Beds Issue 06 May 2015

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SID beds

July May 2013 2015 Issue 06

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print solutions for today’s business

z Marketing Advice z Mystery Shopper Report

z The Latest On Apprenticeships z Cutting Edge Design Concepts ❚1❚

Beds - May 2015 - Book.indb 1

08/05/2015 15:47

Big fines. Court actions. Shattered reputations. The price of selling illegal beds.

Be completely assured the beds you sell are everything they say they are. Every NBF Approved Member manufacturer has undergone rigorous independent auditing to certify that they have robust procedures in place to ensure they are complying with regulatory requirements for flammability, cleanliness of fillings and trade descriptions. Buy from an NBF Approved Member with confidence, safe in the knowledge that what you’re selling is safe, clean and honest. NBF Code of Practice now awarded ‘Assured Advice Status’ by Trading Standards.

Find out more and for an up to date list of NBF Approved members visit:

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z Design z Manufacture z Retail z

Editor – Chris Peck email: Associate Editor – Jan Turner email: News Editor – Robert Armstrong email: Contributing Editor – Leanne Kirtley email: Graphic Design – Zoe Andrews email: Sales Team 01223 846825 Publisher – Chris Manning email: Issue no 0006 published by Information Publications Ltd, 1 Grain House, Mill Court, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire CB22 5LD VAT No: GB 945225521 Managing Director: Debbie Johnson © Information Publications Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system without the express prior written consent of the publisher. We regret we cannot be liable for the safe custody or return of any solicited or unsolicited material. Contributors are advised to keep copies of all materials submitted. The opinions and views expressed in Beds Magazine are not necessarily those of Information Publications Ltd. Being subject to the Advertising Standards Authority guidelines in place at the time of going to press, all data submitted by advertisers and contained in their advertising copy is accepted by Information Publications Ltd in good faith. ISSN pending Registered as a Newspaper at the Post Office.

Something Worth Shouting About Only last week I was gifted the opportunity to briefly depart the Southern climes I now call home and visit more Northern terrain in the county of my birth, Yorkshire. I shall save you the dewy-eyed reverence I still dearly hold for my childhood region, as that would only encourage imagery of cobbled streets and that wellknown brass orchestrated music formerly used by a popular bread brand for its advertising campaigns. I jest. However, turning to more industry related matters, I was stunned and disappointed to hear a certain story while visiting my father in Leeds. Yup, it seems certain organisations are still determined to target certain pockets of the general public up north and attempt to sell mattresses from the back of a lorry, door-to-door, literally. Poor Mr Armstrong Snr was only attempting to mow his front lawn when confronted by a sales man persuading ‘the cheapest price in town’ for the ‘latest model’ of mattress. Armed with a branded lorry and business cards in tow, the sales attempt of a product in which its credentials were totally unknown was particularly pushy, apparently. Thankfully, my Dad has become something of a fan of our publication since my involvement, was clued up and well informed of the situation, and naturally snubbed the advances. Despite this, however, the principal of the situation really rankled me. The cheek of it to target vulnerable consumers!! It just goes to highlight the fantastic job the NBF are doing in providing both the consumer, and retailer, with an assured recommendation in the trading and purchase of such a critical and essential day-to-day product. It also helps to combat those that will stoop to the level of actually knocking on house doors to sell mattresses that arrive without certification or even a promise of not being second-hand. Indeed, the importance, as a member of the organisation, to promote your NBF accreditation to your customers should not be taken lightly, particularly when rogue traders are attempting to dupe members of the general public on their own doorstep over price. It’s something that should be clearly versed, especially if such ridiculous and frankly amateurish sales attempts are being made on the streets of this nation. And for that, we should salute the work undertaken by the NBF as part of our beloved industry. Accreditation is, undoubtedly, something to shout about and it seems the message needs to be continually addressed to your customers. Until next time, happy trading.

Editorial Advisory Panel Fara Butt Shire Beds Shakeel Baig Bodyease Terry Bridger Kaymed Nick Booth Silentnight Chris France Leggett & Platt Jim Geret ViSpring

Robert Armstrong, News Editor

Justine Haywood CPS (Wales) Group Stuart Hibbert Breasley James Keen Hypnos Paul Little Steinhoff UK Beds Peter Spinks Harrison Spinks Tony Stuart Brow Airsprung Group

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Furniture News May Ad.qxp_Layout 1 10/04/2015 13:03 Page 1






The Royal Coil Medi Comfort Mattress.

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The Carpet Specialists

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24 Natural Growth

68 Cover Story

42 The Magnificent Seven

28 Mystery Shopper Report

46 Dynasty: Hypnos

78 Night Patrol

Regulars 06 NEWS

Retail 18 How Cheap Is My Bed?

The latest news from the bed industry

Beds takes a look at the real price of cut-price products


28 Mystery Shopper Report

78 NIGHT PATROL With Peter Betteridge, from The Bed Expert

Design 64 Floating Off To Sleep A cutting edge concept taking the industry by storm

68 Cover Story How Bekeart Textiles is writing a new chapter in manufacturing

Manufacturing 16 Expanding Horizons Finding out more about Leggett & Platt's plans for 2015

24 Natural Growth Celebrating the success of Yorkshire-based business, Shire Beds

36 Sleeping Soundly Sealy's partnership with The British Chiropractic Association

40 Royal Success Talking innovation and growth with TCS

42 The Magnificent Seven

Testing levels of in-store service

38 Expert Advice Adjustamatic tells Beds how its marketing offer can help retailers

62 A Head Start Silentnight talks about its new Achievements marketing campaign

66 A Buzz Around The Biz The Sleep Council and NBF relaunch their online resource

Industry 44 The Apprentice Has Landed How bedmaking apprenticeships are setting industry standards

46 Dynasty: Hypnos Hypnos explains why it’s been keeping it in the family

50 Dynasty: Harrison Spinks A walk down memory lane with a family business since 1840

56 Dynasty: MPT Group Mattress Production Technology takes Beds back in time

60 Dynasty: The Foam Company

Vogue Beds reveals its revamped collection

Chris and Michael Nash discuss the life and times of a foam manufacturer

70 Future Gazing

74 The Sleep Fairies

What's next for Breasley Consumer Products?

Beds meets some of the charities who are championing sleep

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❚ NEWS ❚ L&P completes warehouse expansion project The domestic subsidiary of global bedding components manufacturer Leggett & Platt, Leggett & Platt Springs UK, has announced the completion of a significant expansion project at its warehouse facility located in Barnsley. By adding 60,000sq ft to the site’s previous footprint, the firm has more than doubled its warehousing capacity, adding more room for manoeuvre within the company’s production line whilst providing additional space for an inhouse quality laboratory, testing facility and a new training and employee welfare area. A company spokesperson said: “The extra warehouse space will help the facility improve efficiency by removing any warehouse bottlenecks, leading to improved product flow. “It will also result in reduced handling of products, leading to fewer opportunities for products to become damaged. “In addition, the bespoke staging and loading areas will further improve efficiency and reduce errors in loading and paperwork." Established in 1998, Leggett & Platt Springs UK’s parent company is recognised as one of the largest suppliers of innerspring components to the bedding and furniture industry within Europe, South Africa, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific.

Investments made in group's bed operations prove more than lucrative for Steinhoff UK The UK arm of furniture retail group Steinhoff has vowed to match the investments made in enhancing the online capabilities of its bed division to that of its furniture offer after the company admitted its improved digital platform added ‘value to the business’ for the year ended 28 June 2014. Steinhoff UK Retail Limited, which owns multiple brands Harveys, Harveys & Reid, Furniture Shed, Cargo, Bensons for Beds and Bed Shed, enjoyed a year-on-year increase of 5% in revenue to £470.2m, with post-tax profit also rising to £15.4m against the £10.7m registered for the similar previous period. Those margins of growth, the company claims, were driven by a double-digit increase in online sales, something bosses assessed was a result of significant investments made in improving Bensons for Beds’ and Bed Shed’s respective websites. Now the business will roll out such online investment across its furniture brethren, such as Harveys, during the latest calendar year. A strategic report attached to the balance sheet affirmed: “During the period under review, the company has maintained good growth in revenue. “Our online offering has continued to add value to the business. Investment has been made in the bedding website during the period, and this has paid dividends, with orders from internet sales showing double-digit growth on the previous period. “Investment will be rolled out into the furniture side of the business in 2015.”

Online registration opens for The Bed Show 2015 Online registration for the National Bed Federation’s (NBF) principal annual event, the Bed Show held at the Telford International Centre, has now opened for 2015’s version of the exhibition. Due to take place on 22-23 September, over 70 brands have now signed up to exhibit at this year’s staging of the show, including debut appearances for the likes of MA Living, Duvalay and Global Components. “The Bed Show is now firmly established as the main event of the year for anyone involved in the UK bed industry throughout the supply chain,” commented NBF executive director, Jessica Alexander. “We’ve already had a fantastic level of interest in the 2015 Bed Show with all the big players coming back to exhibit as well as attracting new exhibitors. It confirms that we are continuing to do something right!” As now customary with the Bed Show, the first night of the exhibition will include the popular gala dinner and this year’s Bed Industry Awards ceremony, which will once again be hosted by broadcaster Gyles Brandreth due to popular demand. All interested parties can now register online at the website listed below.

HMRC main creditor in bed firm’s fall from grace HM Revenue & Customs has been identified by the liquidator of Birmingham-based bed business Dreamland Beds UK Limited as the principal creditor following the demise of the business. Determined within a report published via Companies House, practitioner Poppleton & Appleby confirmed the supplier is now being dissolved with an estimated deficiency of £244,596 regarding creditors.

A total of two individual creditors are listed within the dossier, with HM Revenue & Customs filing a claim of £241,483 and a Mr Mohammed Shahdab Qamar £8,893 in way of a director’s loan account. Both have been considered by Poppleton & Appleby as unsecured non-preferential claims, with the company’s total assets also estimated by the practitioner at £5,880.

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❚ NEWS ❚

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❚ NEWS ❚ Bed firm ceases trading Dorset-based Home Life Direct Limited, the pureplay online retail company trading as British Bed Stores, has ceased trading and been placed into a creditors’ voluntary liquidation less than a year after being launched. In a report compiled by business support service and the firm’s practitioner Portland, issues regarding limited stock numbers, triggered by the etailer’s suppliers proving unable to deliver new stock to the company as required, damaged the company’s ability to continue trading. The report from Portland read: “The company could not continue to trade with only the limited stock held in storage. “The continuing rise in cancelled orders, dissatisfied customers and added cost of compensation payments took away any profit the company had previously made and on 3 March 2015 the company ceased to trade. “The directors decided to approach Portland for insolvency advice and on the 5 March, the decision was made to take steps to place the company into a creditors’ voluntary liquidation.” British Bed Stores was founded in April 2014 and ran a 30-night trial offer to customers on the online retailer’s bed product catalogue.

Bed manufacturer fined and prosecuted A West Yorkshire headquartered manufacturer has been prosecuted for the supply of products that failed UK fire safety regulations, Beds Magazine can reveal. Following an investigation spearheaded by Hull City Council Trading Standards, Batley-based Deepsleep Beds UK Limited pleaded guilty to the charge of supplying unsafe upholstered headboards at a hearing held at Hull Magistrates Court. The business, which admitted it had breached the Consumer Protection Act 1987, was fined £2,000 and ordered to pay costs of £3,100.

“The safety laws governing upholstered furniture have been in force for almost 30 years, yet some manufacturers seem to be ignoring these requirements,” commented City Trading Standards officer, Chris Wilson. “Hull City Council Trading Standards will always robustly deal with traders that put consumers at risk by failing to ensure the products they place on the market are safe. “I advise anyone buying upholstered furniture to check that there is a permanent label stating that the product is fire resistant.”

Established bed retailer since 1999 ceases trading Firm vows to bounce back after annual losses widen Southampton-based bed business Millbrook (UK) Ltd has forecasted a return to profit this year despite posting widening losses and a dip in sales for the company’s latest full-year of trading ended 30 June 2014. The mattress manufacturer, a subsidiary of Millbrook Industries Limited, witnessed a decrease in turnover for the fourth year running, falling from the £6.8m published for the previous similar period to £5.8m. A continuation of softer sales only impacted upon increasing the firm’s loss margin for the 12-month period from £983,000 to £1.7m at close of business. Whilst admitting the company had endured ‘another difficult year’ within a strategic report attached to the balance sheet, bosses communicated it is of

the company’s view trading will improve, allowing Millbrook (UK) Ltd to reawaken from its slumber and achieve a profitable outcome for the ensuing 12 months. “The company had another difficult year, although the directors believe the corner has finally been turned,” read the statement. “As a result of new contracts, a restructuring and various cost saving initiatives, the business is expected to return to profit next year.” The company hit the headlines in 2013 by announcing it had decided to sever all ties with the UK independent retail sector due to trading uncertainty and cost pressure on home soil.

A Hertfordshire registered retailer trading from premises in Castleford, Yorkshire since 1999 has ceased trading with immediate effect. Bedworld (North) Ltd, the company behind online bed and furniture specialist, said it was left with ‘no option’ but to halt all operations, while customers with outstanding deliveries have been urged by the firm to contact their respective banks to claim refunds. All enquiries with regards to the business are now being directed to Wigan headquartered insolvency and debt management expert Focus Insolvency Group. A company spokesperson said: “Bedworld (North) Ltd trading online as has ceased trading with immediate effect. It is with regret that we have been left with no option to cease trading. “Any customers with outstanding deliveries will need to contact their banks in order to begin the process of receiving a refund via the charge back system to claim their money back in full. “We would like to thank all our customers and suppliers for their support at this devastating time.” Registered at an address in Rickmansworth, was founded by Nigel Cairns and stocked products from over 70 of the most recognisable supply names in the UK furnishings industry. The company recently hit the headlines nationwide for running a television advertising campaign that caused a stir due to its tagline, ‘ship this bed’.

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❚ NEWS ❚ Bedding retailer names its 'Supplier of the Year'

Supplier invests six-figure sum in manufacturing capabilities Adjustable beds and mattress specialist group Platinum Enterprise has announced the investment of £200,000 in the firm’s machinery at its two West Yorkshire headquartered sites. The supply business, which boasts the Bodyease and Sareer brands, has placed the substantial backing into the group’s manufacturing operations in a bid to meet growing demand from retailers nationwide. Shakeel Baig, corporate director, explained: “The investment in our machinery stretches across the entire Platinum Enterprise group and will allow us to increase the productivity and efficiency of our manufacturing operations. “Ultimately, this will allow us to meet the needs of our growing customer base and will also allow our business to continue at the forefront of innovation in terms of the products we produce on the market.” Mr Baig further confirmed the group is poised to inject further investment across its brand portfolio over the ensuing year. An approved member of the National Bed Federation (NBF), the group is already confirmed as exhibitor at the organisation’s flagship annual event, The Bed Show, taking place at The International Centre, Telford on 22-23 September 2015.

US bed conglomerate defends CEO in latest financial report Global bed giant Tempur Sealy International has registered a 5.4% year-on-year rise in turnover to $739.5m for the first quarter ending 31 March 2015. However, higher sales and marketing expenses, as well as the kickback of the acquisition of Sealy US, apparently attributed to a year-on-year slide in profits of almost 15% to $23.4m. Directors comments attached to the latest set of financials also addressed reports made earlier this year by H Partners, one of Tempur Sealy’s principal investors, asking shareholders to withhold support for the company’s CEO, Mark Sarvary, due to ‘a troubling history of underperformance and mismanagement’. P. Andrews McLane, Tempur Sealy chairman, responded: “The

company has re-established its industry-leading position, but more work remains to be done. “Today, Tempur Sealy is at a critical juncture, and a change in leadership, including the CEO, at this time would result in a transition period that would, at minimum, slow the momentum that we are currently experiencing, if not derail it altogether. “It is critical to the success of our business and the investments of our shareholders that the current board and management team continue executing on the plan that is clearly delivering positive results.”

Mattress specialist Kaymed has been named ‘Bedding Supplier of the Year' for the last calendar 12 months in 2014 by retail chain, Harvey Norman. The title is awarded annually, with the award for last year marking the fifth year in a row Kaymed has scooped the prize, having been selected by staff and managers of Harvey Norman's bed departments across its estate. It was recognised for providing the most progressive product innovations this year, as well as an impressive retail partnership

approach. “We are absolutely delighted that our hard work and efforts to continually enhance customer service and product innovation are acknowledged by this prestigious award,” said David Moffitt, CEO of Kaymed. “This is testimony to the efforts of our 220 employees to make Kaymed the best and most innovative mattress manufacturer for retailers in the UK and Ireland to do business with.”

Harrison Spinks unveils new contract division Yorkshire manufacturer Harrison Spinks is taking its first step into the contract market with the launch of a new division at the company. Harrison Spinks Contract Division will use the company’s spring technology and natural fillings in a new range exclusively for use by hotels, and will be headed up by new contact sales director Stephen Truswell. He commented: “We wanted to push the boundaries and go where no other contract bed manufacturer has gone before. “Using our unique spring technology, we have created a beautiful bed range with the highest spring counts available to the hospitality market, providing guests with a great night’s sleep night after night.” The new collection, featuring beds from the business’s Harrison and Somnus brands, was previewed at the Independent Hotel Show held in the nation's capital, London.

Kaymed refreshes UK website Bed manufacturing business Kaymed UK has launched an updated website. Part of a programme to support its retail partners, the company's updated digital offering will ensure consumers are fully informed about the Kaymed brands. It features a detailed store finder, as well as the ability to view model colours, downloadable data sheets and product guides. The website is fully functional across all platforms, including PC,

laptop, tablet and mobile, ensuring shoppers will always be able to find the model they want and a local stockist. Kaymed’s UK marketing manager, Jeremy Navrady, said: “We are delighted with the site and are confident it will help busy consumers to be prepared when they go shopping for their new Kaymed bed.”

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A plan to grow sales that’s not a fairy tale

Sell happily ever after From Therma-Phase™ to Mighty Bed™, V85™ visco elastic to K3Gel®, Kaymed’s patented technologies have every base covered. We lead the way in the development of pressure relieving and temperature regulating materials, all created and manufactured in house. This allows Kaymed stockists to enjoy the benefits of being first to market with groundbreaking technologies, giving them the edge over their competition. If you want to increase sales and realise the return on investment of innovation over imitation, contact us now via the ‘Become a Stockist’ link on, and sell happily ever after.

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❚ LAST QUARTER'S NEWS AT A GLANCE ❚ Geltex supplier announces rise in sales Continental material supplier Recticel praised a growth in popularity of the group’s Geltex inside product line for a year-on-year increase in turnover, while sales in the UK were also accredited as exhibiting an uptick for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014. The business, which specialises in the manufacture and conversion of polyurethane foams, revealed via its unaudited full-year accounts that consolidated sales rose by 0.7% to €983.4m (£713.4m). That figure was driven by a 55% increase in sales of the company’s Geltex inside product line, while orders of Recticel products were also underlined as performing to that of a robust nature in both the UK and Eastern Europe. “Bedding results improved in a weak market environment throughout the year,” a company statement read. “The very innovative Geltex inside product line has grown by 55% versus 2013, and its positive impact on profitability more than compensated the significant additional advertising efforts.” EBITDA increased from €13.6m (£9.9m) to €36.8m (£26.7m), a figure that included the €8.2m (£6m) fine imposed on the business in January 2014 for its part played in constructing a pan-European pricing cartel.

