Inside Help Your Child Develop Self-Esteem p. 6
Enjoy Wildlife Year Round at Hardware Ranch p. 18
Education Guide p. 8-15 Building Your Dream Home p. 21 Making a Difference: Local Dentists Bring Smiles to South America p. 30
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From the Editor: Happy New Year!
We often take time to make resolutions as we start a New Year. While it is a good time to consider where we are and where are going, I truly believe every day is a perfect day to start living life better. I’m not hyping any quick fixes for happiness, weight loss or three-day childhood discipline miracles. My hope for my family, and yours, is that you can truly focus on what means most in life. Equip yourself to have the resolve to tune out the clutter and not sweat the small stuff. I have heard our lives can be compared to jars. If we fill them with sand, there’s no room to place rocks in it. But, if we put the larger rocks (more important things of life) in the jar first, then we can add sand (less significant items) later. At Cache Valley Family Magazine we strive to share the stories of people who have zeroed in on what is important in life. Our goal is to produce information that enriches family life and helps you make the most of the moments between the busyness of life and to simplify the business of family life. So, happy New Year’s Day, Thursday, rainy day or whatever day you read this! The Cache Valley Family Magazine family wishes you and your family the focus and fearlessness to make this the best day and year ever.
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What’s INSIDE FEATURED STORIES: PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Emily Buckley COMMUNITY EDITOR Schae Richards EDITORIAL INTERN Melanie Christensen COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Mandy Bagley CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Anderson Tara Bone Emily Buckley Melanie Christensen Sherelle Christensen Michael Cole, OD Millie Hull Jess Jewett, MD Nina Jorgensen, MD Kinsey Love Jenny Mathews Emily Merkley Breanne Miller Jenda Nye Kate Petersen Schae Richards Frank Schofield Karen Shelton BreeAnn Silcox LAYOUT DESIGN Rachel Cottrell WEBSITE DESIGN Kite Media Cache Valley Family Magazine is a free, trusted resource designed to inform, serve and enrich local parents and families throughout Cache Valley. Material in this publication is copyright 2017, Cache Valley Family Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the publisher is prohibited. The views expressed in the magazine are the views of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Please send all editorial correspondence to or by mail to PO Box 6831, North Logan, UT 84341. All correspondence is sent on a non-confidential basis and Cache Valley Family Magazine shall be free to reproduce, publish, edit and/or use any such communications. All materials become property of Cache Valley Family Magazine.
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EDUCATION GUIDE Does My Child Have Dyslexia? — p. 8 Homeownership Leads to Educational Achievement — p. 9 Family Firsts: Open Your World in 2017 — p. 10 The Power of Music Education — p. 12 Cache County School District Pilots Innovative New Orchestra Program — p. 14 Diversity in the Classroom Encourages Success — p. 15 Self-Esteem Solutions: Helping Our Children Have a Healthy SelfConcept — p. 6 Five Things to Do Inside During the Winter — p. 16 Distracted Driving Awareness — p. 16 Hardware Ranch: Outdoor Recreation That Will Take You Back in Time — p. 18 The Dream Situation for Your Dream Home — p. 21 5 Tips to Make Filling a Prescription Quick & Easy — p. 22 Mom’s Demand Action: Gun Safety Awareness — p. 24 Gardening Resolutions for the New Year — p. 26 Cut Out the Germs in Your Home — p. 27 Farsightedness: What Does it Mean? — p. 32
IN EVERY ISSUE: Family Budget: Six Tips for a Better Budget in 2017 — p. 20 Trendy Mom: Make Valentine’s Day a Day of Family Love — p. 22 From the Farmer’s Wife: Slow Cooker Country Scalloped Potatoes — p. 23 Making a Difference: Local Dentists Bring Smiles to Central America — p. 30 Healthy Families: Protect Your Back This Winter — p. 28 Childhood Obesity: Causes and Prevention — p. 34
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Helping Our Children Have
a Healthy Self-Concept Jenny Mathews, contributing writer
Certainly one of the most gutwrenching experiences of parenthood is watching your child suffer from a low opinion of themselves. Do you wish they could see themselves as you see them? Are you nostalgic for an easier time when you and your bright-eyed child were practicing saying “please” and “thank you” and shoelace tying? Are you surprised to learn that even in teaching these small early skills to our children, there are opportunities to lay the foundations for a healthy self-concept, including high levels of confidence and selfesteem?
How important is it for our children to have a healthy selfesteem? Neel Burton, MD, in an article for Psychology Today explained that, “[Those with healthy self-esteem] do not rely on externals, such as status (popularity, appearance),… or on crutches, such as alcohol, drugs or sex. To the contrary, they treat themselves with respect and take good care of their health, development and environment. They are open to growth experiences and meaningful relationships, tolerant of risk, quick to joy and delight,
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7 accepting and forgiving of themselves and others.” Self-esteem is vital to the practice of good decision-making.
