The Walking Library
abibli oteca camiĂąante
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Limiar |
Introdución | Introduction
Análise | Research Proxectos | Projects
Anna Astahova
Marina Gorlova
Ekaterina Mishenko
Anastasia Shabalova
Nadja Stamatovic
Docentes | Faculty
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
“Ningún libro vale algo se non vale moito, nin é servible até que ten sido lido, e relido, e amado, e amado de novo”. Esta inspiradora idea foi plasmada en Sésamo e lirios por un dos autores máis influentes na historia da restauración e un dos mellores coñecedores da arquitectura europea, John Ruskin, e pode servir de marco para abrir este volume de proxectos impulsado pola Fundación Compostela Arquitectura. Unha obra que pivota, precisamente, sobre tres elementos como son a arquitectura, o patrimonio e a lectura. As rutas que desde distintos puntos de Europa guiaron os pasos dos peregrinos cara a Compostela tiveron durante os máis de 1.000 anos de historia xacobea un desenvolvemento arquitectónico e urbano singular que deixou aquí e aló pegadas de valor indeleble, testemuñas do xenio humano varias das cales teñen mesmo sido recoñecidas nominalmente como Patrimonio Mundial pola UNESCO. Pensemos, por exemplo, no conxunto do Camiño Francés, nos Camiños do Norte, ou en elementos monumentais singulares como a Catedral de Burgos ou o propio casco histórico de Santiago. Todos os grandes estilos ao longo do Medievo
e a Idade Moderna foron empregados de xeito sobresaínte a carón das rutas compostelás, de modo que a arquitectura contemporánea pode e debe estar presente no Camiño, construíndo hoxe o patrimonio de mañá e ofrecendo solucións intelixentes aos retos e necesidades actuais das persoas. Esta publicación reflexa os resultados dun proceso de reflexión centrado en como mellorar a experiencia cultural dos peregrinos. En concreto, a obra recolle proxectos de Anastasia Shabalova, Anna Astahova, Ekaterina Mishenko e Marina Gorlova, que procuran cubrir a demanda de ocio cultural no seo das rutas, non só construíndo un espazo aquelado para o almacenamento de libros e a súa lectura, senón organizando este espazo dun xeito harmónico e respectuoso cos valores preexistentes que o Camiño de Santiago e cada ámbito concreto atesouran. Román Rodríguez González Conselleiro de Cultura e Turismo
Introdución | Introduction A BIBLIOTECA ANDANTE COMPOSTELAs é un laboratorio de arquitectura que comezou en 2010 organizado pola Fundación Compostela Arquitectura onde arquitectos e estudantes de distintos países xúntanse todos os anos para facer propostas de deseño cunha dimensión social. Este ano COMPOSTELAs 2019 desenrolouse no mes de Xullo coa participación de estudantes e arquitectos de distintas orixes -Móscovo, Lima, México, Nova York, Arxentina, California, Croacia e República Dominicanaos temas de traballo foron en torno ao Camiño, e como mellorar a experiencia cultural dos peregrinos. Despois dunha análise da vivencia do peregrino para intentar entender mellor as necesidades propias dos camiñantes, unha primeira conclusión e que a oferta cultural non está suficientemente cuberta nos tempos mortos cando o camiñante chega a unha pequena vila para descansar. Neses tempos de descanso o camiñante demanda tamén distintas opcións de ocio cultural que non se lle ofrecen. Ante esta demanda de ocio cultural, os distintos proxectos propoñen unha serie de estruturas lixeiras
ao longo do camiño onde poder atopar libros para ler no lugar ou para levar consigo ata o seguinte punto de descanso e poder completar así a experiencia cultural do Camiño de un modo económico ao mesmo tempo que diverso, así mesmo estes postos de lectura deberían ser lugar de encontro onde ademais de libros habería outros servizos básicos como un punto onde cargar a batería dun teléfono, ou deixar mensaxes escritos para outros camiñantes rezagados. Con estas premisas varios grupos de traballo fixeron propostas diferentes pero sempre coa intención de mellorar a experiencia do Camiño, pero sempre cunha actitude realista tanto en canto á súa funcionalidade como na súa materialidade e economía. Carlos Seoane Fundación Compostela Arquitectura
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019 THE WALKING LIBRARY COMPOSTELAs is an architecture laboratory that began in 2010 organized by the Fundación Compostela Arquitectura where architects and students from different countries meet every year to make design proposals with a social dimension. This year COMPOSTELAs 2019 took place in July with the participation of students and architects from different countries - Moscow, Lima, Mexico, New York, Argentina, California, Croatia and the Dominican Republic - the work topics were around the Way, and how improve the cultural experience of pilgrims. After an analysis of the pilgrim’s experience in order to better understand of their needs, a first conclusion is that the cultural offer is not sufficiently covered when the pilgrim arrives to a small village to rest. In these times of rest, the hiker also demands different cultural leisure options that now are not offered.