Retailer steps up store expansion programme Bed retailer Dreams opened its latest new store in the Midlands in time for the customarily lucrative Easter Bank Holiday weekend. The latest addition to the chain’s portfolio, which notches up the amount of Dreams stores nationwide to 164, is located within Solihull Retail Park, Shirley. A company spokesperson said: “The new Dreams store has been fitted in the company’s distinctive white, blue and pink brand identity, and features the Dreams

‘Comfort By Colour’ scheme, where beds and mattresses are merchandised in an easy-to-understand layout by colour palette and comfort levels." The business, which was acquired by private equity group Sun European Partners in a pre-pack deal in 2013, revealed just ahead of the launch that Noel Ward had been appointed as the new store’s manager.

Bed brand anointed with esteemed award Buckinghamshire-based bed specialist Hypnos, the heritage label owned by parent company Keen and Toms Holdings, has been announced as the recipient of the respected Sustainability Award for 2015. Awarded by charity and patron The Furniture Makers’ Company, the annual honour recognises, rewards and publicises the good work being done in the British furniture industry to further sustainable manufacturing. This year’s trusted panel of judges was chaired by Paul von der Heyde, the Master of the Company, and comprised of David Walton, Chairman of the Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme Steering Committee; and Alan Marshall, Liveryman and environmental advisor. Phil Reynolds of FIRA organised the award and FIRA’s environmental consultant James Bell assisted and advised the judges.

“We are now the current holders of two prestigious industry awards, as this win follows the NBF Bed Manufacturer of the Year award in September, which shows that our strategy and performance is now being recognised by the industry,” said Stephen Ward, group managing director at Hypnos. The Master Paul von der Heyde added: “Hypnos is highly deserving of this distinction as it was impressive in every category. “Having been highly commended in last year’s awards the company has clearly continued its determined focus on sustainability in all areas.” Relyon and JPA were commended as runners-up.

Date set for industry chari

The Furniture Makers’ Company, the industry’s charity and the annual staging of its principal fundraising event, Big Sh A clay pigeon shooting extravaganza, the event is suppo and will be held at E.J. Churchill shooting ground in High W The day also includes a lunch, auction and prize-giving T: 020 7256 5558

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❚ LAST QUARTER'S NEWS AT A GLANCE ❚ Online bed retailer ceases trading Telford-based online bed retailer Monsterbeds has ceased trading with immediate effect, with the business piling blame on the liquidation in December of the logistics company it had previously contracted to deliver the firm’s goods. In a company statement, Monsterbeds underlined the loss had since heaped pressure on the etailer via lack of cash flow and ‘massive issues’ with suppliers, factors that have now prompted bosses to pull down Monsterbeds’ website and cease trading. “The company has suffered various trading difficulties which commenced at Christmas, due to the liquidation at that time of the logistics company employed to deliver all goods,” the statement explained. “This resulted in massive charge backs and an inability to fulfil orders. This in turn created a lack of cash flow and massive issues with suppliers as the company was unable to pay its suppliers, due to this lack of cash flow. “Despite this the company remained resolute that it would continue to trade and deal with any accrued liabilities. “In the past 48 hours the company has lost the support of its suppliers rendering it unable to trade.”

Bedfordshire business scores lucrative contract A bed manufacturer in Bedfordshire is celebrating after netting the contract to furnish popular theme park Alton Towers’ leisure facilities, Enchanted Village. Strictly Beds and Bunks Ltd is no stranger to bagging high profile agreements, with the mattress and bedroom furniture specialist having supplied its products in the past to the likes of Celebrity Big Brother, ITV and The X Factor.

“We were honoured to get involved with such a well-known brand as Alton Towers,” commented director Andrew Buchan. “They were struggling to find a suitable bed for their Enchanted Village, containing 120 fairy tale lodges and five unique tree houses. “The brief was a basic but strong, very strong bed. The project was a great success.”

Interest free credit offer drives sales lift at bed and flooring retailer

ry charity fundraiser

stry’s charity and patron, has announced the date for ing event, Big Shots. e event is supported by retail chain Furniture Village ground in High Wycombe on Thursday 11 June 2015. and prize-giving ceremony,

The introduction of an interest free credit offer to consumers helped flooring and beds retailer Carpetright increase like-for-like and total sales in the UK by 10.5% and 9%, respectively for Q4 ended 18 April 2015. The 459-store strong business states it now expects its pre-tax profits margin for the full year to be ahead of current market expectations at approximately £13m as a result of the quarterly uptick, despite the fact its trading operations in the Netherlands, Belgium and EIRE collectively posted a 0.7% decline in revenue for the latest 12-week period. That said, chief executive Wilf Walsh was

happy to announce the forecasted growth in annual profits, stating the group’s trading momentum had been ‘encouraging’ and that its interest free credit offer had proved popular amongst customers. “In light of this strong finish to the year, we now expect that underlying pre-tax profits for the full year will be above the current range of market expectations at around £13m,” he said. “The group is well positioned to continue to grow market share and profitability, as we implement our plans to extend the appeal of the Carpetright brand.”

020 7256 5558

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THE SCENE Beds ‘looks’ back at a selection of industry developments from the last quarter.

Big-hearted staff make charity donation Workers at Trowbridge-based manufacturer Airsprung Beds chipped in together to donate a generous £500 to a local children’s hospice. The contribution, made to Children’s Hospice South West, was the brainchild of Airsprung divan builder Kevin Hatter after he was made aware the hospice was almost entirely dependent on donations. HR manager Debbie Coleman (pictured left) was on hand to present Tamara Downers from the local charity with the proceeds.

Downing Street visit for the owner of Sweet Dreams The owner and MD of Lancashire-based manufacturer Sweet Dreams, Riaz Ahmed, was only delighted to recently accept an invite to visit MPs at 11 Downing Street. Travelling with other major Northern employers and influential players, the key aim of the visit was to discuss how to promote and maximise business opportunities in the area.

20-year-old business celebrates second store opening North East retailer Linthorpe Beds cut the ribbons to its latest offering its second store in total - in Bishop Auckland on Friday 3 April, just in time for the Easter Bank Holiday. On hand to celebrate was the Silentnight mascot, Henry the Hippo, who was out and about town meeting customers and residents alike, flying the flag for the new store.

Bed firm boosts credentials Mammoth Technologies added to its team of senior industry professionals with the appointment of Dr Glen Kemp as consultant. The director of healthcare expert Dream Laboratory and regarded as a bio/medtech innovation expert, Dr Kemp has over 25 years of experience working in the field of healthcare and life sciences.

Gainsborough Beds opens Long Eaton offering Premium bed manufacturer Gainsborough selected to open the label's second showroom at Harrington Mill in Long Eaton. Designed to showcase its products for the company's more northern located customers, sales director Andy Richards assessed the latest showroom's launch as 'a real advantage' for customers.

Manufacturer enjoys ministerial visit Savoir Beds recently welcomed Ed Vaizey, the Minister of State for Culture and Digital Economy, ahead of the General Election to its London-based headquarters. The MP took a tour of the bedworks, meeting and greeting Savoir’s craftsmen and women along the way as they showed him first-hand how the company’s bespoke beds are made.

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Want a greater return on your floor space? get a Pocket 2000





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HORIZONS Catching up with component manufacturer, Leggett & Platt.

L&P Springs UK MD, Darren Rhodes


t may be a fact that the universe is constantly expanding, but it is also a fact that the rate of expansion in the furniture industry has certainly seemed to have been stepped up a gear as of late. In fact, we're not even halfway through 2015 and Beds Magazine is happy to be able to report on several businesses taking full advantage of improved trading conditions and increasing

the size and scope of their offerings accordingly. So, in a year that, as you may already have realised from the pages of this very magazine, has already seen a bumper set of expansions, Beds Magazine got in touch with another company that is no stranger to the concept, spring experts Leggett & Platt. Made up of 19,000 employee partners and with 130 facilities located in 18 countries, Leggett & Platt is already a well-sized operation. Of course, this is necessary if the company wants to remain the leading US producer of components for residential furniture and bedding. However, sticking to the adage that if you’re not moving forward then you’re headed backwards, last month saw the company announce the final completion of its most recent expansion project, effectively doubling the square footage of its Barnsley warehouse facility while also adding additional space for a laboratory and testing area.

The extra warehouse space is set to aid L&P Springs UK in improving the efficiency of the site, by removing any warehouse bottlenecks that could potentially impede product flow. It will also result in the reduced handling of products, meaning there will be fewer opportunities for products to become damaged. Finally, the bespoke staging and loading areas will further improve the dayto-day workings of the facility, by upping efficiency as well as reducing errors in loading and paperwork. Of course, no catch up with the team at L&P Springs UK would be complete without finding out what new product innovations the business has developed since our last meeting. As the company’s MD, Darren Rhodes, divulges: “We have now expanded the ‘Softech’ family of products to include a sheeted option,” confirms Darren, continuing: “This addition is proving popular in cot mattresses, and as a filling replacement in standard

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mattresses.” Comprising coils that have been manufactured from high-tensile wire and stress-relieved for lasting resiliency, Softech’s comfort layers have consistently proven to outperform expensive foams and other synthetic filling materials when it comes to comfort. Offering cooler sleep, reduced breakdown and settlement, as well as a luxuriously comfortable feel, its no wonder Leggett & Platt are keen to explore every option they can when it comes to Softech products. However, as ever, the company is not content to simply rest on its laurels, and Darren is happy to share a few more innovations the industry can expect to see in the coming months. As he tells us: “We are working on many new ideas for a better sleep system which include cooler sleep through our ‘Coolflow’ systems and more luxury with our ‘4000’ series ‘SoftTouch’ pocket unit, and customers looking for a firmer edge to their mattresses will benefit from our ‘Quantum Edge’ pocket unit.” It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a year since Leggett & Platt signed a deal that saw the company become the exclusive US supplier of innerspring and box-spring units to bed titan Tempur Sealy. It’s certainly a relationship that is already proving

very productive for the business, which now operates the manufacturing facilities previously owned by Tempur Sealy. When you consider that pocket spring growth for L&P Springs UK from 2011 to 2014 was around 20% per year, you can understand why the company deems it necessary to expand all areas of the business. And while the growth of pocket springs has inevitably slowed, the product still represents the major part of the company’s planned growth for the rest of the year. “The new 60,000 square foot warehouse being completed on schedule means we are now benefitting from the advantages this brings to both us and our customers,” confirms

Darren, before concluding: “We now have enough capacity in terms of plant and personnel to service the expected needs of the UK bed producers for the next two years, and we intend to continue to grow our share of the UK market by offering innovative products and high levels of customer service. “We now believe we have the facilities, equipment and capabilities to meet the current and future needs of our customers for quality, service and product innovation.”

Leggett & Platt's Hourglass featuring Quantum Edge product

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HOW CHEAP IS At what point do beds become so cheap that the cost cutting involved in producing them must make us seriously question the product’s ability to be fit for purpose or even legal?


n an industry where the overwhelming majority of manufacturers can be relied upon to produce good quality, compliant products, Jan Turner takes a look at the budget end of the business, asks how some beds can be produced so cheaply – and at what cost to the industry? The past year has not been a glorious one for the bed industry’s reputation: from concerns about dodgy products that clearly flout the flammibility regulations to grotty and discarded old mattresses stuffed inside new covers and

sold as new – it has all done little to inspire consumer confidence. Add to that the fact the boss of a UK bed factory was last year charged with human trafficking and slavery offences and the picture is not a pretty one. This, of course, is the ‘seamier’ side of the industry – the exception rather than the rule. But the truth is that the actions of a few are having a profound effect on the many. ‘Cheap’ always comes at a price – and can sometimes mean non-compliant or so de-specified that the product is barely fit for purpose.

The NBF’s Code of Practice was introduced in 2013 with these very concerns in mind and has gone some way to counter-act anxieties about non-compliance. But for a sector where setting up in business is worryingly simple, policing unscrupulous manufacturers is notoriously difficult. We asked a cross section of manufacturers and retailers for their views, offering the opportunity to be quoted anonymously, which many chose to do. This is what they told us.

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CABINET MAKER WHICH 225X297.qxp_Layout 1 18/03/2015 14:13 Page 1

Three years and counting... Retail


It was back in 2013 that the Sealy Napoli 1200 was accredited with the Which? Best Buy for Pocket Spring Mattresses. A lot of companies have tried to overtake us since then... and they're still trying. The Which? accreditation is trusted by the consumer as objective, trustworthy and hugely important when it comes to making major buying decisions. So if you haven't already done so, make an astute buying decision yourself, and order some today.

For more information on the Napoli 1200, contact our Sales Hotline on 016973 20342.

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❚ DEBATE ❚ What is the price (retail) of your lowest priced standard double (135cm) divan set and mattress only: The cheapest we were told about cost £55 plus VAT for a mattress only and £85 plus VAT for a divan set. This was made with 13.5 gauge open coil, five gauge rod edge wire frame, fillings, stitchbond and quilted panel. Looking outside your own business, what is the lowest price (retail) price you are aware of for a standard double (135cm) divan set and mattress only: The cheapest we were told about was a mattress for £39 and a divan set for £69. We asked retailers: If you chose to do so, would you be able to source a product that you could sell just as cheaply? “Yes we could, but choose not to – it’s not worth the hassle and heartache!” “I would not choose to do so as I believe it is not possible to manufacture even a budget product that can be sold at these prices and be fit for purpose. Should I do so I would be doing my customers a disservice and possibly damaging my company’s reputation by supplying inferior products. I certainly would not feel comfortable about sourcing a product at these prices and its ability to meet current legislation and standards. "I believe that, we as professional retailers have a responsibility to trade only with ethical, reputable manufacturers who comply with all current legislation and achieve or surpass the standards laid down. Not to do so would be to betray the trust customers place in my company, would be disreputable and commercial suicide.” Peter Betteridge, The Bed Expert As a manufacturer, are you able to compete with these prices? If not why not? And if not, how do you imagine your competitor is able to produce a bed for that price? “Prices are low and we cannot and do not compete at the lower end. We believe a good supportive mattress is essential for a good night’s sleep - cheaper mattresses do not offer the support as the fillings are fairly basic.” “I know companies that are selling a 4'6 mattress for £39 and a 4'6 divan at £69. We couldn't make it for that price! It's not so much about competing but whether we would want to compete at that level.” “I visited a manufacturer recently who was producing large volumes of cheaper end products. What was clear was the complete lack of health and safety (which costs money to

Retail implement). Furthermore, the staff were all nonEnglish speaking, generally Eastern European, and I was told they were all working 13-14 hours shifts, every day. I would imagine the labour was cheap.” “Some firms have unscrupulous and illegal practices – in product manufacture, accounts and admin: - VAT evasion - Not paying minimum wage - Use of recycled /old materials - Deliberate attempt to defraud suppliers by selling cheap and not paying for materials - Using materials not compliant with flammability regulations - Not paying due diligence to flammability testing” “It also comes down to wages. We are all aware of the recent scandal in Batley and apparently this is rife, with lots of Eastern Europeans among those working in smaller bed factories at below minimum wages.” “They do it by using cheap components, working with high volumes and very low margins; they may have written off stock of fabric or materials; paying lower wage rates; or even by de-specifying the product to such a degree it is barely fit for purpose.” We asked retailers: Would you be able to source a very cheap bed from a manufacturer who you were comfortable meets all current legislation and standards? “We have guys turn up in transit vans trying to sell their wares. Their products, they tell you, comply with all the standards but you’d never know until it was too late. I don’t even think we would explore this as an option.”

How do you think ‘bargain basement’ prices are affecting the industry? “Personally I believe we are all becoming a nation of ‘hagglers’ looking for the best deal possible and it is up to manufacturers to stick to their guns and not lower prices. Bargain basement normally means end of line beds or bankrupt stock clearance.” “A race to the bottom will inevitably see casualties.” “The market has been driven down in the memory foam sector for many years. Products generally sell now at 30% less than they did many years ago, in a period where we have seen rising fuel and raw material costs. Margins have clearly been decimated.” “It is bringing the industry into disrepute as we saw last summer; bringing standards down; confusing the consumer by unclear labelling (such as saying it is a memory foam mattress when there is only a piece of memory foam in the middle).”

“It's driving prices down. The internet is not entirely to blame but with bed manufacturers making beds/mattresses at such low prices, internet companies are making the most of it. I suppose it will be cheap until the bed manufacturer goes out of business and the next one comes along.” “It makes the general public think they don’t need to spend much money on a new bed and potentially undervalues the enormous benefits of a good night’s sleep.” “They are ruining it. A bed should be seen as an important, if not the most important furniture purchase people buy.” “Bargain basement beds mean a bad night’s sleep for the consumer for a start! They also undermine the offer of the entire industry and lower the worth of our product. This makes it harder for everyone to achieve reasonable margins, threatening jobs, individual businesses and markets. We’re currently seeing a lot of independent high street retailers go out of business and the bargain basement climate has to take some responsibility for that. "I believe the business relationship between a manufacturer and a retailer should be a partnership rather than client–supplier. If we can persuade retailers to stock higher spec beds with better features and higher ticket prices, it will raise the profile of beds as a product and raise the profile of the individual retailer and increase their margins. It will also lead to a better night’s sleep for the consumer. "Given that it costs the same to service a bargain-basement or a higher-end bed in terms of delivery, sales and admin, it’s in any case questionable business policy to provide very cheap products with minimal margin.” Jackie McGarvey, Sweet Dreams Do you believe component suppliers have a responsibility to ensure they trade only with companies who comply with all current legislation/standards? “Morally yes, but I feel this is highly unlikely to happen in practice because of the sheer volume generated by lower cost items. The only way is the NBF audit.” “Absolutely! They should make relevant checks on the company and its directors, ensure they are reputable and also that they get paid in a quick and timely fashion so as not to allow the manufacturer to keep the money and continue to sell cheaply and damage the industry.” “The problem is an area in Yorkshire where many cheap divan beds/mattresses are manufactured which encourages suppliers to break the rules by offering cheap, inferior components. I think the area has ultimately produced this type of supplier who knows his

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❚ DEBATE ❚ market and produces components specifically for this market place.” How can component suppliers ensure the company they supply is compliant? “How to ensure compliancy is a difficult question to answer – while there are unscrupulous manufacturers there will be unscrupulous suppliers. These companies are doing cash only deals (without VAT).” “They should look to see if the company is part of a recognised, respected organisation such as the NBF and/or deal only with companies who demand regular independent audits.” “Just take the trouble to walk around the factory.” “Through perpetual and aggressive audits.” Do you think retailers have a responsibility to ensure they trade only with companies who comply with all current legislation/standards? “Yes, without question. As a retailer, when we look for new trading partners we consider several key factors before deciding if we will do business together. They must have similar visions and values as us, be committed to excellent customer service and quality of product. We are also in the process of requesting written confirmation from all trading suppliers that they conform 100% to all current standards and legislation.” “Yes they have and must be driven by quality and standards rather than price - but unfortunately many are driven by price alone.” “Absolutely. There is one big internet company buying from someone at silly prices. I’ve never heard of this bed company but they are churning out really cheap beds and frankly the internet company doesn't care that he's not compliant. It's difficult to check compliance because you can't stop manufacturers from making and selling to retailers at a price they want to. Retailers need to ensure they are buying from reputable companies that fire test all their beds and are putting in to them the fillings and components that they stipulate.” How can retailers ensure the company they buy from is compliant? “They should make relevant checks and due diligence and buy from NBF manufacturers who adhere to the Code of Practice.” “The onus is on the retailer to sell a product that complies with all British laws. They should deal with manufacturers or suppliers who are members of a widely known and well respected body such as the NBF which runs audit checks. In any case, they should check the supplier has all the necessary certification from independent audits (not ones they do themselves).” “They should ask for details of achievement.”

