incurred as far as possible. ** The apparently high final figure for 2019/20 is predominantly the positive result of a campaign encouraging people to report incidents more, not the fact that the number of incidents has escalated.

Incidents and accidents

Our goal is to have a workforce with a maximum of 4% illness-related absences, meaning they work with a focus on goals and prevention using various kinds of training and healthcare measures. We have increased our healthcare subsidy in order to stimulate an increase in interest, and also arrange activities through our athletics group, the SweMaint Athletics Club (SweMaint Idrottsklubb).

Sprains/twisted joints 3 1 4 Eyes 3 1 4 Vehicles/trucks 4 4 Strike/impact/other violence 2 16 18 Trapping injuries 1 13 14 > 50 years old Fall/slip/trip 15 15 40% Burns 1 1 Railway traffic safety-related 10 10 Other 1 12 13 Total

10 73 83

Long-term trends:**

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019/20 Accidents 31 29 21 21 26 10 Incidents 10 17 22 26 46 73

age divide among all employees

LÅNGTIDSUPPFÖ 100 < 30 years old 22%

80 60 40 20

30–50 years old 38%



Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues

illness-related absences july 2019–june 2020:


Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Short-term (1–7 days) 1.2% 1.7% 2.6% 2.7% 3.1% 2.6% 2.5% 3.0% 2.9% 3.2% 2.9% 2.3% Long-term (>7 days) 2.8% 2.0% 1.3% 2.5% 4.0% 5.0% 4.3% 4.2% 4.3% 4.8% 2.0% 2.0% Total

4.1% 3.8% 4.0% 5.2% 7.1% 7.6% 6.8% 7.1% 7.2% 8.0% 4.9% 4.3%


illness absence short (1–7 days) illness absence long (>7 days) illness absence total

















Our goal is to have healthy and thriving employees. SweMaint strives to have a workforce whose illness-related absences do not exceed 4%.

In terms of numbers, illness-related absences at the company are generally low. Our total illnessrelated absences, both short-term (1–7 days) and longer-term (7 days or more) are below 6%. According to our company healthcare provider, these are low numbers. Health-related issues and psychosocial aspects are also raised at the regular workplace meetings which are held at all workshops and units. Another






Railway traffic safety-related


Fall / slip / trip

Vehicles / trucks




Sprains / twisted joints



Accident Incident

20 16


incidents and accidents

Trapping injury

Accident Incident


Strike / impact / other violence

incidents and accidents 2014–2020 ÖLJNING

anonymous, and therefore probably more accurate, tool is the aforementioned employee survey that is carried out every other year. This survey touches on areas such as information and communication, cooperation, participation and impact, leadership, and what resources are available and what demands are being made. This helps us to identify patterns and tendencies within the company so that we can act. n

we are all colleagues 22

“6 per cent is 6 more than nothing at all

Women 6%

Men 94% Gender divide among all employees. Of the 7 members of the management group, 2 are women and 5 are men.

Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues


It should be just as likely for women to choose a career in the workshop and technology sector as men. However, the Swedish industry sector has one of the lowest figures in Europe when it comes to the share of women in the workforce. sweden below eu average but just

as likely for women as for men Inclusion and equality are fully in line with implementation of UN Global Goal Number 8. The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Ingengörsvetenskapsakademien; IVA) believes that over time such critical business issues will also become crucial for Sweden’s competitiveness. The share of women within the workshop industry, which accounts for approximately half of the total 600,000 workers in the manufacturing industry, is only around 20 per cent. This is one of the lowest levels in Europe, with only the Netherlands and UK lagging behind. Many people feel it is nigh on impossible to change something so entrenched, yet new norms can be created. Joint forces will create change – assuming that both men and women are on board

the train of change, otherwise nothing will happen. SweMaint is no exception when it comes to women’s under-representation within our organisation. Women make up 6%, spread evenly between the workshop and administration. This is a high-priority issue but it’s hard to predict whether and when we will achieve our vision of 15% of new recruits being women. That being said, it was very pleasing to see the company recruit our first ever female workshop manager, who took charge of the Ånge facility in May of this year. We can also observe a bucking of the trend more generally in that the number of women looking for repair positions, for example, increases. n

we are all colleagues 24

Education and developing skills are crucially important for all businesses.

