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Pathway Action 4
Once emissions have been reduced by 53%, the remainder will be addressed through offsetting in 2030.
Offsets used will be additional, measurable, and real, and will be in accordance with the following principles:
• Independently verified,
• Permanent,
• Avoiding leakage,
• Sourced from parties with integrity, and
• Provide co-benefits.
Given the rapidly changing nature of the offset market and understanding of best practice, our approach will continue to evolve. Current plans are to embrace a portfolio approach to offsets, initially favouring local reduction credits and nature-based removal credits, and transitioning to more permanent removals over time.
Moving To Net Zero
Develop evolving strategy: the offset landscape is expected to change significantly as 2030 approaches, and so whilst the principles set out here will remain, it is expected that the details of Cadogan’s approach will evolve.
Increasing the quality and quantity of our green infrastructure will result in additional carbon absorption across the Estate.
Through our twinning programme to replicate successful projects elsewhere in the community, we could tackle fuel poverty through installing insulation or other energy efficiency measures, or install renewable generation. For any twinning projects to be counted as an offset they will be independently verified and assured.
Beyond 2030
Emissions will continue to be reduced beyond 2030, as the industry and technology develops. Cadogan will continue to offset their footprint annually every year after 2030, maintaining net zero and collaborating with partners to ensure that actions and offsets are effective and meaningful.