Portfolio CA Betancourt Architect

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PORTFOLIO 2009 - 2012

Architecture & Design BY: Carlos alberto Betancourt

PRESENTATION: My name is Carlos Alberto Batancourt and I am currently studying architecture in the Instituto Tecnológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México. Since I was in High School I’ve been recognized as one of the best students of my class. And so I have reciebed an aknowledgment in 2009. ... I decided to study architecture because since I was a child I was atracted to the construction of buildings. Later on I also liked the artistic side of architecture and when time came to decide what tu study I had no questions. So, since I started my undergraduate studies I have always been interested in making innovative designs that go beyond the initial requirements of the project to add an aditional value to the design. This work is a compilation of some of my best works through these studies and also demonstrates some of my skills as a designer and as a thinker. Besides my architectural studies, I also have certain interest for plastic arts and crafsmanship.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Adress: 1ra Cerrada de Corregidora N. 11. Casa 27. Col. Miguel Hidalgo Del. Tlalpan. Ciudad de México. PC. 14260. Tel. 56 65 54 70. Cel. (55) 28 58 72 72. E-mail: carlosalberto_bg@msn.com


CURRICULUM VITAE: Undergraduate Studies (2009-To present): Instituto Tecnológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Campus Ciudad de México. División de Diseño Ingeniería y Arquitectura. High School (2006-2009): Instituto Tecnológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Campus Ciudad de México. Preparatoria Tradicional Bilingüe. Basic Education (1996-2006): Colegio Gandhi S.C. Languages: Spanish: Native Speaker. English: Advanced Speaker. Software: Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk Revit Architecture Autodesk 3dsMax Rhinoceros Addobe Illusttrator, Photoshop & InDesgin Google Sketchup

ART PAVILLION This simple project


consists in a corridor in wich contemporary art can be displayed. The concept is bsed in the chaotic phorms produced in origami and also in fractals which are found in nature. The interior strongly contrasts withe exterior, however the whole space is in equilibrium with its enviroment. An interesting feature here are the reflective surfaces in the walls wich make the interior apear bigger while the exteriors mimeticize whith the surranding araa.

Just Coffee


This project consisted on the interior design for a small coffee retail store inside Plaza Niza 66, in Mexico

City. The client wanted a contemporary place that transmited their enterpreaure philosophy of coffee and entertaiment. So I decided to use their brand’s official colors in the design of the entire place, to achive an esthetical equilibrium. Therefore I suggested the rocky finish of the background wall alogng with the floor and counter design. While the walls are covered with ceramic tiles that resemble a dark stone.The entire design is complemented with rattan chairs and wooden tables. The outside on the other hand is quite simple as it had to respect the internal architectural code of the mall. In this case the solution consited in an aluminium banner with the client’s logo illuminatad from the back..





Fibra de Carbono




Fibra de Carbono


Propuesta en Planta Arquitectónica:

Propuesta en Alzado:

Propuesta en Planta Arquitectónica:

Propuesta en Alzado:

Fotomontaje (Plaza de la República frente al Monumento a la Revolución Mexicana):


Partiendo del slogan de la empresa, el proceso de diseño inició con el planteamiento de una serie de preguntas enfocadas a analizar la bicicleta, su mercado, su costo, materiales, así como cuestiones urbanas como la ubicación, circulaciones y soluciones arquitectónicas. Así pues, resuelto lo anterior se han aterrizado el objetivo y el concepto del presente diseño. El primero es brindar un espacio pequeño para promover la venta y/o renta de bicicletas (e-bike) de SMART, mientras que el segundo surge de la forma de la propia bicicleta incorporando la forma de su estructura, así como la selección de colores característica de la propia marca. Cabe mencionar que el diseño adicionalmente incorpora de forma integral pantallas LED en las que se puede mostrar material audiovisual de la empresa, el cual siempre podra estar actualizado y brindará flexibilidad, en las diferentes estrategias de venta al permitir la muestra de prácticamente cualquier cosa y la posibilidad de estar vinculado a internet. Finalmente el mercado al que va dirigido esta conformado por personas de alto nivel económico y que participan en trabajos de oficina. Razón por la cual se propone la ubicación del módulo sobre Paseo de la Reforma donde el costo por metro cuadrado es superior a $50,000.00 MXN.