What can parents do to help children develop confidence and self-esteem? It seems widely accepted that children are born with a healthy self-esteem that is either sustained or undermined as they develop. USU Professor Emeritus Jay Schvaneveldt, PhD, explained that we cannot simply “color” or “paste on” self-esteem by showering our child with undue and condescending praise. Giving every child a trophy does not help their self-esteem. “Teachers, parents, religious and community leaders should do what they can to create a warm emotional climate, treat all with fairness and promote human acceptance. But in that climate, we, in fact, build selfesteem by teaching and expecting that people will work and perform with dedicated effort.” This relates to what Dr. Burton said, “Whenever we live up to
our dreams and promises, we can feel ourselves growing. Whenever we fail but know that we have given our best, we can feel ourself growing. Whenever we stand up for our values and face the consequences, we can feel ourself growing… Growth depends on bravely living up to our ideals, not on the ideals of our parents’ praise, or anything else that is not truly our own.” More confidence comes as kids practice trusting themselves, and parents can help by setting the expectations and moral framework, guiding the child through the challenges they face, and as those skills and aptitudes emerge, creating many opportunities for their child to be successful. Encouraging and supporting your children through both their successes and failures will assure them that their worth as your child and as a human is not tied tightly to the results of their efforts. Of course you will want to praise your children, but it is wise to be careful, especially with young children. You don’t
want to include labels that they would be likely to attach to themselves. For example instead of saying, “You’re so smart!” you would say, “You performed very well on this test!” or, “All that studying paid off!” As if parents need another reason to be wary of social media and texting, experts like Catherine Steiner-Adair, EdD, a clinical psychologist and author of The Big Disconnect, warns that there are too many traps online that threaten their self-concept and emotional wellbeing. She suggests putting off social media and text messaging as long as possible. Let your child have time to form a healthy self-image and identify their values and ideals without any influence from the lack of a quick text response, “likes” or “re-tweets.” “Self-esteem comes from consolidating who you are,” she said. The more identities you have, and the more time you spend pretending to be someone you aren’t, the harder it’s going to be to feel good about yourself.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Does My Child Have Dyslexia? Millie Hull, certified clinician Online Reading Tutor
Does my child have dyslexia? Many parents come face to face with this question, just as I did. Looking back now, the signs were all there. I had those “mom-gut” feelings that something was wrong when my baby started Kindergarten and things weren’t falling into place. He wrote his name backward and couldn’t decide which hand to use for writing. His teachers said he would “grow out of it” and to “give it time.” So I did. As he progressed from grade to grade, more warning signs popped up, and my “mom gut” was screaming, but the teachers kept reassuring me that it would be fine. Homework was an everyday nightmare that often ended in tears. By fourth grade, there were more warning signs that I could no longer overlook. My sweet, bright, energetic boy was using phrases like “too stupid,” “not smart” and “dummy” to describe himself. He was withdrawing socially and the homework nightmare continued. One day, a friend asked me, “Does your son have dyslexia?” How did I not see it before? It seemed so obvious now. I began researching dyslexia and finally began to understand what my son was going through. I was disheartened to learn schools don’t test for dyslexia, only for specific learning disorders. I knew my son needed more intervention than the school could give him. So, after taking him for private testing and confirming that he did have dyslexia, I was still at a loss as to how to help him. More research led me to learn about multi-sensory learning and the Orton Gillingham method. We tried some home tutoring programs, then found Online Reading Tutor, which is an Orton Gillingham-based program specifically designed for dyslexic readers. It has changed my son’s life for the better. He has made incredible progress, advancing three grade levels in reading, and, more importantly, it has improved his confidence. Instead of negative self-talk, we talk about how dyslexia makes him unique. Through this experience, I have become passionate about helping other families who struggle with dyslexia. There is help for kids who struggle with dyslexia. Knowing the signs is an important first step. Here are a few warning signs of dyslexia: • Letter or number reversals continuing past first grade • Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading, guesses based on shape or context, skips or misreads prepositions (at, of) • Inability to sound out unknown words • Terrible spelling • Often can’t remember sight words (they, were, does) or homonyms (their, they’re and there) • Difficulty telling time on analog clocks • Difficulty memorizing multiplication tables
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HOMEOWNERSHIP LEADS TO Educational Achievement
Five Tips to Help Your Child Thrive at Home & School 1. Create and enforce healthy habits. Encourage healthy habits like exercise, limited TV and video games, monitored computer use, a bedtime that ensures plenty of sleep and healthy eating choices. 2. Communicate. Create opportunities for your child to express their excitement, frustrations, anxiety and feelings. The experiences they have at home and at school create feelings that as a parent you can help support and encourage in a healthy way. 3. Read. Reading is an important skill that your child will use for the rest of his life. The more you read to your child and let your child read to you, the better chance they have of becoming proficient in language and eager to read. Remember to make reading enjoyable and to eliminate stress and frustration as much as possible. 4. Follow a routine. Children respond to structure and routines, and it helps them organize and prioritize their days. Make sure your child knows what to expect even when your routine needs to change. 5. Set an example. Your child is watching and comprehending more than you think. Set an example for your child through hard work and taking opportunities to learn new skills, like something as simple as reading a book. Your child will soon model that same behavior. Setting expectations and creating a home environment that promotes and increases learning gives your child the opportunity to be the best student they can be, while improving their success both in and outside the classroom.
Emily Merkley, association executive Cache-Rich Association of REALTORS®
Homeownership increases the standard of living for individuals, communities and families, but it is seldom acknowledged how high levels of homeownership benefit children. The stability of homeownership helps create environments where children can thrive, which includes better education outcomes and higher graduation rates. Acting as a crucial foundation and a path out of poverty, homeownership allows families to improve educational attainment among a long list of other benefits. Children of homeowners tend to score better on academic tests and graduate at a higher rate, while also pursuing more secondary-education opportunities. “A quality home is more than just a roof and walls,” said Renée Glover, chair of Habitat for Humanity International’s
board of directors. “It provides homeowners with feelings of stability and pride, as well as generating measurable results, such as decreased doctor visits and increased high school graduation rates. Academic research and surveys point to one conclusion: Owning a home enhances quality of life in a variety of specific, verifiable ways.” The substantial academic achievements and educational success that children of homeowners achieve usually evolves into less behavioral problems, greater social development, along with workplace and future success. With the welfare of children at the forefront of most financial decisions, it is crucial to acknowledge that high levels of homeownership create better educational outcomes and higher graduation rates for those children, and to take the necessary steps to building and enforcing the foundation that is central to the success of our families and communities.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
OPEN YOUR WORLD IN 2017 Tara Bone, contributing writer
Another year means more family
Hosting an exchange student Sharon Elggren, president of Premium International Exchange and Nacel Utah Coordinator, said she’s seen lives change for both visiting students and host families. “These programs strengthen world ties and create greater cultural understanding and bonding across the world,” Elggren said. “Visiting students gain confidence and families gain lifelong friends.”
