Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional 2011 Training Coursware (english)

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Autod A desk® Lan ndXp plorer™ Studi S ofesssionaal 201 11 o Pro Trainin T ng Coursew ware

Foreword The training material contained on the following pages and the accompanying demo data will teach you how to exploit the full benefits of displaying, creating, editing, and publishing 2D and 3D geospatial data using Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional. As you progress through each exercise you will gain a better understanding of how Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional can be used not only to build aesthetically pleasing 3D city models and 3D landscape models but how to create value‐added information and products for end‐users and stakeholders. The training material supplied is intended for use with Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional 2011 and introduces new functions which were not available in prior versions of Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional. The focus for the 2011 release has been put especially on productivity and connectivity with other Autodesk® products through Autodesk® FDO technology and FBX support and more intuitive dialogs for data import and manipulation.

Data Sources Demo data provided by Autodesk and The GeoInformation Group. Additional data created by virtualcitySYSTEMS GmbH.


The following fonts are used in the text to highlight different components of the training material content. Content Chapter


Chapter 1 Headline

1.1 What is LandXplorer?


Create a LandXplorer Project Text

Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional is a robust software solution for the creation and management of virtual city models. These virtual environments are not restricted to building models but can include the visualization and integration of other geo‐referenced information such as automobile traffic and pedestrian flow, vegetation models, street cadastre or thematic data such as population and crime statistics.

Sub‐menu Working Steps

‐ Objectives and definitions [ 1 ] Open LandXplorer Studio Professional [ 2 ] Create a new file


1Hardware acceleration is only available for Windows Server® 2003 editions.

Notice Good to know: If the toolboxes no longer appear on your screen you can always restart Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional to reload them! Caption I LLUSTRATION 1: L AND X PLORER

Tabs, Pull‐down menus & Buttons Keyboard Keys


Path and Data




System Requirements 32‐Bit Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional 2011 • Windows® 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, or Professional; Windows Vista® Enterprise, Business, or Ultimate (SP2); or Windows® XP Professional (SP3) • Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, AMD Athlon™, or comparable Intel® Celeron®/AMD Duron™ CPUs running at 1.6 GHz or higher (minimum) • Intel Pentium 4 processor, AMD Athlon, or comparable Celeron/Duron CPUs running at 2.x GHz or higher (recommended) • 1 GB RAM (minimum), 2 GB RAM or more (recommended) • Graphics card with at least 32 MB or higher: OpenGL® 2.x capable, such as NVIDIA® GeForce2 MX™ or ATI Radeon® 8xxx (minimum) • Graphics card with at least 128 MB or higher: OpenGL 2.x capable, such as NVIDIA® GeForce® FX or ATI Radeon 9xxx, or later (recommended) Note: Check the graphic card manufacturer’s website for the latest driver for your card. • 10 GB free disk space or more for installation and operation • DVD drive

64‐Bit Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional 2011 • Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, or Professional; Windows Vista Enterprise, Business, or Ultimate (SP2); or Windows XP Professional (SP2) • Intel Pentium 4 processor, AMD Athlon, or comparable Celeron/Duron CPUs running at 1.6 GHz or higher (minimum) • Intel Pentium 4 processor, AMD Athlon, or comparable Celeron/Duron CPUs running at 2.x GHz or higher (recommended) • 1 GB RAM (minimum), 2 GB RAM or more (recommended) • Graphics card with at least 32 MB or higher: OpenGL 2.x capable, such as NVIDIA GeForce2 MX or ATI Radeon 8xxx (minimum) • Graphics card with at least 128 MB or higher: OpenGL 2.x capable, such as NVIDIA GeForce FX or ATI Radeon 9xxx, or later (recommended) Note: Check the graphic card manufacturer’s website for the latest driver for your card. • 10 GB free disk space or more for installation and operation • DVD drive


Additional Requirements for Working with Autodesk LandXplorer Publisher 2011 You will need to have access to a webserver with support for serving KML/KMZ to publish your data.

Additional Requirements for Working with the Database Plug‐In You will need to have access to an Oracle 10g database with installed 3D City Database. The database schema can be found at:‐


Table of Contents

Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Data Sources ............................................................................................................................................ 1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.



Introduction to Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional ....................................................... 7 1.1

Installation ............................................................................................................................... 9


User Interface ........................................................................................................................ 11


Navigation Options ................................................................................................................ 13


Examine Metaphor ............................................................................................................ 14


Game Metaphor ................................................................................................................ 14


Airplane Metaphor ............................................................................................................ 14


Panning metaphor ............................................................................................................. 15


Advanced metaphor .......................................................................................................... 15


Navigation Constraints and Navigation Settings ............................................................... 15


Bookmarks and Camera Paths ........................................................................................... 16


Data Sources for Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional 2011 .................................. 17


Coordinate Systems ............................................................................................................... 17

Creating a Basic LandXplorer Model ............................................................................................. 18 2.1

Creating a LandXplorer Terrain File ....................................................................................... 18


Loading LandXplorer Terrain Files and Terrain Textures ....................................................... 22


Create a LoD1 City Model ...................................................................................................... 26

Working with 3D City Models ........................................................................................................ 29 3.1 3.1.1

Texturing and Coloring LoD1 Buildings ............................................................................. 31


Selecting and Modifying LoD1 Buildings ........................................................................... 35


Visualization Settings ......................................................................................................... 40




Working with Block Buildings ................................................................................................ 31

Working with Explicit and Generic Buildings ......................................................................... 43


Importing Explicit Buildings ............................................................................................... 43


Analysis of LoD2 Buildings ................................................................................................. 45


Integrating LoD3 Buildings/Architecture Models .................................................................. 48


New: gbXML and LandXML Support ...................................................................................... 53

Refining City Model Projects ......................................................................................................... 57 4.1

Inserting Labels ...................................................................................................................... 57


Working with Vector Data ..................................................................................................... 60





Refining Terrain Models ........................................................................................................ 67


Lens Layer, Watermarks, and Buttons .................................................................................. 69

Publishing and Distribution of City Models ................................................................................... 71 5.1

Creating Images ..................................................................................................................... 71


Creating Animations .............................................................................................................. 73


Using Pack & Go: LandXplorer™ Xpress and Server Projects ................................................ 76


Introduction to LandXplorer Publisher 2011 ......................................................................... 82

Working with CityGML Data .......................................................................................................... 85 6.1

LandXplorer CityGML Basics .................................................................................................. 86


Advanced Editing Functions .................................................................................................. 91


Global Illumination and City Models ..................................................................................... 95

Working with the 3D City Database Plug‐in .................................................................................. 97 7.1

Connecting to the Database .................................................................................................. 97


Adding Terrain Models to the Database ............................................................................... 98


Adding Orthophotos to the Database ................................................................................... 99


Adding Buildings to the Database ....................................................................................... 101


Managing Plans and Planning Alternatives in the Database ............................................... 103

Notes ................................................................................................................................................... 110 Notes ................................................................................................................................................... 111


1. Introdu uction to Auttodesk® ® LandX Xplore r™ Stu dio Professsional Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Studio Professiona l is a robust software solution for thee creation an nd managem ment of geo‐virtual envirronments annd specifically digital city models. Geoo‐virtual environm ments are intteractive diggital represenntations of real cities or landscapes tthat can amo ongst others b be used for ciity promotion, during plaanning proce esses, and for the creatioon of innovattive 3D informattion productts. Autodesk® ® LandXploreer™ Studio P Professional ssupports ma ny file forma ats and data sou urces that will allow you tto aggregatee heterogene eous data and models froom GIS and C CAD to build 3D D information n products th hat fit your nneeds. The in nnovative tecchnology behhind LandXplorer Studio Professional w will enable you to createe, maintain and distribute e large and reealistic 3D la andscape er users to seelect their ow wn perspective and takee a stroll thro ough the and 3D ccity models tthat empowe virtual m model in real‐‐time.

Illustratioon 1: 3D City Model of Dresden LandXplo orer™ Studio o Professiona al is not restrricted to terrrain data and d 3D buildingg models butt supportss the integration and visu ualization of other geo‐re eferenced in nformation suuch as autom mobile traffic an nd pedestrian flow, vegetation modeels, and stree et cadastre o or thematic ddata such as population and crime statistics. Illustratioon 2: Thematic visualizatiion of traffic data


With thee 2011 releasse of Autode esk® LandXplo orer™ Studio o Professiona al Autodesk especially enhanced the connecttivity to other Au utodesk prod ducts and spa atial data sources. This makes it easy to inttegrate proposals and d infrastructure models design p created in Revit or Civil3D into co omplex geo‐‐ parts of a virtual environmentss or export p digital city model intto Autodesk Ecotect for mental analyyses as shown in the environm illustration on the rigght. Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Studio Professiona l is part of a suite of software solutioons for the crreation and adm ministration o of digital envvironments. EEmphasis is p placed on the processingg of standard d geospatiial data (digittal terrain m model, raster data such ass aerial imagery, cartograaphic maps, building data, treee and city caadastre maps, etc.) and tthe real‐time e visualisation. The softw ware also offfers the capa ability to expport visualizaations of digiital city mod els as image, as video, an nd even as executable prrojects to DV VD where an end‐user can view and nnavigate in real‐time using thee Autodesk® ® LandXplorer™ Xpress Viiewer. And itt is also possible to exporrt your digita al city models tto Google Eaarth (as a .km mz data file) uusing Autode esk® LandXplorer™ Publiisher. Thereb by special d digital encryp ption enforce es that the ppackaged datta cannot be copied, editted or delete ed.

Illusttration 4: Th he Berlin 3D City Model with thematicallyy coloored roofs

Finally, w with LandXpllorer™ Serve er 2011 it is ppossible to publish intera active views oof your geo‐virtual environm ments througgh a normal Internet broowser. The new cube‐bassed renderinng implemented in Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Server 2011 not onnly serves sim mple images of your moddels to the client but allows users to conduct measure ements, selecct and queryy object inforrmation and also improvves the navigatio on capabilitiees.



Installatio on

Import tant: To follow the t instru uctions and a exerc cises in this tut torial Autode esk® Land dXplorer™ ™ Studio P Professio onal 2011 1, Xpress s Viewer 2011, Publis sher 2011 1 and the e Coursewa ware 2011 training g data mu ust be instal lled on your y comp puter. It is also recommen nded that t you che eck for an ny update es availa able at ww www.autode landxplor rer under r Servic ce&Suppor rt/Data&D Downloads. . If not t yet ins stalled on o your wo workstatio on follow w the ins struction ns in Chapte er 1.1, otherwise o e proceed d directly y to Chap pter 1.2. .

Standard Insstallation These instructions w will guide you u through a sstandard insttallation of A Autodesk LanndXplorer Stu udio onal 2011 an nd the 2011 ccourseware training dataa. Professio [1] [

To in nstall LandXp plorer Studio o Professionaal locate the drive or fold der that conttains the LANDDXPLORER insttallation filess.

[2] [

If yo ou downloaded a copy off LandXplore r Studio Proffessional, sta art the self‐eextracting arcchive AUTO ODESK_LANDX XPLORER_STUD DIO_PROFESSIO ONAL_2011_E EFG_WIN_32‐64BIT.EXE annd follow the e instrructions to extract the se etup data to any folder on your comp puter. The prredefined pa ath is C:\A AUTODESK\AUTTODESK_LANDXXPLORER_STUUDIOPRO_2011 1.

[3] [

Locaate the newlyy created dirrectory and bbegin the insstallation pro ocess by clickking SETUP.EXXE.

[4] [

If yo ou are in posssession of an n installationn DVD, simplyy start the SETUP E .EXE from m the DVD drrive. The follo owing setup screen will a appear on yoour screen:

[5] [

Choo ose the first option INSTA ALL PRODUCT a and follow th he on‐screen n instructionss.



After the installation process has finished navigate to the folder containing the LANDXPLORER_2011_COURSEWARE and copy the folder TRAINING_DATA to a working directory on your workstation.

The standard installation is finished. You can now follow most exercises in this courseware. Some advanced functions and tools, however, require that you also install LandXplorer Xpress Viewer 2011 and LandXplorer Publisher 2011. To install additional components, use the following instructions. [7]

To add additional components start the installation program again and choose the second option INSTALL TOOLS. Check the tools that you want to install and then complete the installation. It is recommended that you install at this time LandXplorer Xpress Viewer 2011 and LandXplorer Publisher 2011 as they will be introduced in later exercises. Good to know: Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional now supports floating licenses. If you want to use this option install the Autodesk Network License Manger. For questions regarding the configuration of the License Manager refer to the Online Documentation.



User Interrface

After lau unching Auto odesk® LandX Xplorer™ Stuudio Professional the following user iinterface will appear:

The userr interface is divided into o five parts a s detailed be elow: [1] [

Men nu Bar – Acceess to all functions and seettings

[2] [

Symbol Bar – mo ost commonly‐used com mands and ffunctions as symbols for quick accesss

[3] [

Objeect Window –– all objects in the city m model in clearly arranged layers

[4] [

Objeect Propertiees Window – – shows and llets you mod dify specific p properties off selected ob bjects

[5] [

Disp play Window – interactive e navigation window for the geo‐virtual environm ment The Men nu and Symb bol bars both h contain funnctions that ccan be activa ated as well aas those which cannot b be activated.. As you will note, almostt all function ns in the Sym mbol Bar are ddeactivated after start‐up.. To begin wo orking with A Autodesk® LaandXplorer™ ™ Studio Proffessional youu first must sstart a new project by seleccting FILE | NEW E PROJECT, o or pressing C CTRL+N or byy clicking on the symbol in project activvates the functions for terrain data annd 3D city model the Symbol Bar. Creaating a new p port marked red in the illlustration beelow. data imp

As you p proceed with h working on a project addditional funcctions will be e activated ssubsequentlyy which will allow w you to add d, manipulate e, and integrrate heterogeneous data a sources intoo one LandXplorer Studio project. Durin ng the exercises in this tuutorial, addittional functio ons, window ws, and toolbo oxes will be introd duced. The Sym mbol Bar as w well as all other componeents of the usser interface are comprissed of differe ent toolboxees and windo ows that can be separateed and re‐positioned on tthe desktop to fit your needs.

11 1

Sometim mes it might h happen that you close ann interface component b by mistake. Inn this case it is a good ideea to navigatte in the Men nu Bar to VIEEW | TOOLBARRS and check whether thee toolboxes a are activated d or not.

TIP: I If you st till cann not find a toolbox x in the interfac ce after you have s switched it on an nd off, th hen save your wor rk and re e-start the t softwa are – all l work to ools will then rea appear!



Navigaation Optiions

Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Studio Professiona l and also the Xpress Vie ewer come w with several navigatio on tools, so ccalled naviga ation metaphhors, which aallow users tto intuitively y move in the e main display w window.


Users haave quick acccess to navigation functioons using the e navigation toolbox shoow in Illustrattion 1. It is also po ossible to change navigation metaphhors by selecting them fro om the conteext menu (by right clicking iin the displayy window). T To activate a navigation m mode, click o on the respe ctive icons in n the toolbox. It is als so possib ble to dea activate the inte eractive navigati ion, TIP: I for ex xample if f you wan nt to make ke sure th hat a cer rtain vie ew cannot t be change ed. This option is also ac ctivated when imp porting v vector da ata. r model make If you u cannot move thr rough your m sure e whether r the naviga ation is activate ed


deac ctivated. .

Exeercise: Gettting to kn now the diifferent naavigation m modes Objectivves After com mpleting thiss exercise yo ou will be ab le to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Load an existing LandXpllorer Studio Professionall project Use different navigation metaphors C Change settiings for naviggation functiions and con nfigure navigation constrraints C Create Bookkmarks

The exerrcise allows yyou to load a an existing p roject and to o experiment with the diifferent naviggation metapho ors. If you arre already fam miliar with A Autodesk® LaandXplorer™ navigation yyou might want to skip this exercise. [1] [

If no ot already running, start A Autodesk La ndXplorer Prrofessional.

[2] [

Select FILE | OPEN N PROJECT fro om the Menuu Bar or clickk on existting project.

[3] [

Naviigate to the ffolder TRAINIING_DATA whiich you copie ed to your w workstation eearlier (cf. Ch hapter 1.1)..

[4] [

Select the projecct file CH_01_ _NAVIGATION. LDX to open the LandXplorer™ Studioo Professional projeect.

in th he Symbol BBar to open an

When th he project haas finished lo oading your D Display Wind dow should sshow a view comparable to the followingg illustration n:

13 1

[5] [

Use the examplee project to e experiment w with the navigation modes and functtions explained ow. belo

1.33.1 Examiine Metap phor The mod del rotates frrom a centra al focus pointt and is controlled by hollding down tthe left mousse button aand moving tthe mouse, thereby mainntaining a constant view angle. To zooom in or outt, use the wheel on n the mousee. Typically th he examinatiion icon is ussed to view a a central areaa or point off interest from all vantage sidees. The exam mination modde allows turrning, changing focal poinnts, and zoom wing comman nds can be uused: functions. The follow

ew focus point SSTRG + LEFT MOUSE BUTTO ON to set a ne


SHIFT + LEFT MOUSE BUTTO ON + MOUSEPA AD to zoom in/out (usefu ul on a laptopp without exxternal m mouse)

1.33.2 Game e Metapho or Activate the game iccon to use the cursor to nnavigate similar to a com mputer game.. Use the following nds: comman

UP, DOWN, LEFT E , RIGHT arrrow keys con ntrol forward d, backward,, left and righht movemen nt along tthe model su urface

LEFT MOUSE BUTTON contrrols the view wing direction n

MOUSE WHEEEL controls zo ooming in annd out

PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys contro l up and dow wn movemen nt

1.33.3 Airplaane Metap phor Depress the left mou use button w while in the m main display window and d move the m mouse to “flyy” through the model.


LEFT MOUSE BUTTON contrrols the fligh t movementt

MOUSE WHEEEL controls th he height of tthe flight

PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN for adjustingg the cameraa angle

1.33.4 Panning metap phor The panning mode iss for moving parallel to t he terrain su urface while maintaining height abovve the terrain.

LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to mo ove the moddel parallel to o the terrain surface

C CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTO ON to adjust tthe camera a angle

MOUSE WHEEEL to zoom in n and out

If you are using a lap ptop computer or do not have an external mouse e then use thhe SHIFT + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON tto zoom.

1.33.5 Advan nced meta aphor The advaanced mode combines m much of the eexamination and game m metaphors foor turning, fo ocus point, zo oom and verttical navigatiion.

LEFT MOUSE BUTTON contrrols sphericaal rotation off the model

C CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTO ON controls th he placemen nt of the foca al point

MOUSE WHEEEL controls zo ooming

UP, DOWN, LEFT E , RIGHT arrrow keys con ntrol forward d, backward,, left and righht movemen nt along tthe model su urface

PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys contro l up and dow wn movemen nt

1.33.6 Navigation Con nstraints aand Naviga ation Setttings Navigation constrain nts can be used to restricct the navigation space. T They are usefful to preven nt users ent, e.g. by m moving underr the terrain or from gettting “virtuallly” lost in the geo‐virtuaal environme moving tto far away ffrom the model. Two navvigation consstraints, MAXXIMUM DISTANNCE and LOOK FROM ABOVE, aare inserted aautomatically into a projject with the import of a terrain moddel. They ensure that a user caannot look/n navigate under the terrai n and that h he does not m moves outsidde a certain vviewing distancee. These navigation consttraints can bee accessed in n the Objects Window ass shown in Fe ehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefu unden werdeen.. When you select the e Maximum Distance navvigation nt you will notice that th he Object Prooperties Win ndow offers yyou an interfface to contrrol the constrain maximum distance aalong the x‐, y‐ and z‐axiss. [1] [

Chan nge the valuees for all three axes to 188000.

[2] [

Zoom m out as far as possible. You will obs erve that your model vanishes at onee point when n you zoom m out.

15 1

[3] [

Zoom m in again. Iff for any reasson you cannnot find backk to your mo odel, select thhe object Sta art‐Up Posittion from the Objects Window. Presss GOTO in the e Object Properties winddow or use th he Objeect context m menu (RIGHT MOUSE BUTTO ON on the layer Start‐Up Position) an nd activate FLY TO.

[4] [

De‐sselect the ob bject Look fro om Above. N Notice that yo ou can now look under thhe terrain.

A third n navigation co onstraint can n be added frrom the Men nu Bar underr NAVIGATIONN | NAVIGATIO ON CONSTRAAINTS | MINIM MUM HEIGHT. It determine s how close a user can approach the terrain surfa ace. TIP: T The restr riction “minimum h i of par rticular importan nce if height” is the te errain te exture/ae erial phot tograph or o buildi ing textu ures have e low resolu ution or are of poor p quali ity. Mini imum heig ght will ensure that t the us ser canno ot zoom in too clo ose to vi iew these e details s.