Fotomontaje (Paseo de la Reforma a la altura del Ángel de Independencia):

Programa Arquitectónico: Exhibidor Oficina y Sala de Ventas Andén de Bicicletas

4.00m2 12.25m2 29.75m2






Fibra de Carbono

Propuesta de Cubierta:



Propuesta de Cubierta:

Propuesta en Corte: Alzado:

Propuesta en Corte:




Inspired by the brand SMART which is famus for its innovative urban subculCorte:

ture based in their small-efficient cars. The entire desgin had had to expres that urban culture. The idea here was to promote the SMART’s latest product: PROYECTOS ARQUITECTÓNICOS IV and the bike the The E-bike. So taking in account both things, the brand design originated as a synthesis of both. On one hand we have a compact space thet accomplishes its function and on the other IV hand the entire stand PROYECTOS ARQUITECTÓNICOS is thought so that it promotes the bicycle. In fact the form of it is inspired on the bike’s structure, and the tensors which carry the cover over the bikes is based on the bike’s wheels. Because it had had to be prefabricated the clading of the walls were to be made of carbon fiber panels. Although it had Carlos an elevated this material provided the Albertocost Betancourt - A01123857 16 de Enero de 2012

01 01

Fotomontaje (Plaza de la República frente al Monumento a la Revolución Mexicana):



light-weight needed to transport and assamble in what ever location were it would be needed. In respect of its function, the program consisted in a sales office, a display platform and a bike parking space. Because it had had to be simple and Carlos Alberto Betancourt - A01123857 easy to build, thos areas were arranged in a rectangular layout baed in the standard module of four feet by eight feet (1.20 m16 x 2.40 That resulted de m. Enero de 2012 Carlos Alberto Betancourt - A01123857 in a total lengh of forty feet (12 m) and a total widht of twelve feet (3.60m). The forniture of those spaces is integrated in the design andEnero are made 16 de dewith 2012 aluminium. And finally the structure is composed of steel profiles welded together forming an skeleton that supports everything and would be acnchored to the site by screws.

Renders for Domino’s Pizza



lthough I did’nt design the local, I contributed in the final finishes and material selectin. The client which was Función Arquitectónica SA de CV, wanted realistic images to show how the local was suposed to look aftet construction. It provided me with the floor plans and material palletes. After studiying those, the next step consisted in modeling the local in Revit Architecture. Here I started by importing the DWG files of the floor plans and then I modeled all the walls, stairs, windows and even the ceiling with all the deteils that it implied. After that the next part consisted in making the different types of walls and ciling so that I took advantage of the existing materials in the Revit Libraries. After modeling the local, the next step consisted in modeling the entire forniture, and because it had had to be the official forniture of Domino’s Pizza I had to model it apart.

So the chairs, tables, stools and other pieces of forniture were modeled in Rhinoceros 4.0 and then imported in Revit via SAT files. The tables were made by combining an extruded square with some cilinders for the base. While the chairs which were more complex consisted in several surfaces joined together to form the organic and ergonomic forms thar tha actual chairs used by Domino’s Pizza Mexico use. THe stools were modeled in a similiar way than the tables. The last things that I modeled were the lamps which consisted in groups of cylinders joinded together with a boolean adition. In order to make them accurate I researched the Tecnolite brochure to obtain the actual measures.

The entire model was exported to 3ds Max Design to make the final renderings. So I created four cammeras, and a daylight system. Then I modyfied some materials, especially for the the lamps and some wall which have the brown decals on them which are part of the new layout image for the Domino’s Pizza stores in America. After setting that I made the rendering and saved them in PNG files. Finally, I edited those images in Photoshop by adding the people, more decals and I combined several rendering with different exposition levels to create a more realistic immage. Also I added the photographs on the walls and retouched the lights from the lamps so that they looked more shiny.

center for women in xochimilco C.D.I.M-Xochimilco:

Centro de Desarrollo Integral para la Muxer

Estado Actual:

(2011): Ahuejote

Propuesta (Plano de Conjunto):


Gomphrena Globosa

Vara de Cuete


Lobelia Erinus

Noche Buena




El Centro para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer; ha sido diseñado como un espacio arquitectónico incluyente. Así pues se ubicó en un punto estratégico en el que el objeto arquitectónico convive con una cancha de fútbol, además de comunicar peatonalmente la calle de Ahualapa del Frontón con el Límite del Dportivo.

