Caio Cavalcanti - Architecture Portfolio 2015.2

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curriculum vitae caio guarana tavares cavalcanti 07.04.1994, rio de janeiro - brazil +55 21 988394009 hey!? i’m caio, you are about to see my portfolio! i’m an architecture student from rio de janeiro, that just came back from the school of porto. the great famous “escola do porto” of siza! where i could learn more about one totally different, but amazing, way than mine of designing architecture! education 2012.1 to today 2015.2/2016.1

federal university of rio de janeiro architecture and urbanism faculty (fau/ufrj) academic exchange at architecture school university of porto (faup)

languages portuguese english spanish

skills revit, rhinoceros, grasshopper, adobe cs (photoshop, illustrator and indesign), autocad, sketchup pro, vray, laser cutting, 3d printing, kuka robot exhibitions and publications 2012.2 project selected to presentation architectural design form II (Fau/ufrj) 2014.2 project selected for exhibition of the best works integrated studio I (fau/ufrj) 2015.1 finalist in the 8th cbca architectural contest steel structures (sport and social center) work selected to publication in aefaup student magazine 2016.1 constructive geometry I (faup) two works selected to exhibition in anuaria’16 2016.2 constructive geometry I and II (faup) 2016.2 paper “Tecnologia no Desenvolvimento da Arte Interativa” XX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Gráfica Digital SiGradi 2016 "CrowdThinking" (Buenos aires, argentina) 2016.2 3rd place in “30 hours: Architecture marathon” contest caau-puc rio interniships and assistances 2014 internship at raf arquitetura rio de janeiro 2015.1 environmental comfort and energy efficiency lab assistant (ambee/fau-ufrj) 2016.1 digital fabrication lab assistant (dfl/faup) workshops and other experiences 2014.2 invited to debate the integrated studio I experience (fau/ufrj) 2015.1 workshop “desafiando a gravidade” (lamo - FAU/ufrj) 2015.1 workshop “bio-structures” (subdv/caad futures são paulo) 2015.1 workshop “highrise superliving” Aa visiting school são paulo 2016.1 summer school porto academy 16 Andrew groarke studio (carmody groarke) 2016.1 workshop “c+c+w- conferência, coloquio e workshop” faup 2016.2 workshop “emergent virtual spaces: minhocão” las- lab for architectural singularity let’s get personal: besides architecture and workshops (and comics, of course), my biggest interests are: surfing, photography, movies, travelling and living abroad!

to check my complete portfolio:

- native - fluent - basic

chapter I:

metamorphosis cultural complex chapter II:

movement residence

chapter III:

road to memory chapter Iv:

the lifted rain

chapter v:

chapter vI:

bike highrise manifesto

the sport and social center

chapter I:


Year: 2014.2 type: Academic tutor: Marilia fontenelle co-author: Gabriel palmieri program: Park library location: Sao cristovao, rio de janeiro, brazil

The project site is located in a poor zone in rio, near the “favela da Mangueira”. in front of it, there are 3 public schools: from elementary to high school and tecnical. South of it, is the great maracana stadium! with the need of good public spaces, it’s proposed a cultural complex, to attend the young adults and children, mostly, that go to the nearby schools and lives in mangueira.


every project needs to really belong to it’s site... ... and the main marks in the area are: the mangueira’s slum and Maracana stadium.

so, we start to think with two completely diferent forms: the pure circle form, from the stadium...

Favela da mangueira

? ??

...and the “fragmented hill”, related to the favela!

After a lot of sketches, searching a combination between the main marks in the area, we got to a metamorphosis concept: ...linearity and simplicity that transforms to fragmentation and complexity!

setorization x program x noise

with the shape, the program is defined and distributed over the degree of silence...

ground floor

first floor

second floor

...sketching some interior ideas...

an exploded view is always interesting to have a better understanding of the project...

facade x pixels

in a library, the book collection must be placed in an area with some special treatment... we put the collection in the north facade, the biggest insolation, we need to create a way to protect the books.

so, to have ventilation and a controled insolation, we think with pixels!

that way, internally we have a great book wall, with just puntual openings, and, externally, a big pixels panel, towards Mangueira’s Slum...

...and we have a protected facade that still calls people attention!

sketching first is always good...

...MANgueira’s facade (north)...

...maracana’s facade (south)...

...and axis point of the project!

the entrance to the building site is a completely public area. underneath the building a great space is created...

...with panels and walls that can be used with temporary exhibitions...

...workshops... air activities...

...or just some more walls to be used by street artistis!

the intern park, where you can see almost everything inside the library. the conversation with the outside is one of the project’s main characteristics.

the play room area with intense movement and energy! place that make the kids go crazy...

