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Emissions Calculation Methodology
Emissions from landlord-purchased natural gas, including the gas subsequently consumed by occupiers. This includes properties managed by a third party who buy gas on Cadogan’s behalf. Actual consumption in kWh is converted into emissions using DEFRA emissions factors.
Landlord refrigerant losses are measured through top-ups paid by Cadogan, and multiplied by DEFRA emissions factors to report emissions.
Emissions from landlord-purchased fuel oil, including that which is subsequently consumed by occupiers. This includes properties managed by a third party who buy fuel oil on Cadogan’s behalf. Actual consumption in litres is converted into emissions using DEFRA emissions factors.
Emissions from landlord-purchased diesel, excluding diesel purchased for construction activities which is reported under Scope 3: Purchased Goods & Services – Developments. Actual consumption in litres is converted into emissions using DEFRA emissions factors.
Emissions from landlord-purchased electricity, including electricity subsequently consumed by occupiers. This includes properties managed by a third party who buy electricity on Cadogan’s behalf. Actual consumption in kWh is converted into emissions using location-based DEFRA emissions factors.
This category includes emissions from developments: site energy (including FERA), waste generation, and embodied carbon of materials used in construction. We work with a consultant to calculate the total embodied carbon emissions for each medium and large development, with these emissions reported in the year of project completion. Where embodied carbon data is not available, emissions are calculated by multiplying procurement spend by EEIO emission factors for each relevant economic sector of spend. Site energy and waste data are reported per project using data provided by relevant contractors.
Purchased goods & services - Other Yes
Landlord water Yes
Supplier-reported emissions (pro-rata for turnover derived from Cadogan activities) are calculated from energy reporting and DEFRA emissions factors. Where primary supplier data is not present, emissions are calculated by multiplying procurement spend by EEIO emission factors for each relevant economic sector of spend.
Emissions from landlord-purchased water, including water subsequently consumed by occupiers. This excludes water used in construction activities and water procured directly by occupiers, but includes properties managed by a third party who buy water on Cadogan’s behalf. Actual consumption in cubic meters is converted into emissions using location-based DEFRA emissions factors. Capital goods Yes
This category reflects emissions from capital goods purchases made by Cadogan in 2022, including but not limited to new vertical transport, HVAC equipment and machinery. Emissions are calculated by multiplying procurement spend by relevant EEIO emission factors – noting to deduct spend from supplier emission estimates above to avoid double counting.
Fuel and energy related activities Yes
Upstream transportation & distribution Yes
Waste Yes
Business travel Yes
Employee commuting Yes
Upstream leased assets No
Downstream transportation & distribution No
Processing of sold products No
Use of sold products No
End-of-life treatment of sold products No
Downstream leased assets Yes
Transmission and distribution (T&D) and well-to-tank (WTT) losses associated with landlord-procured electricity and natural gas. This excludes FERA associated with Scope 3 energy (development energy, occupier energy, business travel, commuting, and other transport), as this is included with the respective scope 3 energy emissions figures for those categories.
This category includes emissions generated from the transport of materials delivered to, and waste removed from, our 2 major construction sites. Data is not extrapolated to medium and minor sites. The calculation multiplies primary transport data by the relevant DEFRA emissions factor, and includes FERA.
Emissions associated with waste produced by the landlord, and occupier where reported. Where we don’t have tenant reported waste data, we have not extrapolated across the portfolio. Emissions exclude development and refurbishment waste, which is included in Scope 3: Purchased Goods & Services – Developments. Emissions are calculated by multiplying weight of waste by the relevant DEFRA emission factor for different treatment methods.
Calculated by multiplying distance and type of travel by relevant DEFRA emission factor, and includes relevant FERA.
Emissions associated with the commute of Cadogan employees and homeworking, as reported with no extrapolation. Calculated by multiplying distance and type of travel, and number of homeworking days, by relevant DEFRA emission factor.
N/A: Cadogan does not lease assets, so there are no emissions to report in this category.
N/A: Cadogan does not lease assets, so there are no emissions to report in this category.
N/A: Cadogan does not lease assets, so there are no emissions to report in this category.
N/A: Cadogan does not lease assets, so there are no emissions to report in this category.
N/A: Cadogan does not lease assets, so there are no emissions to report in this category.
Emissions associated with occupier-purchased energy (including FERA), and refrigerants where reported. Occupier water emissions are excluded, and occupier waste is included in Scope 3: Waste. Where actual energy consumption data is available, emissions are calculated by multiplying metered consumption by relevant DEFRA emission factors. Where no actual data received from occupiers, emissions are calculated by multiplying the Net Lettable Area by the most relevant Building Energy Efficiency Survey (BEES) benchmark.
Franchises No
Investments Yes
N/A: Cadogan does not lease assets, so there are no emissions to report in this category.
Emissions from the four Cadogan owned hotels is calculated by multiplying actual metered energy consumption by relevant DEFRA emission factors, including FERA.