wedding professionals association of central oregon
he Wedding Professionals Association
board position.
of Central Oregon is a fast growing 501(c)6 nonprofit association whose
We have learned over the past 2 years that a diverse
mission is to provide networking
board is crucial to our sucess. Whether you’ve been
and educational opportunities to its members
in the wedding business for decades or just a year,
and promote Central Oregon as the best place
you have a point of view that is necessary to serving
in the world to get married. The association is
all members to the best of our ability.
only as strong as its board. The current board has given 2 years of their time and talents to build the
Serving on the board is a time commitment and
association from the ground up. Now we need you
it takes dedication, but the benefit for you, your
to help it continue to thrive and grow.
business and the larger community is well worth it. The association started as just a few dedicated
Being a part of the WPACO board means you are
individuals and has grown exponentially in the past
a leader in our industry. You have the opportunity
2 years. We hope you will consider a leadership role
to meet new vendors, help shape our direction
at this crucial time for our community.
and build a strong and supportive community. Board members give of their time and talents to
not only serve the whole, but to elevate their own
Caitlin Gallivan-Gaertner
professional skills and businesses. We know that
Board Chairperson
while we may go faster alone, we can go farther
Gallivan Photo
together. Help us go far, and consider running for a
Do we have you on the hook yet?
1) Have a few hours a week
If yes, contine reading ... there’s a
to dedicate to association
lot more great info here.
Being a WPACO board member
It doesn’t take up a ton of time,
means giving of your time and
but each position comes with
energy to benefit the community.
certain responsibilities. Check
Great board candidates:
out the board member job descriptions for more detailed info on time commitment.
“Serving on the board of WPACO has helped my business, as I was a relative newcomer to the wedding industry. Not only did it help me to understand the industry better, but it helped me connect to so many vendors in the area.” - Erica Swantek of Erica Swantek Photography
2) Enjoy working in
4) Can go with the flow and are
great at problem solving.
Our board members do a lot of
Being on the board means
committee work and each voice
you share responsibility for the
is crucial to the process. Ideal
association’s efforts. A great
board members like working
board member is able to pitch
with others on projects and
in and help out in areas outside
handle conflict professionally.
their purview when needed.
3) Want to serve for the benefit
5) Want to be leaders in the
of the whole, not just for
personal gain. As a board member, you’re a I get it. We all need our business
leader in our industry. This comes
to thrive to be able to make a
with responsibility. Our board
living. Board members are willing
members take great pride in
to give of their time and talents
being leaders and take their
for a year in order to benefit the
positions and responsibilities
Monthly Mettings
Committee Wo r k
Pitching In
As a board member you will be
There will be times when a board
month during off season. Board
on 1 or 2 committees depending
member has an emergency
on your position. Committee
and they will need others to
attend all monthly meetings
work can happen in person or
help out. All board members
unless there is an unavoidable
virtually. Board members are
should be willing to pitch in
conflict. We ask that members
expected to participate equally
and help out when necessary.
commit to meetings and not
with their committee members.
miss more than 2 during their term.
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The Board Chair is ultimately the responsible party for the association and its efforts. They ensure that policies are followed, create and update budgets, help guide the direction of the association and ensure board members have the proper support to complete their tasks.
Time committment: 2-3 hours per week
Duties include: •
Creating and updating budgets
Ensuring the association follows all laws and regulations
Works with the treasurer to file taxes
Monitors progress of board members and provides necessary support
Signs checks, keeps WPACO debit card
Files appropriate licensing and registration paperowork
Runs WPACO board meetings and oversees committee work
Handles member and board member greivances
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR/ VICE CHAIR The Editorial Director is responsible for creating, curating and collecting content for Bend Bridal Guide and They are also responsible for posting that content to the websites. This position oversees the Social Media Director to ensure that content is being put onto our social media platforms. In the event that the Chairperson must be absent, or resigns, the Vice Chair resumes the duties of the Chairperson.
Time commitment: 3-4 hours per week
Duties include: •
Creating, curating and collecting content for Bend Bridal Guide and the WPACO member site.
Uploading blogs and other content to both of our websites.
Works with the social media director to create effective social media campaigns in line with our content.
