Florida A&M University College of Agriculture and Food Sciences 2019 Magazine

Page 22


second-year agribusiness

how diverse the agriculture industry was,

leadership skills, but also his leadership

student from Atlanta,

he felt like the college's mission and goals

positions have taught him a lot about his

Georgia, manages and allocates funding

aligned with his. “My passion aligned with

experience in the classroom.

for campus organizations as the 2019 SGA

service and helping others. Becoming a

Activities and Services (A&S) Liaison while

part of CAFS felt more natural than going

more vocal in my classroom. I am always

maintaining a superior academic standing

with the typical business administration

trying to help out my peers and asking

with CAFS – that is JOSHUA CLEMENTS.

route,” Clements mentioned.

them their perspectives on new ideas.

“I’ve always seen myself in a leadership

Clements found that the power of

I have also gotten better at receiving

role. I have always seen myself advancing

professor mentorship with CAFS has made

feedback and being able to deliver it

more towards politics, so I figured the first

his experience even better than he could

as well,” Clements continues. His “get it

step would be, becoming a part of the

have predicted. According to Timmons,

done” attitude is echoed in his ability to

Student Government Association (SGA),

one of Clements’ mentors, Clements is

lead his peers. By continually encouraging

where we meet with officials on a day-to-

leaving a mark on CAFS and the student

his classmates to get involved, Clements

day basis, host Senate meetings and apply

body. “Joshua is a very impressive student.

typically leaves them with one message:

Roberts Rule of order. These are all real

He is a straight-A student with lots of

“The only way you are left by yourself is

practices. They are reflected in courtrooms

promise, with drive and ambition to see

if you never ask for help. You don’t know

and political realms today,” Clements said.

things through. Once you get to know

if you don’t try. Do something that you

Known to be a leader outside of the

him, you definitely see a leader in his own

genuinely have a purpose behind, have

classroom, Clements has dreams of

right and an impressive student,” Timmons

goals set in mind and go for it.,” Clements

becoming a corporate lawyer for a Fortune



500 company. “After attending a couple of

“CAFS has definitely taught me the

Clements has plans on changing the

Senate meetings and after really deciding

value in professional development,

world with his debating skills and to

on what I wanted to do, that’s where I

networking and time management. A lot

become a corporate lawyer, and he feels

sought out leadership opportunities,” said

of these professors take their course work

like CAFS will give him the skills to be


really seriously because they have been in


Shadowing and talking with Pepsi

the industry, and they want us to put our

representatives led Clements to make

best foot forward.” Clements claims that

CAFS his area of study. After evaluating

CAFS has had a significant impact on his



“Being a student leader has made me


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