One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 In every generation, there are a few who will step up and give everything for God. Are you one of them?
Wel co m e
We want to thank you for considering the full time Certificate in Christian Leadership course at Destiny College. We believe that this college is a God-given tool to raise up individuals who will shape not only their own future, but also that of hundreds and thousands of others in desperate need of Jesus Christ. Over the years it has been our huge privilege to train men and women of so many ages, nationalities and church backgrounds – and our great joy to see them making a real and significant impact in towns and cities across the world. In every generation, there are a few like these who will step up and give everything for God. Are you one of them? We hope that this prospectus will give you some insight into the things that we are passionate about. It is our firm belief that God has a unique and awesome purpose for your life and our hope is that we can equip you to achieve it. We’d love you to join us here at some point in the future. Best wishes Andrew and Sue Owen Principals – Destiny College
Welcome page.1
C ont e n t s We l c o m e C ol l e g e E th o s C hur c h B a s e d Trai ning C ur r i c u l u m M i ss i o n Tr i p S t aff G u es t L e c t u r e r s F or m e r S tu d e n t s T he C i ty o f Gl a sgow P ra c ti c a l I n f o r m at i on C onta c t I n f o r m a t i on
1 4 5 6 8 10 13 16 19 20 25
Contents page.3
C ol l ege E th o s
At Destiny College we aim to raise up leaders with the character to be used by God, and to equip them with the knowledge and skills they require to complete the work to which they are called. To this end we unite quality biblical teaching and an encouraging but challenging environment of discipleship. A disciple will pursue biblical knowledge and understanding then allow it to shape every area of their life. When Jesus taught His disciples, He followed up life changing teaching with the challenge and the opportunity to put it into practice. At Destiny College, we seek to follow His example, expecting our students to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it in their own life and in the context of the local church. We want to see champions emerge who, being firmly rooted in God’s word and empowered by His Spirit, have a deep passion for God’s glory, for His church and for the lost. Through studying at Destiny College you will grow in your understanding of the truth, discover and develop your Godgiven gifts and above all become more like Jesus as you allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart.
Chu rch B a s e d Tr a i n i ng
We are convinced that it is through the church that God will change this world. God loves His church – Jesus gave His life for it! At Destiny we are passionate about seeing healthy, strong, growing churches all across this nation and beyond. That is why our students are not confined to the classroom. Rather they are expected to carry significant weight in their local church, enabling them to make a difference even while they study, by putting into practice what they are learning. Where practical, we would encourage you to serve and remain fully involved in your own church but there is also the option of relocating to Glasgow and becoming involved in the life of the large, thriving community of Destiny Church during your time at the college. Wherever you are based for the duration of the course, you will be expected to attend and play an active part in all church meetings and events.
Church Based Training page.5
C ur r i cu l u m
The full time curriculum combines in-depth examination of essential biblical doctrines with teaching on a wide range of practical topics relevant to leadership in the church today. Coursework includes a monthly book review and three major assignments. There is also an exam at the end of each term.
Module 1: Theology and Biblical Studies
This module provides a firm biblical foundation for each student’s Christian life and ministry. A study of Father, Son and Holy Spirit includes a look at the attributes of God, the doctrine of the Incarnation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This teaching leads into the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Also included are overviews of both the Old and New Testaments explaining who did what, when, why and where from Genesis to Revelation.
Module 2: Life in the Kingdom of God
God’s ways are not our ways so it is important that as Christian leaders we learn how to live life God’s way. Teaching on the Kingdom Parables found in Matthew’s Gospel explores the principles that operate in God’s Kingdom and helps students to apply these to their own lives. The down to earth teaching on Faith & Prayer will equip you to overcome life’s challenges by praying more effectively and exercising your spiritual authority as a Christian.
Module 3: The Church: A Biblical & Historical Perspective
Beginning with an overview of the nature and purpose of the church as found in Acts, Ephesians and Revelation, this module continues with a study of the 2000 year history of the church, zooming in to look at significant periods within this story. A focus of the biblical study of the church is the leadership of God’s people as He intended, looking at the roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, as well as elders and deacons, in the 21st century church.
