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Hello & thanks for picking up our very first (Spring) edition of Cairns Parenting Companion. As the name would suggest, this publication is designed to become a parent’s favourite companion! Why? Well, although Bec & I are local girls, we even found it hard to get all the information & support we needed with years of local knowledge & lots of people around us, & there are a lot of families who live up here without any support whatsoever & that can make it really tough when raising kids. So we’ve put together a collection of local stories, support information, a family directory with a bunch of useful phone numbers & a 3-month calendar to help you plan fun things with the family. You will truly be amazed at how much is out there to help us do the most important job in the world & our mission is to get that information to YOU. There are a few people we’d like to thank for our 1st edition. Firstly, to fellow Babinda girl, Sharyn Ghidella who’s found the time in her busy media life to contribute & share some photos & memories of her own family. To our editorial contributors who have worked hard researching & writing about some great topics you will love. To our friends who we hit up to “vent their frustration” for our confession box (check it out on the last page) & by the way, we encourage anyone to fess up! To our advertisers who have had faith in a new product & helped us bring you this fantastic publication! & the warmest of thank-yous to ‘our families.’ My lot – Gus & my two gorgeous girls Jessie (1) & Taylor (3) & Bec’s lot – Seru, & her two gorgeous boys Carter (2) & Jake (a newby, who turned up right in the middle of all this!). It has been a real joy to put this together & we really hope you like it & will look out for the next (Summer) edition in December. By the way, check out our website www.parentingcompanion.com.au for some great competitions to enter & a free on-line garage sale to help you clear some room in the garage! (PS anyone want a rocker? I’ve got about 5!)
Happy Parenting from Juanita and Bec
Our Labour of Love Michael and Chantelle Thwaite
Your Birthing Options in FNQ
Pregnancy Health & Precautions
Feature Story Sharyn Ghidella
Family Health When to go to call the doctor Our top 5 finds Little lifesavers!
10 Taming the Toddler 11 Community Photo Board
Happy snaps
12 Family Support
Triple P Program
13 Mummy Makeover
Ninas special treat
14 The Family Pantry 15 Zoolander Baz
16 Making Friends 17 Early Childhood
Fit Kids
18 Calendar Of Events
Whats on in FNQ
20 Our Community
Welcome to the region
21 Book Feature
Julie Driscoll shares her story
22 What is a Parent
Naomi Wilson
23 Parenting Companion Online
On our site...
24 WAHP - Networking 25 A Day In The Life Of KERAN THOMAS Mental Health Social worker
DR LIZ CHAPPEL General Practitioner
Genny Frazer
26 WAHM Profile
Profile Jody Creek
27 Family Financial Tips
Protecting your family
28 Directory Listings JUDE PERRETT & FIONA REID Physiotherapists
29 Confessions Box
Breast Feeding
DISCLAIMER: No part of this magazine, including advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part, or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The expressions expressed within Cairns Parenting Companion are not necessarily the view of the publishers, but those of individual writers.
For Advertising Enquiries Please Contact Juanita on 0438 811 027 or log onto www.parentingcompanion.com.au
The Day We Welcomed
Portia Renee
Michael and Chantelle Thwaite now call the Gold Coast home, but there was never any doubt about coming back to Cairns to have their first baby. Commuting for appointments and scans, Chantelle at 35 weeks then moved back to Cairns to wait for their impending arrival – while Michael flew in every weekend. At 10 pm, on Saturday the 9th of May 2009, while relaxing after dinner with family I had felt a trickle - ‘I think my waters have broken’. It wasn’t a gush as I had expected so we called the hospital to ask what their advice, which was to come in for a check.
Initially I had a hind water leak, so we waited for a day to let labour begin naturally. I didn’t progress and on Mother’s day, Sunday 10th May 2009 we tried for an induction of labour. I laboured all night but remained only in the early stages and if I remember correctly didn’t get past 5cm dilated. Portia’s heart rate started flattening so I had the induction drip turned off in the early hours of Monday morning to reduce the stress on her. I was exhausted and remember feeling anxious and emotional as women were coming in the birthing suite next to mine and leaving a few hours later with babes in arms. I wished it was me!!! At 7am Dr Wright walked in and I burst into tears of relief and exhaustion. After an examination my forewaters were ruptured and that is when the contractions hit and I progressed extremely quickly. Gas made me sick and I was given a shot of Pethidine which just made me drowsy. The later stages of labour were beyond agony, I told my midwife so many times I thought I was actually dying. Portia was posterior which made labour more uncomfortable. Michael was unbelievably amazing, he worked tirelessly, walking me to the bathroom and back, massaging me and provided words of encouragement; I think I only times.
swore at him a few Portia Renee Thwaite was born on the Monday the 11th of May at 1505pm a healthy 6lb 90z and 49cms, after 2 days of labour, the final 7 hours being the most intense. Dr Wright burst through the doors only minutes after Portia was born, disappointed to have missed the grand finale. Pam Ahchee was a fabulous midwife who was so calm, supportive and empathetic through my whole labour and so competent as she delivered Portia. No wonder she was midwife of the year that year. Today Portia is 14 months and a walking, talking inquisitive little girl who is amazingly aware of her surroundings, and also beginning to test boundaries! Michael and I feel blessed to have our special girl.
In 2009, over 4,000 babies were born in and around Cairns. Every one of those mothers would have experienced a totally individual birth experience. The birth of your baby is one of the most important events of your life, and one that you will never forget. It’s essential therefore that you know which birth options are available so that you can make an informed choice based on the needs of you and your baby. Things to consider Within the Cairns area there are several options available for labour and birth. You can have a vaginal birth, a water birth, a caesarean section, a vaginal birth after caesarean delivery (VBAC) or even a hypnobirth. Likewise you can choose to have your baby within the public hospital system at Cairns Base Hospital, Innisfail or Atherton, within the midwifery-led birthing centre at Mareeba Hospital, privately at Cairns Private Hospital, at home, or with the support of a doula. However it is important to consider the following factors that may have an influence on your birth options: • IVF pregnancy • Previous birth experiences • Multiple pregnancy • Maternal age • Position of the baby • Medical complications/history • Any specific maternal/baby health needs requiring specialist care
YOUR BIRTHING OPTIONS IN FNQ “Make an informed decision by getting all the facts...” PUBLIC HOSPITALS The public system is free for all Medicare cardholders. Your birth options at the Cairns Base Hospital include shared midwifery care where midwives will look after you throughout your birth, or with the combination of midwives and doctors as needed. Both Innisfail and Atherton Hospitals offer similar options to the Cairns Base Hospital, but are unable to provide care to women with complications diagnosed in pregnancy or women with specialist health needs such as diabetes or multiple pregnancies. MAREEBA MIDWIFERY-LED BIRTHING CENTRE The Mareeba birthing centre offers low-risk women the opportunity to be cared for by a midwife during labour. The midwives support the philosophy that birth is a normal life event and this is reflected in their care that is offered in a home-like environment. Any women developing complications in labour are transferred to the Cairns Base Hospital. CAIRNS PRIVATE HOSPITAL If you have private health insurance (or are uninsured and willing to pay) you can book with a private obstetrician. Currently there are 3 private obstetricians in Cairns, namely Dr. Tom Wright, Dr. Roger Waterfield and Dr. Natalie Kiesey-Calding. Your named obstetrician will be on-call for your birth during the week, but will only be available every 3rd weekend. The midwives will care for you in labour offering you similar medical and non-medical pain relief as the Cairns Base Hospital. As soon as the birth of your baby is imminent your obstetrician will be called in to deliver your baby, so it’s important to recognise that your obstetrician will not be there for your whole labour. HOME BIRTH Whilst this remains a limited service, a list of midwives offering this option is available at www. homebirth.org.au. The cost for an independent midwife offering you complete pregnancy, birth and postnatal care is around $3000-$4,500. Any complications arising during labour or the birth would necessitate immediate transfer to the Cairns Base Hospital. BIRTH DOULA A doula has no medical responsibilities, but is there to offer emotional and physical support as well as unbiased, evidence based information to the birthing mother and her support partner. Frequently women find themselves not knowing the midwife caring for them in labour, so a doula provides a familiar person who you can trust. This will help you to feel relaxed which will enhance your labour. A directory of doulas to match your individual needs can be found at www.findadoula.com.au. A typical doula package can cost around $700. VAGINAL BIRTH This is obviously the most common birth experience and the one that most women strive for. Evidence suggests that this is the safest option for most women and has the most benefits for both mother and baby. Vaginal birth can be experienced with or without alternative therapies and medical pain relief, or using a combination of the two as you prefer.
Register your baby now Families who have welcomed a baby since September 2009 are invited to take part in this special ceremony.
Free Family Entertainment | Certificate and Tree Presentation Free Children’s Activities | Stalls & Refreshments To register your baby, please apply online at www.cairns.qld.gov.au Registrations are due by Friday 17 September 2010 P 4044 3044 E council@cairns.qld.gov.au W www.cairns.qld.gov.au
CAESAREAN SECTION Caesarean section is surgery to deliver a baby through an incision in the uterus. It is a major operation with great potential benefit, but also with substantial risks for both the mother and baby. Caesarean sections can be either planned for reasons such as placenta praevia, breech presentation and maternal / baby medical complications, or unplanned for obstetric emergencies such as fetal distress or prolapsed cord. The Cairns Base, Innisfail, Atherton and Cairns Private Hospitals all provide these services. Having a planned caesarean section purely for preference over a vaginal birth is a service only provided by the private obstetricians at Cairns Private Hospital, and this is one of the contributing factors why statistically, caesarean section rates are higher at the Cairns Private Hospital than the Cairns Base. VAGINAL BIRTH AFTER CAESAREAN SECTION (VBAC) t would be fair to say that this choice lends itself to opposing professional opinions. The most commonly cited reason for its discouragement is the possibility of uterine rupture; however this risk is less than 1% in women with a lower uterine scar caused by a previous caesarean section. In fact research has shown that around 75% women will successfully achieve a VBAC. All of the public hospitals provide this option. WATER BIRTH Water birth is available at both the Mareeba birthing centre and Cairns Base Hospital. Being in the water during your labour has many well documented benefits including helping to reduce anxiety, non-pharmacological pain relief, and buoyancy enabling you to have more freedom of movement and comfort. Water birth is not recommended in some situations so you would be advised to speak to your midwife regarding its suitability and availability. HYPNOBIRTH As the name suggests, this birthing option uses hypnosis to help the woman in labour. The process of controlling your thoughts may help eliminate the fear and tension that cause pain in birthing. Details of hypnobirthing classes can be found at www.cairnsbodyandbreathyoga.com.au Remember birth can be somewhat unpredictable at times, and whilst it is important to have a plan for your birth, having an inflexible, idealistic birth plan, can lend itself to feelings of failure, if your experience is not what you expected or hoped for. However maintaining a positive attitude, trusting in your body and being supported by like-minded professionals will have a huge impact on your birthing experience.For references and further information regarding birth choices can be found at www.midwives.org.au/
Community Health Centres. Newborn drop in clinics From birth to 8 weeks can be a roller coaster for new parents so QLD Health now offers assistance, advice and support at each of their community health centres. Child Health Nurses and Midwives are on hand to help with everything from, breastfeeding, settling, health concerns to Post Natal Depression and general checks for baby.
Westcourt – Wednesday, 10am – 1pm Smithfield – Friday 9am – 12pm Edmonton – Monday 9am – 3.30pm
Helen Gamble has been a midwife for 20 years and has worked both in the UK and Australia. She currently offers antenatal and postnatal care to women and their babies at Draper Street Family Medical, Cairns and Apple Tree Medical, Smithfield.
Physiotherapy. Not something we usually find in your typical pregnancy handbooks. But ask any mother about their ‘pelvic floors’ or ‘lower back pain’ and the importance of physiotherapy can be fully appreciated. The miracle of pregnancy and the changes a woman’s body will go through, can also bring with it some serious long lasting effects – and I don’t mean stretch marks. Weakened pelvic floor muscles or lower back pain are very common side effects of pregnancy. But what if your physio could help prevent this from happening? This is why it is so important to consider physiotherapy in the early stages of pregnancy. Have you ever stopped to think about the miraculous changes that a woman’s body undergoes during pregnancy? The changes commence as soon as the fertilised egg implants in the wall of the uterus. This is then followed by a full roller coaster of changes. Hormones in the body start to change. More specifically an ovarian hormone called Relaxin is released with a one track- mind to gradually loosen the ligaments around the pelvis in preparation for childbirth. Ligaments are not a lonely victim, as Relaxin also softens vein walls, which can contribute to varicose veins. The changes do not stop there. The softened vein walls, combined with the blood volume increases, can cause fluid retention leading to swelling of the ankles. The roller coaster of change in the second trimester may see new blood vessels form within the uterus, which can cause the mother’s blood pressure to drop. This can be a cause of the dizziness that many pregnant woman experience with rapid changes in position. As the baby grows, the abdominal muscles lengthen and a separation of the ‘six pack’ occurs to make room. The pelvic floor muscles, which are the sling of muscles under the pelvis that support the internal organs, have an extra workload during pregnancy as they are supporting a growing baby as well. When standing, a pregnant woman’s centre of gravity falls between her feet. Because the baby is carried in front, as it grows it moves the woman’s centre of gravity forwards. As a reaction to this, the arch in the lower back increases. As well as the growing baby pushing forwards, it also pushes up and down. Pressure upwards is on the diaphragm which can, at times, make the mother feel short of breath. Pressure downwards is on the bladder which is why pregnant woman have to go to the bathroom more often. The support of a specialist physiotherapist will give the best support to the changing muscles, ligaments and joints during and after pregnancy. The right physiotherapist can help women manage these changes, providing expert care and advice during pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.
