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Probat: 150 Years
Emmerich, Germany, October,2018: On the occasion of its150th anniversary, Probat,world market and technologyleader for coffee roasting plantsand machinery, invited theinternational coffee industry toits headquarters in Germanyon September 19 and 20 todiscuss the sector’s trends andrequirements.The PROBAT 150 Coffee
Symposium Connecting Markets wasn’t the only highlight of the company’s 150th anniversary celebrations, but it was also the coffee industry event of the year. More than 500 leaders and executives of the international coffee industry gathered at the two-day conference, to share their knowledge with each other. Inspiring keynote speeches by reputable names of the coffee sector such as Marco Lavazza, Hans Melotte, Scott Rao, Ric Rhinehart and Tim Wendelboe, were accompanied by thoughtprovoking panel discussions.
International representatives from science and research, coffee associations and coffee processing companies evaluated how to enable the coffee industry to tackle future challenges and to pursue sustainability-oriented policies. The PROBAT Experience Session formed the supporting program of the symposium: at various stations, specially set up for this purpose, the company demonstrated its innovation leadership and engineering competence. The Probat 150 Coffee Symposium Connecting Markets was moderated byMichal Molcan, founder ofthe specialty coffee magazine Standart, who guided attendees throughout the specialty coffee day, followed by David Foxwell, editor of Coffee & Cocoa International, who took the lead on the coffee industry day. The evening events which took place following the sessions on each day, offered ample opportunity for intensive networking in an exclusive atmosphere. Wim Abbing, CEO Probat, concluded the event: “Celebrating 150 years of Probat means celebrating the people who made Probat what you see here today. We celebrate the generations of our founding families, our employees‘ families, and particularly the often generation-spanning relationships with you, our customers. Emmerich is most certainly no metropolis. Today, though, our guests have made it the hub of the coffee universe.“
Read all about the Probat anniversary celebrations at www.probat150.com