How families can get involved
Premium International Exchange (PIE) works with organizations in Japan to provide opportunities for Japanese students, age 12 -18, to experience life in the United States. • Families can apply to become a host family (three-to-four-week commitment). • Youth can apply for team counselor positions at welcome camps. • Visit or contact Sharon Elggren at (801) 540-1402. Nacel Open Door High School Student Exchange places foreign exchange students from around the world with volunteer American host families. • Apply to be a host family for the 2017-2018 school year by March 1 • Apply online at Contact Sharon Elggren at or call (801) 540-1402 for more information.
adventures! Experiences await in 2017 that will teach kids — and maybe even parents — a few life lessons. Some adventures are planned, while others are unexpected. Last summer our family had an unexpected, and unforgettable, experience. It was, as one of my sons calls it, “the most awesome, best thing we did all summer.” Maybe it will be an adventure you’ll consider, too. It all started on a lovely July morning when my husband announced we had the opportunity to host an exchange student from Japan. He said the student would arrive in a few days if we chose to host. I was stunned. I
calmly asked a lot of questions and got a lot of answers. We discussed the possibility as a family, all agreed to go for it and completed the application process that night.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7 In a few days we met our exchange student, a 14-year-old boy from Tokyo, who became an immediate part of our family. He eagerly experienced life with us: the Logan aquatic center,
Cache County Fair, family reunions, Bear Lake Raspberry Shakes, soccer games, redneck slides and even family chores. He did it all, and as we experienced it with him, even small
things like stargazing took on greater meaning. Our family realized, again, that we live in a beautiful place.  He opened our world to us and shared his own world, too. He cooked new foods and brought unique gifts that highlighted Japanese culture. We were in awe of the art, language and pictures he shared of his life in a bustling city across the world. My boys recognized and appreciated the differences in our cultures, and saw many similarities. They laughed together and even played music together.   We’ll never forget his bright smile, or what we learned with him. Bringing someone into our home was a big decision, but it was a priceless experience to open our home and hearts to a life-long friend. In three short weeks we learned that in this big world, we humans are more alike than we are different.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Emily Buckley, editor in chief
The options of things you can enroll your child in are endless. Between dance or soccer and scouts or robotics club, your school-age child’s schedule is overflowing. If you are on the fence about wanting to add music lessons to the mix, you may want to consider the strong benefits that experts say come with signing your little one up for guitar or piano lessons. He may not become the next Mozart, but she may actually have an easier time learning math, practicing patience and becoming a team member. Teachers have long observed the benefits that music education can have on students, but recent research is showing just how impactful learning music can be on a child’s development. Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanners, neuroscientists have made breakthroughs in understanding how music affects the brain by monitoring musical experiences in real time.
Dr. Collins went on to explain that playing music has also been found to increase the volume and activity in the brain’s corpus callosum, the bridge between the two hemispheres, allowing messages to get across the brain faster and through more diverse routes. “This may allow musicians to solve problems more effectively and creatively, in both academic and social settings,” Dr. Collins said. “Because making music also involves crafting and understanding its emotional content and message, musicians often have higher levels of executive function.” Further, Heather says that music education gives kids a way to express themselves in a world where so much of our technical communication doesn’t leave room for emotion outside of emojis. “Kids can let emotions out musically and then have an easier time talking about them,” Heather said. For more information about the benefits of music education, go to
“When people are hooked up to these machines, tasks such as reading or doing math problems each have corresponding areas of the brain where activity can be observed. However, when researchers got participants to listen to music, they saw fireworks,” said Anita Collins, PhD, an award-winning educator and researcher in the area of music education. “It turns out that while listening to music engages the brain in some pretty interesting activities, playing music is the brain’s equivalent of a full-body workout.” Local music therapist Heather Overly, MT-BC, has observed the same thing. “With my own kids and students, music education improves their critical thinking skills in all areas,” she said. “They hit challenges in music. Their music studies get hard, just like math gets hard. But they learn that if they keep working it gets better. It does take practice and time, but it gives them an edge in school and in life.”
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Cache County School District PILOTS INNOVATIVE NEW
ORCHESTRA PROGRAM Jenda Nye, public information specialist Cache County School District
Ask Lily, a student at Wellsville Elementary, what she likes most about learning to play the viola and she’s quick to answer, “My awesome teacher!” Lily is one of 72 sixth graders across Cache County School District participating in the Junior Chamber Orchestra. The Junior Chamber Orchestra (JCO) is a pilot program currently offered to students in elementary schools on the south end of the district. It was designed to prevent orchestra participants from experiencing a gap between their fifthgrade year at the elementary school and their seventh-grade year in middle school. Previously, students could begin playing a string instrument in fourth and fifth grade with the Mountain West String Academy, then transition into their middle school orchestra in sixth grade. However, as new district grade configurations moved sixth grade to elementary school, it became necessary to redesign the program. As part of the pilot program, five “host site” schools offer a location for neighboring elementary students to meet and practice four days a week, before regular school hours. Although parents provide transportation to
orchestra practice, busses are available afterward to take students to their schools. Instruction, at almost every location, is led by a middle school or high school teacher. This gives students the unique opportunity to build relationships that will continue well beyond sixth grade. It also ensures that participants receive instruction from licensed, established educators in the school district. Another unique benefit the JCO offers is the opportunity for sixth-graders to collaborate with older students. For example, on Nov. 15, student musicians from all five JCO host schools joined South Cache Middle School orchestra students for an evening concert. Their selections of music ranged from “The Addams Family” to “Battle of the Ancient Dragons.” Aurora Villa, the K-12 district arts coordinator, believes there’s great value in these collaborations. “The combined concerts provide JCO students opportunities to perform with their sixth-grade peers in a large ensemble experience, as well as collaborate with orchestra students in the secondary grades,” she said. “They are invaluable in motivating students to continue with
orchestra at the secondary school level.” Similar collaborative concerts will be hosted this winter at Mountain Crest and Ridgeline, where the JCO will play with high school students. This innovative approach to creating a sixth-grade orchestra has students, parents and teachers enthusiastic about the potential and progress of the program. Instructor Joel Yoder appreciates the bridge that the JCO provides between elementary and middle school. “The program is an important step in the transition between the Mountain West String Academy experience and the orchestra class that students will be attending in middle school,” he said. William Everitt, whose two granddaughters play in the orchestra, is also impressed with the program. “I’m glad my grandchildren have the opportunity to participate,” he said. “Their ability to play has improved, and they haven’t been at it that long. I like that the teachers are teaching them the fundamentals.” While the pilot program is still in its first year, district administrators are hopeful that it will continue, even expand, next year. “The plan is to implement the program on the north end of the district, too,” Aurora said. “With this transition, it’s exciting to anticipate that students can begin learning a string instrument with the Mountain West String Academy as early as fourth grade, then continue playing and developing their musical skills until they graduate from high school, without any pauses.” If you’re interested in learning more about the Junior Chamber Orchestra, please contact Aurora Villa at
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Diversity in the Classroom
Encourages Success Frank Schofield, superintendent Logan City School District
My oldest son began his public school experience in the Logan City School District. He was fortunate to have highly skilled teachers who were committed to helping all students in their classroom succeed. As a teacher at Logan High School, I worked with students from various cultural backgrounds, many of whom were firstgeneration immigrants. I was fortunate to work closely with those students to observe firsthand the benefits of their different perspectives, experiences and languages brought to my classroom and our school.
