Cache Valley Family Magazine Fall 2017

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Inside Tips to Teach Your Kids About Emergencies p. 10

Community Service: A Lifestyle Career p. 28

Five Habits to Give Kids a Head Start p. 20 Early Sports Specialization: Is it Safe? p. 22 Teaching Children to Cope with Death p. 46

Best of Cache Valley


Congratulations to Cache Valley’s winning local businesses, and a huge thanks to our readers and neighbors who participated in the voting process. best breakfast  HERM’ S INN

best family doctor  BRU C E I SSACSO N , M D

best lunch EVE N STE VENS

best ob/gyn BRET T H O RSLEY, D O

best dinner E LE MENTS

best naturopathic physician BREVA N BAU GH , N D

best burger MORT Y’ S CAFE

best health & fitness center SP O RT S AC A D EM Y

best fast food CHIC K-FIL -A

best gymnastics/tumbling  H I GH P O I N T GY MN A ST I CS

best ethnic food TANDOORI OVEN  best pizza  FI REHOUSE PIZZERI A  best dessert FI REHOUSE PIZZERI A  best ice cream shop


best bakery  S HAFFE R HOUSE best coffee shop  C A FFE IB IS  best orthodontist  TH OMSON FAMILY O RT HODONTICS  best dentist  DAV E GOR DON, DDS best pediatric dentist DAREN GEHR ING, D D S best pediatrician  RUS S EL MCKENNA , D O

best dance studio DA N C E I LLU SI ON best salon  K SA LO N  best grocery store  LEE’S MA RK ET P LAC E  best convenience store  MAV ERI K   CO U N T RY STO RES best summer camp BA SK ET BA LL & BEYON D best sports camp BA SK ET BA LL & BEYON D

best childcare center L IT T L E WON DE R S L E AR N IN G C E N T E R

best children photographer  K AT IE PAR K ER P H OTOG R AP HY

best children’s playplace  B OUN C E N S L IDE

best wedding photographer  K YL E E AN N ST UDI OS

best sporting goods store AL’ S S P ORT IN G G OODS best bike shop AL’ S S P ORT IN G G OODS   best car wash G R E E N G OR IL L A  best movie theatre  STAD IUM 6  best realtor  ISAB E L J ON E S best home builder  VIS ION ARY H OM E S best home repair/service  L E E ’ S P LUM B IN G  best carpet cleaning service C H E M - D RY OF N ORT H E R N UTAH

best family entertainment F O U R SEA SO N S T H EAT RE CO MPAN Y

best car sales W IL S ON M OTOR COM PAN Y

best date night venue U TA H T H EAT RE

best auto repair  ACC UR AT E AUTO

best preschool LI T T LE WO N D ER S LEA RN I N G C EN T E R

best family photographer  N ICOL E L E AVIT T P H OTOG R AP H Y

best park/playground RYAN ’ S P L ACE  best hike trail  W IN D C AVE S  best little kid entertainment  B OUN C E N S L I D E  best big kid entertainment  T H E J UM P ZON E best rainy day fun CACHE VALLEY FUN PARK best birthday party venue  CACHE VALLEY FUN PARK best adult apparel  ROOL E E B OUT IQ U E  best children’s store T H E B OOK TABL E  best furniture store  FISHER HOME FURNISHINGS best home decor  LOC AL S  best annual local event S UM M E R F E ST  best customer service: dining  AN G IE ’ S R E STAU RA NT  best customer service: retail ROOL E E B OUT IQ U E

PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Emily Buckley COMMUNITY EDITOR Schae Richards COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Mandy Bagley PHOTOGRAPHY Mandy Bagley Nicole Leavitt CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Teresa Adcock Mark Anderson Nathan Bertoldo, MD, MP Tara Bone Emily Buckley Melanie Christensen Sherelle Christensen Michael Cole, OD Paul Daybell Division of Homeland Security Ryan Greene Clay Gunnell, MS, DDS Shaun Klomp, CPhT Jenny Mathews Emily Merkley Karlie Mitchell Brett Murdock, DC Jenda Nye Emily Pugsley Steve Reiher Schae Richards Frank Schofield Shay Smith Dayia Surtleff Samantha Winder Wil Wood LAYOUT DESIGN Rachel Cottrell WEBSITE DESIGN Kite Media Cache Valley Family Magazine is a free, trusted resource designed to inform, serve and enrich local parents and families throughout Cache Valley. Material in this publication is copyright 2017, Cache Valley Family Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the publisher is prohibited. The views expressed in the magazine are the views of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Please send all editorial correspondence to or by mail to PO Box 6831, North Logan, UT 84341. All correspondence is sent on a non-confidential basis and Cache Valley Family Magazine shall be free to reproduce, publish, edit and/or use any such communications. All materials become property of Cache Valley Family Magazine.

PHONE (435) 764-0962 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 6831 North Logan, UT 84341 EMAIL WEBSITE FACEBOOK cachevalleyfamilymagazine

I N E VERY IS SU E Family Budget: Financial Checkup — p. 6 Fit Families: Early Sport Specialization: Is it Safe for Your Child? — p. 22 Cover Story: A Lifestyle of Public Service — p. 28 Good Neighbors: The REAL-tor® Value — p. 30 Education Update: New School Year Brings New Possibilities: District Changes for the 20172018 School Year — p. 32 Build Resilience to Encourage Success — p. 33 From the Farmer’s Wife: Pumpkin Bars & Cream Cheese Frosting — p. 38 Making a Difference: Stronger Families, Better Communities — p. 42 Family Firsts: Teaching Children to Cope with Death — p. 46

FE AT U R ES The Breakfast Battle: A Balanced Family Feeding Frenzy — p. 8 Local Family Brings Vintage Experience to Cache Valley — p. 9 Local Teen Shines on Stage — p. 19 5 Habits to Give Kids a Head Start — p. 20 Clean Up, Clear Out and Get Organized — p. 23 Kids Test Kitchen Makes Health Cooking Fun — p. 25 Planting New Lawn — p. 26 Going Back to School: Books, Tests and Team Projects Pay Off for Non-Traditional Students — p. 34 Pump the Brakes on ADHD — p. 37 Building a Better World at the Library — p. 39 Back to School Prep: Are You Missing Something? — p. 41 Operation Gratitude — p. 44 10 Family Activities To Do in Cache Valley This Fall — p. 44 Step Forward with Safe Routes to School — p. 47 Are Dental Implants for You? — p. 49 Feeling Tired All the Time? It Could Be Adrenal Fatigue — p. 49 Beat the Back-to-School Blues — p. 50 8 Ways to Reduce the Risk of SIDS — p. 52 Is There a Best Age to Get Pregnant? — p. 54

B E PR EPAR ED G U I D E 4 Tips to Teach Your Kids About Emergencies — p. 10 Create a Family Emergency Plan — p. 12 Fireproof Your Family — p. 15 12 Steps to Family & Community Preparedness — p. 16

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Financial Checkup As we head into the cooler months of the year, schedules often fill up with back-to-school health checkups. The start of a new school year is always a good reminder to check on things such as our health and wellness goals, but it is also an excellent time to do a financial checkup. Taking some time now to address financial health can really help you to have a stress-free year and reach your fiscal goals for the year. Here is our list of financial checks to consider this fall.

Adjust your budget. No budget is perfect, so it is important to make adjustments when needed. This can also be true if you have given up entirely. If that picture-perfect budget you had outlined back in January takes too much time and resources to follow, adjusting your approach to budgeting is a good solution. Utilize tools that help do your work for you. Budgeting apps such as MoneyDesktop® by MX, Mint® or Good Budget® are often free and connect directly to your institution to track expenses and automatically categorize them into your predetermined accounts. Check with your financial institution; they may offer a similar tool.

Check in with your investment portfolios. It is a good idea to set time each year to adjust and discuss your investment portfolios. Schedule a time to go over your investments with a financial advisor. As an easy reminder, you can schedule your investment checkup every time you schedule a biannual appointment like the dentist. Keep in mind some portfolios might need to have interaction that is more frequent. Follow the advice of your financial advisor if they recommend checking in more often.

Start year end tax preparation now. Try to avoid a year-end crunch to gather all of your tax information and start planning for year end now. Consider meeting with an accountant now. This will help you avoid stress around the

Dayia Surtleff, marketing assistant Lewiston State Bank

holidays and make for a less stressful tax season next year.

Prepare for holiday purchases. Speaking of holidays, start preparing your holiday plans now. The earlier you start, the more likely you will stay on budget. You will be able to shop sales and look around for the best prices. If you tend to overspend during the holidays, open a separate bank account just for those purchases. You can place your holiday savings into that account and only use that account to purchase seasonal gifts and activities. We also suggest making a goal to keep a detailed record of what gifts and activities cost this year, so you can better budget for next year.

Evaluate short-term and long-term financial goals. Lastly, review your short-term and long-term financial goals. Planning for retirement is important, but so is owning a home, or taking that trip to Europe you have always dreamed of. With careful budgeting, you can accomplish many of your short-term and long-term financial goals. Take time to prioritize and review what you have planned for the future. Do not be afraid to ask for help in your financial planning. Making an appointment with a financial advisor may help you realize your goals more quickly.

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The Breakfast Battle:

A Balanced Family Feeding Frenzy In an almost touching scene on the TV series Arrested Development, Michael (Jason Bateman) asks his son George Michael (Michael Cera), “What comes before anything? What’s the most important thing?” George Michael answers, “Breakfast.” Michael says, “Family.” Family is the most important thing... but let’s talk breakfast because, well, it actually comes before anything each day. I don’t know very many healthy people that skip breakfast. We sleep to help our body maintain and recover. That takes nutrients. Skipping

Wil Wood, owner Love to Cook of Logan

breakfast is shortchanging your body after all the hard work it has done overnight. But today, instead of writing about all the scientific benefits people who eat breakfast experience, I’m just going to tell you what works for our family.

Avocados: Good fat, vitamins and fiber

We eat whole-grain waffles, pancakes or French toast four-tosix days a week for breakfast. This is supplemented with eggs, fruit, berries and healthy nut butter. My wife Lauren and our kids like a natural peanut butter, and I like almond butter. Make sure you and your kids are eating the eggs, nut butter and berries. A healthy balance of natural or whole ingredients is the key.