1.33.7 Bookm marks and d Camera Paths Bookmarks can be used to save a and quickly nnavigate to sselected view ws in the maiin display window. d with the Pa ack & Go Moodule (cf. Cha apter They will also be savved when an Xpress Projeect is created ew and creatte a Bookmaark is by hitting CTRL + B oon your keyb board. 5.3) The easiest way to save a vie w bookmark of the curreent view. Nottice that you can edit thee bookmarkss name This will create a new perties (e.g. adding a sho ort descriptioon or specifyying hotkeys)) in the Objecct Propertiess and prop Window w.


You can also activatee a Bookmark Window w which provide es thumbnail images andd quick accesss to your WINDOW |BOO OKMARKS to d display the Bookmarks W Window. bookmarks. Select W

n used to pro ovide quick aaccess to certain areas off interest, showing certain Bookmarks are often a paths requuired for rend dering viewing lines or persspectives. They can also bbe used to crreate camera ons (cf. Chap pter 5.2). animatio


Data SSources fo or Autodessk® LandX Xplorer™ S Studio Proofessionall 2011

Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Studio Professiona l 2011 suppo orts most sta andard GIS ddata formats and sources including maany raster fo ormats, Shap efiles, Spatiaal Data Basess, and Web FFeature Service through Autodesk FD DO Data Access Technoloogy which makes it possible to constrruct informa ation‐rich digital en nvironmentss from hetero ogeneous daata. The softw ware also supports 3D CA AD formats ssuch as Autodessk® 3ds Max™ ™ files, Autod desk FBX andd Collada maaking it increasingly simpple to integra ate design and constructtion proposa als into your geo‐virtual e environmentts. A complette list of sup pported mats is provided within tthe individuaal Chapters. data form


Coordiinate Systtems

Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Studio Professiona l 2011 is nott fixed to global or local ccoordinate syystems. This meaans that not all city mode el data need s to be in a sstandard coo ordinate systtem. Howeve er, this also meaans that dataa sources in d difference reeference systtems must b be convertedd to the same e system before b being used in n LandXplorer products. TThe only exceptions are 3 3D model fo rmats. These e can be placed anywhere on the terrain, although th ey may need d to be rescaled from witthin Autodessk® orer™ Studio o Professiona al to fit. LandXplo

17 1

2. Creatin ng a Ba asic Lan ndXplo rer Mo odel This chapter will guid de you throu ugh the proceess of creating a basic La andXplorer pproject by importing data, aerial im mages and a simple city m model in LoD D1. terrain d


Creatin ng a LandXplorer Teerrain File e

Overvieew A terrain n model is tyypically the first layer of ggeospatial information fo or all 3D city models crea ated using Au utodesk® Lan ndXplorer™ SStudio Professsional 2011. A terrain m model serves as the basis for placing ggeospatial daata, imagery and other 3 D model datta elements into the 3D sscene.

Objectivves After com mpleting thiss chapter you will be abl e to: ‐ ‐ ‐

Import terraain data and create a Lan dXplorer terrrain file. C Create and aadd terrain te extures. Integrate LoD1 building m models.

NOTE: The load ding and generatio on proces ss for cr reating L LandXplor rer terrai in files and Land dXplorer t terrain texture t might m tak ke a long g time depend ding on the t file size, you ur workst tations processor p r, and ma ain memory y. If lim mited tim me is avai ilable yo ou might want to skip the e import t exercis ses and use u pre-pr rocessed files. Proceed P t to Chapte er 2.2 in thi is case

Exeercise: Lan ndXplorer Terrains [1] [

Startt LandXploreer Studio Pro ofessional an d create a ne ew projeect by clickin ng FILE | NEW W PROJECT or b by hitting CT TRL + N on yyour keyboarrd or click on the icon

[2] [

in the Symb bol Bar.

Clickk on the terraain icon in the Symbool Bar or sele ect INSERT | TERRRAIN MODELL from the Menu Bar to oopen the Inse ert Terrain Model dialog window w. del Window ooffers you tw wo Note thaat the Insert Terrain Mod options, “Load LandX Xplorer terra ain (lwg file)”” and “Imporrt (tiled) an decide whhether the de efault sky terrain file(s)”. Moreeover, you ca should b be loaded as background or not. For now, we want to o import the terrain file D DTM_LIDAR.IMG I , located u under TRAINIING_DATA\DT TM LIDAR\.

[3] [

Choo ose IMPORT (TILED T ) TERRAIN N FILE(S) and click NEXT.

[4] [

Choo ose ADD from m the following dialog too select the te errain file


DTM M_LIDAR.IMG. Click NEXT tto proceed. [5] [

Notee that an ADVVANCED SETTINGS dialog apppears that lets you mod dify terrain parameters su uch as Georeeferencing, N No‐Data values, and Scaling. Although h we will nott make use o of the ul. advaanced settinggs now, theyy often provee to be usefu

[6] [

Clickk on FINISH to o finish the te errain imporrt wizard. The inpu ut terrain filee(s) will be co onverted intoo an optimizzed data structuree. This proceess might takke a few min utes. After thee import and d compressio on process haas finished, tthe 3D terrain data will bbe displayed in the main vieewing window w as shown in below.

[7] [

Use the navigation metaphors from Chappter 1 to exaamine your 3 3D scene. ollowing step ps you will lea arn the basiccs about data organizatio on in the Objjects Window w, how In the fo to updatte your Start‐Up Position n and how too save the imported terra ain as LandXpplorer Terrain file (.lwg).

[8] [

Lookk for the Objects Window w. You will nootice that no ot onlyy an object off the type “T Terrain” has bbeen added but also several otheer elements such as a Coompass, ngs, and a Sttart‐up Posit ion bookmarrk. Naviigation Settin These elements are created auto omatically w hen a terrain iss imported. SSome of thesse elements can be deleted by right‐cclicking on th hem but mosst are required d and thus it is only possible to selectt/de‐ select bu ut not to deleete them (i.e e. Compass, Default sshading, Gro oups, Navigattion Settingss, Meta View, Staart‐up Position).

[9] [

Select the Terraiin in the Obje ects Window w and notee that the Ob bject Propertties Window shows three tabs INFO, MEASUREMEN NT, and SCALIING.

19 1

[1 10]

In th he INFO tab tyype in a new w name for thhe terrain, e.g. “UKMap T Terrain”.

[1 11]

Chan nge to the M MEASUREMENTT tab to get s ome informaation about tthe terrain. As you can see our teerrain has a size of 3,0733 x 3,730 rastter cells. The e minimum hheight is 1.6 tthe maximum height is 5 57.6. You can n also select several pred defined coordinates from m a list such a as Central LLocation or LLower Left Co orner to get more detailss about yourr terrain. Alsoo note that w when you movve the mousee over the te errain the cooordinates wiill be displayed in the low wer right corner of the displlay window.

[1 12]

Clickk on the Scaling tab. Here e you can se t a vertical scaling for your terrain. TThis feature is useful wheen another m measurementt unit has be en used for tthe height va alues than foor the x‐ and y‐ also use the sscaling to exaggerate the e height. coorrdinate valuees. You can a In a nextt step we waant to save th he created teerrain as Lan ndXplorer terrain file.

[1 13]

Righ ht‐click the teerrain in the Objects Winndow and sellect SAVE TERR RAIN TO LWG FIILE….

[1 14]

Locaate the resultts folder TRAINING_DATA\R RESULTS and ssave the terraain as UKMAP_TERRAIN.LW WG.

[1 15]

Savee your LandX Xplorer project under TRAAINING_DATA\‐ CH_2 2_1_TERRAIN_IMPORT.LDX. ises you will be asked to to know: During the t exerci o load an nd Good t save L LandXplor rer proje ects. Usua ally ther re will be b a star rt file and a an end fi ile showi ing the results r of f the exe ercise as s referen nce. As you m might have noticed, your Display Winndow gets up pdated once the terrain hhas been savved and now sho ows the top vview specifie ed in the Starrt‐up Position bookmark again. Althoough this top p view gives you u a good oveerview of you ur project arrea you migh ht want to up pdate the Staart‐up positio on bookmark so that it shows anoth her view.

[1 16]

Movve to a viewin ng position tthat you like to be your SStart‐ up P Position.

[1 17]

Select the Start‐up Position e entry in yourr Objects Wind dow.

[1 18]

Hit tthe UPDATE POSITION button in the Obbject Propertties Wind dow and savve your proje ect.

[1 19]

Close and re‐opeen the projecct and note tthat it will sh how the n new Start‐up p Position.


Excursus: LandXplorer Terrain and LandXplorer Terrain Textures Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional supports the display of very large and detailed (high resolution) terrain data. To do so terrain data in standard raster formats is compressed into an optimized data structure that can be loaded and displayed quickly without degradation to resolution. This structure is called a LandXplorer Terrain. It also allows compressing several tiled terrain files into on large LandXplorer terrain file. Depending on the numbers of tiles and their size, this process can require several hours of processing on slower machines and thus will not be shown here. Still you are encouraged to experiment with your own terrain data. A list of supported data types is shown in the table below. Note: LandXplorer supports terrain data that comes in file with a regular point raster or a grid file. See the table for a complete list of supported terrain formats.

Supported Terrain Models Arc/Info ASCII Grids Arc/Info Binary Grids Arc/Info Grid Export Binary Terrain VTP DLR Vicar Enhanced Compressed Wavelet Erdas Imagine GDAL Raster & Image Formats

Geo‐referenced image GeoTIFF Golden Surfer Grid Military elevation data Nasa SRTM Raster data color mapping SRTM dem file USGS ASCII Dem

File Extension (*.asc, *.xyz) (*.adf) (*.e00) (*.bt) (*.vic) (*.ecw) (*.img; 16‐ and 32‐Bit grey scale) (*.adf, *.asc, *.bmp, *.ddf, *.ddf, *.dog, *.dted, *.gif, *.img, *.jpg, *.pgm, *.png, *.ppm, *.sid, *.tif, *.xpm) (*.geo) (*.tif; 16‐ and 32‐Bit grey scale) (*.grd) (*.dt0, *.dt1) (*.hgt) (*.cma) (*.hgt) (*.dem)

Exercise Summary In Chapter 2.1 you learned to ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐


Create a new project. Import a terrain data. Save terrains as LandXplorer terrain files. Update the Start‐up Position About supported terrain data types


Loadin ng LandXp plorer Terrrain Files a and Terra ain Texturees

Good t to know: All othe er geo-ref ferenced objects to be im mported into i a LandXp plorer St tudio Pro ofessional l project t must sh hare the same coordi inate sys stem as the t terrai in model. .

Objectivves In this Ch hapter you w will learn how w to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Load a LandX Xplorer terra ain file A Add LandXpllorer terrain textures Import tiled aerial image ery Modify displlay settings ffor Raster Layyers

Exeercise: Lan ndXplorer Terrain TTextures [1] [

Startt LandXploreer Studio Pro ofessional.

[2] [

Select INSERT | TERRAIN E MODEEL… from thee Menu Bar o or press the tterrain icon

on the Syymbol Bar.

[3] [

This time select tthe option LOAD LANDXPLLORER TERRAIN N (LWG FILE) from the Inssert Terrain Model dialog g and click on FINISH.

[4] [

In th he file selectiion dialog go o to TRAIN NING_DATA\P PRE_PROCESSED D_FILES and sselect the file e UKM Map_terrain.lwg. This will load a LandX Xplorer terra ain file. Sincee it is the sam me data as used in Chaptter 2.1 you m might nt to updatee your Start‐u up also use the terrain ffile that you created you rself. You might also wan Position as detailed iin Chapter 2.1 steps [18]]‐[21]. T Tex xture Using Images as Terrain Just like with a terrain model, LandXplorer haas a propriettary file form mat for storinng and loadin ng ose of these ffile formats is to expedite loading larrge amountss of GIS terrain textures. Thee main purpo ndXplorer texxture files is that they typically take m much less tim me to data. The advantagee of using Lan o a project ass the original tiled imagee files. load into LandXplo orer texture files have th he extension *.ltt. These pre‐processed files havee been create ed using original ggeo‐referencced orthophotos. A LanddXplorer Terrrain texture ((.ltt) can varyy in size and resolutio on. Dependin ng on the file e size of the original dataa, an .ltt file m may take mi nutes to hou urs to process. Therefore, ttwo ortho im mages from 22003 and 200 07 are provid ded as LandXXplorer textu ure file. A third orttho image fro om 1948 is p provided as t iles to exercise the impo ort process.

[5] [

Select INSERT | RASTER A LAYER … from the M … Menu Bar or left‐click on the Import RRaster Layer icon he Symbol Baar. in th


[6] [

In th he following Large Scale & & Tiled Rasteer Layer dialo og leave the LLoad LandXp plorer Texturre option acttivated and sselect BROW WSE.

[7] [

In th he Open File dialog locate e the directoory TRAIN NING_DATA\P PRE_PROCESSED D_FILES\ and select the fille 20077_MODERN_ORTHO O .LTT.

[8] [

Presss the OK buttton to finish h. Since thiis file is a Lan ndXplorer terrain texturee the loadingg time is very sho ort and you w will see that yyour terrain is now drape ed with an ortho oimage as shown below.

In the neext step we w will add a hisstoric ortho iimage from 1 1948. This im magery comees in a set of nine tiles storred in JPEG2000 files in \\TRAINING_DAATA\1948 HISTTORIC ORTHO. Thus it has tto be imported first to be dissplayed in the 3D scene. [9] [

Oncee again open n the Large SScale & Tiled Raster Layer dialog by hitting the R Raster Layerr Icon Men nu Bar.

or sselecting INSEERT | RASTER LAYER… from m the

[1 10]

This time select tthe first optiion, IMPORT ( TILED) IMAGE(S).

[1 11]

Presss the ADD bu utton and na avigate to thee folder \TRAAINING_DATA\1 1948 HISTORIIC ORTHO. Seleect all nine files at once and press OPEN.

[1 12]

Now w press the B BROWSE butto on to specify a location th here your impo orted raster layer will be saved as La ndXplorer te errain textu ure (.ltt).

[1 13]

Locaate the resultts folder TRAINING_DATA\R RESULTS and n name your resu ult file 1948_HISTORIC_ORTTHO.LTT

[1 14]

Hit O OK to finish tthe import process.

23 2

TIP: T There are e two typ pes of Lan ndXplorer r texture e files: *.ltt an nd *.lwt. . The lat tter is used u for p projects to be di istribute ed over the t Intern net; .lwt t stands for LandX dXplorer Web W Textu ure. After thee import pro ocess is finish hed your Dispplay Window w should show a result coomparable to o this: As you m might have noticed the tw wo raster layyers are displayed in the Objects Winndow. Here yyou can switch th he layers on and off so th hat only one or both are activated. N Note how thee display changes when yo ou turn the raaster layers o on and off. W When both aare activated you will see something that looks like a darkeer version off the 2007 modern ortho imagee. This effect is caused byy a function tthat combines both imaages. The waay several Ra aster Layers aare displayed d can be changed d. [1 15]

Use the tabs at tthe bottom o of the Objectts Window to o switch to a a of the object tree by left‐clicking on typee‐based repreesentation o TYPEE.

[1 16]

Select the elemeent called Image Layer in the Objects Window and D STYLE to DEC CAL in the Ob bject Propertties window.. switch the BLEND This settting ensures that the rastter layers aree shown in th he order specified d in the IMAG GE LAYER ORDE ER settings. Iff both image es are active only the top most in the list will be displayedd.

[1 17]

Chan nge the ordeer of the images in the Obbject Properrties Window w and observe how w this affectss your 3D sceene.

[1 18]

Savee your LandX Xplorer project.


Optional Exercise [19]

There is another ortho image from 2003 provided with the training data for a part of the project area. You load this file as preprocessed LandXplorer terrain texture from \TRAINING_DATA\PRE_PROCESSED_FILES\2003_MODERN_ORTHO.LTT.

Reference: Supported Raster Formats Supported Raster Formats GeoTIFF

File Extension (*.tif; geo‐referenced: *.tfw)

Enhanced Wavelet Compression






DLR Vicar




Erdas Imagine



(*.jpg; geo‐referenced: *.jgw)


(*.png; geo‐referenced: *.pgw)

Exercise Summary In Chapter 2.2 you learned to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Load a LandXplorer terrain file (.lwg). Load a LandXplorer terrain texture (.ltt). Import tiled orthoimages and create a LandXplorer terrain texture (.ltt). Change display settings for Raster Layers.



Create e a LoD1 C City Model

Overvieew One of the most pow werful featurres of Autodeesk LandXplo orer Studio P Professional is its support for D city models. There are m many types oof 3D city mo odels ranging g from very ssimple block models large 3D uilding footprint polygon s and buildin ng height values (Level‐oof‐detail 1: Lo oD1) to that are based on bu mplex models with complex 3D geom metries and te extures (LoD D2 to LoD4). FFor now we will be very com using a ssimple LoD1 city model to process ouur first 3D citty model.

Objectivves After com mpleting thiss exercise yo ou will be ab le to: ‐

C Create LoD1 building mo odels from 2D D source datta (building ffootprints annd height values).

Exeercise [1] [

On tthe Menu Baar click Insertt | City Modeel… or press the City Mod del icon on the Symbo ol Bar to startt the Insert C City Mod del dialog. New Di ialog: Wi ith the LandXplore L er 2011 release r a new version of the Insert Cit ty Model dialog ose to im is int troduced. It lets you choo mport more t than one city mod del at onc ce and su upports files, , spatial l databases, and w web servi ices throug gh Autode esk FDO technology t y. These options will be explaine ed in detail l in Chap pter XY.

[2] [

Makke sure that tthe option FILES I is activatted on the le eft side and p press on the ADD FILES bu utton located on tthe right side e.

[3] [


[4] [

In th he Insert Cityy Model dialo og box press INSERT to staart the import process. After cho oosing INSERTT an Import City Model w window will aappear that asks you to ““Specify the attributees for each d data source”.. This dialog window servves as a step‐by‐step guidde to the use er to create a 3D city mod del with the cchosen data.. Since we on nly import on ne file this ti me, there arre just few settings to be made before tthe import pprocess can b be finished.


[5] [

Leavve the TYPE seettings to Blo ock Buildingss and the DEFAAULT HEIGHT to o 10.

[6] [

Activvate the HEIG GHT ATTRIBUTE E by checking g the checkb box and select BLG_HEIGTH H from tthe value listt.

[7] [

Clickk IMPORT to sstart the 3D ccity model geeneration proccess. Your results should look similar tto the illustraation below:: Note: The Obje ects Prop perties Wi Window con ntains se everal ta abs with settin ngs when a City Model M is s selected in the Objects O W Window. These T ameters for option ns can be e used to o set para f the whole w mod del, e.g. . changi ing the color c of buildings s or prov viding a scale fa actor for r their height.

[8] [

Swittch to the COLORS O tab in the Object Prroperties Window.

[9] [

Clickk on the City Model Color button to sselect anothe er color for the model. O Observe how this affeccts your mod del.

27 2

Next we want to seee what happe ens when wee select a single building. [1 10]

Double‐click on aany building in the Displaay Window. The building g gets rosee‐colored. Its properties w will be displaayed in the O Objects Prope erties Wind dow.

[1 11]

You can use the Height slider to change tthe height off the individu ual build ding or add p parametric ro oof geometrry from a list of Roof Types. Morreover, it is p possible to sp pecify individdual colors fo or the façade e and the rroof as well aas to specifyy individual teexture files ffor the selectted build ding.

[1 12]

Presss the ATTRIBU UTES button tto access the e attributes asso ociated with tthe building.. This will oppen an Attriibute Windo ow showing tthe TYPE, NAM ME, and VALU UE of eaach attributee.

[1 13]

Close the Attribu utes Window w and doublee click on the e terraain to deseleect any selectted building..

[1 14]

Savee your LandX Xplorer project. to know: Feature attribute utomatica ally copi ied from the es are au Good t attrib bute tabl les of im mported ve vector dat ta source es and ca an be use ed for visual l analysi is, defin ning toolt tips, and d setting g appeara ance parame eters. Fo or more details d on n how to use attr ributes p proceed to t Chapte er 3.1.

Exercisee Summaryy In Chaptter 2.3 you leearned to ‐ ‐ ‐

Import a LoD D1 city mode el. SSet the basee color for Citty Models SSelect and de‐select individual buildiings


3. Working with 3D City Models 3D city model data often comes in a variety of formats, based on different modelling concepts and level‐of‐detail definitions. Therefore, Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional provides specialized functions to work with heterogeneous data sources and types. Four main types of 3D city models are supported by LandXplorer Studio Professional: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

CITYGML CITY MODEL (a direct import of CityGML data into LandXplorer) BLOCK BUILDINGS (built from polygonal 2D geometry and height attribute information) EXPLICIT BUILDINGS (built from polygonal 3D geometry – building geometry can consist of several building parts) GENERIC BUILDINGS (built from polygonal 3D geometry – a single building object is created from all available defined geometries and appearance information)

CITYGML is an OGC standard for 3D city models that allows the storage and exchange of 3D city models. It supports four consecutive Levels of Detail and a complex data model for structuring geometry information, appearance information, thematic and semantic information of 3D city model objects. To learn more about CityGML refer to Chapter 6 and the CityGML documentation and schemas available at the OGC website under BLOCK BUILDINGS (LOD1 city models) can be created from 2D input data with integrated height information. The following attributed file formats can be used to automatically generate BLOCK BUILDINGS from 2D vector files: Supported Vector Data Formats

File Extension

ESRI 2D Shapefile


ESRI 3D Shapefile

(*.shp; 3D polygons or Multipatch)

AutoCAD Map 3D






SDTS‐Spatial Data Transfer Standard


National Transfer Format


BLOCK BUILDINGS can be enhanced in several ways by coloring building façades, assigning roof textures, and taking advantage of attribute information using Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professional. EXPLICIT BUILDINGS are created by aggregating simple vector geometries into one 3D building. They require attributes to specify which vector geometries are aggregated to one 3D building and to specify face types, i.e. roof, wall, and floor plan.