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When my family left Cache Valley, we quickly discovered that this diversity was not always going to be easy to find. When my son returned from his first day of second grade, wondering why there were no students of different ethnicities in his class. My wife and I had to acknowledge that we had taken this diversity in Logan for granted, and we recognized how much we valued it. In spite of the positive relationships we built at our new school, exposing our children to that diversity found in Logan was one of the reasons why we were excited to return to Cache Valley. At many of our schools in Logan, more than 40 percent of students identify as ethnic minorities. The ethnic diversity often includes differences in spoken language and cultural background. This diversity contributes to what Michael Roth, PhD, president of Wesleyan University, calls a “dynamic community.” In explaining why this is desirable Dr. Roth said, “All the students we admit [to Wesleyan University] have intellectual capacity, but we also want them to have different sorts of capacities. Their interests, modes of learning and perspectives of the world should be sufficiently different from one another to promote active learning in and outside the classroom.”
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The mission of the Logan City School District is to “ensure all students leave our schools ready to create a positive future for themselves and their community.” The ability to understand the variety of perspectives, and use those perspectives to promote active learning and personal growth, are key elements of their long-term success. I am grateful to be part of a district where diversity exists, and where our students are able to have those interactions that will prepare them to succeed in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
5 THINGS TO DO INSIDE DURING THE WINTER Melanie Christensen, contributing writer Snowman building and sledding sound like ideal winter activities, except for one problem: It’s cold outside! When temperatures start dropping into single and negative digits, your kids may end up running back inside with frozen toes faster than it took you to bundle them up in boots and gloves. For moments like these, it doesn’t hurt to have an arsenal of indoor winter activities to keep the little ones entertained. Here are a few ideas:
1. Camp indoors. Build a blanket fort — or igloo, if your building material of choice is pillows. When it’s finished, use it as a place to play card games or read books together. Finish the cozy afternoon with s’mores or hot chocolate. 2. Make a new recipe. Give the kids a chance to help in the kitchen by letting them choose and help make a recipe. Pull out your cookbooks, or try this simple three-ingredient snow ice cream: just combine 8 cups of fresh snow, one can of sweetened condensed milk and one tablespoon of vanilla. Top it with cool whip, sprinkles or berries for a yummy winter treat. 3. Make a winter craft. Make classic snowflakes out of construction paper, or make a snow globe using a mason jar, liquid glycerine, figurines and glitter. You could also draw pictures of snowmen and snowflakes with
white crayons, then paint over them with blue watercolor for simple winter artwork. 4. Visit the library. Check out new books and movies, or attend a free storytime or craft event. Check with your local library or look at the Cache Valley Family Magazine events calendar to see what events are coming up. 5. Host a tea party or fancy lunch. Put flowers and a tablecloth on the table. Give your kids — and a few of their friends, if you like — invitations to a tea party one afternoon. Invite them to dress nicely. Serve hot chocolate or apple cider in a tea pot, put fancy toothpicks in your sandwiches and have pastries for dessert. Use the party as an excuse to teach manners. For more family-friendly indoor winter activities, visit
Distracted Driving Awareness
BreeAnn Silcox, coalition coordinator Safe Kids Bear River
One in four car crashes involve a
distracted driver, according to Zero Fatalities. In 2014, more than 3,000 people were killed in car accidents involving a distracted driver. It only takes one second for something to happen. It’s important that all drivers refrain from texting and driving. Put your devices down so you can focus on getting to your destination safely every time. Follow these driving safety tips to help your family and others stay safe on the road: 1. Eliminate distractions. Put cell phones and other distractions in the backseat or out of sight until you reach your destination. A text or
phone call is never more important than a life. 2. Be alert around neighborhoods and schools. Be especially alert in residential neighborhoods and school zones. If you are driving behind a school bus and it has flashing red lights, stop immediately before reaching the bus. Do not proceed until the flashing red light signal stops. 3. Watch for pedestrians. Give pedestrians the right of way and look both ways when making a turn to spot anyone who may not be easily visible. 4. Slow down. With all this snow, it’s
especially important to slow down and leave more room between those ahead of you and those off the road. 5. Educate your kids. Remind your children to follow traffic signals and laws, make eye contact with pedestrians and enter/exit driveways and alleys carefully. For more information, contact the Bear River Health Department at (435) 792-6500 or visit
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OU TD OOR REC REAT I O N T H AT W IL L TA KE YO U BACK IN T I M E Emily Buckley, editor in chief
For Brad Hunt, a life that revolves around work, spending his days tucked up in the mountains and interacting with the wildlife in their natural habitat is pretty ideal. He worked as a driver at Hardware Ranch Wildlife Management Area while studying at Utah State University and landed his “dream job” five years ago. Hardware Ranch, located 15 miles from Cache Valley, up Blacksmith Fork Canyon, was originally settled in 1858 by Lee Curtis. It changed hands several times over the years and eventually became the Box Elder Hardware Company. Cache Valley was historically the natural winter range for local elk herds, but as towns were settled, conflict rose between hungry elk and local farmers. In 1945, the state of
Utah purchased Hardware Ranch with sportsman’s dollars generated by the Wildlife Restoration Act to prevent elk migration into Cache Valley during the cold winter months. Since the state’s purchase of Hardware Ranch, the area has been a center for elk research; it is operated as part of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. In addition to providing a habitat for Rocky Mountain Elk, the 14,300-acre Hardware Ranch provides visitors with an up-close opportunity to learn about wildlife. In fact, Brad and his team of about a dozen employees who work as drivers and educators in the education center host about 30,000 visitors each winter. From the beginning of December (when the return of the elk is celebrated at an annual Elk Festival)
until the last weekend of February, the public can visit Hardware Ranch on Mondays and Fridays from noon to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for horse-
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Did you know that Hardware Ranch is open year round?
drawn sleigh or wagon rides that will bring you right through the meadow where the elk wander. The cost is $3 for children ages 3 to 9 and $5 for ages 9 and up, 3 and under ride free. Drivers share expert information on the history of the area and the biology of elk during the ride, and visitors can learn even more in the free education center.
get anywhere else in Utah,” Brad said. “Even hunters who track them don’t get this close to wild elk. We take you close enough to hear them ‘talk,’ smell them and see their body language. It is great, especially for children. It is easy to get so busy or lost in technology that we forget how amazing the world is, right here close to home.”