Hummus: Good fat, some protein and minerals

Balancing proteins, carbohydrates and fats is what keeps my energy even throughout the day. If I have an energy crash it’s almost always because I ate too many carbohydrates and/or sugar. Don’t let your kids fall into this trap. Give them healthy snacks to ensure they stay energized. Here are a few things that help our family keep a healthy balance:

Slice and salt the avocados. Don’t be afraid of the salt! Or make guacamole with these ingredients: 1/2 cup diced onions, juice of 1 lime, granulated or fresh garlic and salt to taste.

There was a garbanzo bean rage back in the ‘90s. I am so glad that’s over and that mainstream America figured out how to benefit from that little bean without eating it plain. Hummus should include just six ingredients: chickpeas (garbanzos), olive oil, garlic, lemon, sea salt and tahini.

Tuna: Lean protein If you can’t make a good tuna salad, I feel for you. Visit Love to Cook in Logan, and I’ll tell you the “secret” ingredients.

Honey whole wheat bread: Good carbs, fiber and protein I could write a whole article on this one. Go see James at Great Harvest and get a loaf of honey whole wheat.

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Local Family Brings Vintage Experience to Cache Valley Schae Richards, community editor

Three sisters and their mother brought a nationwide event to Northern Utah last year, and it has already become a local favorite among vintage lovers and crafty homemakers alike.   Vintage Market Days is a franchised event where everything is original and vintage-inspired. Each market features one-of-a-kind crafts, furniture, home décor, jewelry and clothing. Guests get a vintage experience as they listen to

live music, enjoy delicious food and buy unique finds.   Cache Valley residents Jenni Hadfield, Jayme Thompson, Laurie Bliss and their mother, Pam Thompson started the Cache Valley market franchise last year, knowing it would be a good fit for our community. “We loved the idea of bringing Vintage Market Days to Cache Valley to become a family tradition for everyone,” she said.   Each of the ladies has a love for vintage. Laurie started as a creator in Cache Valley, and owned a shop in Providence before moving to the Midwest with her family. She continues at her new shop, Studio Bliss and is also a vendor at Vintage Market Days. Jenni loves finding new pieces for her unique

style. Jayme has an eye for detail when it comes to her home. Pam keeps everything and everyone together. The next Vintage Market of Northern Utah will be held in October at the Cache County Fairgrounds.  The theme is “Vintage Farmhouse.” Jenni says each market has something for everyone. “Vendors have done the hunting and picking for you,” she said. “All you need to do is make the hard decision of what to take home. There’s vintage ‘eye candy’ everywhere you look.”   In addition to bringing a fun event to Cache Valley, the group strives to benefit a worthy cause, too. “We have teamed up with Operation Underground Railroad since the beginning,” Jenni said. “We help raise donations for their mission of rescuing children from child sex trafficking.” Jenni and her family welcome everyone to this fun, local event. “The fun thing about our market is many of the finds have a story behind them,” she said. “You can take that piece of history home with you. Most of our vendors know the stories behind their treasures.”



C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7


Emily Buckley, editor in chief

Have you ever wondered how your children would cope if there was an accident in your home and you weren’t present or able to walk them through the response? I have thought about this often, and wondered how I can effectively prepare my young children for emergencies without causing unnecessary worry or anxiety. I’ve resolved that since natural and man-made disasters and medical emergencies do occur, my kids need to know what qualifies as an emergency and what does not, and what the appropriate response is, just in case. Here are four tips I believe can help prepare, but not scare, children.

“Emergency” is a relative term. Child psychologist Maurice Saunders, PhD, said, “Your child could be in a true emergency situation and not realize it.” He explained that kids don’t always realize the magnitude of a real emergency. “When I was 7 years old, my house caught fire, and I was in my room playing G.I. Joes. I did not realize what was happening,” he said. “My brother came and got me, and I still didn’t grasp the magnitude of the situation — no one had ever really spoken to us about an emergency. So I said, ‘Oh, I think I should get my skateboard.’ I was a bright kid and my parents were attentive, but it goes to show kids don’t instinctively understand the devastation something like a fire can cause.” It is important to give kids a range of scenarios about what is an emergency and what is not to help them understand that an emergency is something very serious or dangerous, like if Mom or Dad is hurt and can’t get to the phone, they smell or see

smoke inside or if there are bad people in the house. Remember, the scenarios should be designed to teach, not frighten. Keeping examples light can help get the point across with out scaring them. (For example, Barbie’s head popped off: Not an emergency. Your head popped off: Emergency!)

911 isn’t a joke. Now your kids understand what an emergency is, the next step is to make sure they know where the phone (mobile and/or landline) is and how to dial 9-1-1. Does your child know how to use the phone? If you don’t have a landline, is your cell phone password protected? You may want to practice on a toy phone and rehearse the information they may be asked to provide in an emergency situation (where they are, who they are with and what is happening). Also, remind them it is important to follow the instructions the operator or paramedic gives them — ‘stranger danger’ does not apply in this kind of situation. It may be wise to introduce your children to firefighters or police

officers so they understand these are people who can help them in emergencies.

Give specific direction. Covering your eyes with your hands may seem like a good plan to a 6-year-old, so you may need to specifically tell your child what action to take in emergency situations. At school, the correct response may be to go to a teacher or hide under a desk. At home, they should know never to hide under a bed in case of a fire or near a bookcase in case of an earthquake. They should know safe exit routes, the location of the emergency kit and the meeting place.

Role play scenarios. Again, acting out emergency situations and challenging kids to problem solve their way through them will help make them more comfortable and confident in actual emergencies. Practice things like, ‘If there was a fire in this room, what door would you exit from?’ or ‘If you can’t find mom, which neighbor could you go to for help?’

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Create a

Family Emergency Plan Emily Pugsley, health educator Bear River Health Department

Being informed is the first step to preparing for an emergency. When families know what they might face and how to survive safely, they can start planning specifics to meet their needs. The Emergency Guide, from the Bear River Health Department, explains what to do before, during and after a number of different emergency situations and includes other helpful tips. You can find the guide online at or request a copy by calling the Bear River Health Department. Be Ready Utah is another resource to use to prepare and respond to emergency situations. Individuals can download free resources to help build emergency kits and other steps to prepare families, businesses, schools and communities for emergencies. Visit for more information.

overlook the most important elements to survival. For minimal survival preparation, use the Rule of Three:

Three minutes: You can survive about three minutes without oxygen. Blood carries oxygen throughout your body and is 200-times more attracted to carbon monoxide than oxygen. Keep and maintain carbon monoxide detectors in your home. It’s important to keep generators, stoves, grills and heaters outdoors unless they are specifically designed for indoor use because they produce carbon monoxide.

Three hours: You can survive about three hours at a dangerous temperature.

Even when families know what to expect, planning and preparing for emergencies can be a daunting task. Don’t

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You can survive about three minutes without oxygen.

hours You can survive about three hours at a dangerous temperature.

days You can survive about three days without water.

weeks You can survive about three weeks without food.

Young children and the elderly are more susceptible to heat and coldrelated illnesses. A five-degree change in core body temperature can lead to significant health problems. Protect your family with warm clothes, blankets and an alternate heat source during the winter. Make sure your family has some way of keeping cool during the summer.

Three days: You can survive about three days without water. Store at least a two-week supply of clean water for each person in your family. That’s roughly two gallons per person per day. If you think your water is unsafe, bring it to a rolling boil for at least one minute, or treat it with unscented chlorine bleach. It takes about two drops of bleach for each quart of water, and four drops if the water is cloudy before you treat it.


The treatment takes about 30 minutes before the water is safe to drink.

Three weeks: You can survive about three weeks without food. Store foods that you like to eat and know how to prepare. Choose foods that have a long storage life and require little or no cooking, water or refrigeration. If there is no power, try to keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to retain the cold temperature. Cold foods must be kept under 40 degrees, so make sure to have a food thermometer. Food, water, oxygen and shelter are the foundations of human life. Keep these in mind to prepare for whatever emergency situation may come. For more information, contact the Bear River Health Department at (435) 792-6500.

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FIREPROOF YOUR FAMILY Shay Smith, contributing writer

Only half of all parents believe their kids would know what to do in case of a fire — and even fewer have ever practiced an escape plan, according to the United States Fire Administration (USFA). Here are three tips from the USFA that can help you reduce the chances of a fire starting in your home and protect your loved ones in case one does occur.

Keep your smoke alarms ready. • ​Press the test button on every smoke

alarm in your home once a month. Include your kids in this practice so they become familiar with how the alarms sound. This is a good time to recap your family’s fire-escape plan. • Replace smoke-alarm batteries every six months. Some families like to do this the same day they change their clocks for daylight saving time as a way to keep it a matter of routine. • Check the manufacture date on

your smoke alarm. Because alarm sensitivity decreases with age, it’s important to replace units 10 years or older. (If there is a code instead of a date, the alarm was manufactured before 1999.) Even if your home has a hardwired security system that detects fire, you still need separate battery-operated smoke alarms.

Make an escape plan. Create an exit strategy that gets your family out of the house as safely and quickly as possible. Review and practice your fire plan during the day and at night. • Have a plan for young children who cannot get outside by themselves.  In your plan, discuss who will help babies or young children who need help getting out safely. • Know two ways out of every room. It is important to find two ways out of every room in the house, in case one exit is blocked or dangerous to use (see graphic on this page). • Choose a meeting place outside the home. Children should know what to do when they hear a smoke alarm and there is no adult around. Help them practice going to a designated outside meeting place. Teach them to never go back inside a building that is on fire.

Learn to use a fire extinguisher. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, master bedroom, garage and hallway near other bedrooms. A fire extinguisher should only be used if the flames aren’t growing and are contained in a small area, the air is mostly smoke-free, the room temperature is comfortable and you have access to a clear exit. If the fire fits into this category, think PASS: • Pull the pin. • Aim low (point the nozzle at the fire’s base). • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly. • Sweep the nozzle carefully from side to side.


