Hans Overvliet
hallen van / halls of Middelburg . . .
September 14 – September 28, 2024

opening pagina | page 04
tentoonstelling | exhibition pagina | page 10
wat werk | some works pagina | page 15
colofon | colophon pagina | page 23
ruimteCAESUUR pagina | page 26
Een project van in het kader
Subsidie Makersregeling Middelburg 2023
Klik hier voor de volledige catalogus
A project of in the framework
Grant Makers Scheme Middelburg 2023
Click here for the full catalogue

pagina | page 09

6agina | page 15

| colophon | ruimteCAESUUR
Dank aan: alle buitengewoon vriendelijke mensen van Middelburg die hun voordeur voor me openden en vervolgens contact maakten met een familielid, vriendin of vage kennis waarvan zij zeker wisten dat die mee zouden gaan doen en die dat vervolgens ook inderdaad deden . . .
Willy van Houtum
Gemeente Middelburg | Eduard Smit, Renske Brandhoff
Wij Zijn De Stad | Edwin Mijnsbergen; de mensen die hun vriendenkring openden: Jan, Johan, Huibert-Jan, Harrie&Jolanda en Robbert-Jan; de mensen die de overheidsgebouwen voor me ‘openden’: Robbert-Jan, Peter, Manon, Rebecca, Huibert-Jan, Hans, Chris, Lia, Trudy en Ramon.
Johan de Koning die op mijn verzoek een dicht bij zijn wezen fijne tekst schreef.
Thanks to: all the extraordinarily kind people of Middelburg who opened their front doors to me and then made contact with a family member, friend or vague acquaintance who they were sure would join and who then indeed did . . .
Willy van Houtum
Municipality of Middelburg | Eduard Smit, Renske Brandhoff
We Are The City | Edwin Mijnsbergen; the people who opened their circle of friends: Jan, Johan, Huibert-Jan, Harrie&Jolanda and Robbert-Jan; the people who “opened” the government buildings for me: Robbert-Jan, Peter, Manon, Rebecca, Huibert-Jan, Hans, Chris, Lia, Trudy and Ramon.
Johan de Koning who wrote a text close to his being at my request.
Since 1995, some hundred plus exhibitions of contemporary art have been made in ruimteCAESUUR (spaceCAESUUR). From 1999 on at the Lange Noordstraat 67 in Middelburg.
Visual arts, in relation with the contemporary art discourse, are always the guiding principle for an exhibition, but a historical and social perspective also determine our choices.
ruimteCAESUUR stands for the autonomy of art embedded in larger systems, and puts the artist’s oeuvre at the center of organizing its (solo) exhibitions. Young, novice as well as "arrived" artists are offered a platform in order to present their work in a noncommercial environment.
Real meeting and learning from each other play important roles within our annual planning.
pagina | page 26
ruimteCAESUUR is a private initiative, without any profit motive, with Willy van Houtum and visual artist Hans Overvliet as its core; they form the board of the CAESUUR foundation.
teamCAESUUR is completed by the artists Jorieke Rottier and Giel Louws.
The exhibitions also in 2024 will be organized as much as possible in cooperation with art initiatives from other countries such as Lípa Art Collection and Luxfer Open Space, both from the Czech Republic, Gallery Durden and Ray uit Los Angeles, U.S.A., Slipvillan from Sweden, etc.
Exchange with Dutch artists ensures reciprocity in this process.
The unique composition of this team crosses borders of art practices, gender and generations.
Would you like to visit us? Please mail us at caesuur (at) zeelandet.nl.

hallen van / halls of Middelburg . . .
September 14 – September 28, 2024