Warner van rental offers passenger vans which you may enjoy comfortable and luxurious transportation for family trips, group outings, or corporate events, thanks to the spacious seating and upscale amenities. You may also provide high-quality transportation services for clients, employees, or guests with the reliability and sophistication of the Sprinter van, ensuring a memorable and comfortable journey.
Renting a camper van offers the freedom to travel at your own pace, exploring various destinations without the constraints of fixed accommodations or schedules. Save on accommodation costs by having your bed and kitchen on wheels, making camper vans a cost-effective option for travel.

Warner Van Rental’s cargo vans are the epitome of reliability and versatility. Efficiently transport goods and materials for your business, whether you’re running a small startup or managing a largescale operation. The cargo space provides ample room for packages, equipment, and supplies. You may also simplify the moving process by using a cargo van to transport furniture, boxes, and belongings to your new home or office. The spacious interior allows for easy loading and unloading, making moving day a breeze.

Best of Cache Valley Awards
Celebrate the best businesses and services in our community by nominating your favorites for the 2024 Best of Cache Valley Awards! Voting is open May 31 through August 2. Winners will be announced in our Fall 2024 issue.
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Discoveries of a Mom Evolving with the Digital Age ... pg 9
Common Ground: Inclusive Outdoor Recreation ... pg 12
Managing Summer Screen Time ... pg 14
Window to Another World ... pg 26
REALTORS: Your Partner in The Real Estate Journey ... pg 30
Cache County School District: A Summer of Learning ... pg 36
Logan City School District:
Helping Children Manage Disappointment ... pg 37
Anderson's Seed and Garden Summer Checklist ... pg 16
Kid-Friendly Hikes in Cache Valley ... pg 19
Kid-Approved Wellness Tips ... pg 20
Prioritizing Your Health: Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an OB/GYN in Cache Valley ... pg 23
Experience Local Goodness at the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market ... pg 24
2024 Outstanding High School Grads ... pg 31
Polarized Protection for Your Family’s Eyes ... pg 39
Taking on the Garage Organization Task ... pg 40
The Gathering ... pg 42
Classes + Camps Guide 2024 ... pg 45

Discoveries of a Mom Evolving with the Digital Age
TARA BONE contributing writer
This is part one in a three-part series on this topic. Imagine parenting in a world without social media, instant streaming, texting, or pocket-sized computers that instantly connect to the world and capture all the moments. Isn’t it … simple?
That was my world when my first child was born. Today, I’m a mother of four ranging in ages 4 to 21 and living through the evolution of technology while parenting has been like riding a roller coaster with exhilarating highs and terrifying lows. As we buckle up for summer days ahead (yes, we can do it!), what follows are tips from moms who are doing their best to parent well in a world ruled by technology.
These tips focus on helping parents conquer internal battles with information overload, mindless scrolling, and sharenting. There’s much information available about helping teens navigate social media appropriately, but what about helping parents?
I recently talked with a new mom who was overwhelmed with information overload. She was in a frenzy trying to follow a social media influencer’s “sleep kit” on how to sleep train her six-month-old. She was feeling guilty and like a failure because it wasn’t working. She was also bemoaning the cost. A “sleep coach” (yes, there’s such a thing) can average between $200 to $1,500. She was feeling bombarded by all the “necessities” Instagram told her she needed to buy to a good mom. Her wise mom, a mother of five children, recommended she shut down Instagram and just cuddle her baby. Sure, there have always been parenting self-help books but never has such a breadth of information (and services to buy) been literally at our fingertips 24/7. Cooking, potty training, housekeeping, home decor … the possibilities are endless, but our time is not.
help to stay in control of your social media use
• Understand your smartphone habits: Identify patterns in your use, such as how much time is used, what time of day are you more likely to scroll, which apps take up most of your screen time.
• Set a smartphone use goal, for example: “I will limit my social media scrolling to 30 minutes per day for next week.” Or set goals that encourage better habits, such as “I will read a book for 20 minutes each day before bed instead of scrolling.”
• Delete social media apps on your phone.
• Mute social media app notifications.
• Use app blockers (i.e., Opal or Forest).
• Use the iPhone app limits.
• Set a timer.
• “Schedule” social media use for limited time (preferably when not with people).
• Ask family or friends for help to limit phone use.
• Establish screen-free activities, i.e. mealtimes, first hour after waking up, time before bed, when kids come home from school, etc.
• Designate screen-free zones/areas, i.e. the car, bedroom.
• Don’t charge phone in bedroom.
• Consider using grayscale mode to make screen less appealing.
Tip: Shut out the voices and love your kids — and yourself. Take social media voices with a grain of salt, sometimes there’s good information, sometimes not. If you feel bad following someone, unfollow or silence them for a time. We all have seasons where we feel more confident than others, it’s OK to shut the voices off and listen to your inner voice. For specific tips to quiet social media, see the sidebar above.
continued on next page..
... continued from previous page MINDLESS SCROLLING
We are all guilty, no judgement. You think you’ll spend a few minutes catching up with friends on social media and an hour later wonder where the kids are and why you haven’t moved. Melissa G. Hunt is a wellknown clinical psychologist and mother of three who leads research on how social media affects mental health. She led a study that found individuals who minimized social media use had less feelings of sadness and loneliness. Thoughtless scrolling can harm personal connections because the constant presence of screens disrupts face-to-face interaction which can lead to feelings of detachment, lower quality relationships, and even more conflict during interactions with loved ones.
Expert advice: Dr. Hunt recommends limiting social media use to about 30 minutes per day. Consider setting a digital plan for yourself that may include setting an alarm on your phone, or scheduling active activities during times you typically reach for the phone.
It’s believed the term “sharenting” was coined in 2010 to refer to parents or relatives sharing content about their children on social media. Sharenting has its benefits as it can create a sense of community and closeness for family members, friends, and distant relatives, but it is also a growing hot topic because we live in a culture of “if it wasn’t posted, it didn’t happen” and oversharing can have negative long-term effects on children as they grow. Think of your parents pulling out the photo album for your prom date … now imagine that on a global level. Children who have a digital footprint by age 2 can experience adverse effects on their safety, reputation, or perception of themselves.
That leaves parents asking what’s the etiquette for posting about our kids?
Tips: Stacey Steinberg is a professor, author, mother, and confessed oversharer of her daughter’s early years. She’s the author of Growing Up Shared.
Her guidelines for sharing content about our children:
1. Ask yourself why you’re sharing? Is it for validation or just for more likes? Or is it genuinely to share an important moment
with your community? This matters as your child will notice your social media habits. If you’re oversharing, are you teaching your kids that “constant connectivity online is expected and appropriate?”
2. Avoid sharing personally identifying information, such as full names and birth dates. Think twice about sharing embarrassing pictures. If your child has a medical condition and you need advice, limit the audience.
3. Consider deleting old posts once they are no longer helpful for family and store your photos somewhere other than in public spaces.
4. Before posting about your child, ask them how they feel about you sharing it; give kids veto power.
Because technology has brought more of the world into our day-to-day lives like never before, parents have opportunities and challenges like never before to connect with family and friends, and even the world through social media. By understanding the need for social media boundaries, we can ensure mental health for ourselves and that is always good for our children.

Common Ground: Inclusive Outdoor Recreation
HAILEY WESTENSKOW contributing writer

Here in Northern Utah, we are nestled in what some might argue are among the most beautiful mountains and valleys. The tall peaks and deep canyons are rich with opportunities to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, exhilarating experiences, and wonders the Earth offers. This has cultivated a community of outdoor enthusiasts, and Common Ground Outdoor Adventures has ensured that all can share the passion for participating in outdoor recreation.
Common Ground Outdoor Adventures is a private non-profit that, for more than 25 years, has acted on the mission to “provide life-enhancing outdoor recreation for youths and adults with disabilities” (cgadventures.org) by providing outdoor
recreation opportunities that are accessible to all, regardless of any physical, financial, or cognitive barrier. The facility serves more than 3,600 people with disabilities every year. The organization commits to an inclusive environment and is led by trained professionals to maintain industry standards of safety, fun, and learning.
One of these professionals is SaQuoyah Boxx, Common Ground program director. In college, SaQuoyah studied therapeutic recreation, a perfect conglomeration of her love for the outdoors and her passion for helping people experience life-fulfilling activities. She completed her senior internship at Common Ground, then was hired as an activity coordinator and

progressed to be program director. As she has worked one-on-one with individuals who participate at Common Ground, her love for helping others have these experiences has continued to grow.
“Even making the smallest change to the activity can make the biggest difference for them and can completely alter their experience,” SaQuoyah said, recalling a time working with a young girl with a sensory disorder who struggled with helmets — a key requirement in participating in many activities. Taking small steps, SaQuoyah encouraged her to start by just holding the helmet in her hands and progressing to buckling it, then holding it on her head for just a few seconds at a time, and eventually putting it on completely. With SaQuoyah’s gentle guidance, the young girl not only wore the bike helmet that day, but also a rafting helmet and life jacket later on in different activities.
Joe Cherry was 20 when he first engaged with Common Ground. After moving from California, his mother Lorraine worried about how to help Joe adjust to a new home and find things to do, as he loves trying new
opened up a whole different world for him from what he had before,” Lorraine said. On one of his first outings with Common Ground, Lorraine received a photo of Joe beaming from ear to ear with a fish he had caught dangling in his hand. “He’s so enthusiastic,” Lorraine said. “He was beyond thrilled that he had caught a fish, and he was also very, very happy to put the fish back.” That summer, for the first time in his life, Joe was also able to stay overnight away from his parents on a campout with Common Ground.
Joe is one of thousands each year who have enjoyed the activities that Common Ground has to offer. “For him to be able to go with people that he really loves and lots of friends he’s known now for a long time and to get to go do these fun activities — it’s priceless to us, absolutely priceless,” Lorraine said. Other participants and friends of Joe range from age 3 to age 99 and are anywhere from able-bodied with cognitive impairment to complete quadriplegia and unable to talk. Volunteers who help with the activities come from just as diverse a set of backgrounds and are always in demand.

