Manual for the installation / execution of the art works by Hans Overvliet for the Verbeke Foundation.
The QR-codes link to the relevant catalogue and can be used with hall texts. hans overvliet
Manual for the installation / execution of the art works by Hans Overvliet for the Verbeke Foundation.
The QR-codes link to the relevant catalogue and can be used with hall texts. hans overvliet
seven shelves without supporting edge, measuring 150 x 40 x 2 cm
two shelves with supporting edge, measuring 150 x 40 x 2 cm
one shelve with supporting edge, measuring 150 x 40 x 2 cm
Work Outside the multitude the year 1999 in numbers
10 rusted cabinet shelves
26 A4 trays, hardwood, each with 4 sheets of numbers
This proposition indicates the possibilities. The curator / exhibitor displaying this work does so in relation to the space provided and thus has the freedom to act as he/she sees fit.
My configuration of the revitalized image can be found on the following pages. Where in the middle, second row the last shelf is missing and as in the third, the right, the top shelf. The spacing between the boards of equal size is 5 cm ‘neighbouring’ to the others.
The dissimilar sizes join the top of the “neighbor” shelves.
The way the trays are attached is partly given: previously used methods of suspension were with screws. Those holes guide the placement of some of the trays, indicated by blue tape.
The rest of the trays can be attached as the curator deems best “readable” in the given exhibition space. Since the perception of the “incomplete” is obviously different for each individual / culture, I do not think a definitive placement is desirable.
The trays each have four small magnets on the back to hold the tray securely in place; 0n these magnets sand paper to avoid slipping. If a tray is not attached to your satisfaction, please use the iron strips as indicated on the photos. Also included is a jar of beeswax in turpentine to rewax the metal shelves if necessary.
Studio configuration Vlissingen / June 2024
12 prints A4 of photos from the Dutch daily de Volkskrant of 23/12/’13
Canon MP-101 matt photo paper 170 grams, Canon Pixma MG6150 printer
The arrangement has several variations:
- block of 6 x 2 - space 1cm
- block of 4 x3 - space 1 cm
- contiguous row
5 colour prints on Hahnemüle German Etching 310 grs. , each 82,2 x 12,8 cm.
mounted on 10 mm. foam board
Gaza, Beit Hanoun, 13 August 2014. Unknown photographer
Between each ‘panel’ 3 cm white space
2 platters Ø 45 cm. | video on USB with the sound of the crushing platter photo
coutesey of ©2018 Niek Hendrix | Lost Painters video of the work: https://vimeo.com/260000940
The size of the projected image determines the distance between image and scale.
The soundlevel is also adjusted in situ.
However, the left-right arrangement of the platters is given: from the viewer's point of view, the restored one is the left one.
3 x [ 8,2 x 12,8 cm.] full colour prints on Hahnemüle German Etching 310 grs. mounted on 10 mm. Kapafix the Syrische town Kobane / Ain al-Arab, observed from the Turkish village Mursitpinar / Mürşitpınar [ 36° 54' 14" North, 38° 20' 52" East ] in the Sanliurfa region | Monday, October 20, 2014 installation on supplied batten, loose on two tacks; spacing dictated by the titles on the batten
selection from in total 200+ used, cleaned tin cans
an imprint of a key, pressed into plaster in the shape of a gold bar
of Photo courtesey
of Lukáš Jasanský, , Niek Hendriks, Andre Smits
installation as befits the curator
i.d. of a shared cloud / wave / home - 2015
3 ‘out-lines’ of filing cabinets, each 134 cm. x 49,5 cm. x 71 cm. [ h x w x d ]
weathering steel 2x [ 10 x 10 mm.] 1x [ 12 x 12 mm.], wooden bars 1 x 1 cm.,
Nobo OHP Transparency Film, sided acid-free tape filled with
1,000 images of explosions and ‘holiday clouds’ on 50 sheets codes super imposed on the images: unique location positioning from a military open source website; 1,000 images of waves | statistics Global Warming on 50 sheets; 1,000 images of destroyed houses | ground plans in the images: send to me - in 1996 on my request – from and of 72 national libraries The World Library Art Project on 50 sheets.