Retail Do you think the industry and the bodies which represent it have a responsibility to ensure that manufacturers operating in the industry are compliant? If so, how would they police that? “Absolutely - hence the NBF Code of Practice. Audits are one way of policing things but robust checks should also be made into the financial affairs of the directors – information readily available at Companies House or through credit checks. If there have been a lot of company wind ups and so forth, then that is clearly suggesting something untoward such as someone having been declared bankrupt etc.” “The NBF can only ensure their members are compliant but other government bodies such as Trading Standards and the Health and Safety Executive need to be aware of dodgy manufacturers and retailers that buy from these companies. They should use their powers to ensure we are not sold mattresses that have been recovered and sold on.” “Yes, to a large degree – in the way that the NBF is currently doing; offering full membership with public endorsement, only to those who pass their independent audits. It’s a very good idea and one we have been delighted to see introduced and to participate in.” “Unfortunately we are all aware that Trading Standards hasn’t the resources to police this as diligently as they would like to. There should be more spot checks on factories.” • How do you demonstrate your own compliance with legal standards and regulations? “Through legislation, the NBF, and also third party audits (group retailer audits etc).” “We ensure that we buy raw materials from reputable and industry recognised suppliers (preferably NBF registered). And we only supply to good, honest and decent retailers.” “We had testing and compliance even before the NBF audit, I mean why would you not have that? Why would you not have traceability on the mattresses you produce? Why would you not test all the mattresses you make? The NBF has 'cemented' good practice in our business.” “NBF audit requirements. Adhering to FIRA regulations. Ensuring legal compliance in all aspects of the business, including product manufacture, accounts, admin. Generally conducting ourselves in a professional manner and, most of all, making an honest, decent, clean and safe product.” “We follow all due process and record this independently. We use well-established testing houses to independently audit our manufacture and our products, as well as carrying out our own due diligence exercises. We keep certification up to date. We are a member of the NBF and an approved supplier, with all that entails.”

“We are passionate about driving even greater quality standards within the bed and mattress industry. It is our aim this year to invest against consumer communication heightening the importance of ‘think before you buy’. We have launched our total quality assurance ‘peace of mind guaranteed’ which also enables our retail customers to download flammability certificates from our web portal against all our brands and the specific models they sell. These are standards that should become the norm in our industry and retailers should, for their own peace of mind, insist on the same from all suppliers.” Steve Freeman, Silentnight

And what steps do you take to ensure that the companies you deal with work to the same standards? “We ask for test certificates on products we buy and also do our own batch testing and product testing.” “We ask suppliers to be compliant to our criteria. Any fabric we decide to buy needs to have passed an FR test before we test the made up bed ourselves. That rule applies to other fillings and most components. With retailers we let them know about what the NBF Audit means to them.” “We only use recognised suppliers who can supply the appropriate certification. We check documentation and licenses.” “We ensure that we have procedures and any necessary documentation in place to substantiate their products or services.” • Retailers: Do you think it is retailers or the consumer who is driving prices so low? “Retailers can be their own worst enemy. When products are advertised with so called huge discounts in the press and on TV, the consumer is blinded by the headline price. Therefore, you find that consumers start to expect more and more discounts. It is turning into a vicious and downward spiral for some.” “I think it is a bit of both. We all know that if we had a bed that we sold for £10 someone would ask, ‘Have you got anything cheaper, or can you give me a better price on that?’ To win business on price alone, regardless of quality of product, customer service and - crucially in the bed trade - professional guidance and advice from well trained professional staff is, in my opinion, to reduce an honourable trade to the levels of the car boot trader.”

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Bekaert Textiles Group


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Natural Growth The Shire Beds Company marketing director, Fara Butt talks to Beds about the true nature of home-grown success.

Shire Beds is renowned for its no nonsense, hard working approach and British philosophy to making beds

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here is nothing Beds Magazine likes to celebrate more than home-grown talent; those exceptional businesses that provide the UK bed industry with so much to be proud of. And of course, with such a rich supply of outstanding manufacturers hailing from our shores, we're fortunate to frequently have cause to do so. But amongst the many illustrious names in British bed manufacturing, perhaps none is quite so proud of its British roots than Yorkshire-based business, The Shire Bed Company. Renowned for its no nonsense, hard working approach, Shire's uniquely British philosophy for making quality beds with 'nowt taken out', has seen it become one of the industry's most important and respected names. And it appears that it is the strength

of the company's established roots that have enabled its continued natural growth. “The business has actually seen 20% growth in the past two years,” marketing director, Fara Butt reveals as we meet with her at Shire's Dewsbury headquarters. “It's an accomplishment that we're naturally proud of, particularly given the challenging market conditions in which it has been achieved. But we believe it's a reflection of the amount of work that we have put into the business and in our dedication to meeting the needs of our loyal customers.” The growth achieved by the company is certainly inspiring to say the least, not to mention well deserved also. Throughout the past two years Beds has been witness to many of the company's initiatives and innovations, which have helped to generate this success. However, despite its remarkable progress, there is much more still to come from the business. Fara tells us: “The success that we've enjoyed is allowing us to invest even more into the business to facilitate further growth for the future. We feel it is important to continue on the course that we have been on over the past two years and proceed with making improvements wherever we identify them. “Thus far we have invested some £250,000 into the business, but this is only the beginning. We have lots more planned, which will likely see the total investment increase up to £500,000 by the time the period of expansion is complete.” Evidence of the investments made thus far are apparent all around Shire HQ, and it's also clear from the enthusiasm of the entire team involved in the business that there is a genuine sense of pride in what they are doing as well as optimism for an exciting future. “When you look around you can see some of the areas that have benefited from the investments we've made,” says Fara as she leads us through the busy production facility. “We have a new conveyor system to facilitate product handling and movement and a new packing machine which ensures that all of the products arrive at stores in pristine condition. “The company has also increased its warehousing and storage space. Such has been the increase in demand that we needed to increase our stock holding capacity in order to fulfil client orders as quickly and efficiently as possible.” The increase in demand for Shire's products has also been a catalyst for other new initiatives too, which, as Fara explains, the company is already in the process of implementing. “Of course, one of the main by products of the substantial growth we have experienced

“The business has actually seen 20% growth in the past two years” is an increasing need for the business to work even more efficiently. In order to do this we are constantly evaluating workflow systems to maximise quality and productivity. “Also, because Shire has always been conscious of the importance of sustainability and actively engaged in improving aspects of the manufacturing process such as waste and recycling, we have increased our focus on these areas. It is something we feel is ethical and we believe that, contrary to certain opinion, the consumer is not always driven by price. Buying from ethical manufacturers is an increasingly important quality for many consumers. So to aid our progress in this area we have employed a highly effective lean manufacturing process which minimises waste while also maximising efficiency.” Of course, in addition to the developments to its manufacturing facilities and production processes, the other element driving Shire's growth in the future will remain it's highly regarded product range. Always a business keen to innovate and try new things, Shire has plenty of ideas to further complement what is an already comprehensive collection. So having enjoyed considerable success with the intelligent solutions provided by the likes of the ecoShire range and its hypoallergenic EcoShield protection system, the Shire Victoria range with it's boutique-inspired aesthetics, and the space-saving brilliance of the Shire Ottoman, what will Shire's next new offering present? “Our product offer is always under constant development to ensure that we maintain our competitive edge,” explains, Fara, before concluding: “I can't really reveal exactly what we've got planned for the rest of the year ahead as new products always have to remain top secret until their official launch. However, I can assure you that, as always, they will be defined by the same great quality, intelligent design and competitive prices that we have built our reputation on.” While we may not have been able to convince Fara to reveal specific details about Shire's future product launches, having seen the significant investments the business has made we're certain that whatever they happen to be, they'll be rooted in genius and help the company's popularity continue to grow and grow.

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MPT GROUP LTD After Sales Support – On time every time! MPT Group takes great pride in our customer support services: Our dedicated team of engineers can provide technical support via phone or site visit, as well as offering remote diagnostics support of our spring manufacturing and quilting machinery ranges. We also offer return-to-base repairs, with loan sewing heads available to ensure you’re back in production fast. Don’t forget - same day parts shipment is available via

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❚ 27 ❚

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MYSTERY SHOPPER REPORT As awareness of The Sleep Council’s Sales Academy training programme increases, Beds magazine took to the road to test the current level of in-store service and discover the welcome on offer at a range of different bed shops. Jan Turner reports on her ‘undercover’ findings. ❚ 28 ❚ Beds - May 2015 - Book.indb 28

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Bensons for Beds - Keighley Retail Park Store: Bensons for Beds Location: Keighley Retail Park, Keighley Day and time of visit: Friday 5pm This recently refurbished store was among the smartest of the tour. Well laid out, clean and warm this store quite definitely had ‘wow’ factor thanks to the impressive arc of beds that greets customers the minute they enter the store. I was immediately met by a smiling and smartly presented sales consultant who asked: “Are you okay? Do you need any help?” I said I was just looking and started viewing some of the beds on offer. Shortly after, the sales consultant came over again, asked how I was going on and struck up a more open-ended conversation beginning: "It's very confusing isn't it? What firmness level are you looking for?” I explained that I needed a nice soft bed and was immediately led to a Bensons 1 firmness rating - the softest. The consultant apologised for the fact it was the only 1 rating in the store but led me through to other beds they thought I might like - including a top of the range model costing over £1,100. I was directed towards and encouraged to lie down and try about five or six different beds. The consultant stayed at a discreet distance at all times but remained in contact and never wandered off. I was their complete focus of attention for the whole half hour I was there. When I explained that it was about 15 years since I had bought a new bed they gave me a 'naughty naughty' look and said that you really needed to change your bed every seven to 10 years. Nice one! They explained what fillings were in the beds I tried and seemed knowledgeable about each one. The consultant was helpful and I felt unrushed - to the point they ignored a phone when it rang. There didn't seem to be any other staff in evidence at the time but it was a quiet part of the day. A customer was leaving

as I arrived at the store and another had arrived and was trying a bed as I left. The consultant didn't hit the script quite as well, however, when I pointed to the one of the NBF Approved labels - many of which were in evidence on the beds. "Oh it's like the Oscars of the bed industry" they explained. “We've won a National Bed Federation Award for the past few years." Clearly not au fait with the fact that the NBF Approved sign is intended to provide consumers with reassurance about the compliance-to-standards of the companies which make the beds, the consultant was nevertheless keen and enthusiastic about their role. I was offered an alternative pillow to try when testing out a gel bed: “It makes a difference to the whole feel doesn't it?" And it was explained to me that although I might only be looking to buy a mattress rather than a mattress and divan base, there were such good offers on that it could cost as little as £50 to upgrade the base and mattress as a package. And they pointed out that if I did that, I'd get a five year guarantee rather than just a one year guarantee because "people don't realise that the divan base gets a lot of wear and tear too and that can affect your new mattress". Another big tick. The consultant managed to establish my preferred firmness rating and size and it was clear they had picked up on my potential spend after my enthusiasm for the top of the

There was no great pressure to close the sale – the consultant completely understood and encouraged a return to the store with my partner, advised that the offer on my preferred choice finished in three days and went on to let me know about interest free credit terms.

Store environment Service Store: Dreams Location: Birstall Retail Park, Batley Day and time of visit: Monday 9.45am A sea of beds greeted my arrival at this very large but still reasonably warm store which, not surprisingly given the day and time of visit, seemed fairly deserted. The only ‘life’ in evidence was a lady unpacking a cardboard box near the Sharp's Bedroom section. Although clean, tidy and well ‘colour coded’ the layout wasn't desperately imaginative confined to lots of rows of beds. And judging by the footmats on many of the beds, store staff had obviously had a busy Sunday. After several minutes, a neatly dressed consultant emerged from the back of the shop nursing a cup of presumably tea or coffee and walked the fair stretch of floorspace to the front-of-store desk. At this stage there was no acknowledgement that I was there but they did come over a few minutes later and asked "If

Dreams - Birstall Retail Park, Batley range pocket spring product. I was promptly led over to a premium foam range, encouraged to try all three and shown a new gel bed. And they did ask if the bed was just for me or if I was sharing it with someone else who, they expected, was probably bigger than me (a shrimp).

I was alright?" to which the answer is always "yes I'm fine thanks". So to paraphrase William Wordsworth, 'I wandered around on my own a bit' and finally walked back over to the front desk and asked if they could possibly help me. "Well do you know what it is you're looking for?" I was

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❚ REPORT ❚ asked. I then volunteered that I was looking for a new bed because the one at home was 15 years old (no censorious looks here) and I'd probably prefer a soft one. Asked if I knew what type of bed I preferred I said as it had been 15 year since I last bought one things had probably moved on quite a bit since then. At this point the coffee clearly started to kick in and the sales consultant started to tell me about gel and memory foam and led me over to a gel bed. From there they took me to a pocket spring and memory foam bed and onto a premium range of foam mattresses where I was encouraged to try all three. I still hadn't found the level of softness I was looking for so I was guided over to a top-of-the range pocket spring which suited very nicely but I affected a look of horror when I examined the price tag. “Is that how much it costs?” I asked, hoping to cue some voluntary information on easy payment terms which was not forthcoming, so I asked if they had anything similar but not so pricey. I was led over to an own-brand single bed which was right down at the bottom of the price scale so the difference I felt was noticeable and promoted a “No Thanks” response. So on to a pocket spring with memory foam topper bed which felt nice enough and while lying there, the consultant, who solicitously always sat on an adjacent bed when I was trying one out (a tick in the box for that) explained that the difference between memory foam and latex was that memory foam reacted to body warmth while latex responded to weight. The consultant also pointed out that if my partner and I did disagree about what sort of firmness rating to have, we could have individual sides tailored to our preference but we would need a king size to do that. I harked back again to the heaven that was the upmarket pocket bed and the consultant explained that the reason it was so soft was that it was springs with lots of natural fillings. “So that wouldn't be as warm as memory foam then?” I asked, having earlier explained that I got quite hot in the night and did not need anything that was likely to aggravate that. They agreed heat would not be a problem with natural fillings. I asked about possible payment terms if I wanted to go for the pricier option and was provided with details of the interest free deal available. I asked about delivery and was given the two options available on that. The consultant was clearly knowledgeable about all the different beds and when I said that I would need to return with my partner to try the narrowed down choice of two or three beds they responded by saying the average person takes three visits to buy a bed and that people now spent a lot more time and trouble looking for the right mattress.


Furniture Village - Castle Meadow Retail Park, Nottingham Perhaps it was the knowledge that I might take another couple of visits to make a decision that held the consultant back from volunteering much in the way of information in terms of selling up or payment terms etc. They clearly had good product knowledge, were pleasant, personable and willing to spend time showing me and allowing me to try out a good half dozen beds. But I felt there were some lost opportunities there. Store environment Service Store: Furniture Village Location: Castle Meadow Retail Park, Nottingham Day and time of visit: Monday 3.30pm The beds department of this modern, light and airy store was on the upstairs mezzanine floor at the back. It was a little squeezed in among other furniture but well lit, tidy and warm. Within seconds I was approached by a smartly dressed sales consultant who asked if I was okay - I started to say I was fine and “just looking” but they were quick to engage in conversation. Before I knew it, the consultant was asking what sort of bed I had and what I needed. They asked if I wanted a double or king size and were quick to try and establish if I had a partner and if so what sort of build he was. A good opener. Once they understood I was looking for something with a softer feel I was led to several beds to test out. It was also pointed out that I should try the bed with my partner as that would affect how the bed felt to me. The consultant also explained that if we did vary in our firmness preferences we could have individual sides tailored to our need but would need a king size mattress to do that. The

consultant is doing very well. They also pointed out that the choice of pillows was important to the overall comfort of a bed. And it was pointed out that most people now replaced their beds about every seven years although if you bought a higher end model it would last longer. The second bed I was shown was a premium foam bed and a brand the consultant (who wore a name badge) was clearly personally very keen on; in fact they were so enthusiastic about this particular brand that I was later taken back to this display and encouraged to try them all out again. “Isn't this memory foam supposed to make you feel hot?” I asked to which the answer was that while a lot of memory foam does have that reputation, this particular type of visco-elastic didn’t although I might want to downgrade the tog rating of my duvet in the summer. I was encouraged to try out lots of beds, the consultant always remaining at a discreet, next- bed-along distance. I was shown and encouraged to try out a gel, latex, pocket spring with memory foam, pocket spring with natural fillings and of course the "visco elastic" jobs. When I asked about the gel beds and the benefits they offered I was told it was really just about a different feel. My interest in a quite high end, sumptuously soft pocket sprung bed with natural fillings led me to ask about payment options and the consultant talked me through those, also guarantees and warranties along with delivery options and timescales. When I explained about just wanting a mattress to go on an existing divan base they initially agreed that that would be possible. But when looking at the high end model that caught my attention, they suggested that it was always better to get the two together as the feel of the mattress I was buying might not be the same on my own base. A well-made point - as

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“ “

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If you think it is then call now on 01756 799950 for an entry pack or complete your entry online at

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…it has helped and strengthen relationships with key businesses and suppliers…

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Bed Manufacturer of the Year

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National Bed Federation High Corn Mill, Chapel Hill, Skipton, BD23 1NL Tel: 01756 799950 •

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❚ REPORT ❚ was the fact that if I did decide to go for a split firmness king size I might need to think about a new headboard and bedside cabinets - they could do all that with new pillows too all in the same interest-free package. A nice try - as was the parting shot: “So would you like to put a £200 deposit down?” But they perfectly understood I needed to return with my partner before making such a considered purchase and I was handed a card on departure. The consultant was a professional, wellpractised and knowledgeable salesperson – though I did have the feeling I was being steered towards one brand.

