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Sport Results
Thursday February 23rd: Two Bowls Singles: Joanne Dickson def Jan Stokes; Greta Kessler def Pam Widdows; Carole Maxted def Honey C. Good to see players who had to give bowls away for a few years, come back and enter the competitions. Well done, Janice and Greta. Raffle won by Anne Geddes. Social Bowls Winners: Pauline Lightfoot, Gloria Geeves, Margaret Smith and Anne Geddes; R/ups: Zena Girgenti, Maree Crees, Christine Rowbury and Carole Maxted. Ladies, we have more opportunities for you to enter upcoming competitions. Look in the book, in the drawer. Ladies wanting to play on Thursday; names in by 12pm and we play at 1pm. All welcome, and there is free coaching available. For more information contact Carole Maxted: caroles44bb@ dodo.com.au or 0400 954 537.
Sunday February 19th: Social Mixed Bowls Winners: Bryan King, Maria Snook and Ted Holmes; R/ups: Margaret Smith and Peter McGrory. Come for a light lunch at our Bistro before bowls. Names in by noon and play is at 1pm. Beginners, past players; all encouraged to play, casual attire. Contact the Mossman Bowls Club at 4098 1434.
Tuesday Afternoon Men’s Triples: Winners: G Midson, A Tymms, B O’Connor; R/up: P Williamson, Jock, B Smith.
Tuesday Night Bowls: Spider: Kiraly, Dennis, Ian, Deb, Sisca, Rod, Hugh, Michael. Wednesday Mixed Bowls: Winners: B Clarkson, N Hooker, L Kenshole; R/ups: J Baumann, R Lee. Thursday Mixed Triples: Winners: Andy, Brad, Ross; R/ ups: Olga, Jo, Christine. Club
Championships: Ladies 4’s: A Ashton, J Curtayne, J Baumann def R Blake, E Herwig, J ward, G Andersen, 18-16; All bowlers, non-bowlers and tourists welcome, bowls available for free, ph 4057 6931. Note: All social games played, cards are called 15 minutes before start. Club championships to be played: Check boards for play by dates for Championship games. Like us on Facebook. Special Events: Raffles Friday night also trivia. Ladies Classic March 12th;
Innisfail Mens
Men’s Classic March 18th and 19th; Marlin Coast Sponsored Mixed Fours April 2nd.
Friday Scroungers Winner: Tania Sprenger; R/up: Pauline Bent. Tuesday afternoon: Winners: Joe Jackson, Ted Hamilton and Phil Buntain, 22pts; R/ up: B Rushl, Morrie and Mario Pinalli, 20pts and +5 in the second game. Thirsty Thursday best players: Chris Auger, Campie, and Eddie Brown and Tony Dalalba. Sunday Morning Winners: Mal Gordon, Don Lowe, and Johnny Banes, 24 pts; R/ups: Greg Stanley, Ted Hamilton and Scotty, 22 pts. The Jackpot was not won (-13). Club Championship Season 2023:
Men’s 4’s Second round Winner: K Richardson, M Lynch, M Hetherton and J Johnston, 29pts def N Mallyon, J Carr, G Donovan and J Bent, 9 pts. With 16 teams from all over the Far North playing in the WESTCO Classic men’s 4’s competition on Saturday and Sunday at West Cairns, there will not be any social bowls. Happy bowling and see you on the Green. Social bowlers are always welcome.
Wednesdays: Club selected games 2x 12 ends 12.30pm for 1pm start. Thursday February 23rd: Self-selected pairs Winners: G Brown, L Cadorin; R/up: W Fergerson, B Fitzpatric. Best of 2nd game: N Gray, R Keddie. Sunday February 26t: thanks to the birthday people for sponsoring the afternoon. Winners: R Parry, H Wallace, C De Zen, S Stefferson; R/up: P Brown, N Gray, G Brown. For information and nominations phone Mareeba Bowls Club on 4092 5288. Tuesdays: Barefoot bowls names in by 6pm. Come and try bowls, club bowls available and bar open every Tuesday. Coming events: Graham Hotel Open 4 to be played on March 19th, cards called at 8.30am.
BTFNQ District Championships Bowls were completed on Saturday February 18th: Finalists: Fours: Andrew Hanson, Berto Srhoj, Doug Laycock, Wayne Petrohilos; Pairs: Nick Twinning and Lyle Braggins; Singles: Ben Moore.
Thursday afternoon social bowls: Winners: Mick DeVries, Sam Pagano, Clem Kinbacher and Bill Hoskins. Visitors and new members are most welcome. Names in by 12.30pm for a 1pm start.
There were no club games played this week due to wet weather. The Wallis Shield final that was to be played on Saturday was cancelled because of weather.
The final will now be played at South Johnstone on March 25th.