Investing in education often comes with high front-up costs, especially because you often have to factor in shortfalls in production. An ability to balance needs and costs – across multiple levels – is crucial. However, you will ultimately end up suffergrowing skills: ing if you decide against growing skills in the short term for cost reasons. Not only is there an imminent risk that the person in question will leave the company prematurely, but the quality of what you deliver, and by extension your customer satisfaction, can fall off a cliff edge. Sustainability work is a key factor in secur During the year, we at SweMaint took ing the future of your skills pool, your brand, stock of what education needs our organiyour profitability and, by extension, your sursation has and then used this as a basis vival. But is something that’s hard to price up. for prioritising certain workshops and units. We’re not talking about planning concrete This resulted in a number of actions, with investments in advance where we can calcuactions related to traffic safety, which are a late how long before we will see a return. legal requirement, being prioritised and im-

wind down or upskill?

Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues


Education at SweMaint

plemented by external consultants. We have also continuously conducted basic training programmes related to our core business, e.g. good train car maintenance and brake technology, operating wheeled loaders, trucks and overhead cranes etc. All employees in our company are also continuously involved in our work on sustainability, primarily in accordance with the UN’s 17 Global Goals. Together with our company’s core values and based on the “Care” value: • we create engagement through anchoring and understanding • we increase environmental awareness • we collaborate with schools and education centres • we grow skills continuously • we pay attention to our employees • we conduct/document stakeholder analyses n

Our goal of making a proactive contribution to creating the railway logistics of the future obviously requires staff with specialist skillsets. In this regard, we have drawn on Gothenburg and Malmö’s proud ship-building tradition and the changes these cities’ industrial structures have undergone in recent decades that have made it possible to employ highly-skilled sheet metal workers, welders and assembly engineers. However, our own contribution, in the form of a range of training programmes for guaranteeing continued growth, is also important. Some of the training programmes we offer include: • Traffic safety • Wheel maintenance • Repairs • Welding The HR department is responsible for training and education. Plans for training are devised on a continuous basis within SweMaint AB. The umbrella training and education plan describes offers and content, and can be accessed via the intranet’s management system. n

socially sound:

fellow colleagues – fellow humans The world is facing huge challenges, everything from climate change to social exclusion and global health. To be included in society, you need a job, a place to live and good social conditions. Many of us wouldn’t give this a second thought but that’s certainly the case for everyone. SweMaint is a part of society at large and our corporate role is also all about responsibility – including responsibility in this regard. Through a number of external engagements and as part of our sustainability processes, our company supports a number of initiatives aimed at maintaining a healthy society. The latest success here is a company subscription to the Faktum magazine which aims to engage, create employment for and support people who are socially vulner-

able or homeless. The magazine’s vision is to “be the strongest voice in Sweden for socially excluded people” and to give sellers the opportunity to change their image, both in their own eyes and the eyes of society. Faktum is a social magazine with no religious or political affiliations, putting out 12 issues a year. Faktum gives sellers a voice, dissects social issues and offers opinions on issues of homelessness and social exclusion. Faktum’s sellers buy the magazine for SEK 40 and sell it for SEK 80. They then get to keep the difference. Through our company subscription, SweMaint is helping to set up Faktum branches in more cities, to extend opening hours for Faktum distribution centres and to support the daily work of sellers on the streets. n

we are all colleagues: borlänge 26

Sustainability review 2019/2020

We are all colleagues


Borlänge Rail Workshop 2-track workshop, Ritargatan 11, Borlänge. the heart of dalarna:

welcome to swemaint Borlänge!