Module 4: The Church: A Practical Perspective
This thoroughly practical module looks at the skills and structures that are required to actually run a local church. There are three broad headings within this module. Church Functionality includes subjects such as Project Management and the Praise & Worship Ministry. Discipleship looks at the importance of servanthood and how to work with people of different demographic groups such as kids, youth and the elderly. Pastoral Care covers important principles and practices on caring for individuals and small groups.
Module 5: Leadership
Through this module you will learn important biblical principles for leadership, including how to cast vision and work with others. The principles taught here are applicable to a wide range of contexts from teams and small groups to whole churches and ministries to business and the home. How to lead from the second chair – leading those under you while deferring to those over you, and a case study on the book of Nehemiah are among the subjects covered.
Module 6: Evangelism
The heart of this module is to encourage students to take seriously the Great Commission and to equip them to follow through on this conviction. Central to this teaching is the importance of a real and living relationship with Jesus before we can effectively share His love with others. Important principles of evangelism are discussed as are a variety of methods appropriate to different ages, faiths and cultures. There is also a focus on the role of signs and wonders in reaching out to the lost.
Curriculum page.7
M i ssi on Tr i p
During the year, a week-long mission trip will be organised. Students will be involved in a number of evangelistic activities throughout the course of this week. Destinations for this trip have included Rosenheim and Munich in southern Germany, Dublin and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Previous students unanimously agree that this is a highlight of the year: a time to deepen friendships, visit exciting new places and put into practice all they have learned so far.
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15 Mission Trip page.9
S t aff
A great benefit of studying at Destiny College is the rich mixture of regular and guest lecturers, all of whom have considerable experience of ministry, practically outworking the spiritual principles they teach.
Andrew & Sue Owen – College Principals
Andrew and Sue founded Destiny College in the year 2000 as part of the wider Destiny Ministries network of churches and worldwide initiatives. During nearly three decades in ministry, they have established dozens of churches around the world, which are thriving under Andrew’s apostolic ministry. Andrew’s passion to help the church and individual alike reach their fullest potential is evident in his keen interest in each student of Destiny College, his insightful teaching equipping them as they train for Christian Leadership. His powerful, proven ministry is guaranteed to help shape your life for maximum impact. Sue oversees the fantastic music ministry here at Destiny, releasing people all over the world to truly worship God through refreshing new songs. Her ministry through the annual Diamonds ladies’ conference continues to touch the lives of women of all ages. Students often comment on Sue’s natural ability to take spiritual principles and apply them to daily life in such a down to earth way. As Senior Pastors of Destiny Church Glasgow, Andrew and Sue lead a dedicated team that is making a very real difference in many communities across the city.
Peter Anderson – College Director
Himself a graduate of Destiny College, Peter is in full time ministry as the Senior Pastor of Destiny Church Edinburgh – a rapidly growing contemporary church in Scotland’s capital city, which he pioneered from scratch in 1998. Peter also works internationally within the growing Destiny Ministries network and is in demand as a speaker at numerous conferences and events. Peter’s deep passion is to see local churches, built according to biblical principles and empowered by the Holy Spirit, changing nations – one life at a time.
Liam Smith – College Director
Now heading up Destiny Church Rosenheim, Germany, Liam has been part of the Destiny College team since its very beginning. Until recently, he was Associate Pastor and Business Manager in Destiny Church Glasgow, working widely within the Destiny Ministries family – sharing his expertise with new and existing churches to develop life giving structures that bring strength to the body of Christ. In his new role, Liam hopes to see healthy, vibrant churches established all across Europe.
George Alexander – Lecturer
With many years’ experience of pastoral leadership in a local church, George now operates primarily in a teaching role as Director of Artios Ministries ( uk) and carries the weight of the Theology and Biblical Studies teaching at Destiny College. George has a tremendous gift for effectively communicating profound biblical truths in a simple way, making essential Christian doctrine accessible to all.
Staff page.11
David Thomson – Lecturer
David is Associate Pastor on the staff of Destiny Church Glasgow. Professionally qualified in the areas of Counselling and of Social and Pastoral Ministry, he oversees the community outreach and counselling work of the church. At Destiny College he teaches on Project Management, Mercy Ministries and Pastoral Care. David has an infectious passion for God and for people and a desire to truly make a real, practical difference through the local church.