Saturday February 25th: Mossman hosted the annual Mossman Threes with 16 teams playing 3 games (3 bowl triples) of 14 ends (or 2hrs 10 mins) per game. 4th: Peter (Crackers) Hamilton, Neil (Robbo) Robinson, Bill Morris; 3rd: Tony McAlary, Santo Raciti, Bernie O’Shea; R/ups: Shane McInerney, Andrew Hanson, Wayne Petroholis; Winners: Malachy McTaggart, Nick Twinning, Doug Laycock. Thank you to the Mossman Bowls Club for hosting & sponsoring the event ing at 11.30am finish about 3.00pm. If you wish a game undercover give Liz a call on 0400 626 765 names in by 10.45am. Men and visitors are most welcome to come along for a fun social game club also has bowls to lend at no extra cost. West Cairns Ladies Pennants start on Sunday April 30th, if you wish to play, please put your name on list inside club up on the ladies board. Good Bowling to All.
WEST CAIRNS TPI MEMORIAL BOWLS CLUB bowling classes will be held from Monday March 6th for 4 weeks. Check the club notice board for dates and times and your availability to assist.
On a sultry Monday afternoon 15 dedicated players enjoyed their afternoon of lawn bowls on the West Cairns club green.
Winners: Mick Ford with Anne Semken as the support player. We are seeking more players to join us in the following months as many of our players from last year have not returned this year. On next Monday at 11am the Annual General Meeting will be held at which the committee will be elected for the 2023 year. All members are urged to attend, especially those we have not seen this year. Following the AGM next Monday, our weekly game will commence with cards being drawn at 1.15pm and the game commencing at 1.30pm. Please contact our selector before 11.00am next if you wish to play. Bowls are available for visitors. A sheet is also available inside the club house. Our club has a reputation for being a friendly club to play social mixed bowls and we look forward to meeting any visiting bowlers.
Social Bowls: Social Bowls will continue on Tuesday at 1pm and Night bowls at 7pm, Wednesday night Self Selected Triples at 7pm. Saturday Social Bowls at 1pm on Saturday. Check with the Club for other times or use of the new Social Bowls Booking forms online on Edge Hill Club Website and check out our Facebook page. You can also contact Ray Webster 0402 182 230 for social bowls assistance and volunteering your time or ring the Club 07 4053 1036.
Brothers Edmonton Bowls Club
Ladies Section: Coming Events: Thursday March 9th: Social bowls as usual names in by 12pm, for play at 1pm.
Men’s Section: Coming Events: Saturday March 4th: Mixed Mufti 3 Bowls Triples club select Skips pick a card cash prizes plus Jackpot. Visitors welcome, nominations close 11.30am for play at 12.30pm contact office on 4055 5344 and leave a message. Wednesday March 7th:
Gordonvale Bowls
Wednesday Social Bowls at 1pm newcomers very welcome. Thursday Club Selected 3 Bowl Pairs names by 12.30pm for 1pm start. Weather has been causing problems for bowls; however, we had a few ladies on Wednesday having roll ups, and on Thursday 12 bowlers managed to get 2 games played. Thanks to the guys for the upkeep of the green not an easy task in the wet.
The AGM of the Club was held on Sunday: President: Peter Mulkearns; Vice President: G Spicer; Treasurer: F Rich; Secretary: F Gunn; Providore: B Protheroe; Patron: M Owens. We wish to congratulate the incoming Committee. Our Club has many volunteers & thank you for your time given. Reminder that Club Memberships were due 1st January.
and a special thank you to the bar and kitchen staff to ensure the day was a great success.
John Hocking Day will be Saturday May 20th, details will be advised in due course. Club Championship book for 2023 is now open and will close at 4pm Monday March 6th, with the draw to be done after the Men’s Section Committee meeting. Anyone interested in playing bowls, either for the first time or returning to the game, contact David White on 0407 630 759. Follow Mossman Bowls Club Men’s Section on Facebook or se3e the website www.mossmanbowlsclub.com.au.
Wednesday February 22nd social bowls we had a good roll up of ladies who all had a great afternoon. Social bowls are on every Wednesday start-
Edge Hill Bowls Club
Ladies Bowls: Social bowls for Thursday February 23rd:
Winners: Beth Gray, Yvonne Bolton and Terri McAlary; R/up: Lorraine King, Elaine Whitehead and Margaret Wardrop. Ladies, please note the time change for your names to be in by 1pm for a 1:30pm start on Thursday March 2nd.
Men’s Bowls: Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours draw for 2023 have been published on Facebook. Check the notice board for draws and arrange your games ASAP. Remember that all entrants must be financial members to be eligible for these Club Events. Saturday 25th February Social Bowls Winners: Gary Pomroy and Elaine Whitehead; R/up: Barry Bolton and Wayne Hunter.
Cairns High School year 12
Men’s Self Select 3 Bowl Triples, cash prizes plus jackpot, visitors welcome. Nominations close 11.30 am for play at 12.30pm contact Don Stewart on 0427 816 894. Nominations for 2023 Club Championship A & B Grade Singles, Fours and Triples now open and close on Monday March 6th, forms in office.
Millaa Millaa Golf
Play for last weekend was washed out. Next week: 3 Ball Modified Stableford for new players.
Each team will have an experienced club member with them to advise and assist the team but will not be playing. Each player will have a mulligan allowed on each hole and clean misses will not be counted, there will be no handicaps and will be played over 9 holes.
The day is free, all equipment is supplied, and the club has gone out of its way to make the day a success. So come and give golf a go, ladies. Be at the club around 1 pm Saturday as it will take a while to sort out the teams, but we should be back in the club just after three.