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

12 Steps to Family & Community Preparedness

Courtesy of the Division of Homeland Security

Have an emergency plan. Develop, maintain and practice a written, comprehensive plan detailing how an emergency will be handled, prepared for, responded to and recovered from. Ask yourself the question: “What would we do if an emergency situation occurred?”

Get an emergency kit. Assemble and maintain a portable 72hour emergency kit. Keep your personal kit simple, lightweight and easy to update according to seasonal and other variables. Position your kit(s) with quick access in mind.

Have emergency food supplies. Fortify your home with food, water and other provisions designed to care for the regular daily needs of your household members. Begin with an inventory of what you already have, then set some practical, reasonable and achievable goals for adding the things in form and quantities that make sense for you.

Prepare to shelter-in-place. Identify, outfit and prepare an area of your home suitable for a “shelter-inplace” emergency, such as might arise from a hazardous material release. Select a room or space which is easy

to isolate from outside air intake and which promises a degree of comfort for a short period of time. A shelterin-place kit should include a batterypowered radio and flashlight, along with pre-cut sheets of plastic and tape for helping to further proof the area against outside contamination.

Know your home. Make it your business to become familiar with the critical infrastructure of your home and learn how to operate electric circuits, natural gas service controls, culinary water main valves, outside air vents, etc. Locate necessary tools and store them where they are handy for use in an emergency.

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Take inventory.

Equip your vehicle.

Take inventory items of special value and importance and their location in the home base, assigning a priority to each. In the event of an evacuation order, there may be only minutes to take property with you.

Outfit family vehicle(s) with items, to add safety and security in various emergency and everyday situations, with consideration for changing seasons and circumstances.



Have an emergency plan.

Equip your vehicle.

Get an emergency kit.

Prepare to go powerless.

Have food supplies.

Plan for pets.

Prepare a shelter-in-place.

Plan your finances.

Know your home.

Remember your health.

Take inventory.

Plan care for special needs.

Register now!

30th Anniversary Season Choirs & Classes 2014-15

Cache Children’s Choir

Do you like to sing and play instruments? Make new friends? Like to perform? Do your children like to sing, play Choirs (Holiday/Spring Concerts in Logan)

instruments, make new friends and perform? • Cantate (ages 11-16 – unchanged voices) o Rehearse M & W, 4:30-5:30, USU campus o Tours: 1-day to SLC, 3-day performance tour • Chorale (ages 10-12) o Rehearse T, 4:30-5:30, USU campus Choirs (Holiday & Spring Concerts) • Cadet (ages 8-10) Cantate (ages 11-16) o •Rehearse T, 4:30-5:30, USU campus

Join Us!

• Chorale (ages 10-12) • Cadet • Caprice (ages(ages 5-7) 8-10) o Rehearse M, 4:30-5:15 or 5:15-6:00, USU campus more info: Early Childhood Classes (Holiday & Spring For Concerts) • Cadenza (ages 3-5) Gaylene Merrill Caprice (ages 5-7) o •Rehearse F, 9:30-10:15 or 10:30-11:15, Bullen C. 435.752.6260 • Cadenza (ages 3-5 •

Early Childhood Classes (Holiday/Spring events)


Make it a matter of habit to keep vehicle fuel level above the halfway mark. Start with these items: a blanket, heavyduty flashlight, container of drinking water, collapsible shovel, first-aid kit and jumper cables. Some high-energy snack bars and weather-conscious clothing items are good additions.

Prepare to go powerless. Prepare your home to remain secure and reasonably comfortable during short or extended periods of electrical power failure. Alternate lighting, communication, heating and food preparation resources should be part of the basic emergency response plan.

Plan for pets. Create a plan for the care and disposition of pets and domestic livestock in the event of an emergency. Almost without exception, emergency shelters managed by the Red Cross do not welcome pets.

Figure financial contingencies. Develop a comprehensive “Financial Contingency Plan” geared to your particular set of economic circumstances and designed to respond to the possible interruption of normal cash flow and debt retirement obligations. Among those “emergencies” most likely to occur at some point, but least anticipated and planned for is the interruption of income occasioned by loss of employment, illness or even the unexpected death of a breadwinner.

Remember your health. Make a plan for the continuation of health and medical needs during a time of extended emergencies and special circumstances. With an emphasis on critical, life-supporting medications and supplies, and with the consultation of the prescribing physician where indicated, maintain a supply of such items sufficient to bridge an emergency response.

Remember those with special needs. Include someone with special needs in your planning. Somewhere, probably nearby, is a neighbor or acquaintance that is handicapped, elderly, homebound or medically dependent and alone. Be prepared to share your resources and the security of your home with that person and to check on their well-being during an emergency.

Register at or 435.752.6260

Visit for more information.

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Local Teen Shines on Stage Jay Richards founded Music Theatre West 10 years ago at a time that he says the community theatre scene had faded out of Cache Valley. Since then, they have produced two or three shows each year, and have employed the talents of local actors, artisans, musicians, seamstresses and more to produce regional theatre-level productions with live orchestras and professional sets. Among the actors who have been regularly involved in their productions is 16-year-old Grace Mickelson, who has been performing with the theatre company since she was 5. “Music Theatre West is kind of my home,” Grace said. Grace gives credit to her mother for helping her recognize and develop her talent. “I’ve been singing as long as I’ve been talking,” she said. “My mom put me in some summer camps, and I thrived! She encouraged me to audition for some real shows, and both she and my dad have been so supportive ever since.” Some of Grace’s favorite roles with Music


Emily Buckley, editor in chief

Theatre West have included, Annie in Annie, Beth in Little Women and Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden. Grace is a junior at Green Canyon High School, and enjoys performing in high school productions. Last year she was one of the mer-sisters in Sky View’s The Little Mermaid and she is currently a member of the Green Canyon Crescendo Choir.

upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof, which plays at Ellen Eccles Theatre October 12-17. Directed by Debbie Ditton with Jay Richards as artistic director, Fiddler on the Roof is based on the tales of Shalom Aleichem, set in 1905 Tzarist Russia. The touching musical tells the story of Tevye, a poor milkman, who must weigh his family’s happiness against the traditions that have preserved a way of life in his village for centuries.

“I tribute my successes and learning to Jay Richards and Debbie Ditton, who have taken many chances on me and are so very good at what they do,” Grace said. “They have shaped me as a performer and as a person. I don’t know if I can ever repay them for that.” Grace hopes her time on the stage is just beginning. “[Performing] is something I would like to do for the rest of my life,” she said. “It is a joyful thing for me. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m willing to put in the work. I feel like it is what I was put here to do.” Grace will be performing as one of the daughters, Chava, in Music Theatre West’s

One of Broadways greatest musicals! Rich with laughter, love & life.

Grace Mickelson starred as Annie in Music Theatre West’s performance of Annie at age 10.




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5 Habits to Give Kids Encouraging the development of a few smart habits is a great way to give your child a head start to success in school. When these habits are already in place, there is more room in your child’s life for creativity and play.

to think, behave and feel during daytime hours.” A good amount of sleep on average for an 8 year old is 10.5 hours a night. 3. Practice good hygiene. When

we are clean, we are confident! Good hygiene habits reduce illness and anxiety, but can be harder to develop in an older child, so start while they’re young. Encourage your children to wear clean clothing,

1. Read every day. Reading for a certain amount of time every day is a habit that has many long-term benefits. Reading reduces stress, encourages conversation and creativity, improves memory and is an active mental process. With this habit in place, children are better able to transition to higher education reading requirements. 2. Get enough sleep. There have been many studies explaining the importance of a good night’s sleep for performance, focus and overall wellness. One study (Wolfson and Carskadon) showed a direct correlation between students’ sleep and their grades. Struggling students slept an average of 25 minutes less than A/B students and also reported a greater likelihood of depressive mood and poor sleep/ wake behaviors (being able to fall asleep quickly, sleepiness during the day, etc). “The way [students] sleep critically influences their ability

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s a Head Start clean their face, hair, teeth, bodies and hands as well. Make wearing clean underwear and socks an everyday priority. Feeling clean reduces anxiety for students at school, especially in pubescent age groups. 4. Organize. I have found organization to be a habit/skill that not every kid takes to no matter how much you encourage it. However, in Franklin-Covey’s 7 Habits for Highly Effective Students, organization seems to be a reoccurring theme behind each habit for success. As parents, there are a few easy ways we can help our children organize their lives. In the evenings, our

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family does “sign off and set out” where we make sure homework is done, handout papers are signed and clothing is set out. Try to lay out the next day’s schedule before bed, even if your child’s room or backpack is a mess and they don’t seem motivated to do anything about it, you can promote an organized mind. 5. Good food = good focus. My mom drilled this habit into my head, “Eat a nutritious breakfast! It’s the most important meal of the day!” Now I can see just how right she was. Sometimes it’s hard to send kids off in the morning, but knowing they have had a decent breakfast helps

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Jenny Mathews, contributing writer

ease my mind. Planning breakfast the night before is a great way to combat a chaotic morning and the temptation to throw together whatever is easy and convenient. Greek yogurt, eggs, whole grains, greens and fruits are brain foods that will aid focus and keep kids full until lunch. It’s amazing how simple habits like these can lay a foundation for success, and the best place to start is where you are now. If only one or even none of these things is already a part of your routine, set a goal to start with one or two and begin to see the benefits of good habits for your whole family.