Managing Summer Screen Time
JENTRIE HALES community advocate, @techhealthyfamily

Summer: AKA the best of times (especially if you are a kid)! Summer means a break from school, lots of time with friends, staying up late, and maybe even a trip or two to the lake. We also know summer means taking a few extra precautions to keep our families safe as we participate in all of the fun things of summer. We lather ourselves in sunscreen when hitting the pool, wear helmets on bike rides, bring first aid while camping, give curfews, and wear life jackets.
Most of us understand the importance of precautions for these activities, but do you have a plan to keep your family safe online as well? As fun and convenient as screens can be for entertaining the family this summer, we know that there are many risks associated with these devices. Let’s cover a few of those risks and consider some ideas for incorporating shelter and well-being in your home.

As much as we love summertime, a recent study reported that American families spend about 35 summer days in front of a screen. That is about one-third of our precious break. Even with the significant uptick in screen time in kids and teens, the American Academy of Pediatrics still recommends that children age 5 and over spend less than two hours a day in front of a screen. The current average for teens is around 9 hours a day, so this is a serious cause for concern.
Kids are being exposed to pornography increasingly earlier and more frequently. A study from Common Sense Media reported that the average age for children to be exposed to pornographic material was age 12 and that 73% of teens ages 13 to 17 have watched pornography online. Another harmful aspect of screens is the fact that about 80% of video games are violent. Cyberbullying, access to predators, and mindnumbing content with no real value are also regulars.

So, it is important to ponder how we combat the time and content our families spend on screens. Here are a few suggestions.
Here are some ideas of how that might fit into your family:
• Get a part-time job (if appropriate)
• Have stewardship over specific household responsibilities
• Cultivate a section of the garden
• Participate in sports and musical arts
• Contribute to paying fees for extracurricular activities
• Plan and produce a bake sale
• Create a “Boredom Plan” and have kids be responsible for finding something to fill their time with.
Assist kids of all ages in being productive and see how working hard to accomplish something meaningful boosts their self-esteem.
Here are some items that should be included:
• The areas that screens are allowed in
• The areas where they are prohibited — Bedrooms? Bathrooms?

• Protocols for accessing devices
• Time allowed on devices
• Apps that are acceptable to use
• Consequences for violating the screen safety plan
• How are these rules implemented in other places and at friends’ homes?
Work together as a family to implement and stick to it this summer.
This tech stuff can truly be overwhelming to handle. Don’t shut down by the immensity of it all. Trust your instincts and remember that your job is to keep your kids safe offline and online this summer. You got this!
Jentrie Hales is a community advocate with experience empowering parents and children in different settings. She has been invited into classrooms, youth groups, and parent groups throughout Cache Valley to speak about healthy relationships with tech and mentors families that feel overwhelmed with managing the tech in their home. Follow her on Instagram @techhealthyfam or email her at techheatlhyfam@gmail.com

Anderson's Seed and Garden Summer Checklist
MARK ANDERSON owner, Anderson’s Seed and GardenI always know that summer has finally arrived when the cool, wet weather of spring transitions into the long, hot, dry days of summer — I think we are there. That transition heralds a host of jobs that need attention around the yard. You can ignore them, but they still need to get done at some point. You might as well get working on that “Summer Checklist:”
Ɍ Prevent weeds before they take over. This is always number one on my list. Shortly after planting my flowers and garden for the summer, I pull out the trusty pre-emergent to stop weeds as they germinate. Treflan Weed and Grass Stopper will do most of your weeding work for most of the summer. Apply it now to save hours (and hours!) of work later.
Ɍ Spray fruit trees. Watch for Utah State University Extension’s notice that it is time to spray apples and pears for coddling moth— it’s usually right around June 1. No one likes worms in their apples (except the neighbor’s cow). Spray when the time is right for best results.
Ɍ Repel insects before they eat the whole yard. Last year, we saw the biggest outbreak of grasshoppers I can ever remember. Fortunately, our yard escaped the invasion because we used Cedar Oil granules to drive them to our neighbor’s house. I still had to spray once or twice, but most homeowners sprayed weekly for multiple months. It really works.
Ɍ Check the coverage and efficiency of your sprinklers. Most sprinklers run when you are either not awake or not at home. A wet sidewalk is not a good indicator that your sprinklers are doing their job. At least once a month, run your sprinklers through a cycle so you can see the coverage and adjust as needed. Apply 1-1 1/2 inches of water weekly in two or three applications for best results. To really decrease the amount of water you use to keep your lawn green, try a product like Hydretain — it can decrease your water usage by 30-50% with no visible side effects. It’s amazing.
Ɍ Add some summer color. June and July are perfect months to add some perennial flowers that bloom during the summer. Perennials are low maintenance, easy to clean up and dead-head in the fall, and come back year after year. Some excellent summer bloomers include Chocoholic Snake Root, Salvia, Coneflower, and Indian Summer Rudbekia.
Ɍ Recycle space in your garden. Cold crops usually produce in June and early July, and then they are done for the year. Yank them out as soon as they start to show signs of slowing down or heat stress and replace them with plants that are quick and love the heat of summer. We’ve planted beans and corn as late as July 25 to harvest a productive fall crop in September.
Ɍ Give Iron-deficient plants the right kind of Iron. June is when Iron Chlorosis starts to show up in common plants we grow in Cache Valley: maples, spirea, roses, raspberries, burning bush, and others. EDDHA chelated iron works in our high soil pH and when nothing else works. It greens up the yellow leaves on some of our favorite plants quickly and effectively, and if you use it early enough on perennially deficient plants, you can keep them healthy before it happens.
Ɍ Stop Blossom End Rot in tomatoes before it shows. Everyone loves to grow tomatoes — myself included, but every tomato grower despises seeing sunken brown spots on the bottom of their tomatoes. Blossom End Rot happens when calcium doesn’t move properly through the circulatory system of the plant and never reaches the furthest point it needs to go: the blossom end of the fruit. This problem is very common and easily corrected. Calcium Nitrate, applied twice to the plants shortly after planting and again a few weeks later, will completely prevent this pesky problem. Start early and prevent damage since damaged fruits cannot be corrected.
There is so much to do, but if you start on these important tasks early, they can make time for you later to enjoy all the things you want to do this summer — things like enjoying the lush lawn, eating a ripe tomato or a delicious apple from your orchard, or admiring the beautiful color in your flower garden.

Kid-Friendly Hikes in Cache Valley
VALERIE DAINES contributing writerThe long-awaited , best time of year in Cache Valley is here! As the flowers bloom and everything turns green, the outdoor adventures begin. Cache Valley is full of beautiful hikes! It can be difficult to know where to begin, especially with little kids. Grab your backpack and prepare for an adventure full of fun, discovery, and childdirected detours with these suggested hikes.
Remember the essentials when hiking with young kids: snacks, plenty of water, diapers/wipes, sunscreen, and a pack to carry all that in.
Helpful Tip: Embarking on a hike with toddlers or babies might sound intimidating. A
helpful tip is to think of it as an adventure that isn’t just about reaching a destination. Toddlers are great at helping us slow down and literally smell the roses, dandelions, and anything else that catches their eye. You’ll find yourself watching more of the world with them as they stop to examine bugs, collect rocks, and throw sticks. Through their eyes, every step can be a memorable one.
These memories will last beyond the scraped knees and muddy shoes. Enjoy this season of fresh air and beautiful views with your little loves!