Store environment Service Store: Mattressman Location: Lincoln Road, Peterborough Day and time of visit: Tuesday 9.45am I knew great help was on hand at this store from the outset. Lost, thanks to the vagaries of SatNavs and postcodes, I ended up phoning for directions and found the person I spoke to incredibly helpful in directing to me to the store on a parallel road to where I'd washed up. I arrived very shortly after and we engaged instantly in conversation about the fact the store had moved from its previous location because overheads were cheaper – so hence the confusion with postcodes. The move was clearly a back-to-basics decision because this was a no-frills offer store in terms of the environment. It was cold, quiet (although a radio was later switched on) and the carpet inside the entrance door had clearly

Retail earned and surpassed its original investment. This shop had a bargain basement feel but did stock some good quality brands. The sales consultant wore a coat style jacket so it was clearly not just me that thought it was a bit parky! There was no one else in the store at the time although while I was there a young couple came in to look at bunk beds and a little after that three elderly people arrived together. The sales person explained that the shop had been divided into two halves - one dedicated to sprung beds and the other to foam beds. I volunteered that I had had my current bed for about 15 years, that it was a pocket sprung divan but I thought I'd be okay just buying a new mattress to put on the old divan base. Absolutely no problem at all said the consultant who must spend a lot of time with customers who are totally price driven. Throughout our conversation they seemed, at times, almost apologetic about some of the prices (we don't have too many soft beds and those we do can be £600 - £700). Neither did they try to sell up or even question my judgement about putting a new mattress on an old base. They were, however, incredibly enthusiastic and on one or two occasions said “Stop me if I'm going on too much". Their passion for the trade was clear and, if not always fully onscript, I was taken through how memory foam is medically approved but could be really hot, how latex was currently going through medical trials in America, how gel foam was really just like latex but - on probing - explained that the gel molecules helped to keep you cool. The consultant talked about all the "tech jazz" stuff going on with fabric covers infused with all sorts of technology to wick moisture away and

they talked handles for turning and rotating, and air vents in plush pocket beds. In the absence of pillows on a lot of the beds the consultant did remember to fetch me one when I tried out one of the beds (“makes a difference to the whole feel” I was informed). And after leading me around a good half dozen different models they said they'd leave me to try out as many more as I wanted. I suspect they had some paperwork to complete for the young couple looking at the bunk beds as they signed some documents before leaving. And then the hat trick of pensioners arrived to further divert their attention. Before leaving I explained that I'd have to come back with my partner to try out one or two of the beds that I'd identified as possible candidates. This seemed to take them a little by surprise but we parted on the same helpful terms as we'd started. I asked about payment options and they explained about their interest free deal and said a lot of the mattresses were available on next day delivery. They’d earlier talked me through the difference between guarantees and warranties. The consultant added: "Don't forget, if when you come back with your partner there's a mattress we have here that you like which is being shown on a bedstead, I'd be happy to put it on a divan base for you. In that way you can see how it feels because it will feel different to being on a slatted bedstead base." Top marks for helpfulness and enthusiasm. This was a candidate ripe for training because just by being a little more versed in the art of listening, they could be super-good

Store environment Service Store: Sussex Beds Location: Fishersgate Terrace, Portslade Day and time of visit: Tuesday 3.30pm The sales consultant spotted me taking a sneaky shot or two of the shop's exterior which gave them an easy opening gambit. I put the need for a picture down to poor memory and was then pointed in the direction of the main showroom area and pretty much left me to it for a few minutes. It gave me chance to have a good wander around this two storey, nicely presented and well decorated shop which took advantage of having lots of on-street windows to display catch-your-eye posters and a particularly snazzy looking purple crushed velvet bedstead. A real bit of eye candy. Soft, discreet lighting also enhanced the welcoming shopping environment although I was the only customer in the store during the whole time I was there. After a bit I felt it was time to seek out some help so I approached the sales consultant - and started to engage

Mattressman - Lincoln Road, Peterborough

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Sussex Bed Centre - Portslade, Sussex them in conversation. I said I had a 15 year old bed that needed changing. I also remarked on the fact I hadn't heard of many of the brands in stock. They explained that it was a family run business and they made a lot of their own beds because in that way they could ensure quicker delivery. They also later said, when explaining payment options, that it was either cash or card because if they started offering finance they would have to put prices up by about 35%. I was actually asked if I was looking for a bed with storage (hooray - a first) although I had to volunteer the fact I was looking for a soft bed before I was led to a couple of pocket spring models to try out. I then suggested that things had probably moved on quite a bit in the 15 years since I last bought a bed and the consultant smiled and said yes that was true. “What about memory foam and is there something called a gel bed?” I further ventured and was duly led to examples of both. The sales person was very pleasant, quite smiley and helpful enough but I felt I was having to prompt a lot of the conversation. Their answers were always good - memory foam is very popular but a lot of people find it quite warm/ latex is a natural product and cooler than memory foam/ their particular gel beds had a mesh of gel sat on top of a layer of memory foam over pocket spring - the gel acting as a 'counter agent' to the potential warmth issues of the foam. They also pointed out ventilation panels on a couple of the models and said that helped with keeping the mattress cool (I clearly must have made a bit of a thing about tropical moments in the night!). When I ventured to suggest I would need to return with my partner (hearty lad, likes a roast) the consultant instantly said that was

absolutely the right thing to do (full marks here) and gave me their card. They said it was a family business and staff took pride in not being pushy - they got a salary rather than commission because then it made sure that the shopper got what was right for them rather than what they wanted to sell us. Nice shop. Nice consultant. Just took a bit of prompting along and could lose sales because they weren’t volunteering information they plainly had a good handle on.

Store environment Service Store: Woods Furniture Location: High East Street, Dorchester Day and time of visit: Wednesday 1.30pm Situated on the High Street in the picturesque market town of Dorchester, Woods is a 140-year-old, still independent business selling furniture, furnishings and beds. A deceptively large store spread across three floors, the store's top floor is devoted to beds. It was clear even before walking through the door that this was going to be a genteel shopping experience and inside the store was laid out in lifestyle mode in tastefully muted colours. On entry both sales consultants were tied up with customers so I headed for the top floor bed department for a quick look around. In line with the rest of the store, the area was warm, subtly lit and well laid out. On my return downstairs, the earlier customers had gone and the two staff were tied up on telephone calls, clearly sorting out customer queries and deliveries. So I hovered nearby to make it clear I was looking for help

and one of the two smartly suited consultants smiled and nodded in a "won't be long" kind of acknowledgement. Once off the phone, one of the consultants apologised for the wait and asked how they could help. I explained that I needed a new bed and they asked - wait for it, a seminal moment here – “What is wrong with the one you have?” Bingo, jackpot moment! A first on the trip. Someone is actually 'investigating' my needs and requirements. We then talked about waking up with aching hips and the importance of sleeping on a supportive surface that keeps your spine in alignment. Cracking stuff: I felt like I was talking to a consultant rather than a sales person. “Have you had a look around at our beds” they asked to which I replied in the affirmative but suggested I could do with some help. “Yes it is confusing” they confirmed (clearly a bit of an industry opener as I’ve heard that one before) and began to explain that there are basically three different types of bed - foam or springs or a combination of both. They asked if I knew what sort of firmness I wanted and I said definitely soft. And they also established what size of bed I would like and if I was looking for a divan base and mattress or just a mattress. When I confirmed the latter they said that was fine as long as the divan base I had was still in good order and - another round of applause here please - the two worked together. If I was to put a new mattress on a faulty base, the problems would transfer to the mattress. The consultant was doing so well I felt it could only be a matter of time before they asked if the bed was just for me or if there was another person to consider. It was not forthcoming or even covered until the very end of our encounter. So, we started on the 'testing' phase of the shopping experience. They started me off on a traditional looking pocket spring, moved me along to a softer feeling version and explained that it was full of natural fillings.

Woods Furniture - Dorchester

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❚ REPORT ❚ I then suggested that as it had been 15 years since I bought my last bed, technology had probably moved on a little and they agreed it had. I prompted the memory foam discussion and was led over to a pocket spring divan with a memory foam topper. I raised the heat issue and was shown a sample of blue foam used in the particular model I was trying. It was explained that this foam had been infused with a cooling agent to counter any heat issues. From there I was ‘directed’ rather than led over to the premium foam bed range – and as every polished pro knows, following rather than leading a customer is the best way to observe body language and gauge their reaction to all sorts of things. So another box ticked. We discussed the heat issue again and returned to the nice soft pocket spring where it was explained to me that despite all the natural fillings and traditional looks this was a bed packed with technology. The cotton fillings would keep me cool in summer and the wool warm in winter. Then, and my heart sank a little, it was back to the range of premium foam beds where I was encouraged to try each one and the prices were pointed out. At this point I asked about payment options - but nothing interest free was offered although I could, if I wished, pay for the mattress over time and it would be delivered upon full payment. It was at this point I said I would need to return with my rather larger partner and - as if a light had come in – the consultant said that was absolutely the right thing to do and that if

Retail my other half did wish for a firmer feeling bed it would be possible to have the pocket model I had liked, produced with two different sides of firmness. The consultant was incredibly respectful, professional and helpful and covered most, if not all of the fact finding issues you would hope for. But I did, once again, have some concerns about the slight push towards one particular brand.

Store environment Service Store: Reading Bedding Location: Cressingham Road, Reading,Day and time of visit: Thursday 11am And so to a bed shop in deepest suburbia. Reading Bedding has been around for more than 30 years, remains independently owned and apparently enjoys 90% of its business from repeat visits or word of mouth referrals. I parked outside the heavily sale promoted store and entered into a warm and well lit showroom that was not especially large or lifestyle displayed but had a good range of beds on offer where I noticed some NBF Approved labels. Enter now the sales consultant. I'd been in the shop for less than a minute when they wandered over, looked at me and didn’t initially say anything. Slightly disconcerted by the approach I said: "I think I need a new bed" at which they smiled and started on a pretty impressive fact finding mission.

“Can I ask if the bed is for you or the spare room? What sort of firmness level are you looking for? Did you have a type of bed in mind in terms of budget - a value end bed, quality bed or luxury bed? And am I looking for a king size or standard double?” They also asked if I would like any storage and let me know there were two types of drawer qualities available. It's a good start though I have to volunteer information about my existing bed and when I later mention my partner information the sales person is straight on the money with their reply. The importance of a return visit with him is stressed – as is the effect that sharing a bed with a larger person will have on my side of the bed. “Look out for movement because, especially in a softer bed, the effect of one person moving has a greater effect across the surface”, they advise. Textbook stuff. As we look at and try a number of different models meeting my need for a softer bed, this consultant is the only person to have pointed out that to get a really soft feel I would be better having a sprung divan base rather than a platform top. They explain that while I could, in theory, put a new mattress on my old hard top base, it would not feel as soft and luxurious as on a sprung base. They went on to talk about the importance of a bed supporting you at the shoulders and hip. I asked about memory foam and the consultant immediately inquired if I got hot in the night (which I do) so advised that that might not be the best choice of bed for me. They didn’t volunteer information about the new gel bed alternatives but when I asked about this I was led to one model which the consultant said claimed to solve over-heating issues. So they clearly understood the product but didn’t seem convinced. I pointed to an NBF Approved label and asked what that was about and was delighted to hear the consultant didn’t think it's an Industry Oscar! They explained that following adverse publicity about rogue traders producing beds that don't meet fire regulations, the industry body had introduced the labels as an extra reassurance for consumers - but that I should also always look out for the blue fire regulation label of which one was pointed out. The consultant was helpful, knowledgeable and most of all, well trained in asking the questions to establish exactly what my needs were.




Store environment



Reading Bedding - Cressingham Road, Reading



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The Swift Mattress Company part of the Vogue Beds Group, one of the UK’s leading designers and manufacturers of bedding systems specialist, with 25 years experience behind them assures a good quality unbeatable service. The Swift Company originally established back in 2009 has come a long way. Bespoke mattresses, in Memory Foam, Latex and now Gel can be produced in a variety of sizes, they are all vacuum-packed for easy storage and distribution; fast delivery is guaranteed! The Mattresses have been designed for durability, comfort and affordability at the very core. The New 6 re-designed models- K zone, Memory 100, Memory 200, Blu Cool Memory 400, Blu Cool Memory 600, New Gel Feel 300 and Talalay Latex 300all provide outstanding levels of comfort and each mattress has enhanced high density polyurethane foam interior with a high- resilience core for optimum core and longevity, the mattress also have varying depths of Memory Foam, Latex or Gel.

SWIFT MATTRESS COMPANY Part of the Vogue Beds Group of companies Kingsfield House | Arthur Street Barwell | Leicestershire LE9 8GZ T 01455 841 257 F 01455 841 259 E

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The perfect ‘back to back’ partnership....and Sealy’s innovative answer to dealing with spinal and neck problems in bed


our bed needs to be a place of comfort rather than a source of pain and discomfort so, whether buying for the first time or replacing an old mattress, Sealy Posturepedic and the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) share a common goal in their ambition to encourage the great British public to make the right choices when buying a new bed in an effort to improve our back health and help make us all Deeper Sleepers. The latest development to come from Sealy’s commitment to this objective is the new PROFILE range. Ergonomic in concept, these mattresses are based on various anthropometric studies which detail and ‘profile’ the proportions of the human anatomy. It sounds complex and highbrow,

Sealy's Profile mattress

PROFILE features directional and variable zoning along its length

but in essence, this is all about the study of the human body and its movement. Directional and variable zoning along its length from head to toe means the PROFILE mattress doesn’t have to be turned, any way, ever, and the mattress pays special attention to offering exactly the right kind of support to the head, shoulders and hips, which are the key pressure points that cause tossing and turning at night. In addition, and the key to the whole concept, there are two areas of increased support to ensure the neck and spine are kept at exactly the right alignment throughout the night. It is these key areas of support which make this new and special bed so different. Profile – Every Back Will Love It When you lie down on a PROFILE bed, you can actually feel the slightly convex zone which sits laterally across the mattress and is just perfect for supporting the spine, whether you are lying on your side or your back, so this bed is a boon to anyone who feels the need for more support as they sleep, or indeed

anyone who occasionally or permanently suffers from back problems, or wishes to prevent one from deteriorating. In addition, although not quite as pronounced as the convex torso zone, the subtly convex head area is specifically designed so you don’t need more than one good pillow to support your head. This is a far better arrangement for your neck as it helps keep it better aligned with your spine and this means you shouldn’t wake up with back or neck ache in the morning. The convex zones are not instantly visible unless you look for them, but lie down on the bed and your body instantly can feel and appreciate the difference. Once again, Sealy have come up trumps and, as always, are leading from the front with a new concept in sleep technology. And remember….. with Sealy you go to sleep quicker and stay asleep longer…truly the mark of a Deeper Sleeper. Sealy tel: 01697 320342

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Sealy Retains Which? Magazine Best Buy Pocket Sprung Mattress for amazing THIRD Year Running

Sealy's Napoli 1200 retained its Which? Best Buy accolade for a third year

Sealy's Neil Robinson


n 2013 the magazine said this mattress stood out from the competition as it was the most durable of the pocket sprung mattresses they tested. They reported it wouldn’t move when people turned over in the night, and that it provided good body and back support for most sleepers. Although it wasn’t the cheapest of the beds tested, it was the most durable. In 2014 Which? said it still provided good support and would continue to do so after several years of use. They also commented that it wouldn’t get harder or softer over time, or sag so much compared with the other pocket sprung mattresses on test. Overall, Which? concluded it was the top choice for people looking for a pocket sprung mattress. Their current conclusion is that it provides

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good support for most, doesn’t sag and is breathable, so won’t get damp with sweat. As Neil Robinson, Sealy’s Marketing Director comments “The Sealy Napoli is a great example of the Company’s pro-active development of the product sector. Sealy are renowned as being leaders in sleep technology so this bed is very much the modern face of pocket sprung mattresses with its zonal construction, Smart Fibres and the exhaustive testing programme for everything from flammability to pressure point management and spinal support. After all, do you really want to sleep on a mattress made the same way as the one your grandparents slept on?” To be more detailed, the Napoli 1200 has a micro-quilted mattress and this wonderfully comfortable bed contains seven zones of specially designed motion and weight responsive pocket springs for total spinal alignment by differentiating the firmness of the springs along the length of the bed. Around the perimeter and underneath, Sealy’s pocket springs are surrounded by their patented Unicase System which offers EdgeGuard - this ensures the sleeper receives proper support with no sagging right up to the very edge of the mattress. In addition, all this is topped off with a deep layer of innergetic latex for outstanding comfort and pressure

relief. The Napoli 1200 also enjoys the benefit of Sealy’s famous Smart Fibres which contain Tencel and Purotex to help keep the mattress materials cool, fresh, dry and hypoallergenic and are endorsed by Allergy UK to reduce house dust mites. The symptoms of house dust mite allergies are a major cause of disturbed sleep, especially for people with asthma, and an average mattress can contain tens of thousands of house dust mites and their waste. A Which? accreditation is trusted by the consumer as objective, trustworthy and hugely important when it comes to making major buying decisions. So, if you haven’t already done so, make an astute buying decision yourself and order some today so your customers can join the ranks of Sealy’s Deeper Sleepers.

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Adjustamatic hopes its marketing offer will help retailers to best advise their customers on the benefits of an adjustable bed

As the adjustable bed market continues to expand, industry expert Adjustamatic reveals how its marketing offer can help retailers make the most of its products.


Sleep expert: James Wilson

ompare a trip around some of the UK’s biggest trade shows today with one ten years ago and you would probably notice a few differences. Designs, materials and colours are all, of course, in a constant state of flux. The starkest difference, however, would probably be the staggering increase in adjustable products. Its fair to say that the technology and manufacturing techniques behind these products has really come into its own in recent years, giving users the ability to customise the way they use an item and really get the most out of it. The way people conduct their everyday

lives has undergone one of the most major shifts in recent memory, and at its heart is the idea that a bed doesn’t have to be merely plain and perfunctory. In times long gone, of course, a bed was somewhere for sleeping and nothing else. Then, of course, the medical industry cottoned onto the health benefits adjustable beds could offer. However, today, as properties reduce in size, and more generations of a family are choosing to live together than has been seen for a long time, bedroom have turned into something of a private sanctuary that people are spending more and more time in, and they require beds

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The company is top of Google rankings for the search term 'adjustable beds' that can adapt to suit this behavior. One business that knows more than most about what a bed is capable of offering is Adjustamatic. Now, having been involved in the production of adjustable furniture for over 50 years, the specialist bed manufacturer thinks its time retailers realized how the company could help them. By bringing the expertise and knowledge it has garnered from its direct sales business to the retail market, Adjustamatic is helping more and more people understand the range of benefits sleeping in an adjustable bed can have. Most of all, the business is keen to emphasise that, as the market for adjustable beds increases, retailers need to really understand the benefits they offer. They aren’t so much a choice for those just with mobility issues but also for those who want a bed to suit their lifestyle. So its understandable that when we got in touch with Adjustamatic’s retail development manager, James Wilson, he was were eager to talk about the marketing offer the company is able to supply the retailers it works with. “We hope our marketing will help retailers to best advise their customers on the benefits of an adjustable bed,” enthuses James. “With our background in direct sales, we can draw upon our extensive database of customers via our 60 seat call-centre, to drive any unconverted sales leads towards a retailer’s store. These potential customers have clearly identified an expression of interest in purchasing an adjustable bed. “We have already seen a 132% increase in leads in the first quarter of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014.” Speaking of 2014, last year alone traffic from Adjustamatic’s direct sales website numbered 58,000 unique visitors, and that is

a statistic that is continuing to grow month on month. In fact, the business has even moved to the top of Google rankings for the search term ‘adjustable beds’. Other impressive statistics include an average audience of 30 million for the company’s print and media advertising campaigns, a number that is growing on a monthly basis. Resources available include a variety of marketing material for retail point of sale including headboard surrounds, branded pillows, and pop-up displays. These assets, among others, are aimed at clearly identifying to customers the benefits of buying a mattress or adjustable bed from Adjustamatic.

