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Beyond Health/Fluid Living Health & Wellbeing 1

Issue design by: Caitlin Doney Š 20167 Fashion Communication Northumbria 2

Fluid Living


There exists a growing movement to reject man made and synthetic products and return to natural alternatives. We are all too aware of the health risks associated with ingesting chemicals, with many of our over the counter and prescription drugs accountable for harmful and unwanted side effects. There is a desire to return to a more biological way of looking after our health and wellbeing.

1. The Natural Way. Period. IUDs, implants, condoms and the ever-present pill: for years, contraceptive methods have challenged our ethical principles. Once prescribed with little thought of potential side effects, there has been a recent shift in attitudes as women become more informed and conscious about what they put into their bodies. Like everything in life, things have a habit of coming full circle. We start simply, then as we evolve our lives become more complicated. Science has a way of stepping in and we suddenly have solutions to our modern day problems. Returning to natural methods of birth control, an app called Natural Cycles has become the first to be classified as a medical device for contraception. Using body temperature and menstrual cycle data, the app can inform the user of when she is fertile and must abstain from sex. Their motive is a cleaner, healthier, more natural body.

RIGHT: Natural Cycles is an algorithm that accurately detects and predicts ovulation and fertility. As a natural contraceptive method, it is non hormonal and non intrusive.



ABOVE/RIGHT: With many forms of birth control so readily available, our society is growing up on the birth control diet. Welcome to The Birth Control Bar, can I take your order?



ABOVE: The contraceptive pill remains the most popular birth control option, with it being more than 99% effective if taken correctly. RIGHT: NO birth control method is perfect. Except for abstinence, there is always the chance that birth control failure can happen. One in every three babies is conceived by accident.



ABOVE: Colour exploration. RIGHT: A comically feminine piece by Elisa Reimer / Edited by Caitlin Doney. A visual representation of the female anatomy uniting the same sex.



ABOVE: Exploring the old fashioned condom and banana sex education tool. Photography sourced via Cosmopolitan. RIGHT: The pill needs to be taken each day. Combine this with a busy lifestyle and perfect compliance can be impossible to achieve. Take the pill according to prescription and there’s a 0.3% chance of unintended pregnancy. Combine this with occasional forgetfulness and the chances go up to 9%.




ABOVE/LEFT: The contraceptive pill’s arrival in 1960 marked the culmination of years of development and testing. For the first time, a birth control method left women in total control. They could take the pill without the consent or even knowledge of their sex partners. In spite of the pill’s half century on the market, many difficulties persist today. Images sourced via Pinterest / Edited by Caitlin Doney.


RIGHT: Colour board exploring further birth control methods and the delicacy and femininity of the female anatomy. Images sourced via Pinterest / Edited by Caitlin Doney.



2. Joint Cure Healing with medicinal plants is as old as mankind itself. Man has struggled for thousands of years against illness and in the pursuit to discover cures and alleviate symptoms we have turned to what was available to us in the natural world. Cultures of purity and open-mindedness will sharpen, and for the latter, there will be more intersections between Cannabis, health and wellbeing. After decades of prohibition, Marijuana is being viewed as more socially acceptable and medically important. It is providing another choice for those who do not want a laboratory produced, chemical based product in their bodies. Over 100 trials on medical Cannabis exist, with the strongest evidence of benefits for nausea, epileptic seizures, multiple sclerosis, cancer, glaucoma, chronic pain and stress reduction.

RIGHT: Exploring the consumption of medicinal plants and their healing powers. While recreational cannabis usage is controversial, many people believe that the drug should be legal for medical uses.




LEFT: Thematic moodboard edited by Caitlin Doney. RIGHT: There are at least two active chemicals in marijuana that researchers believe to have medicinal applications. The main chemical is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has pain relieving properties.


ABOVE: STONED by Caitlin Doney. RIGHT: Exploring a green colour palette associated with many medicinal plants.




ABOVE: Cannabis is quickly becoming one of the most versatile and effective products for improving overall health. And as the legalization of marijuana continues to sweep the nation, research will continue to reveal the undeniable health benefits of marijuana.



ABOVE/LEFT: Wana Brands, an edibles manufacturing company has created a line of cannabis capsules. The aim is to offer an alternative consumption method to patients other than smoking or consuming edibles. Capsules can bridge the comfort gap for patients who are curious in trying medical marijuana to but are intimidated by or not well informed on the more common consumption approaches.





PREVIOUSLY: Cameron Zeger exploring Oregon’s growing pot industry for 1859 Magazine. Edited by Caitlin Doney. LEFT/ABOVE: Discovering consumption methods. Marijuana edibles are becoming a popular alternative to smoking cannabis. Edibles are a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabis, particularly for those who cannot tolerate smoke.