Ivan Squillino – Lecturer
Ivan is a recognised evangelist, with a powerful healing ministry. He has seen literally thousands come to faith in Jesus, and many hundreds of people miraculously healed, during over twenty years in ministry. Ivan also oversees the work of Destiny Ministries in Orissa, India where we now have several churches and are in the process of opening our second orphanage that will bring hope and positive change in that region.
Graeme Williamson – Lecturer
Graeme is Associate Pastor of Destiny Church Edinburgh where he carries responsibility for overseeing many areas of church life including pastoral care, home groups and business management. He teaches on a wide range of topics at Destiny College each of which reflects his heart for students to give their all – practically and spiritually – for the glory of God and for the benefit of His church.
Many more pastors and leaders from the Destiny Network and beyond teach at Destiny College throughout the year.
A p pl i ca t i o n F o r m
Personal Details
Title: ________ Surname: _____________________________________________________ Full First Names: ______________________________________________________________ Name you prefer to be known by (if different from above): ______________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Town / City: __________________________________________________________________ County / State: ________________________________________________________________ Post Code / Zip Code: ________________ Country: ____________________________ Tel No (day): ________________________ Tel No (evening): __________________________ Mobile: _____________________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Marital Status: _______________________ Name of spouse:___________________________ Is your spouse in full agreement with you attending this college? Yes ď‚Ł No ď‚Ł Names and ages of any children: __________________________________________________ Nationality: __________________________ What is your native language? ________________ If other than English, please list any English language qualifications you have and say how long you have spent living in an English speaking country. __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Application Form page.i
Medical Details
Do you have any physical conditions that the college should be aware of? Yes No Do you have any learning difficulties? Yes No Are you currently taking any medication? Yes No Are you presently under a doctor’s care? Yes No If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions, please provide details here: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ All responses will be treated confidentially.
Christian Life Details
Date of Salvation: ___________________________ Have you been baptised in water? Yes No If “yes”, when? _____________ Have you been baptised with the Holy Spirit? Yes No If “yes”, when? _____________ Which church are you currently a part of? _____________________________________________ Pastor’s / Minister ’s name: ________________________________________________________ Church Address: ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How long have you attended this church? _____________________________________________ In what capacities have you been involved in this church, apart from attending services? (e.g. small groups, serving) ________________________________________________________ How long have you been involved in each of these areas? _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate your intended source of income for the duration of the course to cover living expenses and college fees. _______________________________________________________ If you are in debt, please indicate the areas that affect you (car, house, etc): ______________________________________________________________________________ Is anyone financially dependent on you? Yes No If “yes”, who? ______________________________________________________________________________
Visa / Work
Do you require a visa to live in the UK? Yes No If “yes”, do you already have this visa? Yes No If “no”, what are the determining factors of you receiving this visa? _________________________ Current occupation (if you are a student or unemployed, please state that here): ______________________________________________________________________________
General Questions
How did you hear about Destiny College? _____________________________________________ Are you intending to relocate to Glasgow if granted a place at Destiny College? Yes No
Personal Statement
Please write approximately 100 words addressing the following points: 1. Your main reasons for wanting to attend a Bible college. 2. Your reasons for applying to Destiny College in particular. 3. What you hope to do in the future after completing the Certificate in Christian Leadership course at Destiny College. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Application Form page.iii
Referee 1 – A pastor/minister in your current church Name: ______________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Tel No (day):_________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Referee 2 – A mature Christian (who is not a relative and has known you for at least 1 year) Name: ______________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Tel No (day):_________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________
By signing this application form, I confirm that the above information is to the best of my knowledge accurate and complete in every respect. I know of no reason why my application should not be considered. I consent to the College contacting the referees listed. I understand that acceptance of a place on this course entails agreement to any conditions attached and conformity to the rules of the College. Signature: __________________________________________
Check List
Date: ____________________
Please ensure: • You have filled out all sections of this form. Incomplete applications cannot be considered. • You enclose your £30 non-returnable application fee. Cheques should be made payable to DESTINY MINISTRIES. • You enclose 2 passport sized photographs of yourself or email a digital copy to • You keep a copy of this application form for your records. Please send this form together with your application fee and photos to: Destiny College, 1120 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow, G41 3QP, UK
Gue st L ec t u r e r s
Each year we are honoured to have some of the world’s most influential Christian leaders teaching at Destiny College. For the students, these classes are always a highlight of the year as they learn from people who are making such a massive impact in cities, nations and continents as they follow God’s plan for their lives.