Pregnancy Pilates & Ante-natal Aquatic Classes are available at Amanda Gale Physiotherapy – designed and instructed by Specialist trained Physiotherapists Jude Perrett & Fiona Reid
When preparing for childbirth and parenthood, a Physio can teach and guide women through a range of physical techniques. They have the expertise to teach these skills, which include positioning, stretching, rhythmic movement, relaxation and breathing awareness. Physiotherapists may not be at the forefront of pregnancy checklists, but they are at the forefront of teaching the right skills to women through ante-natal and post-natal low impact classes. Physio’s all around Australia are demonstrating that specifically designed exercise classes are a successful method to strengthen muscles, relieve pain and improve general fitness. Classes in water are also effective in relieving swollen legs and promoting relaxation. Exercise and treatment during pregnancy assists a return to normal body shape, muscle tone and strength after the baby is born. Because let’s face it, who really wants to pee when they laugh! Jude Perrett & Fiona Reid are both Physiotherapists with Amanda Gale Physiotherapy who have trained/ worked overseas (UK, Canada, and New Zealand.) They're passionate about all areas of physiotherapy, pilates, aquatic therapy, running & cycling biomechanical assessments, Tai Chi, pre and post Natal physio and exercise programs.
Pregnancy Pilates Classes
making your delivery easier
Pilates is one of the best forms of exercises to do, both during and after your pregnancy. Pilates and pregnancy go together so well because Pilates is about building core strength and breathing making a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery.
Ante-natal Aquatic Classes
get your body back fast
Keeping active during your pregnancy has been proven to improve energy levels, reduce back pain, enhance a more restful sleep and help you return to pre-pregnancy weight and shape. ANA classes are the easiest and safest form of exercise during pregnancy and suitable for everybody whatever level of fitness! JUST $99 FOR 5 SESSIONS, $25 CASUAl vISIT OR $30 COmbO (PIlATES & AqUA ClASS) * costs can be covered by private health insurance
PHONE 4041 7717
Sharyn Ghidella
Local Babinda success story, Sharyn Ghidella is one of the busiest girls in television, commuting between Brisbane and Sydney each week to read Channel 7’s weekend news in Queensland and the Weekend Sunrise news. Cair ns Parenting Companion caught up with Sharyn to find out how she juggles being mum to 3 yr old Austin (with another baby due in December) and keeping ahead of the game in the cutthroat world of television.
Questions & Answers with Sharyn Ghidella Q : As a working mother, what’s been the biggest challenge for you so far? Finding the perfect balance between family and work, without suffering guilt that I’m not giving my all to both. It’s a constant struggle, but one every working mother would know well. All that and, of course, getting a decent night’s sleep. Q : You gave birth to Austin in 2007, name 3 words that describe that experience? Painful, incredible, joyous… Oh, did I mention painful? Seriously, who designed the female body? Q : What piece of good advice did your mum give you when you had Austin? Take all the advice on board, process it, then go with your gut instinct. Most Mothers instinctively seem to know what’s best. Q : What advice would you give first time mothers? Enjoy every minute of those early stages. Relish every coo, every wahh, every smile, every dirty nappy, every late night feed. Despite how tough it might seem, anyone who’s had a baby knows it is an incredible journey and you truly are blessed. And if all that fails.. pray.. or seek professional advice. I never went down the path of hiring a baby whisperer, but those who have swear by it. It does seem to work. Q : What has been your fondest memory of growing up in Babinda? What’s not to love about Babinda. The people are amazing. It’s an incredibly beautiful town, the local swimming holes are spectacular and it’s home. Time spent with my family is always the highlight. Q : Who’s been the greatest influence on your career? Funny, I’m not one for role models or mentors. I’ve spent most of my career listening to myself and making decisions based on how I’m feeling at the time. Thankfully, I’ve been blessed to have always found a job that I love. And when you love your job, that does make it so much easier to make decisions on where your career is heading. Q : What’s one of your biggest concerns as a parent facing the world today? That human beings don’t always learn from past mistakes. That some people are still intolerant of others and that that leads to conflict. I’d like to think the world would be a more peaceful and harmonious place when Austin grows up. Not sure how things will turn out.
Q : What’s a typical day like? In television news, there is no such thing as a typical day. What the day holds, is usually dictated to by what major events are happening that day. Sometimes not a lot will transpire. Other days you just drop everything and head to wherever the action is. Of course, my busiest and most interesting day is Sunday, when I wake at 4.30a.m, grab the morning papers, head to the studio to prepare for and then read the news on Weekend Sunrise in Sydney. The minute the show ends I’m on a plane back to Brisbane, where I again grab the local paper, head back to the studio to prepare to read 7’s 6pm bulletin for Queensland. It’s an insane schedule, but a lot of fun, although generally it’s not advisable to call me too early on a Monday morning. I may not answer the phone. Outside of work, I often host functions and am on the board of the fabulous Queensland Theatre Company, so I often have commitments relating to those roles. Q : What do you like most about being a television news presenter/journalist? I’m one of those people who loves to immerse myself in news and current affairs. I have a healthy curiosity for what’s going on in the world and this profession certainly affords me the luxury of researching and knowing about the latest happenings that affect us all. I also feel very privileged to be able to report and to disseminate that information to our loyal viewers in the comfort of their own home. To be invited into people’s homes to give them such vital information is truly an honour. Q : And what do you like the least? Most of what I report on is never good news. It is very hard to remain composed during some of the tragic stories we cover. This job certainly opens you up to what a cruel world we sometimes live in. Q : If you weren’t a news reader what other career would you pursue? A failed executive would have to be an ideal career. Where else can you be paid out so handsomely, for failing to do your job well. Q : How does your family like to relax and have fun? Enjoying life’s simple pleasures, like a day in the park or a day at the beach. Bliss. We, as a family, don’t like to overcomplicate things. These days it’s hard enough getting out of the house to indulge in life’s simple pursuits, let alone the complex ones.
Sharyn writes to her Grade 6 self...
"Dear Sharyn, What a life you have ahead of you. At your age, you will never dream you'll have so much fun, or that life will hold so many possibilities, but it will certainly be one mighty adventure. As you take that journey, always remember that life is short. Live each day like it could be your last and never ever say that you won't have children!!! It will make a liar out of you. In fact, never say 'never'. Who knows what's around the corner. You can't accurately predict the future, so quit worrying about it. Take each day as it comes and don't sweat the small stuff. In the end, your health and happiness and that of those you love is all that matters. And finally, it does pay to be nice, no matter what. Never believe anyone who says nice girls finish last. Trust me, you'll be amazed how many of the nasty ones fall by the wayside. At all times maintain your integrity, stick to your principles, be caring and kind and always think of others before yourself. Life should never be just about you. Life is for living. Lap it up and enjoy! Oh.. and try to have your first child before you turn 40. Seriously, you will not have the energy to keep up with him otherwise."
WHEN TO GO TO THE DOCTOR How do you know when to consult a health professional? You know your child better than anyone so if you are worried when your child is sick, it’s probably best to seek advice. There are usually three main options for seeking advice depending on the nature and severity of your child’s symptoms. 1. 000 Emergency Services · Seizures or loss of consciousness · Severe headaches that can’t be relieved with pain relievers or that include sensitivity to light, neck stiffness, or a non-blanching rash · Difficulty breathing, rapid or shallow breaths, severe asthma, choking, blue cast to face or blue coloured nail beds · Sudden and uncharacteristic hysterical crying that cannot be soothed · Sudden or profound unexplained lethargy, sluggishness or sleepiness · Severe abdominal pain with a tense abdomen · Burns, eye injuries · Uncontrolled bleeding 2. Emergency (same day) appointment (with your GP or 24 hour medical centre OR call 13HEALTH for advice) · High or persistent fever (over 38c) especially if it doesn’t respond to paracetamol or ibuprofen · Extreme hunger, thirst, fatigue or “fruity” smelling breath · Swollen or painful joints or weakness in limbs · Diarrhoea or vomiting that persists more than 12 hours · Refusing or intolerant of fluids for more than 8 hours · Discharge /blood from ears · Abdominal pain or difficulty/pain passing urine · Sudden rashes or blistering to skin · Sunburn · Tick bites, animal /human bites · Worsening asthma · Potential broken bones · Yellow tinge to eyes or skin · Deeper cuts to skin especially if caused by a dirty object 3. Appointment with GP within 1-2 days or call 13HEALTH for advice · Hearing loss, ear ache · Small cuts that are not healing · Discharge from vagina or penis · Bruises that don’t fade or disappear · Persistent cough · Sore throat · Staphylococcal skin infections, “school sores” · Conjunctivitis · Changes in their normal behaviour (e.g. sleeping or eating patterns) This list is meant to be a guideline only. If in any doubt, contact a healthcare professional.. Dr Liz Chappel Works as a GP at both Draper Street Family Medical and Appletree Medical Smithfield. She is the mother of 4 children and a stepdaughter. Her medical interests include paediatrics, adolescent health, women’s health, sexual health, rheumatology and the elderly.
General suggestions for effective healthcare 1. Seek out a general practice that suits you and your family and get to know the team. 2. If seeking an urgent appointment, make your request clear to the receptionist. If there are no appointments available, ask what other options you have to seek help for your child. Be persistent. 3. If you are offered an emergency appointment, take it, even if it’s inconvenient. Your child’s health is a priority and doctor’s appointments are not always easy to come by. 4. If you cannot see your regular GP in the time frame you require it’s a good idea to see another GP in the practice. 5. If you see a doctor but are still worried about your child, GO BACK. Remember: You know your child best, find a GP that respects and listens to your opinions and concerns.
Sportsw orld
Learning to Swim is a gift for life... Cairns leading learn to swim school now offers quality teaching at 3 great locations. Edge Hill, Paradise Palms Country Club and Sportsworld Fitness. From infants aged 5mths to performance swimming C-Me Swim can truly offer your child a gift for life.
Book Open NOW Phone 40532549 Edge Hill, Paradise Palms Country Club & Sportsworld
Email: bookings@cmeswim.com.au Web: www.cmeswim.com.au
Rock Wall at the Cairns Recreation Centre! Climbing the giant rock wall will challenge not only the kids but Mum & Dad as well. Kids (11 years & under) can join the Junior Indoor Rock Climbing Club aka The Gecko’s. They get their own membership and Tee Shirt. www.cairnsrecreationcentre.com.au
Coffee while they play! Michelle and her Hotshotz mobile coffee van will now be parked every Friday from 9 - 9.30 at the Pirate Ship. So gather the mum’s group & head down for a play and grab a great cuppa coffee! Ph 0417198910
Travel register! Do you find it hard to save for a holiday? The Business & Leisure Travel office can set up an account where you choose when and how much to deposit. There are no account-keeping fees and once you have your account profile number, family and friends can gift any amount towards your travel. www.blt.com.au
Cairns’ 1st Cupcake store! Cupcake Creations is now available to host ‘Baking Birthday Parties’. Your children can share in our love of baking, creativity, and having fun in the kitchen. For more information on your child’s ‘Baking Birthday Party’, contact Cupcake Creations on 40511 600. www.cairnscupcakes.com.au
Bollywood Dancing! Join in the Bollywood Dancing Workshops at the Tanks Arts Centre with Salesh Pillay. Classes held every wed night from 1 September – 20 October from 6.30 - 7.30pm. Contact Salesh on 0404 516 384 www.tanksartscentre.com
A new mum and baby wellbeing workshop is being offered in Cairns – including mum and baby yoga, baby massage, a neck and shoulder massage and a delicious morning tea, this morning allows mum to nurture and care for herself and bub and have a little bit of fun doing it.
Available from La Murtanie at the Southside Shopping Village check out the Rockstar Baby! Complete with shirt (rrp $ ), Bottle (rrp $) and dummy (rrp $).
Held every Monday for only $25 per person. Mornings or afternoon sessions available. The Chrysalis Centre on Mulgrave Rd. Call Zoe Strickland for more information 0420504421 or visit www. bodymindbreathmassage.com.au Also available for private workshops with mothers groups
For a chance to win this head to our website.
FOR FUN The Tinkle Tube is simple tool that allows you to assist your little dude to go potty. You can even use it as an emergency toilet while on the go. How does it work? - Stand the child on or in front of the toilet seat with your assistance. Be sure to hold the child securely at all times to prevent him from slipping and falling. Unzip or pull down the boys pants. Remove both caps from the Tinkle Tube. Place the Tinkle Tube over the boys little soldier. Now hold and aim the tube towards the toilet. Shake the tube out, rinse and replace the caps. Then enquire about one for the big boys!!!
Taming the Toddler... Plus tips from mum! 1. Tantrums for toddlers are part of normal childhood development. The best thing to do is to keep quite while your child is having a tantie! Your precious breath and energy will be tested too often to waste it on trying to explain to a toddler who is in no state to listen, let alone ‘change behaviours’ at this time. Keep calm, follow through with what you had originally planned and say what you want the child to do. Use a ‘quiet place’ for a minute to calm the toddler if possible. Acknowledge all the good things your toddler does, so this outweighs the tantie behaviours being reinforced. Try this! One day my 2 year old chucked the biggest wobbly at the supermarket. I just kept on walking and completely ignored him. As soon as I was out of sight, he stopped and came running after me. (Rebecca from Gordonvale) I usually come down to their level and explain in an even, quiet tone that they have 5 seconds to calm down, if they haven’t calmed after that, I then let them know if they don’t calm down straight away they are going without something they really like or want. I threaten taking away a favourite toy or not getting them McDonalds for dinner. I know, not PC but most of the time it works. (Brian from Manoora) mention this ad to receive Not a day goes by without the odd tantrum from my 3 year old. I have found that the best way to avoid them is to start by giving her a choice. For instance if she won’t put her shoes on I say ‘you can put your shoes on or you can go in the naughty corner (or threaten to take her favourite toy away), what are you going to do?’ I give her a moment to think about it and then I ask for her answer. Usually she makes the right decision. (Shelley from Earlville)
$30 off the purchase price of this omron ear thermometer HOT PRICE now $49!