on the spot or to take them to the next resting place and thus be able to complete the cultural experience of the Camino in an economical way. These reading pavilions should be a meeting place where in addition to books there would be other basic services such as a point where charging a phone battery or leaving written messages for other backpackers. With these premises several working groups have made different proposals but always with the intention of improving the experience of the Camino, but always with a realistic attitude both in terms of their functionality, as well as their materiality and economy. Carlos Seoane Compostela Arquitectura Foundation
In the need of this demand for cultural leisure, the different projects propose a series of light structures along the way where the pilgrims can find books to read
O lugar | Location
Aínda que o obxectivo das propostas é que na súa flexibilidade temporal tamén contemplara a súa flexibilidade de ubicación, para facilitar unha concreción das propostas o programa decidiu establecer un lugar físico común onde materializar os deseños, e con ese motivo escolleuse o Monte do Gozo xusto no entorno da capela que sería a última parada dos peregrinos antes de chegar a Santiago.
O lugar | Monte do Gozo
A capela | The Chapel and pilgrims print
Although the purpose of the proposals and in their temporal flexibility also contemplated their flexibility of location, to facilitate a concretization of the proposals the program decided to establish a common physical place where the designs materialize, and for that reason the Monte del Gozo was chosen just in the around the chapel that would be the pilgrims` last stop before arriving in Santiago.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
O sitio para crear un prototipo da biblioteca camiñante é un espazo próximo ao Monte do Gozo. Está situado no entorno da capela de San Marcos e está delimitado por un peche de pedra que serve tamén de lugar para descansar aos peregrinos.
The site for creating a prototype of the Walking library represents a space near Monte do Gozo. It is situated by San Marcos chapel and is bounded by a fence that also serves as a resting place for pilgrims coming to the stop.
O lugar | The space for creating a Walking library
AnĂĄlise | Research | Camino de Santiago
Os peregrinos poden levar e deixar libros en diferentes puntos situados ao longo do CamiĂąo de Santiago, a certa distancia uns dos outros. Pilgrims can take and leave books in different points situated along Camino de Santiago, at a certain distance from each other.
Mapa | Posibles lugares para as bibliotecas camiĂąantes Map | Possible locations for walking libraries
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Peregrinos de todo o mundo fan o Camiño. As bibliotecas ambulantes deberían incluír libros nos idiomas máis populares. Pilgrims from all around the world walk along Camino. Walking libraries may include books in a few most popular languages.
Different cultures at Camino de Santiago
O número de persoas que camiñan polo Camiño está en constante crecemento, e tamén aumenta o interese dos peregrinos por levar libros e atopar elementos de interese cultural no Camiño. Number of people walking along Camino is constantly growing - so might grow pilgrims’ interest in taking books in walking libraries.