GENERIC BUILDINGS are basically created by aggregating all vector (and appearance) information in one file to one 3D building object. This can for example be used to import a .3ds file or an ESRI Multipatch feature as city model.

Level‐of‐Detail Definitions The “Level‐of‐Detail” of a building identifies the complexity of a 3D model of a building. Typically higher LoD buildings look better (i.e. more realistic) than lower LoD buildings. Buildings in LoD1 through LoD4 can be integrated either as city model object or as object layer. The following table lists the LoD definitions for buildings in accordance with OGC (Open GIS Consortium) standards: Level of Detail


LoD 1

Simplified block buildings extracted from footprint polygons. Generation from 2.5D vector data with flat roofs.

LoD 2

Explicit Buildings with defined walls, roofs and floors. Generated from 3D vector data with simplified roof forms.

LoD 3

Detailed building models with realistic roof and facade textures; can also include other building details such as dormers or balconies. These models can be created from 3D vector data or for example from CAD models or 3D Studio Max.

LoD 4

Architecture models with visible interiors. In a LandXplorer project, LoD4 models are usually integrated as 3D object in the Object Layer rather than as a city model.



Workin ng with Block Build dings

Overvieew LoD1 cityy models bassed on 2D po olygons and height attrib butes have already been introduced in Chapter 2.3. In this C Chapter you will learn hoow to exploitt the full pote ential of Lan dXplorer to w work D1 city modeels by adding textures, ussing attribute e information for visual aanalysis, and making with LoD use of geeometry man nipulation fu unctions.

Objectivves In this Ch hapter you w will learn to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

A Apply ortho images as te extures to rooofs. A Apply façadee textures. Use the Styliization Rule Editor. C Change attributes on LoD D1 models a nd search fo or buildings a according to specific crite eria. A Add tooltips to LoD1 building modelss. SSet dynamic sky and change cloud m movement to enhance your models. A Adjust terraiin shadow.

3.11.1 Texturing and C Coloring LLoD1 Build dings We will b begin by add ding roof and d facade texttures to a LoD1 city model. Applying façade imagges can be easilyy achieved w when the inpu ut data’s attrribute inform mation relate es to façade image files a as in the building data used fo or this exerciise.

Exeercise [1] [

Laun nch Autodesk® LandXplorer™ Studio Professionall 2011 and crreate a new project

[2] [

Add the UKMAP_TERRAIN.LWG G, 2007_MODEERN_ORTHO.LTT, and impo ort the LoD1 city model dential_Build dings.shp as you learned d in the previ ious Resi pter. chap Alternatively, yo ou can choose to load thee preprocesssed dXplorer projject CH_3_1_ _LOD1_BUILD INGS_START.LD DX from Land TRAIN NING_DATA\C CHAPTER_03. Now we will apply th he aerial pho oto as roof teexture.

[3] [

Choo ose the layerr RESIDENTIALL_BUILDINGS i n the Objectts Wind dow. In the G General tab check the chheckbox nextt to USE TERR RAIN TEXTURE A AS ROOF TEXTU URE. This funcction appliess the top‐mo ost raster layeer ‐ in our exxample the 20077_Modern_o ortho.ltt ‐ as texture to alll roofs of the selected city model llayer.

31 3

Next we will check th hat the attrib butes of the buildings used to texture wall facad des. can be u [4] [

Clickk on any building; the building will bee marked rosee‐colored. Click on the bu utton ATTRIBUUTES… in the O Object Propeerties Windo ow to examinne the prop perties of thee selected bu uilding. In the Atttributes Win ndow you wiill see three ccolumns showingg the attributtes TYPE, NAM ME and VALUE . Note that in th he name column there iss a cell with tthe attributee name FACAADE and that in the corressponding mage file. value cell there is a ffile name relating to an im use this information to set textures ffor our We will u LoD1 buildings.

[5] [

Deacctivate the selected build ding by doubble‐clicking o on the terraain in the 3D D display window.

[6] [

Choo ose RESIDENTTIAL_BUILDING GS again in th he Objects w window. In th he Object Pro operties wind dow, click onn the button for Path undeer TEXTURES. Choose the path to the iimages folde er TRAIN NING_DATA\R RESIDENTIAL\FACADES A .

[7] [

Nextt, click on thee SET TEXTURES button annd choose the value FACAADE in the META KEY E drop‐‐down menuu.

[8] [

In th he Texture w width field typ pe in 12 to a ssign a defau ult width value for the texxtures and fin nish the sett ings by hittin ng OK. to know: The defa ault value e for Good t textur re width will app ply to all l images s, in in the e Facade folder (12 meters this e example). All pho otos will be uildings. automa atically wrapped around bu . If you u want to o specify y individu dual width h values s, your input i dat ta must co ontain re the anothe er attrib bute field to stor values s. It will takke a few moments for Au utodesk LanddXplorer Studio Professio onal to read and assigned the texture iinformation. When finish hed your dispplay should sshow a scene e comparablle to the follo owing image.


The intro oduced workkflow provides a rapid annd convenien nt way for se etting façadee textures. Ho owever, it requirees input dataa with an atttribute field tthat contains filenames o of façade texxtures. If this is not the casee, there is a p powerful toool for setting façade textu ures or color buildings ba ased on other atttribute inforrmation: The STYLIZATION RULE EDITOR. We will u use this tool to change th he color of oour buildings. The benefitt here is thatt the buildingg color will be taaken into acccount with the display off the façade images. In th his way you ccan combine e color and façaade images. [9] [

Righ ht‐click on RESIDENTIAL E _BUILDINGS U in thhe w and select ““OPEN STYLE Objeects Window EDITO OR… or selec ct TOOLS | STYYLIZATION RULLE EDITO OR | RESIDENTTIAL_BUILDING GS from the Men nu Bar. This w will open the e Style Editorr.

[1 10]

Presss the ADD bu utton to add a new style..

[1 11]

Nextt hit the Creaate/Modify R Rules buttonn to define a new rule. Sp pecify “Age === Eighties till preseent” in the Rule Editor Wind dow as show wn in the illustration. Preess OK.

[1 12]

Backk in the Stylee Editor Wind dow leave thhe Actions se election to SET BUILDING COLO OR and speciify a bright g green color. P Press APPLY to viiew the result of your changes. You can now see how w the selectiion based buuilding color is combineed with the façade texturre image. Th is enables ussers to visually aaccess the distribution of buildings w with certain aattributes, e.g. their age or funcction. Stylization rules caan also be savved. Thus it is possib ble to build up a library of standard sttylization rules.

33 3

[1 13]

Open the Stylization Rule Editor.

[1 14]


[1 15]

In th he Choose Fille dialog navvigate to TRAIINING_DATA\R RESIDENTIAL\SSTYLIZATION_RRULES and sele ect the file A AGE.XML. Press APPLY to vview the resuults.

[1 16]

Savee your projecct. Your Display window w should show a scene coomparable to o the following illustratioon.

Optionaal Exercise Stylizatio on rules can also be used d to perform further ACTIONS: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

SSet Roof Color ... SSet Facade C Color ... SSet Building Color ... SSet Facade TTexture ... A Add to Selecction

It is sugggest that you u start over w with Exercisee 3.1; but thiss time try to use the Styl ization Ruless Editor to set the facade texxtures. Note that using thhe Stylization n Rule Editorr enables youu to set width values per imagge/rule. If yo ou run into an ny difficultiees open the rresult file ch_3_1__LoD1_buildiings_finished d.ldx and havve a look at tthe Stylizatio on rules for tthe Layer Residenttial_Buildinggs _textured_ _by_rules to see how this can be acco omplished.


3.11.2 Selectting and M Modifying LoD1 Buildings Overvieew LandXplo orer Studio P Professional provides youu with manyy options and d tools to sel ect, modify, and delete Lo oD1 buildinggs.

Objectivves In the neext exercise yyou will learn: ‐ ‐ ‐

SSelect buildings based on n attributes and manuallly ng propertiess (height, roo of form, wall textures). Modify indivvidual buildin Define Toolttips for buildings

Exeercise: Sele ections Sometim mes you migh ht want to se elect a speciffic building that you can identify by aa unique ID. IIn the examplee data used, unique IDs are stored in the attribute e FeatID1. [1] [

Laun nch LandXplo orer Studio P Professional aand load the e projeect CH_3_1_2_EDITING_LOD1_START.LDDX.

[2] [

Select any building by double e clicking it aand have a lo ook at T … Button in the Objects Properties its atttributes (ATTRIBUTES Wind dow).

[3] [

Lookk for the attrribute key Fe eatID1 and reemember the e value assiggned to the b building.

[4] [

Deseelect the building by dou uble clicking oon the terraiin.

[5] [

Nextt click on MENU E | TOOLS | FIND IN CITY MODEL. In th he Search Wiindow enter the FeatID1 value and click on SEARRCH. The searrch results w will be displayyed in a new win ndow.

[6] [

From m the contexxt menu (righ ht click on a search result) select FLYY TO or SELECCT to locate tthe building found. Most likeely the building(s) found will not be the saame one(s) aas the buildin ng you manuually selected d in step [2]. The reason is that the FIND IN CITY MOD DEL tool only y works for atttributes of tthe type STRING. However, the FeatID D1 attribute iis of the type DOU UBLE. Therefo ore, we will cchange the ttype of the attribute.

[7] [

In th he Objects W Window right‐click on RES IDENTIAL_BUIILDINGS and cchoose SELECTT ALL from th he conttext menu. N Note the entrry in the Objeects Propertties Window under NAMEE. It says: “14 473 build dings selecteed”.

[8] [

Now w click on ATTTRIBUTES… an nd change th e TYPE of the e attribute Fe eatID1 from DOUBLE to STRING T .

35 3

[9] [

Deseelect the buildings by double‐clickingg on the terraain and redo o your searchh using the FIND IN CITY MODEL tool. This timee your search results sho ould contain one entry Fe eatID1 = yourNumber. Seelect this buiilding and checck whether it is the one yyou originallyy selected. earch for Good t to know: If you want w to se r a speci ific attr ribute va alue in a c city mode el using the FIND IN CITY MODEL O tool the attr ributes have h to be of the type t “Str ring”. TIP: I It is pos ssible to o change t the type (or name e or valu ue) of an n attrib bute for individu ual buildi dings as well w as for f selec ctions of f buildi ings in the t Attributes Win ndow. Another, much moree comfortablle and powe rful way of d doing selectio ons is to use the STYLIZATTION RULE ues but you ccan also use logic operators such EDITOR. It not only lets you search and select specific valu on. Furtherm more, it lets yyou combine e selection ruules. as largerr, smaller, exxists, and so o

[1 10]

Makke sure that n no buildings are seleccted.

[1 11]


[1 12]

Presss ADD to deffine a new ru ule.

[1 13]

Define a simple rrule such as “Area <= 50” and under A Actions speciffy ADD TO SELECCTION.

[1 14]

Presss APPLY to view your resu ults (535 build dings should be selected).

[1 15]

Mod dify your rulees so that only build dings smaller than 6 metters and from m Post war reegeneration are seleccted (see illu ustration). As a resu ult only 6 buildings shoulld be selecteed by now. New fe eature: The T STYLIZ ZATION RULE E EDITOR is i a new feature o esk of Autode LandXp plorer St tudio Pro ofessional l 2011 th hat lets you edit t and manipu ulate 3D city mod dels. This s powerfu ul tool does d enab ble you to t specif fy appear rance pro operties a as well as a do com mplex sel lections. . This makes it usabl le for pr reparing c city mode els for visual v an nalysis tasks. t

Exercisee Summaryy In this exxercise you learned how to:


‐ ‐ ‐

Use the FIND D IN CITY MOD DEL tool. C Change the TYPE T , NAME and VALUES off attributes. Use the STYLLIZATION RULE EDITOR to coonduct comp plex selection ns.

Exeercise: Editting Individual Blocck Buildings We want to use the Stylization R Rule Editor too set the colo or of all build dings smallerr than 2 meters and all buildiings larger th han 16 meters to red. [1] [

DOUBLE‐CLICK on the terrain to de‐select any buildings.

[2] [

Open the Stylization Rule Editor and ous rules. deleete the previo

[3] [

Define a new rulle “Blg_Heigh ht < 2” as wn in the illu ustration and d ensure show that SET BUILDING G COLOR is acttive and o red. the ccolor is set to

[4] [

DUPLLICATE the rule and changge the exprression to “B Blg_Height” > > “16”

[5] [

APPLLY your settin ngs.

[6] [

Deacctivate the o option USE TERRAIN TEXTURE AS ROOF TTEXTURE to increase the visib bility of the selected build dings Two builldings ‐ with FeatID1 = 13 352 and FeattID = 1206 ‐ can be easilyy made out nnow. Next we will correct tthe height off the two buiildings and reeset the red color.

[7] [

Select the building with FeattID = 1352.

[8] [

In th he Objects Prroperties Window set thee building he eight to 8.6 u units.

[9] [

Select the other building (FeatID = 1206)) and set its h height to 9.4 4 units.

[1 10]

Activvate the context menu fo or the layer R Residential_Buildings (rig ght‐click on tthe layer in tthe Objeects Window w) and select REMOVE VISUUAL EFFECTS to o reset the bu uilding colorr.

[1 11]

Finally, re‐activate the option USE TERRAIN N TEXTURE AS ROOF TEXTURE E and save yo our project. Good t to know: You can change bu uilding heights h only o with hin the maximu um and mi inimum ra ange of va values con ntained in i the ci ity model l – in the ca ase menti ioned abo ove 1 to 3 30. If yo ou want to t for ex xample ma ake indivi idual bui ildings higher h tha an 30 met ters then n you mus st select t this layer in the Objects O window w and d enter change c th he value (to 40 meters s.

37 3

Exeercise: Chaanging Ind dividual W Wall Textures and Roof Geom metries Autodessk LandXploreer Studio Pro ofessional alsso enables u users to manually apply inndividual wa all textures and standarrd roof geom metries to BloockBuildings. [1 12]

Makke sure that n no buildings are selectedd (DOUBLE‐CLICCK ON TERRAIN N TO DESELECTT BUILDINGS).

[1 13]

Find the buildingg with the Fe eatId 1437 (M MAIN MENU | TOOLS| FIND IN CITY MODEEL or USING TH HE STYLIZATION N RULE EDITOR R), select it to fly to the bu uilding.

[1 14]

Select the WALL TEXTURES tab b in the Obje ct Propertiess dow. Wind

[1 15]

Placee a check neext to ENABLE INDIVIDUAL T EXTURES FOR EEACH WALLL. The generiic texture will be remove ed from the b building.

[1 16]

Now w image files can be chosen for each w wall surface by doub ble‐clicking into the cellss in the FILE ccolumn.

[1 17]

DOUBLE‐CLICK in eeach cell in th he column D Data and enter a value for the wid dth of the wa all. to know: When you u import a 2D poly ygon as block b bui ilding ea ach Good t segmen nt of the e boundar ry line wi will be tr ransforme ed into o one wall you shou surfac ce. If yo ou want to t apply i individua al wall textures t uld ensure e that yo our input t polygons s do not include unnecess sary node es. LandXplo orer also pro ovides tools tto change thhe roof geom metry of the b building.

[1 18]

Makke sure the building is stilll selected annd switch to the Geneeral tab in th he Object Pro operties Winndow.

[1 19]

Choo ose a ROOF TYPE from the e drop down list.

[2 20]

Swittch to the ROOF O SHAPE tab b to configurre the newly created rooff geometry (h height, orien ntation).

[2 21]

View w your resultt and save yo our project.


Exeercise: Add ding Toolttips to LoD D1 Buildin ngs You might have noticced that whe en you movee the mouse over a building, small teext areas app pear. These teext fields are called tooltiips in LandXpplorer Studio o Professiona al. The nice tthing about ttooltips is that th hey can be co onfigured to show attrib ute informattion associatted with the building. Wiith these steps you will learn tto compleme ent buildingss with tooltip ps. [1] [

Clickk on RESIDENTTIAL_BUILDING GS in the Objjects window w.

[2] [

Select the TOOLTTIPS tab in the e Objects Prooperties window.

[3] [

Typee in “LoD 1 B Building“ as the tool tip d efinition.

[4] [

Movve the mousee over the bu uildings in thhe 3D displayy wind dow. For eveery building tthere will be pop‐up textt that read ds LOD1 BUILD DING.

[5] [

Com mplete the tool tip definittion by enterring the exprression: LOD11 BUILDING: {DESCRIPTION}< } BR>YEAR:{A AGE}

[6] [

Movve the mousee again over the buildinggs. to know: Did you notice th tag <br>? ? Html-ta ags can be b Good t he html-t used t to insert t formatt ting instr ructions into too oltip def finitions s.

[7] [

Savee your projecct.

Result ffile:

ch_3 3_1_2_editiing_LoD1_ffinish.ldx

39 3

3.11.3 Visuallization Se ettings Overvieew The expeerience of a virtual city – – just like a reeal one – can n be influencced by atmosspheric cond ditions such as ssunshine, raiin, and otherr environme ntal factors. Thus, a city can provide a positive or negativee impression to the obserrver becausee of visual de etails that have nothing tto do with bu uildings or infrasstructure. In the neext exercisess you will learn about funnctions LandX Xplorer Studio provides tthat let you modify the visuaal details and d environme ental conditioons of a 3D ccity model.

Objectivves You will learn how to o ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

C Change Sky ssettings. Modify terraain shading. A Apply global illumination n to Lod1 Bu ildings. Export your building mod dels as CityG GML files.

Exeercise: Mo odifying Skky Settinggs So far wee always useed the standa ard sky settinngs. These are automattically createed when you import a terrrain or a cityy model into a neew project. N Now we want to take a clloser look att the sky settings.. [1] [

Open the project ch_3_1_3_ _VISUALIZATIONN_START.LDX.

[2] [

Deacctivate DYNAAMIC SKY in th he Objects W Window. You will see a whitte backgroun nd.

[3] [

Nextt activate DEFAULT E SKY in the Objects Window. This will activvate a simplee background d that consissts out of six images (cub be side imagees).

[4] [

Reacctivate DYNAAMIC SKY.

[5] [

In th he Object Pro operties Win ndow changee the SUN COLLOR by movving the red, green and blue sliders. TThe elevation n and azim muth of the sun can be ch hanged with the vertical slider and the compasss.

[6] [

Swittch to the CLO OUDS tab and d change thee movement of the clouds. Setting ccloud movem ment will result in a moree realistic skyy represen ntation. You can alter the e speed and direction of the clouds.


[7] [

Mod dify cloud COVVERAGE, DENSSITY, and OPAACITY with the e sliders.

[8] [

You can also streetch the clou uds using thee parameter CLOUD SCALE.

[9] [

Seleect the ADVAANCED SKY PRO OPERTIES tab t o view further settings o options (Notee: move the mouse overr the parameeters to get a an exact desccription of eaach function.)

[1 10]

Expeeriment with h different se ettings until yyou achieve the desired effect.

Exeercise: Mo odifying Te errain Shaading The terraain is automatically shad dowed in Auttodesk® Land dXplorer™ Sttudio Professsional. Best o of all, the direcction and len ngth of the shadows can be adjusted independen ntly of the dyynamic sky fu unction! [1] [

In orrder to betteer see the folllowing deseelect all terraain textures (in th he Object wiindow, deacttivate all rastter layers).

[2] [

Choo ose DEFAULT SSHADING in th he Objects W Window.

[3] [

Chan nge the direcction of the ssun’s positioon in the com mpass and obseerve the shad dow. Also ch hange the eleevation settings using the vvertical slideer.

[4] [

Chan nge the Lightt Contrast with the sliderr; you will no ote how the brigh htness of thee terrain is altered.

Result ffile:

41 4

ch_3 3_1_3_finissh.ldx

Exercise Summary In the last exercises you have learned how to select and modify properties of LoD1 buildings such as attributes, height, roof type and texture. With the FIND IN CITY MODEL tool you can search for attributes of the type STRING and directly fly to/select the object. The STYLIZATION RULE EDITOR provides a powerful tool to select and modify buildings based on their attributes. Tooltips, cloud and sun parameters as well as terrain shadow all help to create a more emotionally relevant presentation of your 3D city model.