2. Biting & hitting usually happens when toddlers are about twelve to fourteen months of age. If your toddler is hitting or biting another toddler say in a firm tone “No biting” or “No hitting” and then give the hurt child your attention “Are you ok” etc so that they are given all the care and nurturing. As soon as your toddler sees this, promote and model appropriate playing and get involved and praise every positive thing you see! This will let the toddler know they can do positive things and you are no longer concerned about what happened earlier. Please NEVER hit or bite a toddler to show them how it feels. Try this! My toddler went thru a very long biting phase. He even had to be taken out of daycare until we could get control of it. It was a very difficult period for all of us as we tried everything to get him to stop. The only thing that seemed to work was to give him more one on one attention and distracting him every time he looked like he was about to bite. Eventually he just grew out of it and was welcomed back with open arms to daycare. (Rachel from Edge Hill) The more we punished our child with a swift smack on the bottom every time he hit someone, the more he hit! The best method for us was time out in his bedroom. Door closed of course, so we didn’t have to endure his screaming. (Tom from Kanimbla) My best friend’s child was a biter and would do it purely out of frustration. Not getting a toy she wanted, not being understood, not having enough sleep all were factors that led to biting. Once we knew what the motivators were it was much easier to handle. (Katrina from Smithfield)
3. Getting toddlers to sleep is hard sometimes, however, predictable routines each day and particularly from 5pm onwards can help. The order of dinner, bath, bedtime story is really important, this shows your child the steps that will happen before lights are out. Reduce the stimuli in your home from dinnertime so that the mood slows down. Use soft music around the time before you read the story, this is a cue for your toddler. If the toddler continues to get out of bed give him/her little eye contact and put your child back to bed with “it is bedtime”. The more eye contact and words you use will reinforce that their behaviour is charge and not you, the parent. Try this! Routine, routine, routine. Dinner, bath, story time (in bed not in front of the tv) then lights off. Once they work out the pattern they don’t tend to fight it. (Andrea from Yorkeys Knob) I always spend 10 mins before bedtime reading with my child in his bed. We do a ‘favourite part of the day’ wrap up and that’s his cue for sleep time. (Tasmin from Cairns)
at the
• and more! g n i b li m • Rolle r Skating • Rock C Various Party Plans available to suit your special occasion. Including food platters, birthday song, party bags, tea and coffee for mum and dad and so much more. Visit our website for more information on packages.
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Keran Thomas Birdwing Therapies are mental health social workers that offer counselling and therapy to children, teenagers, adults and families. They specialise in assisting parents with child/teen behaviours, developmental issues and trauma related problems. 4041 3504
Assist with: Sciatica
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Wondering when your next little one will come? Your first little one came along easily so why is it so hard this time? When a mother has conceived naturally before and is having difficulty falling pregnant a second time we call this ‘Secondary Infertility’. Thousands of women are affected by this silent epidemic. If you feel you may have secondary infertility we can help you. QFG’s personalised patient care, experience and success is second to none.
Why not call one of our nurses on (07) 4041 2400 for an informal chat or visit www.qfg.com.au/second to find out more
Why not call one of our nurses on (07) 4041 2400
Visit our website to find out more
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Monday to Friday 10am - 2pm, Level 1 outside Myer Supervised children’s activities for children aged to 6 years - parents must stay present at activity centre.
Kids having fu n at PCYC Kind yGym
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Jonah (nearly
2) with Isla (2) at Muddies
) and
Tommy (5 ) with new from Whitfield friend Bro nte (5).
ke (3) best mate Ja Anthony (4) & nd sa e th playing in
h grandc 2 yr old r e h & Vogt lagoon Barbara Zhara at the
Sienna (2 Redlynch with Andrew from te ra Ship Aidan (4) at Pi
Rebekah and her 5 month ol d Ameeka with big sister Kier a (2.5yrs). And Hayley with Phoebe (4) at Muddies.
with Mum & n gardening bl in Kanim a
Jamie & Etha
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POSITIVE PARENTING IS POSSIBLE! As a parent you are given a surplus of information on ‘How to’ when it comes to parenting, which can be very confusing and cause stress, especially when its misinformation. For over 30 years the ‘Triple P’ or ‘Positive Parenting Program’ has been developed and scientifically proven by The University of Queensland - Parent and Family Support Centre along with international collaboration. Not only is it used all throughout Australia but increasingly throughout the world. It helps you understand the way your family works and uses the things you already say, think, feel and do in new ways that: Create a stable, supportive and harmonious family.
“Triple P is designed to give you clear and simple strategies, not only to deal with problem behaviour but also prevent it.” The program helps with setting a family routine and ground rules for everyone to follow. Helps you find the balance of work and family and helps give you the confidence that your children are getting the best start to life. Developing positive attitudes, skills and behaviours is one of the most important factors of the Triple P with much of the emphasis placed on this. Positive family relationships that encourage children to realize their full potential is just one of the outcomes of the Triple P.
SOME OF THE TOPICS COVERED: Encouraging behaviour you like. Dealing positively, consistently and decisively with problem behaviour. Building positive relationships with your children, so that conflict can be resolved. Planning ahead to avoid or manage potentially difficult situations. Taking care of yourself as a parent. To find out more about Positive Parenting Program, contact your local Queensland Health, Community Health Centre. Edmonton: 07 4226 4900 Westcourt: 07 4226 4333 Smithfield: 07 4226 4800 Atherton: 07 4091 0263 Mareeba: 07 4092 9100 Innisfail: 07 4061 5444
Mummy Makeover
“I would love to get a makeover. Due to running my own business 7 days a week & having two young children (10 year old Tanika & 8 year old Hollie), it doesn’t leave much time for me or my hair.
Our Mum
Please help?”
STEP 1. Fix up the inside.
The mummy makeover for Nina began with a health appraisal using traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis. Nina, while healthy, was experiencing symptoms of tiredness & stress, which is common in busy mums. We diagnosed a deficiency of vital energy & stress affecting the nervous system leading to muscular tension & an inability to relax completely. We gave Nina an acupuncture treatment using painless needle insertion to boost her energy levels & relax muscular tension. We completed the treatment with a massage to help Nina float away feeling energised & refreshed. TO JULIE, JILL & ALL THE STAFF AT AWAKENING THERAPIES WOW! Jill you were right, I am definitely transformed. Calming music, gorgeous scents, & inspirational books, pictures & staff. Then I was treated to my session of acupuncture & massage, something I have never experienced before, & all I can say is OMG, why have I never tried this before??? I have not stopped raving about it to all my family & friends since. Thank you so, so much see you soon..
Nina Sutton
AWAKENING THERAPIES Phone: 4031 1124 STEP 2. Work on the Outside. Stevie Pilch was the stylist chosen to transform Nina. Stevie decided a concave bob with some layers for texture would be most suitable to give Nina more volume & a more flattering style for her face shape. Considering her busy lifestyle this look is low maintenance & gives her a more stylish impression without looking like someone she is not.
Stevie decided to brighten Nina’s colour to lift her skin tone & chose to transform her tired brown to a gorgeous vibrant copper red from our luxurious LA BIOSTHETIQUE range of colours. She also added some delicious highlights of lighter shades in dusty copper to frame her face beautifully. Stevie then styled Nina’s into a smooth glamorous masterpiece! The final touch was LA BIOSTHETIQUE Spliss Repair (also from the Cheveux Longs range) to further enrich & shine her fabulous new colour. CONGRATULATIONS NINA! You look gorgeous!
TO HEATHER, STEVIE & ALL THE CREW AT REDS SALON & SPA I just wanted to take the time to personally thank you for my wonderful make over. What a wonderful experience it was to come to your salon. From the minute I walked in I knew I was in for a treat. The way I was treated was unforgettable. As for my hair (& make up), well what can I say, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! Nina Sutton
When it comes to developing a foundation in general nutrition knowledge, parents are most often influenced by one or all of the following; their own family upbringing, the mass media and the ever so clever marketing tools used by food companies. No wonder there are so many common misconceptions in regards to what healthy food items are, the truth is it can be easy to stock a healthy pantry that the whole family can enjoy by following a few simple guidelines. Snack foods can often be the area that is most confusing, as there are so many different choices in the supermarket. Below are some common unhealthy food items found in family pantries: Breakfast Cereals high in sugar and low in fibre (i.e. Coco Pops, Nutri Grain) Snack bars which are high in sugar, fat and low in fibre (i.e. Kellogg’s LCMs) High sugar snacks (i.e. Roll-Ups) Sugar filled fruit drinks/poppers Soft drinks Packets of chips Chocolate-coated muesli bars Doughnuts Sweet biscuits Savoury biscuits (i.e. Shapes) Nutella
These above food examples can be referred to as “empty calorie” foods. This is because they offer very little nutritional value, but are high in sugar, salt, and/or fat. So how do you work through the maze of food labelling to choose a healthy food item for your family pantry??? It is easy if you follow the below guidelines when reading the Nutrition Information Panel on a food label. It is important to choose a food which is low in fat, sugar and sodium and has a moderate –high amount of fibre. There are plenty of healthy snacks available to keep in the pantry for your whole family to enjoy. Below is a list of some suggestions:
Wholegrain cereals (Weet-Bix, oats, All Bran etc) 140g Fruit tubs in natural juices Dried fruit Fresh Fruit Wholegrain crackers Rice cakes or rice crackers Baked wheat pretzels Air popped popcorn Muesli Bars (wholegrain, fruit based) Small tins of Baked Beans Pikelets Remember you are not restricted to the list above, as long as you stick to the guidelines outlined above you can choose a wide variety foods and snacks to fill your family pantry. It is also important to stock your pantry with some staple ingredients which you can use as a base for healthy meals. These items might include: Canned tomatoes Canned pulses and legumes Brown rice Wholemeal pasta Wholemeal flour Stock Light evaporated milk Skim milk powder Canned tuna and salmon
Guidelines for choosing foods for the pantry: NUTRIENT
A LITTLE (Per 100g)
OK (Per 100g)
A LOT (Per 100g)
Total Fat
3.1 - 19.9g
Saturated Fat
1.6 - 4.9g
5.1 - 14.9g
121 - 599mg
< = equal to or less than
> = equal to or more than
Guidelines for fibre content of foods for the pantry: Grams of Dietary Fibre Per Serve
How Much?
3.0 - 5.9g
Good Source
Some Fibre
Not Much Fibre
So to achieve a healthy family pantry at home the best place to start is giving your pantry a makeover! Pull everything out and check the nutrition information panel as well as the expiry date. Throw anything that is inappropriate and write a list of what is missing. Remember to include staple items and healthy snack options. After you have achieved a healthy pantry remember to always keep it stocked, so you are never caught short. Although there are many misconceptions and traps when stocking the family pantry, it is easy to make healthy choices by simply reading the nutrition information panel and following the guidelines outlined above, be organised and always stock the staples! A Healthy Family = A Happy Family. (Belinda Coldebella is a clinical nutritionist with Healthkicks in Cairns. Find out more at www.healthkicks.com.au ) Belinda Coldebella Belinda Coldebella is a clinical nutritionist and founder of Healthkicks Allied Healthcare and Healthkicks. com.au, which is an interactive healthcare business enabling access to a healthy lifestyle, Australia wide.
Home Made Pizza DOUGH 1 1/2 cups self raising flour 2 tsp baking powder pinch of salt 1/2 cups water 1 tbs olive oil
METHOD Preheat oven to 250C. Mix flour, baking powder & salt in a bowl. Create well in centre & add water & oil. Slowly mix dry ingredients into the wet (if too dry, add a little more water). Once mixed through, put dough on floured surface & knead for 5 minutes, until smooth & elastic. Use rolling pin to roll out quite thin. Place dough on lined baking tray. Mix together vegetable puree, garlic & tomato paste & spread on base, going right to edges. Scatter ham or chicken pieces then sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 15 mins or until golden brown & crispy.
Note: I sometimes make half the pizza with just meat for my fussy children & on the other half add tomato, mushrooms, spinach & crumbled feta for me.
NUTRITIONIST TIPS Making a Healthier Pizza: It is easy to make your home made pizza even healthier. All you need to do is cut back on high-fat ingredients & add lots of low-calorie, high-fibre vegetables.
TOPPING 3/4 cup of vegetable puree (I use pumpkin, carrot & zucchini) 4 tbs tomato paste 3/4 cup grated cheese clove garlic, chopped 1 cup chopped ham or chicken fresh basil
Try these tips: Use a whole grain crust. You can purchase a pre-made whole wheat pizza base, or make your own by substituting the white flour with wholemeal flour. Whole grains add fibre which will keep you feeling full longer & is crucial for a healthy digestive system. Or alternatively, for a more convenient option - use a wholemeal pita bread for the base! Use lots of tomato sauce to add flavour. Cut back on the cheese. Although cheese is an excellent source of calcium, it contributes a large number of calories to the overall pizza. Use just a light sprinkling of cheese & choose a low fat type of cheese to cut calories & saturated fat. Don’t use fatty processed meats. Pepperoni & sausage are high in saturated fats. Choose lean topping options, such as chicken or lean ham, or skip the meat altogether & make a delicious vegetarian pizza. Load the pizza up with vegetables. Since they are nutritious & low in calories, use generous amounts of vegetables as toppings. Check out my list of healthy pizza toppings.
