CAFP Foundation
CAFP Foundation Welcomes Student On behalf of the CAFP Foundation, I am thrilled to announce the new leaders of the 2022-2023 StudentResident Council. Dr. Nadine Grace-Abraham, a third-year resident at Emanate Health Family Medicine Residency Program, will be returning as a co-chair in her final year of residency. Dr. Juliana Jones, a third-year resident at Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center, and Dr. Zachary Pope, a second-year resident at the University of California Davis Family and Community Medicine Residency Program, will be joining as peer co-chairs. Benjamin Slobodnik, a third-year medical student at California Northstate University will serve as the new student cochair.
a community of like-minded individuals. Within CAFP, I am connected with hundreds of people who are passionate about family medicine, want to make positive change, and advocate for their patients.
Their unique perspectives on medical student and family medicine resident advocacy, leadership, mentorship, and networking will help us sharpen our strategies to best serve the next generation of family physicians in California. All co-chairs share a deep commitment to the Foundation’s mission, and we are grateful they will be part of shaping the organization’s future.
We are pleased to introduce you to these rising leaders. They have shared why the joined Council and what they are looking for to during their service:
I have been inspired by the CAFP members that I have had the opportunity to meet and work with since I joined as a medical student. Being a co-chair of the Student-Resident Council gives me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills and learn from those around me. As a member, I hope to create opportunities for medical students to learn more about family medicine and why it is the best specialty! Throughout my time in residency, I have gained awareness of how important it is for family physicians to advocate for meaningful policies and be a driver of change for the betterment of our patients and communities. I am looking forward to attending the All Member Advocacy Meeting this upcoming year to expand my knowledge about advocacy and continue to build connections with other motivated physicians, residents, and students.
Nadine Grace-Abraham, MD
Zachary Pope, MD
I have served on the Council since I was a third-year medical student, and this is my second year serving as a resident cochair. The reason I chose to be part of CAFP and the Council is to feel a sense of connection to
I joined the CAFP StudentResident Council because I'm deeply aligned with the vision of the organization - to transform health care to achieve optimal health for everyone. I'm enlivened when working with
The Student-Resident Co-Chairs serve as key members of the California Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP) Board of Directors and the California Academy of Family Physicians Foundation (CAFP-F) Board of Trustees. Co-Chairs demonstrate a broad understanding of CAFP and CAFP-F key content areas and possess exemplary academic achievements, strategic leadership ability, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and an entrepreneurial spirit.
California Family Physician Autumn 2022
My favorite accomplishment while being on the Council is hosting the Procedures Workshop. I enjoy it because I feel that it shines a light on all the amazing things a family medicine doctor can do in clinic and brings students/ residents/faculty together. This year on the Council, I’m looking forward to having more in-person events and connecting with people. Juliana Jones, MD