Kid-Approved Wellness Tips
MCKENZIE ROCKWOOD registered dietician and founder of Citrus Pear
We all know that healthy eating and regular physical activity don't become habits overnight. It takes time and effort to make lifestyle changes and incorporate them into our daily routine. At Citrus Pear, we believe including the whole family is the best way to encourage healthy habits in our children and in turn, hold ourselves accountable.
Research shows children are often more willing to eat healthy foods and be active if they see their parents and other family members doing these things first. When the whole family participates, everyone benefits. This also prevents singling out feelings of failure or disappointment, and unnecessary pressures on children and family members.
While that includes eating healthy foods and moving our bodies, it also encompasses refraining from food moralizing, criticizing our own eating habits or those of others, and modeling the same joyous and adventurous attitude toward eating you hope to instill in your children. (As a bonus, this can do wonders for your own relationship with food!) Kids will look to you to learn how to behave.
The patterns and habits we develop as children will often determine our lifestyle as adults. That’s why teaching good nutrition and exercise habits are vital to raising healthy children. Studies show that
overweight children are more likely to be overweight adults and develop chronic diseases later in life. So let’s do all we can to help them while they’re young!
Here are seven tips to prepare your children for a healthy lifestyle:
While providing food choices like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins is important for kids' growth and development, teaching them WHY these foods are beneficial and important can motivate them to make healthier choices on their own. Encouraging them to drink milk for healthy bones, eat wheat bread to have more energy at soccer practice, or snack on oranges to prevent a cold can empower them to make choices for their health and wellbeing. Avoid associating foods with weight and body size. Instead, focus on how certain foods make them feel and how they fuel their bodies.
Oftentimes, parents will label sugary, fried, and salty foods such as fries, donuts, cookies, and Cheetos as “bad” and fruits and vegetables as “good,” which can create a judgmental picture of food in your child’s head. Kids should be allowed to be kids, and that includes experimenting with and trying all foods. Labeling foods as good or bad attaches a moral value to food and can lead to disordered eating patterns and thoughts that can be life-altering for children and their families. Putting ultimatums and absolutes on such foods can also create hoarding, hiding, and binging.
For many, this can be the most difficult task associated with parenting. As parents, it is our responsibility to provide what, when, and where our children can eat. It is our children’s responsibility to decide if they want to eat those foods or not. Do not make mealtime a struggle or battle for control. Allow your children to practice autonomy
and listen to their bodies. By showing trust in your child to feed themselves, you’re teaching them that their body’s cues are worth trusting and ensuring they don’t lose touch with those important hunger and fullness signals. This will allow your children to foster a healthier relationship with food.
Kids need 60 minutes of physical activity each day. This can be split-up throughout the day or done at once at a sporting event. Set limits with devices and set goals for movement. Plan activities as a family, such as weekly hikes, family sports teams, step challenges, dance parties, etc. Include all family members to promote healthy relationships and build a support network for each other.
Set limits for screen time. On average, children ages 8-12 in the United States spend four to six hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to nine hours. This can lead to:
• Sleep problems
• Lower grades
• Reading fewer books
• Less time with family and friends
• Not enough outdoor or physical activity
• Weight problems
• Mood problems
• Poor self-image and body-image issues
• Fear of missing out
• Less time learning other ways to relax and have fun
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recommends that children over age 6 limit activities that include screens by:
• Turning off all screens during family meals and outings
• Learning about and using parental controls.
• Avoiding using screens as pacifiers, babysitters, or to stop tantrums
• Turning off screens and removing them from bedrooms 30-60 minutes before bedtime
Family meals are a comforting ritual for both parents and kids. Children like the predictability of family meals and parents get a chance to catch up with their kids. Kids who take part in regular family meals are:
• More likely to eat fruits, vegetables, and grains
• Less likely to snack on unhealthy foods
• Less likely to smoke, use marijuana, or drink alcohol
Family meals are also a chance for parents to introduce kids to new foods and be role models for healthy eating.
A few ways to encourage and support family meals are:
• Get your children involved in the planning and preparation
• Let your children invite a friend to dinner
• Have a set dinner time so children know what to expect
• Keep mealtime fun and engaging, avoid lectures or arguing
• Use services like Citrus Pear to take the stress out of planning and preparing dinner each night
Promoting wellness for children goes beyond physical health; it encompasses their mental, emotional, and social well-being. Encourage open communication and create a safe space for them to express their emotions. Teach them coping mechanisms like deep breathing or journaling to manage stress and emotions effectively. Engage in activities like storytelling, reading, or puzzles to stimulate their minds and encourage creativity.

JULY 13, 2024

Expert OB-GYN care in Cache Valley

Prioritizing Your Health: Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an OB/GYN in Cache Valley
KIMBERLY D. MCCULLOCH, M.D., OB/GYN Intermountain Health Logan Regional Hospital, Intermountain Health Budge ClinicLet’s face it. Being a girl can be rough. From raging hormones, pre-puberty to hot flashes and night sweats in the 50s, good old Mother Nature can sure throw a lot of curve balls along the way. Luckily, there are physicians and other specialized providers who can guide women through all these challenges in life. Let’s talk about how to navigate the healthcare system to best care for your amazing female body.
Pediatricians specialize in the care of newborns up to about age 18. Most pediatricians are very capable of handling painful period complaints and mood changes, but more significant problems with the transition into womanhood can be managed by an obstetrician/ gynecologist (OB/GYN), women’s health nurse practitioner, or certified nurse midwife (CNM). Many family practice providers can also treat girls of this age. Young women are often very nervous to visit with an OB/GYN because of a fear they will need to undress and undergo an uncomfortable exam. Most of the time, this is unnecessary, and we can just talk about symptoms and come up with a treatment plan without any of the anticipated discomfort. We can see patients who are struggling with puberty, periods, or want to discuss birth control.
Next is often the fun part, but also can be a difficult time in life if reproductive plans don’t go as anticipated. This is a good time to establish care with a trusted OB/GYN or women’s health provider. Whether you are having babies, chose not to reproduce, or are having problems with miscarriages or infertility, we are here to help. Find a provider who listens to your concerns and can refer you to other providers or resources to help.
Some clinics offer CNMs who can also provide excellent prenatal care and a safe birth in the hospital with many natural features, including a laboring tub and soon, nitrous oxide, or other

alternatives for pain management instead of an epidural or to help with a more natural, low-intervention birth. In general, prenatal care is all included in one global fee. Check with your insurance plan to see if there are any additional costs.
After the reproductive phase of life, many women have issues that may require a surgical specialist for issues like heavy bleeding, bladder control problems, or permanent sterilization. Most OB/GYNs provide all of these surgical options, but some specialize a bit more than others. Your trusted provider can tell you who to see for different issues if they can’t provide the service themselves. There are usually a range of treatment options, including pelvic floor physical therapy, in-office procedures, or surgery, including some surgical options that are robotically assisted.
Hormones are currently the trendiest topic in town! Many women feel like their hormones are “out of whack.” This is a very complex discussion to have with a provider you know and trust. Be cautious about spending too much money on excessive lab work, and remember you are your own best advocate.
Menopause is the grand finale of a woman’s reproductive life. Heavy bleeding, hot flashes, night sweats, and/or insomnia may be a part of this transition, but often it is a smoother, easier process. There are safe hormonal and non-hormonal treatment options to ease women through this occasionally turbulent phase.
Throughout life’s stages, and perhaps even more so after menopause, it’s extremely important to do the simple things that will make you feel better and live your best life. This includes eating a healthy diet with minimal processed foods and mostly whole foods. Exercising at least three to five days a week, with special attention to core and upper body fitness, to minimize the impact of osteoporosis. Prioritizing good sleep. Turning off screens of all kinds at least one hour before trying to go to sleep, and if you wake up at night, don’t turn on a screen.
The female body is an amazing creation, and taking care of it throughout your life can be complex, but it’s easier to navigate with your trusted OB/GYN or women’s health specialist.

Experience Local Goodness at the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market
BETH BLAKE contributing writerAt the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market, you can enjoy time outdoors with fellow community members, find treasures such as freshly grown strawberries or a handmade pancake syrup pitcher, and have the chance to support local farmers, merchants, and artisans. And you can do it all with some magic in the air.
Beginning in 1986, the market has grown from a few gardeners to a thriving community of entrepreneurs of all sorts. This year, the market runs every Saturday from May 11 to October 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cache County Historic Courthouse.
For me, the market is a hallmark and highlight of the season. Between perusing the different booths and soaking in all the sun and laughter, I always leave so grateful to live in Cache Valley. The market always brings out the kid in me, and I enjoy the renewed sense of curiosity and wonder. There are so many bright and beautiful
colors, from the deep greens, purples, and oranges of fresh produce to the eclectic colors of handmade pottery. A walk from one side of the market to the other may include the scents of apples, freshly brewed coffee, ripe onions and garlic, savory grilling meat, and tortillas fried in oil; all mingled with a hint of freshly mowed grass.
Of course, there is also the music. The market features live music every week, from a toetapping bluegrass band to a solo fiddler and more. All performers are local because the market is all about supporting local neighbors in their endeavors and dreams and giving them a chance to shine.
The market's heartbeat is the community of artists, farmers, jewelry-makers, beekeepers, chefs, bakers, and more who come together to present something extraordinary to the community that has come to support them.
Dani Pace has been a member of the market family for 18 years. She is the current market director, as well as a knitting and crocheting toymaker.
“It’s a lot of work, and a lot of love goes into it,” Dani said. “But it’s just a positive place to be.”
Dani is excited about the 122 returning or new vendors that will be at the market this year. Old favorites such as “Hip Mama’s Lemonade” are returning with their freshly squeezed lemonade and fresh fruit mix-ins. People can also look forward to new woodworking booths, food vendors, and a mushroom supplier.
Mary Laine was the market director for many years and now is the event coordinator and assists in many other areas. She also has a passion and love for the market.
“We are a homegrown, homemade market,” Mary said. “We don’t have any retail in our market, so when you come there to buy a
vegetable or a necklace, it’s been grown or made by the person you are talking to. I think that it is very unique. Not every market is like that.” Becoming a regular market supporter has many benefits, one of which is that you may see the initial germination of a local business that will become a beloved part of Cache Valley for years to come. Stacked, The Crepery, and The Spirit Goat are some of the thriving stores and restaurants that got their start at the market.
Starting in 2023, the market has partnered with Cache Refugee and Immigration Connection to provide refugees with an opportunity to enter the market.
“We have booths that are all run by refugees from different countries who are trying to start a business here,” said Dani. “Because we are a business incubator, the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market gives them an affordable way to start a business without having to go out and get major loans.”
Every market is a special occasion, but throughout the year, there are events that offer the chance for more community involvement and support. There will be a day, especially for kids, with activities provided by the 4-H organization and Stokes Nature Center. There will also be a local non-profit day highlighting those important organizations and a local author day.
Each time I come to the market, I think about how things were four years ago and rejoice in the thriving, talking, laughing, dancing community around me. I’ll see you there. You’ll probably find me in one of two of my favorite places: in the Week’s Berries of Paradise line when it’s a purple raspberry season or at the perfect spot where the scent of freshly squeezed lemons and sizzling kettle corn mingles in the air.
Visit gardenersmarket.org to check out more about the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market.