HEALTHY PIZZA TOPPINGS IDEAS Roasted vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower etc), Sliced roma tomatoes, Pineapple pieces, Capsicum, Black & Green olives, Reduced fat feta cheese, Sun-dried tomatoes, Prawns, Onion, Fresh herbs.
Not only is home made pizza a delicious & healthy option but your kids will love helping make it too!
Circus, Music & Arts
Workshop for U5’s and their carers UpSTairS OrChid plaza, abbOTT ST CairnS
“Love your healthy sushi?
So do your
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Open from 11.30am Catering for families, parties, homes, office, weddings and more. Phone:
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An opportunity for toddlers & carers to strengthen their bonds and explore new and exciting ways of playing together through the arts. Quote "KIDS" whe book - get first lessn you on
DATE: School Terms Only (starts 8 October) ery Friday) v (e m a 0 :3 0 1 m WHEN: 9:30a COST: $10 per week 032 6627 4 n o n o rr a B l u INFO: Pa p.barron@cairns.qld.gov.au
Dear Baz, My six year old son Jaylon has recently been watching a lot of WWE wrestling on TV. This morning when I asked him for a good morning cuddle, he proceeded to give me a twist of fate onto the couch. Should I be cutting his hours of viewing back on the wrestling, or move straight into a choke slam? Mark Beecroft - GM of Skytrans Cairns Taipans and father of 2
Hi Mark, You have at your disposal the opportunity to send a clear and concise message to sons of all ages the world over. “DON’T MESS WITH DAD”. In the privacy of your own home, I see nothing wrong with a quick dose of the ‘Choker Hold’ followed up with a spine tingling ‘Body Slam’ from the highest point of the armchair. Now realising that these match-ups sometimes occur in the bedroom, I find that a ‘body slam’ performed with a flying leap after 3 or 4 bounces on the mummy and daddy queen sized work bench (also known as the bed) seems to produce enough velocity and ferocity with which to attain the desired effect of not only putting young Jaylon to sleep but also laying to rest all ambitions he had of putting one over the ‘old man’. Failing all of this it may pay to simply cut back the hours of visual stimulation for young Jaylon. Regards, “Bonecrusher” Baz. Dear Baz, My 3yo twins have figured out how to undo their seat belts, and we spend a lot of time parked on the side of the road putting their seat belts back on again. Do you have any suggestions how to get them to keep their seat belts on? Sgt Scott Pottle - Manager of Cairns Police-Citizens Youth Club & father of three!
Dear Scott You of all people know the importance of the wearing of seat belts whilst driving. And I can’t believe a bloke of your size and stature (100+ kilos of pure bulging, pulsating muscle) would let two (2) 3 year old rug rats get away with such hooligan behaviour. Scott I’m a firm believer in giving kids ONE (1) opportunity with which they can learn the error of their ways. I suggest you get a big roll of heavy duty, industrial strength gaffer tape and simply stick both arms of the kids to their sides before strapping them into their booster seats. A quick tip to increase the silence and serenity of your trips is to use the full wrap around placement of the gaffer tape covering the mouths of your 2 Houdinis. Now not being up to date with the laws surrounding my solution, it may pay to ask someone from the local constabulary. If by chance laws have been broken, then I don’t know you, and this matter was never discussed. Regards, Zoolander X (name withheld to protect the innocent……. Baz). Dear Baz, I have five kids ranging in age between 18 months and 15 years. So you would think I am an expert....ha, ha this is not the case. The 18 month old has set up shop in our bed and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel - that is, a night where she sleeps in her own bed all night. Any clues to make this happen without crying the house down....? Pip Miller - Director of Pip Miller PR and mother of 5!
Dear Pip, As for thoughts of you being an expert…….. I am having thoughts more along the lines of, you either are not the full quid for having so many children with such a varying age range, or, thoughts that you and your hubby might need to get a television, to give you another avenue with which to spend time together. In order to assist you with your little bed crashing intruder of a night, I think by utilizing some hefty handcuffs or super strength zip ties in a manner with which to secure her to her bed is a good start to a good night’s sleep. Of course the matter of the crying can be overcome by earplugs. I hope these solutions are of some help to you Pip. I will mention one major positive of your burden though - I thought you would have already seen the benefit of having your little one in the bed between you and hubby... by being there, she is establishing the foundations of no more little siblings coming along. Good luck, Baz.
102.7 Weekdays from ONE STATION ALL THE 5.30am and reheated ROCK LEGENDS from 9am Saturday
Contact Cairns Business & Leisure Travel for more information on children flying alone.
Is your child safe to fly alone? Navigating your way around an airport and boarding planes can be difficult for even a seasoned flier but have a heart for kids who have to travel alone. Apart from the confusion at the airport, wondering where to check in, which gate your flight is departing from or where you collect your bags from, there's the constant worrying about each sound and shudder when you're in the air. There are many reasons why a child or minor may have to travel unaccompanied, whether travelling to participate in a sporting event, attend school or visiting a parent or relative who lives in another state or country. With cheaper flights encouraging more travel, the number of unaccompanied minors is growing. But although the prospect of flying alone can be concerning for the child and parents or guardians alike, many airlines have procedures in place destinations to ensure the safety of unaccompanied Vast expertise on YOUR family-friendly -minors, Holiday Savings minors. Accounts CHILD TO FLY ALONE? Different airlines will IS charge different fees forSAFE unaccompanied while some will provide extra Let help you eliminate services to us watch over them while theythe fly. unknown factors - Travelling with Teens
Navigating yourEnsure way around an airport and boarding planes-can be difficult forKidz even a seasoned a successful family holiday Cruising with flier but have a heart for kids who have to travel alone. Apart from the confusion at Travel the airport, For more information, visit Cairns Business & Leisure- Travel, your local Travelmemories With Kidz Agents. Family adventure experiences Create wonderful wonderingfamily wheretravel to check in, which is departing from or where collect your Specialist agency Travel gate With your Kidz flight consultants field questions about you children travelling alone on a daily basis. bags from, there’s the constant worrying about each sound and shudder when you’re in the air. Most minors frequent international flyers. "They're goodtravelling flyers and Thereunaccompanied are many reasons why aare childalready or minor may have to travel unaccompanied, whether they're quite confident.” While the process is safe, there are issues that can arise that "parents don't to participate a sporting event, attend or visitinginaeverything." parent or relative who lives in another think of". "Youinhave to think of the worstschool case scenarios stateallorvery country. "It's well when things go right, but you have to have back up plans, you need to question
321 Sheridan Street
Shop 122A Stockland
yourself over, is the child capable of taking care of themselves, are you endangering their safety?"
The main problem is with transit stops in(opposite foreign thecountries, Post Office) which TWK discourages. Parents need to get the most direct route and always expect the unexpected -minors bad weather, problems, With cheaper flights encouraging more travel, the number of unaccompanied is growing. mechanical But although the prospect 8 cairns@BLT.com.au 8 cairnssouth@BLT.com.au strikes, security issues, sickness of a passenger, and any other problem which could affect a plane of flying alone can be concerning for the child and parents or guardians alike, many airlines have procedures in place to More BLT locations: leaving or arriving on time or could cause a plane to be diverted to a different airport. ensure the safety of unaccompanied minors. Different airlines will charge different fees for unaccompanied minors, while
4080 4000
4033 8333
some will provide extra services to watch over them while they fly.
Townsville & Thursday Island
"Parents have to take full responsibility for an aircraft breakdown, a bad storm, a serious delay that is beyond your control and there needs to be a back up plan for the child. "(for example) if you've For more information, visit Cairns Business & Leisure Travel, your local Travel With Kidz Travel Agents. left them at the airport, the plane's taken off and then due to a mechanical breakdown, they have Specialist family travel agency Travel With Kidz consultants field questions about children travelling alone on a daily basis. to turn the aircraft around and then you've decided to board a ship and go on a holiday for a week Most unaccompanied minors are already frequent international flyers. “They’re good flyers and they’re quite confident.” and they turn up in Cairns." While the process is safe, there are issues that can arise that “parents don’t think of”. “You have to think of the worst case scenarios in everything.” Contact Cairns Business & Leisure Travel for more information on children flying alone. “It’s all very well when things go right, but you have to have back up plans, you need to question yourself over, is the child capable of taking care of themselves, are you endangering their safety?” The main problem is with transit stops in foreign countries, which TWK discourages. Parents need to get the most direct route and always expect the unexpected - bad weather, mechanical problems, strikes, security issues, sickness of a passenger, and any other problem which could affect a plane leaving or arriving on time or could cause a plane to be diverted to a different airport. “Parents have to take full responsibility for an aircraft breakdown, a bad storm, a serious delay that is beyond your control and there needs to be a back up plan for the child. “(for example) if you’ve left them at the airport, the plane’s taken off and then due to a mechanical breakdown, they have to turn the aircraft around and then you’ve decided to board a ship and go on a holiday for a week and they turn up in Cairns.” Contact Cairns Business & Leisure Travel for more information on children flying alone.
Vast expertise on family-friendly destinations - Holiday Savings Accounts Let us help you eliminate the unknown factors - Travelling with Teens Ensure a successful family holiday - Cruising with Kidz Family adventure experiences - Create wonderful memories
321 Sheridan Street
Shop 122A Stockland
8 cairns@BLT.com.au
8 cairnssouth@BLT.com.au
4080 4000
(opposite the Post Office)
4033 8333
More BLT locations: Townsville & Thursday Island
Help your child to understand different points of view by describing feelings and having conversations about how other people might feel. This can help your child to develop empathy and will help them deal with conflict when it occurs. Help develop conversation skills such as asking questions and listening to others Discuss behaviours such as teasing and bullying with your child, to help them understand that some comments could upset others. How can I tell if my child is having difficulties with social skills? Little use of eye contact, Uninterested in social interactions, One of the most important roles that parents can play in their child’s development is teaching their child social skills. These skills include sharing, taking turns, and allowing others to talk without interrupting. Social skills can also be expanded to facets of self-control such as appropriate anger management. As a parent it is our responsibility to model appropriate behaviours to our children; teach them how to interact with other people, make friends and how to generally be a positive member in society. It is usually not until children are eight that they begin to be capable of forming sustained friendships. Adult guidance and assistance can help to keep their play positive.
Difficulties initiating social interactions, Difficulties interpreting verbal and non-verbal social cues, Inappropriate emotional response, Lack of empathy towards others. It can be upsetting for parents to realise that their children are having difficulties making friends however the good news is that research has shown that social skills can be effectively taught to children from a young age. For assistance with helping your child develop the right social skills, contact Keran at Birdwing Therapies. www.birdwingtherapies.com.au
Other important development for children from ages 6-8; • Can empathise with others in distress and offer appropriate support. • Learning to give and receive compliments from others.
• Learning to be a ‘good winner’ and a ‘good loser’.
• Conversation skills developing: how to listen to others and take turns talking etc.
• Can ask an adult for support when needed.
• Negotiation skills: including others in decision making, learning to decide together and make suggestions rather than boss others around.
• Able to say ‘no’ to peers when appropriate.
Children around this age have many social and emotional issues to work out within their peer group and sometimes they need adult help to resolve problems that arise. However they won’t always tell you about difficulties unless they feel you have the time to listen without being put under pressure. Giving them your time to listen and take an interest in them is the best, most helpful thing you can do for your schoolaged child.
Corporate Functions
Birthday Parties
Baby Showers
Tea Parties
Festive Seasons
How to encourage your child to develop social skills and make friends Help your child make friends by organising play dates, having sleepovers and joining clubs. Offer suggestions on ways to handle situations at school and with friends. Children learn a lot by observing how adults interact, so it is important to always model appropriate behaviour, such as greeting shop assistants and using Peoples names when possible.
4051 1600
FIT KIDS ARE HAPPY, HEALTHY, ACTIVE KIDS! by Sonya Barber, Diploma of Fitness and Masters student, Bachelor of Public Health (Health Promotion) Fitkids is just one of the wonderful programs that promote physical activity for kids and is offered as part of the Active After School Communities Programs found in After School Care and Out of School Hours Care services (OSHCS).
mini moves, golf, cricket, rugby, netta ball, junior AFL, cheerleading, and yes, even Zumba, are all part of the programs that make up Active After School Community Programs at most schools in and around the Cairns region.
Fitkids also features as one of the very popular programs for the Cairns Regional Councils ‘Fun, Free, Fitness’ at the Esplanade every week.
AASCP is a targeted intervention health promotion and physical activity program for primary school aged children, as identified as the high risk group - it is designed to get kids moving, playing and enjoying games that create interest in an active, healthy lifestyle, and mostly for kids who may not be interested in traditional sport.