Rev. Dr. David Carr
A regular guest at Destiny College, David Carr is Senior Pastor at Renewal Christian Centre, Solihull – a church of over 2000 people that is making a real impact in the local community. David moves strongly in the gifts of the Spirit and is being used mightily by God to see many, many people miraculously healed.
“ I t h a s been my joy to lecture at Destiny Colle g e , I f i n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t p u t s o n e a t e a s e a n d p r ovides a grea t sense of expectation, no t j u s t f o r l e a r n i n g b u t f o r f u t u r e t r a i n i n g f o r t h e m in i s tr y. ”
Guest Lecturers page.13
Rev. Dr. Tony Sargent
Tony Sargent serves as a director of several Christian organisations including Operation Mobilisation and Elam Ministries and is on the Council of the Evangelical Alliance Scotland. He spent nearly thirty years in pastoral ministry at Worthing Tabernacle before moving on to become Principal of International Christian College in Glasgow in 1998. Tony dedicates much of his time and effort to humanitarian work in India.
“ I am happy to commend the practical a n d b i b l i c a l l y b a s e d c o u r s e s o f D e s t i n y C o l l e g e o ff e r e d b y a mi ni st ry th a t ma k e s a n in c r e a s in g im pac t in S c ot land. ”
Peter and Ann Pretorius
Peter and his wife Ann head up Joint Aid Management, a Christian humanitarian organisation that is currently feeding around half a million children every school day. Peter also holds huge open air crusades where he has seen literally millions of people decide to follow Jesus, as well as hundreds of thousands being healed by the power of God. Both Peter and Ann have taught many times at Destiny College in recent years. |
“ Ministering at Destiny College has bee n a g o o d e x p e r i e n c e f o r m e . I f i n d t h e s t u d e n t b o d y v ery open, t hi rs ty fo r th e Wo r d o f Go d a nd s er ious about doing t hings f or t he K ingdom of G o d . I recommend Destiny College as a good , s o u n d f o u n d a t i o n i n t r a i n i n g a n d p r e p a r a t i o n f o r t r u e Chri st i an l i vi ng a n d th e wo r k o f th e min i s t r y. ”
Mark Driscoll
Mark is the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church, Seattle, where several thousand people now gather weekly at their multiple campuses and many are coming to faith in Jesus. An extremely gifted communicator with his own unique style, he is in high demand as a preacher across the globe and has authored several books. Mark taught at Destiny College when he spoke at Destiny’s annual MenMakers conference in November 2007.
“ T h e t r ip to Scotland was truly a life changing e x p e r i e n c e f o r m y f a m i l y a n d m e . We h a d a w o n d e rful time with the folks at Destiny Colle g e a n d D e s t i n y C h u r c h . I t w a s v e r y e n c o u r a g i n g t o s e e thei r l ove f or J e s u s a n d p a s s io n to e x pand H is K ingdom t hr ough H is C hur c h. ”
Bill Wilson
Bill pastors America’s largest Sunday School at Metro Ministries, New York, with over 22,000 kids attending weekly. He and his team also help thousands of children worldwide through their various Sunday School services and child sponsorship programmes. Bill travels extensively as a conference speaker and has written a number of books.
“ I f y o u can be around a place like Destiny Co l l e g e t h a t p r o m o t e s b r i n g i n g p e o p l e u p t o a h i g h e r l e v e l , where you can see your destiny and be a r o u n d m e n a n d w o m e n o f v i s i o n , y o u w i l l s t a r t t o s a y, ‘I want nothi ng but what God has for m e . ’ U n t i l y o u e x p o s e y o u r s e l f t o s u c h a p l a c e , t h e S p irit of God will not be able to get you to a s c e n d t o t h e p o s i t i o n y o u n e e d t o b e . I ’ d r e c o m mend Dest i ny Co lle g e to a n y b o d y. Wh y ? B ec aus e at D es t iny, t hat ’s w her e y ou’ll f ind y o u r s !”