Viento Dominante por el Noreste. Velocidad: 7Km/hr

En cuanto a las relaciones espaciales que ocurren en el interior, se buscó sustituir los pasillos por una gran àrea vestibular en ambas plantas, unidas por medio de una rampa, que asu vez articula y permite acceder a las diferentes áreas del programa. Respeto al diseño del edificio, se pensó desde el inicio, en el soleamiento, lo que justifica la forma, así como la integrasión de unos dientes de sierra en una sección del techo además de unos pergolados que resaltan la estética del interior y reducen la necesidad de iluminación artificial, también se ha tomado en cuenta la captación y utilización de agua pluvial, de donde se desprende todo un ciclo de tratamiento y uso que reducen el consumo de agua.

Gazania Rigenz

El aire viciado y caliente sale por los dientes de sierra. Ventilación cruzada por fachada sur. Diagrama con la declinación del sol en invierno y verano en la Ciudad de México.

Orientación de los vientos dominantes.

Finalmente, la selección de materiales tuvo como prioridad la optimización de los recursos locales, por lo que se han elegido tabique rojo recocido para las fachadas, block arena-cemento para los muros internos y concreto como elemento estructural, todos los cuales son usados actualmente en los edificios y viviendas aledañas al proyecto.

Paleta (Plano Vegetal de y deConjunto): Materiales: Propuesta Captación Pluvial y Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales:

Usos del Agua Tratada: + Aparatos Sanitarios (W.C.). + Riego; sólo en temporada de sequía.


Opción 1: Cuatro cisternas rotoplas de 10 000 litros. Opción 2: Cisterna hecha en obra de 1.85mx3.70mx5.50m



Tratamiento de Aguas Pluviales: Separación de objetos sólidos por medio de cribas y un proceso de arenado y des-arenado.

Tratamiento de Aguas Negras: Primario: Separación de objetos sólidos, por medio de cribas y un proceso de arenado y des-arenado. Secundario: Descomposición de materia orgánica por medio de microorganismos aerobios (respiran oxígeno). Terciario: Tratamiento químico usando cloro, para eliminar todo rastro de materia viva.

Carlos Alberto Betancourt - A01123857

center for women in xochimilco




A Propuesta (Fotomontaje):





Programa Arquitectónico: Administración Aulas Orientación Consulta Vestíbulo y Circulaciones Servicios Generales Total:

Sección A: 72.54m2 580.40m2 50.65m2 46.22m2 240.00m2 461.78m2 1451.49m2

Superficie Construida PB: 725.76m2 Superficie Construida PA: 725.76m2 Superficie Constuida Total: 1451.49m2 Superficie de Desplante: 725.76m2 Superficies Exteriores: 750.00m2 Total:

Planta Baja:

Planta Alta:



B’ D’




Sección C:

Vestíbulo y Circulaciones Biblioteca

Cafetería D



Programa Arquitectónico:

Sección A: 72.54m2 580.40m2



Administración Aulas




Superficie Construida PB: 725.76m2 Superficie Construida PA: 725.76m2

Sección B:





Sección D:

Architect’s Bedroom


Inspired by the Musashino Library in Japan designed by Sui Fujimoto, and because of an increasing demand of space I decided to redisign my own bedroom

in order to synthetise the functions of dormatory and studio. This new design consists of transforming a whole wall into a bookshelf, while making gimpsyum board cantiliver infront of the window and modifying the finish and color of a wall next to my bed. The bookshelf is basicly a waffle type structure made with MDF with a thickness of 9mm. A new desk is integrated in the design as it is shown in both the rendering and the photodraph depicting the room after completion. Both the desk and the bookshelf have a rough finish because I didn’t want any paint nor varnish on the MDF. The desgn pursued multifunctionaluty above all, so the blocks that compose the bookshelf are of 40cm by 40 cm this ensures that almost all types of books fit inside and also this measure allows me to keep most of the architectural models that I had had made until now.