Workin ng with Exxplicit and d Generic Buildingss

In the prrevious Chap pter you learned how to bbuild a LoD1 1 city model ffrom 2D inpuut data. For many purposes, this level o of detail is su ufficient. How wever, for m marketing or certain analyytical tasks h higher hrough levels‐off‐detail are reequired. In this Chapter yyou will learrn how to reffine virtual ciity models th the impo ort of LoD2 m models. Good t to know: The LoD2 city mod dels in the t demo data con ntain sev veral attrib butes cre eated thr rough the extracti ion of 3D D buildin ngs from airbor rne LiDAR R1. These attribut tes can be b used for f diffe erent applic cations, includin ng solar t technolog gy evalua ations. T These proper rties can n be used d not only y in Auto odesk® La andXplore er™ Studi io Profes ssional but b in ot ther Autod desk prod ducts lik ke AutoCA AD MAP 3D D or Autode esk® MapGu uide/ Map pGuide St tudio!

3.22.1 Imporrting Expliicit Buildin ngs Overvieew LOD2 bu uildings havee a higher levvel of detail aas block build dings. And ju ust like block buildings, LoD2 modelss can containn attributes, enabling utodesk LanddXplorer Stud dio complexx visual analyysis tasks. Au Professio onal supportts several typ pes of LoD2 m models, e.g. in CityGML format o or as 3D CAD D files. Large city models, however, offten come ass aggregattion of simplle geometrie es as illustratted in the illu ustration to tthe right. It sshows a simp ple building tthat is compposed out of seven polygonss. To ensure that these p polygons are interpreted as one object the attribute key FID D is used. All polygons shaaring the sam me value will be aggreegated to one building. A A second attrribute, Facetype, can be used to d define wheth her the polyggons are walll, roof or gro ound surface es. This is conncept is calle ed EXPLICIT BUILDINGS. Au utodesk Land dXplorer Stuudio Professio onal supportts the importt of EXPLICIT BUILDINGS in a varieety of attribu uted vector fformats.

Objectivves In the fo ollowing exerrcise you willl learn: ‐

How to integgrate and analyse EXPLICI T BUILDINGS w with roof forrms.


For que estions on ho ow to extrac ct LoD2 build dings from airborne LiDAR, please coontact your Autodesk A Partner.

43 4

Exeercise [1] [

Open the demo project CH_3 3_2_EXPLICIT_ BUILDINGS_STTART.LDX.

[2] [

Impo ort the file LO OD2_PZ_SOLAAR.SHP from tthe folder Lo oD2 as new w city model o object.

[3] [

In th he Import Citty Model dialog, choose EEXPLICIT BUILD DINGS as Typee, FID_1 as B Building ID an nd FACETYPE aas Face type from the d drop‐down b boxes (see illustration).

[4] [


[5] [

Finissh the imporrt wizard by cclicking IMPO ORT. The Advan nced Sett tings can be used to Tip: T change e the pol lygon orientation and defi ine a mappin ng schema a for map pping the face typ pes.

[6] [

Select the new ccreated city m model in the Objects Win ndow and na ame it Expliciit LoD2 build dings.

[7] [

Double‐click on aa building – tthe entire buuilding will b be selected.

[8] [

In th he Object Pro operties Win ndow switch to BUILDING MODEL. The build ding model b browser can be used to aaccess the atttributes of each buiilding surfacee through the context m enu (RIGHT‐CLICK C on an elementt in the tree).

[9] [

Activvate the Stylization Rule Editor (TOOLLS | STYLIZATIO ON RULE EDITO OR | EXPLICIT LOD2 BUILDIN NGS… or RIGH HT‐CLICK on the Layer Explicit LoD2 Buiildings and O OPEN STYLE EDDITOR…).

[1 10]

ADD a new rule aand choose „„Set Roof Co lor” in the A ACTIONS drop wn list. Definee a suitable rroof color. dow

[1 11]

Presss OK to apply the settinggs.


Your mo odel should lo ook compara able to the im mage in the ffollowing illu ustration.

[1 12]

Deseelect the Exp plicit LoD2 Bu uildings layerr in the Obje ects Window and save yoour project.

3.22.2 Analysis of LoD D2 Buildinggs In the prrevious exerccise you have e just coloreed the importted Explicit B Buildings acccording to their FACETYPEE property. Th he next exerrcise will sho w you how tto prepare th he buildings in the same file (LOD 2_PZ_SOLLAR.SHP) for aa visual analyysis of their ssuitability fo or solar panels. Furtherm ore, we will use the Distancee Query tool to assess the e building voolume within n a selected a area.

Exeercise [1] [

De‐aactivate the p previously crreated Expliccit LoD2 Build dings city mo odel.

[2] [

Impo ort the file LOD2_PZ_SOLAAR.SHP a secoond time ‐ bu ut his time use the attribute value NUMBER as Building ID hown on thee right. as sh Wait unttil the city model has bee en created a nd select a building.. Do you notice a differen nce? Note: This tim me every surface i gle objec ct. This makes it t is a sing possib ble to ap pply styles to the e geometr ries base ed on the eir indiv vidual attrib butes. Th he reason n for this s behavio our is th hat the a attribute e NUMBER contains s only un nique val ues, while in the e previou us exerci ise o define aggregat the at ttribute FID_1 wa as used to te polygo ons to buildi ings.

45 4

[3] [


[4] [

Clickk on NEW THEEME… and choose EIGNUN NG as Propertty value and INDIVID DUAL VALUES as Distributio on value.

[5] [

Close the NEW THEME H Window w by clickingg OK.

[6] [

Backk at the Stylee Editor Wind dow sort the values aand assign ociative colorrs. asso The valu ues are in German, here is the translaation: sehr gu ut geeignet – – very well suuited, geeign net – suited, aand nicht geeeignet – not suited.


Next you u will use thee Distance Q Query tool to query distan nces, surface e area and voolumes withiin your City Mod del. [7] [

Select TOOLS | DISTANCE I QUERRY m the Menu B Bar. from

[8] [

Checck the option n CLOSE PATH.

[9] [

Clickk onto the teerrain to define an area of intereest as shown in the iillustration.

[1 10]

Wheen finished, cclick on ASSETTS CALCCULATION REPO ORT to view some basic inforrmation abou ut the aarea of interrest. View thee calculation results. As yyou can see iit includes th he following information about the se elected region: V Volume of th he selected b buildings C Count of buiildings SSurface areaa (2D and 3D) Do not gget confused by the relative high cou nt of city mo odels (buildinggs) in the exaample. This is due to the way the buildings were imported, i.e. aas ExplicitBuildings were every surfacce is interpretted as singullar buildings because wee used the “n number” attrribute (see abbove). Good t to know: You can also save ve your di istance query q pat ths to an n existi ing or a new vect tor layer by click king on the t “EXPOR ORT” butto on in the lo ower sect tion of the t Distan nce Query y Window. .

Result ffile:


Exercisee Summaryy In the lasst exercises yyou have lea arned how too integrate d different kind ds of LoD2 buuildings into your project aand how to sset visualizattion setting bbased on the eir attributes. Moreover yyou were inttroduced to DISTAN NCE QUERIES w which enable e you to asseess basic measurements..

47 4


Integrating LoD3 Buildings/Architecture Models

Overview In the previous lessons you have integrated both LoD1 and LoD2 buildings and made your first analysis of their attributes. Architectural plans stemming from design competitions or landmarks however are usually created and visualised in CAD software. Often these designs and 3D models are modelled with a higher level detail, commonly referred to as LoD3 or even LoD4 (with interiors).

Reference: Supported 3D formats Supported LoD3 Objects Formats 3D Studio MAX 2DS MAX Ascii Export Extensible 3D Collada XML Scene Import FBX/Obj Alias Wavefront 3DS Max ASCII Scene Export Quake 2 Model Quake 3 Model STL Binary File

File Extension (*.3ds) (*.ase) (*.x3d) (*.dae) (*.fbx) (*.obj) (*.ase) (*.md2) (*.md3) (*.stl, *.stb)

The following exercise will show you how to integrate LoD3 models from CAD software into your project and position them correctly (in most cases, detailed models are not geo‐referenced). In a second step it will be shown how CAD models can be integrated as GENERIC BUILDINGS into your project. Good to know: Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional now supports FBX for data integration. Through FBX support a close integration of other Autodesk® products such as Autodesk® Revit, Autodesk® Civil3D or Autodesk® Maya is achieved which makes it increasingly easy to integrate design proposals and infrastructure models into Autodesk® LandXplorer Studio Professional.

Objectives In the following exercises you will learn how to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Import and place 3D models as objects Create Position‐files for 3D objects Import 3D models as generic buildings Move buildings to another city model Select and delete buildings from city models


Exeercise: Imp porting a LLoD3 Buildding [1] [

Open the project CH_3_3_LOD3_BUILDINGGS_START.LDX.

[2] [

DOUBLE‐CLICK on the bookmark Church in the Objectss Wind dow.

[3] [

Insert a new object layer. (M Menu bar: INSSERT| OBJECT LAYER or use tthe icon

in the Symbo ol Bar)

[4] [

As default, the n new layer in tthe Object h ierarchy tab is called “LAN NDXPLORER PROJECT R ”. Rena ame the laye r to LOD3 BUILDINGS U in th he Name field d in Object P Properties.

[5] [

Choo ose 3D Modeel in the Drop‐down mennu for geome etry typee. Click Add aand select the file CHURCHH.3DS from TRAIN NING_DATA\B BUILDINGS_LOD3\C D HURCH.

[6] [

In th he Axis Window you can adjust the o rientation off the model a axis if necesssary. In our ccase no chan nges are requ uired. Press OK.

[7] [

Wheen the 3D mo odel has bee en loaded youu will be asked to place it on the terrrain (DOUBLE‐CLICK on the tterrain). Placce your 3D m model somew where near the position sshown in thee illustration..

[8] [

Nextt use the mo ouse to drag the model too the desired position and the SETTTINGS (2) tab in the o adjust the Objeect Propertiees Window to rotation and scaling of the m model. Good t ker (red cube) fo to know: The position mark or moving g and positi ioning 3D D models is only v visible when w the editing modus is activa ated. The e editing g mode can n be (de-)activat ted by pr ressing CRTL+E C on you ur keyboa ard. TIP: t the posit tion mark ker is oft ten hidde en in the e buildin ng. In th his case i it can be e helpful to eleva vate (chec ck ENABLE Elevatio on) the model m some m meters or r use kno own coordi dinates in n the GEN NERAL tab. .

49 4

As you m might have already notice ed there are many tabs aand options tto configure the placeme ent and behaviorr of 3D objeccts. In genera al these are sself‐explanattory and you u are encouraaged to expe eriment with thee different seettings. Two w workflows too work with 3D models w will be detaileed in the nexxt exercise.

Exeercise: Exp porting Po osition Filees and Loa ading Gen neric Builddings [1] [

Wheen you are saatisfied with your resultss deactivate tthe Editing m mode (CTRL++E or the editt icon and switch to the GENERAL ta ab.

[2] [

Use the EXPORT PLACEMENT… button to saave your setttings to disk ((e.g. MY_POS. POS in folder NING_DATA\B BUILDINGS_LOD3\C D HURCH). TRAIN


This will create a *.p pos‐file. It’s a simple text file containing key positioning inform mation. It can be opened and edited u using simple text editors.. Thus users who crated many 3D moodels and wh ho know their location, scale ffactor, and rrotation can use the information to e ensure exact positioning of the models. Another nice and useeful feature is that a possition file can n be used to load a 3D moodel as gene eric building using the Insert City Mo odel dialog. [3] [

Deacctivate the O Object Layer LoD3 Buildinngs.

[4] [

Open the Insert City Model d dialog ( CITY MODEL…).

[5] [

ADD the previously created p position file.

[6] [

Therre are now changes nece essary in the follo owing Importt City Model Window; Prress IMPO ORT to procee ed.

orr INSERT |

As you can see in thee Objects Window, the m model oaded as cityy model. We can move thhis will be lo building to another ccity model in n the project . [7] [

Select the church h (DOUBLE‐CLICK the build ing or use a RIGHT‐CLICK o on the layer iin the Objectts dow and SELLECT ALL). Wind

[8] [

Select MOVE SELEECTION TO ANO OTHER CITY M ODEL… from the layers co ontext menuu.

[9] [

Choo ose the Layeer “Explicit LO OD2 Buildinggs” as target layer. Activa ate/De‐activaate the layerrs “Exp plicit LOD2 Buildings” and d “Church” too observe th he effect.


Exeercise: Loaading Multiple Filess at Once New Fe eature: Loading L multiple m 3 3D city models m at t one is one of the t new fe eatures of o Autode esk® LandX Xplorer Studio S Pr rofession nal. It is especi ially use eful when n you are working with til led city models or o l compone want t to integr rate 3D city c model ents from m differe ent produ uction pipeli ines. Note: This exe ercise is processi ing and memory m in ntensive. . If you are runnin ng on min nimum system requi irements we recom mmend ski ipping th his one at a time. exerci ise or ad dding the e models o Next, wee will load seeveral further models in ddifferent formats. [1] [

Open the Insert City Model d dialog (

[2] [

Add the followin ng files to the e Insert wiza rd:



Presss INSERT to p proceed to th he Imort Cityy Model Wind dow. Window letss you Note thaat the Insert City Model W configurre the settinggs for all thre ee data sourcces. ding on the ddata source. Thereby the options vary depend

[4] [

Select IMPORT to start the import processs.

[5] [

Notee that all threee models w will show up aas separate city models in th he Objects W Window. Use a double‐ he three moddels and clickk on the layers to fly to th exam mine their co ontent.

51 5

Obviously, the LoD1 model and tthe LoD2 moodel overlap nded. Therefoore, we will in parts. Usually, thiss is not inten nd delete som me of the Lo oD1 buildingss. select an [6] [

You can select m multiple build dings when yyou hold the ouble‐click th he buildings. SHIFTT key and do Alternatively, ho old the ALT ke ey while youu drag a displayed as red box) withh selecction area (d deprressed LEFT MOUSE BUTTO ON.

[7] [

Deleete the selectted buildingss by pressingg CTRL + X on n your keyboard or by choosing REMO OVE SELEC CTED BUILDING GS from the layers contexxt menu (RIGH HT‐CLICK on the layer LoD D1 buildings)..

[8] [

Savee your project. Your mo odel should lo ook compara able to the foollowing screensh hoot.



New: ggbXML an nd LandXM ML Supporrt

New Fe eature: To T increa ase produc ctivity and a inter roperabil lity Auto odesk® LandXp plorer St tudio Pro ofessional l now sup pport als so gbXML and Land dXML. These formats can be used u to in ntegrate infrastr ructure d designs or o Autodesk Ecotect. export t city mo odels for r use in A . Moreove er it is arts ther FBX. Thi possib ble to ex xport sce enes or pa reof to Autodesk A is makes it strai ightforwa ard to exp port and refine city c mode els in 3D D modeli ing and visualiza v ation envi vironments s such as s Autodes sk 3D Stu udio MAX or r Maya.

Exeercise: Imp porting La andXML m models [1] [

Open the project CH_3_4_LAN NDXML_STARTT.LDX.

[2] [

Select INSERT | LAND A XML MOD DEL… or click on the Land dXML icon iin the Symbo ol Bar.

[3] [


[4] [

Clickk the POSITION EDITOR… bu utton to prevview the possition of the iimported mo odel. Good t to know: LandXML models mi might come e in a differ rent coor rdinate system tha an you ot ther data. The Posi ition Editor can b be used to t move your y mode el to the e right position n.

[5] [

Close the Positio on Editor Win ndow and cliick on NEXT.

[6] [

In th he next window choose SSELECT TEXTURRE… from the e drop‐down men nus and applyy textures fro om the textuure library to o the surface e objeects.

[7] [

Set aa path wheree to save the e texture filess that will be e created.

[8] [

FINISSH the import process and examine thhe results. Note thaat the LandXML model w will be displayyed in the Ob bjects Window w as LandXMLL Group mod del. You can browse thro ough the LandXML object treee and activate/de‐activatte the individ dual layers. ollowing screeenshot show wing the Comparee your modeel with the fo results o of this exercisse.

53 5

Good t to know: Using th he LandXML ML import capabili ities you u can rap pidly visual lize and compare the effec ct of dif fferent road r desi igns and other infras structure e project ts during the desi ign phase e.

Optionaal exercise Import the SITE DESIG GN.XML LandX XML file from m the same fo older.


Exeercise: Exp porting Citty Modelss to gbXM ML Overvieew Sustainaability, energy‐efficiency, and buildingg performan nce are key concepts of inncreasing importan nce in urban n design and urban plannning. Therefo ore, there is a an urgent neeed to analyzze and optimizee new design n concepts in n the contextt of their envvironment. Software prodducts like Au utodesk Ecotect A Analysis 201 10 will help you to analyzze design pro oposals with regards to eenergy, water, and carbon‐eemissions. Autodesk LandXplorer Stuudio Professional lets you u export projjects and parrts of city ML helps faccilitating the transfer of bbuilding prop models aas Green buiilding XML (ggbXML). gbXM perties stored in n 3D buildingg information n models (BI M) and 3D ccity models to o engineerinng analysis to ools.

Objectivves In this exxercise you w will learn ‐

how to expo ort 3D city models to gbXXML

[1] [

Open the project CH_3_4_GBBXML_START.LDDX

[2] [

Choo ose FILE | EXPPORT TO GBXM ML… from thhe Menu Bar.

[3] [

Choo ose the Elem ments you wa ant to exportt and press SSELECT AREA.

[4] [

Hold d the ALT‐keyy pressed wh hile you dragg a region to select the areaa of interest.

[5] [

Presss OK and speecify a location to save yoour file. This will create a gbX XML file thatt can be used forr building anaalysis in Auto odesk® Ecotect A Analysis as shown in the illustration on the rigght. Good t w can be applied to expor to know: The same e workflow rt city models m to Aut todesk® FB BX (FILE | EXPORT TTO FBX…). the regio TIP: D Depending g on the size of t on select ted and t the compl lexity of you ur city model m the e export p process can c take some tim me or mig ght even f fail. It is recom mmended th hat you start s wit th a not too big region n (maybe 20-30 bu uildings). .

55 5

owing image shows a parrt of our city model in Au utodesk 3ds M MAX 2011. Itt has been exported The follo from thee project by sselecting FILEE | EXPORT TO O FBX and sellecting an area to exportt.


4. Refinin ng City Modell Proje cts So far yo ou have learn ned how to ccreate a LanddXplorer pro oject, how to add terrain data, terrain n textures and integrate heterogen neous 3D citty model data such as LoD1 and LoD22 buildings, 3 3D models, and LandXM ML‐models. adding Text aand Image La abels, In the neext exercisess you will learn how to ennhance your project by a place billboard treess and smallerr 3D models.. You will also o learn how to work withh 2D vector d data and water surfaces and integgrate these in nto your terrrain. In shortt: We will gett to how to ccreate vivid w know maany useful to ools and funcctions to opttimize and en nhance the information iintensity and d visual experien nce of your p projects.


Insertiing Labelss

Overvieew Labels arre objects th hat can be insserted into yyour project to increase tthe informattion intensityy. There a differeent types of LLabels that can be used i n Autodesk LLandXplorer Studio: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Label group from file … Label group from DB … TText … SSymbol … Image from file …

Label gro oups can be used to integrate point ddata such as a tree cadaster or a street sign cad daster into yoour projects. The point’s lo ocations and d their attributes are use d to configure their visu ual represen ntations, e.g. to insert im ages as billboard ds, text or 3D D models. The otheer three typees, Text, Sym mbol, and Imaage from file e, are used to o place indiviidual labels iinto your project.

Objectivves In the neext sections yyou will learn how to ‐ ‐

Insert and co onfigure indiividual Label s Use Label Grroups

Exeercise: Placing Indivvidual Labels [1] [

Startt LandXploreer Profession nal and open the project CH_4_1_STARRT.LDX.

[2] [


[3] [

In th he TRAINING_DATA D \ICONS_SYMBOLS S foldeer CHURCH.PN NG. The new label will be e automatically impo orted to the middle of th he terrain an d the edit modus is activated.

57 5

[4] [

Fly to the new laabel (Select in n Object Winndow, right‐cclick and choose FLY TTO).

[5] [

In th he Objects Prroperties Window re‐nam me the new created label, to Church.

[6] [

Grab b the position marker (re ed cube) and move the laabel to th he church mo odel.

[7] [

Select the SETTIN NGS (1) tab an nd change thhe appearancce of the iimage by adjjusting the sliders "size, eelevation and transparency". Use LABEL | IMAGE FR ROM FILE f for the manual m placement o of people e or TIP: U indivi idual tre ees in city models s! You ca an experi iment by insertin ng the image files wo oman.tif and man.t tif from the ICON NS_SYMBOLS folder. Instead o of using imagges you can also create TText Labels.

[8] [


[9] [

Use the mouse tto place yourr label.