A Window to Another World
EMILY BUCKLEY editor in chiefEntering its 32nd performing season, Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre (UFOMT) is a cornerstone of Cache Valley’s Arts community. However, the breadth and depth of what the organization offers are not as well known or may be overlooked by some locals. Once you take a moment to take it all in, it is nothing short of magical.
“Magical is a word we hear a lot when people reference UFOMT,” Vanessa Ballam, daughter of UFOMT’s founding general director Michael Ballam, and the organization’s education director and associate artistic director, said.
In short, UFOMT is a professional performing company that produces six fully staged works with orchestra and repertory every July and August at the Utah Theatre and Ellen Eccles Theatre. In long, it is a true Arts festival that opens a window to another world for locals who experience Broadway- and Metropolitan Opera-quality entertainment in our small mountain town and patrons who come from afar to recognize the world-class Art that comes alive here each summer.
“Professional artists come to this place they never knew existed and fall in love with the community and landscape,” Stefan Espinoza, UFOMT Conservatory director and artistic associate, said. “They are here for a minute and never forget.”
The Festival includes much more than the six mainstage operas and musicals. It also boasts concerts by UFOMT pianists, the American Festival Chorus and UFOMT soloists, the Michael Ballam Vocal Competition, and new
this year: Galaxy of Stars, where UFOMT’s most talented artists from the last 32 years will return to perform an array of great operas and arias.
Add to it all an Academy where patrons can get an in-depth understanding and a backstage look at the performing arts, from lectures by Dr. Michael Ballam himself to presentations by directors, choreographers, and even wig and makeup artists.
The Festival also offers young students of the Arts a week-long intensive called Broadway Bound, where they work with the professionals visiting Cache Valley for the summer.
“We work the students very hard, and then they get to see the performers — their teachers — on stage. I feel like it is really lifechanging,” Vanessa said.
A unique aspect of UFOMT is that it produces both opera and musical theatre: Opera and musical theatre stars come together, share the stage, learn from each other, and grow together.
“We are the only company of this sort that treats musical theatre and opera at the same level of respect,” Michael said. He explained that the Festival provides a special opportunity for opera lovers to experience musical theatre and for musical theatre fans to whet their appetites and become familiar with opera.
Last season’s UFOMT included Verdi’s opera Aida and Elton John’s version with just that mission in mind.

Michael married his high school sweetheart, Laurie. They have six children, who Michael says are all musicians. Four of them have appeared on the UFOMT stage, and five of his grandchildren have also performed with the UFOMT.
“It was a great way to experience both,” Stefan said. “The programming and company are designed to make opera as accessible as musical theatre and musical theatre as grand as opera.”
UFOMT History
Michael Ballam knew by age 5 that he wanted to spend his life telling stories by singing. He saw his first opera at age 15 and determined he wanted to tell stories by doing nothing but singing. He had his sights set on becoming an opera star. He earned his undergraduate education at Utah State University before attending Indiana University to earn his master's and doctorate degrees before heading to New York City.
“Fortunately, they liked me!” he said.
Michael’s early career took him to opera houses around the world. “I grew up watching him perform worldwide,” Vanessa said. “We would go wherever the work was. So, I watched him rehearse and perform, and I knew from a very young age that is what I wanted to be part of, too.”
In 1987, Michael returned home to Logan after falling ill while performing in Venezuela. As fate would have it, that was the same year the Capitol Theatre (today’s Ellen Eccles) was purchased and offered for renovation. Michael spearheaded the $6.5 million effort. “The magnificent building was originally an opera house, built in 1923,” Michael said. “It had fallen into great disrepair. The last live performance, Carmen , had been in 1958. We had to save her and bring live theatre back to her,” Michael said.
Utah Festival Opera's first season was in 1993. Michael calls it his most memorable. “We had extraordinary audiences — people wanted to see if we could pull it off,” Michael said. “I had a lot of favors to draw on, which allowed us to bring in extraordinary artists. It was really amazing. I was worn out, though, and I determined I would never do it again. Then, I went backstage and watched the second act of La Bohème and saw the children running around singing in Italian, continued on next page..
... continued from previous page and I thought, ‘This is important; they would have never known Puccini existed, and they are here singing In Italian.’ I thought I’d try it again, and every year since, we say, ‘One more time!’” Michael says the legacy he hopes to leave is one of nobility. “We are committed to elevating lives through ennobling artistic experiences. I hope that is what I am remembered for.”
Vanessa adds, “We feel very lucky to do something we love in a community we love.”

Arts and participating in all that Cache Valley had to offer at the time, including the Unicorn Theatre and Cache Valley Civic Ballet. She went on to earn her MFA at Indiana University and pursue her professional performance career. She met her husband, Stefan Espinoza, while they were both working as resident artists at PCPA Theatrefest in California. Stefan earned his MFA from the University of Houston.
Vanessa created the Festival’s Youth Conservatory 15 years ago. The Conservatory is designed as a skills training program for young performing artists. The kids can then incorporate those skills into other venues, like high school theatre programs.
“The simple idea behind the Conservatory is that we have access to professional performers through the professional arts organization both in the summer and sometimes year-round,” Stefan, who currently directs the Conservatory, said. “We have so many hungry young performers, and the first thing on any school budget chopping block is the Arts — and bless the high school teachers in this valley for doing incredible things with nothing. Our mission is to support them, essentially.”
They also host the Utah High School Musical Theatre Awards (UHSMTA each year, which could be compared to the Tony Awards for high school theatre programs in the state of Utah. This year, 56 productions were entered.
UFOMT’s education program began with a program called Opera by Children, which Michael Ballam established in 1997. This program engages K-12 students in creating original operas and songs. The curriculum and resources are free to teachers across the state.
The education program is now directed by Vanessa Ballam, who grew up loving the
“We do give out scholarships and prizes at UHSMTA, but the most exciting thing for me is watching these young people come together and create art together,” Vanessa said through tears. “We’re biased, but we feel that the talent per capita in Utah is probably stronger than anywhere else in the nation. We have this professional training from our careers and are happy to be able to bring it back to this community. There are so many talented youth here who are hungry for it.”

Michael as Schicchi in 1988 and currently.

With special permission from Mr. Andrew Lloyd Webber's office, UFOMT will perform Cats , the longest-running musical in Broadway history but new to UFOMT. The production will include 18 Broadway dancers.
To make great use of these amazing dancers, other mainstage shows include the dance-heavy Anything Goes! and the ever-loved quintessential musical Guys and Dolls , starring Vanessa Ballam and Stefan Espinoza.
Vanessa and Stefan will also reprise roles from 2011 as Audrey and Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors .
The final two mainstage productions include a double-bill opera of Giacomo Puccini’s comedic Gianni Schicchi (starring Michael Ballam in the title role) and the sequel Buoso’s Ghost

Tickets are available at utahfestival.org
FREE TICKETS are available for K-12 students and teachers from across the state.
Visit utahfestival.org/student-teacherfree-tickets/ to request your tickets.

REALTORS: Your Partner in
Real Estate Journey
STACY MOSS executive officer, Cache Valley Association of REALTORS®
Are you ready to embark on the thrilling adventure of buying or selling your home? Picture this: a journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and the promise of new beginnings. But, hold on, before you take that leap, let's talk about who will be your trusted guide through this exhilarating ride.
Enter the REALTOR®, your ultimate partner in this real estate journey. Some might say, "Why bother with a REALTOR® when I have all these apps and websites at my fingertips?" Ah, but

here's the secret: a REALTOR® is not just any guide; they are the seasoned navigator who knows the twists and turns of the market like the back of their hand.
Think of them as your personal concierge, offering a buffet of services from market education to negotiations; all served with a side of expertise and industry know-how. Whether you're a buyer or seller, they're the magic ingredient that turns a difficult or scary transaction into a seamless experience.

The last thing you want is a bad situation that will come back to bite you later. But wait, there's more! With a REALTOR® by your side, you're not just getting a transactional service, you're gaining access to a treasure trove of local knowledge and community connections. They're the ones who have local insights into everything that fits your needs and wants.
Let's not forget about their superpower: expanded search power. While you're busy with work or life's adventures, they're tirelessly scouring the market, ensuring you're always one step ahead. No delays, no costly mistakes — just smooth sailing toward your real estate dreams.
So, as you gear up for this exhilarating journey, remember this: your choice of REALTOR® can make all the difference between possibly having a bad experience or having a REALTOR® with experience. Choose wisely, and let the adventure begin!
2024 Outstanding
High School Grads
TARA BONE contributing writerIt has become a tradition for Cache Valley Family Magazine to recognize one outstanding graduating senior from each Cache County and Logan City School District high school. Highlighted seniors are selected from nominations provided by each school’s counseling department. We are honored to share these stories of exceptional students and thank each high school counseling department for their collaboration.
Cache Valley Family Magazine is pleased to award the Paul Norton Memorial Scholarship for the third year. This scholarship honors Paul Norton, who mentored Cache Valley Family Magazine publisher Emily Buckley in her first professional position after college. Paul shared the Roman philosophy worth repeating to every young person seeking success: Luck exists where preparation and opportunity meet.