The company also offers advertising support via a dedicated marketing team, with access to help and advice as well as various advertising packages that are available dependent on stock contracts, and PR assistance in the form of press releases and event and campaign planning are also available if required. Retailers will gain access to Adjustamatic’s marketing asset library, its consumer guides and its marketing collateral ordering system, as well as having their store listed as an adjustable bed retailer, complete with a search function and location map, on the business’s website. A final key factor that goes into making Adjustamatic’s claims that much more substantial is the fact it can boast a resident sleep expert on its team, in the shape of James himself. A qualified sleep practitioner, James is one of the UK’s leading sleep environment experts, boasting a prestigious list of credentials that is made all the more intriguing when you learn that he is able to make himself available to retailers who may be in need of some Sleep Practitioner Training Advice. As James concludes: “We know that the adjustable bed market is growing as more and more people choose them to suit their lifestyle. As an adjustable bed specialist we can help retailers to understand their benefits and explain these to your customers. “Aside from the Sleep Practitioner Training Advice, we also offer in store training to help our customers understand the benefits of choosing an adjustable bed, so they can pass on that knowledge to their customers.”

The company can provide a variety of marketing material for retail point of sale

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❚ TCS ❚


ROYAL SUCCESS Innovation and growth mark a year of prosperity for Royal Coil manufacturer, TCS.


stablishing a foothold in any market place is a challenging task; going up against established brands and big retailers is no easy feat. However for Managing Director of TCS; Thomas Small, no challenge is too big or too small and competition certainly does not deter or hamper his ambition. In 2013, the upholstery manufacturer broadened the companies brand portfolio with the introduction of the new high end mattress range, Royal Coil. An elegant, sophisticated range designed and engineered by bedding specialists. These luxury mattresses are hand tufted and finished in the finest Belgian damask fabric. Since the introduction in 2013 the brand has gone from strength to strength and this has allowed TCS to expand and develop new models and concepts, offering more choice and verity to independent retailers. Speaking with Thomas, he shared his thoughts and plans with us on the progression

The Su:Hu is a dual temperature control mattress

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❚ TCS ❚


The Ying Yang range is developed from layers of visco foam of Royal Coil. “When we initially launched the brand we knew we were up against massive competition, well known brands which are long established household names, along with inexpensive mass produced mattresses. We were fully aware of the pressure to separate ourselves and establish a unique selling point. "We conducted multiple forms of market research to discover the most popular types of mattress, the favoured price-points and if there was a gap in the market that we could cater for. After the data was compiled we conducted an analysis, this gave us a clear understanding of what was out there and what products the public preferred. "We went straight into production with the four classic models; Spinal Master, Essence, Opulence and the Medi Comfort. The foundation for this range is an exclusively developed pocket sprung unit that offer unrivalled levels of comfort and unparalleled levels of durability. Royal Coil beds have been specially engineered to ensure that they give the correct support to the body exactly where it is needed most.” Thomas continued: “The spring systems are encapsulated in high resilient foam which provides a perfect partner for the springs and ensures very strong mattress walls, which allows for full use across the width of the mattress without the feeling of “roll off” because you are too close to the edge or “roll together” due to different weights. In fact Royal Coil is probably the only mattress where we encourage you to sit on the edge to put on your socks because we have built in features that ensure the mattress will last. We are so confident in our 'foundation spring system' that we provide a 10 year warranty to give you complete peace of mind and the knowledge that what you’re buying is built to last.” TCS aim to make a positive impact on peoples everyday lives and they believe this is

achievable by supplying the best products to their customers. The Royal Coil collections are an ideal example of this philosophy. After the remarkable success of the Royal Coil Classic Collection in the first 12 months of release, the manufacturer expanded the product offering with the introduction of two exciting ranges; Ying Yang and Su:Hu. “We endeavour to provide our customers with an all-inclusive product offering, so in contrast to the Classic Royal Coil collection, these ranges are foam mattresses. Many people like the way that a foam mattress moulds itself to your body, or how it absorbs the movements of a fidgety partner.” The Ying Yang range is developed from layers of visco foam and has a unique inner core engineering system which allows for

separate sleeping platforms. The Ying Yang range offers you the option to select your own comfort level of Soft, Medium or Firm on either the right or left side of your mattress, allowing partners to enjoy the perfect firmness to their liking. The Su:Hu collection is available in two comfort levels, Platinum and Gold. This is a dual temperature control mattress that consists of breathable borders, memory foams, pressure zones and airflow zones, all working together to provide the perfect night’s sleep. This is a mattress range for all seasons, it keeps users cool in the warm summer evenings and when the temperatures start to drop, a swift flip of the mattress ensures a warm resting place for the winter months. We all hope to sleep peacefully at night and one of the most powerful influences towards achieving the best possible sleep is your mattress. Experts suggest we change our mattresses every 7 to 10 years, although many of us fail to follow this advice. Royal Coil offers the ultimate in terms of Comfort Systems and also a variety of comfort levels to suit individual needs. As we are all different in size and shape their personalised solutions provide the best options with no confusion. Visually as well as practically you can see and feel the differences of a Royal Coil mattress. For more information contact TCS on 00353 429 351 351 or email

TCS has gone from strength to strength since it introduced Royal Coil in 2013

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The Swift mattress range has been updated considerably in 2015

Ebrahim Patel, managing director of the Vogue Beds Group, reveals how the revamped Swift Mattress collection is set to run vacuum pack cowboys out of town.


he key to success in the fast-paced UK bed sector is to be quick on the draw when it comes to identifying market opportunities and being a straight shooter for clients by providing dependable service and uncompromising quality. And there is perhaps no better example of these qualities than Leicester-based business, the Vogue Beds Group, which for the past 25-years has been blazing a trail for the advancement of the bed market and pushing the frontiers of the industry. So when Beds Magazine caught up with

the group’s managing director, Ebrahim Patel, it was no surprise to hear that Vogue is once again pioneering a strategy to improve the market for retailers and consumers alike. “As you know, we always like to keep all our respective brands right up to date and constantly re-evaluate them and how they perform in the market,” Ebrahim tells us as we join him at Vogue’s Barwell headquarters. “So for the past few months we’ve really focused on our Swift Mattress brand and updated the range considerably.” While the Swift Mattress brand will

undoubtedly be a familiar name to anyone in the bed sector, the enhancements made by the Vogue Group to Swift’s diverse vacuum packed mattress collection have essentially resulted in a completely new range. “Previously the Swift collection comprised six options,” explains Ebrahim, continuing: “Four of these have been completely revamped with new fabrics and finishes, two have remained unchanged, and we’ve also added a completely new model, which features an innovative gel pad. This, much

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Manufacturing Memory 200

Talalay Latex 300

like the Swift Talalay latex mattress before it, we believe, is a first for the vacuum packed market. It’s just another way of demonstrating our drive to push the industry forwards.” The addition of the Gel Feel 300 brings Swift’s offer up to a magnificent seven, which also incorporates memory foam, Blu Cool memory foam and latex options to provide retailers with the most comprehensive range of choices for vacuum packed mattresses. However, expanding consumer choice has not been the only focus of Swift’s recent reimagining. “Unfortunately I think that there are a lot of vacuum packed mattresses out there which are little more than a piece of foam that has been rolled up and designed purely to allow people to compete at the bottom-end of the market,” muses Ebrahim. “Unsurprisingly these just aren’t very good, and we think that consumers deserve better. The Vogue Group is, first and foremost a mattress manufacturer. We are only interested in producing quality products. So when we designed the Swift Mattress collection we set out to create something that looks and feels like a proper, traditional mattress. “None of the mattresses in the Swift range have zip covers, they all have a boarder and are tape-edged top and bottom, so they actually look like mattresses and not like something designed purposely to be vacuum packed. We really want customers

to know they have bought a proper mattress irrespective of how it is ultimately packaged. “We wanted to make the Swift collection look just like other mattresses in-store, so that it’s only when the customer is asked if they would like to take it home with them there and then – because they are physically able to do so – that they actually realise that they are a vacuum packed product.” But as the business began enhancing the product range and further investigating the vacuum pack market in general, it quickly became apparent that the Swift brand had, up until now at least, never truly reached its full potential. And this revelation triggered a definite change in direction for the brand. Ebrahim explains: “I think in the past, the Swift collection was almost like an add-on service. We had clients who would place orders for X amount of beds from the wider Vogue portfolio and then say ‘can we take one or two of your vacuum packed mattresses too?’ and we’d just add them on to the order. “So when we re-visited the brand to update it and began to look at what else was available in the market, we realised how much potential there was if, rather than being treated as an add-on service, it was marketed as a single entity. “We asked ourselves how we should go about to doing this and concluded that the most beneficial strategy for both the brand and for retailers would be to position it as a volume product. So unlike the more cosmetic updates we have made to our other brands in the recent past, Swift has undergone a more pronounced change of focus. We’re really excited about it.” The Vogue Group’s dedication to increasing the overall product quality and supply of the vacuum packed market has certainly arrived at an opportune moment. As convenience continues to play an ever-increasing role in consumer purchasing decisions, the option to pop out and collect a genuinely high quality mattress without any need to wait for a delivery is certain to be appealing. And in order to allow retailers to capitalise on this in the future, Vogue has introduced an equally appealing offer for Swift stockists. “Having really taken the time to study this particular market, we’ve identified that the retailers most likely to take this type of product want to hold some in stock so customers can take them home straight away,” Ebrahim explains. “So in order to assist stockists we’ve introduced three price points in accordance with the volume of orders placed. In essence we have three price brackets; orders of one to five mattresses remain at the price they’ve been in recent years, then for orders of six to 11 there’s a significant discount, and then for

12 upwards there is a further saving. We’ve worked it out and concluded that those retailers purchasing in larger volumes can make savings of up to 18%. So basically, the more people order, the more money they save.” It certainly appears that the newly positioned Swift Mattress brand and its magnificent seven mattresses are on target to change the vacuum packed market, as we know it. In fact, with their outstanding quality, breadth of choice and considered pricing, Beds is in no doubt retailers will be swift on the draw to place their orders and take full advantage of the opportunities afforded. However, don’t think that, having succeeded in significantly altering the landscape of the vacuum packed mattress market, that Ebrahim and the team at Vogue are about to ride off in to the sunset. As is always the case with this progressive business, it seems as though another adventure awaits. “We’ve pretty much finished all the work on Swift now, so we’re about to start work on our next project,” reveals Ebrahim as our meeting draws to a close, before concluding: “We try to re-evaluate two of our brands each year so that we remain at the forefront of everything. That’s what we’re about as a business and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” NEW Gel Feel 300

Blu Cool Memory 400

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Silentnight has employed around 30 apprentices over the last few years

Bedmakers sprang into action when the government called for new apprenticeship standards to be set by the industry. Now world class qualifications are set to be available from 2016. ❚ 44 ❚ Beds - May 2015 - Book.indb 44

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edmaking apprenticeships are poised to set new standards across the industry. Representatives from furniture companies, training providers and furniture industry bodies nominated Michael Dingwall, of Silentnight, their chair in early 2014 as they set about applying for a Trailblazer – the name given to the government scheme to develop new apprenticeships. One pathway within the new furniture manufacturing apprenticeship standard is bed making. The bed making working group, supported by Burnley College and Proskills UK – the company charged by Westminster with developing occupational standards and qualifications nationwide – has met numerous times to establish the new standard. Michael said: “This is our opportunity as an industry to get the skills, knowledge and behaviours we as employers want from our apprentices in the future, formally set out in a new standard. This will then ensure we train all future apprentices to best practice standards across the industry. “The process has been running for seven months now and we have developed three of the seven occupational areas under the furniture industry banner namely, general furniture manufacturing, upholstery and bed making. The four other occupational area pathways should be completed by September.” More than 100 organisations within the furniture industry are supporting the scheme, including the National Bed Federation which is acting as a facilitator to encourage members to get involved. The new apprenticeships – set at level two, the equivalent of a GCSE - should be available for young people starting out in 2016. Simon Williams, of the National Bed

Apprentices can offset an ageing workforce

Silentnight apprentices: (l-r) Dan Cracknell, Callum Gough, Jake Dearden, Jordan Hargadon Federation, commented: “The standards are about setting a profile of what we want from employees as a bed maker. They include specific skills for our sector and more general furniture making skill." Requirements for the suite of competencies include mattress making and divan and headboard making. Apprentices will be expected to prove their ability to prepare and operate machinery as well as understand specifications, materials and documentation. Mattress making options include tape edging, assembly, tufting, quilting, sewing borders/labels, panel cutting and hand side stitching. Divan and headboard options cover upholstery, frame making, drawer making, sewing, wood machining, CNC routing, laying and cutting fabrics and headboard upholstery. Apprentices will be asked to choose at least four requirements from the list of skills – these could be all involved with mattress making,

2016 will see new apprenticeships

The scheme is well supported or with divans and headboards or a mixture of the two specialisms. In addition, sufficient knowledge must be proved of core requirements such as team working, maintaining tools and equipment, materials, customers, and health, safety and the environment. Michael sees the standards as an opportunity for bed companies to embrace the apprenticeship route as employers. He said: ”There are many advantages for our industry to look at apprentices such as offsetting an ageing workforce, multi-skilling while keeping labour costs controlled, new ideas and questioning approaches and employing a new generation of furniture or bed makers with a nationally recognised, useful qualification. Silentnight has employed around 30 apprentices over the last few years and we intend to continue to use this method of recruitment for years to come.” “We do urge any company in the furniture industry that is interested in apprentices now, or could be in the future, to have a look at what we are doing. I would welcome any requests to review the draft standards we have written and ask for any feedback.”

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Chairman: Peter George Keen

Chairman: Peter George Keen Retail sales director: James Keen Internal key accounts manager: Sarah Jane Keen



ounded in the early 1900s as a furniture manufacturer in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, family-owned Hypnos is today known specifically for its handmade mattresses and beds. The Hypnos bed brand was originally created in 1904, with the iconic ‘God of Sleep’ logo created for use within all marketing and documentation from the 1920s. The business G H & S Keen joined forces with another family business, William S Toms, specialising in beds and bedroom furniture in the 1970s. The partnership was formally unified in the1980s when Hypnos Limited was established as the trading name by which time the business was completely specialising in mattress and bed making. A revised Hypnos company logo was created in harmony with the prestigious Royal Warrant mark – something the Keen family has held since 1929 from when it supplied all the palaces with a variety of beds and upholstered furniture. A series of overseas manufacturing licensees were appointed in the 1990s to ensure the Hypnos brand and products continued to reach a global market. The UK business continued to export into Europe and around the world. A dedicated contract beds factory was established at Long Eaton, in Nottingham in 2000 to supply hotel beds in the UK and around the world. Today, Hypnos is a £40 million business with two separate divisions with dedicated factories and teams: one focusing on supplying luxury hand crafted beds for consumers via bed and furniture retailers around the world; the other focusing on supplying contract beds to the worldwide hospitality market. Customers include leading independent retailers as well as national and international customers, among them John Lewis, Furniture Village, House of Fraser and Dreams, plus Marriott, Holiday Inn, InterContinental, Premier Inn and The Rocco Forte Collection.

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PETER KEEN, CHAIRMAN How long did you lead the business on a day-to-day basis? My father died without telling me when I was in my early 30’s leaving me a chair and bed making business and the Hypnos brand, with a pedigree stretching back to 1904. I then set our first year’s sales budget at £100,000 and led the business on a day-to-day basis for some 30 years and grew it substantially. With only one ‘O’ level I needed to bring in a professional managing director which I did some six years ago and it was probably the best decision of my life. We have continued to grow in the UK and overseas and should achieve £40 million sales this year. In a family business they say the first generation starts it, the second generation makes it, the third generation spends it and the fourth generation re-starts it – which is me. So if the fifth generation - my two children James and Sarah - make it, no doubt my grandson Willem will spend it – but who cares I shan’t be around!

Retail sales director: James Keen

Internal key accounts manager: Sarah Jane Keen

What were your main achievements for the company? I think it was firstly opening the John Lewis account which we have managed for nearly 40 years; developing Hypnos into a powerful and recognisable brand; creating a fantastic network of independent retailers, many of whom are life-long friends; moving our workshops from High Wycombe to Princes Risborough and creating a dedicated hotel bed company. I am also proud to have gained a Royal Warrant for the supply of beds to all the royal residences, and equally to have retained our Royal Warrant status while constantly developing our company to satisfy the royal family’s evolving environmental policy. Equally I am proud to have done my bit to help the business win the NBF’s ‘Bed Manufacturer of the Year’ award twice, but this was definitely achieved through the dedication of all the team at Hypnos. Was it a ‘given’ that your son and daughter would take over from you? We are still in the process of 'succession planning' in regard to who does what and when. Nevertheless I have learnt from experience that despite having a controlling interest in the business, with my sister holding the balance of the shares, it became impossible for our two families and our children to work together and I have since had to buy my sister's shares. While my managing director was mainly appointed to run the business, he was also tasked with giving my children an education in how to run a business. This mentoring has

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❚ FEATURE ❚ been very successful and continues today. I have another son, Richard Keen, who has not joined the business and has carved a very successful career outside of beds, and is unlikely to join the family business. How difficult has it been to hand over the business to them? This is a ‘work in progress’ - I must get it right. What have been their main achievements to date? My son, James Keen, is responsible for our retail sales and over the last three to four years he has been the architect for an amazing increase in the volume of bed sales, driven by introducing new products and opening many new accounts. He has developed a very strong sales team and is a good leader. My daughter, Sarah Keen, is the first point of contact in our retail sales office for our national key accounts and our international retailers. She organises their varied needs with incredible ease and has developed some amazing relationships. She also spent two years in the USA helping to launch Hypnos. How difficult or easy has it been to work with your son/daughter?

Industry It has been very easy to work with my son and daughter in the company, but as we see each other every day it does mean the family relationship, as opposed to a business relationship, can be difficult and a little cloudy. How would you like to see them take the business forward? I would want them to continue to develop Hypnos into a globally recognised brand with a strong reputation for quality, comfort and value-for-money. The business should continue to grow its international sales across both the retail and hospitality markets, attracting new talent with the skills necessary to manage a larger international business and to develop our processes, systems and production capabilities. I trust that we will remain committed to the environment as reinforced by our carbon neutral status, and will work hard to help the communities around our factories. How closely do they ‘follow your dream’ or do they have ideas of their own? With regard to the future and following my dream, the children know how I think and it is up to them how they handle the future without me. I can be upstairs looking down or

downstairs looking up. Would you like to see the business kept in the family? I think that is what will happen unless somebody comes along and offers a ridiculously huge amount of money for it. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? Yes. A family business cares from the top to the bottom and we are not just in it for salaries or titles. A family business is also more patient and is committed to growing while maintaining such core values as putting the customer first. It is interesting – I have always believed that the two most important people in my company are one, the receptionist who answers the telephone and two, the lorry driver who delivers the bed. They are the first and last contact with the customer: how they behave will be remembered. JAMES KEEN, RETAIL SALES DIRECTOR Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? No, not at all. I was never forced to go in to

Dovecot Road

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Industry it. I believe you have to want to do something in order to make a success of it. Also, just because it is a family business, shouldn’t give us the automatic right to work here. You have to earn your stripes in life and a family business should always think on the same lines. Dad always said to us we would only do a role we were capable of doing. If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing now? I have no idea. I have always had an interest in business and manufacturing in general, so I would have carved my career out in that market somewhere. Who has been your greatest role model in business? My dad (obviously). What do you see as your father’s main achievements in developing the business? The number one thing is looking after the brand and the business, growing it and keeping it stable for the next generation. To some extent we are all just custodians of the brand. How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? Very. People always think you will be the same and often expect the same, but you are different people with different thoughts and ideas. Often there is no right or wrong, they are just different opinions. Both have a valuable input in to the business. Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business strategy? To some extent, but it’s not only me in the business. We are a family business and we all matter. How does your vision for the company differ from that of your father? Similar in many ways. We want to continue to grow, but by staying 100% focused on our core business of making beds. How would you like to take the business forward? We want to grow the business and increase awareness of the Hypnos brand around the world. Increasing sales is important but so is growing it profitably. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes, absolutely. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies?