[1 10]

Use the options in the Objeccts Propertiess Window to o configure yyour Text Labbel by addingg a text well as by settting approppriate appearrance setting gs. to bee shown as w Good t to know: The edit ting mode is activ ve whenev ver you p place a label l in the e model. Should the t label go direc ctly on an a object t, consid der to desele ect the 3D 3 object ts layer f first – in i this way w you w will avoi id moving g any 3D objects when posi itioning labels. TIP: A Autodesk® LandXplo orer Stud dio Profe essional lets you u configure LOD SETTINGGS (look for the tab t in th he Object ts Proper rties win ndow). LO OD settin ngs can be b used to t display y differe ent LoDs for labe els, i.e. . to define e a long text a short text t and a symbol s wh hich will l be show wn at differ rent dist tances.

Exeercise: Lab bel Groupss In the prrevious stepss you have im mported indiividual eleme ents (icons for people orr objects) using labels. Iff you have a point‐based tree or streeet sign cadasster available e you can usee it to place images and 3D m models in thee 3D scene. [1] [

Go to INSERT | LABEL A | LABEL GR ROUP FROM D DB… and sele ect the dataabase sourcee SDF and the e file TREE_POOINTS.SDF.

[2] [

In th he dialog win ndow that ap ppears, choo se SCHEMA1:: TREEE_POINTS and click SELECT.


[3] [

In th he dialog win ndow IMPORTT TEXT & ICON LABELS, switcch to the ICON tab.

[4] [

Select the value IMAGE from tthe ICON ATT RIBUTE p‐down list. drop

[5] [

Choo ose the imagge LINDEN.PNG G from the fo older TREEES by clicking on the “…” button next to DEFAAULT ICON. This should only be used if there is no o available atttribute value (i.e., imagee) for a defin ned position of an SDF file.

[6] [

Clickk on the ICON N DIRECTORY b button and chhoose the fo older TREES.

[7] [

Swittch to the SIZZE tab; select HEIGHT as tthe size attribute.

[8] [

Clickk APPLY, then n OK.

[9] [

Renaame the new w label group p to TREE CADDASTRE in the Objects Window.

[1 10]

Exam mine your results. Next, 3D D models willl be imported as Label Grroup. These can be stree et signs, lamppposts or oth her city furnituree. In fact you u could also u use Label Grooups to place 3D building g models. In contrast to pictures that are always orien nted towards the cameraa position – sso‐called billboards, 3D oobjects main ntain he camera poosition. their orieentation reggardless of th

[1 11]

Insert a new labeel group into o your projecct (INSERT| LABEL A | LABEL GROUP FROM D DB…).

[1 12]

Choo ose the follo owing source: SDF DATABAASE.

[1 13]

Swittch to the follder TRANSPO ORTATION and choose the ffile BUS_SHELTERS.SDF.

[1 14]

In th he 3D Model tab, click on n the Defaault model button and se elect Bus__Shelter.3ds from the 3D DMODELS foldeer. Select CH HB as Rotatio on attribute. Click O OK.

[1 15]

Renaame the Label group to B Bus Stops and examine you ur project.

[1 16]

Savee your projecct.

Result ffile:

59 5



Workin ng with Vector Datta

Overvieew In the lasst exercise yyou learned h how to placee billboards aand 3D mode els using poinnt vector datta. In this chap pter we will llearn how to o integrate a nd create other vector data types intto your proje ects. This option can be used tto integrate a and visualizee municipal G GIS data, plans or results from enviro onmental analysess. Moreover polygon‐bassed vector daata can be co onverted into o buildings aand vivid watter surfaces.

Objectivves In the neext sections yyou will learn how to ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

O Organize you ur Layers in tthe Objects W Window Insert and co onfigure vecttor data C Convert vecttor data to C City Models C Convert vecttor data to LandXplorer TTerrain Textu ures C Convert vecttor data to a CityGML Waater surface

Exeercise: Imp porting an nd Editingg Vector Data Since ou ur project alreeady contain ns many layeers, we will sttart by organ nizing the eleements in the Objects W Window. [1] [

Load d the projectt CH_4_2_STAART.LDX.

[2] [

Creaate a new follder in the Objects Windoow by right‐ clickking on the to op folder fou und in the hieerarchy tree e and seleccting NEW | FOLDER from the context menu. Renaame the ffolder to “Bo ookmarks”.

[3] [

Movve all elemen nts of the typ pe Bookmarkk to the Bookkmark folderr (Hold the LEFT MOUSE B UTTON depre essed and drag the boo okmarks to tthe folder).

[4] [

Creaate another ffolder called “Labels” andd move all laabels to th his folder.

[5] [

Creaate a third fo older (“Settin ngs”) and moove the Shading, Naviigation, and Sky settings to this foldeer). Organizing you layerrs helps you tto manage yyou projects. The Objects Winddow will also o be structuree that you deefine in the O used wh hen you expo ort your proje ect using thee PACK & GO ttool. After you have finish hed organizin ng your layerrs, it is time tto begin to work with vvector data.

[6] [

Creaate a new follder and nam me it “Land U Use”. RIGHT‐CLICK C on the ““Land Use” foolder and cre eate a new w vector layerr. (NEW | VECCTOR LAYER).


[7] [

Renaame this layeer to: “General_commerrcial“.

[8] [

In th he Vector Data Symbol Ba ar (see illust ration), selecct INSERRT FROM DB.

[9] [

Choo ose SDF FORM MAT as the da ata source.

[1 10]

Open the file GEN NERAL_COMM MERCIAL.SDF fo ound in the U folder. GENEERAL_LAND_USE

[1 11]

Clickk OPEN in thee following dialog window w. The vecttor data getss imported. O Once it has bbeen loaded, locate it in tthe Display W Window to se ee the result. ted the navigatio TIP: W When vect tor data is import n on will b be automa atically deactiva ated . I If you ca annot see e the vec ctor data a and want t to naviga ate throu ugh your s scene act tivate th he naviga ation.

[1 12]

In th he Object Pro operties Win ndow, place aa check next to SHOW CHILDREN IN TREEE and expand d the vector layer so that all polygons are visibble.

[1 13]

Select a polygon from the po olygon list. W When the pollygon is seleccted, small hhandles show wing the vertiices (grey haandles) and four colored handles for manipulating g the polygoon (move, sca ale, rotate) will appeear in the Dissplay Window w and the po olygon will be highlightedd in red.

perties Wind dow. Examinee the four ta aps to The polyygons properrties will be sshown in thee Object Prop see what options aree available. W We will comee back to the ese options later. For now w we want to o select all polyggons that shaare a specific attribute‐vaalue pair. [1 14]

In th he Vector Data Symbol Ba ar switch to RULE BASED SELEC CTION by click king on the ssmall arrow.

[1 15]

In th he Select Objjects Window w set the Sellection mod de to SELECT G GLOBAL.

61 6

[1 16]

Typee in the expression shown in the illusstration on th he right (FTC C = 1).

[1 17]

Presss OK. This will select all ob bjects with th he feature tyype code (FTC C) = 1. This iss the code foor buildings in the bserve how a all building ppolygons get selected in tthe Display W Window. examplee data set. Ob When yo ou create rulle‐based sele ections, the sselected feattures will be added to a sselection gro oup.

[1 18]

Locaate the elemeent “Groups” in the Objeects Window w and select tthe “Primaryy selection” e entry. Notee that in the Objects Properties Winddow the SELEECTION CONTEN NT will be sho own.

[1 19]

Select MOVE SELEECTION TO | NEW m the contexxt menu VECTTORLAYER from (RIGH HT‐CLICK on “ “Primary Selcction”).

[2 20]

Deacctivate the vvector layer ““General Com mmercial” in tthe Objects W Window.

[2 21]

Renaame the new w created vecctor layer to “Building fo ootprints” and move it too the “Land U Use” foldeer.

[2 22]

If theere is still a b building polyygon selectedd activate th he RECTANGLE SELECTION terraain to deseleect any objecct.

[2 23]

Nextt, change thee color of the e “Building foootprints” ve ector layer (S Select the layyer in the Ob bjects Wind dow and cho oose a color in the Objeccts Properties Window, G GENERAL tab).. Then set an nother color for the vecctor layer “Ge eneral Comm mercial”.

and click on the

t the s n was rea ally move ed to a new n Note: Did you notice that selection vector r layer and a not copied? c Th his makes s it a us seful way y of separa ating fea ature cla asses and d assignin ng colors s. [2 24]

Clickk on a buildin ng polygon in n “Building foootprints”. N Now switch tto the ATTRIBBUTE tab in th he Object Prop perties windo ow.

[2 25]

Enteer a new attribute called SHOP in the KEY COLUMN (simply doub ble‐click in thhe empty field.) In the V Value column, enter the word AUTODDESK. Enter other names in the Value column for each of the o other buildin ng polygons (ex. Gas stattion, McDonaalds, restaurant, etc.).

[2 26]

Righ ht‐click on the vector laye er “Building ffootprints“ aand export th he layer as Shhapefile with h the nam me SHOPS_YOU URNAME.SHP.

[2 27]

Deseelect any seleected objectts (Choose a Selection tool from the V Vector Data Symbol Bar and doub ble‐click on tthe terrain over an emptty area.

[2 28]

Savee your projecct.


In the neext steps, wee will import the results aas a city mod del for examination. We w will also inte egrate additional vector layyers into the 3D city mod el scene. [2 29]

Insert a new cityy model into your projectt using the file SHOPS_YOU URNAME.SHP ((INSERT | CITY Y MODEL… or press the city model icon ).

[3 30]

Choo ose BLOCK BUILDINGS U as ciity model typpe.

[3 31]

Placee a check neext to HEIGHT ATTRIBUTE. Inn the Height Attribute Fie eld select thee value CHB.

[3 32]

Define a tooltip {{SHOP} in the e TOOLTIP tabb. Examine yo our results. Now you u should see the shop names as you ddefined them m in the prevvious exercisse.

[3 33]

Optiional: Definee colors for yyour buildinggs or apply th he terrain texxture as rooff texture unttil you are ssatisfied with h the appearrance of the new city mo odel.

Exeercise: Con nverting V Vector Datta to Terra ain Textures [1] [

Creaate a new follder in the Object hierarcchy tree and name is Stre eets (RIGHT‐CCLICK |NEW FOLDER).

[2] [

Insert a new vecctor layer (RIG GHT‐CLICK on tthe Streets ffolder and se elect NEW | V ECTOR LAYER). Name ) new vector layer Roads. the n

[3] [

From m the vector data symbol bar choosee INSERT FROM M DB, choose SDF DATABASSE as source.. Next, impo ort the vecto or files ROADSS.SDF.

[4] [

Repeeat the previous steps fo or the vector data files PAVMENTS A .SDF and FOOTPATTH.SDF from tthe Tran nsportation ffolder.

[5] [

Assiggn different colors to the e three vectoor layers (GEN NERAL TAB | C COLOR)

[6] [

Nextt choose “Co onvert to rastter layer …” from the con ntext menu (RIGHT‐CLICK oon the layer Roads).

[7] [

In th he options dialog leave th he settings aas they are (D DO NOT CHAN NGE VECTOR LA AYER) and pre ess OK.

[8] [

Speccify a location and name for the LanddXplorer terrrain texture.

[9] [

Waitt a moment while the da ata is processsed. When finished, the terraain texture w will be added d to the Objeects Window.

[1 10]

Deacctivate the o original vecto or layer and vview your results. to terrai Convertin ng vector r layers t in textur res will signific cantly TIP: C improv ve perfor rmance. It is espe ecially recommend r ded if yo ou are planni ing to pu ublish yo our projec cts using g LandXpl lorer Ser rver 2011 1.

63 6

Exeercise: Cre eating Vecctor Data Autodessk® LandXplo orer™ Studio Professiona l offers several mechanissms for creatting and editting vector data. In the fo ollowing exercise you willl learn how to establish an area and add attributtes that with Autodessk AutoCAD M MAP 3D. can laterr be edited w [1 11]

Double‐click on tthe BOOKMARRK “Construcction site”.

[1 12]

Creaate a new vector layer in the Object hhierarchy and name it “Construction siite”.

[1 13]

Placee a check neext to Show cchildren in trree in the OBJEECTS PROPERTIIES WINDOW.

[1 14]

Go to the menu bar and sele ect INSERT POLLYGON from drop‐down list. the vvector data d

[1 15]

Makke sure that tthe navigatio on modus in the Menu bar iis switched o off (red mousse icon). It iss now no longger possible tto navigate in n the 3D sce ne.

[1 16]

Now w create a po olygon by settting poin nts along the border of th he acre that you can seee next to the existing build dings.

[1 17]

You will now find d a new polyygon undeer the vectorr layer construction areaa in the Objecct hierarch tree; renaame the polyygon to “Resiidential areaa” and assign n a different ccolor. abilities of Note: The capa Autode esk LandX Xplorer Studio Profes ssional to t create e and edit n be used d to quic ckly t vector data can sketch h a site of inter rest durin ing meeti ings or t to create e ng planni points s for lat ter use as a source data for r label groups g (digit talizatio on). The editing f functions s provide e by far not the same set of f functio onalities and tool ls as you u might be b used t to by oth her 2D GIS an nd CAD ap pplicatio ons. Thus it is a good ide ea to use e the vec ctor data t tools for r rapid sketches a r export the data a (RIGHT-CLICK C and later on the e vector layer an nd choose EXPORT AS S SHAPEFILE E) for us se in oth her softwa are produ ucts such h as Autod desk Auto oCAD Map3 3D.


Exeercise: Cre eating CityyGML Watter Surfacces New Fe eature: It I is possible to convert a vector r layer i into City yGML water objects. While in the las st versio on of Aut todesk La andXplore er the conver rsion of vector layers to water su urfaces was w possi ible duri ing the Pa ack & Go process, it is no ow access sible fro om the co ontext me enu of any ve ector lay yer! [1 18]

Fly to the bookm mark “Water””.

[1 19]

Creaate a new vector layer an nd roughly skketch a polyggon along the e lake shorelline.

[2 20]

Wheen the polygo on is comple ete, choose CCONVERT TO CITYGML WATTER… from thhe context menu of the llayer “Waterr” (RIGHT‐CLICCK on the layyer in the Objjects Window w).

[2 21]

In th he following dialog leave the default properties and press Ok.

[2 22]

After a short while of processsing you willl see a new o object in the w (“Vector Water”) and inn the Displayy Window you will Objeects Window see aa reflecting w water surface.

[2 23]

Savee your projecct. As you might TIP: A have n noticed, the Water Surface is inter rfering wi with the terrain/t t terrain t texture at a severa al region ns and yo ou might o observe some s flic ckering w when you move. This i is caused d by two effects. On the one o hand the terr rain is not n smooth h and on the othe er hand tw wo surfac ces that are very y close togeth her will cause so o-called z z-Buffer fighting g. Theref fore, it is a or geomet good i idea to prepare p your y vecto try and terrain t d data in an a extern nal appli ication to t achieve ve best re esults. Also A refe er to the e next Chapte er 4.3 ab bout terr rain data modifica ations.

65 6

Result file:


In this Chapter you have learned how to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Import and edit vector data. Export vector data and re‐import it as city model. Interactively create new vector features. Convert vector data to CityGML water features.



Refinin ng Terrain n Models

New Fe eature: Often O the ere is a n need to refine r te errain mo odels loc cally or rep place a terrain t model m by a better suited one. o In t this case e nal 2011 offers you Autode esk LandX Xplorer Profession P y to do o both: local l e replace replac cement as s well as complete e. [1] [

Load d the projectt file CH_4_3_ _START.LDX.

[2] [

Movve to the boo okmark posittion “Water”” As you can see our W Water surface and the te rrain do not exactly match. We will ttry to find a b better n. For this exeercise the water polygon n created du ring the prevvious solution by adding a local terrain erate a new raster with 1 1 meter cell resolution. A All cells inside the exercise was simply used to gene water arrea were assigned “35” (meter) as heeight value and all other cells the valuue “0”.

[3] [

Clickk on the Inseert terrain ico on from the SSymbols Bar or choo ose Insert | TTerrain from the Menu B Bar.

[4] [

In th he Insert Terrrain Dialog W Window checck IMPORT TILLE(D) TERR RAIN FILE(S) an nd leave the terrain optioons on LOCALL REPLACE.

[5] [

Clickk NEXT.

[6] [

“Add d” the terrain file TERRAIN N_LOCAL_REPLA LACEMENT.IMG G from the ffolder TERRAIIN_REPLACEMEENT and presss NEXT. Import tant Note e: Procee eding with xt h the nex steps might re equire so ome proces ssing tim me. If you ar re runnin ng short on time o or if you ur workst tation ha as limite ed process sing o load th capabi ilities, you migh ht want to he pre-pr rocessed terrain file UKMAP_LOCAL_REPLLACED.LWG instead. i It can be b found in the s same folder; howeve er, you can c use the t option n LOAD LAND AN XPLORER TERRAIN (L LWG FILE) in step [ [4].

[7] [

Select the option n NO‐DATA VALUE from thhe left and ADD a new valuee. Set it to “0 0”.

[8] [

Presss FINISH to sttart the impo ort process.

[9] [

Waitt a moment while the da ata is processsed. Then navigate to the lake and examine the ressults. If you us se bathym metric dat TIP: I ta and exact shorelin nes the results r ca an get much b better.

[1 10]

Savee your projecct.

67 6

Result ffile:

ch_4 4_3_finish.lldx



Lens Laayer, Wattermarks, and Butto ons

If you recapitulate w what you have learned soo far and com mpare your knowledge w with the Inserrt Menu, you will notice that tthere are still three elem ments that we ere not yet in ntroduced: LLens Layer, Watermarks, and Bu uttons. These e three elem ents will be introduced in the follow ing sections..

Exeercise: Len ns Layer [1] [

Open the project CH_4_4_STAART.LDX.

[2] [

Deacctivate all terrain texture es.

[3] [

Set tthe Blend Styyle for all Image Layers too DECAL (In the Objects W Window swittch to the tap p TYPE, selecct “Image Layer”, and activate DECALL).

[4] [

Go to INSERT | LENS LAYER or p press the Lenns Layer icon n

[5] [

In th he Objects W Window switcch back to thhe tab HIERARRCHY.

[6] [

Select the Lens LLayer

[7] [

In th he Object Pro operties Win ndow use thee drop‐down n lists to defin ne a 1st and aa 2nd layer ass shown in thhe image.

[8] [

To u use your Lenss Layer you h have to activvate it by hittting the on in the Sym mbol Bar: Lenss Layer butto


[9] [

Now w you can mo ove your Lens over the teerrain modell.

[1 10]

Exam mine your results and exp periment witth the availaable settings. TIP: L Lens laye ers are a nice too ol to vis sually ex xamine ae erial ima ages showin ng differ rent poin nts of tim me or to visualiz ze the lo ocation of o sub-su urface ob bjects.

69 6

Exeercise: Waatermark [1 11]

Conttinue with th he last opene ed project.

[1 12]

Use INSERT | WATTERMARK from m the Menu Bar to insertt a watermark. In the fol lowing OPEN N FILE AUTODESK.PNGG. DIALOG choose an image file from the ICOONS_SYMBOLS folder, e.g. A A Waterrmark is basiccally an imagge that will bbe integrated d into the Dissplay window w. Watermarks are nly used to in ntegrate com mpany or cityy logos into tthe virtual en nvironment. common

[1 13]

Conffigure the Sizze and Locattion of the W Watermark in the Objects Properties W Window and d give the Watermark a meeaningful nam me.

Exeercise: Butttons [1 14]

Conttinue with th he last opene ed project.

[1 15]

Use INSERT | BUTTTON to start the Insert Buutton dialog window.

[1 16]

Choo ose IMAGE ass Button Type and select the image fiiles INFO_BUTTON.PNG G and INFO_BU UTTON_BW.PN NG (folder

ICON NS_SYMBOLS) a as backgroun nd for the re leased and p pressed button. [1 17]

Posittion and con nfigure the ge eometry of yyour button and presss INSERT to vview the resu ults.

[1 18]

Chan nge to the COMMAND O tab b, activate TO OGGLE BUTTON N and typee in the comm mands as sho own in the il lustration (P PRESS COM MMAND: GOTO O Church; RELEASE E COMMAAND: GOTO SStart‐up Posittion).

[1 19]

Exam mine the results.


5. Publish hing an nd Dist ributio on of Ciity Moddels Overvieew In many cases there is a need to distribute annd publish yo our digital city models orr views of the model to other users and sttakeholders. This might bbe done thro ough creating g high resoluution imagess, through animations or by converrting a LandXXplorer proje ect into a com mpressed veersion which can be with the freee viewer Land dXplorer Xprress 2011 and also is required for disttributing you ur viewed w models vvia the LandX Xplorer Server 2011.

Objectivves In this ch hapter you w will learn how w to: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

C Create images from a virrtual city mo del. SSave location ns as bookm marks. C Create video os. C Create LandX Xplorer Xpre ess 2011 and LandXplorer Server 2011 projects


Creatin ng Imagess

Although h creating im mages from yyour model iss as easy as p pressing the CAMERA SNAAPSHOT button the Symbol bar, therre are severa al things thatt you should consider: ‐ ‐ ‐


Do you wantt to use visua al effects ? Do you need d to produce series of im ages from one position? W Which resolu ution is requ uired?