Resumes duties of the Board Chairperson if they are absent or resign
Works with members to encourage submissions of content
The Social Media Director is responsible for assisting the Editorial Director in creating an effective online media presence for Bend Bridal Guide and WPACO.
Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week
Duties include: •
Working with the Editorial Director to create a social media plan
Posting to our Instagram, Facebook and other social media accounts regularly
Responds to inquiries from our bridal audience via our social media platforms
Assists the Development director in creating social media campaigns for WPACO events
Assists in designing and executing our wedding expo booth
Seeks out blog content and Instragram posts from our members and reposts that content
Engages with our members on social media
Takes minutes at WPACO board meetings and uploads to the WPACO shared drive promptly
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Our Membership Director is the face of our organization to our membership. It is the responsibility of the membership coordinator to assist members with the application process, answer questions, address concerns with the Board Chair and keep detailed records about our membership. Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week
Duties include: •
Keep and update detailed list of members, pending members and potential members with contact information and payments
Assist potential members with membership applications
Answer potential member inquiries and answer member questions
Assist members in handling association grievances
Be the liaison between our membership and the board of directors
Update membership applications, assist members in processing payments
Recruit new members and network with new vendors in the community
Form strong relationships with membership and create feedback forms
M E M B E R S H I P A S S I S TA N T / TREASURER The Membership Assistant assists the membership coordinator in record-keeping and collecting listing information from members. They also assist with other tasks based on the current needs of the membership coordinator. Additionally, the membership coordinator serves as Treasurer, and is responsible for keeping detailed financial records for WPACO. Time committment: 2-3 hours per week
Duties include: •
Contacting new members to collect listing content and information
Creating new member listings on Bend Bridal Guide
Assists Membership Coordinator with other tasks as needed
Keeps detailed financial records using Quickbooks
Works with the Board Chair to prepare taxes annually and prepares a financial report prior to every board meeting
Researches items related to finances such as insurance and reports back to the board as needed
Acts as Membership Coordinator when their counterpart is out-of-town
DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR The Development Director is responsible for planning WPACO events, educational workshops and networking opportunities. They are also responsible for creating ads to promote such events.
Time committment: 2-3 hours per week on average, but more hours are needed in weeks in which events take place
Duties include: •
Planning roundtable events, educational workshops and networking events.
Securing locations, food, beverages, etc. for WPACO events
Coordinating the board volunteers and giving out jobs for each member at events
Taking member feedback from events
Keeping updated list of all C.O. vendors
Sending email blasts about events to membership
“Being on the board has been such a great experience for me professionally. I have learned so much from this experience, and I have met so many incredible vendors. You show up to a wedding and look around at all of been your fellow WPACO members and think “okay, that’s why we do this. ” Giving my time to “Having a board member of Wedding Professionals Associathis community has come back to me 10 fold. There’s no better way to be a leader in this community.”
tion of Central Oregon has been my business. It S T very R E beneficial E T C HtoI C has helped me to connect with a really wonderful group of others within my industry to brainstorm ideas with and learn from. Not only have other’s success stories help me to form my own within my business, but I have also learned from each their trials and errors. It la poreseq uidelestrunt hari has been great to share Bissere these ant examples with each other and gain advice to help further eachconsedi individual business and while being part strumeSus eos ulla cusapit of WPACO in general has made a difference, it is not as beneficial iorerov itatia cusaeratur autas milit as the close relationships gained from serving on the board.” laborum raessequo volupis sinciatusdae
- Brittany Shunkvolut of The Bridal Suite and Special Occasion as que nonem net doloreped Current Vice Chair/Secretary maiossu ndiatat ioriosa volor.
So you’re ready to be a leader in our community, and you’re wondering where to start.
1) Connect with a current board member. If you’re interested in a position, set up a meeting with a current board member (via Facetime or in person - whatever works!) . They can sit down with you and answer any questions you might have.
2) Submit an online information form This is your very official self-nomination for the election. The election will take place on January 17th and it’s done online. Head to http:// to apply!
3) VOTE! Don’t forget to vote by Tuesday, January 24th! All members in good standing are eligible to vote for open board positions.
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