...always with direct contact with the books.

the restaurant with the best views to maracana’s stadium, can be open in independent hours...

so can still have dinner custumers!



...sEVERAL unique spaces are created. sometimes having a really good integration with the interior of the library, like the relaxing zone and the auditorium.

the ramp connecting the entrance with the interior park

children and youth collection

...curved walls make it funnier!

relaxing/contemplation zone

the most quiet zone, right in front of the most noisy area... ...with just some glass and water in between.

...just chilling in the shadow.

the view from the study area to the park

the auditorium

Designed to work independently of the rest of the library, the auditorium has it’s own entrances... was projected in 360 degrees to creat new possibilities!

...for the viewer (which may be seated in the inner side, on a chair, or outside, on the central patio steps) and also for the presenters, that can have many types of presentations.

moreover, the stage can be divided in two: having an internal and external display simultaneously!

the south facade

the opennes to the outside from the periodics room

the roof one important part of the building... access to the restaurant and views to all around neightbourhood.

the “cascade”...

...axis of the building, divides phisically the extreme environments:

the movement and noise x silence and relaxation ...being the most sensitive and fascinating area of the project!

With all these ideas and relations with the surroundings, it creates a unique and innovative space that arouses the curiosity of all who pass there. Generating a new mark for the site, which, alone, could not exist.

chapter II:

movement residence

Year: 2014.1 type: Academic tutors: adriana sansao priscila peixoto rafael grafio program: student residence location: flamengo, rio de janeiro, brazil

the site is located in San Salvador Street, in Flamengo’s neighborhood.

From the analysis of the context, in a street primarily residential, but next to one of the main streets in the neighborhood...

...the starting point for the project was the back of the lot: a courtyard, open and public, with enormous potential! Thus, a connection between the street and the core of the block, through the architectural design is indispensable...

...Next to this, paths and movements are taken as concepts!

one of the first ideas was to create a cover structure connecting the whole area of the project...

...and nothing better than starting some sketches!

My design process will always be chaotic... ...Sometimes there is no apparent order until the end...

...But the logic is always present...

...the though is always coming and going...

the design is drawn through voids, made by cuts dividing the mass into 3 volumes... ...creating solids with strong characteristics!

the volumes and voids of the design depends on the surrounding context.

It is built only where it is also constructed, and using the ventilation area of the neighbor.

the openings to the outside are bigger when inside there is a public or common area...

...private spaces have a more “closed� facade.

the landscape design follows the same formula of the architectural design: The movement!

it tries to get part of the flow that exists in marques de abrantes street, to inside the core of the block, connecting all the intervention area. this connection is made almost by a single gesture: a cover structure.

In the middle, the main area that connects with the building, the structure is “exploded�... ...creating a focus point! in this point, is made a work with levels. a small amphitheater in one side...

...while the other have ramps, leves and stairs, connecting the landscape to the cafe and library in the open undergrund of the building.

all this movement is not random.

le parkour is the main guideline of the project... ...that’s why a large area is dedicated to it.

the creation of those areas happens because, with the same urban equipaments, it’s possible to have several different temporary uses.

study model

level -1

level 0


level 1

facade study

level 3

level 4

a thin aluminum cover connects all the project areas.

The park created for Le Parkour allows not only to practice at any time, as the use of children... ...The barriers may also be used as new and different spaces of permanence.

The idea of bringing movement to inside the block is achieved with, perhaps, the main architectural design element: the Coverage.

different angles and heights...

...different spaces...

the facade has it’s own movement... ...creating a rithym and privacy....

the library is a public part of the project, however, the students who live there have a exclusive study room for them...

movement always being noticed in the building...

a night view in the inside plaza, with some cover reflex...

chapter III:

road to memory

Year: 2014.2 type: contest co-authorS: isadora tebaldi program: infopoint location: pampulha, belo horizonte, brazil

situated near the center of belo horizonte, the pampulha surroundings concentrates great landmarks of brazilian architecture of the 2oth century.

there, oscar niemeyer had the great chance to show his experience withe reinforced concrete... ...experimenting it’s amazing plastic freedom.

he had the curve beginning to shape his projects... the roof of the dance house (casa do baile) and the sao francisco de assis church. ...the place lacks of a memorial center...

despite having great architectural works...

...where visitors can explore the history...