The photos on the following pages provide some insight into the installation.
Two dimension bars have been added on the box that define the spacing between the sheets, being about 9 cm..
The “filing cabinets” are made up of two different metal bars: 0.9 mm and 1.1 mm. The 1.1 mm case should be placed in the middle.
The wooden slats to which the sheets are attached are held invisibly in place by 1/2 a poster buddy from Pritt. If the buddy is still visible, it is cut away with a knife.
The sheets in the wooden box are not quite in the right order. So please be careful when constructing the various file cabinets.
extra the documentation of The World Library Art Project is included for the archive.
The result of a three days performance during which we ‘completed’ the book. The form is a so-called transfer box, provided with a dust cover with the title and author's name. t 100 pages a double-sided printed grid.
Separate included sticker sheets bearing the 1000 explosions / clouds with the military codes. (first) co creation
October 11, 12 & 13, 2018 at Sea foundation | Tilburg presentation
Any way the currator sees fit
dissection of a disappearing cloud work in progress
1 & 2
Cloud, painted with the actually rubble from the spot in Gaza where annihilated Mishal Cultural Center was situated, in extremely diluted
East-Indian ink & Arabic gum on Simili Japon, 225 grs. 96,0 x 65,0 cm.
in nine wooden frames, each 97,9 x 66,3 x 4,5 cm.
Total dimensions 287,7 x 192,9 cm.
Plastic bag in which the rubble in Gaza was collected
Please see the pictures
In combination with DISTANT SUFFERING XIX – 2
dissection of a disappearing cloud | work in progress
Poster rack
iled and steamed beech wood, wheels
100 x 87 x 58 cm. (height x width x depth )
Filing cabinet
zinc-coated metal, hardboard 5 mm., 90 x 51 x 51 cm. some 40 plastic jars with metal lids, Ø 7 cm, 8cm. (height)
Please see the picture; in stead of the small painting the work is presented here in combination with DISTANT SUFFERING XIX – 1.
The plastic bag shopping bag from Gaza is placed between the poster rack and the cabinet with the plastic jars.
1:144 3D Battle Damaged Building Outland Model Railway Office Scene
For Child Gift Hand Work Plastic ABS Assemble Game Set (Li Limyt)
Bleached bird feathers
Plexiglass hood | 25 x 25 x 25 [ x o,3 ] cm.
Console | 30 x 25 x 2,5 cm. MDF 9 mm. | primer white
topcoat Gamma white 710 – matt
On two consoles 30 x 25 x 2,5 cm provided. These are perpendicular to each other with a spacing of about 25 cm.
Again, the curator determines the spacing.
XX – 2 | i.d. of a shared cup of tea - 2021 work
tea glass | Loctite Super Glue Glas
sand from artist’s art work in Bewaerschole ( ), soil from Sa’naYEMEN
mixed with soil from Pommard
BURGUNDY/FRANCE , sand from sand from OregonUSA
engraved brass plate
Plexiglass hood | 25 x 25 x 25 [ x o,3 ] cm. | Console | 110 x 25 x 25 cm.
MDF 9 mm., primer white / topcoat Gamma white 710 – matt
There is an extra plastic box with a collection of sand and soils from different countries –France, Yemen, U.S.A., the Netherlands, etc. and a few broken / repaired teacups. To be used in possible next editions to be made and exhibited.
On a console 30 x 25 x 2,5 cm provided.
The curator constructs the work out of the sand / soil and tea glass.
To properly distinguish the layers, I suggest using the soil of Yemen / Pommard as the middle layer. So the two sand layers lay above and below.
To avoid using too much material, we use a Styrofoam base for the sand.
The picrure: the first edition
Mold ‘hot Bullet Shape Mode’ from Etsy, Hong Kong 061207 1 H14-03-020 1 PL191 129 02 187 A.