In relation to the wall, it has a sandy-rocky texture painted in red with a matte finish. Specifically it is called “Rojo Mojave” from the mexican brand COMEX. The reason I chose that collor was to contrast with an exixting poster of sharks which has different tones of blue and it was to be placed in that wall as it is shown in the photograph. Another reason was the fact that I wanted a warm color, not only because i like the color but because as a dormitory I wanted a color that provided souch visual comfort that makes the place look warmer eventhough this room is quit cold due to its orientation. The column and beam made of gimpsyum board are also and addition and have the function of framing the red wall so that it is containded in that specific place.

Because the second fucntion of the room is to serve as an architecture studio, I have three types of light that chanche the room’s enviroment. First I have natural light which is a neutral one, because it neither affect the room as a dormitory nor as a studio; and it is regulated with blinds. The second is warm light as shown in the photo, it goes perfect with the dormitory. The last one is the cold light which goes awesomly good with the studio. So depending on the type of light the character and use of the room changes dramatically. Finally a feature that I took in consideration was the integration of my drafting table into the design of the bookshelf. That has two functions, as it names implies it is wher I make my drawings and some sketches but also it is were I can make architectural models as I need it.

Playa del Carmen Apartment building

(2011): Programa Arquitectónico:



Intervención en Playa del Carmen

La presente intervención conciste en la inserción de un edificio de usos mixtos a un lado de la Carretera Cancún-Tulum, en la ciudad de Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. Con el objetivo de densificar la población en la zona y evitar con ello la deforestación de las selvas aledañas a la urbe. Así pues se propone un edificio que integra vivienda multifamiliar junto con diferentes usos que en conjunto funcionan como una intervención quirúrgica en términos de urbanismo, que dá como resultado no sólo mayor densificación poblacional en la zona sino responder a las necesidades urbanas tanto actuales como futuras. Con lo anterior se busca que en un periódo de entre cinco y diez años no sólo se reduzca la tasa de deforestación, sino la creación de proyectos similares adjuntos al presente y que mejoraran las condiciones sociales, económicas y ecológicas de Playa del Carmen.

+ + + + +

Vistas a dos lados Dos Recámaras y Un baño Doble Altura y Terraza Estancia y Estudio Comedor, Cocina y Lavandería

Además de diversos usos:

+Galería de Arte y Fotografía +Gimnasio +Cafetería +Librería



Forma = Nueva Capa Urbana:


Usos de la Edificación:

Departamentos de 70-110 m2 con:







Primer Nivel:

Segundo Nivel:


Apartamento Tipo Nivel Inferior: Librería:

Terrazas para Ventilación:


G Y M:

Corte Transversal: Apartamento Tipo Nivel Superior: Galería:


Vistas Tanto a la Selva como el Mar:

Esc. 1:250 Apartamentos Entrelazados en Dos Plantas = Doble Altura en Cada Uno

Street gAllery in Playa del carmen T

render of an Office


his small urban intervention consisted in anhancing the main motorway in Playa del Carmen. With a dramatic increase in it population, being one of the most growing city of Mexico in the past years, the idea was to improve it by contribuiting in the education of the younger people and at the same time providing the public space that will be needed in the coming future. So I proposed the combination of an urban gallery or place for exhibition where ecologic ans sustainability ideas could be comunicated to the inhabitants of Playa del Carmen. And also in the same place under the new bridge that will carry the motorway the idea consisted in transforming it in a larg park with different services and commerce. So complementing the landscape design a series of bike paths and scat tracks would provide the teenagers with a safe sone to play and make exesrsise. So this intervention would work at the same time like a green corridor right in the center of the rapidly growing city.


his was my fisrt rendering made in 3dsMAX. Here the model was basicly a box in which I placed some forniture and modeled my own name in the background wall. To achive those effects I used different types of maps. For the brick wall I used a displacement map, while in the right wall I put a high value in its reflective properties and the rest were typical diffuse maps insteas of colors. I put an spheric light in the center of the room and several web lights under each lamp to make that spotlight effect.


House in oaxaca

colocación de obras de arte y que complementa la sala y el comedor. En cuanto a las ventanas, éstas son una propuesta moderna que reinterpretan las venantas de las colindancias y que además permiten la ventilación natural, además de filtrar la luz durante el día y restringir la visibilidad desde el exterior permitiendo una planta baja íntima. Finalmente, toda la planta alta carece de ventanas, pero en su lugar todo el techo es una cubierta traslúcida sobre un pergolado de madera que filtra la luz solar y permite una adecuada ventilación durante todo el año.