The answ wers to thesee questions w will determinne how to prrepare your model for im mage renderiing. For the exerrcise we will assume thatt you will neeed to producce several images from sppecific locatiions. Thereforre, the first tthing to do iss to bookmarrk this location.

Exeercise [1] [

Startt Autodesk® LandXplorerr™ Studio Proofessional byy clicking on the icon in tthe Windows Start Men nu or on the desktop.

[2] [

Open the data file ch_5_1_STTART.LDX in thhe demo datta folder and locate the ““Office Building”. We want to create im mages of thiss (fictive) bu ilding from d different view wpoints. Beffore creatingg pictures it is wisee to first savee bookmarkss of the cameera positionss so that diffe erent views oof the same location can be accessed easiily and that yyou can ensuure that you can create further imagees from exacctly the osition when required. same po

[3] [

Select VIEW | TOO OLBARS | BOO OKMARKS from m the Menu Bar to open the Bookmaarks Window w.

[4] [

Movve to a viewp point showing the Office Building from m the north..

[5] [

Clickk on the STARR icon in the bottom left‐hand corner of the B Bookmarks W Window to sa ave the view wpoint. Alternatively presss CTRL + B too create a bo ookmark.

71 7

[6] [

The bookmark w will appear in n the Objectss Window marks Windo ow. and in the Bookm

[7] [

Makke sure that tthe bookmarrk is selectedd and rename it in the Objects Properties W Window.

[8] [

Movve to another position, e..g. showing tthe same build ding from the south, and d create anotther bookkmark. The neatt thing is thaat once you ccreated your bookmarks it is very easy to switch h between different view ws. Just okmark (in the Bookmarrk Window or double‐cclick on a boo Objects W Window) to fly to the bo ookmark pos ition. TIP: I It is als so possib ble to def kmark hot tkeys in the Obje ect fine Book Proper rties. Ju ust enter r a number r or key into the e respect tive opti ions text f field. No ow you ca an fly to this pos sition by y pressin ng CTRL + YOURKEYY. It is also possible to eexport bookmarks so thaat they can b be used in an nother projecct.

[9] [

To eexport bookm mark position ns simply sel ect a bookm mark from the e Bookmark Window and d choose port Bookmark” from the e Objects Prooperties Window. “Exp

[1 10]

Choo ose a locatio on and a nam me to save yoour bookmarrk position.

[1 11]

To im mport a bookmark go to “Navigation | Bookmarkks | Import B Bookmarks” iin the Menu Bar and selecct the bookm mark(s) that yyou want to import. Before yyou create yo our image, ch heck whetheer your lighting settings a and sky settinngs (refer to Chapter 3.1.3) match your exxpectations. If your imagee contains a lake or othe er water surffaces it is also o a good idea to ccreate a CityG GML water ssurface (refe r to: CityGML Water Surffaces). Moreoveer you mightt want to sho ow only seleccted elemen nts. Activate in the displa y window all the layers yo ou want to display in the image.

[1 12]

Wheen you are saatisfied with your settinggs go to FILE | CAMERA SNA APSHOT or hitt the camera icon .

[1 13]

Conffigure the sn napshot resolution as neeeded and cho oose a name e and location for the rendered image. LandXplor rer Studio Profess sional su upports TIP: L snapsh hots with h very high resolu ution (up p to 10,000 0 x 10,00 00 pixels). Still it is a good ide ea to use e smaller r sizes to t create a previe ew.

[1 14]

Movve to another bookmark and create aanother imagge.



Creatin ng Animattions

Overvieew With Auttodesk LandXplorer Stud dio Professio nal it is also possible to ccreate animaations of you ur city models. To create an n animation ttwo options exist: Live R Recording and d defining a camera path h that hile live recording enablees you to reccord the mod del as you naavigate throu ugh it will be reendered. Wh and chan nge settings,, predefined camera pathhs are create ed by adding g a vector filee or adding bookmarks as camerra path.

Objectivves In the fo ollowing exerrcise you willl learn to: ‐ ‐ ‐

C Create cameera paths. Render cameera paths C Create live recordings

Exeercise: Cre eating Cam mera Path hs [1] [

Conttinue with th he previous LLandXplorer project or open the file n named CH_5_ 5_1_FINISH.LDXX.

[2] [

Creaate a new cam mera path by selecting N NAVIGATION | CAMERA PATHS | CREATE EEMPTY CAMERA PATH.

[3] [

Go to VIEW | TOO OLBARS | BOO OKMARKS or cllick on the button SHOW BOOKMARK B ROWSER in th he nd corner off the Cameraa Paths Wind dow to bring up the Bookkmarks windo ow. botttom right‐han

[4] [

Dragg the bookmark that you want to usee as starting p position from m the bookm mark window w into the camera path.

[5] [

Select another b bookmark tha at should be the second position in the camera ppath and dragg it to h the ccamera path

73 7

[6] [

Repllay the cameera path by clicking on thhe PLAY butto on in the Cam mera Path W Window. Chan nge the flight duration (o on the right sside) to slow w down or speed up the film.

[7] [

To add further caamera positiions to the fllight path, yo ou can choosse to use addditional bookkmarks or yo ou navigate tto a viewing position andd select the A ADD CURRENTT CAMERA POSIITION button from the C Camera Path h Window.

[8] [

If yo ou want to deelete a bookmark from thhe camera p path or chan nge the ordeering of bookkmarks alongg the path, acctivate the ccontext men nu by RIGHT‐CLICKING C a boookmark in th he Cam mera Path Window.

[9] [

Wheen you are saatisfied with you settingss, activate the RECO ORD button. T This will bring up the Creeate Camera Path Anim mation Window.

[1 10]

Conffigure the sizze of the vide eo, images pper second (FPSS) and the filee name. Also o consider too use VIDEO COM MPRESSION. TIP: I It is rec commended d that you u first select t a small l video size befor re you r render r your an nimation in higher fied resolu ution. Wh hen you are a satisf with t the resul lts you can c always ys final create e a secon nd take with w the f ion resolu ution. Al lso check k the opti HIGH QUUALITY to achieve best res sults.

[1 11]

Presss OK to startt the rendering process. Good t to know: The size e of the v video dat ta file can c be re educed signif ficantly by using g a video codec. However, H compress sion requ uires additi ional pro ocessing power and d you hav ve to mak ke sure t that the recipi ient of your y vide eo has the e right codec! c

Optionaal Exercise Create a second takee of your cam mera path buut this time u use the Live R Recording fuunction Bar. Symbol B [1 12]

Clickk on Live Reccording

from the

and configuree the output settings. Then press OK..

After preessing OK every interaction with the model, e.g. m moving, activatin ng/deactivatiing layers, playing a cam era path will be recorded d. [1 13]

Startt your previo ously created d camera patth by clickingg PLAY in the Object Propperties Window or the C Camera Path h Window an nd activate/ddeactivate layers during tthe replay.


[1 14]

Wheen the camerra path has ffinished, presss the stop recording icon

[1 15]

Locaate the recorrded animation on your ddisk and view w the results.

75 7



Using Pack & Go: LandXplorer™ Xpress and Server Projects

In contrast to the aforementioned method of publishing data, the use of the Pack & Go function of Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional enables you to distribute interactive models via DVDs or the web. During a Pack & Go process your data is compressed and encrypted in a way that prevents the misuse of valuable or confidential geospatial data. Pack & Go projects can be used for both, the creation of compressed projects for the use with the free LandXplorer Xpress 2011 Viewer or to be published via the LandXplorer 2011 Server.

Exercise: Creating a Basic LandXplorer Xpress Project Overview The creation of a Pack & Go project is pretty straightforward. Still optimal results need some consideration about the project structure and the contents. Do you only want to present an interactive visual model to other users or do you plan to integrate formatted tooltips leading to further resources, e.g. websites or databases? There are many options to consider and this tutorial can only give a short introduction to the Pack & Go tool.

Objectives In the next exercise you will learn how to: ‐ ‐ [1]

Organize and structure your project for the Pack & Go process Create a basic Pack & Go project.

Open the project CH_5_3_START.LDX. As you might have already noticed the project is not well structured. It would be a bad idea to directly convert this project into an Xpress or Server project because the Object Hierarchy is directly taken over into the compressed project. Therefore, we will begin by cleaning up our project.


Check that the Objects Window shows the project hierarchy (tab HIERARCHY is active).


Organize the elements in the Objects Window by creating folders for Terrain Textures, City Models, Labels, and Bookmarks. Drag the respective elements to the folders. Refer to Chapter 4.2 if you are unsure on how to do this.


Activate moving clouds in the Dynamic Sky Properties (refer to Chapter3.1.3).


You might want to exchange the existing watermark with your own image (refer to Chapter 4.4). Good to know: All folders/groups that you create will also be visible in the Xpress Project. It is recommended that the Project data in the Xpress project is structured according to the end-user’s needs and expectations.


[6] [

Wheen you are saatisfied with your settinggs SAVE yourr project and d go to FILE | PACK & GO… … in the Men nu Bar to start the Pack & & Go Wizard..

[7] [

Enteer a project n name and choose a placee to save the p project on yo our compute er. Click on N NEXT. In the neext dialog window you ca an select wh ich elementts should be exported. M Moreover, youu can define w whether you want to expo ort label (grooups) as POINTS O OF INTEREST (POI) or as TRE EES, i.e. 3D represen ntations.

[8] [

Find the categorry TREES and place a checckmark nextt to the “Treees” and the ““Bus shelterss” layer to acctivate both groups. Thiss ensures thaat the 3D reprresentation w will be exported to the Xppress projeect. The layeer “Church la abel” howeveer, shou uld be visiblee under categgory POINTS O OF INTERREST and sho ould be activa ated.

[9] [

Makke sure that SHOW ADVANC S CED SETTINGS is deacctivated and click on NEXXT.

[1 10]

Leavve the NAVIGAATION SETTING GS as they arre; Click NEXTT to proceed to the APPEA ARANCE SETTIN NGS dialo og.

[1 11]

In th he APPEARANCCE SETTINGSyo ou can selectt a splash screen for the Xp press projectt by choosingg you own n company lo ogo or any otther image fiile. Click on C CHOOSE IMAGE and select the data file e. If you not have an image file available choosse the image e SPLASHSCREEEN.JPG from t he TRAINING_DATA do n foldeer.

[1 12]

You might also eenter a WIND DOW TITLE and d a short COPPYRIGHT TEXT. Click NEXT.

[1 13]

The following “M Miscellaneous Settings” ddialog window lets you ch hoose whethher users of tthe Xpreess project w will be enable ed to switch tto fullscreen n mode or if tthey are alloowed to create snap pshots (and ssize restrictio ons). Moreovver, you might change th he standard G GUI language e and add user‐defined d buttons. Ju ust leave the standard se ettings as the ey are and cliick NEXT.

[1 14]

Begin the creatio on of your firrst LandXploorer Xpress project by cliccking FINISH. The creaation processs might take a short whil e. When finished a notification wind ow will appe ear. To open and view the X Xpress projecct, locate thee folder wherre you stored d the projectt and open the project ffile (file ending “*.LXPC”). Note: Opening a LandXp plorer Xpr ress Proj ject will l only wo ork if th he Autode esk LandX Xplorer Xpress X 201 11 Viewer r is inst talled. R Refer to Chapte er 1.1 fo or installation he elp.

77 7

[1 15]

Open the created Xpress pro oject and exaamine its con ntent. Your screen shouldd properly sh how a ne comparab ble to the illustration beloow: scen

[1 16]

Exam mine your Xp press projectt by activatinng Content elements, navvigating yourr model, and d have a lookk at the differrent tabs and d their conteent. This wass the easiest and simplest way to creaate a Xpress project. Stilll in most casses you might want to have more contro ol over the co ontent creatiion process, e.g. you mig ght want to aadd additional informattion such as tooltips and documents.. Therefore, the next exe ercise will be about custo omizing the ADVAANCED SETTINGS.


Exeercise: Advvanced Co onfiguratio on of LandXplorer X Xpress Pr ojects Overvieew Just as in n Autodesk LLandXplorer Studio you ccan use toolttips in Xpresss projects to provide users with more infformation. Itt is also possible to add Im mages and D Documents to o scene elem ments. The next exercise will show yo ou how to do o this. It startts with a sho ort recapitula ation on how w to add tooltips to uides you th rough the ADVANCED D SETTTINGS of Xpreess projects. differentt city modelss and then gu

Objectivves You will learn how to o: ‐ ‐

C Configure to ooltips for yo our Xpress Prroject A Add documeents to individual objectss

[1] [

Retu urn to the LandXplorer Sttudio projectt from the prrevious exercise.

[2] [

Locaate the layer „Residential_buildings“ in the City m model folder.. Switch to thhe tab TOOLTTIPS in the Objeect Propertiees Window.

[3] [

Enteer the following expressio on (copy & ppaste) into th he TOOLTIP DEFINITION E fieldd: <img g src="YourLoccalDirTree\Ico ons_symbols\\info_button.p png"><br>Desscription: {Desccription}<br>TTimeframe of construction:: {Age}<br>Da ata source: {Co opyright}

Import tant Note e: In the e above de declared expressio e on change e the str ring “YourL LocalDirT Tree” to match the e exact path p to the t folde er ICONS_SYMBOLS S in the e TRAINING_DATA fold der. Else e the ima age might t not be found on your system m. [4] [

Locaate the layer “LOD2_pz_SSolar”. Enterr Building ID: {{FID_1}<br>da ata source: {w weblink} into tthe TOOLLTIP DEFINITIO ON field.

[5] [

Exam mine your seettings by pla acing the mo use over diffferent Buildings.

[6] [

Nextt, fly to the p planned Kind dergarten.

[7] [

Select the building and click on the ATTRRIBUTES butto on.

[8] [

Add three new aattributes as shown in th e screenshot.

[9] [

Presss APPLY and OK to procee ed.

[1 10]

Select the layer ““KiGa” and sswitch to thee TOOLLTIPS tab.

[1 11]

Define the follow wing expresssion: Projeect: {Name}<b br>Date: {Date e}<br>Status: {Stattus}

79 7

[1 12]

Finally, locate th he “Church la abel” in the O Objects Wind dow.

[1 13]

Add two new strring attribute es to the labeel and name e them h CONTTENT and DESSCRIPTION. Enter some va lues for both attributes.

[1 14]

Finisshed for now w. SAVE your project. After theese preparattory steps yo ou are ready to create an advanced Xpress projecct.

[1 15]

Startt the Pack & Go Wizard b by selecting FFILE | PACK & GO from the e menu bar.

[1 16]

In th he following window specify a projectt name and a location to o save the daata. This time e make suree that the SHO OW ADVANCED SETTINGS op ption is activvated. Click N NEXT.

[1 17]

Select which labels you wantt to export a s TREES and w which as POINTS OF INTEREEST. Click on NEXT wheen finished.

[1 18]

The next step letts you speciffy the “Serveer andXplorer Sttudio Conffiguration Seetting” for La Proffessional projects. We will skip these settings; clicck NEXTT to proceed.

[1 19]

Leavve the WATERR SETTINGS as they are andd click NEXT.

[2 20]

In th he TREES SETTTINGS select the Bus Sheltters and ente er the ttooltip expreession: Year oof constructionn: {AGE}.

[2 21]

Select the Trees and add a to ooltip expresssion: Type: {Image}

Note: The two expressions that we just added to the project p relate r to data attrib butes in the inpu ut point d files used to distribu ute and co bel group ps. onfigure both lab [2 22]

Clickk NEXT to pro oceed to the next step.

[2 23]

Select the Churcch label and e enter a toolttip expression how the two o attributes that you addeed in step [13] to sh (see illustration). Click NEXT.

[2 24]

In th he next step choose the h historic orthoophoto as blen nding texturee and proceed to the NEXXT step.

[2 25]

In th he CITY MODEEL SETTINGS click NEXT to pproceed. Good t to know: Any sett tings conf figured in the e LandXpl lorer Stu udio proje ect such as the e tooltip p definit tions you entered be earlie er in thi is exercise will b automa atically applied.


[2 26]

Leavve the NAVIGAATION SETTING GS as they arre.

[2 27]

In th he “Appearan nce Settings”” dialog selecct an image as splasshscreen; Yo ou can take the image SPLLASHSCREEN.JPPG from m the TRAININ NG_DATA direc ctory.

[2 28]

Enteer a small cop pyright text iif you like to and press NEXTT.

[2 29]

Leavve the MISCELLLANEOUS SETTTINGS as theyy are.

[3 30]

In th he next window press FIN NISH to start tthe convversion proceess. Wait unttil your projeect has been created andd then open it. Move yo our mouse ovver the different objects and note the differentt tooltips thaat will appear when you move to the different ele ements (Treees, Residential Buildingss, LoD2_pz_SSolar, Bus Sh helters, Churrch label). Also note the slider aat the bottom m left side. Itt can be used to blend between the aactive terrain texture and the blending layyer.

Result ffile:


Result X Xpress proje ect: COURSEEWARE UPDATTE 2011 V_02 2.LXPC (RESU ULTS folder)

Exercisee Summaryy In this exxercise you ccreated yourr first Xpress projects. It gguided you through the bbasic steps o of organizin ng your conttent and configuring expoort settings. The example es provided give you a go ood idea on how tto integrate heterogeneo ous informattion into you ur geovirtual environmennts.

81 8


Introduction to LandXplo orer Publissher 2011

Another way of publlishing your d data is to expport it into the internatio onal standarrd KML/Collada by using Au utodesk Land dXplorer Publisher 2011. This will enaable you to in ntegrate youur models intto Googles virtual globee.

Overvieew In this exxercise you w will be introd duced to the basics of LandXplorer Pu ublisher. Forr a comprehe ensive documentation conttact your Auttodesk partnner.

Objectivves You will learn how to o: ‐

A Add and con nfigure basic data source s to a Publisher project.

cess to a web ser Note: You will l need to o have acc rver that t is config gured to serve KM ML/KMZ-fil les to pu ublish yo our data via Goog gle Earth. . If you are unsu ure about this, co ontact yo our syste em admini istrator.

Exeercise: Cre eating a ba asic Projecct using LandXplore er Publishher 2011 [1] [

Startt Autodesk LLandXplorer Publisher (usually located in: Start ‐> P Programs ‐> odesk ‐> Land dXplorer Pub blisher 2011)). Auto

[2] [

In th he LandXplorrer Publisherr Window Enter thee following information:

[3] [

‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

C Copyright: Description: Name: BaseURL: Filename:

Text as yo ou like Text as yo ou like Text as yo ou like URL to the webspace t hat you want to use, e.g. e, e.g. MYFILE.KML Name of tthe KML/KMZZ file to create

O OutputDir:

A local dirrectory on youur computer w where the datta will be saveed, e.g. C:\TEM MP\

Nextt ADD A NEW CAD MODELS DEFINITION byy right‐clickin ng the ““Cad modelss” element in n the projectt tree.


This will create a new w entry in the projeect hierarchyy. Next you u will have to o configure this new w element. Refer to the illustrations and to tthe Online D Documentatio on available at: if anything is unclear. Import tant Note e: Rememb ber to alw pt any UR RLs or di irectorie es so ways adap that t they rese emble you ur system m environm ment! [4] [

Into the “Descrip ption” sectio on in the Propperties Wind dow (right sid de) enter a sshort “Descriiption”, a me for a “Fold der”, and a “Name” for y our dataset. nam example. It sshows a scree enshot Se e the illustraation for an e of the training data’s structure in Googgle Earth. In tthis case: Description” w would be “te extured_lod11_buildings tto KMZ “D (fr om CityGMLL)”, “Foolder” would d be “City mo odel data”, “N Name” would d be “Lod1 Te est”. This example should give you a ggood idea onn how to stru ucture your o output.

[5] [

Set ““FormatVisib bleOnLoad” tto “true”. In the fo ollowing “Inp put data” secction you havve to specify the URL to tthe data andd an EPSG cod de.

[6] [

Locaate the file Teextured_LoD D1_Buildings .gml in the training data directory annd enter the full path (C:\YYOURDIRECTORRY\YOURFILE)tto the data i nto the “DattaURL” field, e.g. C:\U USERS\ROSS\DOCUMENTS O \TM MP\TEXTURED_ _LOD1_BUILD DINGS.GML.

[7] [

Enteer “27700” ass EPSG code.

[8] [

Leavve the other settings as they are.

83 8

Next we will add ano other CAD model. This tim me we will u use a “*.3ds”‐file as inputt data. [9] [

Add another CAD D model definition (cf. sttep [3]).

[1 10]

Enteer some “Desscription” infformation (c f. step [4]).

[1 11]

Set ““FormatVisib bleOnLoad” tto “true”.

[1 12]

Locaate the file ch hurch.3ds in the training data directo ory and enter the full patth (C:\YYOURDIRECTORRY\YOURFILE) to the data file into the “DataURL” ffield (cf. stepp [6]).