Our work in Borlänge focuses primarily on heavy maintenance and remodelling on/of freight cars. This includes maintenance and revision work, as well as repairing damages. Borlänge’s mobile unit includes, among others, two large HGVs assisted by smaller service vehicles for quick call-outs. Employees mostly work in shifts from 06:00–00:00 Monday–Thursday and 06:00–15:00 on Friday. Väte Rail is used for bringing Green Cargo and Hector Rail freight cars in and out of the workshop’s track area, but they’re not the only customers. We also carry out work at premises located in a property owned by Jernhusen covering a total of approx. 2,270 m2. This facility comprises two through-tracks, each around 60 m in length, a changing room, an upstairs canteen and office space. n

SweMaint 2019/2020 28

FOCUS area we take responsibility for our business

Sustainability review 2019/2020


We take responsibility for our business

SweMaint ensures that all our business relations are shaped by good business ethics and that we fight corruption along our supply chain. We work to ensure that everyone within the company and anyone who has a relationship with the company is aware of, understands and knows how we work to continuously prevent misconduct. It is also in the company’s interest to encourage both our own employees and suppliers and other parties to hold an open dialogue on how we can best take responsibility for our business. n

we take responsibility for our business 30

In our organisation, we all have a shared responsibility for how our actions impact our environment – our employees, customers, suppliers, stakeholders and society at large. So what do we at SweMaint mean by “business ethics”? sustainable business:

maintaining our business ethics Sustainable business is like a motto for us here at SweMaint and is all about conducting business with one eye on the future; it’s about following international guidelines aimed at breaking the dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to positive social growth and minimising our company’s negative impact on the environment. It’s about showing through our actions that we have earnt the trust of our employees, our customers, our suppliers and society every day. Our customer relations are often long-lasting and built specifically on trust, rust and, you guessed it, trust. We are trusted to inspect freight cars and to identify damage in an objective and professional manner, so that we can then restore these to a rail-worthy condition.

We are our customers’ eyes and ears on the rails and with respect to their fleets of train cars. Our Code of Conduct stipulates how everyone in our organisation is expected to behave at work. It highlights the values and principles that guide us in our relationships with customers, employees and other stakeholders. Everyone who works at SweMaint, regardless of their function or place or work, has to follow this Code of Conduct. At SweMaint, we all share responsibility when it comes to ethics. Everyone behaves according to our core values of honesty, fairness and integrity. And all of us Care for the environment, for people and for animals and take all stakeholder needs into account.

Sustainability review 2019/2020


We take responsibility for our business

In all those countries where SweMaint conducts business or partnerships, local laws and regulations must be observed. Child labour, as defined by the UN and ILO conventions, is of course not permitted under any circumstances. SweMaint also respects and follows competition regulations, environmental legislation, labour laws, agreements and other legal provisions. None of SweMaint’s employees may offer or accept bribes, gifts, favours or payments which might influence their ability to make objective business decisions. We actively avoid situations where loyalty to SweMaint might be in conflict with personal interests. Over the coming years, we will develop our

Code of Conduct and business ethics governance further, and introduce a whistleblowing service which will be managed by an external party. When carrying out orders for SweMaint, our suppliers must follow our Supplier Code and ensure that this code is communicated to and observed by both the supplier themselves and by others further down the supply chain. We have a number of decisions to make every day and our ambition is to observe correct business ethics at every meeting and in every decision. Over the next few years, we will be reinforcing this attitude and will conduct training courses on codes of conduct for all our employees. This will also be a mandatory part of the on-boarding process for new recruits. n

we take responsibility for our business 32

Of the more than 15,000 cars that have rolled their way out of the Kockum workshops, the 1,300 cars that were sent to LKAB for transporting important ores between Narvik and Kiruna are perhaps the most spectacular.

Sustainability review 2019/2020

Acting, managing, growing – responsibly

1859 1859 Frans Henrik Kockum begins manufacturing rail cars in Malmö. 30 November 1860 Kungliga Jernvegsstyrelsen (the Swedish Royal Railway Board) concludes its first ever contract with a Swedish workshop for the manufacture of rail cars. The prestigious order for 60 gravel cars, worth SEK 70,200, goes to – Kockums Mekaniska Verkstad.