Peregrinos a Santiago nos derradeiros 15 anos Pilgrimage to Santiago in last 15 years
Materiais e estruturas | Materials and structures Enfoques locais tradicionais: madeira e pedra Traditional local approaches: wood and stone
Madeira | Estruturas tradicionais Wood | Traditional structures
Pedra | Diferentes escalas Stone | Different scales
Madeira | Mobles plegables Wood | Folding furniture
Madeira | Deixando entrar a luz e o aire Wood | Letting light and air in
Pedra | Manifestaciรณn da estrutura interna Stone | Manifestation of the internal structure
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Enfoques modernos: lixeireza, portabilidade e xeración de enerxía Modern approaches: lightness, portability and power generation
Madeira | Construcións modernas Timber | Modern constructions
Novos materiais | Estruturas do pavillón New materials | Pavilion structures
Enerxías renovables | Paneles solares e téxtiles de recolección de enerxía Renewable energy |Solar panels and Energy-harvesting textiles
Experiencia | Experience
Pavillóns de bibliotecas de todo o mundo
Library pavilions around the world
Aínda estáse a inventar novas formas de almacenar e ler libros: en pavillóns especialmente deseñados ou en bibliotecas emerxentes organizadas en calquera lugar posible.
People are still inventing new ways to store and read books - in specially designed pavilions or in pop-up libraries organised in any possible location.
Espazos temporais para bibliotecas
Pop-up libraries
Nova Zelandia | New Zealand
España | Spain
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Pavillóns de biblioteca
Library pavilions
Venice biennale
South Korea
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
Anna Astahova Moscow, Russia
MARCH Architecture School | BA2 Moscow State University by Lomonisov| Geography faculty | Specialist Project name: El Camino walking library Brief description of the idea: Made of thin wooden slats and raised above the ground, the library is ephemeral and permeable. It wants to exist and does not to exist at the same time. Like surrounding trees it lets the rays of light in. The light of the library is the light of knowledge. To imitate horreo, the library chamber transmits air, protecting books from moisture. And what is the most important, being a part of El Camino de Santiago, the library lets people pass through it, becoming a little part of their experience. The library location draws up new spatial typologies for the site. The first
is a tiny square in front of the entrance where two input streams merge. The second is the space of the library itself, a gallery with circular movement. And the third is a back garden where people can read in silence. When the library is dismantled for the winter, it leaves a small sculpture - its stone staircase.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da proposta: Feito de láminas finas de madeira e levantado sobre o chan, a biblioteca é efémera e permeable. Quere existir e non existe ao mesmo tempo. Como as árbores circundantes, deixa os raios de luz. WA luz da biblioteca é a luz do coñecemento. Para imitar horror, a cámara da biblioteca transmite aire, protexendo os libros da humidade. E o que é máis importante, ao ser parte do “El Camino de Santiago”, a biblioteca permite que a xente a atravese en liberdade, converténdose nunha pequena parte da súa experiencia do Camiño.
A localización da biblioteca elabora novas tipoloxías espaciais para o sitio. O primeiro é un pequeno cadrado diante da entrada onde se fusionan dous fluxos de entrada. O segundo é o espazo da propia biblioteca, unha galería con movemento circular. E o terceiro é un xardín traseiro onde a xente pode ler en silencio. Cando fora preciso desmantelar a biblioteca antes da chegada do temporal, deixa unha pequena escultura: a súa escaleira de pedra, marcando a súa presencia.