When Jimmie Willis, III entered Ridgeline High School (RHS) as a freshman, he says he was a blank slate without a personality — a kid who desperately wanted to fit in and find a place. Four years later, Jimmie leaves RHS a leader and friend who’s seized every opportunity to lift those around him.
He said, "You never know when you'll be presented with an opportunity, so prepare yourself for the success you seek."
Paul Norton was a Utah State University alum who held a successful career in the Public Broadcasting System, as Vice President of University Relations and Development at Utah State University, and later as Director of Communications at Logan Regional Hospital. He was known for taking an interest in every person he met.
This year's scholarship recipient is Logan High School’s Henry Aguilar. He was selected from the six nominated students in this feature. He stood out for his ability to rise above challenges, postive attitude, strong work ethic, and dedication to future goals.
Congratulations to these and all the graduates of the class of 2024! We wish you success as you chart your life's course.
A defining moment for Jimmie was during freshman orientation when an older student shared how she wanted each freshman’s voice to be heard. He took her message of inclusion to heart and decided then he wanted to be recognized a someone anyone could talk to and someone his four siblings and parents, Jimmie Jr. and Arianna, could be proud of.
Jimmie started by sharing his talent for rap. As a freshman, he performed a song he wrote in the school’s talent show. Jimmie says he’s always been passionate about writing, dancing, and performing. From that first performance, he timidly auditioned for a school play with encouragement from teacher Sarah Lynch, and never looked back.
As a senior, Jimmie was honored as RHS’s Theatre Student of the Year and served as Improv Troup president. He’s also performed with other community theatre companies. Jimmie served as RHS’s Student Body Vice President and worked to be an advocate for all students. He helped organize the school’s

May 23 CACHE
May 28 GREEN
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May 30
Diversity Week and says he loved coordinating the week’s assembly where students representing various cultures shared talents. Jimmie also served as the Diversity Representative his junior year and participated in the school’s HOPE Squad, a program committed to suicide prevention.
Jimmie says he’s deeply grateful for his experiences. When he was 8 years old his parents left Los Angeles for Nibley. “They gave me an awesome opportunity to make a better life for myself and I do my best to partake of every opportunity,” Jimmie said. “I like to appreciate the things around me with the people I care about.”
He loves the beauty of Cache Valley and says for him, a fulfilled life will be getting married, starting a family, and savoring the little things like enjoying a sunset. He plans to attend Utah State University this fall to study business. His advice to incoming freshman: “You never know what you can accomplish if you don’t put yourself out there.”
Brooke Keller of Mountain Crest High School (MCHS) has the heart of a champion. In the demanding sport of wrestling — and life — she’s demonstrated both physical and mental strength beyond that of a typical teen. But the story of Brooke’s inner strength begins first when her champion heart was forced to grow from a broken heart.
In the 5th grade, Brooke’s mom Jessica was diagnosed with cancer. For the next four years, Brooke helped take care of her mom and five siblings. Though doctors said she only had six months to live, her mom fought year after year. Brooke says, “She was a fighter,” and adds, “I’m a fighter.” Jessica died on June 3, 2020.
“It was really hard and sad,” Brooke said. “A death in the family is something you don’t get over, but I know I grew stronger from that challenge. I’ve had good days and bad days, but everything is OK because there is a plan. In my darkest moments I could turn to Jesus Christ.”
Brooke worked through the hard with her faith, family, supportive coaches and

At just 7 years old, Green Canyon High School’s (GCHS) Wesley Olson started coding and fell in love with the magic of seeing something he created appear on a screen. Since then, his computer programming skills have flourished as he’s used his gift for programming and love for
Brooke Keller
teammates, and friends and says she kept going because she knew her mom wants her to. She is a 2-time 4A State Wrestling Champion, was named 2024 4A Wrestler of the Year, and earned 9th place at the national wrestling competition in Iowa. During the entire state competition this year, Brooke wrestled only a total of 5 minutes and 30 seconds; pinning each competitor quickly.
She’s also been very involved at school because she loves learning about people. She was a MCHS band member, MC theatre stage crew “guru,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint seminary council member, and a participant in many clubs. She’s enjoyed being part of MCHS’s G.R.I.T. Program, the school’s mental health and suicide prevention program. On top of all of that, she’s a published poet and fits in parttime work at Hyrum’s Pizza Plus where she’s learned to make their famous breadsticks (if you know, you know).
Brooke is grateful for her dad Bret and bonus mom Emily, and MCHS’s amazing teachers who love and support their students.
people to build the communities around him.
According to GCHS counselor Kylie Stoddard, Wesley is a beacon of innovation and creativity whose commitment to his craft has strengthened the school’s community. Wesley recently developed an app for GCHS that will serve as a centralized platform for students and faculty to find easy access to school announcements and information, schedules, and upcoming events.
Wesley says the app will launch this fall and he hopes it will benefit everyone associated with Green Canyon. He’s loved his high school experience and said, “I feel like the teachers adore every student and really care about everyone.”
Wesley was also an active member of the GCHS robotics program and helped revive the school’s VEX robotics competition. He says he enjoyed being part of the team where he met others with a “geekiness” for programming and engineering, but just loves hanging out with people.

This summer she’ll spend two and a half weeks in Bolivia building a school for children with special needs. She plans to attend Utah State University this fall and then serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Her advice to incoming freshman: “Hold on to your morals and you’ll change for the better.”
Wesley recently worked in game development for the Australian-based company Chipcoat Studios and has worked with multiple clients to create Minecraft plugins. Though he’s found success in programming, he’s had to work hard and overcome challenges. He said he’s had a lot of support from his parents, Julia and Kevin, and though he and his family have health issues that can make navigating life challenging, they’ve inspired him to keep going. Music also gets him through. He loves music and listens to his eclectic playlist when coding.
Wesley’s main goal in life is to learn.
He’s excited to continue his education in computer science at the University of Utah this fall. Visit his website at invertedowl.com to learn more about Wesley’s work.
His advice to incoming freshmen: “Try your best — it isn’t that terrible if things don’t go as you planned. Sometimes, half the time I try things don’t work out. Keep trying.”
Izzy, as she’s known by family and friends at Cache High, is known to be positive, fun, a straight-A student, a leader, and a friend to all, but her road to graduation success wasn’t easy. It took hard work, perseverance, and support from loved ones to make the future she wants possible.
As a freshman, Izzy experienced debilitating social anxiety and found herself unable to do things she knew she was capable of — such as attending school. She started at Cache High working independently online but was unable to attend in-person class. During this difficult time, Izzy says her parents, Jennifer and Max, showed endless understanding and kindness and she can’t thank them enough.
After about a year of working hard to catch up to her classmates remotely, Izzy’s counselor, Launi Evans, said Izzy found the courage to start taking classes on campus. She excelled. “To say Izzy was successful is not an exaggeration,” Mrs. Evans said.

Henry started at Logan High School (LHS) like most freshmen; he enjoyed spending time with friends and family, learning, and playing sports. He never dreamed that to successfully complete his senior year and earn his diploma he’d have to win the fight of his life.
As a junior, Henry started experiencing intense
Isabel Jones
At Cache High, her teachers inspired her to be her best and prepared her for college. She recalls an important turning point during high school. “When I realized I could have better future options, I knew I wanted to work for a life I believe I deserve.”
Izzy enjoys the creative process, and especially loves writing poetry and painting. She is grateful for teacher Emma Heath and how she taught her to use poetry to change her mindset. In art, her favorite mediums to experiment with are paint and sand. She feels these creative outlets help her express and level out her emotions. Her black lab Oculus has also been a comfort the last three years, and Izzy is a believer that if you surround yourself with the things you love, anything is possible.
Though she’ll miss the good friends she’s made, Izzy is looking forward to moving to Ogden and attending Weber State University this fall. Her goal is to put her creative skills
headaches, difficulty sleeping, and loss of peripheral vision. An active and happy youth, Henry had enjoyed boxing, basketball, mixed martial arts, weightlifting, football, and a year of lacrosse — a year that he says will “always hold a special place” in his heart. His mom, Daisy Santana, took him to the emergency room in February 2023 and he was diagnosed with a CNS germinoma brain tumor. Four days later Henry had brain surgery and a week after that started four rounds of chemotherapy. He was quarantined during this difficult time and says it was a shock to be isolated from school and those he loved. Finally in September it was official that Henry had beat the cancer. Throughout treatment, and after when Henry went back to school and started the work to be eligible for graduation, he says he and his mom were a team. “My mom is my inspiration,” he said.
His mom adds, “Whatever reason we had to go through this, we made it — he’s strong.” She says Henry has always been strong. As a premature baby, doctors told her Henry wouldn’t

to work in cinematography as a film director.
Izzy has learned a lot in and out of the classroom during the last four years. Her advice to incoming freshmen: “It’s important to realize high school is often romanticized; it’s not like the movies. It will take time to fit in, but don’t give up on it.”
survive. Then she was told he’d endure a heart murmur and experience learning difficulties, but he proved them wrong and keeps smiling.
Henry’s counselor, Trudy Peterson says his infectious positivity is a beacon of hope. She shares that he’s befriended a LHS freshman who was also diagnosed with brain cancer.
“Despite the hurdles, Henry is unwavering in his commitment to academic excellence and personal growth,” she said. “He embodies the true spirit of our school community, and his uplifting presence brightens the days of those around him.”
Henry looks forward to his future with gratitude and excitement. Since his days playing with toy Hotwheels and going to the Cache Valley Cruise-In, he says he’s always loved cars and it’s his dream to work on them. This fall Henry plans to attend Bridgerland Technical College in the automotive service program.
Henry encourages incoming freshman to find joy in every moment: “Make new friends, go to the games, and cheer! Do something that makes you happy and you can have fun with.”
Eva Jones has excelled in a range of activities as a student at Sky View High School (SVHS). From joining the cross country team even though she has exerciseinduced asthma, to becoming an FFA officer when she initially didn’t know anything about the organization, she’s pushed herself out of her comfort zone again and again. Why? People.
“I love people!,” Eva said. “I’m a people person through and through and I love to full send!”
Eva moved to Smithfield before her junior year and was hopeful to meet friends and create new experiences. She joined the cross country team because, as she says, what better way to get to know the most friendly and mentally strong people than to talk and run with them? She overcame her asthma and said she was grateful to be on the team and serve as a team captain.
Eva is an avid reader and loves to write … about people! As a school newspaper staff member and FFA Reporter, she loved to interview people and share their stories. A highlight was traveling to the National