1947 Hypnos showroom Yes, most definitely. We have a love and passion for what we do and that ‘ownership’ and ‘passion’ filters down throughout the whole business and translates in to everything we do. Ultimately we can make any decision we like to delight our customers. We can instil a real personality in to our business. SARAH KEEN, INTERNAL KEY ACCOUNTS MANAGER Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? No, not at all. We were never forced to go in to it. To be honest, I did many other jobs before joining the business but none of them meant anything more than just being a job. Working in the family business has a lot more meaning because you are emotionally involved. If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing now? I would definitely have worked for the police force. I was a volunteer cadet in my teenage years and then worked as an administrator for a few years in my local police station and loved every minute of it. Who has been your greatest role model in business? My dad definitely. He has such a good head on his shoulders and knows (most of the time!) when to let other people more qualified than him, make decisions about the business. How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? This has been ok for me. I know it is much harder for my brother James. People will always compare us to our dad and I’m ok with

this because I have a lot of respect for dad. Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business strategy? I am a director in the holding company, not in Hypnos, so do not have a huge amount of dealings with business strategy. It’s a nice position to be in because dad, my brother James and the directors make the day-to-day decisions and I trust them implicitly. How does your vision for the company differ from that of your father? Very similar. We want to continue to grow and do the thing we do best which is making beds and keeping this business in the family. How would you like to take the business forward? Ideally we want the business to grow nationally and internationally but still keep the family business feel. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes, absolutely. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? Yes, most definitely. It is nice to be dealing with some of our independent retailers who are also family businesses and they understand the love and also the stress you get from a family business. It makes us very passionate about everything we do.

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HARRISON SPINKS Family businesses continue to hold an important place in the bedding industry where skills and know-how are passed down from one generation to the next. But how easy is that transition? Does the outgoing generation find it hard to hand over to the incoming one? And how overshadowed does the younger generation feel by what has gone before? Jan Turner asks each a few searching questions! Chairman: Peter Spinks Managing director: Simon Spinks Farm events manager: Ruth Ferguson Process control assistant: Daniel Simon Spinks Simon, Peter, Ruth and Daniel Spinks



he origins of this Leeds based company began in 1840 at The Bedding House of Rhodes, which later evolved into Somnus Bedding and became a dominant player in the industry. In 1885, Arthur Spink, a bed maker at Joseph Longley decided to start his own business, joined forces with John Edgar, a salesman, and began trading as Spink & Edgar. Arthur retired in 1927 and left the

company to his onetime apprentice, Albert Harrison. He was subsequently joined by Albert Parker, who had learned his trade at The Bedding House of Rhodes and the two became partners when the business was incorporated as A Harrison Bedding in 1933. When Albert Harrison retired in 1937, Albert Parker continued, later to be succeeded by his son-in-law Ron Spinks and his grandson, Peter Spinks the current chairman. His great grandson, Simon Spinks, is the current managing director. In 1979 A Harrison Bedding moved to

the present Westland Road site from where Peter Spinks moved the focus of the business from the contract to retail sector and Harrisons seriously moved into the luxury bed market. The company has further expanded into components manufacturing and diversified into other markets such as upholstery and cot mattresses, even re-entering the contract market with a much higher luxury product offering.






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Revolutionary days - Simon and Peter Spinks PETER SPINKS, CHAIRMAN How long did you lead the business on a day-to-day basis? 50 years and still going! What were your main achievements for the company? Establishing Harrison Spinks as a dominant player in the high end pocket spring beds market, through the invention of the unique Revolution Spring System. Was it a ‘given’ that your son would take over from you? Yes, the decision to join the business was very much Simon's. From a young age it was clear that he would become managing director of the company. My daughter Ruth is in charge of managing events at our farm and for the day-to-day running of Hornington Manor. How difficult has it been to hand over the business to Simon? Not difficult at all. I have always had a tremendous amount of faith in the direction that Simon has taken the business. He has taken the business further than I ever would have and has had the vision to expand the business into a global market and outside of beds. What have been his main achievements to date? Creating a business model whereby we are

vertically integrated, designing and creating unique springs, growing fillings on our own farm and processing our own upholstery. He has also continued to strengthen our position in the luxury bed market and expanded into other markets with our components business.

businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? Being a family business and not having shareholders to answer to makes the decision making process much quicker, which definitely gives us the competitive advantage.

How difficult or easy has it been to work with Simon? Not difficult at all - we have always had a good working relationship. These days Simon has free rein to run the business as he sees fit and I don’t get involved in the day to day decision making.


How would you like to see him take the business forward? By continuing to build on the success we have experienced in recent years and expanding into different markets, while keeping our roots firmly set in the UK and global bed markets. How closely does he ‘follow your dream’ – or does he have ideas all of his own? Luckily we share the same dreams, so I trust Simon to make decisions and tell me about them, rather than me telling him what to do. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes, most definitely. Simon’s son Daniel is already cutting his teeth in manufacturing at Harrison Spinks. Do you think independently owned, family

Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? I began my career at Harrison Spinks at the age of 11, working during the school holidays to pay off a debt for a new bike. I think dad always had a vague plan for me to one day join the business, but it took a long time for me to realise this. If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing now? At the age of 19, having spent every holiday working at Harrisons, the only thing I knew was that I didn’t want to work at Harrison Spinks! However I didn’t know what I wanted to be, so I fancied becoming an estate agent. I soon realised that selling houses was nowhere near as exciting as developing and selling beds, so fortunately dad offered me the same money to join the Harrison Spinks family business as I was getting at the estate agents, along with the promise of a pay increase after six months. The pay increase took much longer to materialise - working for the family business is most definitely a labour of love and certainly in the early days, my salary was much lower than I could have earned

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Industry anywhere else. Who has been your greatest role model in business? Ronnie Spinks, my grandfather. He was the first person in the business to really differentiate products and create reasons for customers to sell higher priced mattresses. He taught me that the bed industry is all about people and building relationships. His mantra was ‘look after our customers' interests, that in turn looks after our interests.’ What do you see as your father’s main achievements in developing the business? Marketing was dad’s major strength; he took the concept of telling a story about the product to the next level, creating ranges like Sleepers Choice. This range then evolved into Bed Tailor, which today is still the most successful of the Harrison ranges. How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? Very difficult. Dad is such a big character, not only within the business but in the industry as a whole. I have found my own path in the business by concentrating on areas which complemented dad’s vision for the product. He would have the creative ideas for product designs and I would bring them to life in the factory. This partnership has allowed me to make my own mark within the business and innovate in areas which feed my instinctive engineering nature. Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business strategy? I have today - now that dad has total trust in my direction and decision making process. In my 20’s he and I would often disagree and

he wouldn’t allow me to follow my vision. But when I turned 30 I convinced him to promote himself to chairman, after which life became much easier. How does your vision for the company differ from that of your father? I suspect that I am becoming more and more like my dad! We share the same vision and eccentric approach to the business. For example, when I suggested we buy the farm, there was some resistance from other members of the board, but not from dad who appreciated and understood the madness of the idea. How would you like to take the business forward? Harrison Spinks will always be a business whose core understanding originates from beds, but through innovation in comfort and by being more vertical, we now supply many different markets such as car seating, upholstery and footwear. Ultimately Harrison Spinks has the capacity to become a multichannel global business. We draw our own wire, build the machinery to make our own springs, grow fillings at the farm, card our own fillings and even grow our own timber, as well as making finished beds and sofas. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Definitely. My son Dan who is 20, now works in the process control department and is learning the ropes of the business from the inside out. I think he still has to find his own path within the business, but beds are in his blood and he is passionate about the business and proud of our achievements to date.

Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? The freedom and flexibility in decision making is key to the success of our business. As dad says, this is so much easier when the only people we have to answer to is ourselves. Often the best ideas and decisions are born out of conversations at the coffee machine, the hub of the business. This also facilitates the business in listening to our customer needs and reacting to them, helping to form strong relationships and fantastic confidence in our product. RUTH FERGUSON, FARM EVENTS MANAGER Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? It was always encouraged but never expected. I was keen to develop my own career and establish my own role outside of the family business before I joined. I felt it important to discover my own strengths and find my own way before committing to the join the family business. If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing? I studied international fashion marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University and started a career in this subject. I have a natural BEDSTEADS - vintage poster

Harrison's vintage advert

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❚ FEATURE ❚ passion for fashion and would have continued on this path. Who has been your greatest role model in business? My father and brother have taken incredible business risks and sacrificed so much to ensure the business has moved forward and I really admire this. My father-in-law is also an incredibly inspirational business man and my husband continues to inspire me in all aspects of his growing businesses. What do you see as your father’s main achievements in developing the business? My mother and father re-mortgaged the family home to invest in the family business, taking huge risks in the early days to ensure its success. My dad has also managed to maintain a great working atmosphere and takes the time to talk to and motivate all staff members. He has also paved the way for my brother to take the business to the next level. He set a great foundation and solid business model to allow the next generation to push and move the business forward. How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? I think you feel more pressure from family members and staff when your family own the business. You also put more pressure on yourself to succeed and want more than anything to make your family proud of your achievements. My father and brother are very careful not to give any special privileges to family members and, if anything, push them harder to prove themselves. Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business model? Peter and Simon have always encouraged

Industry me to find my own path within the family business and encouraged me to take my own risks to move the business forward. This gives you the freedom to find your own way and make mistakes and learn from them. I have been lucky in my most recent role within the business as farm events manager, to manage this unit as I see fit and implement new ideas. How would you like to the take the business forward? As the business is growing so fast in so many different directions, I have really enjoyed taking on and developing a new venture within the business. It has allowed me to push that part of the business in the direction I wanted and prove its worth. Taking on a brand new role and moving on a brand new part of the business has been my greatest achievement within my career. Would you like the business kept in the family. It would be great to keep the business within the family as there has always been a strong family link throughout its history. It would be sad to lose that. Do you think independently owned family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? I think independently run companies have a greater ability move and react quickly to new business opportunities. AND FINALLY…..DANIEL SIMON SPINKS, PROCESS CONTROL ASSISTANT Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? If you were to ask my dad, 100% yes. Beds are in my blood and that’s how ‘Us Spinks’ are!

Simon, Peter and Ronnie Spinks If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing now? If I hadn’t joined Harrison Spinks when I did, I would have gone to university, most likely to study business. Who has been your greatest role model in business? My dad. He has achieved so much and taken the business into so many different markets. What do you see as your father’s main achievements in developing the business? The two most significant areas of impact have been in the invention of new pocket spring technology and the restoration of Hornington Manor Farm, where we grow crops and rear sheep to produce our own upholstery fillings. How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? That’s probably a question for the future! Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business strategy? I’ve been introduced to the business in the same way as any other employee and that is how my colleagues treat me. How would you like to take the business forward? Carry on innovating/expanding. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes. It has been important to my dad (Simon), granddad (Peter) and great granddad (Ronnie). Eventually I can see it being important to me too. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? Harrison Spinks has a long history that has given us the reputation we have today. The fact that’s been done within the family is a bonus.

Early days for Harrison bedding

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he company’s origins go back to 1986 when David Trickett started Remach, a company that bought and sold used mattress machinery. In October 1989, as the result of a strong business relationship between founders David Trickett and Paul Rodgers, Dimegrove Engineering was born with each owning 50% of the business. In 1993 the company designed and built the Matramax tape edge machine, now widely regarded as the 'industry standard' and operational in almost every bedding company within the UK, Ireland and many other countries throughout the world. It was followed in 1995 by the Borda-Tac, the first machine of its kind to replicate hand side stitching on a mattress. Four years later the company bought out two major competitors - Matramatic and P.Fanghanel. In 2001 another 'first of its kind' was achieved by the company with the launch of the Auto-Tuft at MPT Group's brand new 26,000 sq.ft. headquarters in Bacup, Lancashire. The machine was and remains the first and only fully automatic mattress tufting machine. The current ‘star in the crown’ is the Infinity Sleep Support System, an automatic continuous wire spring unit manufacturing system that has proven to be the most successful machine ever produced within the MPT Group’s history. It will also form the bedrock for MPT’s next new venture, the formation of a new spring unit production company. This will take David right back to where he started in the mattress industry in 1974.

David (left) and Andrew Trickett

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Group director David Trickett Managing director Andrew Trickett

How long did you lead the business on a day-to-day basis? Since its inception – along with my business partner Paul Rodgers. I first started working in the mattress industry in 1974 with a sales position at Doric Springs, major producers and suppliers of spring units to the bedding and seating industry. In 1978 I joined R.M. Truscott, producers of coir fibre and felt pads to the bedding and seating industry and part of the John Cotton Group. After going in to business with Paul, who has been responsible for the design of all MPT Group’s machinery, both past and present, I was responsible, between 1989 and 2007 for obtaining sales in both the home and export markets. I also headed up the financial management and administration of the company. What were your main achievements for the company? Getting the company recognised as the key designers and suppliers of mattress production equipment to the UK bedding industry. Was it a ‘given’ that Andrew would take over from you? Yes. Andrew started working as a sales representative for Dimegrove Engineering. In 1993 he left to gain experience in the computer industry before re-joining the company in 2000 following the takeover of Matramatic and P.Fanghanel. He is now the MPT Group managing director and a 25% shareholder. What have been his main achievements to date? Andrew has been directly responsible for the launch and ultimate success of the Infinity Sleep Support product, achieving fantastic sales of the system throughout the world.

How difficult has it been to hand over the business to Andrew? I suppose the old man has to relinquish the reins at some time and let the young generation take the business into the next stage of its life. Andrew’s success with his vision of the business has been proven, particularly, in the world sales of Infinity Sleep Support System. How would you like to see him take the business forward? To continue to take the business forward on the world stage, reinforcing our position as a major manufacturer and supplier of high quality, advanced mattress production equipment. How closely does he ‘follow your dream’ – or does he have ideas all of his own? Andrew is following my dream in the successes that we are currently experiencing in the sales of our equipment range and the planned launch of the new spring unit supply company. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes, I would like to see the business remain in the family. Ultimately though, it’s the continued success of the business that is paramount and therefore that desire cannot necessarily be set in stone. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? My opinion is that small family owned businesses prosper better because decisions can be reached very quickly, you are spending your own money and therefore, the determination and hunger to succeed is far more evident in self-made individuals.

MPT early days

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“ in a in a

MPT single blade slitting machine made in 1991 at MPT's very first 1500 sq.ft. factory in Bacup, Lancashire ANDREW TRICKETT, MANAGING DIRECTOR Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? Yes, for as long as I can remember I wanted to work for my father. I was involved in the bedding industry even while at school. I spent time working for my father during the school holidays, helping recondition machinery or delivering it with him, albeit for small amounts of pocket money. If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing now? That's a very hard question as my vision was always to be involved in the company. I think if I hadn't re-joined the company in 2000 I would have pursued a career in IT. Who has been your greatest role model in business? It goes without saying that my father has always been a role model for me, but Paul Rodgers has also played a very important part in my development in becoming managing director of MPT Group today. Both Paul and my father have an amazing amount of knowledge about the industry which has proved invaluable to have access to. What do you see as your father’s main achievements in developing the business? The vision he had in setting up his own company at such an early stage in his life

was a huge achievement, coupled with the takeover of Fanghanel and Matramatic. This resulted in the formation of a new business which has become a UK market leader.

what he has built and taught me as well as take on a new dimension to allow MPT Group to be at the leading edge in its industry.

How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? I don't think I could ever walk in my father footsteps. They are big boots to fill but what I can do is carry on with the spirit he has shown all his life and this will be defined by what will take place in the future. The next 12 months will see the start of a new company utilising the Infinity Spring System, to produce and manufacture springs for distribution into the UK, USA and Canadian markets. This will be an exciting time and conveys the ambition which the founders of the business have always held.

How would you like to take the business forward? By expanding the company using the patented technologies recently developed for the production of springs. I also think that we have huge opportunities within the US market for our mattress machinery range.

Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business strategy? It sometimes feels difficult to make your own goals and visions become reality in a family business where your father is the founder. However, I feel it is a positive to learn from such great experience and knowledge. It lays the foundation to take the business to a new level.

Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? I have the same feelings as my father on this. Family businesses are much quicker to react to market situations and are able to make important decisions much faster. There is a heart and soul mentality which can't be replicated in larger, more corporate organisations. I also feel that clients like to know that they are dealing with the owners of the business - I’m sure this offers reassurance and confidence.

How does your vision for the company differ from that of your father? As my father has built the company that I am now privileged to lead it means I have the best of both worlds. I can learn and respect

Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes I would, as I think it would be amazing to know that the legacy that has been created in MPT Group could be carried on for generations to come.



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“Great quality, intelligent design and boutique inspired aesthetics”


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Chairman Chris Nash Managing director Michael Nash



he company was started in September 1986 by Chris and Daphne Nash and began trading in June 1987 from a 10000,sq ft factory in Didcot Oxfordshire. The business was established to supply foam to UK upholstery manufacturers; at the time there were more than 130 foam converters and 11 foam block manufacturers. In 1988, the company became one of the first converters to switch to flame retardant foams following the introduction of The Furnishing and Fire Regulations Act. In 2003, SleepShaper was born with the original memory foam

mattress winning two Which? Best Buy awards. Other firsts included a ‘mattress in a box’, a non-motorised, adjustable tension mattress, vertically ventilated memory foam, and most recently, an innovative partnership with Mammoth Sport to bring exclusive medical grade foam mattresses to the UK retail market. The company now has many high profile customers in converted foam, polyester fibre scatter cushions, and a comprehensive range of mattresses under the brands Revitalise, SleepShaper, and Mammoth, as well as white label mattresses and pillows for leading retailers. In 2014, it moved to a new manufacturing facility to support its growth.

CHRIS NASH, CHAIRMAN (DINOSAUR!) How long did you lead the business on a day-to-day basis? 20 years. What were your main achievements for the company? Achieving two Which? Best Buy awards in the early 2000’s after changing the direction from foam converter to mattress manufacturer.

Also, ensuring that the business endured through the tough times to flourish today.

chose to pursue a different career path after university 'to see if he was any good'.