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I S I T S A F E F O R YO U R C H I L D ? Samantha Winder, ATC Cache Valley Hospital

The topic of early sports specialization has received significant attention in the media and medical world over the past few years. More children are driven to choose one specific sport to play at an earlier age in hopes to be great enough for college. As they grow up, many of them lose their love for the game, or deal with severe injuries that require surgery at an earlier age. Advocates of single-sport specialization point out the necessity of year-round skill development in order to give athletes a chance at becoming good enough to play a sport beyond high school. However, single-sport specialization has been identified as “damaging� for the future physical and mental health of the athlete. Doctors recommend that intense training for a single sport to the exclusion of others should be delayed until late adolescence to optimize success, while minimizing risk for injury and psychological stress, according to an article in The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. Risks of single-sport training include increased injury rate, increased burnout and drop out from sports, social isolation, physiological imbalances, shortened careers, limited range of motor skills and decreased participation in sport activities as an adult. Although injury thresholds are yet to be determined for specific activities and age groups, some data, published in the Journal of Athletic Training, suggests a general guideline of no more than 16-20 hours per week for athletes involved in early sport specialization. Also, make sure they rest and include a strength and conditioning program in their schedule. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine also reported that The International Olympic Committee recommends that children are encouraged to participate in a variety of sport and recreational activities to develop a wide range of skills and avoid specialization until at least puberty (about age 12-14). Research published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology suggests that sport sampling take place from ages 6-12, specialization from age 13-15 and investment in a single sport from age 16 on. Early diversification followed by specialization may lead to more enjoyment, fewer injuries, aid in motor development and longer participation, improving the chances of success. In addition, there are plenty of cross-sport skills that can be learned in one activity then applied to other activities.

Athletes can learn or enhance their hand-eye coordination, balance, endurance, explosion, communication or athletic agility by participating in a variety of sports. Moreover, early diversification does not seem to hinder elite-level participation in sports. In fact, most athletes who go on to play in college and above are multi-sport athletes. Just remember why kids play — for fun. Let them play and be a part of a wide variety of activities that will help them develop a wide range of skills, which helps prevent injuries, helps develop their minds and encourages lifelong activity.


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Clean Up, Clear Out and Get Organized Teresa Adcock, owner Chem-Dry of Northern Utah

Fall is a great time to do a bit of deep cleaning as a family. During the summer, people are coming and going, and tracking all kinds of dirt, animal dander and pollen throughout your home. With the kids back in school, now is the perfect time to clean and organize to create a better learning and living environment. 1. Create a cleaning checklist for each family member. Have everyone help clean the house so it’s less overwhelming for you. Start with the bedrooms. Set a box or bag in each room to help you organize. Start by organizing materials in three categories: donations, handme-downs and throw away. Set boxes around the rest of the house to continue decluttering your home. It always helps to have some sort of incentive to keep everyone motivated. 2. Keep dirt out with doormats. Dirt, debris and pollen collect on floors and

in upholstery during the summer. You can use door mats to keep more debris from entering your home. Another thing that can help is establishing a “no shoes” rule. Put a basket by the door for guests to put their shoes.

(have the little ones clean those since they are already close to the ground!) light fixtures, washing machines and dishwashers. Your vehicle is another good thing to clean and get ready for the school year and changing seasons.

3. Have your floors and upholstery cleaned. Professionals recommend deep cleaning your carpets once or twice a year. Do not use a steam cleaning system. Steam units put down a lot of moisture and soap on the carpets that spread under the pad and creates mold and mildew. It also takes longer to dry, has a musty smell and only stays “clean” for a few weeks to months because of the residue left in the carpet. 4. Clean the things that don’t regularly get cleaned. Most appliances in our homes ​ get a daily or weekly wipe down or cleaning, but there are some things that get neglected, like base boards

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HEALTH COOKING FU N Cache Valley Family Magazine, Lee’s Marketplace and Citrus Pear Dinners have joined forces for a Kids Test Kitchen to inspire families and kids to eat more healthily by providing young kids the opportunity to cook, taste and teach their families about nutrient-dense foods. A dozen local kids were able to participate in the fall Kids Test Kitchen, but we hope many more Cache Valley families will try these healthy versions of kid-friendly recipes at home.

Almond-Crusted Chicken Fingers

It takes more time, patience and clean up to include children in meal preparation, but, according to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the extra work is worth it. “Cooking with your kids can help get them interested in trying healthy foods they might normally turn their noses up at,” said Susan Moores, MS, RD, a spokeswoman for the ADA. “Kids will be kids — they’ll snack on chips at a school party or enjoy ice cream after a soccer game. But what is most important is how they eat most of the time.”

Instead of deep-fried nuggets, coat chicken tenders in a seasoned almond and whole-wheat flour crust then oven-fry them to perfection. With half the fat of standard breaded chicken tenders, you can enjoy to your heart’s content.

1 1/2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil 4 large egg whites 1 lb chicken tenders


Place almonds, flour, paprika, garlic powder, dry mustard, salt and pepper in a food processor; process one minute, or until almonds are finely chopped and paprika is mixed throughout. With the motor running, drizzle in oil; process until combined.

Canola oil cooking spray 1/2 cup sliced almonds 1/4 cup whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 tsp. paprika 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. dry mustard 1/4 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. freshly ground pepper

Instructions Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil. Set wire rack on baking sheet and coat with cooking spray.

Transfer mixture to a shallow dish. Whisk egg whites in second dish. Add chicken tenders and turn to coat. Transfer each tender to almond mixture; turn to coat evenly. (Discard any remaining egg white and almond mixture.) Place tenders on prepared rack and coat with cooking spray; turn and spray the other side. Bake chicken fingers for 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden brown, crispy and no longer pink in the center.

B A K E D S W E E T P OTATO A N D R U S S E T F R I E S Ingredients 2 sweet potatoes 2 russet potatoes olive oil garlic salt pepper additional seasonings

Instructions Peel sweet potatoes and russet potatoes then toss in olive oil, garlic salt, pepper and any additional seasonings. Place on baking sheet lined with tin foil and roast for 25-30 min on 425 degrees, flipping periodically with a spatula.

Visit for more recipes that are great for including your kids in healthy meal planning and preparation.

WANT YOUR CHILD TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR NEXT KIDS TEST KITCHEN? For a chance to participate, try these healthy recipes at home and snap some photos while you’re at it. Share your experience on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #cvfmkidstestkitchen (make sure your account is public for us to be able to see it!) or email us directly at


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

Planting New Lawn “It’s just too hot to plant grass seed!” I’ve heard this from a number of gardeners this summer, and while it has been exceptionally hot, their assumption about the heat is wrong.

From the first of August through September, conditions to plant grass couldn’t get any better — the soil is warm, nighttime temperatures are cooler and less water is needed to keep the seed moist. Traditionally, Kentucky bluegrass takes about 21 days in the spring to germinate; in August it starts growing in about seven. Whether you are planting a new lawn, fixing a damaged area, or just trying to rejuvenate an older lawn, late summer through early fall is the perfect time for success. Why do you want to plant grass seed? Obviously, if you have a new

home with no yard, planting grass seed is the least expensive way to establish a new lawn. On average, the best varieties of grass seed, fertilizer, mulch and water cost about four-tofive cents per square foot. Sod, on the other hand, costs between 25-and30 cents per square foot delivered. That’s before installation and fertilizer, and it needs a lot more water to get established than germinating grass seed. Soil preparation for seed or sod is about the same, so, all said, cost for seed vs. sod is about one-sixth for materials. Add in the labor and that gap increases substantially because seed is so quick and easy to plant. Planting a new lawn is not the only reason for planting grass this time of year. Have you had insects damage your lawn? How about disease damage? Would you like to have a

Mark Anderson, owner Anderson’s Seed and Garden

greener lawn using half the water you are using now? Recent research and developments in grass seed varieties has produced new grasses that resist heat, insects and disease; need less water; green up earlier; stay green longer; have a soft texture and a dark green color. If you are tired of the cost and work of applying an insecticide to your lawn every year to keep the bugs from killing it, all you have to do is plant new grass. Grubs and billbugs, two of the most devastating, turfdamaging insects, won’t eat turf-type perennial rye grass. A lawn composed of turf-type rye and turf-type fescue will use up to 50 percent less water than a standard Kentucky bluegrass and will stay a beautiful green color all summer. Just switching to a new variety of grass can eliminate many problems inherent in most lawns. It’s easy to introduce a new variety

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of grass into your existing lawn. There is no need to kill the old lawn, bring in truckloads of topsoil or do a lot of unnecessary work. Start with a lawn mower. Drop the blade as low as you can go and mow the lawn. (Go ahead and scalp it; it will look a little sad for a week or two, but it will grow right back.)

6 days after seeding

Next, core aerate your lawn. This will open 3/4-inch holes throughout your lawn to make perfect conditions for the new seed to germinate. Broadcast your new seed over the recently aerated lawn and rake it lightly with a leaf rake to make the seeds contact the soil and fall into the aeration holes. Be sure to fertilize with a new lawn starter and apply a generous dose of humate to encourage quicker germination, and to feed the new grass as it emerges. Then, schedule a light watering once or twice a day for the next few weeks (in addition to your regular watering routine) to keep the seed moist. Usually within seven to 10 days you will have all new grass germinating in the holes. You may even see polka dots of dark green grass throughout your lighter green lawn. After about two to three months it will have become a major part of your existing lawn, even taking over areas where your older grass was struggling.

1 month after seeding

While it’s rarely too hot to plant new grass, it can get too cold. Take advantage of the perfect conditions of August and September for best results because you never know when that first snowfall will occur. There is a common, familiar phrase that is absolutely true: Fall is for planting. That includes bulbs, trees, shrubs, evergreens and, even more true, grass.