1905 1905 Statens Järnvägars Maskin och Teknikdivision (Swedish State Railway’s Machinery and Technology Division), which would eventually give birth to the SweMaint we know today, is created.


ever contract with a Swedish workshop 1994 Our name is changed for the manufacture of rail cars. for good to SweMaint and we are now 100% The prestigious order for 60 gravel owned by SwedCarrier. cars, worth SEK 70,200, goes to Kockums Mekaniska Verkstad. 1998 The activities of the freight car workshops in The company’s success in producing Malmö, Helsingborg, Norrköping, Hallsberg, Kil rail cars lays the groundwork for new proand Borlänge is transferred to SweMaint AB. jects and initiatives. In 1870, Frans Henrik purchases a plot of land near Malmö harbour and begins building a shipyard. 2001 The unbundling of SJ results in three state railway Kockum’s Shipyard subsequently stakeholders: SJ AB: passenger traffic; Green Cargo comes to be known as the “Biggest in AB: freight and holding company: AB SwedCarrier: the world”, with its crown jewel, its charEntrepreneur and industrialist Frans train maintenance etc. acteristic landmark the majestic gantry Henrik Kochum realises early on that there is a future in railways. Throughout crane – also the “biggest in the world” of its type. the 1840s, he is driven by a vision of 2007 As a further industrial step, Kockums Industrier acquira railway line along the coast of Norrland Since 1859, Kockums has manufaces the state-owned SweMaint. tured and delivered over 15,000 goods so as to effectively exploit the iron ore mine in Gällivare. Ultimately, however, his cars for rail traffic, several of which are still 2009 The tagline “Maintaining in operation, ensuring that freight trans- your vision remains just that – a vision. railway logistics” is created as the perfect partner to port in Sweden runs all day and all night. Kockums However, just two decades later in Industrier’s “Railway logistics since 1859” 1859, Frans Henrik gets to work and be- This desire to ensure that the Swedish nation lives on forever has been shared gins manufacturing rail cars at Davidsince 1905 by Statens Järnvägars Mahallstorg in Malmö. Just one year later, on 30 November skin- och Teknikdivision, and by its direct 2021 Rebranding is on the descendant, the SweMaint we know to1860, Kungliga Jernvegsstyrelsen (the cards and the merger of these two enriched companies is complete. Royal Railway Board) concludes its first day – a Kockums Industrier company. n

no future without history

on track of the future since 1859


We take responsibility for our business

After lengthy deliberation over the so-called “main lines for traffic on railways”, the Swedish Parliament finally reaches an agreement: – Statens Jernvägar (Swedish State Railways) has won the contract to construct what will be the first stages of the Southern and Western Main lines in 1856.


a Kockums KockumsIndustrier Industriercompany company a Kockums Industrier company

1998 2001 2007 2009 2021

we take responsibility for our business 34

Product traceability requires, among other things, standardised requirements for management systems, such as ISO 9001. This involves being able to demonstrate how all components involved have been produced using a product journal, for example. creation, development and operation

sustainable purchasing through clear traceability requirements

SweMaint has a well-integrated base of suppliers whose product ranges are aimed at the railway sector. We work with this base long-term to ensure we all have a future based on aspects of sustainability. We are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 which standardise how we want to and how we should be working. We also expect our partners and suppliers to live up to this standard or to demonstrate similar ways of working when it comes to employment and working conditions, ethical business principles and environmental management. Good relationships and constructive collaborations with our major suppliers are hugely important. We use tools such as delivery forecasts to ensure quality in this regard. The most effective approach is when the issue of sustainability comes up naturally in dialogue with our stakeholders. That’s why our purchasing department, in tandem with our quality assurance department, are responsible for growing and monitoring our suppliers in all aspects. We achieve this through supplier assessments, supplier ap-

Sustainability review 2019/2020


All raw metal materials

praisals, and supplier site visits. Some of the key criteria for mapping and appraising a supplier include Country, Type of company: agent/brand manufacturer/component manufacturer/service provider, and Type of business: business ethics, environmentallyconscious, quality, delivery reliability, price, customer service etc. Together, this gives us an assurance that we have the same approach to standards and that they work with sustainability the same way we do. SweMaint’s business is exposed to risks of human rights violations along our entire global supply chain in countries where components are manufactured under contract and raw materials are exploited. However, we require all our suppliers to follow our code of conduct, and to comply with laws and UN and ILO conventions. This is also the routine applied in our own purchasing processes and may involve the signing of assurances when concluding contracts, for example. Our overall goal in everything we do is to increase proactivity in dialogues on sustainability. n

we purchase for repairing cars which require traceability of materials used are covered by our Purchasing materials which require traceability guidelines. Materials purchased for welding into bogies, chassis, draw gears, braking equipment, buffers and ring handles must be ordered with material certification and documented together with the relevant piece of work. Supplier assessments and supplier appraisals are only performed for suppliers whose goods and services have a significant impact on the quality or safety of the delivered goods, or the company’s environmental impact.