...and get to know the memories of the past!

pampulha’s lake, the site and the landmarks... airport through this need, the aim of the architecture competition was to create an infopoint... ...near to the sao francisco de assis church.

museum of art of pampulha yatch club

kubitschek’s house therewith, the process is based on the creation of axes that derivate of the principal building and stories of the surroundings.

dance house mineirao and mineirinho stadium

sao francisco de assis church

with the architectural guideline defined, a simplified zoning of the form of the lagoon was made.

in order to bring the pathway of pampulha to the design.

each interior space is dedicated to one surrounding building.

for instance the cafe that advances on the water, themed by the yacht club...

...also, the deck has the function of supplying future activities on the water, when it is proper for use.

in addition, inclined, curved, vertical and horizontal planes were used as informational boards directing the visitor in his discovery of the local memories...

...the project guides the visitor to follow a path, but it isn’t the only one, as the floor plan is extremely permeable in order to create other options.

through this path, the person contrmplates the outside with the view directed to the axes.

...and, in the end, the visitors are invited to take a bike and cycle through the real lagoon, visiting each landmark!

the entrance...

...the architecture that guides...

...sao francisco de assis church...

...the axes views...

...directing to...

...the cafe!

thus, the design concept is based on the architecture that leads the visitor to the discovery of the surrounding. making a memorable road.

chapter IV:

THE LIFTED RAIN “o tempo levantou” “o tempo levantou”

Year: 2015.1 type: workshop (lamo/fau-ufrj) tutors: ernesto bueno goncalo castro veronica natividade co-authorS: bernardo do amaral gabriela bonifacio roberto da matta marinah raposo camila torres program: kinect art location: status: under development

the workshop theme was to defy gravity. Our proposal to defy gravity, conceptually, is to create an atmosphere that subverts the action of gravity... ...To do it we established a new force hierarchy, that man acquires the power to control gravity from the moment he enters in Contact with the proposed installation.

During the analysis of concepts and, specifically the term “lift”, we identified a phrase that caught our attention: “the rain stopped: the weather lifted”.

Intending to take a critical stance in the anthropocentric movement, we developed a responsive installation... order to emphasize this individualistic character of man... ...through manipulation (in favor of) an element from nature.

promoting such “supernatural ability”, we assign the concept of rain to an interactive fragmented surface, which he could control without establishing direct physical contact with it.

“Anthropocentrism is a conception that considers humanity must remain at the center of human understanding, that is, the universe must be rated according to their relationship with humans, and other species, as well as everything else, They exist to serve them. The anthropocentrism puts man at the center the universe, positing that everything that exists is designed and developed for human satisfaction. “

this is “antroposenior�, inside our first bigger model...

the process to make everything happen was amazing...

the first one ...we needed to study hard not only a digital model, but mainly the phisical one!

...that’s why we made 4 in less than 8 days!

studying in both ways was the answer to make it happen...

so we could really feel and try the differences.

THE LIFTED RAIN INSTALLATION HAVE DIVERENT MOMENTS... THAT changes depending where the person is...


the first moment would be the surprise: the rain fall when the person gets inside the first radius. plan diagram with radius

then, the second, inside the smaller radius, would get a direct contact with the rain.

as part of the concept... ...the installation only works with one person inside... ...being the Anthropocentric...

untill the moment of leaving, when the “rain� gets to the zero position again... waiting for a new interaction ...unless people get toghether!

grasshopper definition

isometric view of the prototype

eletronic x phisical sistem relation

Grasshopper Rhinoceros




Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3 Motor 4

Visual Plataform OSC


Online Server OSC

Processing with Serial

Arduino A

Arduino B

Motor 1

Motor 3

Motor 2

Motor 4

grasshopper + arduino + leapmotion/sonar

144 lines with a sphere in the end side structures

superior transmission sheave

superior roof structure

middle structure with holes

transmission structure and support

botton structure

stepper motor structure for stepper motor

inferior transmission sheave

if you want to see a small video of the prototype working, just check:

chapter v:

the sport and social center

Year: 2015.1 type: contest tutors: marilia fontenelle osvaldo silva co-authorS: isadora tebaldi felipe rohen roger peicho program: sport and social center location: rio das pedras, rio de janeiro, brazil status: finalist

all the eyes in rio de janeiro are going to the west zone (zona oeste), the main expansion area of the city, where most of the 2016 olimpic games are going to happen.

as the region gets bigger and with new infrastructure...

...increases the number of undeserved areas around... Rio das pedras community, chosen to be our project site!

currently the community setting is a dense area with poor urban planning...

lacks of areas for sports and leisure...

residents reports, show the desire of a quality public areas and something to become a mark for the community. the site is in the entrance of the community. being easy acces to all the sub-regions... ...stimulating enconters of differente residents.

jacarepagua road

public schools eng. souza filho avenue

just behind the site, there is a big social housing project to be done... ...being evident the need of this equipment!

the site

residential condominium

“rio das pedras� (river)

social housing projects


abandoned buildings

also, right in front, there is the biggest bus stop of the neighbourhood!

in allusion to the sport, which encourages integration and collective thinking as a team, we seek to strengthen the concept of unity in Rio das Pedras. We find the river as a common point of the various sub-areas...