Long before the wagon rides start, Brad and his team get to work. Every morning they load up two and half tons of hay, which is grown on the same land during the warmer summer months, to feed the nearly 700 elk that spend their cold winters at Hardware Ranch. Last summer they produced 214 tons of hay on 120 acres in order to have enough feed to last the winter. Brad’s team also contracts with local farmers to manage grazing sheep and cattle during the summers.
Another draw for visitors are the team horses. “These working horses are really a throwback to how things were for the settlers of Cache Valley,” Brad said.
“It is a unique experience you can’t
“I encourage everyone come on up and enjoy a beautiful winter day,” Brad said, noting that Hardware Ranch is usually above the inversion with sunny skies. “We read about these things and even sing about them, but here you can experience them, hopefully learn something new and make some family memories while you’re at it.”
Fishing on the Blacksmith Fork River, Curtis Creek and Rock Creek provides miles of access for excellent fishing. All waters on Hardware Ranch area are open to fishing year round, with appropriate licenses. Free primitive camping spots are also available during the year. No restrooms or garbage facilities are offered, so campers are asked to camp responsibly and pack trash out. The majority of the area is open for ATV riding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and recreational hunting (during the appropriate seasons). Deer, elk, moose, chukar, ruffed grouse and cottontail rabbits are all hunted on the management area. Brad’s family enjoys spending as much time as they can with him at Hardware Ranch. Though they live in Hyrum, his wife, Lynette, is a great support for his long days in the canyon, and his children — Hailey, 7, and Caleb, 4 — look forward to riding on the tractor and spending summer days with their dad in the peaceful wildlife management area.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Better Budget in 201 7
Kinsey Love, marketing director Lewiston State Bank
With the new year in full swing, it’s time to make the customary “budgeting goal.” You make this goal every year, and every year it’s busted by February. To help you stay on track, we have compiled a list of our favorite budgeting tips and tricks. 1. Be realistic. If you think you can buy groceries for $60 a week, but historically have only accomplished this once, don’t set yourself up for failure by making that as your weekly grocery budget. By choosing unrealistic goals, you will be more discouraged when you fail to meet your mark and less likely to continue. 2. Expect the unexpected. Create an emergency fund for those unfortunate pop-up expenses. According to a recent survey conducted by the federal reserve, 46 percent of respondents said they would have to borrow money or sell something to cover an unexpected emergency expense of $400. Don’t be caught unprepared; consider putting 5 percent of your income away for emergencies in a separate, accessible account. 3. Have a miscellaneous category. Adding a miscellaneous category will save you headaches when you don’t quite know how to categorize popsicle sticks for your kindergartener’s craft or a new case for the iPad you won. This can also become a convenient flex account for when you go a little over what you planned in another category. 4. Use tools. In this wonderful world of technology, we are lucky to have tools that will help make budgeting easier. You might try an app such as MoneyDesktop® by MX, Mint® or Good Budget®. Many of these tools are free and connect directly to your institution to track expenses and automatically categorize them into your predetermined accounts. 5. Review and recalculate. At the end of each month, set aside a specific date and time to review your budget. If you notice that you are constantly going over in a certain category, adjust your other accounts to allow for the additional spending. 6. Forgive yourself. No one is perfect, and, more importantly, no budget is either. When you go over budget, don’t give up. It takes a while to create a realistic plan for your money. Be patient and remember you are doing better now than you think you are.
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The Dream Situation for Your
Dream Home As you skim your Pinterest boards,
you realize you’ve barely touched your many ambitions: a successful dessert here, a failed dinner there and a craft that took much longer to make than it first appeared it would. Then there’s that board that makes your heart race: Your dream house board. It has a master closet that
Karen Shelton, new home specialist Visionary Homes
makes you drool, a bathroom that looks like a small oasis and a kitchen where you would rather sleep than in the bedroom. Then, reality clicks in, and you think, “We’ll never be able to afford this,” or, “Maybe we can just remodel.”
you should be able to sell your current home quickly. Second, because there are so many buyers, they are more likely pay a good price for your home. Third, once your home is sold, you can use that equity toward your brandnew home.
Stop. Your worries will soon be gone because 2017 is the best time to build your dream home for a few simple reasons.
Rates are low (for now)
The perfect storm Utah’s housing market is a seller’s market, which means there are several families who would happily buy your current home tomorrow if they had the chance. A market with more buyers than sellers is the perfect situation. First, with the right agent
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Interests rates tend to rise after the election of a new president, so the sooner you lock in your rates, the better. Builders work with preferred lenders to give you closing cost quotes and help you find the best financing options just for your budget.
Unexpected savings One of the hidden benefits of a new home is the costs that won’t occur. Building with only the best products and latest technologies, ensures your home is as energy efficient as possible. A new home is also low maintenance — no furnace to fix in the winter, and an A/C unit that works as soon as you switch it on in the summer.
You’ll be home for Christmas If you sign on to build by the end of February, you’ll be in your new home by Christmas. Late winter is the best time to start building.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Make Valentine’s Day a Day of Family Love Being a mom can be
confusing. I am always torn between what I would like to be — “a Pinterest Mom” — and what I actually have time for. I usually find myself at the store just a few days before the holidays trying to come up with something thoughtful for my kids. This year, I am thinking ahead and looking for some simple ways to pull off quality experiences in less time.
Here are a few simple ideas I have for a family-centered Valentine celebration:
the house. Don’t forget the candles to create a special atmosphere.