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LIFEstyle OF PUBLIC SERVICE Emily Buckley, editor in chief

For the last 25 years, for his entire married life, Craig Humphreys has worn a pager on his person and the emergency radio has been in the background of every meal, celebration and “quiet moment” in his home. “Our kids grew up listening to it,” his wife Konie said. “Being a firefighter or EMS worker is not a job, it is a lifestyle. It affects everything you do, and everything your family does.” Craig and Konie were both born and raised in Cache Valley and have lived in North Logan for 25 years. “When we were dating, Konie and I passed a bad accident on the Valley View Highway,” Craig said. “I admired how the emergency workers handled the situation and cared for the lady and child involved. I decided then that I would make my career serving people this way.” Craig was a charter member of the North Logan Fire Department and was hired by Cache County in 2002 as the Assistant Chief and later Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal. In 2008, he became the first full-time Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal for North Logan Fire Department, and has served there as a volunteer firefighter/EMT and training officer. Craig has served as the Cache County Fire Marshal and Volunteer Deputy Fire Chief, Logan City Fire Marshal and is currently the Logan City Assistant Fire Chief/Fire Marshal and the Volunteer Deputy Chief for North Logan City. He says throughout his years of service he has made it a point to remember that every call he takes could be the worst day of someone else’s life. “We try to learn and apply skills that

C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7 can ease the burden and trauma on someone else’s worst day,” he said. Over the last two decades he has trained countless other emergency workers. “That is the professional achievement I am most proud of,” Craig said. “It is satisfying to see those I have trained be successful in responding to calls and helping those in need.” The instinct to serve community and nation has become a tradition in the Humphreys family. Konie and Craig’s oldest son, Joe, 22, is a Corporal in the United States Army 1st Infantry 54th Calvary working as a medic. He is on his second deployment, currently Craig passes the duty to serve and protect on to his son, Corporal Joe Humphreys, who is a medic in the United States Army 1st Infantry 54th Calvary.


stationed in Poland. Their oldest daughter RaQuel Short, is a licensed practical nurse, studying to become a registered nurse. Their younger children, Raelyn, 16, and James, 14, are both students at the new Green Canyon High School in North Logan. When asked what families can do to prepare and protect themselves in an emergency situation, Craig says they should always prepare for what they hope never happens: • Make sure you have working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Ensure they have working batteries. Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years and carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every five years. • Have a family emergency and communication plan. This should include a family meeting place and a common out-of-state contact person you can all call in case local cell phone service is out. • Have fire extinguishers in your home and know how to use them. • Have 72-hour kits. Keep them current and store them in accessible location in your home. • Know where utilities (water, electricity and gas) are in your home and know how to turn them off in case of emergency or natural disaster. All adults in the home should know where these shut offs are since you can’t plan when an emergency will happen and one or the other may not be home when it is needed.

The Humphreys Family celebrates the marriage of their oldest daughter RaQuel to Ty Short earlier this summer.

Craig said it is wise to have a book or binder with emergency information and to go through it regularly, especially if you have children in your home, to help all household members become confident in what they should do in case of an emergency.


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The REAL-TOR® Value Emily Merkley, association executive Cache-Rich Association of REALTORS®

When you find yourself in the position to buy or sell a home, one of your first thoughts might be to try to sell it on your own to save money. You’re not alone! Many homeowners and potential home buyers

are looking to cut costs on real estate transactions, and believe eliminating the role of a real estate agent will prove a significant savings. But what potential buyers and sellers are not familiar with is the behind-the-

scenes work that goes into every transaction, which proves to be more difficult than expected. For every known and obvious step in a real estate transaction, there is a handful of policies and procedures that are unknown to buyers and sellers, which is where the value of a REALTOR® is evident. Hiring a REALTOR® is hiring a consultant, according to Jason Holmes, Broker of Achievement Realty. “A REALTOR® makes the selling and buying process run as smoothly as possible, and when buyers or sellers opt to tackle the process on their own, they risk pitfalls that range anywhere

from unskilled negotiations to home liability issues and obstacles that may prevent the successful buying or selling of their home,” Jason said. “You can’t overestimate the value of a REALTOR’s® knowledge and experience. Avoiding common pitfalls and costly mistakes is incredibly important when you’re dealing with what is usually the largest financial transaction of your life.” Watch for our segments in the coming issues of this magazine that will help you avoid the pitfalls of real estate as you discover the REAL-tor® value, what happens during the buying and selling process and the role agents play in ensuring successful transactions.

PR IO R ITIZE YO U R H O M E I M PROVEM ENT PL AN S Whether you have owned your home for years or just recently moved in, it’s likely you want to change a few things. Before taking a hammer to those walls, it’s in your best interest, aesthetically and financially, to know what changes will produce the highest rate of return on your home investment. 1. Think energy efficient. A perennial chart topper with an average 107.7 percent ROI is the installation of costeffective fiberglass insulation in the attic. Similar projects are installing better-insulated windows and doors. 2. It’s all about the entry. Replacing a runof-the-mill entry door with an attractive alternative will catch a 90.7 percent ROI.

3. Where character meets function. While a minor kitchen remodel can cost up to $20,000, kitchens are top-sellers for most homes, and have a healthy ROI of about 80.2 percent. 4. The first glance. New siding adds curb appeal, and often generates a higher return than many inside improvements with an estimated 76.4 percent ROI.

5. Expanding living space. Adding a wood or composite deck, depending on your region, is another great home improvement project. Decks add additional and usable space that creates a simple cohesion between a home’s interior and the outdoors. Estimated ROI, depending on material, is 65.3 percent and 71.5 percent.

When making decisions regarding home improvements, remember to evaluate the length of your stay in your home. If you’ll be there more than five years, ROI doesn’t have a significant effect, and you should make improvements according to what you want most. If your stay will be less than five years, be sure to pinpoint the top improvements for your area, then move forward with confidence as you focus on the improvements that will provide the greatest return on your investment.

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New School Year Brings New Possibilities

District Changes for 2017-2018 School Year Jenda Nye, public information specialist Cache County School District

Over the past few years, Cache County School District (CCSD) has experienced tremendous growth. District-wide fall enrollment has grown an average of nearly 500 students each year for the last three years. That’s roughly the population of an entire elementary school. In response to the district’s growth, and in anticipation of future students, a bond committee was formed and two new high schools, an elementary school, a grade reconfiguration and the remodel of a handful of older schools were planned. That plan has almost reached its conclusion. Here are the benefits of the new schools and grade reconfiguration:

Fewer transitions for students. Longtime residents of Cache County can probably remember when there were K-2, 3-5, 6-7, 8-9 and 10-12 schools. At one point, students went through five schools during their K-12 education. With the new grade configuration, students will only attend three schools: K-6 elementary, 7-8 middle and 9-12 high school.

Gary Thomas, executive director of elementary education, said, “Having fewer transitions means that students can settle in and get to know the teachers and staff at each school. As relationships are established, teachers are better able to meet the academic needs of individual students.”

An integrated K-6 curriculum.

These changes will provide more flexibility in the instructional schedule. In the elementary setting, administrators and teachers can construct the daily schedule so students have more instructional time learning key subjects.

A unified 9-12 curriculum.

Once students enter ninth grade, their class credits and grades count toward graduation. However, in past

years, when ninth grade was still part of middle school, sometimes this significance didn’t register with students. With the new grade configuration, ninth grade has moved into the high schools. Tim Smith, chief academic officer, believes this will be a positive change. “Having ninth grade in high school will allow for better integration of the curriculum for ninth-12th grade students, and will allow for additional flexibility in student schedules,” Tim said.  “It will also allow us to better utilize the teachers at these schools who teach across grade levels.”

Additional extra-curricular opportunities for high school students.

With the completion of Green Canyon High School, CCSD is now operating four high schools. This means opportunities will significantly increase for students to participate in leadership, performing and visual arts, sports and school-sponsored clubs and organizations. This first year, all five Cache Valley high schools will participate as 4A schools, creating a great atmosphere of competition and sportsmanship.

Elementary Schools (K-6) Birch Creek, Canyon, Cedar Ridge, Greenville, Heritage, Lewiston, Lincoln, Millville, Mountainside, Nibley, North Park, Providence, River Heights, Summit, Sunrise, Wellsville and White Pine Middle Schools (7-8) North Cache, South Cache and Spring Creek High Schools (9-12) Green Canyon, Mountain Crest, Ridgeline and Sky View Alternative High School (9-12) Cache High (Still under construction)

C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7


Build Resilience to Encourage Success Frank Schofield, superintendent Logan City School District

Anyone who has seen the movie Rocky is familiar with the image of Rocky Balboa running to the top of the steps outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art. When he reaches the top, he celebrates his determination in overcoming a challenge. This determination is the same perseverance that allows individuals to overcome challenges and face obstacles. As children develop this perseverance, commonly referred to as “grit,” they are more successful in their endeavors, including school. So how can parents and adults help children learn to persevere in the face of difficulties? Dr. Angela Duckworth, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, said there are several steps parents can take to help their children develop these skills.

1. Put challenges in front of them. True achievement happens when people bust through boundaries and barriers. If your child never has a chance to triumph over something difficult, he or she may never develop confidence in their ability to confront a challenge. Taking risks is an important way children learn. So give your child the opportunity to pursue at least one difficult thing. The actual activity doesn’t matter as much as their effort. 2. Be a nudge. Let your kids know that you expect them to do their best and create a structure that will help them do so. Simply sharing what your expectations are is the first step. When your child is learning a new skill or working on an athletic or musical endeavor, push them to practice and do their best.

Your child still might make a few complaints, but if you’re consistent, your child might begin to appreciate the benefits later on. 3. Welcome boredom and frustration. Success rarely comes on the first try. In fact, there’s usually a pretty long road peppered with all sort of bumps and potholes. Being confused, frustrated and sometimes bored is a part of the journey. And when children understand that learning isn’t supposed to be easy all the time — and that having a tough time doesn’t mean they’re not capable — perseverance comes easier. Instead of jumping in with a solution when your child hits a setback, see if he or she can come up with a solution on their own. Help them talk through the problem, and think through the steps. 4. Let them fall, and model resilience. Being able to pick themselves up from low moments is probably the most important skill a child can learn. Share your own struggles. Kids learn from the adults around them, so if you want your children to handle setbacks with grace, model determination in the face of yours. When they see you bounce back from challenges, it provides a powerful learning experience for them. These are just a few ways to help your child develop “grit” that can help them overcome challenges and difficulties. As they learn this principle, they will be better able to accomplish their goals and create a positive future for themselves.