Supplier assessment Supplier assessments must be performed before a new supplier is approved. Certifications according to any of the ISO 9001 or 14001 standards constitute criteria for approval.

Supplier appraisal

In our appraisal of suppliers, we look at criteria such as quality, reliability of deliveries, price, customer service, business ethics and environmental approaches. Materials and components which have a significant impact on the safety of products and services provided may only be purchased from suppliers who have been approved according to the List of approved suppliers.

Chemical products may be purchased according to the Chemical products procedure. Other products may be procured from any suppliers considered to be good value for money, however products with eco-labels should be chosen wherever possible. The Head of Purchasing is responsible for all purchasing business. n

We take responsibility for our business

Regulations Purchasing

SweMaint 2019/2020 36

FOCUS area without us, freight would come to a standstill

Sustainability review 2019/2020


Without us, freight would come to a standstill

In 2007, Gävle/Borlänge were our northernmost outposts – since then SweMaint has expanded geographically. We now have nationwide coverage, a development that has been driven by demand and achieved in collaboration with our customers. Combined with the fact that our workshops and the mobile units which perform salvage and clearance jobs alongside their repair work 24/7, 365 day a year, this has made us an essential part of Sweden’s infrastructure. n

without us, freight would come to a standstill 38

why choose swemaint:

an all-round service and maintenance package for rail freight

SweMaint has been working in the rail industry since 1905 and is considered to be a leading supplier of maintenance services to train car owners and other freight operators.

In order to adapt wheel production to the new EU noise reduction requirements, which first came into effect on 1 January 2021, we are now doubling wheel lathe capacity at our Gothenburg facility. The new lathe from Spanish company Danobat will be put into operation during Winter 2021. SweMaint’s total investment is approx. SEK 25 m.

Sustainability review 2019/2020


Our customers’ freight cars need to be running all day and all night the whole year round – which is why all our workshops offer an allround service package. These activities cover three areas: train car maintenance, mobile workshops, and salvage and clearance. Our range of services includes wheel maintenance, a unique wheel procurement programme and comprehensive material procurement which together guarantee quick lead times. An even more important strategic element of our business are the SweMaint mobile workshops which offer fast and effective troubleshooting for emergencies on the tracks. Everything we do is about reducing car downtimes to a minimum, and making sure our customers’ cars are up and running again as fast as possible. Our workshops and mobile units are strategically located near to major railway hubs, stretching from Malmö in the south to Kiruna

in the north, and serve a number of well-known operators and train car owners. Our mantra is making rail freight a more obvious and more competitive alternative. Our many years of industry experience, combined with a focus on systematically developing our services, gives us a unique position on the market. A platform for realising the ambition of more stakeholders choosing rail-based, fossil fuel-free freight. Today, SweMaint is ranked No. 1 on the Swedish market when it comes to the level of service, quality and value for money. Our head office is located in Gothenburg. In 2018, our combined workforce totalled 242 employees in offices and workshops across Sweden. In the financial year 2019/2020, we recorded turnover of SEK 406 m. SweMaint has been a private company since 2007 – our parent company is the Malmö-based Kockums Industrier. n Without us, freight would come to a standstill

without us, freight would come to 40

The national plan for the transport system 2018– 2029 is focused, among other issues, on restoring and developing the functionality of railways, on promoting the transition of freight from the roads to the rails, and creating the rights conditions for developing the transport system of tomorrow. weaning the transport system off fossil fuels faster:

increasing the exploitation of rai services to suit customers

ilways by adapting

Sustainability review 2019/2020


Long-term customer relations are built on trust, credibility and listening. “most important resource”

well-maintained customer relationships Without us, freight would come to a standstill