FFA Convention and share the successes of SVHS’s dairy evaluation team. She stumbled on to FFA in a plant and soil sciences class where she was asked to compete. She competed and said she “fell head over heels” with the FFA organization.
Another passion of Eva’s is art. She said she’s always loved to draw but SVHS art teacher Lester Lee introduced her to watercolor. She says she’s learned much from Mr. Lee and is now completing her AP Art portfolio that explores Seasonal Affective Disorder and the need humans have for physical and spiritual light.
From all her SVHS experiences, Eva says she’s most grateful for representing her school in the Sterling Scholar program. The program brought all her passions together in the English category and allowed her to reflect on her experiences. When not busy at school, Eva works as a tutor at Birch Creek Elementary and enjoys weightlifting, hiking, and being with her parents, Melissa and Vince, and her five siblings because “they’re such a party.”

This fall, Eva plans to study at Utah State University and later serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She hopes to double major in English and journalism and minor in illustration. Her advice to incoming freshman: “You miss every opportunity you don’t take. What’s the worst that can happen? Go for it and see what happens.”


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It all starts with a medical prescription to that shot you have likely heard so much about, Semaglutide, and ends with the proven body contouring results of CoolSculpting. It’s a one-two punch that is proven to be both safe and effective, and doctor approved.

Semaglutide is a once a week shot that is self-administered at home. A medication that has been used for over 20 years to help diabetics, has proven effective in helping people lose up to 20 pounds. In fact, the makers of the diabetic version of this shot have also FDA approved the shot for weight loss and marketed it under their own brand names. But you don’t have to pay those high prices for their version because we have it available for our patients in a compounded form through our local pharmacy.

A procedure that literally freezes and kills the treated fat cells, with little to no down-time or discomfort. It is scientifically proven that when subjected to certain temperatures for a specific time, fat cells just die. Once dead, the body flushes those dead cells out through your own lymphatic system. Best of all, the treatment can be focused on your most troubling areas like your love handles or stubborn belly fat.

5th Grade Math Teacher at Millville ES
“Practice math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Some fun apps and websites can increase enjoyment with a positive outcome. Use the district’s i-Ready program. Khan Academy is a wonderful free website where you can select your student’s grade level and review age-appropriate skills.”

Library Media Teacher at Summit ES
“Public libraries provide access to books, audiobooks, DVDS, and other materials that can keep learning fun and fresh. Most public libraries provide students with the opportunity to participate in a summer reading program. Sora, an online reading app, provides access to electronic books and audiobooks for students to listen to or read.”

Looking for ways to keep your children curious and engaged in learning during the summer break?
Check out these tips from CCSD teachers!
“The best way parents can encourage their child's scientific abilities over the summer is to inspire curiosity about the world around them. Go places, explore, and take time to carefully observe the details of things. Check out non-fiction books! Unforgettable adventures and great inventions start with ideas found in a book!”

5th Grade Science Teacher at Greenville ES
“Pick up a historical fiction book at your local library. If you go on a trip, research the history of that location and look for historical sites to visit. Take time to chat with older family members and learn about their lives. Watch a movie depicting a different period of time from ours.”

“Paint with water balloons and a swimming pool for interactive fun, easily cleaned up with a hose or a dip in the pool afterward. Edible art with grape and toothpick sculptures offers a delicious and engaging snack. Get outside and create land art in your backyard, park, or beach with whatever you can find!”

Helping Children Manage Disappointment
FRANK SCHOFIELD superintendent, Logan City School District
As the Dread Pirate Roberts said in The Princess Bride , “Get used to disappointment.” Regardless of the number of successes we experience in our lives, disappointments are inevitable companions for children. Disappointments can be tough to handle, whether it’s not making the sports team, receiving a lower grade than expected, or not being invited to a friend’s party. However, they also present valuable opportunities for growth and resilience. As parents better understand how to help children navigate moments of disappointment, we can help them develop attitudes and skills that will allow them to manage the natural ups and downs that life brings, setting our children up for healthier, more successful lives. Some approaches parents can take at home to help children develop the resilience that allows them to manage disappointment include the following:
Disappointment is a natural response to unmet expectations or desires. For children, it can trigger feelings of sadness, frustration, or even anger. However, it's essential for parents to normalize these emotions and teach children that experiencing disappointment is an expected and appropriate part of life. According to Dr. Carol Dweck, a leading expert in the field of motivation and personality psychology, helping children perceive disappointment as a natural response can significantly improve their ability to bounce back from setbacks.
Dr. Dweck's research on mindset theory emphasizes the importance of cultivating a growth mindset in children. A growth mindset teaches children that their abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance. By praising their efforts rather than innate traits, parents can help children see disappointments as opportunities for learning and improvement. For instance, instead of saying, "You're not good at math," parents can say, "You're working hard to understand math, and that's what counts."
Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine, stresses the significance of emotional expression in building resilience. Encourage children to talk about their feelings openly without judgment. Create a safe space where they can express their disappointments without fear of criticism. Validate their emotions by saying things like, "It's OK to feel upset. Disappointments can be tough, but we're here for you."
Help children develop healthy coping strategies to manage disappointment constructively. Encourage activities such as journaling, drawing, or physical exercise, which can serve as outlets for their emotions. Dr. Ginsburg suggests teaching children the "3 Cs" — competence, confidence,
and connection. By focusing on building competence in various areas, fostering confidence in their abilities, and nurturing meaningful connections with others, children can develop resilience in the face of disappointment.
Parents serve as powerful role models for their children. Demonstrating resilience in our own lives can teach children valuable lessons about overcoming setbacks. Parents can share stories of times when they have faced disappointment and how they managed to bounce back. Emphasize the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and optimism in navigating life's challenges. By witnessing resilient behavior firsthand, children learn that setbacks are temporary and can be overcome with determination and resilience.
Help children gain perspective on disappointments by reframing them as learning experiences. Encourage them to reflect on what they can learn from the situation and how they can grow stronger as a result. Dr. Dweck emphasizes the power of "yet" — reminding children that they may not have achieved their goals yet, but with effort and perseverance, they can eventually get there. By shifting the focus from failure to growth, parents can instill a sense of optimism and resilience in their children. Navigating disappointment is an essential skill for children to develop as they grow and encounter the ups and downs of life, and parents can play a crucial role in teaching children healthy strategies for managing disappointment. As children learn that disappointment is normal, and we show them how to work through frustrating situations, our children will be better prepared to successfully manage the variety of unexpected challenges they will face throughout their lives, becoming stronger, more resilient, and happier adults.

Polarized Protection for Your Family’s Eyes
Recently, Cache Valley had the fantastic opportunity to experience a solar eclipse. Residents of our area could experience this celestial phenomenon without leaving home. This event brought an important topic to discussion: sun protection for the eyes. Eclipse glasses were a hot commodity for a few weeks, running out of stock as quickly as they could be delivered. After such an incredible experience, we should remember these important reminders about sun protection in our everyday lives.
The sun’s radiation is damaging enough to cause burns to our eyes’ external and internal parts. Some injuries occur quickly, such as solar retinopathy from looking directly at the sun. Others, however, are derived from slow, repeated sun exposure over a lifetime. These include cataracts, macular degeneration, and a fleshy growth on the eye’s surface called a pterygium. Most of the time, harmful effects from UV radiation are not derived from staring directly at the sun (such as during the eclipse). Most people, even children, would avoid direct eye contact with the sun. However, we are not exposed to the sun’s radiation from a single direction. The sun reflects off everything around us: cars, windows, water, buildings, etc. Each of these reflections is damaging to our eyes. The most prominent and harmful sunlight reflections come from horizontal or flat