[1 13]

Enteer “27700” ass EPSG code.

[1 14]

Procceed to the ““Model” secttion and set tthe “ForrmatDropOnTerrain” opttion to “true””.

[1 15]

Enteer the coordinates from tthe illustratioon into the resp pective input fields. You ccan also copyy & paste the vvalues from the position file stored inn the CHURRCH folder.

[1 16]

Also enter a rotaation value: ““117”.

[1 17]

Set ““FormatUseLLowerBBoxCenterAsOriggin” to “true””.

[1 18]

You are ready to o generate yo our first Publlisher modell. “Save” you ur configurat ion and presss the “Gen nerate” button. If everytthing works, you will be p prompted aftter a short w while that the e generationn process is finished. To view your results you will havve to upload all files and folders in the output direectory (see [[2], “OutputDir”) to yourr webspace ((see [2], “BasseURL”)! If you en ncountered aany problems check the ““_log.txt” file e in the outp put directoryy. The illustration below w shows a sa ample resultt of the data conversion p process in Gooogle Earth.


6. Working with CityGML Data CityGML is a data model and exchange format for 3D city models. All essential parts of a city model can be saved in this format. CityGML stores information about not only geometry but also topology, semantics and appearance. CityGML, just like LandXML and Green Buildings XML (refer to Chapter 3.4), is an XML‐based data schema. It is built on top of the Geography Markup Language 3 (GML3), a widely accepted international standard for the exchange of geographic information as set forth and adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO TC211. With CityGML you can use virtual 3D city models for analysis or simulation or for thematic queries. CityGML was first developed by SIG3D NRW and in August 2008 became an official standard of the OGC. The CityGML schemas can be found at More information, example data, presentations, etc. can be found at In this Chapter you will learn: ‐ ‐ ‐

How to import CityGML data. Basic editing. How to export single buildings as CityGML data.



LandXplorer CityyGML Bassics

Although h CityGML is a rather you ung standardd and still de eveloping, for example vaarious thema atic extensio ons such as B Bridges and SSubSurface feeatures have e been propo osed and devveloped rece ently, Autodessk LandXploreer Studio Pro ofessional haas in‐build su upport for CityGML data.. Basicallyy, three different ways to o work with CCityGML data exist: Load ding a CityGM ML file as Cityy Model, Loading a CityGML fiile as CityGM ML, and finallly, working w with a databa ase implemeentation of CityGML n Oracle Spatial. This Cha apter will ad dress the firsst two cases. Working wiith the CityG GML based on databasee will be refffered to in Ch hapter 7. The diffeerentiation b between load ding a CityGM ML file as Citty Model and d as CityGMLL Model migh ht sound confusin ng at first butt the next sections will exxplain you w why this differentiation exxists. Good t to know: There ar re two way ys to imp port City yGML city y models in Autode esk® Land dXplorer™ ™ Studio P Professio onal. 1. Imp port as City C Mode el (IMPORTT | CITY MODEL O …) Advant tage: You u can sea arch withi in the ci ity model l for add dresses and a apply Global Illuminat I tion to th he entire e model. Modifica ation of existi ing attri ibutes ca an be made de, but ne ew attrib butes can nnot be added! a 2. Imp port as CityGML C Model M (INSSERT | CIT TYGML MODE EL…) Advant tage: You u can easily selec ct single e areas or o entire e buildin ngs and mo odify exi isting at ttributes and even n create new attr ributes, such as a s street ad ddress.

Exeercise: Imp porting CittyGML M odels [1] [

Open the LandXp plorer projecct CH_6_1_STTART.LDX.

[2] [

Impo ort a CityGM ML model: Select IMPORT | CITYGML MODEL…) and choo ose the file LOD2_BUILDING GS.GML from the CITYGML L folder.

[3] [

In th he Insert CityyGML Model Window, w hich will app pear after a shorrt while, leavve all settingss as they aree and click OK K. Good t to know: Should a CityGML model in nclude appear rance the emes, you u can choo ose which h one you wo ould like e to be applied. a A Also if there t is more t than one level of f detail ( (LoD) a specific s LoD ca an be cho osen. The e options ALLOW HIG GHER LOD and a ALLOW LOWER LOD enable es you to o specify y if build dings in differen nt levels s of deta ail should d be load ded.


[4] [

Select the top bu uilding (6127 7), in the Objject Properties Window a and use RIGHHT CLICK | FLY TO to movve to the buillding.

[5] [

Use a right‐click again to sele ect EDIT DETAAILS from the context men nu and also eexpand the h hierarchy tree of the building by clickin ng on the “+”” sign.

Note: The Obje ect Prope erties win ibits two o tabs: V IEW and EDIT. ndow exhi The re egistry VIEW displ lays the model hi ierarchy and enabl les editi ing of attrib butes suc ch as add dresses an nd extern nal refer rences. T The EDIT tab t contai ins tools s for geo ometric tr ransforma ations an nd appear rance settin ngs. [6] [

As yo ou might havve noticed already a CityyGML buildin ng is a complex data struccture. Basica ally each build ding is geometrically defined by seveeral surfaces.. In our case these are thhematically d divided into the three tyypes: “WallSu urface”, “RooofSurface”, aand “GroundSurface”. Yoou can selectt the singlle surfaces b by clicking on n a surface inn the model vview or by acctivating it inn the model tree. To selecct the wholee building mo odel place a ccheck at the top hierarch hy of a buildiing in the Citty Model Brow wer. ML model is illus Note: The stru ucture of f a CityGM strated b by a tree e struct ture. A branch b of f the tree e represe ents one building g model. The sub-br ranches represent r t the surf faces and d attribu utes.

[7] [

Morreover each b building has a set of so caalled CityGM ML attributes. These are sshown when n you selecct “Edit detaails” from the e context meenu. These atttributes can n be edited: CChange the n name of the sselected buillding from “6 6127” to “61127 Row hou use” (RIGHT‐CLLICK | EDIT DEETAILS).

87 8

[8] [

Checck the building "6127 ROW HOUSE" an d note the ““Generic Attrributes” nodee (near the e end of the o object tree for Building ““6127 Row H House” in the e CityGML Brrowser). Expaand the “Gen neric Attriibutes” (clickk on the “+” sign in front of the element. tribute names? Note: Did you recognize the att n Mo ost of th he attrib butes are th he same as a in the e Explicit tBuilding gs used in i Chapte er 3.2.

[9] [

To seee the individual attributte values sim mply select an attribute in n the object tree. The de etails of the sselected elem ment will be automatica lly shown in the Details W Window.


Select different eelements fro om the objecct tree to exp plore their atttributes andd values (make sure dow is active e. yourr Detail Wind

Exeercise: Editting CityG GML Attrib butes and Exporting g Data By now yyou have leaarned to load d CityGML m odels and naavigate throu ugh the CityG GML structure. You also editted your firstt attribute byy changing thhe name of tthe building. Next you wiill learn how w to edit further aattributes. [1 11]

Expaand building 6127 Row house and rigght‐click on the word Addresses. Selecct ADD ADDRESS from the ccontext men nu.

[1 12]

Expaand the Addrresses eleme ent. You will see an entryy named UNNA AMED as ADD DRESS TYPE.

[1 13]

Wheen you selecttthe entry yo our Details W Window will sshow the aattributes ass in the illustration below w:Enter an Ad ddress as yo ou like but be sure to rem member it foor later. Now you u will export the edited b building “62117 Row Housse” as a single CityGML building.

[1 15]

Makke sure that tthe whole bu uilding is seleected (Place a check in fro ont of “6127 7 Row House e”).

[1 16]

RIGH HT‐CLICK on th he layer CityG GML Model iin the Objectts wind dow and seleect EXPORT SEELECTED. Savee the buildingg with the n name EXPORTT_6127_ROW W_HOUSE.GML in the RESULTS foldeer.

[1 17]

Now w delete the building from m your 3D sccene by highllighting the b building in th he CityGML b browser, RIG HT‐CLICKING aand seleccting REMOVE.

[1 18]

Finally, export th he layer LOD2_ 2 BUILDINGS.GGML as LOD2 2_BUILDINGS_EDITED E .GML in n the RESULTSS folder and ssave your projeect.

Exeercise: Loaading CityG GML files as City M Models and d Mergingg Datasetss


Now thaat you have leearned how to load CityG GML files as CityGML mo odel and how w to do basicc editing, the nextt steps will teeach you how w to import CCityGML files as CITY MODEL to give yoou a better understaanding of thee differencess between thhe two options. [1 19]

Deacctivate the laayer lod2_bu uildings.gml iin the Objects Window.

[2 20]

Impo ort the CityG GML file LOD2_ 2 BUILDINGS_EEDITED.GML th hat you have e just createdd. This time u use the INSERRT | CITY MOD DEL option. As you m might note th here are som me differencees in the wayy the model iis integratedd into your prroject. These caan be best ob bserved by h having a lookk at the Objects Propertie es Window:

The left image shows the object properties foor a CityGMLL file as City Model and tthe right one e shows the prop perties for a C CityGML file as CityGML Model. If yo ou activate th he context m menus for the e layers you will also observee that they sh how differennt commands. Also note that a toolltip appears as soon as thhe mouse moves over a rroof or wall oof the city m model. In nfigured for a CityGML M Model will wo ork well for aa CityGML m model fact tooltips which caannot be con oaded as cityy model. Let’s take a lookk at an example. that is lo

89 8

[2 21]

Makke sure that tthe city model “lod2_buiildings_edite ed” is activvated and that the CityGML model lood2_buildings.gml is deeactivated.

[2 22]

Double‐click on aa building to o select a bui lding surface e. wser in the Ob bject Notee that this will call the CittyGML Brow Prop perties Window and that the selectedd surface (W Wall or Rooff) is highlightted.

[2 23]

Expaand the tree‐‐structure fo or the selecteed surface to o view its atttributes (Cliick on the “+ +”‐signs in froont of the seleccted surface and then in front of the attributes elem ment.

[2 24]

Notee that this tim me the attrib bute names aand the values are sshown. We w will use these e attributes tto create a tooltip defin nition.

[2 25]

Select the layer llod2_buildin ngs_edited annd switch to the toolttip tab.

[2 26]

Enteer the following expressio on: Expo osition: {EXPOSSITION}<br>Su uitability: {EIG GNUNG}

Then n click in the Display Win ndow and moove the mouse overr several builldings to view w the resultss. Another function thaat only works if you impoort CityGML files model is the INSERT CITY MODEL… functtion. as city m [2 27]

Activvate the context menu fo or the layer llod2_buildin ngs_edited an nd select INSSERT CITY MOD DEL…. Select the previo ously exporte ed EXPORT_61127_ROW_HO OUSE.GML and d import it innto the scene e. Note how w the single b building is inttegrated intoo the model.

[2 28]

Savee your projecct.

Exercisee Summaryy In the lasst exercises yyou were inttroduced to tthe differencces of loadin ng a CityGMLL file as CityG GML Model and as City M Model. Obviou usly, loadingg CityGML as CityGML Mo odel is bette r suited to edit attributee values and properties o of the objectts, while load ding the same data as Citty Model ena ables you to use to ooltips and m merge severa al data files innto one large model. Pro oceed to the next Chapte er to deepen yyour knowleedge about w working with CityGML mo odels.



Advanced Editin ng Functio ons

Overvieew During the next exerrcises you will learn how to create ap ppearance th hemes and appply textures to how to define e translationns and how fllooding scenarios can bee visualized u using CityGMLL buildings, h CityGMLL waterSurfaces.

Exeercise: Cre eating The emes and Applying Textures [1] [

Conttinue with th he previous p project and ddeactivate an ny city mod del layers.

[2] [

Impo ort the file EEXPORT X _6127_ _ROW_HOUSEE.GML as CityG GML Mod del (INSERT | CITYGML MODEL O ). The CittyGML Browsser will display a single o object.

[3] [

Nextt create a neew appearance theme byy RIGHT‐CLICK | MAN NAGE THEMES on the building layer in tthe Objects W Window.

[4] [

In th he Theme Maanager Wind dow CREATE… … a new Them me FACA ADE TEXTURE th hen click Clo ose.

[5] [

Now w activate thee new create ed theme by RIGHT‐CLICK | SELECT THEM ME AND LOD… …. Select the ttheme “Facaade texture” and click

OK. [6] [

Select a single w wall surface and navigate to a position n there he selected façade as shoown in the you are facing th illusttration.

[7] [

Swittch to the EDIT tab of the CityGML Broowser and cllick on APPEA ARANCE. Note e that there is an n about information the CURRENTT THEME. It should read “Facade texxture”.

91 9

[8] [

Now w click on PRO OJECTIVE TEXTURE and sele ect an image file to use ass façade textture from the folder RESIDDENTIAL/FACADES/. Tip: WW W_FLATS.PNG ffits well in th his case.

[9] [

Pull the corners and/or lines of the rectaangle under IIMAGE DISTOR RTION until it fits to the w wall and then n click APPLY.

[1 10]

Add further textures to other building waalls.

[1 11]

Expo ort the finish hed building a as a new CityyGML file EXPORT X _6127_R ROW_HOUSE_ TEXTURED.GM ML Texturing CityGML b buildings usin ng PROJECTIVEE TEXTURES is well suited to apply phottographs to untexturred building models. Nexxt we will re‐‐import the just created building to ssee if the texturing was succcessful.

[1 12]

Deacctivate the b building Expo ml in the Objects Window w.


[1 13]

Impo ort the textu ured buildingg EXPO ORT_6127_ROW O _HOUSE_TE EXTURED.GML as City Model (INSEERT | CITY MODEL O ).

[1 14]

During the import process se elect FACADE TEXTURE as me. them Your buiilding should d be imported with façadde textures. TTo better understand th he concept o of appearancce themes we e will now w switch to th he default theme.

[1 15]

Select SELECT THEEME AND LOD from the conntext menu aand ose the DEFAU ULT theme. choo As you can see the b building gets rendered wiith simple co olors as it wass before texturing. Good t to know: Appearan nce themes s can be used to apply ma any diffe erent appear rance mod dels to a building g, e.g. a photore ealistic theme, a theme with the ermal ima ages of th he façade e and the ematic co olors.

Exeercise: Mo oving CityG GML Objeects Autodessk LandXploreer Studio Pro ofessional prrovides also ffunctions to move, rotatte, scale and drop buildingss to ground. Although on ne would exppect that CityyGML buildin ngs are in thee right scale and position,, these optio ons can be ussed for quickk positioningg. We will use e the translattion function n to simulatee a flooding sscenario. [1 16]

Conttinue with th he previous p project.

[1 17]

Creaate a new vector layer (“IInsert | Vecttor layer”).

[1 18]

Creaate a new po olygon that co overs the whhole extent o of your terraain (cf. Chapter4.2 for ho ow to create a polygon).

[1 19]

Wheen you are fin nished, convvert the Vecttor layer to C CityGML Water (RIGHT‐CLICK | CONVERTT TO CITYGMLL WATER…).

[2 20]

In th he Convert to o CityGML diialog set the WATER HEIGH HT to 37.5 meteers and RELAATIVE TO SEA LEEVEL. This will create a new w element “V Vector Wateer” of the typ pe City As we have sset the waterr height to 3 7.5 meters w which is Model. A more or less the watter level as itt is representted in the terrain most of our w water surface e is beneath the terrain. In the model m next step ps we will raise the wate er level.

[2 21]

Renaame your “V Vector Waterr” to “Water 37.5 meterss” and exportt it as CityGM ML file (WATTER_37.5_MEETERS.GML).

[2 22]

Deacctivate the laayer and cho oose INSERT | CITYGML MODEL O to re‐im mport the waater surface a as CityG GML model.

93 9

[2 23]

Select the waterr surface by p placing a cheeck mark in front of the o object in the CityGML Bro owser.

[2 24]

Swittch to the EDIT tab.

[2 25]

Select TRANSLATIO ON and enter 3.5 into the e middle text field (which h means thatt you will raiise the geom metry by 3.5 units). Clickk APPLY.

[2 26]

Mosst likely the w water surface e seems to ddisappear during this ope eration. How wever this is just a rend dering issue. To view the results just ddeselect the e water surface in the VIEEW tab. The rraised wateer surface wiill be visible again.

[2 27]

Finally, you migh ht want to ed dit the CityG ML attribute es, e.g. by assigning a nam me to the wa ater bodyy or adding aa water level value. Whe n you are fin nished export the water ssurface as WATEER_41_METER RS.GML. Your results should b be comparab ble to the folllowing imagges:

Watter level: 37.5 meters

Watter level: 41 meters can prov tant note e: Displa aying a fl looding scenario s voke fear rs and Import politi ical cont troversy. This sim mplified method does d not create valid v result ts but on nly a rap pid first impressi ion. Plea ase use v vector da ata from s sound sim mulations as input t data fo or displa aying flo ooding scenar rios!



Globall Illuminattion and CCity Mode els

As mentioned in the introduction n to Chapterr 6, importingg a CityGML files as city m model has distinct advantagges, namely that these m models can bbe displayed more realistically with soo‐called environm mental rendeering effects. In the next exercise you u will illumin nate a NORMAAL LoD 1 City Model. [1] [

Open the file CH_6_3_ _ START.LDX L .

[2] [

RIGH HT‐CLICK on th he CITY MODEEL LOD2_BUILDDINGS in the O Objects Wind dow and seleect Calculate e Global Illum mination (be eta).

[3] [

A Global Illuminaation Window will appeaar which lets you choo ose from three predefine ed Lighting O Options: Clou udy Day Lightting, Sunset Lighting, and d Sunny Day Lighting. Morreover, the dialog window w provides ddetailed sky aand lightting parametters that can be used to ccreate different effeccts. For now it is sufficien nt to just usee one of the pred defined optio ons. Good t to know: Always save your project before e applyin ng Global Illumina ation, as s some graphi ic cards will cau use the so oftware to t crash. . Contact t your Au utodesk Pa artner fo or specif fic hardw ware reco ommendatio ons!

[4] [

Select Sunset Ligghting and prress OK. Wai t a moment while the vvisual effect is being processed and vview your results.

[5] [

Choo ose the layerr Residential_buildings inn the Objectss Wind dow and rep peat the Glob bal Illuminat ion procedure.

[6] [

Finally adjust thee Dynamic Skky settings soo that the skky also ws a sunset ssituation (Sun position: W West, Elevatiion 10 show degrree, color: orrange).

[7] [

Savee your projecct.

95 9

Summaary Chapter 6 In this Ch hapter you h have learned d the differennt ways to im mport CityGM ML models. YYou learned h how to edit CityyGML properrties and attrributes, how to apply texxtures and ho ow to move CCityGML objjects. Aside of editing CityG GML you also learned to work with aadvanced visualization seettings such a as bal illuminatiion. CityGMLL water surfaaces and glob


7. W Workin ng with h the 3 D City Databa ase Pluug‐in Using a d database is aan advantage e for long‐te rm maintenaance and publishing of a virtual city m model. Databases are also aa logical depo ository for daata managem ment as well as extremelly large models. Autodessk® LandXplo orer Studio Professional™ ™ has an integrated datab base plug‐in that allows yyou to connect to a CityGM ML conform database impplemented on top of Oraccle 10g. If yoou want to fo ollow the atabase withh installed 3D D City exercises in this Chapter you willl need to havve access to an Oracle da Database. The free d database schema has beeen developed by the Insttitute for Geoodesy and erlin and can be downloaaded free of charge Geoinforrmation Scieence at the Technical Uniiversity of Be from htttp://‐be For innstallation details refer to tthe 3D City D Database documentationn available att the same w web site or coontact your Autodessk® partner. This chapter contains exercises that will teacch you how to store geosspatial data ((such as terra ain models, orthophotoss, trees, LoD1 and LoD2 bbuildings) in a database and how othher end‐users can access and use this d data. ase plugGood t to know: To use the t databa -in make sure tha at you ha ave access s to an Oracle O da atabase wi with insta alled 3D City Dat tabase. Import tant: Dur ring inst tallation of the 3D 3 City Database D l be you will asked to speci ify a SRID and a S SRSname for f your database e. If you u want to use e the tra aining da ata the SR RID is 27 7700 and the SRSn name is urn:xu ogc:de ef:crs:EP PSG:6.11.2:27700.


Conne ecting to th he Databaase

All objeccts and data in your city m model (i.e., tthat you have already cre eated and saaved in the previous Chapterss’ exercises) can also be stored in an Oracle database. Since tthe databasee schema is b based on CityGMLL all city mod del objects w will be stored according to o the CityGM ML specificatiions. For this eexercise we will considerr that you jusst started to o work on you ur City Modeel and intend d to store your enttire model in n the databasse. [1] [

Startt Autodesk® LandXplorerr Studio Proffessional™

[2] [


[3] [

Enteer your user aaccess data ((consult you r IT Adm ministrator). User: Password: Host: Database:

[4] [

The data abase user Password d for databa se access Name orr IP Address oof the Host SServer Name off the databasse

Savee your accesss data perma anently for thhe next time e you

97 9

log‐iin (SAVE SETTINGS). Note tthat the passsword will no ot be saved. [5] [

Clickk the CONNECCT button. Th he connectio n time will depend on the size of thee data in the dataabase and evventually the network traaffic.