Casa en Oaxaca Por Carlos A. Betancourt



Soleamiento en Invierno



a Casa en Oaxaca, en un proyecto que se inspira en la Arquitectura vernácula de los alrededores. El contexto conformado por la Plazoleta de la Cruz de Piedra y los “Arquitos”, fueron el punto de partida para el diseño de los interiores. En cuanto a la selección de materiales, se ha propuesto utilizar concreto con acabado aparente en las fachadas, con una corniza de tabique, que sigue la misma línea de las cornizas de la colindancia. En los interiores, se recuperó el uso del cuarterón, propio de la zona, así como pisos de barro. En la planta baja se creó un ambiente hogareño rematado con un pequeño nicho que permite la colocación de obras de arte y que complementa la sala y el comedor. En cuanto a las ventanas, éstas son una propuesta moderna que reinterpretan las venantas de las colindancias y que además permiten la ventilación natural, además de filtrar la luz durante el día y restringir la visibilidad desde el exterior permitiendo una planta baja íntima. Finalmente, toda la planta alta carece de ventanas, pero en su lugar todo el techo es una cubierta traslúcida sobre un pergolado de madera que filtra la luz solar y permite una adecuada ventilación durante todo el año. Sol


Planta Alta Soleamiento en Invierno

Ventilación Natural

Ventilación Natural

Conceptual projects


This first conceptual project consists in an amalgamation of different volumes under light. Inspired by Le Corbusier’s phrase: “L’architecture est le jeu

savant, correct et magnifique jeu de volumes sous la lumière”. The architecture is the wise play of volumes under light. It also has inspired in the Honda corporation wchich specialices in different types of vehicles and robotics. So this particular building origniatad by combining a rectandular prsm inthe base then a nother prisms ot the right and a series of prisms on top, then a series of substrations wer made so a the prismsms on top becapem like pyramids and the ones in the base have cavities that serve as the building’s entrances . The central volume is a combination of a prism and a cylinder which are added to each other. The last trandfomation consisted in pulling the vertex of all volumes to achive more fluid forms related to Honda.

This other conceptual project consisted in a pavillion to promote the Undergraduate Architectural Program of the ITESM Mexico City Campus. This small

space is composed of two walls that form a kind of spiral in the floor plan. A third of each wall is a green wall, while the rest form a place to exhibit the work of the students through out the semester. The form resembles the work of the contemporary architect Daniel Libeskind, because part from promoting the work of the school’s program the idea is to show the students of other carees and progrmas a sample of contemporary architecture to educate them and a last reason to make this space with that form is simply to add a little piece of art to the campu’s landscape.

Facade Study

Hagia Sophia Model




he study of the facedes of a building is a key ipart when translating an abstract concept into a real building. In this case the concept was a rock formation similar to those found in the Grand Canyon. So I abstrated the forms of rocks and translated into the design of the windows. a balcony and the oveall texture of the facade. Taking advantage of the already known desgin of the building which consisted of a central support from wich the upper stories are hanged in cantiliver . I interpreted that disign as an unstable large boulder over a little rock in the base just as the rocks in the canyon. So the final design integrated triangular windows in the main facade, to ensure a comon language betwen the facades, a detail consisting in a triangle of cork which represents rock goes from the main facade arroud one of the corners and then it becomes part of a balcony. The rest of the building is supposed to be made of gray concrete. This model was made in a scale 1:50 based in the floor plans and sections of an actual building in Berlin as part of a class exersise. To make represent the concrete gray cardboard with a thickness of 3 mm was used. As mentioned before the rock was represented with cork, while the windows are represented with a combination of acetate and dark blue paper. To complement the model some vegetation was addes along with a hyman scale in the base.


s a part of a geometry annalysis of this church I made a little model based on several drawing of the elevations and floor plans. Here I used several layers of cardboard to make the walls with an accurate thickness. Because I didn’t have an exact scale of the building I drew all the bluebrints from scratch based on the information that I retrieved from the internet. This model shows a quarter of the entiere Hgia Sohia church. Here I represented the arches and vaults that conform the actual structure. The original building was designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus who supported the central dome in two hallf domes on each side. The entire structure is reinforced with large buttresses that help the main dome discharge its own wight into the ground. I also represented the columns and internal walls wich conform the secondary structure of the chuch. Nowadays it is a Museaum and can be visited in Istambul Turkey.