Regularly visiting our clients helps us better understand their foundations, their growth and their desires – and more importantly to monitor our performance. Our position as No. 1 on the Swedish market when it comes to service level, quality and value for money is partly down to our efforts to always look to the longerterm in all our business relationships – and to have as close a customer dialogue as possible. Customer research is key. We conduct regular surveys to find out what our customers think about SweMaint. Customer research gives us that vital outside perspective – a “basis of musts” for how we should improve and grow our business. We are considered to be very flexible and we always maintain a productive dialogue with our customers. Having taken over and established the workshop in Ånge, we are now also being heavily praised for our almost total geographical coverage,from Malmö in the south all the way to Kiruna in the north. n

SweMaint 2019/2020 42

FOCUS area we take responsibility for the climate and the environment

Sustainability review 2019/2020


Today, it is no longer just expected but quite explicitly required that all companies work actively to minimise their climate emissions. It’s well-known that all change starts from within and that education is the key, and SweMaint is no exception. In order to increase awareness and thereby create a drive to address this issue, we and our entire organisation need to expand our basic education on the environment. n

We take responsibility for the climate and the environment

we take responsibility for the climate and the environment 44

Everything we as humans do has an effect on the climate and the environment, and our consumption is pushing our planet to its limits more and more. The world’s population is currently living as if we had 1.7 planets to both draw resources from and simultaneously absorb the emissions of. united we can

on the track of a climate-safe futu

At SweMaint, our environmental work is governed by ISO 14001, with constant improvements being our driving force. We continuously dissect our business based on the significant environmental impact that our company and our activities have. Freight, business trips, electricity and district heating, and the use of chemicals are the environmental aspects we are prioritising in our efforts to reduce our company’s impact on the

climate and the environment. In the near future, and in order to contribute to UN Goals 12, Responsible consumption and production, and 13, Climate action, we will take further steps to become even more efficient in our use of resources as part of our climate and environmental work. The same goes for the dialogue we hold with our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Together, we can and must do more! n

Sustainability review 2019/2020


SweMaint AB Environmental Policy Our business must: • Be conducted with minimal damage to the environment; • Be undertaken within the framework of applicable laws, regulations and directives; • Constantly review improvements with a view to increas ing effectiveness and reducing our environmental impact.


Environmental certification Over the course of 2018, SweMaint upgraded its environmental certification according to ISO 14001:2015. This certification governs all of our environmental work and over the years we have used environmental investigations to identify key environmental aspects, goals and programmes for improvement. which we review and evaluate annually at management meetings. Headline Environmental Goals 2018/2020 • Reduce number of business trips and internal meetings • Standardised range of chemicals with max. 120 products Detailed Environmental Goals 2018/2020 • Reduce number of business trips associated with edu cation by 20% • Reduce number of business trips associated with inter nal meetings by 15% • Standardise range of chemicals across all locations and limit number of chemical products to 120. All products where we have a say in choice of product must be as eco-friendly as possible.

Key environmental aspects • Freight • Business trips • Electricity • District heating


Laws and regulations SweMaints’s compliance is monitored through our association with the legal compliance monitoring system Notisum, through which we are continuously notified of updates to laws which affect our business. These are then processed on our intranet via logs, action plans and monthly meetings for review and monitoring. n

We take responsibility for the climate and the environment

Goal: Standardised range across all locations and number of chemical products limited to 120. All products where we have a say in choice of product must be as ecofriendly as possible. We currently have 118 products. In 2018, 4 were replaced and 1 was removed from the range altogether.