Plan ahead: Send out invitations a few days before to invite your kids to a special “candlelit Valentine’s dinner.” Sending out an invite will bring more excitement. Tell them the dress code for the night is fancy!
Food: For me, food can quickly make things more complicated and stressful, but maybe you love to cook and that is the easy part for you. I usually end up getting a heart-shaped take-and-bake pizza from a local pizza place; do what works for you. My kids love sparkling cider, so I will pick up plastic champagne glasses to serve that in. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could serve chocolate fondue for dessert.
Decor: Keep it simple and use easy, throw-away decor. Set the table ahead of time, and place a note at each person’s seat telling them why you love them. Kids may enjoy helping you prepare by cutting out paper hearts to create a “house full of love” by scattering them around
5 TIPS TO MAKE FILLING A PRESCRIPTION QUICK & EASY from Spence’s Pharmacy 1. Make sure you have valid refills listed on your label along with an expiration date. This is the number one reason most refills aren’t filled the same day. If you have a new prescription, give the pharmacy time to fill it along with your other medications. 2. Call the pharmacy’s automated refill line. Just call the pharmacy enter your prescription number(s). 3. Go online to request a refill. Most pharmacies have a website that allows you to request a prescription refill. 4. Sign up with SimpleSync! All of your medications will be synchronized so you only have to make one trip to the pharmacy.
Games: This is another area where you can easily do more or less. Here are some ideas:
Have a conversation heart tower-building contest where you see who can build the tallest tower; play Cupid with straws and Q-tips by blowing Q-tips through straws at each other; or play Valentine Bingo with simple, fun and free printables available online. My kids also love to play hot and cold; take turns hiding a heart and looking for it. I hope these suggestions spark ideas that will help you make lasting memories with the ones you love most.
xoxaon n e
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Country Scalloped Potatoes When life gets busy, my slow cooker is always a go-to appliance. Whether we have been out skiing or working outside on the farm, it’s always nice to have a warm meal in the evening. I love to prep food in the mornings when doing my chores, and these delicious potatoes are one of my favorites. They provide a hearty side when grilling steak or chicken, and can even serve as a meal on their own. Being married to a potato farmer, I love using potatoes in as many recipes as I can, and this simple recipe never disappoints with its delicious flavor and simple list of ingredients.
Sherelle Christensen, Christensen Family Farms
Potato Base 7-8 large Russet potatoes, peeled and sliced 1 large onion, sliced 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated
Sauce 6 Tbs. butter 2-3 cloves garlic, minced 1/4-1/2 cup flour 2 1/2 cups chicken stock 1 1/2 cups milk 1/2 cup heavy cream 2 Tbs. grated or powdered Parmesan cheese 1/2 tsp. dry mustard Pepper and seasoning salt
Instructions Melt butter over medium heat in a medium sauce pan. Add garlic and enough flour to make a semi-thick paste. Stir over medium
heat until smooth. Add stock, milk, cream, dry mustard and Parmesan cheese. Add seasonings. Stir over medium-high heat until sauce becomes thick and bubbly. Remove from heat. Spray slow cooker with non-stick spray and layer with half of potatoes, onion, cheese and sauce. Repeat layers. Cover and cook on low 7-8 hours or high 5-6 hours. Serve when potatoes are tender and cooked through.
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
Moms Demand Action:
Gun Safety Awareness
Kate Petersen, contributing writer
Last month marked the four-year anniversary of the school shooting that took the lives of 20 students and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
In an effort to help prevent gun violence among children in the future, an organization called Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America ( was founded by Shannon Watts, a stay-at-home mother of five and former communication executive. The organization’s goal is “to fight for public safety measures that respect the Second Amendment and protect people from gun violence.” A similar group of Americans are working together to end gun violence and build safer communities through an organization called Everytown for Gun Safety ( Sadly, the number of school shootings occurring in America is still incredibly high, and according to Everytown, “Since 2013 there have been more than 200 school shootings in America — an average of nearly one a week.” Chapters for both groups are established in every state with more than 3 million supporters. You can learn more and join these organizations by visiting their websites. Utah State Senator Todd Weiler recently passed a bill entitled, S.B. 43 Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention,
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7 which makes funding available for all Utah schools to either bring in live presenters or show a video to teach students what to do if they come in contact with a firearm, and what to do in active shooter situations. To respond to the frequency of guns in the media and the curiosity of children, a campaign called Be Smart ( provides resources for parents, educators and community members to help teach responsible gun storage and gun safety awareness. Kids Health states, “Guns are in more than one-third of all U.S. households, making it extremely important to talk to our kids about the potential dangers, and what to do if they ever come in contact with one. A child as young as 3 has the finger strength to pull a trigger.” Let’s all do our part to help keep our kids safe by following these tips from Kids Health and Safe Kids Worldwide.
Talk to your kids and their caregivers. • Explain how a gun on television or a video game is different from a gun in real life. For example, you could say, “A gun, in real life, can seriously injure and even kill a person.” • Teach them to never touch a gun and immediately tell an adult if they see one. • Talk to them about safe gun storage.
Teach kids to follow these rules if they come into contact with a gun. • Stop what they’re doing. • Do not touch the gun. • Leave the area where the gun is located. • Tell an adult immediately. Many kids are raised with guns in their home, particularly if hunting is a part of family recreation. If you keep a gun in your home, it is important to teach your kids to act in a safe and responsible way.
Ensure the safest possible environment. • Take the ammunition out of any gun stored in your home. • Lock guns with an effective child-resistant gun lock and keep them out of reach and sight of children. Hiding guns is not enough. • Store ammunition in a secure place apart from the gun. • Store the keys for the gun and ammunition safes in a different area from where you store household keys. Keep the keys out of reach. • Secure gun-cleaning supplies, which are often poisonous. Never leave the gun unattended when handling or cleaning it. • If you decide you no longer need to have a gun in your home, dispose of it safely. Consult with law enforcement in your community on how to do this.