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

Going Back to School Books, Tests and Team Projects Pay Off for Non-Traditional College Students Steve Reiher, assistant professor of public relations Utah State University

The typical image of an unmarried, 18-to-22-year-old college student is giving way to a new reality. At Utah State University, a large and growing percentage of students are nontraditional students — older in age, with professional work experience and more likely married and/or with children. Their situations often differ from their younger classmates, bringing their own challenges and opportunities. Audrey Tablon, an MBA student in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at USU, is a single mom who works full time at the Space Dynamics Laboratory. She has been working for 20 years. “The decision to pursue a business degree was not difficult; it seemed like an obvious choice to advance my education and career,” Audrey said. “My bachelor’s degree is in political science, but I have worked as a business professional for almost 20 years. I felt that a business degree would legitimize my practical experience both within my current organization and to potential external employers. And it’s been valuable already — I’ve found that every class I have taken in the MBA program

has had applicability to the work I am doing at the Lab.” Audrey’s decision to return to school after working for several years is becoming increasingly more common. In fact, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than 40 percent of all U.S. college and graduate students are 25 and older, while about 18 percent of those students are 35 years of age and older. All signs indicate that these numbers will continue to grow. Non-traditional students go back to school for a number of reasons. Some have an interest in starting a business. Other students seek to make a major career change, hoping to find better pay, increased job security, better long-term job prospects or increased personal satisfaction. Still, other returning students go back to school to improve their career prospects with their current employers. “Students who are returning to school after gaining real-world experiences and/or increased family responsibilities have a greater understanding of education and the significant influence

that education can have on both personal and professional life,” Chad Albrecht, PhD, director of the MBA program at the Huntsman School said.     “I love having non-traditional students in the classroom,” Eric Schulz, who teaches marketing at the Huntsman School, said. “They bring a diversity of thought and life experience — both personally and professionally — that add a richness to the course discussions. Most nontraditional students have jobs and families in addition to going to school. They know time management and are able to balance work/home/life.” Students agree. “I definitely think being a non-traditional student has advantages over traditional students, and in that way, I’m really grateful that I experienced a real-world business environment before I entered the program,” Audrey said. “A lot of what makes a business work you can’t learn from a book. I find myself making notes of experiences I have had where principles we are being taught would have applied or where I can apply things practically right now.”

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PUMP THE BREAKS ON Brett Murdock, DC Murdock Family Chiropractic

As the new school year begins, parents worry about giving their child every opportunity to succeed. Few parents know this feeling better than those with children with attention deficits. For them, every day can seem like a battle, and making it through the school year can seem nearly impossible. Options can feel limited and answers can be difficult to find. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has become increasingly common, but parents are still frustrated as they seek answers. They know their child is bright, but see them struggle to live life to their full potential. I was that struggling child. I was diagnosed with ADHD, placed on Ritalin and labeled with a learning disability. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I began to search for a better understanding of my diagnosis.  ADHD is often categorized as a chemical imbalance in the brain, but as I care for children in my practice, I have found that it is more often a nervous system imbalance. The major function of the nervous system is to regulate how our body perceives and processes information. It controls and regulates all the organs, tissues and cells in our body. It keeps our heart beating, our lungs breathing and our stomach digesting, controls our muscles and runs our senses.

The autonomic (think automatic) nervous system is divided into two parts, which balance each other. The sympathetic hits the GAS, while the parasympathetic pumps the BRAKES. When we encounter something that is particularly stressful, our body shifts from parasympathetic to sympathetic to help us better adapt to this stress. As we do this, the nervous system changes our body chemically to better react to and process this stressor. It’s like stepping on the gas pedal. When the brain and the body are communicating the way they should, the body will step on the “brake” and return to its resting phase when the stress is over. Children with ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders often live with an imbalance in this system. Imagine driving a Ferrari but not having brakes to slow yourself down. You’d feel out of control, too. Children with ADHD are literally trying to burn off that extra energy/gas. This sympathetic dominance (gas pedal pressed down) is the common component I see when working with kids with these diagnoses and is where the impulsive, hyper behavior often stems from.   When the bones in the spine, whose job it is to protect the nervous system, rotate out of alignment, the delicate nerves can become irritated. Many things can cause these bones to shift out of place, but I find that it often relates to a difficult or traumatic birth. Research is continuing to show that the alignment of the spine plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy, balanced nervous system. Chiropractors, trained to work with children, use safe and gentle methods to help the spine return to its proper position and restore balance to the body, helping children with ADHD manage their behavior more effectively. There is no quick fix for kids with ADHD, but understanding how your child’s nervous system is reacting to its environment is a great place to start. If you have questions on how your child or grandchild may benefit from chiropractic care, please contact a chiropractor who specializes in the care of children.


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting Sherelle Christensen The leaves are turning beautiful shades; the nights are cool and crisp. Fall means harvest season for our family, and as much as I love the fall weather, it means a lot of work for a farm wife. We have our annual potato harvest, which involves many hours of physical labor with family and friends. I spend my mornings making lunch to take to the field, then I head out to convey potatoes into the storage cellars. I always try to make a simple dessert that feeds a crowd, and you can usually find these pumpkin bars on my meal rotation.


Cream Cheese Frosting

1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin 2 cup sugar 1 cup canola or vegetable oil 4 eggs, slightly beaten 2 cup all purpose flour 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon

1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese 1/2 stick melted butter 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine pumpkin, sugar, oil and eggs. Mix well. Combine dry ingredients and sift into wet ingredients. Mix well and pour into a large half sheet pan that is greased and floured. Bake for 20-25 minutes until cake is lightly firm in the center. Remover from oven and allow to cool partially before frosting.

Combine ingredients in mixer. Use a bit of milk to thin frosting if needed. Frost cooled cake and cut into bars.

C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7


Building a Better World at the Library Paul Daybell, assistant director North Logan City Library

Another successful Summer Reading program at the North Logan City Library has come to a close. The theme this year was to “Build a Better World at Your Library�.

Summer Reading Highlights During the summer, we asked participants to track each hour read. For the entire summer, we tracked nearly 12,000 hours of reading. We also hosted a program called Oh! The Place Our Books Will Go inspired by Dr. Seuss and summer travel. After checking out materials to take on their travels, patrons marked their destinations on a huge map of the United States. Our patrons visited

38 states (including Hawaii and Alaska!) as well as Mexico and Canada, and the book logging the most frequent-flyer miles made it all the way to Europe! We owe a huge shout out to all the amazing people who made each our Summer Reading events possible. We want to thank the princesses and superheroes of The Character Club, Mike Hamilton the magician, Utah Scales and Tails, musician Eric Herman, Ray Checketts and Checketts Amusements, Diane Roberg with Dazzle Dogzz, North Logan City and the North Logan Fire Department. Their talents and contributions helped us provide great activities at the library for our fabulous Cache Valley families. We would also like to thank the Cache Valley Family Magazine for partnering with us for the second year in a row at the Best of Cache Valley Festival, which had businesses and members of our community come out and showcase what they do to make Cache Valley an incredible place to live.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten We are putting the finishing touches on a new program called 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. We want to help families prepare kids to be successful readers and lifelong learners, starting when they are babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Sharing books with children helps them learn essential skills. They learn to understand the sounds letters make, develop a larger vocabulary and build background knowledge. If you read three books a day, you will read 1,000 books in less than one year. If you read one book per day, it will take just under three years. This program will be open to all children from birth through age 5, regardless of whether they have library cards or live in North Logan. We will give parents a record book to keep track of how many books their child reads or hears, and they will come to the library to receive prizes when they hit milestones along the way to 1,000. We look forward to offering encouragement, book recommendations and fun along the way.

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Back to School Prep: Are You Missing Something? Michael Cole, OD Child and Family EyeCare Center

It’s hard to believe, but another school year is here. While children focus on clothes and supplies like iPads and laptops, it’s the parents’ job to ensure their child begins the school

year with all their supplies. Unfortunately, there is one key preparation most parents miss. How well your child sees throughout the school day can have a huge impact on academic

performance and behavior in the classroom, and an eye exam is often not on the back to school checklist. Why an eye exam and not a vision screening? There is a great article on WebMD that explains this. According to the article, Common Vision Disorders Could Be Holding Your Child Back in School, “If your child aces the eye chart at the pediatrician’s office, you might assume her vision is just fine. But some common vision disorders can’t be detected by a standard eye exam — and could be holding your child back in school.” Vision screenings typically test to see how well your child can see the letters on the eye chart, and if the child passes this test, vision is incorrectly determined to be fine. Most people don’t realize that all 20/20 means is that you are looking at the eye chart from a distance of 20 feet and you are able to see the size of letter you are supposed to see from 20 feet.

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43 East 400 North Logan, UT 84321

Think about it for a minute: Where does a child do most of his or her learning? Most reading, writing, homework and test taking is done up close (one may see well at distance, but not see properly at 16 inches in front of them, which is the recommended reading distance).

What are some of the skills that are missed if we only look at distance vision, and only check if someone has 20/20? • Following a line of print from left to right. • Seeing the letters clearly as our eyes are moving. • Moving from line to line effortlessly and accurately. In the classroom, students need to be able to look at their materials on their desks and quickly focus on the teacher’s writing on the board so they can copy it back to notes. If any of the above visual skills are missing or deficient, reading and learning will be difficult. If your child is performing well in school, then you need to schedule a yearly eye exam with any eye care professional you trust. However, if your child struggles with reading, is smart in everything but school or is a bright underachiever, you need to make sure your child has all the visual skills required for academic success. To do this, you need to see a developmental optometrist who provides an in-depth binocular vision evaluation. To find a developmental optometrist near you visit the College of Optometrists in Vision Development at


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Stronger Families, Better Communities Schae Richards, community editor

The Family Place, formerly known as the Child and Family Support Center, was founded in 1982. It started with a small group of citizens that wanted to make a difference. From the very beginning, their mission has been to “build stronger families.” The Family Place staff started out off providing shelter for children in crisis situations in a house located on 100 North in Logan. Because of the great need for their services, The Family Place moved to an official location in 1984, and they now have three offices in Cache Valley: Logan, Smithfield and Hyrum. Esterlee Molyneux, executive director for The Family Place, has worked for the organization for more than 20 years, and has watched it grow along with the thousands of families they have helped. The Family Place is a safe place for families where they can get help and not feel ashamed. They offer support for parents and children in different ways including workshops, counseling and community events.

Fun Park Birthday Parties

Last year alone, they served more than 11,000 children and families in our local community. They serve families throughout Utah and Idaho.

Education Education is one of the most important ways to support families, Esterlee said. The Family Place offers workshops and classes (visit for a complete schedule) to educate children and parents on different family-related topics. • Parenting workshops: Parents interact with one another and get support during these workshops that address topics like anger management, communication, selfesteem and step-families.