SweMaint 2019/2020



AFS Our work on the working environment is governed by Swedish legislation and its regulatory framework, or Current Regulations (abbreviated to AFS in Swedish), constitutes part of this. Agenda 2030 Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. See also UNDP. Working environment regulations A supplement to the Swedish Working Environment Act (Arbetsmiljölagen) which contains provisions on the work of the safety committee, and documentation and archiving obligations etc. Arbetsmiljölagen (Swedish Working Environment Act) Swedish legislation on rules and obligations for employers aimed at preventing accidents and ill health in the workplace. Biosphere Umbrella term for parts of the world where life can exist. The biosphere can be looked at as one giant ecosystem containing all the smaller ecosystems on earth. (Source: Certification Standardised test for issuing a certificate or attestation which may include a licence, diploma or professional certification, among other things. Certification can be performed by a body, or a legal or natural person who provides written assurance that the content of a document reflects reality. Certification can be performed for personal skills or knowledge, or for products, companies, organisations or institutions. (Source: Wikipedia). ECM Abbreviation for Entity in Charge of Maintenance – i.e. the organisation or company which is responsible for the maintenance of a railway vehicle. The procedure is regulated by an EU Regulation in tandem with Swedish legislation and the Swedish Railways Act (Järnvägslagen). NB: The ECM does not have to be the owner/ keeper of the train car – this duty can be transferred to another certified company or organisation by agreement. Ecotransit User-friendly, free-of-charge eco-calculator available online and a European collaboration between stakeholders from the areas of highways, railways, sea travel, intermodal transport and haulage. Ecotransit follows the EN 1628 standard which indicates how to perform eco-calculations for transport. Basic data are taken

from recognised sources which are all reviewed in a background report available to download from the website. Ecotransit also works with Swedish company NTM which works with transport and the environment, more info on NTM at EVIC European Visual Inspection Catalogue, a reference manual for maintenance workers containing criteria for damages to train car wheel axles, what measures are required to get cars up and running again, and/or whether/what additional inspections and controls are required. UN’s Global Goals, see UNDP. Precautionary principle defined under Title 2, Sec. 3 Swedish Environmental Code (Miljöbalken) as, “Everyone conducting or intending to conduct business or to adopt a measure shall perform such protective measures, observe such restrictions, and otherwise take such precautionary actions as are required in order to prevent, prohibit or counteract damages or incoveniences caused to people or the environment by the business or measures”. GRI, Global Reporting Initiative, is an international independent standardisation body which helps companies, businesses, governments and other organisations understand and communicate their impact on climate change, human rights and corruption. It is a standard for sustainability reporting which acts as an effective tool for increasing a company’s transparency, reinforcing trust and thereby improving relationships with important stakeholders. Sustainability The term sustainable development was created in 1987 by the UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development and was defined as follows: “Sustainable development is the kind of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Source: Wikipedia). The field of sustainability can essentially be divided into the categories of economic, social and environmental. These key areas must be included in a company’s sustainability report. Those areas which are subsequently identified following a weighing up of internal and external interests and which are judged to be the most strategic are then

Sustainability review 2019/2020


prioritised. This is illustrated in a so-called Materiality matrix. ILO International Labour Organization is a UN body whose mission is to produce international labour market regulations to prevent the abuse and exploitation of workers. The ILO is a third-party body with specialist organisations, employer organisations and governments represented in 187 countries. The aim is for parties to join forces to work together for social justice and better living conditions in all countries. IVA Abbreviation for Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences). Founded in 1919, it is the world’s oldest academy of sciences and aims “to promote technology and economic sciences and to grow business for the benefit of society”. IPCC Abbreviation for The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. An international organisation established in 1988 by two UN bodies, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), in order to provide the world with a clear scientific perspective on the current state of research into climate and change and its environmental and socio-economic impacts. (Source: Wikipedia). ISO Abbreviation for International Standards Organisation. Some of the more wellknown standards include ISO 9001, a quality assurance standard, and ISO 14001 which is a standard for environmental management systems. Lean or Lean Manufacturing. Management philosophy inspired by the so-called Kaizen method, a Japanese management concept for gradual, continuous change/improvement. The aim is to increase a company’s profitability by improving quality and reducing costs. The Lean concept involves the following components:

1. Quality and stable processes; 2. Control over quantity/Just in time; 3. Improvements in productivity; 4. Constant improvements; and 5. A learning organisation. In short, a set of “tools” for minimising waste in production, meaning everything produced that a customer is not willing to pay for.