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a e Y New
Mark Anderson, owner Anderson Seed and Garden
With every new year many resolutions are made. We make a commitment to follow through on all kinds of goals: personal, financial, educational, etc. However, it can be hard to keep those promises. No one likes to do things that they don’t want to do, even if you know they are good for you. This year, I recommend a few resolutions for gardeners. Not just because they are good things to do, but also because they are fun. It’s easier keeping commitments when it’s something we enjoy in the first place. 1. Spend more time in the garden. While we are digging holes or pulling weeds, it is easy to forget that gardening should be relaxing
and enjoyable. Set aside some time to enjoy the uplifting beauty and fragrance of your garden, or the way the dirt crumbles in your fingers as you cover up vegetable seeds to germinate. In our hectic, fast-paced world, it’s easy to see gardening as just another task on our never-ending to-do list. Time spent in the garden brings many joys and rewards including a harvest of edibles or beautiful flowers to share and enjoy. 2. Nurture more plants from seed. While there is some practical value to starting your own seed (to try new varieties you can’t find anywhere else), few things in life are as rewarding as planting a seed
and watching it grow to maturity. I remember many times as a preschooler, starting seeds in peat pellet or potting soil in a Dixie cup, and watching the seedlings grow in size almost daily. Fond memories of digging up carrots and radishes that I grew with my sisters in our sandbox will always be a part of me. There is no reason why that miracle of seed germination and development can’t be as amazing and wonderful to us now as it was when we were 5 years old. And, it’s just fun. Never underestimate the value of having a good time. 3. Enjoy more homegrown food. Most vegetables (I would suggest all vegetables) taste better when
Feed your family for $30 a year. We’re serious when we say you can feed your family for a year on $30 worth of vegetable seeds. If you have a 50X50 foot garden (2500 square feet), we can help you fill it with about $25 worth of vegetable seeds. All it takes is a little effort and a little know-how. Come on in before spring planting is here. We’ll provide the know-how, and you can make the effort.
Anderson’s Seed and Garden 69 West Center, Logan • 435-752-2345
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7 grown, harvested and consumed in your own yard. While a farmer’s market is a great place to try new things, and to find varieties that you don’t have room to grow in your yard, but the flavor and quality doesn’t compare with what you grow at home. Homegrown vegetables taste better than anything else. Try making your garden a little bigger, add another raised bed or add some edibles to the flower beds this season. You’ll reap more rewards from it than just your harvest. 4. Surround your home with beautiful colors. Many vegetables are decorative, colorful and beautiful to look at, but nothing compares to the variety and depth of color from perennial and annual flowers and bulbs. Using flowers to beautify your yard will raise your spirits and bring joy to everyone who comes to visit. Think how dreary and cold the transition from winter to spring can be until the tulip and daffodil bulbs start blooming. That burst of color gives us a burst of excitement and energy. Coming home to a yard full of color makes me want to spend more time outside and at home with my family. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many commitments in the garden, but try to make it a priority. Inspire yourself with color, feed your soul with a fresh harvest and share the joy that it brings.
C UT OU T the germs in YOUR HOM E
Erin Peterson, owner Erin’s True Grit Cleaning
The dreaded cold and flu season is here. You can fight back by doing a few simple things. Get your favorite all-purpose cleaner and a warm washcloth. Go around and clean all your doorknobs, light switches, cabinet knobs and appliance handles. Remember, hands spread germs, so look around your house at everything that gets picked up or touched with hands (i.e., remote controls, cell phones, computer keyboards). These things should be disinfected frequently to cut down on germs in your home. When you are finished blasting the germs away, remember to put the rag in the laundry. Don’t save it to use tomorrow, those germs will still be there and they will multiply.
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Fight the cold and flu season by making this a weekly routine, and remember to involve the whole family to make it quick and easy.
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Jess Jewett, MD, emergency medicine director Cache Valley Hospital
You might love winter, but if you have back problems, you probably prefer spending the colder months indoors. Not only can the harsh weather increase symptoms of arthritis, but the icy environment can lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Regardless of the cause, pain, stiffness, decreased physical activity and loss of time on the job are often the results. If you’re hoping to enjoy winter this year (and survive all the work that comes with it), it’s important to keep your back in good health. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: 1. Clear the walkways. Icy walkways send more than a few victims to the doctor each year. Abruptly falling onto a hard surface can cause a myriad of injuries; many severe enough to limit your mobility or painfully remind you of that fall. Simply clearing the walkway of snow might not be enough. Keep ice and slush from accumulating and apply salt, sand, kitty litter or sawdust. 2. Shovel with care. You might not mind going outside to keep your sidewalk and driveway clear, but your back might not be as enthusiastic. In fact, a 2011 study by the Center for Injury Research and Policy reported an average of 11,500 emergency room visits each year are due to snow shoveling. Of those visits, more than 34 percent were because of lower back injuries. If you need to shovel, treat this activity as you would an exercise routine. First, you’ll want to warm up and stretch. To ensure optimal muscle health, make sure you repeat those stretches when you are finished working in the cold.
disability worldwide. That’s why it’s important to understand and recognize your limits when it comes to physical labor and activity. Take frequent breaks when you’re working outside and don’t put yourself in precarious situations. It really is OK to let the pros brush the snow off your roof. Don’t let a back injury disrupt your plans for enjoying your favorite wintertime activities. 4. Dress the part. If you’re wearing seasonally inappropriate clothing this winter, your back might soon tell you that it’s time for a pair of heavy-soled snow boots. Make sure you’re wearing non-skid footwear when snow, slush and ice cover walkways and parking lots. Additionally, cold temperatures can exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis, so dress warmly before heading outside if you suffer from this condition. 5. Hit the gym. It doesn’t matter whether you work out at the gym or in your living room. Engaging in some physical activity each day is a critical component of protecting your back during the winter. Staying as active as possible can help you reduce your injuries and keep your spine healthy. Most importantly, make sure to plan ahead and make room for your chosen physical activity regularly.