News Stand


Inspired by the form of a roll of paper in a typical newspaper, I concieved this stand as a place that is relatively easy to build and that improves the image of public space. On one side ther are planters with small trees and shurbs while on the other side there is a display area for selling newspapers and magazines. In one corner of the structure there is a small room that has the functions of sales counter and storage. The entire structure is basicly a curved wall of in-place casted concrete. The idea is to transmit the texture of several strips of wood into concrete, thar would allow for a warm finish on the concrete surface after it dires. Finally small caities are left in order to place custum made banners and signs that can be illuminated at night.

wood house


A wood house inspired in a peanut. The tex-

ture of the peanut’s shell inspired me to creat a simple arch based structure in which two stories ar supported. In order to make this house functional all the forniture was thought with the same organic conccept. The progrm included two dormitories, a kitchen, a dinning room, a living room and a basement for the services. It had had a total built area of 150 square meters.

place to read

out of

Mexico city

(2009): This small place is destined for reading and contemplation. The visitor would enter a small living room which would work as a lobby or reception and then to

a larger one that has the functions of a reading studio and library. This reading place has a large window orientes in a way that allos the visitor to see the entire city and nearby mountains. So it can contemplate the landscape. Another option provided to the user is simply choosing a book or magazine from the library and read it quietly while it listens to calem music. He or She would have the option of going outside to the large garden and either read their book or relax in the grass areas and take a nap. The program consists of 150 square meter construction composed of two living areas, a library, a deck or terrace and over 800 square meters of garden and landscape. The built areas were proposed with exposed masonry finishes. The walls of the library and reading area would be made of red brick while a wet wall would be made of volcanic rock. The deck was thought as a platform made of concrete wirh a stamped finish on top. The landscape on the other hand was composed of endemic triees such as oak trees and pines which are comon in the sourrundings. The of the place consists in grass areas and mall shurbs and some flowers.

conceptual Model


volcanc abstraction


his “ready made� consistis in a series of wood scraps that were left after making another model. The idea was to make freeforms that could become potential buildings. Inspired by Frank Ghery who is famus for making complex models wchich he later transforms into deconstructivist buildings, I decided to play with these scraps. The products of that became the volums that I show here. Something interesting and full of potential are the voids that exisist between each piece of wood. With a little imagination I magine those pieces of wood as volumes of a building and the voids as a potential garden or park integrated in these chaotic forms. I belive that inspiration is everywhere, we just need to open our eyes and think free like an inocent child.

This proposal for a statue in a park in Mexico City consists in a central steel pole

on which trapezoidal steel plates are welded to form an abstraction of a volcano. Inspired in the work of Alexander Calder the design uses the steel as the main material. The central pole was to be painted in orange wihile the plates were to be painted in black. So the pole evokes the magma in the chimeney of an active volcano and the plates evoke the susecive layers of ashes and rokcs that form the mountain.


Block Model




he architecture has its origins in ideas, the ideas ar abstractions and abstractions is what we architects translate into buildings, streets, cities and anything that can be built. This model was made with scrp inspired by Italo Calvino’s book “Ciudades Imaginarias�. After reading a fragment of that book I made this model of a wired city. The wires represent the comunication beteeen the inhabitants. When the city becomes old the infinite wires that once were words betewwn people become the only thing left as the inhabitants move to make a new city. Here we have that transiticon as the box on the left represent the old dity and the one in the right represent a new one.


ART works


A colection of some arpieces and had-crafts that I made since I has in highshool. The first is the MDF skull

which I made in October 31st 2009, to celebrate Halloween and the Dia de Muertos. I call this art piece: “Calaverita”. The second is a small tower wchich is a prototype for some of the projects I hace shown before in this prortfolio. In the middle I have sample images of stuff I made in phoshop while I was in highschool. Finally the dragon sculpture I made last year by carving green foam. I was inspired by J RR Tolkien’s The lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion, so i carved a dragon head. This was my first attempt at complete tridimensional sculpure, although it is still a prototype, since then I have been doing it as a hobbie. The tille of that piece is “Dragon Head”.

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