[6] [

Wheen the conneection was su uccessful youu will see information about the coorrdinate syste em and an active plannin ng alternativve LIVE. This live workspaace is the bassic workspacce there yourr model her possible tto add PLANN NINGS which will be expla ained later. A Also note dataa will be storeed. It is furth that the connecttion status iss displayed inn the Status Bar (bottom right)



Addingg Terrain Models to o the Data abase

It is posssible to save terrain models that beloong to your ccity model in the LIVE‐Woorkspace. W When you store tileed terrain mo odels in the database theey will be co onverted to o one seamlesss raster data object. However, to use these terrain models in LanddXplorer the ey have to be e converted iinto LandXplorer pter 2.1). The e nice thing aabout storingg terrains in the databasse is that you u can terrain files (cf. Chap easily creeate subsetss for your pro ojects. This eexercise will guide you th hrough the stteps of exporting a terrain file to the dattabase and loading terraain data from m the databasse. [1] [

Makke sure that yyou are conn nected to thee database. A And that the LIVE worksppace is active e.

[2] [

Nextt you will loaad a terrain tile into the LLIVE workspaace. (Go to MENU | DATABASE | EXPORT X DATA TO O DB | EXPOR RT TERRRAIN FROM FILLE).

[3] [

Choo ose the file n named DTM_ _LIDAR.IMG frrom the DTM M LIDA AR folder.

[4] [

Enteer the following under Exxport Settinggs: Executive: Th he person th hat imports tthe terrain daata to the da atabase, e.g. your name. Lineage: Thee source or in ndividual whho created th he data, e.g. Autodesk Deemo Data. Level of detaail: The Level of Detail asssigned to the model data. Note: Lo oDs (ex: 0 = low resolutioon/low detail; 4 = high resolution/high deta ail) can be ussed to differentiate as well as classify terrain models.

[5] [

Enteer the following under Ra aster Propertties: Name: N Name of the terrain file. Descripttion: A shortt description for the dataa.

[6] [

Clickk OK to start the databasse import. TIP: I Importing g large terrains t t to the da atabase can c take a long ti ime. Howe ever, the training g data su upplied s should be e import ted in a few minu utes.


[7] [

Checck the Datab base Connecttion Manageer (DATABASE | DATABASE CONNECTION) to make surre that the d data has beeen imported.. In the bottoom left‐hand d corner of LIVE Workspaace you can ssee how man ny terrains haave been savved to the daatabase as Re eliefFeature Objects (Cheeck SHOW CO ONTENT). Next we will import a subsection n of the terraain to a new LandXplorerr project.

[8] [

Creaate a NEW PROJECT R .

[9] [


[1 10]

The previously im mported terrrain data shoould be displayed in the NT field. Choo ose the optioon USE LIMITEED IMPORT DATAABASE CONTEN AREA A and enter the values as shown in th he illustration n.

[1 11]

Speccify a location for the Lan ndXplorer te rrain file which will be created during the import prrocess and cllick OK. Wait a m moment until the import process is finnished and e explore your results. YYou might also want to rename the pproject and tthe terrain layer or update yourr Start‐up position. to know: As mentioned earl lier, ter rrain dat ta will b be conver rted Good t into a compres ssed Land dXplorer t terrain file f when n it is i imported from the da atabase. However, terrain data is usually not upda ated ecommende freque ently. Th herefore, it is re ed that you y creat te a LandXp plorer te errain file from y your terr rain data a and sto ore it on n your harddi isk. This s way you u won’t ha ave to go o through h the imp port proc cess each t time you want to create a new proj ject.


Addingg Orthoph hotos to th he Databa ase

Similar to terrain mo odels, orthop photos can bbe saved to th he database and as with terrain mod dels they when you im mport them frrom the dataabase to a La andXplorer pproject. Thuss you will be compressed w mmendationss as for terraiin data. should cconsider the same recom [1] [


[2] [

Locaate the folder containing the 2007 orrthophoto an nd select the file 520018880.jpg to exp port it into the databasse. ng severa al tiles o or very large l dat ta sets t to the Note: Importin databa ase might t require e a long t time depe ending on n your co omputers proces ssing cap pabilitie es and the e accessi ibility of o the da atabase (bandw with). Fo or this exercise e i it is suf fficient to load just one e tile. However it is po ossible to o load se everal ti iles at o once.

99 9

[3] [

As during the terrrain export you will be pprompted to o enter ort Settings: Expo Executive: Name of the p person who imported the data into tthe databasee. Lineage: Thee original sou urce of the d ata. Level of detaail: The Level of Detail of f the raster im mage. Note e: LoDs (ex: 0 0 = low resol ution/low de etail; 4 = high resolution/h high detail) ccan be used tto diffeerentiate as w well as classi fy raster imaages.

[4] [

Enteer the following in Rasterr Properties:: Name: Enterr a name for the orthophhoto. Description: A short desccription for tthe data.

[5] [

Presss OK to expo ort the data tto the datab ase. Depend ding on your hardware it may take so ome timee. After succcessful expo ort to the database the oorthophoto is now ready for import tto LandXplorrer. Defini itions: Note N that t the term t and exp port are used as ms import follow ws: Export t = Expor rting objects from m a LandX Xplorer project p o or from the t file s system in nto the database d Import t = Loadi ing objec cts from t the datab base into o a LandX Xplorer projec ct.

[6] [


[7] [

Select the orthophoto that yyou just impoorted and use a LIMITED IMPO ORT AREA of th he terrain sizze (see illustrration).

[8] [

Define a location n to store the e terrain text xture to disk and press OK K.

[9] [

Savee your projecct. During the import prrocess a Land dXplorer textture file (*.lttt) will be minutes. Wheen finished your scene created. This might ttake a few m ook comparaable to the fo ollowing illusstration: should lo



Addingg Buildinggs to the D Database

Next buiildings will be added to the databasee. To store se everal LoDs for one build ing object a unique ID is neeeded. As you might remember from pprevious exercises the exxample buildding data con ntains an attributee field “FEATID1” which ca an be used aas the unique e CityGML ke ey in the dat abase. Besides an introducttion to the w workflow of aadding and lo oading building data to/ffrom the data abase ulate severall previous exxercises. you will also recapitu

Exercisse: Exportting LoD1 Buildingss to the Da atabase [1] [

Firstt import the RESIDENTIAL_BUILDINGS.SHPP (from TRAIN NING_DATA\RESIDENTIAL) ass city model (INSERT | CITY MODEL…) an nd configure them as blocck buildings based on the e height attrribute: BLG_HEIGHT H (refeer to Chapter 2.3 and 3.1 1 for details)..

[2] [

Nextt use the Styylization Rule e Editor to asssign a roof ccolor to your city model. By addin ng colors or ffaçade textures to your bbuildings prio or to the exp port process tthese will be e taken over into o the databaase.

[3] [

Makke sure that yyou are conn nected to thee database, tthat LIVE is th he active wo rkspace and that no indivvidual buildin ngs are seleccted in the D Display Windo ow before yo ou proceed.

[4] [

Select the layer R Residential_buildings in tthe Objects dow. Wind

[5] [


[6] [

Enteer the following informattion in the Ci ty Model Expo ort Wizard diialog: Executive: Yo our name. Lineage: Auttodesk Trainiing Data TTheme: Creaate new them me ‐> Coloreed Level of detaail: LoD1 Finally, activate C CHOOSE GML ID FROM ATTRRIBUTE TABLE and select FEATID1. Click NEXT to proceedd. to know: In CityG GML, infor rmation Good t for di isplaying g city ob bjects (textu ures, col lors) is organized d by ess new themes s. During g the exp port proce isting themes s can be created or an exi fer to theme can be selected s (also ref Chapte er 6.2.


In the neext window yyou can defin ne ATTRIBUTEE MAPPINGS. There arre four tabs w which will en nable you to map attributees from the input Shapeffile to CityGM ML attributess. [7] [

The BUILDING tab b contains bu uilding attribbutes defined d he CityGML sschema. You can map thee attribute in th FEATTID1 to the N NAME attributte and DESCRRIPTION to DESCCRIPTION.

[8] [

The ADDRESS tab can be used d to map adddress he CityGML sschema. Sincce address inforrmation to th dataa is not includ ded in the input data youu can skip this tab.

[9] [

Also skip the tab b EXTERNAL REFERENCE E whi ch can be ussed pecify extern nal reference es. to sp

[1 10]

In th he GENERIC ATTRIBUTES T tab b all attributees from the SShapefile can n be transferrred to generic CityG GML attributtes.

[1 11]

Clickk on NEXT.

[1 12]

In th he following dialog windo ow you can ddefine group ps based on a an attribute ffield. Skip this step and FINISH the City Model Exp port Wizard.. Note: Groups of erve to structure o city objects o se s e city mo odel data a, for exampl le buildi ings acco ording to neighbor rhoods. For F build ding type es howeve er, group ps should d not be u used but rather the t CityG GML prope erties class, , functio on and us sage.

[1 13]

After the export to the datab base is finishhed a window w will appearr that inform ms you how m many build dings were eexported and d if any error s occurred. You can also check w whether the export was ssuccessful byy opening the e Connectionn Manager (DATABASSE | CONNECTTION) and activating the ooption SHOW CONTENT. Good t to know: When you u import b buildings s, 3D obj jects or vector data d from a LandXpl lorer pro oject to t the datab base, the e element ts in you ur projec ct remain n unchang ged, i.e. they sti ill origi in from t the same data source e as befo ore. To load them m from the e databas se is ano other ste ep which will be explaine ed in the followin ng Chapte er.



Managging Planss and Plan nning Alternatives in the Dataabase

One majjor challengee when workking with cityy models is to o keep the ciity model cu rrent througgh regular u updates. Thee combinatio on of the 3D CCity Databasse and Autod desk® LandXpplorer™ Stud dio Professio onal will enaable you to in ntegrate andd manage plaanning data a and planningg alternatives. In case a plan is implementeed the planning data can be integrate ed into the m model by acccepting it.

Exeercise: Cre eating Plan nnings and Planning Alternatives When yo ou integrate a new plann ning you can choose to sp pecify severa al planning aalternatives. However, only one aalternative off a given plann can be tran nsferred and d stored in LIV VE Workspace. To uring the folloowing exerciise. understaand this conccept you willl create two planning alternatives du [1] [

Open the Conneection Managger (DATABASSE | NECTION). CONN

[2] [

RIGH HT‐CLICK on Live Workspac ce and selectt INSERRT PLANNING. Add the approprriate PROPERTTIES to the neew plan by enteringg a TITLE, an E EXECUTIVE andd a DESCCRIPTION for tthe plan. Next you u will create two design p plan alternattives.

[3] [

Righ ht‐click on yo our plan and select INSERTT PLANNING ALLTERNATIVE dd a planning alternative e. Create twoo alternatives and enter to ad some informatio on (PROPERTIEES) as listed bbelow. Alternative 1: TTitle: Playgro ound. Executive: Yo our name. Description: A short desccriptive text.. Alternative 2: TTitle: Kindergarten. Executive: Yo our name. Description: A short desccriptive text.. Your Con nnection Maanager Windo ow should n ow contain tthe planningg information n shown in th he illustratioon on the right


[4] [

Befo ore you can u use one of th he new plan alterrnatives it must first be a activated. Doouble‐click on th he plan alterrnative for th he Kindergarrten.

[5] [

The selected alteernative will be displayedd in the “Acttive Planningg Alternative”” section in tthe Conn nection Man nger Window w (see Illustraation).

[6] [

Close the databaase connectio on manager window planning alteernative. afterr you have seelected the p Now you u can add neew objects to o the databasse. These will be associated wiith the activa ated plannin g alternatiive. This wayy you can eassily add seveeral plans and plan nning alternaatives to your database w without chan nging your ba ase model.

Exeercise: Add d Design P Plans (LoD D3 Modelss) to the D Database During p planning proccesses building designs aand site desiggns are often n created as 3D models ffor visualizaation purposees. As you ha ave learned iin Chapter 3.3 it is very e easy to integ rate such 3D D models into your Autodesk LLandXplorer Studio Profeessional projects by placing them in aan Object layyer. A with LandXplo orer is that yyou can also ttransfer thesse 3D neat feature of usingg the 3D Cityy Database w models ffrom the Objject layer to the databasse. [1] [

Makke sure that tthe planning alternative for the Kinde ergarten is active.

[2] [

Add a new Objecct layer to yo our project aand load the Kindergarten model from m the folder NING_DATA\B BUILDINGS_LOD3\K D IGA. Youu can choose e to load the position filee or place you ur model TRAIN man nually as expllained in Cha apter 3.3.

[3] [

Select the model in the Obje ects window then go to th he Main Menu and click on DATABASEE | ORT DATA TO DB D | EXPORT SELECTED OBJEECT. EXPO When yo our Object laayer containss several 3D models still only one objject at a timee can be exported to the dataabase. As durring the expo ort of city moodels, severaal properties must be deffined during the process. You will also be a asked whethher a unique gml id shall be generate d or if you w want to export p enter a ggml id manually. ml id you TIP: B By enteri ing an ex xisting gm u can, fo or exampl le, add a LoD3 buildi ing to an n existin ng LoD1 or r LoD2 mo odel.


[4] [

Speccify the follow wing EXPORT SETTINGS: Executive: Yo our name. Lineage: Thee source or creator of thee data. Level of detaail: LoD3. C City object tyype: Buildingg. TTheme: Creaate new them me ‐>textureed

[5] [

Leavve the option n GENERATE GML ID activatted.

[6] [

In th he next windows you can n specify furtther CityGMLL attributes and sp pecify a grou up. We will leeave these optio ons blank. Click NEXT and d FINISH to exxport the 3D mod del to the dattabase.

[7] [

After you have saved the datta to the dattabase an Export statisitccs Window will iinform you aabout the ressults. Click O OK to close th he window. When yo our export w was successfu ul iterate thee steps [1] to [6]; but this time choosee the other p planning alternatiive (DATABASSE | CONNECTION | DOUBLEE‐CLICK on plaanning altern native Playgrround”) and tthe 3D model of the playgro ound (from FFolder: TRAINNING_DATA\3D DMODELS; file e: PLAYGROUNND.POS). Since e the 3D w a building but rather a playground you should define the CCity object type as model does not show CityObject in n the Export Settings. GenericC

Exeercise: Editting City M Model Datta in a Pla anning Altternative In this exxercise, the b buildings acrross the streeet from the K Kindergarten n will be expoorted to the databasee with standard textures. To do this, you will replace the exissting LoD1 buuildings in th he databasee with texturred counterp parts. [1] [

Firstt you will imp port the unte extured LOD D 1 buildings from the dattabase into yyour LandXplorer projeect. As we arre only interested in the specific buildings across the street, iit is a good id dea to use aa spatial filteer during dattabase exporrt.

[2] [

Makke sure that tthe planning alternative “Kindergarte en” is active (Database | Database Conn nection and DOUBLE‐CLICKK on “Kinderrgarten”).


[3] [

Select DATABASE | IMPORT DATTA FROM DB | IMPORT CITYY DEL DATA. A C City Model Im mport Wizardd Window w will MOD open n which offers you several basic settiings: YYou can set aa path to sto ore external rresources, i.e. ttextures. YYou can deciide whether you want too import the d data into thee current pro oject, into a CCityGML file or into streaming Files YYou can seleect which objject classes w will be imported.

[4] [

Sincee we want to o edit the bu uildings acrosss the street you can select only BUILDINGSS. Click NEXT to proceed.

[5] [

In th he next dialog window yo ou can definee City Objectt Filteer to restrict yyou selection to city objeects with speccific attributee values or based on spattial relationss. Clickk on NEW… in n the filter se ection to addd a filter.

[6] [

In th he Create City Object Filter Window sselect SPATIA AL FILTEER from the ttype drop‐do own menu.

[7] [

Select the option n SELECT POLYYGONS FROM FFILE to use an n data set as sp patial filter. exteernal vector d

[8] [

The Filter will bee determined d by a polygoon in the file kind dergarten.shp p (found in th he folder PLAANNING).

[9] [

After you defined the polygo on filter click OK ndow and FIN NISH to close the Objeect Filter Win to sttart the impo ort process.

[1 10]

Nextt select and d delete the in ndividual build dings in the C CityGML Bro owser (Right‐‐click on an object, sellect REMOVE).


[4] [

Oncee you have d deleted all 11 1 buildings, tthe 11 changges can be saaved in the d database (DATABASE A | CO MMIT CHANGES…).

[5] [

In th he following window ente er the name of the updating persson and a reaason for the update and click on COM MMIT to transffer the changes in the (a ctive) plan alterrnative into tthe database e.

[6] [

The City Model n node Kinderggarten shoul d now be pty. Delete it in the project hierarchy tree. emp Next you u will load teextured build dings into thee project, wh hich will replace the builddings you pre eviously deleted.

[7] [

In th he main men nu bar select INSERT | CITYYGML MODELL and select tthe file BUILD DINGS_ON_PLA ANNING_KINDE ERGARDEN.GM ML located in the PLANNING folder.

[8] [

Savee these textu ured buildinggs to the dataabase. To do this, select tthe city mod el in th he Object hieerarchy tree and select DATAABASE| EXPORRT DATA TO DB B |EXPORT SELEC CTED CITY MOD DEL from the main menu.. This will open the Citty Model Exp port Wizard 7.4): again (seee Chapter 7

[9] [

The path to the eexternal reso ources shoulld nt to the PLAN NNING folder which conta ains poin the b building mod dels and the texture filess. If not, please chan nge this.

[1 10]

In th he Theme secction you should make s ure that you select the TEXTURED theme. Alteernatively, yo ou might wan nt to create aa new theme e, e.g. neric facadess”. “gen

[1 11]

Desp pite being textured the ggeometrical LLoD of the bu uildings is Lo oD1. Thus yo u should set the level of detail to LOD1.

[1 12]

Select the option n CHOOSE GML ID FROM ATTTRIBUTE TABLEE and set the attribute to FEATID1.

[1 13]

In th he next windows click NEXT to proceeed and finish the export p process.


Good t to know: When you u work wit th CityGM ML model data and d the dat tabase you wi ill have to make sure that t your gm ml id is always u unique. Else E you wi ill get an a error message d during th he export t process s.

Exeercise: Closing Desiggn Plans in n the Cityy Model Database A planning alternativve can be rejected or acccepted. When one of the associated pplan alternattives is d, any furtheer planning alternatives w will be autom matically reje ected. accepted By now yyou have creeated two pla anning alternnatives in the database: A Kindergartten building and a playgrou und. Should o one of these e two actuallyy be built, th he plan can b be saved in thhe LIVE Workspace as a projject update –– all other alternative plaans and obje ects will be re emoves and cannot be re e‐ imported d into the LIV VE Workspacce. [1] [

To accept a plan you must firrst select thee respective planning alte ernative from m the list in tthe dataabase connecction manager.

[2] [

Clickk on the plan n alternative that containns the K Kindergarten n (LoD3) mod del in the dataabase managger.

[3] [

RIGH HT‐CLICK and sselect ACCEPT T. VE Workspace – all other plan alternnatives will be The LoD3 Object willl be transferred to the LIV automattically rejecteed and closed. In a finall exercise you will load th he buildings that you havve just added d into your LLandXplorer SStudio project.

Exeercise: Loaading Data a from thee 3D City D Database The objeects in the daatabase can be importedd directly into o Autodesk® LandXplorerr™ Studio Professio onal or be saaved as CityG GML files to ddisk. Therebyy, several op ptions and fil ters enable yyou to specify w which objects you want tto retrieve frrom the dataabase. In thiss exercise youu will importt the objects tthat you justt added to th he database. Again we will use the file KINDERGARTTEN.SHP as spatial filter. [1] [

Creaate a new Lan ndXplorer prroject.

[2] [

Makke sure that b both the database conneection and LIVE Workspace are activee.


[3] [

Choo ose the impo ort function in the main m menu bar: DATAABASE | IMPORT DATA FROM M DB | IMPOR RT CITY MODEL DATA A.

[4] [

Leavve the option n IMPORT INTO O STUDIO acti ve.

[5] [

In th he following window crea ate a NEW sppatial filter usingg the Shapeffile KINDERGARRTEN.SHP (thee file is located in th he Planning ffolder in the demo data)..

[6] [

Clickk FINISH to im mport the buiildings into yyour project.

[7] [

In th he Select Theeme and LoD D window chooose the them me that you sspecified earrlier and clickk OK to procceed.

[8] [

Exam mine your results. They sshould show the Kindergaarten and the 11 textureed buildings.

Optionaal Exercise Try to im mport all objeects from the e database innto one CityGML file and d load this intto your Land dXplorer project. When the m model has been loaded yoou might also o select diffe erent themess (context menu: SELECT TH HEME AND LOD. D







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