The Active After School Communities Program is funded by the Australian Sports Commission and the Australian Governments $116 million Building a Healthy, Active Australia to combat the increasing incidence of childhood obesity, resulting mostly from sedentary behavior and societal changes that have impacted on families to support extra curricular activities for primary school aged children. The crowded school curriculum has also added to the declining levels of physical activity and participation in sport, highlighting the increased risk factor timeslot of 3.00 to 5.30pm for children to enjoy games and play that are inclusive, developmental and not necessarily ‘competitive’ or sport. Fitkids, along with modified games based sport and development programs like dance, self defense, soccer,
What lead you undergo regular training? I have always exercised regularly. I joined the gym because of the creche so that I could swim laps during my second pregnancy. What did your fitness program entail? Swimming laps and riding on the exercise bikes What is your usual weekly fitness routine? Running on the treadmill, RPM and swimming. What types of equipment/exercises do you incorporate? Treadmill, cross trainer, bikes
AASCP also conducts free training for ‘coaches’ to deliver your program, be it sessions for kids to make healthy after school snacks to games based play or promoting your club or sport. Contact Roger Carter, Regional Active After School Communities Coordinator on 4051 3426 or contact your After School Care or OSHCS to get your kids involved! FitKids can build the basis for confident, happy, self assured, developing, social little people that will one day grow up ... into healthy, happy, confident adults who can achieve what they want in life, work and play.
FIT KIDS held every Tuesday from 4pm @ Fogerty Park Soundshell. A part of the Fun Free Fitness Program
How did you feel at various points of the program? Great. Exercise is a form of meditation for me. It clears my mind and gets the endorphins going. How did Sportsworld help? By providing a creche! Child minding ..... what does this mean for you? Brilliant, it is an absolute luxury. I love it and the kids love it. It means I can have that one hour of the day to myself.
VIRGO 23 Jul to 22 Sept - Virgo Kids - The Perfectionists
Here are the perfectionists. Great at organizing anything, from their toys to the table. No detail is missed by our Virgo children. They can be extreme in their behaviour. You often see very neat and tidy Virgos on one end of the scale and slobs on the other end. These children are very good at taking care of others. They are very happy when they can help another person. Very good with their hands, they can fix anything that breaks. You can always trust a Virgo with important tasks and responsibilities. Make sure they get enough praise to counter their self-criticism.
Cairns Festival (1-5)
A-Z Cabaret
A-Z Cabaret
Ladies High Tea Gecko’s Market Day
Fathers Day Carnival on Collins
Backstreet Dance Concert
ABA - Fathers & Breastfeeding Seminar
Paradise Palms Trivia Night
Maize Festival Mardi Gras
Reggaetown Festival
Davis Cup Tennis (17-19)
ABA - Tears & Fears Postnatal Depression Seminar
CRC Welcoming Babies Ceremony
Tropical Wave Festival Cairns & Regional Multicultural Assoc
Powderfinger Sunsets Tour
Cairns Street Busker Festival & Circus Under the Stars (Both 23-26)
Amateurs Cairns Choral Society Gala Spectacular
Reggaetown Festival
FNQ Wilderness Bike Tour (18-25) Cairns Blues Festival Roadshow Fundraiser
Cairns Auto Spectacular (25 -26)
Tanks Markets
SEPTEMBER If a sperm were a human it would need enough stamina to cross the Atlantic. It’s not just the woman who can prepare for a pregnancy. That’s why there’s Menevit®. A supplement that is specifically formulated to support sperm health for couples wanting to fall pregnant. If you help the sperm’s journey, it may well help yours.
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Elevit® Helps Build Healthy Babies Elevit® helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Elevit® contains more folic acid 800mcg and iron 60mg than any other pregnancy supplement in Australia When starting to think about falling pregnant, start taking Elevit®
LIBRA 23 Sept to 22 Oct - Libra Kids - Indecisive and Diplomatic Ones
They cannot make up their minds. They have the ability to see both sides of an issue, so choosing is very difficult for them. Teach your child he must learn to make decisions. Charming and polite, they are easy to be with most of the time. They do not often want to be without people. The earlier you can start them in social situations the better. These children are very artistic and love beauty and art of all kinds. Libras can spend so much time trying to be charming and looking good that they do not say what they really want. They make people feel wonderful and comfortable. They make the best diplomats and most people just feel good in their company.
Tanks Markets
Retro Skate
CAFNEC Envirofiesta
Pelicans in Paradise First Birthday
Wombat Stew (6-8)
National Ride to work day
The Leukaemia Foundation “Light the Night” Opera in the Outback (7-9) FNQ Country Music Festival (7-10
Kindy Kidz Gym
Tim Finn in Concert
Germania Club Oktoberfest
Tropical Writers Festival (15-17)
Innisfail Amateurs Racing Carnival
Dorothy the Dinosaur Traveling Show
Tastes of the Tablelands Festival
Crocodile Trophy Mountain Bike Race (19-28)
Paradise Palms Trivia Night Tablelands Folk Festival (21-24)
British India
Go Troppo Arts Festival
Paradise Palms Wedding Expo
Taipans Home Game
ALLERGIES? Sme l Dust l Call ? US!
SCORPIO 23 Oct â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 21 Nov - Scorpio Kids - Detective minds
If a Scorpio tells you one of his secrets, then he is giving you one of their most prized possessions. Feel honored with this gift. These children are the most intense of all the zodiac. Scorpios will not let anything go until they get to the bottom of an issue. This sign makes great detectives. They love puzzles of all kinds. Give them a mystery book and they will love you forever. If they put their mind to it, they can be very powerful and get anything they want if they do it with power and not anger. As a parent, it is important to not allow them to manipulate others into getting what they want. Give these children a physical as well as mental outlet for their energy. They need people to rely even though they make act as if they need no one.
Movember (1-30)
Melbourne Cup Race Day
The Catholics Jazz Up North
Taipans Home Game
Retro Skate
David Campbell Broadway & Beyond
Circus Classes
National Premmie Week (15-21)
Tanks Markets
REGULAR EVENTS Night Markets Kuranda Markets Rustyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Markets Esplanade Markets Mossman Markets Port Douglas Markets Gordonvale Markets Mum & Bub Market Innisfail Markets Yungaburra Markets Holloways Markets Tanks Markets
Rememberance Day
Kindy Kidz Gym Tinaroo Barra Bash (19-21)
Taipans Home Game
Retro Skate Taipans Home Game
Daily Daily Friday Saturday Sunday Saturday Saturday Sunday 1st Saturday each month 3rd Saturday each month 3rd Saturday each month 4th Saturday each month 2nd Sunday each month Last Sunday each month (Apr-Nov)
4.30pm-11pm 9am-3pm 5am-6pm 6am-3pm 6am-2pm 8am-12pm 7am-12pm 8.30am-2pm 8am-12pm 8am-12pm 7am-12pm 7.30am-12.30pm 8am-1pm 9am-1pm
SANDS SIupport Groups SANDS 24/7 Support Line 1800 228 655 2nd Friday each month 10am - 12pm 2 Saturday each month 10am - 12pm Last Friday each month Cairns Libraries Baby Rhyme Times: Bookings Essential wwww.cairnslibrary.com.au (for times at your nearest library) Storytime: Bookings Essential wwww.cairnslibrary.com.au (for times at your nearest library) Esplanade - Fun, Free Fitness www.cairnsesplanade.com.au/funfreefitness
Cairns Blues Festival Roadshow Fundraiser
Cairns Regional Council provides a diverse range of facilities for babies and young children to enjoy including parks and gardens, public swimming pools, playgrounds and libraries Cairns Libraries Encourage your children to use the library and foster their desire to read and learn from a young age. Baby Rhyme Time (suited for babies up to a year old) and Children’s Storytime sessions (also including a free activity) dates and time vary at each library. See the Cairns Parenting Companion calendar for details on meeting times.
Dewey’s Star Reading Club Passports Did you know that Cairns Libraries has created a special reading passport just for junior members? Kids can pick up a Dewey’s Star Reading Club Passport from any branch of Cairns Libraries and get it stamped each time they borrow. When their passport is full they can swap it for a new one and go in a monthly prize draw!
Our favourite family spot for Springtime is MUDDY’S ON THE ESPLANADE! “Muddy’s” on the Esplanade is paradise for children of all ages. Find it half way along the foreshore on the corner of the Esplanade and Minnie Street. Play equipment includes: • Water channels and hand pumps • Water gates, rain shelters and jumping water jets • “Muddy” the mud skipper sculpture • Flying fox, sound chimes, track ride, rope bridge, slides, play houses, story telling areas, see-saw, trick track and puzzle games • Picnic & BBQ areas including Skippers café
For a full list of Council facilities available to your family, visit Council’s website www.cairns.qld.gov.au
Welcome to the region, baby! This year the Baby Welcoming Ceremony, an initiative of Cairns Regional Council to celebrate births in our region, will be a momentous occasion with Council also celebrating 125 years since the birth of local government in Cairns. Each baby will be presented with a welcoming certificate and a native Australian tree with Mayor Val Schier hosting the afternoon. Cr Schier said that this ceremony was a celebration of new life and Cairns Regional Council is working hard to ensure we leave a good legacy for these future custodians of the region.
The Baby Welcoming Ceremony • Water channels and hand pumps • When - Sunday 26 September • Time - 1.30 – 4.00pm • Where - Cairns Regional Council building 119-145 Spence Street, Cairns
Baby's Surname ............................................................ Baby's First Name ......................................................... Baby's Date of Birth ....................................................... Parents/Guardians ........................................................ ...................................................................................... Address ........................................................................ ...................................................................................... Telephone ....................................................................
Families who have welcomed a baby since September 2009 are invited to take part in this special ceremony by registering their baby by Friday 17 September. Planned festivities include free family entertainment, free children’s activities, stalls and refreshments as well as a certificate and tree presentation.
To register your baby, apply online at www.cairns.qld.gov.au or return this form to PO box 359, Cairns 4870 or fax to 4044 3957 by Friday 17 Sep 2010
An Exclusive Love Johanna Adorjan RRP $27.95
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Teach your child to read Imagine Bridget Jones on the campaign trail: with its deft comic touch, Campaign Ruby is a hilarious combination of fashion, faux pas and federal politics.
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Jayne Keeney is a fiesty thirty-something Aussie who has been living in Bangkok for many years. She has been hired to investigate the alleged suicide of Maryanne Delbeck. Jayne immerses herself in the case, navigating the backstreet world of Thai ladyboys, monks, strippers, expats and corrupt officials. The Half-Child is not your standard crime novel, and Jayne Keeney is not your everyday detective.
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by Julia Driscoll, Medical professional turned author writes about the emotional rollercoaster of a child expecting their first brother or sister. Julia Driscoll is a medical practitioner of some 20 years experience. The last ten of those years has been spent “having babies and working locally”. Julia has a special interest in paediatrics and childhood development. She recognises early sibling rivalry as a particular problem. Born from this is her first book ‘My Story’. It is a book intended for 1-5 year olds who discover that their mother is going to have another child. ‘My Story’ is a photographic memoir of a child’s journey to their first birthday. It is generic and would suit most families expecting a new baby.
My Story is available for $20.00 at Appletree Medical (at Smithfield Shopping Centre), Kewarra Family Practice, and Toogood Medical Centre, Woree. Keep an eye out for it in your local bookstore! For more information, visit http://juliaschildrensbooks.webs.com
The constancy of parental love is a theme that runs throughout the narrative. As they select photographs, the child is reminded of what it is like to be a little baby. My Story is designed to smooth the transition to becoming a ‘subsequent’ child and to be read from when Mum is about 6 months pregnant. This charming book makes a lovely gift for a pregnant Mum as well as a favourite with the children. After all, what child doesn’t want to star in their own book?
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We don’t get a full description of what a parent or parenting is. What we do know however is that one day partners who have experienced a wonderful and free relationship together can suddenly totally have their once organised lives turned upside down with the arrival of their first child, and the others that follow. There is an abundance of resources available to new and continuing parents, and one thing to remember is that whatever the philosophies or other given parenting suggestions out there, it is YOU the parent who makes the choices on how you guide your child, and this is developed by the individual personalities of each child and each parent, and the interactions you all make. Parents learn parenting on the run. Babies and children need care and commitment, and sustenance. They need love and a safe and healthy environment in which to live. They need lots of reinforcement that they are loved – lots of hugs and interaction, lots of cuddles and laughter to boost up their self esteem. They need abundant time out for rest, and they need the ability to develop their own empowerment as an individual – just as we adults need to do the same. Being a parent is one of the most important jobs you can do – you and your interactions with your child will form the basis of a child’s learning – and early learning is vital in a child’s life. Did you realise that how you communicate with your child is how he or she will communicate with others? If you shout or swear at your child (or to each other), then they will learn this as the way to communicate. Many children are punished by their parents for swearing when they are angry or upset. How though are these children meant to communicate differently when the modelling for behaviour they have received from their parents is to swear and shout? All of this happens so quickly to a couple. Suddenly parents become tired as babies need feeding through the night, and regular feeding throughout the day. They also need bathing, nappies changed and comfort when they begin to teeth – all on top of a day’s work. As counsellor I see many parents who need assistance over this period. They believe that theirs is the only relationship suffering “after the baby arrived”. But they are not alone! Couples are unaware of the changes that occur when the first child is born.
“BEING A PARENT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT JOBS YOU CAN DO – YOU AND YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH YOUR CHILD WILL FORM THE BASIS OF A CHILD’S LEARNING – AND EARLY LEARNING IS VITAL IN A CHILD’S LIFE.” What parents need to recognise is that things DO change. A new mum gets tired as her body adjusts to the new routine of feeding, being tired with hormonal changes, feeling isolated from friends (and work colleagues), and sometimes to tired even for sex. What parents need to realise is that THEY need to communicate their feelings to each other. Too often we feel tired, isolated and frustrated and don’t know why. Is it not better to talk to our partner about this? You bet it is. But sometimes males feel also a bit in the dark – their partner seems to change after the baby arrives and does not seem to have so much time for him, so he goes to find companionship with his mates (or TV) rather than talking to his partner. Keep your lines of communication open all the time. Communication between partners is the ultimate in a relationship. Talk about your problems. Understand that each other is having difficulties, and try to solve things out early. Seek assistance if necessary, just to get you back on track. You are not the only ones who experience these difficulties in adjusting to being a parent. Our children are only on loan to us for a short time as the years fly by. It is good today to see dads and mums doing things together – shopping, bathing the children and sharing the care. Children learn as they play with you. One tip is that children need to know their boundaries. What it is you expect from them and what is it you don’t want them to do. Let them know WHY you don’t want them to touch the hot kettle, to run across the road, to shout at each other and so on. Let them know what the things are that you love them to do and praise them when they achieve. They will be back for more praise. If you recognise WHY a child is acting, and respond in a calm loving way, he or she will respond and settle quickly and happily. So what is a parent? I believe a parent is part of a family partnership. A parent is a supporter and teacher of children. A parent has the wonderful opportunity of developing a tiny human into one that is assured and ready to meet the world... And what an important job that is – best of luck!