C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7 • Kid workshops: Children and teens (5 to 18 years old) learn topics similar to the parenting class and additional topics relevant to their age like bullying, impulse control, social skills and abuse/trauma. The Family Place lines a pair of shoes on the Cache County Courthouse steps for every sustained case of abuse in Cache and Rich County.

Kids Place The Kids Place is a free service the center offers when parents need some extra help and support, and is offered for children 11 years and under. • Emergencies: If an emergency occurs, parents can leave their children in the care of their trusted staff until a parent or another family is able to pick them up. • Planned breaks: The Family Place offers scheduled weekly breaks. Parents can drop off their children at one of their locations and go out for a couple of hours to recharge. • Starfish program: Children who have either lost a parent or have been removed from their home can stay at the Logan location until they are placed with another family or placed into foster care. “We have everything it takes to run a household,” Esterlee said. “We love


and appreciate donations of food, toys and clothes.”

Counseling The Family Place offers professional counseling for parents, couples, children and teens, and specializes in helping victims of trauma. Workshops are also available to provide extra support to those individuals struggling with anxiety/depression, divorce, abuse and other difficult situations.

Community Events The Family Place holds service projects each year including cleaning projects and supply drives. They also host family-friendly activities like the annual Princess Party in January and Superhero Party in February. The Family Place will be partnering with the American West Heritage Center this year to host a fun run in October.

Get Support “The Family Place is making a difference,” Esterlee said. “We are truly here to support families. We are available 24 hours a day, every day.” Esterlee said their staff is eager to help those who reach out, whether they have a question or need a break. “Asking for help is a sign of strength,” she said. “Raising kids can be tough, so let’s do this together.”

The Family Place staff gathers with advocate Belva Hansen during a community gathering.

The Family Place can be contacted on their 24-hour information line at (435) 752-8880. You can also visit


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

12 Things To Do in Cache Valley This Fall 1. Get lost in a corn maze. 2. Have fun at a festival. 3. Pick the perfect pumpkin. 4. Go on a hay ride. 5. Go to Halloween events. 6. Join a fun run or 5K. 7. Enjoy a concert or other performance.

O PER ATIO N G R ATITU D E Operation Gratitude is an organization that aims to lift the spirits of United States Military and First Responder communities and provide volunteer opportunities for Americans to express their thanks to all who serve our nation.

8. Have a bonfire. 9. Take family photos. 10. Take a nature walk or hike. 11. Go to USU sporting events. 12. Support high school football.

For a full list of family-friendly activities and events to check out this fall, subscribe to our weekly newsletter or visit our online calendar at

Every year, Operation Gratitude sends 200,000+ individually addressed care packages to soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines deployed overseas, to their children left behind and to new recruits, veterans, first responders and wounded heroes and their care givers. Each package contains food, hygiene products, entertainment and handmade items, as well as letters of support. Through collection drives, letter-writing campaigns, craft projects and care package assembly events, Operation Gratitude provides civilians across America an opportunity to say thank you to these service people.





At their annual Candy Buy Back event, Cache Valley Pediatric Dentistry has made a tradition out of supporting Operation Gratitude, and encouraging Cache Valley kids to protect their teeth by eating less Halloween candy. At the event, which is held the day after Halloween, Cache Valley Pediatric Dentistry buys trick-or-treat candy from kids the day after Halloween, then sends it





on Operation Gratitude. This year, Thomson Family Orthodontics is joining to host the event. “My husband works with a man who is in the Army and has done a couple of tours in Afghanistan and Iraq,” Lindsay Brenchley, office manager at Cache Valley Pediatric Dentistry said. “[When deciding where to donate our candy], I asked him if he had ever received a package from Operation Gratitude and he said that he had. He said the package lifted his spirits and meant a lot to him.  I asked him about the candy inside, and he said the troops who interacted with local people in the towns would take it. The local kids knew the troops often had candy in their pockets, and it helped them to not be afraid of them. It is an honor to be part of something so special.” The first year Cache Valley Pediatric Dentistry did the Candy Buy Back they donated about 300 pounds of candy.  The donation has increased by about 50 to 100 pounds more; last year’s total was 560 pounds.

This year’s Candy Buy Back will be Wednesday, November 1 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Cache Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Thomson Family Orthodontics offices in North Logan.

435-754-3192 Logan Campus 755 S. Main St. Logan, UT 84321

Jennifer Graphic Arts (AAS) Graduate, Logan Campus


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

Learning from Loss:

TEACHING CHILDREN TO COPE WITH DEATH Tara Bone, contributing writer

When my oldest son was three, he begged to get a Betta fish. As parents, we felt this was doable — how hard could a fish be to care for? We brought the fish home and our son affectionately named him “Grape.” He loved Grape. He watched him endlessly, talked to him and even tried to pet him.  But one day, Grape died. As I tried to explain death to a sad little boy, I saw reality through new eyes. These were the first of many tears he would shed, and I was responsible to help him learn to cope.      Since Grape died, our family — like yours — has had to cope with other loss. This year our family coped with the deaths of two beloved family members. Though one was expected and the other was unexpected, both turned our thoughts to how parents and adults can help children through the grieving process. Death is a part of life, but during times of loss, children experience emotions they have never faced. It’s a critical time for them to build healthy coping skills for their future. How can we help them?

Travis Christensen, a licensed clinical mental health counselor at Clear Direction Counseling in Logan, said it’s important to let children express their feelings without judgment, rejection or abandonment. He points out that children are also more aware of what’s going on than parents realize. “When adults try to minimize, or protect and underestimate how much they know, they will hear whispers and fill in the blanks for themselves,” Travis said. “Be honest and straightforward, encourage questions and provide a safe atmosphere.”

Parents are not alone either. If the loss of a loved one seems too overwhelming, there are community resources available to turn to for help. Travis reminds that, “No one can throw you a life preserver unless you ask for help.” Parenting is hard and it can be especially difficult when hearts are breaking, so reach out for help. The hope is that out of sadness, parents and children will emerge stronger with a resolve to live lives that honor those they have lost.

There is no time-frame for children to feel emotions; they can last for weeks or months. Travis encourages parents to watch for warning signs of unresolved turmoil, such as anxiety, aggression, defiance, or pulling away from family or friends. “Look past the behavior and try to focus on the core of what’s really going on,” Travis said. “The key is having knowledge of what’s going on in the life of your child.”


RESOURCES  Books/internet:

• Teach children that death is a part of life — don’t avoid the topic.  Use wilting flowers, changing seasons or the death of a pet as teaching moments.    • Use straightforward, age-appropriate language.  Say, “Grandma died last night,” instead of “She went to sleep” or “She went away.”  • Make sure parental mental state is healthy to model behavior and provide stable support. If not, get help.   • Tell children immediately about the death in a familiar place where they feel safe.    • Provide lots of love and security; listen and answer questions.    • Let children see you grieve; crying is OK.     • Maintain a home routine.    • Talk about what to expect at the funeral.  Let children attend if they choose, but don’t force them.    • Conduct activities to honor the deceased: Plant a tree, make a scrapbook, display pictures and share memories.  • Help children express emotions verbally and nonverbally through art and play.  • Recognize that each child shows grief differently and sometimes it doesn’t manifest for weeks.    • Watch adolescent behavior and monitor social media posts.

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child by John Gottman, PhD

Sources: Candy Arrington, Focus on the Family; Travis Christensen, Clear Direction Counseling; Catherine McCall, Psychology Today

Utah State University – Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)  (435) 797-1012

Child Mind Institute:  Harvard Health Publications:  Kidolence Bereavement Boxes:    Children’s books:  The Goodbye Book by Todd Parr  My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss  Someone I Love Died by Christine Harder Tangvald    Local counseling:  The Family Place  (435) 752-8880  Clear Direction Counseling  (435) 258-8533  Bear River Mental Health  (435) 752-8880  Logan Regional Hospital Behavioral Health  (435) 716-1000

C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7


Step Forward with Safe Routes to School Karlie Mitchell, community health educator Bear River Health Department

Walking to school is good for a child’s body. It contributes to up to two thirds of the recommended amount of daily physical activity. Walking or biking to school is also a fun and

great way to connect with friends and other people at school. Today, fewer and fewer children walk to school. A decrease in physical activity in addition to other factors have led to an increase in overweight children. The State of Utah is aware of the situation, and has legislation in place to support children walking to

school. Schools are required to have a Safe Routes to School route mapped out. A school’s safety committee oversees annual updates to their route, making sure it continues to be safe and meets the needs of changing neighborhoods.

• Is there too much traffic? • How do drivers behave? • Do they yield to pedestrians? • Do they obey speed limits? • Does the environment feel safe? • Is there criminal activity?

Some parents create a Walking School Bus or Bike Train as an another way to ensure safety to and from school. It’s like a carpool. One adult goes with the children to school, but the children stay active by walking or biking along. Parents can also use the Walking School Bus app to coordinate walking groups and drop-off locations.

If you have questions about your route, talk to the principal at your child’s school, the local health department or city leaders about improving your route. When communities work together, our children can experience the benefits of walking to school.

If parents are concerned about the route their child takes to school, consider these questions: • Is there room to walk? • Are there sidewalks? • Are there loose dogs? • What helps you cross the street?

How you can support walking to school: • Know your safe route • Start a Walking School Bus • Encourage your kids to walk or bike to school • Participate in the Walk More in Four challenge in September • Promote Walk and Bike to School Day (Oct. 4, 2017 and May 9, 2018)

GUNNELL DENTAL Our family caring for yours. Lance Gunnell, DDS welcomes Clay Gunnell, MS, DDS Dr. Clay Gunnell is a Utah State University and Creighton University trained dentist with additional graduate studies focused on anatomical complications related to implant surgery. Dr. Gunnell is pleased to be joining his father’s practice to combine his new knowledge with Dr. Lance Gunnell’s 30 years of experience.