Deseños | Planta Photo | Inspiration
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
Bosquexo | Planta do lugar Sketch | Plan of the site
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Bosquexo | Planta do lugar Photo | Site
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Bosquexo | Primeiro bosquexo da biblioteca Sketch | First sketch of library
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
DeseĂąos | Fachada e Planta Drawings | Facade and Plan
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Vista | Vista do interior Rendering | Inside view
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
InfografĂa | Fachada
Rendering | Facade
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
DeseĂąos | ConstrucciĂłn Drawings | Construction prinsipal
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Maqueta | Fachada Model | Facade
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
Rendering | Inside view and facade of alternative structure
InfografĂa | Vista interior e fachada de unha alternativa
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Anna Astahova | El Camino walking library
Deseño | Vista axonométrica de duas opcions Drawing | IIsometric view of two options
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Marina Gorlova | Walking library
Marina Gorlova Moscow, Russia
MARCH Architecture School | BA1 Project name: Walking library Brief description of the idea: After seeing a piece of a destroyed wall on the territory of the last pilgrim stop, given to us for designing, a bookshelf rose in my imagination and I decided to make a structure around the shelf. The idea of an opened, light form, which is perceived as a butterfly and does not dominate the surrounding landscape. The roof has automatic hinges and can be fold at night. Structure flexibility, possibility to make the bookshelf shorter or longer. Single module. You can put several library modules together, thus obtaining a kind of gallery.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Breve descrición da proposta: Despois de ver un anaco dunha parede destruída, no lugar da última parada dos peregrinos, pareceume que aquel burato podería ser un anel e decidín facer unha estrutura ao redor da estantería. A idea da proposta é unha forma aberta e lixeira, que se percibe como unha bolboreta e non domina a paisaxe circundante. A cobertura ten bisagras automáticas e pode ser dobrado pola noite para pechala. Flexibilidade de estrutura, posibilidade de facer que a estantería sexa máis curta ou máis longa. Módulo único. Pódense xuntar varios módulos, obtendo así unha especie de galería de libros mais longa. Sketch | First idea of the library
Bosquexo | Primeira idea da biblioteca
Marina Gorlova | Walking library
DeseĂąos | Fachada, planta, vista principal Drawings | Facade, plan, front view
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Maqueta | A biblioteca camiñante Model | Walking library
Marina Gorlova | Walking library
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Ekaterina Mishchenko | Walking library
Ekaterina Mishchenko Moscow, Russia
MARCH Architecture School | BA1 Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) | Bachelor in Economics Project name: Walking library Brief description of the idea: This project is about the site itself — a space bounded by a fence, with a church and trees. These trees form a room: the canopy serves as a roof, their trunks — as columns. There is light coming from the ceiling, and the shadows of branches are constantly moving on the floor. And this room has two windows — space between tree trunks opening views on the landscape. Keeping all these impressions, the library space attracts people inside this natural room and lets them be part of the place.
The library is almost transparent: it is a platform following the landscape and giving people a seating place. It is divided in two parts that match the two “windows” between trees with landscape views. One of them serves for keeping books, the other — for people to stay. The space for books consists of boxes - minimum units for keeping books that serve as building material. Stacked together, they form the library itself and provide a place for seating — to read or have a rest contemplating the landscape.
This structure is flexible as it may be assembled in different ways matching a particular location.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da proposta: Este proxecto trata sobre o propio lugar, un espazo delimitado por unha cerca, cunha igrexa e árbores. Estas árbores forman un cuarto: as súas ramas serven de tellado e os seus troncos — como columnas. Hai luz que vén do teito e as sombras das ramas móvense constantemente no chan. E este volume proposto ten dúas fiestras: o espazo entre os troncos das árbores abrindo vistas sobre a paisaxe. Mantendo todas estas impresións, o espazo da biblioteca atrae a xente dentro desta sala natural e permítelles formar parte do lugar.
Foto da paisaxe | Luz entre as árbores
A biblioteca é case transparente: é unha plataforma seguindo a paisaxe e dándolle ás persoas un lugar onde sentar e onde ler. A proposta divídese en dúas partes que coinciden coas dúas “fiestras” entre árbores con vistas á paisaxe. Un deles serve para gardar libros, o outro — para que a xente quede. O espazo para libros está composto por caixas: unidades mínimas para gardar os libros que sirvan ao mesmo tempo como material de construción. Acondicionados, forman a propia biblioteca e forman un lugar onde
sentarse: para ler ou descansar contemplando a paisaxe. Esta estrutura é flexible, xa que pode ser ensamblada de diferentes formas que se corresponden cos distintos lugares do Camiño.