The Lakes Cairns Resort & Spa 2 Greenslopes St, Edge Hill Qld 4870 Ph: 07 4032 0445 Fax: 07 4032 0448 Email: info@redssalon.com.au www.redssalon.com.au
Naomi Wilson is a trained and widely experienced early childhood teacher and lecturer, counsellor and life coach. She offers counselling on relationships and parenting at her clinic “Spectrum”, situated at Calanna Pharmacy complex, Woree.
Log on to www.parentingcompanion.com.au GARAGE SALE
Do you have an abundance of Baby and Children’s clothes, toys and furniture you no longer need?
Looking for some pre-loved items that won’t cost you the earth? Check out our Garage Sale page!!
Simply head to the Garage Sale page and we will get your items listed online for FREE.
Right Here!Totam laut ditint rem sit, int omnimi, conserc iderspe dictin el inctatectum sintist velesci psandus.
View Spring Issue Right Here!Totam laut ditint rem sit, int omnimi, conserc iderspe dictin el inctatectum sintist velesci psandus. La nossimillaut molo to con cum re nis eost am et quias porporrum nusaniet exeri volupta dolut enderum et aut ditatur maximus ma nobis ex eatur, que simagnist, quaerrore voloris con est, ipietur, aperro volori de volupti busciae. Omnis mosa nonsendandit denemporit qui blati occusan dendantur resequia de nonsequi tem. Nim estis ad magnimus quam qui cus aut fugia sita dolo disquam, xeri volupta dolut enderum et aut ditatur maximus ma nobis ex eatur, que simagnist, quaerrore voloris con est, ipietur, aperro volori de volupti busciae. Omnis mosa nonsendandit denemporit qui blati occusan dendantur resequia de nonsequi tem. Nim estis ad magnimus quam qui cus aut fugia sita dolo disquam, xeri volupta dolut enderum et aut ditatur maximus ma nobis ex eatur, que simagnist, quaerrore voloris con est, ipietur, aperro volori de volupti busciae. Omnis mosa nonsendandit denemporit qui blati occusan
La nossimillaut molo to con cum re nis eost am et quias porporrum nusaniet exeri volupta dolut enderum et aut ditatur maximus ma nobis ex eatur, que simagnist, quaerrore voloris con est, ipietur, aperro volori de volupti busciae. Omnis mosa nonsendandit denemporit qui blati occusan dendantur resequia de nonsequi tem. Nim estis ad magnimus quam qui cus aut fugia sita dolo disquam,
Cairns Parenting Companion welcomes your feedback. Send in a ‘letter to the editor’, leave a comment on our blog or make an anonymous confession and get it off your chest. It’s your chance to win some great prizes including new release books & great products for the kids.
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Head to our competition page or email: feedback@parentingcompanion. com.au for letters to the editor & confessions@parentingcompanion. com.au for the confession box.
Working alone Working from home can be very rewarding. Allowing you to be flexible to work around children and around your home life. One of the biggest challenges though is keeping motivated and on task. So here’s a few tips to assist in combating working alone in a home based business. 1. Connect with other home based business owners. Log on to websites that deal with issues faced by home based business owners here and across the world Subscribe to mailing lists for newsletters and other material of interest. Visit internet chat rooms that specialise in discussions on various relevant businessrelated topics.
By defining your working hours, you are also defining your personal time. Plan to schedule as many potentially distracting activities into your personal time as you can to avoid engaging in them during working hours. By treating your home office like a place of business with set hours, breaks and limits, you are more likely to reap the success and productivity that a disciplined office allows.
3. Network - reasons why you should do it! • Staying current with developments relevant to your business. • Keeping your skills up to date. • Developing a support network. • Developing contacts for subcontracting relationships. • Developing contacts, which can lead to new business. • Combating isolation. • Keeping motivation levels high. • Building your reputation, leading to more business and/or more profitable returns. • Hearing ideas and stimulating your own creativity.
“One of the benefits of running a home-based business is the freedom to choose your own hours.”
2. Dealing with distractions Schedule your working hours: One of the benefits of running a home-based business is the freedom to choose your own hours. So make sure you do decide on the hours you’ll spend working each day. To maintain an acceptable standard of productivity, it is vital that you separate your professional time from your personal time in any working day. Keep a diary and schedule both times in it.
Try to devote time to networking at least once a month. Join networking groups. Find out what associations are relevant for your business and invest in membership. Get into the habit of attending breakfasts, lectures and lunches, that are held regularly by various groups. There is sometimes a cost involved but this is almost always tax-deductible.
Some of the great networking organisations operating now in Cairns include: Cairns Best Business Contacts www.cairnsbusinessnetwork.com.au Cairns Business Womans Club - www.cbwc.org.au Cairns Chamber of Commerce - www.cairnschamber.com.au BNI Cairns District - www.bni.com.au Australian Institute of Management (AIM) www.aimqld.com.au Other organizations like Rotary, Lions and your sporting clubs all provide great networking opportunities. For more information visit - www.business.qld.gov.au
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My name is Genny Frazer and I am a carer/educator with Family Day Care Central. I started caring back in 1999 when I my daughter was only 8 months old. I come from a large family and was used to being amongst a brood of children all my childhood. So it was inevitable that my own children would end up with a similar upbringing, and FDC has certainly given us the “numbers.” People often ask me if the children are all mine and I always reply “yes”. When I have children in my care I treat them as mine. I teach them, learn from them, talk with them, hug them, and love them just as I do my own children. I have raised children from babies who are now taller than me. I have children who still ring me and ask to come over to spend some time. I have loved children with all my heart who have moved away and broken my heart, I have supported families and children through divorces, deaths, daily life challenges etc. Childcare has become a lot more involved and complicated for carers/educators compared to 11 years ago but the quality of care has been significantly improved. My time in FDC has never once been boring, it is full on, demanding, emotionally exhausting at times, but never dull. I have loved almost every minute of it. The best thing about being a carer is that I have been home with all my children, I haven’t missed out on their first step or first words, I’ve been able to look after them when they were sick and not stress about loosing my job for taking time off work, as many parents do in this day and age. I’ve been their role model and not left that responsibility to somebody else who may not have the same values and beliefs as I do. I have control over my family and my career and life is great. My children are happy and unstressed and I have saved a total fortune on childcare to boot! Family Day Care has its positives and its negatives like any job. The biggest positives for me would be spending time with my own children, and being a stay at home mum, a luxury that in this day and age is almost out of the question. I love children and I love working for myself, and FDC life enables me to do what I love. I have control over the hours I work, the days I take off, the money I earn, my expenditure and the children I want to care for. I choose who I want to work with and who I don’t, how many parents can say that? There are also significant tax claims you can make if you are caring from home. Things like a percentage of telephone, electricity, car registration and insurance bills are claimable. What are the negatives? FDC is intrusive on your family time. Things such as sharing issues with your own children, maintaining safety systems in your house, eg hot water tap covers, door jambs, special gates/fences etc, having your heart broken by people you grow to love and who move away, observing all the rules and regulations involved in FDC. So what makes a good carer? I believe you need to be able to
To become a Family Day Care Provider call now on (07) 4032 1259
develop strategies to cope with people and their dilemmas. You need to be a great communicator and you need to be highly organised. You need to be able to think on your feet and be good at distracting, diverting and re-directing children to avoid unwanted behaviour. You need to be a good negotiator and be house proud and really proud of what you do and be dedicated to the children. You need to wear many hats, you are not only the carer, you are the counsellor, the advisor, the organiser, the problem solver. I will finish by saying that if you have a family day carer in your life you should treat her like gold, like she treats your child and supports your family. The life of a carer is very busy, demanding, rewarding and challenging. If you love children and have a home that is child friendly and safe then you should give it a go. Educate yourself on what you are getting in to, go and visit an existing carer, visit me if you like and see first hand what is involved. FDC is like anything, you only get out of it what you put into it. With total dedication you will have a very successful and thriving business, love the business and the time you spend with the children with your whole heart and you will soar high I promise.
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Top WAHP Websites
www.business.gov.au Full of fantastic information from Business Assistances - how to start a business to a range of tools and resources.
WHEN DID YOU ESTABLISH YOUR BUSINESS: February 2009 MAIN CONCEPT OF BUSINESS: ‘Zoo to You’ is an upclose educational wildlife experience, that’s mobile. ‘Zoo to You’ enables schools, daycare centres and kindergartens to experience and learn all about our Australian native wildlife up close, helping them to appreciate how important it is to protect our wildlife’s habitats. WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START THE BUSINESS: I have always loved animals and grew up thinking I would be the next Dian Fossey trekking through the African jungle, living with gorillas. BIGGEST COST: Set up of enclosures and animals THINGS YOU DIDN’T FACTOR ON: Being woken up in the middle of the night by sugar gliders jumping around in their enclosure and my curlew (Carl) calling and protecting his territory. Apart from that, I didn’t factor in the reality of being self-employed. People (including myself) have this notion that it would be easier to be your own boss. I’m able to have more flexibility and time off - Yes, but unfortunately the perception of making a lot of money in comparison to time is just that, a perception. BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR OTHER WAHPS: Have a dream, a goal and a clear idea of what you want out of life. Remember the grass isn’t always greener. I very rarely go to bed before 11pm and I’m thinking about my business constantly! 5 YR PLAN: To build ‘Zoo to You’ up in the schools as part of their curriculum and to have a larger property and bigger private Zoo. MOST CHALLENGING PART OF BEING A WAHP: Juggling two young children, a house, social life (apparently its still around somewhere), feeding and cleaning over 20 animals daily and then trying to be everything a company is, but in one person. It’s also extremely hard to switch off!
www.connect2mums.com.au Connect2Mums is an online community for Mumpreneurs. It is a supportive and inspirational environment for women in business (primarily online businesses) to get together and share information, network and gain support.
www.weebly.com Weebly is a website building site that allows businesses, individuals, groups, etc. to get their information online quickly and easily. There is even a FREE website option. Weebly was one of TIME’s 50 Best Websites in 2007.
www.workathomemums.com.au Work At Home Mums (WAHM’s) is an online community for parents who want to find the right work-life balance. It has support information and practical assistance – also, through their sister site www.lifestylecareers.com.au parents can search for work at home jobs that are available.
www.flyingsolo.com.au Australia’s solo and micro business community – articles, information, resources and advice on how to get started and what to do then. Advice on technology, marketing, finance and even information on ‘how to’ work and live smarter.
You can’t always be supermum As a mum, you often pull off super-human feats to keep your family out of trouble. But what if you couldn’t do it all because of sickness or injury? Who would keep the household together while you got better? Insurance is a great way to protect your family financially if something happens to you. To make sure your family has the cover they need, call Angelo Caltabiano on 07 4046 1461. This information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making a decision based on this material, you should consider its appropriateness in regards to your objectives, financial situation and needs. A financial adviser can help you determine what’s appropriate before you make a decision, and provide you with a Product Disclosure Statement. Angelo Caltabiano of Meridien Wealth is an Authorised Representative of Financial Wisdom Pty Ltd ABN 70 006 646 108 AFSL No. 231138.
by James Mousa
The fact is the majority of Australian parents have not got adequate, (if any!), protection for their families in case of death, accident, illness or permanent injury. The excuses for this are many and varied but whatever the reason, the consequences are always severe.In discussions with hundreds of local Cairns families we focus on a very simple proposition – “What would you be doing today if your spouse or partner failed to come home yesterday?” What plan is in place to deal with the debts, the children and so on? Most people have never thought this process through and have no plan. Of the remainder who do, the plan is flawed. Many think they can rely on existing insurance, but often the sum insured is far too low. Some don’t have the right type of cover and may be wasting money on insurance they can never claim on! Others believe they can just sell their assets, which is easier said than done. Many people believe they are bullet-proof but the statistics are against them. 3 in every 4 Australians will be diagnosed with a serious illness during their working life. 1/3 of Women and 1/4 of men will suffer cancer at some stage in their working lives - over half of whom will live for longer than 5 years after diagnosis. 1611 died on Australian Roads in 2007. More than 50,000 people were hospitalised due to transport accidents in 2005-06 with over 5 days stay in hospital. 81% of those admitted were working age. 83% of Australians insure their cars - only 31% insure their lives.The typical Car Insurance payout is $27,000, the typical life insurance payout is $300,000 - the costs of both can be almost identical and one of these events is an absolute certainty. Failing to plan will turn a tragedy into a recurring nightmare - and although money won’t bring back your loved one it can make the transition to life without them more comfortable. We are offering a FREE consultation to Parenting Companion readers to discuss your strategy to protect your family. We can structure protection for you that in some cases may have NO out of pocket expense and are happy to help you build a plan for your future. Call 4046 0000 today and book in for a no obligation assessment of your Family Protection Plan today
‘Save off the top’ – put a regular amount into a high interest savings account as soon as you’re paid – you don’t have the opportunity to spend it, and it kick-starts a regular savings habit. Get your spending and budget right – having a budget means you can work out what are non-essential items, start saving for luxury items, and cut down on small expenses that add up, like bought lunches and coffees. Look at free online budgeting tool ANZ MoneyManager - it’s available to anyone and takes the hard work out of budgeting - www.anz.com/personal/waysbank/money-manager/ Don’t get caught up in borrowing the maximum amount you’re offered – It’s important to consider what you can borrow without sacrificing your lifestyle and still making repayments. Remember, you need to be able to pay back a debt if interest rates go up or your pay packet goes down. Protect your family’s future and assets - Whether you’re the main bread-winner, single, married or a stay-at-home parent, consider protecting your family’s income and lifestyle in case you’re unable to work due to illness or accident. You might not want to think about it, however once you have protection in place, you can
rest assured your family will be OK no matter what life brings. Make sure your assets are also protected– no doubt you’ve spent a long time saving the money to buy them. Don’t underestimate the importance of superannuation Superannuation shouldn’t be a scary word - you can be as conservative or aggressive as you like within your Super fund, and there are many useful strategies, such as salary sacrificing and co-contribution, that can benefit you. Find out which strategies best suit you and look to maximise your retirement benefits. Reduce your personal debt - Non-deductible debt is not beneficial in good times or bad, especially if the interest rates are high. Try to avoid building up debt unless it’s part of an investment strategy. Seek professional advice – It’s important to have your own views and goals, however the financial environment changes regularly so you should ensure that your strategies are up-to-date, don’t breach any rules and provide the best outcome for you. Drop into your local ANZ branch and take the first step towards achieving your financial goals.