Public directives Advice on how to follow legislation – meaning in this case public directives regarding the working environment and safety in the workplace. Environmental aspects Those parts of an organisation/company’s activities, products or services that have an impact on the environment. Environmental costs Expenses which can be attributed to measures aimed at preventing, and by extent reducing, environmental impacts caused by an organisation’s business. Neurophysiology Medical term and name for knowledge of the human nervous system, comprising the heart, spine and nerves. The job of the nervous system is to receive and transmit signals to and from different parts of the body.

gramme (UNDP). In September 2015, the UN Member States adopted Agenda 2030, a universal agenda containing Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The 17 Goals have a total of 169 sub-goals and 230 global indicators. This is the most ambitious agreement on sustainable development the world has ever adopted. The term sustainable development integrates the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic and environmental. The Global Goals are a commitment to end extreme poverty, reduce inequality and injustice around the world, to promote peace and justice and to solve the climate crisis by 2030.

VPI certification Certification according to the so-called VPI regulations from the German VPI – Verband der Güterwagenhalter in Deutschland e. V. which involves assessing the skills of stakeholders and their ability to undertake service and repair work on freight cars and associated comPolicy A document containing principles ponents. The final check is comprised of a and guidelines within a specific area for guid- technical inspection of the application and ing decisions and achieving desired goals. distribution of maintenance instructions. The result of this check subsequently forms REACH EU chemicals legislation which the basis for approval and, by extension, aims to make the handling and control of certification. SweMaint Gothenburg is in chemical products safer. fact Sweden’s only VPI-approved wheel workshop for reprocessing freight car SS-EN 15085 European product standard wheels according to international norms. for welding work on railway vehicles and associated parts. Came into force in 2007. Årsredovisningslagen, ÅRL (Swedish Annual Financial Statements Act) SS-EN ISO 3834 Quality standard for weld- (1995:1554). A law based on an EU Direcing work. tive which contains provisions on how annual financial statements, consolidated Safety committee According to the Swefinancial statements and quarterly reports dish Working Environment Act (Arbetsmiljömust be prepared and published. The comlagen), workplaces with at least 50 emplopany forms covered by the Annual Finanyees must have a safety committee. This cial Statements Act are limited liability comcommittee is responsible for, handles and panies, financial associations, trading comacts on issues relating to the working envipanies with at least one legal shareholder, ronment, health risks, improvement initiativ- and foundations which are required file aces etc. across the entire company. counts. In accordance with Title 6, para.12 ÅRL, a sustainability review must contain SweMaint IK Formerly known as Statens such sustainability information which is reJärnvägars Idrottsklubb (Swedish State quired to understand a company’s growth, Railway Athletics Club), founded in 1919 situation, net profit and the consequences with a primary focus on football. Since play- of its business. ers are predominantly recruited from the The areas which companies are required to service and maintenance teams, the club’s report on are: name was changed in 2019 to the more • Environment; accurate SweMaint Idrottsklubb. Today, the • Social conditions; activities with most participants are skiing, • Staff; fishing and cycling. The number of club • Respecting human rights; and members is around 120. • Anti-corruption. UNDP United Nations Development Pro-


a Kockums KockumsIndustrier Industriercompany company Vagnmakaregatan 1B, SE-415 72 Gothenburg a Kockums Industrier company Tel: +46 (0)10 492 95 00. SweMaint AB is Northern Europe’s leading supplier of maintenance services to train car owners and other rail freight operators. Strategically located near to large transport hubs – from Malmö in the south to Kiruna in the north – we offer an all-round service package with almost total national coverage. Our package includes preventative car maintenance, wheel maintenance, troubleshooting repairs and comprehensive material procurement. We have wheel procurement programmes at our disposal across 30 unique locations – while 40 mobile workshops are on standby for on-track emergencies and effective 24/7 salvage and clearance jobs. All of this guarantees quick lead times in line with our motto, “The shorter the downtime, the better the business for our customers.” Our many years of experience in the industry – stretching back to 1905 – combined with the fact that we systematically develop our range of services by focusing on and listening to customer benefits gives us a unique position and platform for making rail-based freight an even more obvious and competitive alternative. Headquartered in Gothenburg, our company has turnover of approx. SEK 400 m and around 250 employees across 12 workshops at major rail transport hubs in Sweden. SweMaint AB has been owned by Malmö-based Kockums Industrier since 2007. n

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