outdoor surfaces. Think of roadways after rain, lakes, and, especially snow.
Cache Valley natives know the difficulties of driving on a sunny day during winter time. The glare from the sun’s reflection off the snow-covered ground is almost blinding. Because glare from these types of flat surfaces is so severe, a simple tinted lens is normally inadequate to calm light intensity. A tinted lens dark enough to make snow reflections tolerable would also make it difficult to navigate your surroundings. It is also interesting to note that most regular tinted lenses do NOT block UV light. The answer to this problem is polarized lenses.
Normally, light rays initiated from sources such as the sun scatter in all directions. Reflected light, however, has a single orientation and direction. Polarized lenses are unique because they only allow light of a specific orientation to pass through the lens, blocking the rest. By using this property of light, polarized lenses can completely eliminate glare originating from reflections on flat surfaces. Fishermen are well aware of polarized lenses because they ensure glare-free viewing of the water in search of fish. The benefits of polarized lenses extend to skiing, water sports, driving, and much more. Prescription eyewear can also be polarized, allowing for clear, comfortable vision regardless of your preferred outdoor activity.
There are great options to protect the eyes from harmful radiation in everyday prescription eyewear as well. High-quality, anti-reflective coatings are a must on modern lenses. The newest coatings not only reduce glare and improve vision, but also block UV light from reaching the eyes from the front of the lens and stop UV reflections off lenses into the eyes from the reverse side of the lens. Certain types of materials that ophthalmic lenses are crafted from, such as polycarbonate, inherently block UV light from passing through the lens. The newest generations of transition lenses (which darken outside and become clear indoors) also block UV light when activated.
While we have many great options for sun protection for the eyes, the most important thing to remember is this: Children need protection from the sun, too! All too often, we see families enjoying outdoor activities with their mothers and fathers wearing proper eyewear, but their children are wincing and squinting from the brightness of the sun around them. It is especially important to protect these young eyes as they develop. It is up to parents to ensure that children are protected from the sun — not just with sunscreen, but with proper eyewear as well.
Taking on the Garage Organization Task
CONNIE GOATES owner, All In Order Professional OrganizingDoes the thought of cleaning out your garage sound daunting? It is a huge undertaking, for sure! I remember a day in 7th grade when I walked into Mrs. Evans’ English class, and she announced that she was giving us an assignment to write a 10-page research paper. As you can imagine, there was plenty of moaning and gasps heard throughout the classroom as we processed this daunting task. However, what Mrs. Evans said next has stuck with me. She said, “We’re going to eat the whole elephant, just one spoonful at a time!” And that we did. She guided us over the next few weeks of school, spoonful by spoonful until we had accomplished what was initially thought impossible.
Taking this same approach to cleaning out the garage can help. Here’s a list of steps to focus on that will guide you through the task spoonful by spoonful,:
• Schedule a whole Saturday, a whole weekend, or two whole weekends. Give yourself plenty of time so you won’t be rushed to finish.
• Gather necessary items like brooms, dustpans, trash bags, cleaning rags, labels, markers, etc. Make a plan for young children so they’re occupied and recruit some older children for help. Consider throwing dinner in the crockpot before you start.
• Set up a workspace outside of your garage.
Move cars out of the driveway so you have plenty of room. Designate areas for trash, donations, items that need to be relocated (like into your home or to the shed), and for items you are keeping.
• Take everything out and sort. As you do this, declutter. Keep in mind the more you declutter, the less you’ll need to organize as it goes back in. Get rid of broken tools, toys you no longer use, old paint, etc. Sort your items into piles such as camping gear, gardening, sports equipment, tools, toys and activities, long-term storage, seasonal items, etc. Consider big furniture items and shelving units and whether they serve you well.
• Clean from top to bottom. Take a broom and sweep the cobwebs from the top corners and from the walls. Sweep. Use a shop vac in the corners, under shelves, and behind the fridge. Now spray it out if you’d like. Clean windows and your garage door.
• Determine the best layout for your space and map out zones. When deciding where items should go, consider frequency of use and availability. Items you use once a year should go up high, and items used frequently should be at eye level. If you have young kids, find a space that makes sense for them to access their own toys and activities. This will aid in them cleaning up,

as well. Don’t forget to consider wall space (peg boards for tools, hooks for hoses, etc.).
• Contain items. Use stackable bins, multipurpose bins, boxes, or crates. Be sure to keep like items together. Think outside the box, like a big garbage can to contain camp chairs or rakes and shovels.
• Move everything back into its new place. As you do this, don’t be afraid to rearrange and try items in a different spot if you find it makes more sense to do so. Be sure containers have enough space on a shelf so they won’t easily fall off.
• Label everything — every box, bin, and container. If bigger items don’t fit in a container, label the shelf or the floor space where they go. Labels will save you time locating items and putting them away.
• Set a plan to keep your garage in order. If it’s common for shoes to get left by the door, make a plan for them, such as a basket or shelf. Assign a broom, dustpan, and trash can specific for garage use. Set aside a few minutes each week to make sure your garage stays picked up and organized.
You can do this. It is possible. Keep focused on the end goal and how glad you will be that you took on this seemingly daunting task. Just take it one spoonful at a time.

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In the almost post-COVID world, of 2022, I started attending my sister‘s book club because I loved hearing about the conversations they had. I’m a middle-aged dad and didn’t know of any men’s or co-ed book clubs at the time. I convinced the husband of one of my sister’s club members to go with me, and we went a couple of times. It was … totally fine. Totally fine like when you go to a hot yoga class, and you’re the only guy there. You don’t know if you’re supposed to be in the front so everyone can see you flounder, or if you should set up in the back attempting to go unnoticed, perhaps at the expense of the comfort of others because now you’ve got a great view of everyone contorting their mostly naked sweaty bodies in unison. Although book clubs share a different type of vulnerability, I hope you understand the feeling that I was invading a sacred time.
Whether I was uncomfortable or just picking up on the vibe that I was making other people feel uncomfortable, I took matters into my own hands. After unsuccessfully attempting to convince several men in the community to start a book club of their own,
The Gathering
WIL WOOD contributing writerI decided to start one myself. What kind of book club would this be? Did it need to be about books? Perhaps fiction? Or literature? No, let’s keep it chill and do beach reads. What about religion and spirituality? I’m very interested in those things … What if I just wanted to listen to a podcast and discuss that? My ADHD mind was going wild with the possibilities, and I didn’t know if anyone would even show up. I thought about the best and worst-case scenarios and realized I was OK with failure, success, and everything in between; and so we began.
Our first meeting was in January 2023 in the kitchen of my family’s business, Love To Cook. I turned off the overhead fluorescent lights and put lamps in the middle of four tables set up in a square. Eight to twelve men came to the first meeting in response to an email with the subject line reading “Dudes Only Book Club.” Now that we’ve been gathering for more than a year, we usually have more than 20 men show up.
What would I call this book club that I didn’t want to concede was a book club? Nor did I want to define it by parameters. It took a couple of months but has since been

dubbed "The Gathering." The title is, by design, ambiguous, demanding that the only thing that must happen is that we gather in person. I am choosing the books less and less often now but still help schedule the monthly gatherings. There were a couple of books I hated reading, and I’m so glad I read them anyway. I never wanted a book club that I would have to exclusively lead and manage, and I don’t have that. I am part of something that, if I were to up and leave, would surely continue without me. From the outside, it looks like a bunch of guys meeting together monthly to talk about a book we all have read. While it is that, I don’t think that is the reason we all continue to gather.
The reason we gather is for the unique community we have discovered, hidden in plain sight. Why hidden? As men, we tend to hide things about ourselves. We hide our feelings in an effort to protect ourselves … from embarrassment, from letting others see our fears, and most sadly from letting others know who we are deep down. Most men want to accomplish things, achieve goals, and solve problems, all while being strong and providing for their loved ones. While

what men want doesn’t directly compete with the ability to be vulnerable, it does take a measure of trust and plenty of courage to show vulnerability. Having a community is one of the best solutions to helping men cope with the problem of feeling lonely or isolated even though they aren’t necessarily “alone.”
On the far end of this problem is suicide. While many variables go into this statistic, multiple studies have gathered the same result. Men die by suicide three times more often than women, and that has been the trend for as long as the data has been gathered. It seems too easy to say that it’s because men communicate less than women, but that’s a huge part of it. Even if men aren’t dying by suicide, I’d like to pose this question: What is in between suicide and thriving? In other words, is there a disproportionate amount of men suffering in silence? How many of us are just whiteknuckling it through life and not actually living? Unfortunately, these are all rhetorical questions. There is so much data behind this tiny little paragraph, but rather than drive home the problem, let’s talk more about the solution. In my mind, it's community. Maybe it’s blowing into the wind, but if community is the way, then The Gathering is my answer. Let’s say a guy shows up to The Gathering, which usually means he reads or listens to

our assigned book and spends an evening with the group listening to their comments. He starts to feel safe. People don’t always agree, but no one fights. He realizes that his unique life experience is valuable and that whether he says anything or not, it feels good. One night after he’s met with us one, two, or even seven times, he shares a thought out loud in a safe place with safe people. He’s not looking for validation or answers. I don’t think he’s even looking for help. The thing he shares isn’t a sad thing; in fact, he’s proud of it. Something inside him breaks loose and he gets emotional. Others will smile and laugh excessively, but this guy starts crying and is unsure why. I think what’s happening is that he is expressing something close to his heart that has made him feel isolated and lonely. When he shares that thought and lets it breathe, he suddenly feels lighter and less lonely. He feels closer to the people in this group because of what they say and what they don’t say. This pattern has unfolded several times, and it’s a beautiful phenomenon to witness. I hope you’re wondering what it is we say and don’t say. Well, it’s not much. A few guys will reply with something like, “Wow, thanks for sharing that with us.” Or they’ll ask a question, “Have you told this to anyone else?” The answer is usually no. Another
Helping children & teens navigate through the divorce process by offering the Divorce Education for Children Program & Teen Website
Divorce Education for Children
• Free Classes are offered online each month
• Classes for children & teens ages 6- 17
Teen Website

Last winter, the roof at my business started leaking. I sent out a text at 9:30 p.m. saying, "I need help shoveling the rain and snow off my roof right now." This was who turned up by 10 p.m. That's community.
typical reply to one of these deep shares is a nodding head and a mumbled, “Cool.” I think it’s what psychologists call “holding space.” When holding space, we aren’t there to solve, poke holes in the plot, relate our own version of the idea, or anything like that. The person(s) holding space is there to listen and care. That’s it.
If you, your husband, or a man you care about is interested in gathering, then I want to help you get started. You can attend our group (it feels weird calling it mine) once or twice so you realize I’m not doing anything special. In fact, I’ll give you our list of books and some good practices to make your own group successful. Let’s change the world together, one gathering at a time.