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Are Dental Implants for You? Dental implants have become an effective treatment for replacing missing teeth. Implants are designed to blend in with your natural teeth, and are a great long-term option for restoring the function and appearance of your smile. A dental implant is composed of three parts: the screw, abutment and crown. The screw (most commonly made out of titanium material) is surgically placed and positioned in the alveolar

bone of the maxilla or mandible. The abutment fits into the titanium screw and will protrude past the gingiva. The crown is fixed to the abutment. This allows the implant to function and appear like a normal adult tooth. It’s crucial the anatomy is carefully studied prior to placing dental implants as they come in different sizes and materials. It’s best to consult with your dental provider for a dental implant evaluation because not everyone is a candidate for this type of treatment. The evaluation generally starts with taking a radiograph to check bone quality, amount of bone present, maxillary sinus and location of nerves and arteries in relation to the potential implant site. Sometimes a bone graft is done to aid healing (if done after an extraction) and help maintain or


Clay Gunnell, MS, DDS Gunnell Dental

build a good bone height. In some cases, a sinus lift is performed to increase the height of bone, or a ridge split to increase the width of bone. Unfortunately, there are some cases where an implant is not possible. In this circumstance, you have the traditional options of a bridge or removable prosthetic device. The follow-up care of your implant is critical with proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits. As mentioned before, this implant functions similar to your natural teeth, and the care is similar and just as important. Dental implants are a great way to restore function, aesthetics and confidence in your smile. If you are interested in dental implants, schedule an appointment to discuss it carefully with your dentist.

Feeling Tired All the Time? It Could Be Adrenal Fatigue Shaun Klomp, CPhT Spence’s Pharmacy


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hormones that support the biochemical and physiological mechanisms for dealing with mental and physical stress, and also secrete chemicals involved in nutrient metabolism and energy production. Chronic anxiety, nervous tension and other types of stress may lead to an excess production of cortisol, a hormone involved in the stress response. Excess intake of stimulants like caffeine and sugar can exacerbate stress and lead to adrenal fatigue. The constant stimulation of the adrenal glands may eventually result in an abnormal stress response, low energy, poor immune function and even low sex drive.

550 East 1400 North Logan Utah 84341


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Back-to-Schoo Ryan Greene, psychologist Cache School District

It’s typical to see almost every student experience back-to-school anxiety on some level. In most cases, especially at the start of transition years (kindergarten, middle school, high school, etc.), it’s common for those jitters to diminish over the first few weeks. Here are a few things that will help your child cope with anxiety: 1. Listen to your child. It’s important to listen to your child’s worries. Avoid minimizing their concerns with statements like “Don’t worry about it,” or “It’s not that bad.” Acknowledge their thoughts and feelings instead. By listening to your child, it makes them feel what they are experiencing is validated, and they will be more likely to share their anxieties with you. 2. Avoid the absent trap. It may be easier in the short run to allow your child to stay home when experiencing symptoms of anxiety. However, in the long run, students that are frequently absent miss out on instruction, opportunities to problem solve and chances to work through

jitters. They also miss social experiences with classmates. Avoiding school can reinforce your student’s fears, which can make it more difficult to attend. 3. Enforce back-toschool fundamentals. Summers can quickly unravel a family’s schedule. Restructure by implementing earlier bedtimes, allow extra time in the mornings to get ready and eat a good breakfast, and, if possible, have family mealtimes together. These adjustments can

set the foundation for a successful year by establishing healthy habits. In the school realm, spend some time at the school. Have your child walk up and down the hallways, identifying where they will go throughout the day. They could talk to the school’s secretary, or set up a time to meet their new teacher. Having concrete knowledge of a place, or meeting someone ahead of time can do wonders to reduce stress. 4. Encourage problem solving. It’s important

to remember that kids are just like adults in some ways; they want to be able to talk about something that bothers them without expecting you to fix the problem for them. Instead, help them brainstorm some ways to address their worries. For example, help them draw a map of the school and the main areas they will be going. Role playing different situations with different solutions can also be helpful. It may also be beneficial to remind your child that every worry



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ol Blues has a lie. A great parenting opportunity would be to help them differentiate between the lie and a healthy way of framing the problem.

How do you know if your child is experiencing back-to-school anxiety? Learn to identify these common symptoms: • Isolation from family/friends • Increased tantrums, irritability or crying • Sleeping problems • Observed changes in eating behavior

• Headaches • Stomach aches

If your child needs extra support this school year, talk to your child’s teacher, school psychologist, school counselor or principal. If these symptoms are lasting longer than a few weeks, it may be beneficial to contact community resources that can help address ongoing needs. For more ideas, read Hey Warrior by Karen Young and What to Do When You Worry Too Much by Dawn Huebne or visit



C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7


Melanie Christensen, contributing writer

Every year, approximately 3,500 infants die from sleep-related deaths in the United States, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Sleep-related deaths can include strangulation, suffocation or entrapment. If the death is inexplicable, it’s called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The AAP has issued guidelines for creating a safe sleep space to decrease the risk of sleep-related deaths. 1. Back to sleep. “Back to sleep” means just that — lay your baby down to sleep on his or her back for every nap or bedtime for the first year of life. It’s the safest position for all babies, even those with reflux. Once your baby learns to roll in all directions, it’s okay to sleep on their tummy or side. 2. Just a fitted sheet. Blankets, pillows, soft toys and crib bumpers pose a suffocation hazard, so the AAP recommends they stay out of baby’s sleep area. The safest way for a baby to sleep is on a firm mattress — which means no memory foam or mattress toppers — with nothing on top but a fitted sheet. If baby is cold, use a wearable blanket or warmer clothing. 3. Breastfeed. Breastfeeding a baby may reduce the risk of SIDS. The AAP says risk reduction “increases with exclusivity,” but breastfeeding for any amount of time will help. 4. Share a room. Parents who share a room with their infant are more likely to hear them if they are in distress. Because the risk of SIDS is highest during the first six months of life, the AAP recommends room sharing for at least that long, but encourages one year. Don’t confuse the room-sharing recommendation with bed-sharing,

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C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7 though, as bed-sharing might increase the possibility of a sleep-related death. 5. Pacify. Studies have shown that babies who are put to sleep with a pacifier have more protection against SIDS than babies put to sleep without one. If your baby won’t take a pacifier, there’s no need to force them — just try again when they’re a little older. 6. Avoid smoke, drugs and alcohol. Exposing a baby to drugs and alcohol, whether pre-natal or post-natal, may increase the rate of SIDS. Adults should keep their homes and cars smoke-free, and mothers shouldn’t use drugs, alcohol or cigarettes while pregnant and nursing. 7. Fewer layers. Don’t bundle baby too snugly or they might overheat, which increases the chance of a sleeprelated death. As a rule of thumb, only dress a baby in one layer more than an adult would need to feel comfortable, and avoid covering the baby’s head or face. Keep the baby’s room at a comfortable temperature. 8. Go to the doctor. Mothers who receive regular prenatal care reduce their baby’s risk of SIDS, according to the AAP. Vaccinated babies also have a decreased risk of SIDS. Babies should be seen by a doctor regularly.

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S MART BEAT Many new parents are terrified by the possibility of a sleep-related death. Nate Ruben, a Utah State University engineering graduate, experienced that fear firsthand when his son was born four weeks premature. Because their son’s risk of SIDS was elevated, his wife felt compelled to check on him at least six times per night for months and watch for breathing. Nate decided to invent a device that could track his son’s breathing. The resulting product — SmartBeat — is a video monitor that can sense a baby’s breath, and will alert the parents if the baby is having trouble breathing. Although there are other products on the market that can monitor a baby’s vital signs, they aren’t all in line with the AAP’s recommendation to keep items out of the crib. Some baby monitoring products may malfunction if they aren’t put on properly, or if the baby removes them in their sleep. SmartBeat, however, is non-intrusive and can give peace of mind to concerned parents. SmartBeat is being beta tested right now, but Nate says it will be available for purchase early next year. For more information about SmartBeat, visit


C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | F a l l 2 0 1 7

Is There a Best Age to Get Pregnant?

Nathan Bertoldo, MD, MP Cache Valley Hospital

No matter how old you are, health and nutrition are the foundation of a healthy pregnancy. The healthier you are when you get pregnant, the more likely you will stay healthy during your pregnancy. If you have a health condition, the risk goes up. This is especially true if you’re going into your pregnancy with a chronic condition, like obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure. But when is the best age to get pregnant? Here are some specific things to consider based on your age.

In your 20s The assumption is younger is better. For most women, this is true. It’s much easier to get pregnant in your 20s. If you’re 20-something, you probably know how to rally and stay up all night (which your baby will probably require you to do). Your youthful energy can be a real asset as you go from pregnancy to a new mom. Financially, it could be a harder time to have kids. That said, some people argue that it’s easier to take time off from your job in your 20s if you work versus later on in your life.

In your 30s Getting pregnant does get harder as you age. Every month, a healthy, fertile 30-year-old woman has a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant, and this number continues to shrink over time, reaching five percent once you hit 40, according to The American Society for Reproductive Medicine. If you are pregnant and 30-something, you will probably be more closely monitored than a woman in her 20s. Depending on your risk factors, your doctor might recommend genetic testing including an amniocentesis, a test used to diagnose Down syndrome

and other chromosomal abnormalities. Ask your doctor if you will need more frequent prenatal visits, especially as your due date approaches. The good news is that many women in their 30s have their health in order. You’ve likely ditched all the bad habits of your college years and graduated from all-nighters to nights in.

In your 40s Preparing to have a baby in your 40s is riskier than it is in your 20s. By 40 years old, the chance that you’ll get pregnant drops to five percent per menstrual cycle, according to The American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Women over 40 also have a higher risk of gestational diabetes, according to a 2012 study in the Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. Your risk of having a baby with a chromosome defect like Down syndrome also increases. For women over 40, the risk is one in 30. For

comparison, a 25-year-old woman’s risk is one in 1,250, according to the March of Dimes. Women over 40 also have a slightly higher risk of preeclampsia, a condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy, according to the Preeclampsia Foundation. Postpartum support from a doula or parenting group can be really important for new moms in their 40s. The great news for older moms is that there are more financial resources to help you get the support you need.

And, the best age for pregnancy is… Medically, your 20s are the optimal time to get pregnant. Despite the fact that some things are just easier when you’re younger, the truth is the best time for pregnancy also depends on where your health is and what is happening in your personal life. Talk to your doctor about your baby plans, and see which risks are more important to watch for based on your age and health status.

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