Photo of landscape | Trees light
Ekaterina Mishchenko | Walking library
Bosquexo | A biblioteca como parte do lugar Sketch | Library as a part of the site
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Bosquexo | Vista dende a biblioteca Sketch | View out of the library
Ekaterina Mishchenko | Walking library
Model tridimensional | Vista frontal 3D model | Front view
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Anastasia Shabalova | Biblioteca Camiñante
Anastasia Shabalova Moscow, Russia MArchI | BA Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | Escuela Tecnica Superior de la Arquitectura | programa de intercambio Project name: Biblioteca Camiñante Brief description of the idea: I was super inspired by all the nature in Galicia: it’s such a green and pure region, so I didn’t want to close the library as a box without any air, I wanted to make it work as much outside, as inside. Also one of the main ideas was to make stairs — just as a continuation of Camino — you need to climb up a bit to take a book you want, it’s not that easy to get. And on top of this construction these is a view point, so you can rest there with an amazing view. The density of nature around was a part of a project too. You can feel it everywhere — ‘walls’ have their rhyme,
so you feel that you’re in shelter, but also outside. Bookshelves and seats inside the library have this rhyme too. I wanted to make people feel as they get into the small forest — forest of books. One of the most important requires was to make library flexible, and I found almost impossible to make a single model for all the stops on Camino de Santiago. So I made a prototype — one-floor part, that can be duplicated, triplicated and so on. For example, we were making a proposal on the site called Monte do Gozo, that has trees around, so we
couldn’t make a construction really high. I used there 2 prototypes and a viewpoint, but in the open spaces it could reach five, six or even seven floors of shelves with books.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Deseños | Planta
Breve descrición da proposta: Inspireime en toda a natureza en Galicia: polo que a proposta non quere pechar a biblioteca como caixa senón que quería facela traballar tanto por fóra como por dentro, como un espazo, non como un obxecto. Unha das ideas principais son as escaleiras — como unha continuación do Camiño - hai que subir un pouco para coller o libro que queiras, non é tan sinxelo de conseguir, precisa de un esforzo. E na parte superior desta construción hai un punto de vista, polo que podes descansar alí e tamén desfrutar da visión da natureza.
A densidade da natureza arredor tamén formaba parte do proxecto. Pode sentilo en todas partes: as “paredes”; teñen a súa rima, polo que sentes que estás ao abrigo, pero tamén fóra. Os andeis e asentos da biblioteca tamén teñen esta rima. Quería facer que a xente se sentise ao entrar como nun pequeno bosque – o bosque dos libros. Un dos requirimentos máis importantes foi flexibilizar o deseño pero pareceume moi difícil facer un modelo único para todas as paradas do Camiño de Santiago. Entón fixen un prototipo – un prototipo
Drawings l Plan
que pode ter alturas distintas, podería ser unha solución de un piso, pero que se pode duplicar, triplicar, etc. Por exemplo, na proposta no Monte do Gozo, que ten árbores ao redor, poderíase facer unha construción mais elevada, e neste lugar poderíase empregar dous pisos e un miradoiro, pero en paradas onde estiveran en espazos abertos podía chegar a cinco, andares de estantes con libros.
