Florida A&M University College of Agriculture and Food Sciences 2019 Magazine

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ecognized by the Tallahassee Urban League as a “Rising Star,” ROCHARD

Moricette explained. “CAFS provided a lot

position. In this capacity Moricette’s job

of support for me personally, the friends

will be to help create awareness of the

that I’ve been able to make within this

various opportunities available to FAMU’s

MORICETTE forged his way to student

college and the mentors and people that

students, in the Tallahassee business

leadership before arriving at FAMU. "I

believed in me and helped me to develop


followed campaigns while I was in high

my leadership skills through expectations,"

school, even though I didn't know what it

said Moricette.

was," Moricette explained. The now, student body president had

Dr. Thomas, a former professor of

His ability to lead and conquer, stems from the drive instilled in him by his family. Born in Port-de-Paix, Haiti, Moricette and

Moricette, recalls their initial encounter.

his family immigrated to the United States

one goal in mind upon his arrival to the

“One of the assignments that I gave to

for a better future. With the constant

“Hill.” “I wanted to get involved so that

them was ‘Tell Me About Yourself.’ I read

support from his loved ones, Moricette has

I could make a big impact on campus,

Rochard’s paper and after reading it,

found himself raising the bar even for his

and students could look to me to solve

I looked at him and I told him that he

younger siblings.

their issues and help fight for some of

needed to run for Senate. He then looked

the things that they are going through.

at me, and said ‘yeah you’re right,’ I had

far as pushing me to excel in ways that I

We all have a voice, but it's all about

heard the day before that there was an

didn't think I could. They have such high

directing and projecting that voice to the

opening on the senate and he ran. And he

standards for my siblings and me. We're

appropriate party at the right time and in


in college right now, and it's really just

the right manner," Moricette said. Moricette’s quest to make a change

According to Moricette, the support CAFS has offered him throughout his

“[My family] has been supportive as

been a blessing to have them in my life, honestly."

landed him a position as Freshman

campus leadership opportunities is how

Senator in 2016, Activities Service

he continues to develop as a student.

focuses on the politics of the University,

Fee Liaison in 2017 and Student Body

“[CAFS] provided me with the means

he has no plans on going into the political

President fall of 2019. While managing

to get that accomplished, not as SGA

arena. Instead, his passion for agribusiness

Student Government Association (SGA)

president, but as a student in college. You

continues to call him. “I feel like this is a

budgets, Moricette has had to find a way

have the resources to figure out what your

realm that I could dabble in and really

to manage his academics, which often

needs are and how to generate solutions

develop some leadership skills, which

came as a challenge. But with the support

for those needs,” enlightened Moricette.

would prepare me for corporate America

of the CAFS advisors and professors,

Moricette is also the student

Moricette always finds his way on top.

representative for the Tallahassee

“Our professors always remind us of

Chamber of Commerce. He is the

that and hold us to a different standard,”

Though Moricette’s campus career

while serving a greater cause, which is the student body,” Moricette concluded.

second student to be appointed to the




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