Guest Lecturers page.15
F or m er S tu d e n t s
We are truly amazed at the fruit that has been borne through the lives of former students of Destiny College. Many have gone on to lead thriving churches, some are working to provide for the poor both in Scotland and overseas and others are running successful businesses based on the principles of God’s word.
Bill Radtke
Bill studied at Destiny College while working as Youth Pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Perth and was commissioned in 2008. My favourite p art of Destiny College is t h a t i t d i d n ’ t j u s t i n f o r m m e , b u t i t t r a n s f o r m e d m e . I r eceived great theological and leadershi p t r a i n i n g , b u t m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y I l e a r n e d t o h e a r G o d ’s v oi ce and how I c o u ld jo in with J e s u s to c hange liv es and t he w or ld ar ound m e.
Patrick Njugana
Patrick came from Kenya to study at Destiny College in 2003. In early 2009, he and his wife Penny pioneered Destiny Church Nakuru which continues to go from strength to strength. “I always will appreciate the treasured m o m e n t s o f m y t i m e a t D e s t i n y C o l l e g e . I t w a s a n e y e o pener t o keep th in g s in th e r ig h t p e r s p ec t iv e. ”
Beth Godfrey
Beth was a student at Destiny College in 2006-2007. She now works full time for Destiny Church Edinburgh, helping new people get plugged in to church life. “ D e s t i ny College equipped and convicted me t o p u r s u e w h o l e h e a r t e d l y t h e u n i q u e c a l l i n g G o d h a s fo r my l i f e. I t ca u s e d me to s e e b ig g e r a nd r eac h f ur t her t han I w ould hav e ot her w is e. ”
James Ewen
A senior leader in the Lighthouse Church in Musselburgh near Edinburgh, James attended Destiny College in 2006-2007. James continues to play a vital role in the Lighthouse while running his own property business. “ D e s t i ny College was an incredible year of pr e p a r a t i o n f o r m e . G o d u s e d i t t o a c c e l e r a t e H i s p l a n s f or me, big time. I’m very grateful to m y f r i e n d s a t D e s t i n y f o r t h e i r p a s s i o n , d e d i c a t i o n a n d fo c us, and t he i mp a c t th e y ’v e h a d o n me .”
Susan Coupland
Commissioned from Destiny College in 2003, Susan now spearheads the Destiny Angels initiative across Scotland as Project Coordinator, mobilising the church to meet practical needs. “ B e f o r e signing up for Destiny College, I was p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t s e r v i n g G o d b u t h a d n o s e n s e o f d i r e ction. Destiny College brought focus to m y s e r v i n g a n d e q u i p p e d m e t o l i v e f o r G o d i n a s u p e r n at ural and pra c tic a l wa y.” Every year we invite all those who have graduated from Destiny College to join us at our annual Commissioning Service and Alumni Meal. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the continued success of the college, catch up with old friends and share stories of what God has been doing since last we met.
Former Students page.17
The C i t y o f Gl a s g o w
Destiny College is located in Glasgow – Scotland’s largest, and the UK’s 4th largest, city. Renowned for its architecture, history and culture, Glasgow is a vibrant, lively city with a style and charm that few other European centres can match. The city of Glasgow awaits discovery! With four universities and numerous other colleges, Glasgow has a thriving student population who come from all over the world. So the city is well equipped to cater for all the needs of students who choose to live and study here. Located in Scotland’s Central Belt, Glasgow is only a 45 minute drive from the city of Stirling and true Braveheart country, an hour from Scotland’s capital city of Edinburgh and near enough for a day trip to the breathtakingly beautiful Highlands. Your experience of Scotland need not stop here! Add to all the above the motto of the city – “Let G l a s g o w f l o u r i s h t h r o u g h t h e p r e a c h i n g o f t h y w o r d a nd t he prai si ng o f th y n a me ” – and we hope you’ll agree that there really can be no better place to attend Bible College.
The City Of Glasgow page.19
P ra ct i c a l I n f o r m a tion
When does the course start and finish?
The full time Certificate in Christian Leadership course runs each year from late September / early October to the end of June, with holidays at Christmas and Easter. Exact term dates for this coming year are available on our website.