Anastasia Shabalova | Biblioteca CamiĂąante
3D modelo | Biblioteca camiĂąante 3D model Bibilioteca Caminante
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Anastasia Shabalova | Biblioteca CamiĂąante
DeseĂąos | Fachada Drawings l Facade
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Deseños | Sección Drawings l Section
Anastasia Shabalova | Biblioteca CamiĂąante
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Infografía | Fachada Rendering l Facade
Anastasia Shabalova | Biblioteca CamiĂąante
DeseĂąos | Planta Drawings l Plan
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Infografía | Axonometría Rendering l Axonometry
Nadja Stamatovic | Moving Library
Nadja Stamatovic Montenegro
New York City College, Architectural Technology Project name: Moving Library — Wind as design factory Brief description of the idea: The idea of my project was inspired by the wind turbines present o the Galician Land. The initial design was oriented around the propeller blades. Coastal areas, top hills, open plains, gap in mountains. Initial design - propeller bladed as “wings” protecting them and the occupiers from the wind. Features: — Modular flexible structure; — Ability to expand and contract; — Shelter for bodoks & visitirs; — Fairly inexpensive; — Canvas type of material — suit able for humid weather;
— Easy to construct, assemble a disassemble; — Does not require extensive founda tions; — 5 faces structures arranged into support frames; — Arrange onto the support frames; — Semi circular shape.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Breve descrición da proposta: O concepto do meu proxecto inspirouse nos moliños de vento presentes na paisaxe de Galicia. O deseño inicial tomou como referencia as palas dos moliños de vento presentes en areas de costa, cimas de montes, val abertos, espazos entre montañas, Deseño inicial como aspas de moliños, como velas que protexen os libros e tamén aos camiñantes do vento. Caracteristicas: — Estrutura flexíbel e modular; — Capacidade de crecer e de reducir; — Refuxio para libros e visitantes; — Estructura baixo coste; — Texido como material adaptable a clima húmido; — Fácil de construir, montar e desmontar; — Non precisa de cimentacións; — Estructura de cinco caras; — Organizada en estructuras de apoio; — Forma semicircular.
Nadja Stamatovic | Moving Library
DeseĂąo | TipoloxĂa de dobraxe Drawing l Folding typology
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Nadja Stamatovic | Moving Library
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Nadja Stamatovic | Moving Library
InfografĂa | AxonometrĂa Rendering l Axonometry
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Nadja Stamatovic | Moving Library
InfografĂa | AxonometrĂa Rendering l Axonometry
A biblioteca camiĂąante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Guest critics
Doctor Architect at University of Coimbra (2009). Graduated at FAUP (1991). Started professional practice as associate architect in CINCLUS (1991) as a coordinator of design project team. Professor of Construction in DarqFCTUC (1991-2009).
Pablo Gallego Picard Dr Architect, photographer and filmmaker, he graduated at ETSAM in 1994. Doctor in 2014, he is currently professor at ETSAC–UDC, and at the CA Compostela summer workshop. Master of Science at the Columbia
Professor of Theory and Design Studio in Darq-FCTUC (since 2009). Founded erja-arquitectos office (1998) with professional practice in urban design, private houses and public equipment and wined several prizes in architecture competition for public builidings.
University in the year 2000. Recipient of the William Kinne Fellows Award, 1st prize Europan 8 at Coimbra and for the Museum of Neandertal in Asturias, he has recently been finalist at the Spanish Biennial, Enor Prize and Fad Prize.
Member of Docomomo International with participations as Lecturer conference in Docomomo International Conference.
Co-director of the art&architecture magazine O-monographs, he has exhibited his work at different museums, art and architecture biennales.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Doctor Architect at UPC (2006). Graduated at FAUP (1991). Started professional practice in Álvaro Siza office (1991) as a coordinator of design project team (Marco de Canavezes Church and Aveiro University Library, among others). Professor of Design Studio at University of Lusíada (19942012). Professor of Theory and Design Studio in University of Lusófona of Oporto (since 2012) and University of Beira Interior (since 2018).
Maria Sieira was born in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where she still teaches architecture in the summer program Compostela Architecture. She moved to the United States at age 14 and currently lives in New York City.
2011–2019 Founded “domohomo architects” with Elena López Fernández. An office specialized in rehabilitation and in construction with wood. www.
Founded erja-arquitectos office (1998) with professional practice in urban design, private houses and public equipments and wined several prizes in architecture competition for public equipments. Maintains collaboration with Álvaro Siza as associate office. Member of iForm-DPA-ETSAB and Docomomo International with participations as Lecturer conference in Docomomo International Conference. CA2RE scientific board since 2016 and founder of CA2RE+ consortium (2018), research by design.