...the design recognizes the importance of this element, using as to the panel of the facades. The roof, which shares the sinuous language, consisting of strips of varying inclinations, contributes to a strong identity to the project. being a result of environmental comfort and energy efficiency strategies. with More ventilation and use of natural light.

the sports center is elevated 1 meter from the street level... the landscaped project has flooding areas such as the skate park, to retain rainwater, minimizing the disruption in any flooding.

the design of public and semi-public circulations is crucial to the adoption of the gymnasium as permanent open equipment. although exclusive access by the reception, environments and tracks are visually permeable, arousing interest in knowing the site and participate in sports workshops.

...allowing visiting permanently open paths, and a having general view of the entire sports center.

the sports and social center

the design of circulations is thought from two routes, alternating sections inside and outside the gymnasium, via ramps and walkways...

experiencing the interesting architecture and also its surroundings views!

the use of steel made it possible to design the cover as wind strategy into the gymnasium... the form of wavy strips arranged in the longitudinal direction.

the set consists of membranes fixed in a tubular steel frame.

We exploited the use of Vierendeel beam... both as structure, to win a great will and fix the front panel, as well as spatial element. external ramps and panels that give identity to the project, explore aesthetic attributes and mechanical resistance of the corten steel... ...placing the material in evidence in the architectural design.

the structure

the membrane

the gym becomes the extension of the plaza around which contains small commercial spaces, encouraging ownership of the area for organization of street parties, events that interest and mobilize the local population.

ground floor


first floor


rooms and swimming pool acces...

the formal proposal of the roof makes it possible to capture the wind into the gym, promoting air renewal inside. The opaque surface membranes blocks most of the insolation.

the facade panels, formed by hundreds of metal rules, which symbolize the complexity around the Rio das Pedras, acts as an important filter, blocking much of the solar radiation incident on the facade, which could generate big annoyance to players during a match... ...At the same time, the facade does not become opaque, allowing visualization of the exterior.

to meet the demand of residents for a sports center and a public square to hold community events, we assumed that the project should be a public facility, open and accessible..., the gymnasium is independent of the operating hours of the complex.

chapter vI:

bike highrise manifesto

Year: 2015.1 type: workshop (aa Visiting School Sao Paulo) tutors: Christian Veddeler Aurelie Hsiao Adi Utama Alexandre kuroda co-authorS: daniel ogatta Iago ferreira program: highrise superliving location: sao paulo, brazil

for this last project, we go to sao paulo...

...with this massive population, the 7th most populous in the world, the streets are congested with big traffic jams.

...the biggest city in brazil, with more than 12 million inhabitants!

although, in the recent years, sao paulo is adopting a more sustainable way of living...

...with plans to overcome rio de janeiro in number of cycle lanes! this diagram here shows the diference where you can go walking, riding a bike and by bus! different ways of transportation

so bikes are an amazing way to reach places, be sustainable, make some exercice and don’t stress out with rush hours! sao paulo...

as we can see, bikes are the best way to go around the city! and sao paulo is trying to get this working as soon as possible... rio, not just as transport, people cycle to reach the highest mountains and have an amazing natural view of the city!

...and rio de janeiro!

how does a rio mountain work?

a rio mountain, usually have the residences in the lower areas. with parks and trails going through the upper nature!

...but, for me, sao paulo has better architecture and urban planning, so why don’t the city create their own mountain?! that’s a typical rio mountain...



sao paulo concrete jungle trails


?? so, how would it be? to have a mountain in the middle of the concrete jungle, that the city is?

the unity formation

the unity must be fully integrated with the path. not just plugged, but being the path!

then, we create a path going over the merged unitys! first try is to plug in the path...

that can have multiple configurations!

connection between all the streets is the first idea...

the site...

locating the existent cycle lanes...

making the lanes to go inside the site...

using the units as path creation...

to the top using ramps with the right inclination for bikes... ...connecting the bike lane.

...we can create innumerous different paths and spaces throughout the building!

that would be a sao paulo, bike, park, mountain!

in a city where the bike use is still kind of new... with the government making plans to get this bigger... this building would be a bicycle manifesto, trying to create an enviroment where the bike is in direct contact with the citizens since the moment they leave their houses... where cycle paths are everywhere!

check a small video of the project formation

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