Mimicking a Kalashnikov AK-47 cartridge
Small bottles from Etsy, Hong Kong; High borosilicate glass and corks, volume: 85 oz (25ml), 90 mm x 20 mm; opening: about 13 mm.
Severin GB 8882 - Mini freezer
Steel console 110 x 60 x 60 cm | powder coated refrigerator white
Tap water from the countries where the multiple is presented
Video with a time laps of the melting of the bullet
During the opening, 100 bottles of ice bullets will be handed out individually. With a short talk each time. The video and the ice pack on the console are left as a reminder of the performance.
small glass bottles
corks labels freezer trays
red thread
ice bullets molds
large syringe
threading needle
yarn threader
abrasive sponge
container for hot water
glass for water
containers fort he bottles
Print labels two-sided on paper, cut them out. Thread several labels with a basting needle onto the red thread still attached to the spool. This works best if you use the back of the scouring pad as a base.
Take one label each with a long piece of thread, cut the thread. Hold the label with the title side facing forward on a bottle, with your other hand wrap the thread around the neck of the bottle twice. You can now, which takes a little practice, tie a knot in the wire twice so that the label is tight against the bottle. Cut off the excess thread. Fill freezer trays with the empty bottles and put them in the freezer. Put the labeled bottles in a tray and put that in the freezer as well.
Take a closed mold, fill the syringe with water and through the openings on top of the mold, fill the mold with water until the water comes out at the top or side. Keep the mold straight and place it flat in the freezer. Repeat 3 more times. Stack the molds in pairs maximum in the freezer. After about 4 hours the balls are sufficiently frozen. Put boiling water in a sink. Take a mold out of the freezer and a bowl of frozen, cold bottles. Take a mold out of the freezer, dip it into the hot water for 4 seconds. Open the mold by pushing up the tabs with the back of and knife. As quickly as possible, put one ice ball in each bottle. This is best done with 2 people. Put the cork on, put the bottle back in the container, when the container is full immediately put it back in the freezer. Then take the next mold and repeat the above until all the molds are empty. Then fill them again with water and put them in the freezer. Repeat until the freezer is full of trays of bottles.
utterly endlessly repurposed naive incantation gesture
2022 - 2024
MPG video in co-production with Jochem Weststrate in special developed console on ancient monitor
the manual is in pictorial marks on the back side of the console
other than joyful peace, no news from the Western Front
December 22, 2022 – February 24, 2023
50 pictures of skies in Zeeland in solidarity with Oleg K. and his family in Kiev - Ukraine
54 photo prints | 16,2 x 7,6 cm all photos made by Moto M7 cell phone prints | Canon Imax | 300 gr. Plano Superior | 2 mm. Board
Wooden shoe box with title and QRcode.
(De)tours from Middelburg towards the studio in Flushing with my friends in faraway places in extremely unsafe conditions in my heart and mind.
December 22, 2022 – February 24, 2023
The photographic works are loose on slats about 3 cm wide and about 3 mm thick, leaning on black tacks.
Depending on the space, the curator chooses the configuration and the corresponding number of works to be displayed.
The images that cannot be shown remain in the wooden shoe box that is visible integrated into the work.
The wooden shoebox is screwed to the wall invisibly, from the inside back.
The prints can be held invisibly in place by 1/4 a poster buddy from Pritt.
75+ A4 prints, Bigso Box BIRGER (Sweden) | fiberboard and paper storage system
dark gray 14,5 x 33,5 x 25,5 centimeter, tagged with Qr code as link to digital catalog. The names and dates of the deceased journalists were taken from the website of the Committee of Protecting Journalists - CPJ.
The A4 prints on 300 grs. Plano Superior, printer Canon TS7000 series, were treated with various concentrations of the fungicide G Mold Remover and then fixed as best I could with Montana Tech Varnish Spray - matt.
The size of the "exhibition image dependents on the exhibition space.
The photographic works are loose on slats about 3 cm wide and about 3 mm thick, leaning on black tacks. The prints can be held invisibly in place by 1/4 a poster buddy from Pritt.