Was it a ‘given’ that your son would take over from you? No. It took a long time for Mike to decide it was right for him to join the board. He finally agreed when I offered him £X,000 per annum and he replied: 'Actually I’d like a bit more than that dad!' Seriously it was always a hope that he would join us, but he

How difficult has it been to hand over the business to Mike? As a founder it is difficult to hand over the reins of your company and watch the changes happen, some of which you might not totally understand or totally agree with. However, if you appoint someone to do the job, then let them do it!

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Industry What have been his main achievements to date? Mike has evolved the company into a very modern, well equipped and forward thinking business. He has overseen the development of a completely new management structure which controls every aspect of the business. How difficult or easy has it been to work with Mike? Mike and I have two different relationships: one as chairman and MD; and one as father and son. They inevitably overlap, much to the consternation of our wives, but they get over it! Our business relationship is good and positive and very forward thinking. As father and son it is terrific. How would you like to see him take the business forward? Mike has tripled our turnover in the last five years and I expect to see the company further develop its brand using its undoubted talent to design and market new products. The company is fast becoming a leader in its sector and I am sure this will continue far into the future. How closely does he ‘follow your dream’ – or does he have ideas all of his own? We share the same targets, but the dreams are now starting to become reality. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes, I can see my grandsons Jack and Harry involved, but business today is very different to when I started. I am sure that the right decisions regarding the company will be made as and when required. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? The one major advantage is that we do genuinely care. It is our family name which is on the line, so to speak, and I can assure you that our responses to our staff, customers and suppliers are very considered and heartfelt. We aim to be the best that we can possibly be, and then a bit better than that. MICHAEL NASH, MANAGING DIRECTOR Was it always expected that you would take a role in the family business? It was always a possibility, as I guess it is with most family businesses, but never a definite plan. Dad and I were keen to make sure it was the correct business decision for me to join, and not an emotional one. I was always certain that I wanted to be successful in my own right first, and so worked in

other industries for around 10 years before eventually joining in 2007. Plus, I would have been useless to the business at the age of 21 (dad would probably argue that hasn’t changed!) If you weren’t in the business, what else would you be doing now? Probably still working for my last company in a consulting or management role. Far less interesting than the bed industry! Who has been your greatest role model in business? A little predictable perhaps, but clearly mum and dad are major influences. They kept the business going through extremely difficult times, and had the foresight to produce a mattress all those years ago. Importantly, they have always looked after others before themselves, keeping money in the business rather than taking it out. But perhaps most notably, they have worked together for nearly 30 years, and are still happily married! Outside of the family, it has to be Steve Jobs. His unwavering vision of what the market would eventually want – despite early scepticism – was nothing short of astounding. What do you see as your father’s main achievements in developing the business? Taking the risk to begin with is certainly one. Those who take that uneasy step into risking everything and starting their own business know how tough it can be, and those people deserve every reward they get. Being successful for so many years in a competitive environment is another – along with the vision to launch that first mattress. How difficult has it been to follow in your father’s footsteps? In many ways, not that difficult, because dad made it very easy for me. I have heard stories of other businesses where the father remains very active day to day, and overrules the son/daughter regularly. Dad has never done that. My challenge is to try and gain the same attention to detail that he has, not always my strong point. Having said that, this is why the relationship works – everyone has different strengths, and this relationship is no different.

differ from that of your father? I am not sure it does differ. We obviously share a vision of success for our family, and while we don’t strive to be the biggest, we strive to be the best – we are not there yet, but we will be. Perhaps most importantly, we have a mutually shared passion to treat people how we would like to be treated ourselves – with great honesty, humility, and care. How would you like to take the business forward? We want to continue to bring new innovations to the market, with proven benefits to the consumer. We try not to launch gimmicks, and invest lots of time and money into making sure what we say is backed up by good evidence. Our relationship with John Tuton and Mammoth is exciting and one we wish to grow, as well as developing our core SleepShaper and Revitalise products. Plus hopefully something very special in the near future that we are working on. Would you like to see your business kept in the family? Yes, but it would have to be right for the business first and foremost, and I would want my boys to make their own way in life first and be the best options for any roles that were available. There is certainly no pressure to join. Plus we have great people in the business whose name isn’t Nash, who share the same ethics and passion as if they were a member of the family. Do you think independently owned, family businesses have a commercial advantage over corporate companies? Absolutely. That is not to say that corporates are bad – many of them produce some great products and they have infrastructure and finances which give them an instant advantage. However, we are playing with our money and our own name: this means you have an extra passion and care for what you do which you simply can’t teach or learn. That can only benefit our customers, and the end consumers they service.

Do you feel you have total freedom to follow your own business strategy? Yes, absolutely. Dad will occasionally share an opinion if he strongly disagrees, but always allows me to make the final decision, which is refreshing. How does your vision for the company

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A HEAD START Silentnight tells Beds how it plans to boost sales with its new Achievements marketing campaign.


ilentnight has this month launched its new Achievements marketing campaign, which focuses on the ultimate benefits of quality sleep – waking bright, feeling refreshed and being ready to achieve. With over 60 years’ experience of producing quality sleep solutions for the whole family, Silentnight knows just what can be gained from a great night’s sleep and is using its Achievements campaign to communicate its benefits through advertising, social media and PR. The integrated campaign celebrates what can be achieved with a great night’s sleep thanks to Silentnight - from a mum running a 10k to a schoolboy winning a football trophy. The ’You Can Achieve’ campaign will run across all communication from May 2015 including online, outdoor, national press, home interest and social media. There is also a 30 second advert video-on-demand campaign and a separate brand video to be hosted on retailer web-sites. The campaign is set to run until March 2016 and Silentnight has committed to a significant media spend over the next 12 months. A dedicated content hub on the Silentnight website under the theme of Sleep for Success gives consumers the background to the campaign, as well as a blog which is updated on a daily basis with Silentnight achievers, sleep tips from sleep expert, Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, and a competition to nominate somebody you think has achieved.

The new campaign focuses on the ultimate benefits of quality sleep

Olympian and super mum collaboration Alongside the advertising and website content, the brand is set to run PR and social media activity specific to the campaign. The bed manufacturer has signed Olympic athlete and super mum, Jo Pavey, to front PR activity for Achievements with involvement in press days and social media initiatives. The athlete is well known and respected for juggling a successful running career with a family. The British long distance runner has

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Reportage photography reflects day-to-day living with a sense of fun and energy

taken part in four Olympic Games and recently achieved gold in the 10,000m race at the Zurich 2014 European Championships, at the age of 41, just ten months after giving birth to her second child. Commenting on her involvement with Silentnight, Jo said: “The Achievements campaign is something I can relate to personally. As an athlete and a mum, sleep is fundamental to my success, whether that be getting up very early with the children or training hard for my next big competition - I couldn’t do any of this without a good night’s sleep.” Jo is also featuring on Sleep for Success, to communicate and interact with visitors about the amazing things that can be achieved with a good night’s sleep. On Sleep for Success, the golden girl will be revealing her winning secrets in a series of blogs and videos, as well as showing visitors life behind the scenes in a photo gallery. Getting a head start Speaking about the new campaign, Marketing Director at Silentnight, Nick Booth said: “We were looking for a strong brand campaign to drive the importance of a great night’s sleep and support our quality sleep solutions for all the family proposition. The new campaign delivers on both counts. “We have focused on the ultimate benefit of a great night’s sleep – a great day ahead, so

the campaign acknowledges the many things that everyday families can achieve. Inspiring reportage photography that reflects day-to-day living with a sense of fun and energy is at the core of the campaign and this approach will run across all channels. “We’re delighted to be working on a fully integrated campaign, ensuring that all aspects of brand activity are aligned and campaign messaging has maximum impact. “It’s also great to have Jo Pavey on board – she’s an absolute inspiration and her successes are a great example to us all of what can be done

when you have enough energy and focus to set your mind to it. “Through this campaign we intend to spread the word far and wide about the benefits of investing in a Silentnight bed. We have some fantastic new additions to our product range including Diamond and Geltex, which are at the higher end of the market and offer retailers a premium sleep solution.”

Jo Pavey will communicate and interact with visitors to Silentnight's website

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As the world of design prepares to take centre stage this month with Grand Designs Live! London and the May Design Series, Jan Turner takes a look at a brand new, cutting edge concept in beds.

A Floating bed creator, Craig Phillips

s a successful inventor and lifelong enthusiast of magic and illusion, it was only a matter of time before Craig Phillips developed a ‘levitating’ bed. And indeed, the Exo bed from Levitas Design, which promises to ‘redefine the way you look at bedrooms’, could come straight out of an illusionist’s stage act, appearing to magically float on air. Said Craig: “For as long as I can remember I’ve been fascinated by magicians and illusionists. At the age of 12, I became a member of the Magic Circle and have long

followed various different artists. “About two or three years ago I wondered if I could make a bed appear to float on air and in June last year I was awarded a design grant which really kick started the project for me. “ No newcomer to inventions, Craig has been designing and creating new products for some 25 years. Among those he has developed is a water-less carpet cleaner that uses microscopic sponges and was taken up, among others, by Dyson. It has gone on to achieve worldwide sales that run into the tens of millions.

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Design That particular project took around 15 years to complete – and out of it came a world first in cat litter: a fine grain, organic litter made from a by-product particle from the carpet cleaning product. Craig is also the brains behind a unique cork stopper for champagne bottles which keeps the champers fully fizzing for a week. It may well have been an invention he turned to himself last December when, after launching the levitating bed at 100% Design in September he was invited to enter the ‘Hotel Sleep Set’ awards in December and create an ideal hotel room. From hundreds of initial applicants his floating bed won the day. Since then the Exo bed has been mainly specified by architects and designers but will be launched to the consumer this month at Grand Designs Live! London. Although essentially a clever piece of engineering which uses a support structure attached to the wall (even plasterboard ones) or floor - onto which the bed itself slides, Craig’s bed relies as much on special lighting as it does on mechanics to create the full illusion. Channels built in to the all-aluminium structure house LED lights that cast a magical glow underneath the bed, enhancing the appearance of a bed floating on air. Available in 16 million different colours (not a mistake, there are apparently that many!), the user can control the lighting from their phone or iPad. There is also a channel down the middle of the bed where there is an option to incorporate UV LED lighting which shines on

The Exo bed is guaranteed to hold a minimum weight of 750kg the base of the bed killing any bugs and mites and making it ideal for allergy sufferers. Proud of the fact that every extrusion, material and component is sourced in the UK,

"It has been my first venture in to the world of furniture and now that we have developed the supporting mechanism, the principle could be applied to everything from sofas to tables and chairs" Craig makes the Exo to order at his facility in Kent using 100% recycled aluminium – he’s even worked out that it takes precisely 3,867 used soft drinks cans to make each bed. And despite its apparent ‘fragility’ the bed

Craig was awarded a design grant in June 2014 to help him develop his floating bed

is guaranteed to hold a minimum weight of 750kg but has tested successfully for up to 2,000kg. Each one is custom built and can accommodate not only any size or type of mattress but any type of covering too. Said Craig: “The aluminium frame can be wrapped in any type of graphic – so a child, for example, could have one featuring their favourite character or idol. Adults might want theirs wrapped in a fabric, leather or even carbon fibre.” As well as the Exo bed, there’s a more moveable version for children – the Meso which has Perspex legs to create the illusion of floating. The leg height can be increased as they grow and, as with the Exo, comes with remote controlled, under bed lighting that banishes any thoughts of scary monsters lurking below. “It has been my first venture in to the world of furniture and now that we have developed the supporting mechanism, the principle could be applied to everything from sofas to tables and chairs," explains Craig. “Ultimately everything in the room could be taken off the floor – which has major implications for the NHS or restaurants or anywhere else that needs to keep floors clean and sterile. “It is also a great concept for homes – particularly modern ones which are getting smaller and smaller – as floating furniture makes a room look a lot bigger.” Said to be very simple to install, the floating bed retails from around £2,000, depending on size and spec – a price tag that doesn’t seem to have deterred enquiries from the better end leisure sector for significant orders. An official launch to the hotel industry is planned at Dubai in October. Craig muses: “I had no idea when I set out making these that things would take off quite so quickly but we’ve taken the bed from being a place of sleep to being an exciting piece of furniture. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the response.” One could almost say it has been pure magic.

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A BUZZ AROUND THE BIZ It’s all about the Biz as the Sleep Council and National Bed Federation have relaunched their online resource for UK bed retailers.


he website has been redesigned and updated, offering retailers easy access to a library of information to assist them and help more people achieve a good night’s sleep. And it is now fully transactional for the first time since it started in 2010. “The new site creates more interaction between retailers and The Sleep Council. It contains news, a regular relevant blog, ecommerce and social media links,” said Simon Williams, of the National Bed Federation. Retailers can download and buy marketing resources such as posters, leaflets and artwork and advertising material based around Sleep Council campaigns. Shopping for resources on

Simon Williams

the site is easy with the facility to order and pay online. Anyone in the business of selling beds can use the advertising material and press releases in their own promotional activities and at the same time help to further promote Sleep Council campaigns. Leaflets available via the website include The Good-Night Guide, The Good-Night Guide for Children, Buying a New Bed, Sleep Safe - Sleep Sound, The Seven Year Hitch and The Bed Buyer’s Guide. Some are downloadable for free, others are available to order for a small cost – and the new look website has been designed to make this very easy to do. Links to social media include the Sleep Biz Twitter account @SleepBiz and LinkedIn group – which attracted 130 members within days of being established. Sleep Biz also links to the Sleep Council’s Sales Academy, an initiative which is in its first year, offering an online training programme for sales staff leading to a qualification as an accredited adviser. Said Simon: “The aim is to raise standards, giving retailers knowledge about sleep which they can use with their product information to

"The new site includes a calendar of planned activity, latest news, a monthly poll, sleep quotes and regular email/blogs." help customers make choices which will give them a better night’s sleep. The knowledge about sleep completed the circle for retail sales staff who already have detailed product information provided by their bed suppliers.” Ultimately, thanks to the specialist training, it is hoped that Sleep Council accredited advisers will be better placed to offer advice and solutions for customers who may have sleep problems. Simon added: “Sleep Biz aims to educate and inform retailers to become the best advisers to help consumers sleep better. The new website has been well received and we hope it will continue to be an invaluable resource for anyone in the business of selling beds.”

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Latex, a gift of nature Natural latex, the milk of the tropical rubber tree (Hevea Brasiliensis), is a natural and inexhaustible raw material. Every year the rubber trees neutralize over 90 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). A forest with rubber trees has the same air purifying characteristics as a tropical rain forest.



s d Natural latex products guarantee: Inter uring z u H m a ll 10.2 • Optimal ventilation 2 / E01 015 0-F0 • Excellent durability 11 • Even pressure-distribution • Hygienic and healthy microclimate • Unequalled elasticity and perfect body support • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-dust mite characteristics

Stand out from the crowd with Sleep Council Sales Academy Accreditation The new online qualification for bed retail sales professionals

To find out more and enrol, go to

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Cover Story IMAGINE puts Behaert's brands and products into the hands of manufacturers

Beds magazine examines how Bekaert Textiles is writing a new chapter in bed manufacturing with its latest advancements in cover technology.


t last year’s NBF Bed Show, Belgian bedding specialists Bekaert Textiles wowed judges of the event’s annual awards with its visionary approach to sustainability. Presenting two prototypes one 100% compostable and the other 100% recyclable - the company’s gift for innovation was abundantly clear. Bekaert’s incredible forward-thinking approach to advancing bed manufacture was quite deservedly ‘highly commended’ by the panel in the Component Supplier of the Year category. And now, less than a year later, the company is set to capture the industry’s imagination once again with yet more revolutionary ideas. Chief amongst the company’s latest

innovations is CoverConcept; an idea devised to literally redefine the way mattresses are viewed by the buying public. Born from the science that images are the primary language of the human brain, CoverConcept aims to provide beds with their own distinct visual signatures. Placing the focus on the end product of a bed or mattress, Bekaert’s inspirational covers enable trade partners using them to present their products with a real sense of retail theatricality. However, before one becomes engrossed in the multitude of design possibilities that Bekaerts CoverConept offers visually, it is first necessary to understanding of the considerable attributes that the company’s

innovative textiles can add to a products overall performance and engage consumers after the visual elements have sparked their initial interest. The company offers a collection of seven high performance textile options upon which manufacturers can build their design ideas. These inspirational covers are made up of; Natura, which promotes sustainability; Sporty, which is made from a uniquely designed fabric for superior temperature regulation; Royal, which boasts a sumptuous hand made look; Dream, which employs three dimensional fabric to provide greater flow of oxygen through the mattress; Essential, an elegant yet trendy cover with design flexibility; Urban, a contemporary themed cover with a stylish zipper; and finally Cosmic, which features three-dimensional fabric and a futuristic designs to inspire the imagination. In addition to the inspirational covers, Bekaert also offers a further five unique brand covers with which suppliers can add even greater depth and character to their products. The first of these; Purotex takes a revolutionary approach of using 100% natural materials to provide clean, healthy sleep. Probiotics integrated into the Purotex covers absorb moisture and humidity created through friction between the body and the mattress and thus eliminating allergens. Viloft, the second cover brand in the collection, is defined by its excellent thermoregulation properties. Constructed with yarns made from eucalyptus wood, Viloft combines flat viscose and round polyester fibres to create air pockets to give the cover outstanding breathability. For suppliers looking for a cover with a little more resilience, then Kinetic is the answer. These highly elastic covers boast 50 - 60% more multi-directional stretch than standard covers making them a highly functional option

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Design for those with more demanding manufacturing requirements. The fourth option within the range is the rather appropriately named Cairfull cover. Bekaert has taken great care indeed with the cover’s development to ensure that a threedimensional layer of air acts to both facilitate moisture evaporation as well as pressure relief and support. Finally, the collection is completed by the Adaptive cover, which takes textiles to an exciting new place with a system that is capable of identifying body temperature and reacting to it. The sophisticated adaptive treatment applied to the textiles provides optimum evaporation of moisture to offer a cooling effect when the sleeper’s body temperature rises. The versatility of the CoverConcept range recently enjoyed a successful showcase at leading international component exhibition Interzum. Presented under the banner of ‘Nite Vision’ the company demonstrated the vast potential the collection offers to manufactures working with Bekaert in both the virtual and real worlds. Driven by a desire to expand the industry’s minds and inspire greater levels of creativity, Bekaert also introduced a highly innovative and hugely intuitive new design tool called IMAGINE. In essence, IMAGINE puts the wealth of Bekaert’s textile brands and products into the hands of manufacturers and allows them to employ their various attributes and combine them with their own unique designs

The company was 'highly commended' at last year's NBF Bed Show to visualise completely original products. In fact, the only limitation is the users own imagination. Presented with the freedom of working with the diverse opportunities provided by the likes Brioso, a knitting machine capable of creating HD-quality images, or Rayoz a multicolour knitting technique that enables designs to incorporate complex colour combinations and patterns, the scope for innovation is practically endless. The possibilities of being able to produce covers that instantly grab consumer attention with detailed calligraphic or even photographic designs, but which also boast high performing fabric to aid the best possible night’s sleep will naturally be of great appeal for manufacturers across the world. Indeed, the level of

innovation and awareness to consumer tastes displayed by Bekaert has the potential to change the very way in which people view beds in the future. The days of bed stores being filled with row after row of uninspiring, almost identical mattresses may soon be at an end. Bekaert’s unique vision for advancing the way the humble mattress is perceived visually offers the trade substantial new marketing opportunities. It’s always refreshing to experience anyone approach things from a different angle and think outside of the box. And when it comes to Bekaert’s product innovation and ambition to move the trade forward, Beds Magazine very much likes what it sees.