What does a typical week at Destiny College look like? Your weekly schedule will generally look like this: Monday 8:30am to 1:00pm Tuesday 8:30am to 1:00pm Wednesday 8:30am to 1:00pm Thursday occasional evening classes Friday 8:30am to 1:00pm Saturday no classes Sunday full involvement in local church programme
From 8:30am to 9:15am on each college day there is a student prayer and praise meeting, and lectures start at 9:30am. Whilst this timetable is designed to allow students to work part time, you will be expected to be fully involved in church life outside of these hours and to give quality time to private study. As students are expected to attend all Sunday meetings of their local church, you should not schedule work on Sundays.
Are there any additional events that I should be aware of?
Yes, on occasion you will need to attend events outwith regular college hours. These extra commitments include a two day residential induction in the first few weeks of term, a weekend conference each term and a week-long mission trip. As much notice as possible will be given of such events.
Where do classes take place?
The majority of classes will take place at Destiny Church, Glasgow. However, one day per week, lectures will be held in Destiny Church Edinburgh’s Gorgie Campus just west of the city centre. Please contact us to confirm which day this will be in the coming year. Students are responsible for their own transport to and from both campuses.
Do I need to move to Glasgow?
Not necessarily. Each year we have many students travelling to the college on a daily basis from as far away as Edinburgh, Stirling and Perth. Where practical, we encourage students to commute to Destiny College and remain fully involved in their own church. However, if the distance is too great, we recommend relocating to Glasgow and becoming part of Destiny Church here for the duration of the course.
How much does the course cost?
The course fees for this year can be found on our website. Your ÂŁ30 application fee is included in the total and the balance is payable during your time at the college. The balance can be paid all up front at the start of the college year, in 3 instalments - one at the start of each term - or monthly by standing order. Paying up front carries with it the attraction of a 5% discount whereas spreading your payments incurs a small premium. Whichever method you choose, the first instalment will be due at the end of the first week of term. You should expect to pay up to ÂŁ200 for additional expenses including required reading material, conference fees and costs associated with the mission week. Students are responsible for all living expenses including accommodation and the cost of travelling to and from college and church.
Practical Information page.21
How does the application process work?
You can either complete the enclosed paper application form or apply online via our website. Once we receive your form together with the non-refundable £30 application fee, we will contact your referees. We may also contact you for additional information or ask you to attend an interview. We will then write to you to let you know the outcome of your application.
Who should I list as my referees?
One of your referees should be a Pastor in your home church. If your Senior Pastor does not know you well enough to comment on your suitability for this course then you should ask an Associate Pastor to act as referee. Your second referee should be a mature Christian who has known you for at least 1 year. Your referees should not be related to you or to one another.
Is the college able to accept applications from overseas?
There are no restrictions regarding citizens of E.U. member states studying at Destiny College. If you are from outside of the E.U. you will require a visa to study in the U.K. Please contact us for further information before submitting your application.
What are the course entry requirements?
To be accepted onto this course, you need: • A clear personal testimony of knowing Jesus. • A conviction that there is a call of God upon your life. • The maturity with which to handle the course. • The passion & tenacity to see the course through to completion. • The willingness to change and an openness to discipleship. • A minimum age of 18 at the start of the course. • A financial plan to cover both college fees and living expenses. • Satisfactory references. We do not insist on applicants having any previous academic qualifications but we will ask your referees whether or not they think that you have the ability to meet the academic demands outlined in this prospectus.
What does Destiny College expect of students?
At Destiny College we have high expectations, promoting excellence as one of our core values. In addition to the points already outlined in this prospectus, as a student at Destiny College you will be expected to: • Make the most of the year, giving your best to the college and valuing the daily teaching. • Have a high level of attendance. This includes college, all church meetings, supplementary leadership training sessions and conferences. • Serve above and beyond the call of duty in either your own church or Destiny Church Glasgow. • Embrace discipleship and input from college staff as well as leaders in your own church. • Successfully complete all assignments and pass each end of term exam. • Live an exemplary life, conducting yourself in a Christ-like manner with a good attitude and positive outlook.
Practical Information page.23
Con t act I n f o r m a ti o n
1120 Pollokshaws Road Glasgow G41 3QP Scotland UK tel: +44 (0)141 616 6777 fax: +44(0)141 616 6300
OLLEGE i n fo @ d e st i ny-col l ege .c o m w w w.d est i ny-col l ege .c o m
Contact Information page.25