Disclaimer: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522, holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence. ANZ’s colour blue is a trade mark of ANZ.
DIRECTORY LISTING Pregnancy, Childbirth & Post Natal
Pages . . Maternity Wear Pregnancy Yoga/massage or other type classes Support Services Retail shops
Shopping for Kids
(Online & Retail Stores) Pages . . . Gift retailers Baby Specialist Stores Kids Products
Photography & Keepsakes Pages . . Photographers Jewellery
Kids Development Pages . . . . Swimming Lessons Music Lessons Gymnastics Sport Groups Child Behaviour Development
Birthday Parties
Pages . . . Face Painters Jumping Castles Dress Up Great Venues Decorator Retail Stores Clowns Kids Entertainers
Childcare, Baby sitters and Early Education Pages . . Primary Schools Day Care Centres Baby sitting services
Useful Numbers 13HEALTH 13 43 25 84 (24Hrs / 7Days) www.health.qld.gov.au/13health Qualified staff will give you advice on who to talk to and how quickly you should do it.
Health Services Pages . . . GPs Gynaecologists Obstetricians Paediatricians Dentists Gyms Pharmacies
Kids Welcome
Pages . Family restaurants Family venues Accommodation with kids clubs Travel Agencies for Families Fun things to do with the kids
For Mum
Pages . . . Hairdressers Beauticians Masseurs Dayspas
Providing finance to local families for over 10 years
Call Gus Soper 0400 636 953
Life Line
13 11 14 (24Hrs / 7Days) www.lifeline.org.au 24 hour telephone counselling.
Mission Australia
07 4035 2722 www.missionaustralia.com.au Assistance for families and individuals in need.
Beyond Blue
1300 224 636 (24Hrs / 7Days) www.beyondblue.org.au Assistance with depression, anxiety and post natal depression
Cairns Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Group
cairnsasg@gmail.com www.casg.org.au Support, advice and a sympathetic place for parents and carers of those with ASD.
Immunisation Information 1800 671 811 www.immunise.health.gov.au
Parent Line
1300 30 1300 (8am – 10pm / 7Days – cost of a local call*) www.parentline.com.au We provide support, counselling and parent education for the cost of a local call*.
Playgroup QLD
07 4033 6566 or 1800 171 882 www.playgroupaustralia.com.au/ qld Playgroups, nurture young children, connect families and build communities through play.
Poisons Information Service Kids HelpLine
1800 55 1800 (24Hrs / 7Days) counsellor@kidshelp.com.au www.kidshelp.com.au Over the phone or online counselling for children and teens. Free and confidential support.
Legal Aid
13 11 26 www.health.qld.gov.au/ poisonsinformationcentre Providing advice to assist in the management of poisonings and suspected poisonings.
SANDS Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support
1300 651 188 www.legalaid.qld.gov.au Legal Aid QLD works to provide access to justice for disadvantaged Queenslanders by providing legal information, advice and representation.
1800 228 655 (24Hrs / 7 Days) Supporting families who experience miscarriage and still birth. See our calendar for dates of monthly support group.
New office now open on Mulgrave Road
● Home Loans ● Car Loans ● Insurance ● Investment Loans
140 Mulgrave Road, Cairns
17 Anderson Street, Cairns Ph: 07 4041 7717 Fax: 07 4041 7718 Web: www.amandagalephysio.com.au Email: agphysio@bigpond.net.au
Shop 61, Smithfield Shopping Centre Cptn Cook Hwy, Smithfield Ph: 07 4038 2777 Fax: 07 4038 3077 Web: www.appletreemedical.com.au Email: reception@appletreemedical.com.au
Physiotherapy & Wellbeing super clinic for all of your physiotherapy, wellbeing and fitness needs for the whole family. Specialist services for physiotherapy, pilates, massage, naturopathy, personal training, pregnancy fitness classes, beauty, yoga and health retail.
Apple Tree Medical at Smithfield Shopping Centre is the Northern Beaches newest General Practice offering a full range of GP services with male and female GPs and a midwife for postnatal and ante-natal support.
AWAKENING THERAPIES 13 Anderson Street, Manunda Ph: 07 4031 1124 Web: www.awaken.com.au Email: julie@awaken.com.au We are a multimodality clinic dealing with a wide range of health issues. We offer acupuncture, massage, kinesiology, psychotherapy, dietary and nutritional advice, live blood analysis and specialised regimes for weight loss, fertility and stop smoking.
HEALTHY INSPIRATIONS Shop 20, Redlynch Central Shopping Centre, 20 Larsen Rd, Redlynch Ph: 07 4039 4902 Fax: 07 4039 4897 Web: www.healthyinspirations.com.au Email: cairns@healthyinspirations.com.au Healthy Inspirations is a one-stop, women’s only weight-loss solution. Using healthy nutrition, exercise, relaxation & one-on-one coaching we empower ladies to make positive changes to improve their quality of life.
CAIRNS AUDIOLOGY GROUP Suite 17, Calanna Medical Centre, Cnr Bruce Hwy & Toogood Rd, Woree Ph: 07 4054 5561 Fax: 07 3036 6928 Web: www.cairnsaudiologygroup.com Email: info@cairnsaudiologygroup.com Cairns Audiology Group is an independent Audiological practice which specialises in Paediatric hearing assessments from newborn babies through to school age children. We have the experience and skills to make the hearing assessments fun and easy for you and your children.
SPECTRUM COUNSELING AND LIFE COACHING Suite 9, Calanna Medical Centre, Cnr Bruce Hwy & Toogood Rd, Woree Ph: 0418 772 615 Web: www.spectrumlifestylecoach.com Email: naykww@austarnet.com.au Sometimes we need some counselling from professionals when things do not go the right way, or there is an issue affecting relationships and family. Sometimes life needs a change in direction – Spectrum Life Coaching can help you.
268 Gatton Street, Westcourt Ph: 07 4051 2863 Fax: 07 4041 2040 Web: www.sportsworldcairns.com Email: sportsworldfitness@bigpond.com
86 Lake Street, Cairns or Smithfield Shopping Centre Ph: 07 5051 2137 (cairns) Ph: 07 4038 8900 (smithfield) Web: www.vpharmacy.com.au Email: cairns@vpharmacy.com.au smithfield@vpharmacy.com.au
Sportsworld Fitness Centre is Cairns biggest and Best health club offering state of the art facilities in a warm & friendly environment with child minding facilities available mornings & afternoons. Gym, classes, pool, sauna - you get the lot at Sportsworld.
When you leave a V Pharmacy, you don’t just leave with a product or prescription, you leave with a total health solution. At V Pharmacy you’ll feel V good, look V good.
KIDS WELCOME CAIRNS WILDLIFE SAFARI 2577 Kennedy Highway, Koah Ph: 07 4093 7777 Fax: 07 4053 1098 Web: www.cairnswildlifesafarireserve.com.au Email: info@cairnswildlifesafarireserve.com.au Cairns Wildlife Safari Reserve is home to many of the world’s exotic and endangered animals. Set on 200 acres, 40 km west of Cairns. Experience Breakfast with the Beasts - surrounded by 19 lions while you enjoy your morning coffee.
SUSHI EXPRESS Shop 28 Orchid Plaza. Abbott Street Cairns Ph: 07 4041 4388 Fax: 07 4052 1277 Sushi Express and the synonymous Sushi Train make Sushi Express a great place to eat and meet. Open from 11am your kids will love the healthy sushi delivered right to them on the sushi express!
24-26 Armstrong Street, Edmonton Ph: 07 4045 4757 Fax: 07 4055 4599 Web: www.fullersports.com.au Email: info@fullersports.com.au
99-105 Anderson Street, Manunda Ph: 07 4053 1053 Fax: 07 4053 1098 Web: www.brotherscairns.com.au Email: admin@brotherscairns.com.au
The Family club on the Southside. Great children’s meal deals at the restaurant, and a state-of-the-art supervised Kids Play Area. Superb Dining, Bar, Café, Gaming & Entertainment facilities for mum & dad.
Great children’s dining deals at Sunsets Family Buffet Restaurant and a fully supervised Kids Play Room for 3-12yr olds! Playstations, Games, Toys, Colouring in & so much MORE. Open 6pm- late every day & Sundays 9-2pm, 6-9pm.
1 Marlin Parade Harbour Lights, Shop 3 Cairns Water Front Ph: 07 4051 0399 Fax: 07 4031 4292 Web: www.dundees.com.au Email: dundees@dundees.com.au
Sheridan Street, Cairns North Ph: 07 4080 4000 Fax: 07 4031 7222 Web: www.blt.com.au Email: enquiries@blt.com.au
Dundee’s Restaurant on the Waterfront specialising in … Australian Beef, Fresh Seafood, Pastas, salads free parking when dining! Lunch and dinner seven days a week from 11:30am to late. A great family dining experience.
Whether it’s planning a trip of a lifetime, a simple holiday, traveling for work with the family, single parents taking the kids for the annual holiday, blended families, BLT Travel With Kidz are the specialists.
MUDDY’S PLAYGROUND Corner of the Esplanade and Minie Street, Cairns Muddy’s Playground on the Esplanade is an award-winning children’s attraction featuring a range of both wet and dry equipment. The playground has special facilities for children in wheelchairs as well. Includes BBQ, picnic areas & ‘Skippers’ café.
CAIRNS MULTIPLE BIRTH ASSOCIATION 9 Zebrina Street Redlynch QLD 4870 Ph: 07 4039 0303 Mob: 0439 797 221 Email: fnqmba@yahoo.com.au Cairns Multiple Birth Association Inc is a Family Welfare business and is located in Redlynch QLD. Call us for coffee mornings and support.
QUEENSLAND HEALTH COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRES Smithfield - 16 Dambulan Street, Smithfield Ph: 07 4226 4800 Westcourt - 277 Mulgrave Road, Cairns Ph: 07 4226 4333 Edmonton - 10-12 Robert Road, Centenary Park Ph: 07 4226 4900 Web: www.health.qld.gov.com.au Queensland Health provides child health services which operate from Smithfield, Westcourt and Edmonton community health centres. Services include support for parenting, infant feeding, growth and development and referral for complex family issues.
ZOE STRICKLAND - PRE & POST NATAL MASSAGE Body Mind Breath Centre, Level 1, 55 Spence Street Cairns Ph: 0420 504 421 Web: www.bodymindbreathmassage.com.au Email: zoe@bodymindbreathmassage.com.au Specialist ante natal, post natal and ladies therapeutic massage. Experience and caring professional with certificate in pregnancy massage to facilitate relaxation relief from discomfort and to help cope with stress and fatigue.
PHOTOGRAPHY & KEEPSAKES YOUR LOCAL OB/GYN Dr. NATALIE KEISY-CALDING The Pier, Pierpoint Rd. Cairns Ph: 07 4031 5711 Web: www.nkcmedical.com.au Dr. ROGER WATERFIELD Flecker House, 5 Upward St, Cairns Ph: 07 4051 3855 Fax: 07 4031 1659 Dr. TOM WRIGHT Flecker House, 5 Upward St, Cairns Ph: 07 4041 2600 Fax: 07 4051 0075
SHAZ SPANNENBURG DIGITAL IMAGES Lot The Rocks Rd, Redlynch Ph: 07 4039 0442 Fax: Web: www.digitalimages.com.au Email: shaz@digitalimages.com.au
07 40390551
Shaz specialises in producing beautiful pregnancy and baby images from the privacy of her studio in Redlynch, Shaz. Have your maternity and baby images printed into a beautiful lay flat photo book to keep your memories in forever
KIDS DEVELOPMENT BIRDWING THERAPIES Ph: 07 4041 3504 Fax: 07 4041 4359 Web: www.birdwingtherapies.com.au Email: birdwingtherapies@bigpond.com
At Birdwing Therapies our qualified social workers/therapists specialize in counselling for children, adults and families. We offer home visits for parents and carers having difficulties with child behaviour. Check out our website for more information!