Bekaert's unique vision for advancing the way the humble mattress is perceived visually offers the trade substantial new marketing opportunities

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Looking forwards and back with decennial manufacturer, Br ❚ 70 ❚ Beds - May 2015 - Book.indb 70

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"We are working towards a very exciting launch”



rer, Breasley Consumer Products.

o matter how sceptical you may be, if someone could offer you a genuine glimpse of what your future has in store, you’d probably jump at the chance. Fortune Cookies, clairvoyants, horoscopes, say what you want about them, there are plenty of people in the world desperate to put their faith into anything if it means they don’t have to face a complete unknown. One man who won’t need to consult any palm readers for a while, however, is Breasley Consumer Products MD, Stuart Hibbert. Thanks to some meticulous planning, and the proven track record the company has built up over the last ten years, Breasley is entering its second decade with a spring in its step, and possibly even a few surprises up its sleeve. As Stuart tells us: “We are working towards a very exciting launch at the NBF Bed Show in September. “Our main objectives are to continue building our brands and to innovate and develop the most exciting range of mattresses and beds that we possibly can.” And what is the good of an innovative and exciting product range if you don’t have to chance to show it off? Which is why Breasley has eagerly filled up its calendar with visits to some of the UK’s most celebrated trade exhibitions, including the AIS and Minerva shows, as well as the all-important NBF Bed Show in September and the January Furniture Show in 2016. It can’t be denied that business is certainly stepping up a gear for Breasley at the moment but, then again, this is just the latest chapter in the company’s now decade-long history. And as histories go the company has more than just a few milestones worth mentioning. For example, last year it was once again awarded the AIS Gold Standard in recognition of its high levels of quality and service, something Stuart was rightly proud of, commenting: “We consider the AIS Gold Standard to be a major achievement for our business, as it is a benchmark in the industry for not only

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Breasley exhibits at some of the UK's biggest trade shows, including the January Furniture Show, Minerva, AIS and The NBF Bed Show

product design, but also for customer service.” It is striving for achievements such as this that no doubt inspired Breasley to announce last December that is would be expanding its current sales strategy, taking stock of its position in the market after a decade of progress. Stuart hopes that the restructure will see Breasley well placed for a second decade of growth, as well as strengthen its valued relationships with its current retail partners. Another thing that will be worth keeping an eye on going forwards will be the new products Breasley is sure to pioneer, having already made waves in the market with an impressive list of offerings which includes Outlast, Coolmax and Cocona, as well as the company’s UK exclusive Viscoool technology. Breasley was also the first manufacturer to produce a vacuum packed pocket spring mattress, starting with 1000 and 1200 pockets and currently going up to 3000 for its higherend customers. Given how vastly different the vacuum packed market is today from when Breasley began in 2005, with memory foam products in particular having been driven down into the commodity market. It’s hard to believe that Breasley began with an offer of just three vacuum packed mattresses, in an industry that regarded the product as little more than a fad. The fact that, today, the company can count itself as one of the frontrunners of a rolled mattress market that accounts for around 10-15% of the

mattress market as a whole speaks volumes for both the business-savvy minds that started the company, and the effort it has made to develop along the way. As Stuart concludes: “I think our biggest achievement is taking what was considered by the industry at that time as a ‘niche’ product, and building a very successful business with quality mattress brands such as our Postureform, Flexcell and Viscofoam ranges. “I started the business in 2005 with the help of my two business partners, Alan Crowshaw and Peter Walker, who own Breasley Pillows Ltd, one of the largest foam converters in the

UK. We began with a blank piece of paper, and, by the end of the first year, had achieved a turnover of £5 million.” So, there you have it. From a pioneering manufacturer to an award winner, and from a supporter of the Omega Pharma Quick Step 2014 Tour De France team to an experienced trade show regular, Breasley has certainly built a strong enough foundation to bring anything it wants to achieve in the future within reach, and we wish the business luck as it enters its second decade of sleep innovation.




The company aims to continue to innovate and develop the best mattresses it can

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“...fantastic show, always is, every year”

“...serious about selling beds on the UK market, you have to be at the show”

“...allows us to totally devote ourselves to beds”

“...great opportunity to see what’s new and changing and to look for emerging trends”

“...we’ve been here every year and we will continue to do so”

“...focus purely on bed retailing and bed buyers”

BRITAIN’S BIGGEST BED EXHIBITION organised by the bed industry for the bed industry

Register now at Beds - May 2015 - Book.indb 731 Beds_BedShow2015_page.indd

08/05/2015 01/04/2015 15:49 11:01



THE SLEEP FAIRIES Beds magazine talks to sleep’s charity champions, all of whom make worthy partners for anyone wanting to link up or sponsor an organisation in the world of sleep. SLEEP APNOEA TRUST ASSOCIATION This charity has been supporting the lives of sleep apnoea patients, as well as their partners and families, since 1993 through education, working as a pressure group, raising awareness and running a helpline. A busy charity, two members of staff plus trained volunteers carry out a range of activities. In the past year it has also helped in the development of a clinical trial on sleep apnoea screening. Funded primarily from membership subscriptions, the trust’s biggest challenge is having the financial and human resource to meet the ever increasing demands for its services. Company spokesman, Chris Rogers, said: “There are about 1.5 million people with obstructive sleep apnoea in the UK, of which only around 330,000 have been diagnosed. "Bearing in mind that undiagnosed and untreated obstructive sleep apnoea can significantly reduce life expectancy through an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure, we are still climbing the mountain and are a long way from the top.” n 0845 038 0060 n MEDICAL ADVISORY SERVICE INSOMNIA HELPLINE


The Insomnia Helpline is one of a number of helplines operated by the Medical Advisory Service, established almost 30 years ago. A team of trained nurses offer practical advice on sleep problems and refer patients to appropriate specialists. Founder Kathleen McGrath said: ”We investigate and discuss lifestyle and health issues for those with insomnia of all ages to give practical guidance through one-to-one telephone consultations with specially trained triage nurses.” The charity is funded via pharma companies, consultancy work, PR campaigns, clinical specialists and the remainder of any profits from other lines run. Maintaining the consistency of income currently is one of the helpline’s biggest challenges. “Moving the sleep agenda up the NHS priority list is another challenge. It is often covered in the media, but is not seen as a clinical priority,” said Kath.

The British Sleep Society is a professional organisation for medical, scientific and healthcare workers dealing with sleeping disorders. A registered British charity, its ultimate aim is to improve public health by promoting education and research into sleep and its disorders. The society shares scientific and medical knowledge among its members and organises a conference for sleep professionals which includes speakers from all over the world. n 020 8994 9874

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Industry CRY-SIS


Cry-sis was established in 1981 by a small group of parents experiencing problems with their crying and sleepless babies, who set up a support group to help others in a similar situation. Now 20 people work for London-based Cry-sis and it has become a wellrespected national charity, Spokeswoman Marie Howes said: “Our aim is to be efficient and effective in providing self-help and support to families with excessively crying, sleepless and demanding babies. "In the interest of safety Cry-sis does not advise co-sleeping. We can offer help with sleep routines and suggest tried and tested strategies.” Home-based specially trained volunteers with personal experience of sleepless, crying babies, take referrals from the helpline which operates 365 days a year 9am-10pm. Marie said: “Volunteers provide a sympathetic ear, offer practical suggestions and much needed support to the caller. For beleaguered parents, knowing they have a sympathetic person at the end of the phone is a great benefit.” Like other charities, Cry-sis relies entirely on donations. It is also always looking for volunteers to man the helpline, especially during the daytime.

For more than 30 years Narcolepsy UK has been helping people with this rare neurological disorder and their families with the aim of promoting awareness of the condition and providing authoritative information about it. It supports the set-up of local self-help groups for narcoleptics, operates a useful website, a help and advice line and interacts with a variety of groups and media. Aiming to emphasise that narcolepsy is a disability, to encourage research and link with similar associations overseas, the charity employs four part time members of staff throughout the UK. Spokeswoman Nicola Rule said: “Our biggest challenge is explaining that narcolepsy is not just about sleep but also about lack of sleep and that our clients are not lazy but simply cannot control the manner in which the sleep wake cycle works for them. "Narcolepsy is a very complex illness so it is also explaining the many other problems experienced by people with narcolepsy.” Narcolepsy UK receives no government money, relying heavily on people with narcolepsy, their families and friends for fundraising, and on applications to trust funds. n 08451 228 669 n 0845 450 0394

THE CHILDREN’S SLEEP CHARITY Based in Doncaster but with “sleep fairies” throughout England and Wales, The Children’s Sleep Charity aims to help youngsters and parents to get a good night’s sleep. Founded in 2012, volunteers helped more than 14,000 families during 2014 using a cognitive and behavioural approach to sleep issues, working in partnership to identify problems and implement gentle sleep programmes. The biggest issue facing the charity is funding. Founder Vicki Dawson said: “Sadly sleep issues are not viewed as being important. Funding is an ongoing issue as we are inundated with requests for help." The Children’s Sleep Charity provides resources including training and local authority commissioners buy into its services. n 07912 667676 SLEEP SCOTLAND Sleep Scotland promotes healthy sleep in children and young adults through education, sleep counselling and sleep awareness. Sleep counselling support is provided in Scotland to families who have a child with additional support needs and sleep problems. Sleep counsellors trained by the charity work with families and a support line lends a listening ear to parents and carers. Sleep Scotland also offers intensive sleep counsellor training for professionals across the UK. Since it was founded in 1998, the charity has trained more than 1,100 professionals in sleep support, who will in turn reach hundreds of families per year. The charity highlights its Sound Sleep programme, which was launched in 2011 and is now in secondary schools as part of the curriculum, as one of its biggest recent achievements. It also oversees Teens+, a four-year education programme which supports young people with complex support needs. Funding comes from the Scottish government, local authorities, health boards, charitable trusts and donations. The biggest challenge for the charity is meeting the demand for the service. n 0131 651 1392

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Sweet Dreams

The new Salus Latex Collection from Breasley, featuring premium Latexco® latex. The pocket spring models range from 1200 to 3000 pockets, and the ‘Elite’ full latex mattress is available in a choice of feels. The contemporary, stylish cover design is complemented by a fresh looking palette of new divan and headboard colours including Citrus, Pebble, Damson and Clementine.

Sweet Dreams’ luxury Pocket Air collection features divans with pocket spring counts of 3,000 and 4,000. The Pocket Air system comprises alternate standard length and shortened springs. The air space between the shorter springs provides a soft, flexible feel. Eltham, a favourite model, contains 4,000 pocket springs and a deep layer of latex



Part of the Newly Revamped Swift Range, Vogue's first ever vacuum packed Gel Mattress, the Gel Feel 300, comes with high density foam and a new Gel Feel® pad. Covered in quality soft knit fabric featuring Bug Guard® and a 3D border, this mattress creates a rejuvenating and revitalising sleep. Vogue's New Gel Feel® models are unique as they fabric treated with Bug Guard, are environmentally and user friendly, have unique breathability with a 3D border, provide optimum pressure relief and body support and have faster cooling and low heat retention

Mighty Bed® from Kaymed is designed to offer a firmer feel and the correct level of support for consumers of all shapes and sizes. It has the combination high levels of quality fillings supplying comfort and a spring system design that will cope with heavy use. Available in seven colours and two models, Mighty Bed® is supplied with what must be the most durable heavy duty base available in the UK. With a 15 year warranty, Kaymed are certain that Mighty Bed® will be an essential asset to any bed retailers’ range.

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Ihilique eosanto Pores desecerae soluptas voloria temporro blant eossi odi ipsa et TCS laccuptatia cupturi ipsam asperitio. Et

MPT Group

Raecabo rerupta turibus evendigent as estotatium volorporibus as For those customers looking to add further luxury and comfort to molupitium sam rerferci nonectoria voluptam quidel their new upholstery lines, they now can take advantage of the Ihilique eosanto eatiuntum, acestiant new range of suites from TCS. The Giana is one of six new models Ratur, ut porende prat issimol ecerionsenim ratusandeles which were launch at the January Furniture Show. This collection sectiumqui unt, que expe nectas dolorrovide possimi, te ma eate has a modern, elegant feel throughout, with stylish coverings and a volorporem. Ut peritatus dessita commolor mi, quam elitia consed superb sit across the collection, it is sure to inspire retailers across ut perum fugit aut eos et ex eos into officient, officit dolorrum the UK and Ireland. facepudament erfero totatis dus dis quunt alita vid eatiaspis ipit

The Matramatic Sculpture Quilt Pro is a high speed continuous feed quilting machine designed specifically for the efficient production of bespoke quilting effects on mattresses and similar products. The Sculpture Quilt Pro is available in several different configurations including machine quilt size, single or twin sewing head configuration, in either standard or heavy duty specification

oluptam quidel Bodyease

sam rerferci Adjustamatic

Pores desecerae soluptas voloria temporro blant eossi odi ipsa et laccuptatiatakes Bodyease cupturi the ipsam time toasperitio. find out what Et true comfort means to its Raecabo rerupta customers, beforeturibus designing evendigent a bed with as estotatium levels of both volorporibus luxury and as molupitium that technology samwill rerferci transform nonectoria the quality voluptam of their quidel comfort . Ihilique The company eosanto haseatiuntum, introducedacestiant the Savoy within its extensive Ratur, of range ut adjustable porende prat beds, issimol an elegant ecerionsenim modernratusandeles classic Sleigh bed sectiumqui unt, que complementing individual expe nectas designs dolorrovide offering a luxurious possimi, teaddition ma eate volorporem. to any bedroom Ut peritatus setting. To dessita enhance commolor the Savoy`s mi, quam elegant elitia look, consed the ut perum fugit adjustable sleigh autbed eos ensures et ex eosa into sumptuous officient, level officit of comfort dolorrum and facepudament support for an unbelievable erfero totatis dus night’s dis sleep. quunt alita vid eatiaspis ipit

Pores desecerae soluptas voloria temporro blant eossi odi ipsa et laccuptatia cupturi ipsamcomfortable asperitio. Etsolution for those looking for A simple, yet supremely Raecabo rerupta turibus as estotatium volorporibus an adjustable bed. With aevendigent more classic look and wooden slattedas molupitium rerferci nonectoria voluptam quidel you to find base, it offerssam limitless adjustable positions, enabling Ihilique acestiantWith a choice of fabric colours the idealeosanto positioneatiuntum, for your comfort. Puditheadboard odi ne coritatiaero reprati orempori ad quis and styles youblabor can find the perfect match to suit your modictecest fuga. Us doluptatur? bedroom. Comnihil et aruptione sint laccatum idus. Ut eate consequi anis repere corum volupta tissectur, quibusa ntiaero quo maximodis prepelecus ati iniatquam di ut eos imusam

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❚ Q&A ❚



S 1

5 T P Your full name: Peter Betteridge


Name you are known by: Da (by grandchildren)


Company you work for: The Bed Expert

G p

Official title: Chairman


What do you sleep on (not the make of bed but the type of bed)? A brilliant top end pocket sprung bed with hair upholstery on a pocket spring base. It’s great.


Lark or owl? Tell us what time your day generally starts and ends? Owl. Always have been, ever since being a nightclub DJ and supermarket manager in my late teens and early twenties. I start at 9am and finish at whatever time I feel I have done enough.


How did you get into the industry? Using the equity from a four bed house in Welwyn Garden City. Having decided I wanted to be on the coast of Devon or Cornwall, I visited Kingsbridge, identified a shop that was on the market, and signed a lease which had only a year to run (mad). In spite of the fact that there were already four well established furniture retail stores in a town with a population of about 5.000 we opted to sell furniture. That was in 1972 and 20 years later we bought a 13th Century pub and converted it into The Bed Expert.


What’s the best thing about the bed industry? The characters. There are so many of them and I think they are important. And it’s a

very friendly trade.


How do you think the industry will look in 10 years’ time? I think the big brands are under serious threat (unless they manage internet pricing and sales of their ranges) because of online trading. More retailers will develop their own label ranges, and seek exclusivity, especially at the premium end. And branded products will be used as loss leaders, with minimum floorspace taken up, just enough to keep the account. It’s a subject about which I could write at length!


What advice would you give to someone starting out in the world of beds? Go for the highest quality your market can support. Give your customers the very best service.

wise, the NBF Bed Show at Telford - a brilliant and very successful initiative.


What’s in your bedroom? A superking bed, two bedsides and a dressing table. Also, Sonos sound through speakers set in the ceiling. The rest is in the dressing room.


What do you think the next big thing will be in beds? With a sci-fi hat on, how about an anti-gravity bed where you could float 60cm off the floor, with a Hungarian goose down duvet draped over you? If any NBF members are about to launch one, let me know and my order will come by return, as long as it comes with a free mattress protector!


How do you like to wind down before bed at the end of the day? Music (fairly heavy - Wolfmother or Guns ‘n Roses) or a good film and reading.

O e P


F t






• • •




What was the last innovation in the bed industry that genuinely impressed you? Product-wise, the way Octaspring have used memory foam in their mattresses. Industry-

T o

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F e

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THE SEALY CUP SUPPORTED BY SEALY & CABINET MAKER SUNDAY 14 JUNE 2015 5-A-SIDE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT AT POWERLEAGUE WEMBLEY The day includes FA qualified referees Guaranteed minimum of 3 games per team prior to elimination stages Free Powerleague membership card for each player One-off peak practice pitch voucher for every team to use at any nationwide Powerleague centre Mitre football per team Fixtures and full rules will be supplied to each team prior to the tournament Fully licensed bar Changing and shower facilities Post tournament BBQ buffet Raffle in aid of The Furniture Makers’ Company Trophies to play for • Winners – The Sealy Cup • Runners-up • Player of the tournament


PLAY THE GAME AND GET ON THE ROAD TO WEMBLEY! BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! To enter a team please call 020 7256 5558 or email

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Comfort • Quality • Reliability

New successful



R A N G E Conquest


Memory Foam Mattress

Finesse Reflex

Reflex Mattress

New essential adjustable range brochure Comfort • Quality • Reliability




Pocket Sprung Mattress

Specialists in Adjustable Electric Beds

Bodyease Value A4 brochure 2015 NEW.indd 1

10/04/2015 20:04

Bodyease have introduced a new Essentials range within their extensive range of adjustable beds. All beds are produced in the UK to the highest standards ensuring style, elegance and above all comfort and relaxation. The adjustable beds,with a simple touch of a button, conform to the natural contours of your spine to give unparalleled support enabling muscles to relax fully both before and during sleep.

For all enquiries contact the sales department via the details below Platinum Enterprise UK Limited t/a Bodyease Savile Business Centre, Mill Street East, Dewsbury WF12 9AH 0800 0469901

Specialists in Adjustable Electric Beds

Part of Platinum Enterprise (UK) Group

Comfort • Quality • Reliability

Beds May 2015 - Book.indb 78 Bodyease CM- 225x297.indd 1

... with British innovation

08/05/2015 15:50 09:10 05/05/2015

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