To register or view more information, visit our website: www.utcourts.gov/divorceedforchildren
Provides resources & helpful information including: * How to deal with emotions * How to talk to parents * How to practice self- care

Visit our website: https://www.utcourts.gov/en/self-help/case- categories/family/dived/teen -page.html


American West Heritage Center awhc.org
4-day camp, $149 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Learn what it was like to work and play on the 1917 Farm.
4-day camp, $149 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Join the summer camp experience that gives you days filled with adventure and fun!
Note: All ages must complete Level 1 to participate in Level 2 of Basic Survival Camp.
2-day camp, $75 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Kids will learn basic safety and skills for archery, bb guns, and tomahawks. All supplies provided.
2-day camp, $75 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
An historic camp. Some activities will be building a kids cabin and teepee, testing out irrigation methods, and spending time building in the woodwright shop.
1-day camp, $29 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
A fun-filled day based on farm activities for 4 and 5 year olds. Parent/guardian required to stay with preschoolers during camp.
2-day camp, $75 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Hands-on experiments and crafts to learn about the sun, water, Earth, air, and animals, with an historical twist.
Advertise your business with us!
Want to advertise for your business in our next issue, premiering Fall 2024? Get in touch to request rates and information! Send us an email at: ads@cachevalleyfamilymagazine.com

Cache Children’s Choir 435-752-6260 | cachechildrenschoir.org
Take to the Skies! Come soar in the skies! We'll play instruments, move to the music, and sing our hearts out. Music, rhythms, crafts, friendships, and memories are all part of the fun as we fly away in song.
Ages 4-5 (Tuition $85 per child, includes t-shirt)
June 10-14, 9 a.m. to Noon, Providence Elementary

Ages 6-7 (Tuition $85 per child, includes t-shirt)
June 10-14, 1 to 4 p.m., Providence Elementary CAMP III:
Ages 8-12 (Tuition $120 per child, includes t-shirt)
June 3-June 7, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., USU Daryl Chase Fine Arts Building
Students need to bring a sack lunch each day.
Cache Valley Center for the Arts 435-752-0026 | cachearts.org/classes
Send your kids through a journey in time with CacheARTS Summer Art Camp! Campers will explore three fundamental decades of America, the 1940s, the 1970s, and the 1990s, through art,
dance, music, and more! At the end of each session, you'll have the opportunity to see your child perform on stage with their new friends. Space is limited, enroll today!

Cache Valley Civic Ballet-School
(435) 753-3633 | cvcballet.org
The Cache Valley Civic Ballet-School offers qualified training in classical ballet to community members of all ages and skill levels. The fiveweek summer semester runs

from June 17 to July 18. Ages 3 and up. Visit our website for a complete list of classes.
SUMMER INTENSIVE: July 29-August 9
Cache Valley Fun Park
435-792-4000 | cachevalleyfunpark.com/summer-camp
Summer camps at the FUNNEST place in town! Our camps are the perfect way to beat the summer doldrums! Your kids will experience activities full of fun and learning. No vegging out in front of the TV … just FUN times and happy memories!

Dance Illusion
435-755-6783 | danceillusionutah.com | 42 East 2200 North, North Logan
Register for our summer classes and camps!
3-DAY TECHNIQUE INTENSIVES: July 1-3 and July 15-17
Hip Hop: August 5, Acro: August 6, Ballroom: August 7
June 4-June 27 (Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday)
Improve your technique, try a combo class, and make new friends!


Highpoint Tumbling
435-753-7500 | sportsacademy.com
Ongoing, year-round tumbling and gymnastics classes for toddlers through competitive teams. Check our website for the current schedule.

Logan Music Academy
435-265-6691 | loganmusicacademy.com
June 17-21
June 24-28
$120 for each camp.
All camps run from 10 a.m. to noon daily. Discounts are available for multiple camps or early enrollment.

435-752-9220 | luvtocook.com
We are excited to offer Summer Youth Cooking Classes for kids ages 8 and up. Your kids will get handson experience making real food and having fun in the kitchen. You will be amazed at how much they can do in the kitchen if you just empower them! Sign up early! Classes fill up fast!
June 4 @ 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Eggs Three Ways + Breakfast Burritos with Wil
June 5 @ 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sourdough Pretzels + Dips with Katie & Heather
June 6 @ 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Scrumptious Cinnamon Rolls with Patty
June 18 @ 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Knife Skills + Stir Fry with Wil
June 19 @ 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Artisan Pizzas with Anita
June 20 @ 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Cake Pops with Nanda
June 25 @ 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Pie Crust, Quiche, and Smoothies with Wil
June 26 @ 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Crepes with Jean
June 27 @ 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monster Cookies + Cookie Decorating Tips with Katie

Mountain Peak Volleyball mtnpeakvolleyball.com
Youth volleyball camps for ages 4 to 18 for all skill levels begin in May! We offer camps from May through August. Instruction from our Mountain Peak coaching staff, as well as collegiatelevel coaches.
Get outside and play under the sunshine. Our grass and sand volleyball clinics begin in late May and end in July. Tournaments are offered on select weekends in collaboration with Logan City.

Check out our SUMMER CAMPS in the guide in the back of this issue!
Practice and competition in a league format for 1st through 12th graders begin in August! Our recreation and competitive leagues are split into 1st-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade, 7th-9th grade, and 8th-12th grade. Both north and south practice options are available.
Tryouts for all U10-U18 boys (all levels) and national-level U15-U18 girls will be midJuly. Check the website for more information!

Manny Martins Soccer Camps at Utah State University mannymartinssports.com
KIDS CAMP (COED AGES 6-14): July 17-20, July 22-25
TEAM CAMP (GIRLS AGES 14-18): July 18-20
Pickleville Camp picklevillecamp.com
Join Pickleville Playhouse's cast and directing team for an insanely fun week of singing, dancing, and acting — culminating in an end-of-week performance and pizza party! All campers receive a Pickleville Camp t-shirt and a complimentary ticket to attend either of Pickleville's exciting 2024 summer productions!

July 8-12 or July 15-19 (Logan: Ages 8-18)
July 15-19 (Logan: Ages 6-7)
July 22-26 or July 29-Aug 2 (Bear Lake: Ages 8-18)
Get $50 OFF registration before June 1st with promo code "CVFMAG."


Sports Academy sportsacademy.com
Designed for 3-5 year-olds. Keep kids engaged and prepare them for school in the fall. (3) one-week sessions, $120 per session.
Keep kids active and healthy during this week-long camp! (3) one-week camps, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $180 per camp. Ages 5-12.
Learn to swim with the best

TriStar Ranch tristarranchllc.com
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch included.
Students will learn about the different riding disciplines, riding safety, horsemanship, identifying tack, and how to tack up a horse, groom, and best of all ride horses!
Price: $125
Kid Camps (Ages 8 to 12)
Teen Camps (Ages 13 to 17)
Come on out to our Horsing Around Game Camp.
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch included.
Students will play multiple unmounted horse games including Live Action HorseOpoly, relay races, and more!
Price: $75
Ages 7 to 12
instruction in the Valley. Classes begin June 3. Twoweek Sessions, MondayThursday, 40-minute classes.
Professional tennis instruction from the Valley’s top coaches and players. All ages and ability levels! Classes begin June 3.
TUMBLING CLASSES: Flip and tumble to new heights with classes for all ages and abilities. Classes begin June 3.

Come on out for three fun hours of making age appropriate horse-related crafts!
Ages 5 to 11 and 13 to 17.
Price: $45
Three-week course that covers the growth of a horse from embryo to seniors.
Three-week course that covers how to work with horses from foals to seniors.
This class is 3 hours filled with knowledge and fun!
Group Classes:
Custom Individual Classes: $45/session

Tueller School of Dance (435) 752-9154 | tuellerdance.com
Join us for our fun SUMMER TECHNIQUE WORKSHOPS ! Offering classes for ages 3 and up. This is a great time to get little ones started and for experienced dancers to improve their turns, leaps, tricks, and overall dance technique. See our schedule and classes on our website or email us at tuellerdance@gmail.com for more info. Come dance with us!

Utah Festival Opera
Broadway Bound utahfestival.org
Train like a PRO with the stars of Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre.
Ages 13-18, July 15-20, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
Includes tickets to Utah Festival Mainstage shows and daily lunches. $375
Ages 8-12, July 22-27, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.
Includes tickets to Utah Festival Mainstage shows. $250
Family discounts available.