ESSENTIAL SKILLS SWIM SCHOOL 32 Fishburn Street, Bentley Park Ph: 07 4045 2782 Web: www.swimskills.com.au Email: info@swimskills.com.au Boutique swim school with over 30 years of caring offering small class sizes: BABIES MAX 4 PER CLASS, LEARNERS MAX 3 PER CLASS, STROKERS MAX 4 PER CLASS. Fully enclosed and heated to 33 degrees all year round.
KINDERMUSIK WITH NICOLE 9 Donnelly Close, Brinsmead Ph: 07 4034 2219 Fax: 07 4034 2886 Web: www.kmusikcairns.com Email: kindermusikwithnicole@yahoo.com.au
Music and movement developmentally appropriate classes for children 0 – 7 years. Classes held in air-conditioned studio in Brinsmead. Business established since 1998. Call or email Nicole for more information.
CHILDCARE, BABY SITTERS & EDUCATION SHERIDAN MEADOWS CHILD CARE CENTRE 2-6 Fretwell Rd, Whiterock Ph: 07 4036 2777 Fax: 07 4036 2201 Web: www.childcarecairns.com Email: vicki@childcarecairns.com Let your child become part of the Highly Accredited, custom built, Sheridan Meadows Child Care Centre where trained and experienced professional staff offer families comfort, knowing children are safely cared for, in a home away from home learning atmosphere.
CATHOLIC EDUCATION DIOCESE OF CAIRNS 130 Lake Street, Cairns Ph: 07 4050 9700 Fax: 07 4051 2859 Web: www.cns.catholic.edu.au Email: enquiries@cns.catholic.edu.au
For a caring, safe and disciplined environment for your child and an education that is more than academic, consider a Catholic school. They’re welcoming to all and more affordable than you might think. Outside schools hours care also available.
EXECUTIVE BABYSITTING Tari Place, Trinity Beach Ph: 07 4055 6510 or 0417 612 975 Web: www.executivebabysitting.com.au Email: pauline@executivebabysitting.com.au Professional, reliable and affordable babysitting servicing Cairns and Port Douglas since 1986. We service hotels, resorts, weddings, conferences and locals. Our team is committed to providing a safe nurturing and supportive environment. All babysitters are holders of “blue cards”
91-97 McNamara Street, Manunda Ph: 07 4053 1532 Fax: 07 4053 6268 Web: www.cairnspcyc.org.au Email: scott.pottle@pcyc.org
Breast Feeding Helpline - 1800 mum2mum or 1800 686 2686 Locally Call Julie-Anne 07 4055 6552 Web: www.aba-cairns.com Email: abacairns@gmail.com
The Cairns PCYC now provides more activities including badminton basketball, Circus, State of the Art Gymnasium and ZUMBA. We also offer kindy gym, recreation classes up to level 4 for your kids. PCYC for FAMILY FUN and FITNESS.
ABA is an Australia-wide volunteer non-profit group. Our vision is for Australia to achieve the World Health Organization’s recommendation that babies are exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding following the introduction of other foods until 2 years of age.
BABY YETI Shop 1, 72-74 Grafton Street, Cairns Ph: 07 4031 6767 Fax: 07 4031 6767 Web: www.babyyeti.com.au Email: info@babyyeti.com.au Baby Yeti is Cairns’ first eco-friendly baby shop offering eco & skin-friendly products for pregnancy, birth, and beyond; specializing in certified organic clothing, bedding, carriers, & skin-care. Good for you, bub, & the environment!
BABY BEEHINDS - CAIRNS PRODUCT CONSULTANT Ph: 0431 606 797 Email: juanslade@gmail.com Contact me for a free product demo, and learn about our gorgeous, modern cloth nappies – use cloth the easy way! *Natural Fibres, *Soft Comfort, *Ultra Absorbent, *Fashionable – We’ve got your baby’s behind covered
99-105 Anderson Street, Manunda Ph: 07 4053 1053 Fax: 07 4053 1098 Web: www.brotherscairns.com.au Email: admin@brotherscairns.com.au
44 Behan Street, Manunda Ph: 07 4053 5353 Fax: 07 4053 3606 Web: www.cairnsrecreationcentre.com.au Email: geoff@cairnsrecreationcentre.com.au
Kids Disco Parties for 3-12yr olds with Crazy Bron & the Disco DJs, every Sunday from 3:30-6pm. Dancing, games, music, prizes, food & fun fun fun! Birthday Parties book fast so call now.
Cairns Recreation Centre is Cairns’ true rock n roll centre! For skating, rock climbing, parties, functions, conventions, trade shows & much more. Cairns Recreation Centre – promoting family, fun & fitness.
Civic Shopping Centre, 113-117 Sheridan Street Ph: 0408 772 590 Web: www.cairnscupcakes.com.au Email: info@cairnscupcakes.com.au
7 Hodel Street, Whitfield Ph: 0408 772 590 Web: www.kidsmoves.com.au Email: sheridan@kidsmoves.com.au
Cupcake Creations involves a spoonful of laughter, a pinch of fun, sprinkle in some happiness and decorate with love! Cupcakes are available for Birthdays, Weddings, Baby Showers, Work Functions, Charity and Corporate Events and for those of you with a sweet-tooth.
Kids Moves is solely based around children’s health, wellbeing, self esteem, and having fun! We specialize in birthday parties, special functions, and children’s fitness…We come to you! Check out our website for more information!
Paradise Palms Drive, Kewarra Beach Ph: 07 4059 9999 Fax: 07 4059 1120 Web: www.paradisepalms.com.au Email: sales@paradisepalms.com.au
PO Box 335 Redlynch 4870 Ph: 0415 696 439 Web: www.zootoyou.com.au Email: info@zootoyou.com.au
Children’s birthday parties have never been made easier at Paradise Palms. Prices start from $15 per child and include food, drink and access to Pelicans in Paradise Playground and swimming pool. Call 4059 9916 for further information
Zoo to You provides an interactive, up close wildlife experience. A variety of Australian native wildlife will be brought to you, in a range of educational or entertainment presentations for school groups, daycare centers and birthday parties with a difference!
268 Gatton Street, Westcourt Ph: 0410 041 633 Web: www.sumphunkidzcraft.net.au Email: susteve@westnet.com.au
1st Floor Traveltown 19 Lake Street, Cairns Ph: 07 4051 3087 Fax: 07 4051 3197 Web: www.skincarecentrecairns.com.au Email: info@skincarecentrecairns.com.au
SANDART and other great crafts available to keep the kids happy and occupied. Ideal for birthday parties and functions. Available for hire or retail sale.
Since 1972 we’ve been helping you with your skincare. Try ‘Environ’ – proven to be one of the world’s most effective skin care products. For a natural look that is concealing with a sun-block you can’t go past Jane Iredales 100% pure mineral make up.
Curtis Pitt MP
Curtis and his wife Kerry - pictured with son Tristan - understand the issues being faced by young families.
State Member for Mulgrave
‘Working for you’ Phone 4056 3175
Fax 4056 3340
SHOPPING FOR KIDS JUNIORS CAIRNS & ATHERTON 183 Bruce Highway, Edmonton or 32 Main St Atherton Ph: 07 4045 4044 (cairns) Ph: 07 4091 2732(atherton) Web: www.juniorsonline.com.au Email: cairns@juniorsonline.com.au or info@juniorsonline.com.au Your one-stop-shop with EVERYTHING FOR KIDS. We stock all the leading nursery brands like Safe-N-Sound, Boori and Phil & Ted. Ask our knowledgeable and friendly staff about our great package deals. Lay-bys available.
MEGAN CEELY - BRIGHT STAR KIDS AGENT Cairns Ph: 0411 426 797 Web: www.meganc.brightstarkids.com.au Premium removable wall art, personalized stick-on and iron-on labes, bag tags and canvas art. Free standard delivery within Australia if order is over $10. Orders dispatched within 2 working days.
MICHAEL AW - THE GOOD GUYS 285 Mulgrave Road, Cairns Ph: 07 4046 7900 Fax: 07 4046 7999 Web: www.thegoodguys.com.au/cairns Email: cairns@thegoodguys.com.au The Good Guys Cairns now gives you the option to buy online and pick up in store within 60 minutes! All your household electrical and more, now conveniently available online. Visit www.thegoodguys.com.au/cairns” www. thegoodguys.com.au/cairns and start shopping today.
LA MURTANIE KIDSWEAR Shop 15, Charlotte Close, Woree Ph: 07 4033 1227 Web: www.lamurtaniekidswear.com Email: lamurtaniekidswear@gmail.com
La Murtanie Kidswear specializes in infant to Pre Teens clothing and accessories. Christening and some formal outfits. Themed umbrellas, Wooden toys, Hats, Swimwear ,Backpacks. Everyone is welcome, you will be pleasantly surprised at our range and prices.
PO Box 2890, Cairns, QLD 4870 Ph: 0404 020 741 Web: www.unique4kidz.com.au Email: diane@unique4kidz.com.au
8 Kite Close, Cairns QLD 4870 Ph: 07 4041 7668 Fax: 07 4041 1973 Web: www.propertymanagercairns.com.au Email: rentals@rossirealestate.com.au
Unique personalised gifts for children. Specialising in Music, your child’s name is used to create the songs, titles include all their favorite characters, Elmo, Wiggles, Mickey Mouse, Disney Princess, Barney, also the Kids Jukebox range.
Rossi Real Estate is a solely property management focused real estate agency. We offer a comprehensive real estate service through the Cairns region and are proud of our management style and the exceptional level of service we offer or clients. Rossi Real Estate - Growing Your Investments!
CAIRNS BEAUTY ACADEMY 97 Spence Street, Cairns Ph: 07 4051 3882 Web: www.beautyacademy.com.au Email: cba@beautyacademy.com.au For a more reasonably priced beauty treatment with a prompt and professional service, treatments available by a qualified beauty therapist and nail technician or with a practicing beauty student. Pregnancies massage or learn how to massage your baby also available.
REDS SALON & SPA The Lakes Resort, 2 Greenslopes Street, Edge Hill Ph: 07 4032 0445 Fax: 07 4032 0448 Web: www.redssalon.com.au Email: info@redssalon.com.au Reds offers complete hair, spa & beauty treatments in glamorous surroundings.
For all your Families Podiatry Needs Cairns | Innisfail | Tully | North Queensland
Shop 1, 157 Mulgrave Rd Showgrounds Shopping Centre Cairns, Q, Australia, 4870 info@insteppodiatry.com.au Ph: 1300 INSTEP (1300 467 837) shoe advice & gait (walking) analysis
the confessIon box “Fess up and get it off your chest”
I confess . . . there is not one single thing I like about breast-feeding. It gets rammed down our throats even before we enter the world of motherhood, the neverending benefits of mother’s milk. Yes, it’s linked to a lower risk of some pretty serious health problems, asthma, obesity, type 1 & 2 diabetes, childhood leukaemia, SIDS, to name a few. Just writing this, I’m feeling guilty. Even mums’ benefit! Lowering our risk of getting breast & ovarian cancer and Post Natal Depression. Jeez . . . Help! Save me from the guilt! Well I hate it! All of it! I remember each day waking in hospital with that feeling of dread, praying that my milk would miraculously not come in. It would decide that this particular person didn’t appreciate it so it would just stay
away. But alas, around day 4 (about the time those baby blues kick in) the breasts double in size, and just drying them with a towel makes you really question whether you can survive without a shower for just one more day. And I love how the lactation experts always say there should not be any pain if the attachment is right. Yeah, right! I still recall the midwife showing me the way. She grabs my breast, like it’s some kind of squeegee toy, shapes it, then shoves it down the throat of my newborn. And have you ever noticed that special look that mothers give their beautiful baby as they suckle tenderly from their breast? Well if you want to stick around and wait for that look between my bub and I, you might also want to look out for my lethal involuntary leg kick that happens as soon as bubs jaws clamp down over my cracked and bleeding nipples. Nope, Nothing special about that moment. Now when it comes to my breasts, I’m a very private person. I’m not one of these wondrous creatures that you see walking around the shopping aisle, baby latched to their breast who then really show off by simultaneously negotiating with the butcher for the exact piece of meat. No for me- any public breastfeeding takes a lot of skill. It requires speed, agility, multi tasking and a fair bit of thought in the wardrobe department. And then there’s the moment that bub decides to look around and smile adoringly at her fans, leaving me dripping and exposed. So in conclusion, I’m happy to accept that breastfeeding is the best for our children, but next time I’m called up for duty, I’ll be on the hunt for a wet nurse! By the way, have you ever heard of Judith Waterford? She is a legendary wet nurse who in 1831, on her 81st birthday, could still produce breast milk. In her prime she unfailingly produced two quarts [four pints] of breast milk a day! Now that’s impressive in a sick kind of way!! Mum of 3 from Redlynch
I confess . . . I love watching my girls role play. One plays
the mummy, and one plays the baby. Not so good though when you hear the occasional “crap” and “bloody hell!” Why do they listen when they really shouldn’t and don’t when they really should! Mum of 2 from Kewarra Beach
I confess . . . I have guilty thoughts. My 3-year old likes housework and I’m thinking of letting her do it all! Is that wrong?” Overworked, underpaid mum from Brinsmead
email your anonymous confessions to confessions@parentingcompanion.com.au or submit your blog at www.parentingcompanion.com.au
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Snooze Cairns. Tenancy 2A, Cairns Hypermart, 101 Spence Street. Ph 4051 1144
snooze.com.au 15% discount offer applies to marked prices on all stock including mattresses, furniture, linen, & accessories.
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