Ms. Sieira, teaches in the graduate architecture program at Pratt Institute, where she coordinated the housing studio for the past ten years. She also taught at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and worked in the office of Peter Eisenman Architects (on the Cidade da Cultura project). Ms. Sieira studied both architecture and theater as an undergraduate at Yale University, a pursuit that led to an interest in “architecture narratives.” She developed and taught a seminar on film and architecture (architects making space with moving images), with which she further explored this theme of architecture narratives. She has a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and is a registered architect in New York State.
Mr. Turnes has a master’s degree in urban Regeneration and Rehabilitation by the University of Santiago de Compostela, and a Master of Advanced Studies. Genesis, language and composition in architecture by the University of A Coruña. He has an Engineer’s Degree in Architecture at the University of A Coruña in 2005 (Spain) Xulio Turnes has been teaching at CA Institute since 2013, and in University of Coruña on the summer program in architecture. Housing and spaces in traditional villages in Galicia, 3rd edition.
Docentes | Faculty
Gonzalo Benavides founded his Lima based architectural studio in 1998 and has since developed and built architectural, urban and interior design projects in Lima and throughout Peru. As Faculty member of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, he teaches design studio, participates as guest professor and is director of the international workshop Limapolis 2017. Furthermore, he currently participates in urban innovations in a collaborative and multidisciplinary way seeking a better relation between the city and its natural and built environment.
Tatiana Berger has a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley and a master’s degree from Princeton University. Ms.Berger worked with Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza in Porto, Richard Meier in New York and with Baumschlager Eberle in Austria.
Anna has master’s in architecture and Urbanism by the MARCH School of Architecture, Moscow, and her BA – Architecture by the March I (Moscow Architectural Institute), Russia.
Ms.Berger is a full time faculty member at NewSchool of Architecture and Design in San Diego, where she teaches courses in Architectural awnd Urban Theory, Graduate Design Studio, Graduate Thesis Research, and Neuroscience and Architecture. She has also taught at the Boston Architectural College (2007-2013), at Wentworth Institute of Technology and at Roger Williams University. She has been a visiting critic at several institutions, including the ETH in Zurich, the Porto School of Architecture, the Moscow Architectural Institute, City College of New York, Princeton University, and the GSD at Harvard University.
Since 2015 Anna has been teaching at MARCH (PS), Moscow where she is BA first year Tutor.
A biblioteca camiñante | The walking library | COMPOSTELAs 2019
Maria has the master’s degree Programs in Architecture & Urbanism (MAU) the master’s degree programs in Arts & Philosophy.
During his studies at university he worked for the architects Soneira, Luciani, Zanoni, and for his father, achitect Antonio Rampulla on different projects, works and several National Architecture competitions .
Mr. Seoane has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Santiago (1987), and a master’s degree from Columbia University (1991). Mr. Seoane is now the Associate Professor at the School of Architecture in Coruña University and in 2010, Carlos Seoane became the director of the Compostela Architecture Foundation and the CA institute, focused on developing international architectural programs in Galicia, such as the COMPOSTELAs summer program.
2015 – 2018, Lecturer and curator, author of annual programs and summer intensives of the Moscow Architectural School MARCH (Undergraduate and bachelor’s degrees Programs). Founder and Producer of International Online Arts Education Platform Artclever.
From the year 1994 to the year 2006 he worked with Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza as the coordinator of different projects and works such as The Faculty of Communication Sciences of Santiago de Compostela; The Caixa Galicia-Pontevedra Foundation; The Southern Municipal building of Rosario in Argentina; and The Sportscenter of Ornella De Llobregat in Barcelona, among others. Currently living in Córdoba, he now works as an Assistant professor of the Architectural Design chair at Universidad Católica de Córdoba and on different works and projects in his own firm.
His professional work has also been recognized with the Iberian Lledó Award in 2018, the FAD award in 2016, he has also received the Juana de Vega Award 2010 and in 2005, 2015 and 2017 Mr. Seoane was awarded also with the COAG Award. In addition, Mr. Seoane has published several books, including: “Siza by Siza”, “Souto de Moura - Metro de Oporto” and articles in magazines such as: “Casabella”, “Pasajes” and “Obradoiro”. 71