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Bring Smiles to Central America
Schae Richards, community editor
Daren Gehring, DDS, of Cache Valley Pediatric Dentistry has traveled to third-world countries with other local dentists for seven years to provide dental care and humanitarian services to young men and women who don’t have these services available to them. His humanitarian expeditions are prepared by Smiles for Central America, an organization that delivers humanitarian aid to those preparing to serve full-time missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those who attend these clinics
can travel five, sometimes 10, hours to spend the day receiving haircuts, medical exams and dental treatment. “For most of them, it’s the first time they are getting dental work done, and is probably the last time they will get it,” Dr. Gehring said. Dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons and physicians work tirelessly for five full days, treating between 700 and 900 patients in that time. Dr. Gehring typically sees about 50 patients during his visits. This year, Dr. Gehring had the chance to serve with Chad Harris, DDS, of Smithfield
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C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7 Dental Care and his daughter, Cambrie. Jon Robison, MD, a local anesthesiologist, has also joined these expeditions. Beyond the medical and dental services,
those volunteering in the clinic serve in other ways. Prior to his last trip, Dr. Gehring and his wife, Emily, joined volunteers from their church and assembled hundreds
of hygiene kits, blankets and other supplies to bring with them on their trip to distribute to different homes, hospitals and orphanages. “We also visit a church congregation and
give humanitarian supplies to those families,” he said. Dr. Gehring and Emily travel at least once a year for an expedition like this, and usually bring one of their children along. They have taken their three oldest children so far, visiting El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Emily said their family is one of the main reasons why they got involved with Smiles for Central America. “We were looking for a humanitarian option so that we could give back,” Emily said. “We also wanted an opportunity to show our children a different perspective on life and living.” While every trip has
its own highlights, Dr. Gehring said the patients are what make the experience wonderful. “On this last trip, there was a patient that had had a broken tooth since he was 9 years old, and as a result, didn’t like to smile. After we fixed his tooth, he was bouncing around the clinic showing everyone his new smile,” he said. “It’s a great feeling to make a difference in someone’s life, and give them their confidence back.” Emily said these humanitarian expeditions have been a great reminder of the importance of service for their family. “When asking our son, Chad, ‘What did you take away from this trip?’ he said he came home more grateful for what he has,” she said. “The importance of service can give us a feeling of purpose and happiness.” Dr. Gehring said no matter how small they may seem, there are always opportunities to serve one another, even here in Cache Valley. “There are plenty of people here that need the same kind of services,” he said. “If you can step outside of the world, you can forget about yourself and change the world.”
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
What Does It Mean? “My child is farsighted. So, they can’t see up close? Or far away? Which one is it?” I hear this a lot from parents in our office, and it’s not as simple of an explanation as you might think. Nearsightedness, or myopia, is fairly easy to understand, much more so than farsightedness. In myopia, our eyes are focused too close to us, making it hard to see things far away. The higher the myopic prescription, the closer an object has to be before being able to see it clearly. In most cases, this is easily corrected with glasses, contact lenses or a refractive surgery, such as LASIK. However, being farsighted or hyperopic doesn’t mean the opposite (that one can see far away but not up close). However, this is what most people think. Our eyes are designed to see clearly when we are viewing distant objects (i.e. driving). They should be completely relaxed while doing so. In order to see up close, we must use a muscle inside our eyes. Doing so for long periods of time causes eye strain, fatigue and can lead to headaches and blurry vision. If a person is farsighted, they often see clearly far away, but not without some effort. In order to see clearly even while looking far away, a farsighted person must constantly engage the muscle in the eye, as if they were looking at something up close. The more farsighted, the more effort needed by the eye. If a farsighted person has to look up close, their eyes have to focus even harder in order to make things clear. If a farsighted person is not able to focus hard enough, or sustain that focus long enough, they can’t see clearly at any distance. Children can focus their eyes much easier than adults, which makes it possible for hyperopic children to see clearly while adults may not be able to. With some effort, they may be able to pass routine vision screenings at school or the pediatrician’s office, which are always performed for distance vision. However, while adults may wear glasses to help ease the burden on the eye, the uncorrected child’s visual system never gets a break. They are constantly working to make things clear, especially while looking up close.
A 2015 study published in the Journal for the Academy of Ophthalmology identifies what effects uncorrected hyperopia might have on children’s reading. This study administered the Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL) to 492 children between ages 4 and 5. The results were compared between hyperopic children and children with “normal” vision. This study conclusively showed that hyperopic children had reduced visual acuity up close, reduced depth perception and performed significantly worse on the test of early literacy. Farsightedness is only one example that may cause vision problems in children. It’s important for parents to understand that comprehensive eye exams are necessary for each and every child, even if they haven’t said anything. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends an eye exam in children who are symptom-free at 6 months of age, age 3 and annually after entering school. Help us take good care of your children’s eyes and schedule an appointment today.
Michael Cole, OD Child and Family Eyecare Center
C a c h e Va l l e y F a m i l y M a g a z i n e | W i n t e r 2 0 1 7
CHILDHOOD OBESITY Causes and Prevention
Nina Jorgensen, MD Primary Care Pediatrics
Everything we consume needs to be broken down and digested to provide energy, and help our bodies develop, heal and function properly. In the 1900s large amounts of food were produced using new techniques that allowed for higher yields, packaged foods with longer shelf lives and precooked meals that reduced time in the kitchen. Fast food, carbonated beverages and processed snacks followed. Our bodies can’t digest many of these manufactured foods. We also have jobs and modes of transportation that sometimes limit physical activity. Obesity occurs in about 17 percent of children ages 2 to 19 in the U.S. Children of a lower socioeconomic status are at an even higher rate. Habits developed as parents, like what we choose to eat and how we spend our time, affect our children, too. Along with the obesity epidemic, there are other related health issues, such as insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, joint problems, low self-esteem, eating disorders and other emotional problems. Children have easy access to refined high-carb snacks, candy and sweets, soda and other processed foods. Even getting
exercise by playing outside is now a thing of the past. Many of our extracurricular activities for our children require a vehicle of some sort. What should parents do? Most solutions to problems like this require a combination of education, resolve and practice.
Some things to consider: 1. Use fresh ingredients like the meat, dairy and produce and limit the amount of processed food consumed. 2. Cut out juice and soda. Enjoy sweets sparingly. 3. Use natural colors in your meals. My family enjoys “rainbow dinners.” I chop up colorful vegetables and add boiled eggs, sliced meats and cheese, and let my kids create a colorful plate. 4. Be aware of how the media influences your children. Why do they advertise products like Pepsi and Coca Cola when they aren’t good for you? Discuss advertisements for products like these with your children and talk about what we can learn from them. 5. Develop ways to be active as a family.
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