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Net Zero Emissions
Collaboration and collective action across the value chain is required to achieve net zero, as set out in the Pathway Actions, but also plays a vital role in supporting innovation across Chelsea and the wider industry.
Cadogan is proud to be involved in a range of industry groups and partnerships driving positive environmental change and managing climate risk in the built environment. This will continue, sharing learnings and ideas to support the industry’s overall transition to net zero.
Please get in touch if you would like to work with Cadogan on achieving this goal.
To achieve net zero, emissions footprint needs to be considered across every aspect of the business and every element of the Estate. Each department recognises its responsibilities and reports on progress regularly, and internal reviews ensure that the carbon implications of decisions are incorporated into decision making.
Our Chief Executive has ultimate responsibility for climate-related risks and opportunities. Climate related risks and opportunities are considered in long-term strategy setting, acquisitions and investment decisions.
One of the biggest challenges in the built environment is the complexity and fragmentation of environmental data.
Operational data is fundamental to the effective management of internal processes and already very high quality. Scope 3 data is improving with more accurate estimates (see Appendix C for a detailed scope 3 methodology), but will continue to develop with a comprehensive Data Improvement Plan addressing embodied carbon data, occupier utility consumption data, supplier emissions data, and improved postcompletion evaluations for finished projects.
Progress on the transition to net zero is reported internally on a quarterly basis, and to the public on an annual basis, every year to 2030. Scopes 1 and 2 are independently verified through limited assurance, and as data quality improves scope 3 will be too.
Ongoing ownership and management of all sustainability and climate-related risks and opportunities is led by the Head of Sustainability, with support from all departments. Our commitment to address climate-related risk and achieve net zero emissions is embedded across the business, with all teams owning relevant targets and key performance indicators reported internally on a quarterly basis
A dedicated Decarbonisation Working Group provides specific oversight and coordination to estate decarbonisation and the journey to net zero, reporting to the Board annually.