Beyond Health


In recent years we have started to react to studies into the health risks posed by modern living, especially in the developed world, where we have grown complacent about the quantity and quality of food we ingest. Bodies like The World Health organisation and UK government campaigns like the ‘5 A Day’ encourage us all to eat more fruit and vegetables. As adults and children battle obesity, there is a need to re-educate on what we eat and how much we eat. With modern technology and the Internet, we are exposed to other healthier cultures around the world. It is easier to copy and become inspired by the way others prepare and cook food.

1. Piece Of Cake Thanks to the dominance of wellness and clean eating, the lengths we go to consume vegetables nowadays is never ending. Salad cakes are a Japanese food craze. Inspired by the healthy-eating movement, these are elaborate, brightly coloured masterpieces that contain only vegetables and healthy ingredients, such as tofu frosting. Coming in at around 55 percent of the calories as an un-iced slice of chocolate cake, a slice of salad cake can remove the ‘guilty’ from a guilty pleasure. The concept has clicked with people who are looking for healthier dietary choices and for families looking for nourishing food alternatives that keep the children interested.

Beyond Health


ABOVE: Highlighting our infatuation with cake and sweet treats. Edited by Caitlin Doney.



LEFT: Image sourced via Huffington Post. ABOVE: Food stylist Mitsuki Moriyasu created the concept of a salad cake, which she sells in her cafe in the city of Nagoya. Mitsuki stated: ‘I look at the different vegtables and try to pull out their best characteristic. My inspiration comes from when I think about the shapes and combination of colours and different vegetables.’


ABOVE/RIGHT: Sweet and savoury inspired creations using an essential salad ingredient, the tomato. All images shot or edited by Caitlin Doney.



RIGHT: Capturing the stereotypical ingredients and implements for baking the perfect cake. ABOVE: The basic instructions on how to construct a typical salad cake.




ABOVE/LEFT: Exploring the typical ingredients in a classic salad. Reversing the salad and cake roles by adding birthday candles to an iceberg lettuce.


RIGHT: Image sourced via Man Repeller / Edited by Caitlin Doney.



ABOVE: A fusion of what is deemed healthy and unhealthy. Introducing the broccoli cupcake.



2. Portion Size. It’s Alimentary! Overeating is strongly influenced by the external elements of consumption, namely the tools and utensils we use. If we are to pursue health and wellbeing through food, we need to reconnect with fresh, natural ingredients, rediscovering textures, tastes and colours. We must consider portion size and take the time to appraise what is on our plate. Only then, can we fully appreciate the food we are ingesting and reap the health benefits that co-exist with portion control. The time has come to retrain our brains and digestive systems.

RIGHT: Illustration by Isabel Castillo. Considering portion sizes and convenient measurement aids, whilst highlighting the importance of a balanced diet.




ABOVE/LEFT: Over the years portions have grown significantly in resturants and at home. Adults today consume an average of 300 more calories per day than they did in 1985. Portion distortion is new term which refers to the growing portion sizes that people regard as normal. The following pages will feature a series of images showcasing the single serving truth. Taking the most commonly misjudged foods and demonstrating what one serving looks like.


ABOVE/RIGHT: Photographed and edited by Caitlin Doney.




ABOVE/LEFT; Photographed and edited by Caitlin Doney.


RIGHT: Considering measurement aids and their role in overeating.



RIGHT: Portion Distortion is a concept design by Studio José de la O, created by recent design graduate Dafne Ríos . Dafne conducted research on how external elements of food can be on influence of our consumption. Inspired by the research of behavioural psychologists, Portion Distortion’s hypothetical range of tableware tools which focusses on overeating. Maze Cover is a design that makes it difficult to eat your food by having to complete a maze before consumption. It targets food that contains high levels of sugar, fat or salt we try to eat as quickly as possible, due to the addictive effect of it. The Maze Cover ensures that we will slow down our intake and thus prevents overconsumption.


ABOVE: The Forks of Excess are developed with the intention of showing how important the way we consumer our food is. The size of the cutlery can impact on how much people eat, the smaller the fork, the less consumers eat.


ABOVE/RIGHT: A collage series of size juxtapositions, which explores societies confused understanding of correct portion sizes. Pairing typically small objects with typically large objects and reversing their roles.




ABOVE/LEFT: Edited by Caitlin Doney.


Reference list: •Page 12 a62395/people-explain-sex-before-theyhad-it/ •Page 17 •Page 27 green-pucker-pieces-tablets-green-apple •Page 28-29 •Page 35 image/2422504B56876962364CAC uploads/2016/11/Vintage-Photos-ManRepeller-Feature-1.jpg •Page 36 this-is-our-take-on-the-s_b_9995334.html •Page 45 how-to-cut-sugar.html •Page 49 b09/100,0,1800,2400/x/1593353/image.png Image 57 •https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg. com/736x/66/2b/fb/662bfb44ade2e46681d0 8bb0369f8955.jpg •Page 58-59


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