Wpaco Board Guide: 2018

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WPACO 2018 Board Guide



Building a strong and profitable company is one of the most challenging and rewarding things a person can do. Successful small business owners believe in the power of imagination, hard work and perseverance. The Wedding Professionals Association of Central Oregon was founded by 12 such individuals just 3 years ago, and since has grown to over 50 companies in 3 counties. In 2016 we received our IRS tax exempt status, and in 2017 we put into place plans for greater sustainability as an organization. WPACO was founded on the idea that together, we can go farther than alone. If building community around yourself and your business and assisting others do the same is something you care about, this packet is for you. The WPACO Board is made up of 5 dedicated individuals who act as stewards of the community. Together we ensure that events are planned and executed, members have access to needed resources and we also look for ways for couples to find our members via our website and social media. Each position has its own required skill set, but in general, the most important thing you can bring to the table is a consistent commitment to creating a thriving community.



FAQ WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT FOR A WPACO BOARD MEMBER? We ask that all board members commit to a 2 year term. This includes monthly 1-2 hour meetings during off-season (Nov-April) and meetings once every 2 months during high season (May-Oct). Each board member spends time on their individual responsibilities each month. An approximate amount of time is listed under each board member description.

WHAT WILL I GAIN FOR MYSELF OR MY BUSINESS? We fully understand that each business owner is taking time out of their already busy lives to be a part of the WPACO Board, and therefore, it must be worth your time to volunteer. As a board member, you’ll be able to shape and grown our membership and meet with new vendors on a regular basis. You’ll also learn valuable skills that will contribute to your success as a business owner. WPACO board members are central figures in our association. While we have strict rules about profiting directly from your place on the board or using your influence to profit, we also know that being on the board can increase your visibility in the community which is always a great thing!

DO I GET A DISCOUNT ON MY MEMBERSHIP? Unfortunately, we do not give our board members any discounts on their membership.

HOW DOES THE BOARD MAKE DECISIONS? The WPACO Board makes decisions based on community consensus most of the time. When we can’t decide on a particular item, we will put it to a vote. When there is a tie, the board chair has a second tie breaking vote.


HOW DOES THE BOARD COMMUNICATE? The board communicates primarily via our private Facebook group. We also vote and bring up new topics in the group regularly. It’s important that you be comfortable using Facebook groups before committing to being on the board. If you’re going to be out of town for more than a few days, it’s important to let the board know via a Facebook group post. Whenever possible, we try to avoid making major decisions via Facebook, and save the topic for our next meeting. All meeting votes are recorded on our meeting minutes. All of the previous meeting minutes can be found on our online shared drive. We keep a number of organizational documents on this drive as well for your review whenever needed.

DOES THE BOARD HAVE A RETREAT? Yes. The board has a retreat once a year at a local resort. Food and drink are paid for by WPACO. This a great time to connect with your other board members and create a vision for the year.



BOARD CHAIR The Board Chair oversees the organization’s volunteer board and staff. She/he ensures that board members have what they need to be successful, and is responsible for the financial wellbeing of the organization as well as it’s legal requirements as a 501(c)6. Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week Responsibilities include: Chair, schedule and create the agenda for all WPACO Board meetings and Ensure WPACO’s Bylaws and Policies are followed and our activities are in line with our mission Handle grievances from members, board members and staff Approve annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities Assist in nominating and recruiting board members Periodically consult with board members Ensure board resolutions are carried out Act as ambassador to the organization Create and sustain a vision for the organization Ensure the organization is financially sustainable and responsible 9


NEW MEDIA DIRECTOR The New Media Director ensures WPACO and Bend Bridal Guide continue to have an outstanding web presence in the community by posting to our accounts and interacting with the public. She/he also acts as the organization’s secretary, ensuring that accurate records are kept safely and are accessible to board members. The New Media Director also serves as the Vice Chair. It’s important to note that the Vice Chair will only perform the duties of the chair in the event of removal, resignation or extended absence of the chair. Time commitment: 2 hours per week Responsibilities include: Post to the Bend Bridal Guide instagram and Facebook larly

accounts regu-

Interact with our social media audience by commenting and liking other posts Create an INSTAFAVES graphic and share it weekly. Respond to messages received via our social media channels Create paid ad campaigns for Bend Bridal Guide and WPACO events. Record minutes at WPACO monthly board meetings Ensure organization of our web based files.



DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR The Development Director works with the WPACO board and our membership to create outstanding educational and networking events! Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week avg with more of the hours concentrated when events are scheduled. Responsibilities include: Plan one large networking event per year Organize round table discussions monthly during the off season and every other month during high season. Every two years organize one educational workshop with a nationally or regionally recognized speaker. Ensure all events are on budget and are adequately staffed with volunteers and board members. Maintain the WPACO vendor list- adding new vendors as they come into Central Oregon and removing those who are no longer in business. Manage invites to all vendors in the community for WPACO events. Receive feedback from members about events and tailor events to suit the needs of our member base. 13



The Director of New Membership is the first point of contact that most non-members will have with WPACO. It’s important that applicants be comfortable with meeting new vendors on a regular basis. Time commitment: 1-2 hours per week with several hours of admin per month. Responsibilities include: Reach out to new vendors in the community and meet to discuss WPACO membership Invite new vendors in the community to WPACO sponsored events Accept new member applications and inquiries Bring to a vote any new applicants at meetings Set up new member accounts on 17 Hats and Bend Bridal Guide Communicate with the Member Services Director to ensure a seamless transition from prospective member to current member Host info sessions and new member orientations.



MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DIRECTOR The Membership Services Director ensures that all members receive the support they need to be successful. The Membership Services Director also acts as the Treasurer and ensures accurate books of account are kept for the organization. Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week Responsibilities include: Twice per annum check-ins with members to ensure a positive experience with WPACO Take member feedback to ensure activities are relevant to our membership. Work with the Development Coordinator to create events that our members will love and find useful. Communicate with membership on a quarterly basis via a WPACO email newsletter. Keep all financial records and books of account for WPACO and alert the Board Chair to any budgetary overages or issues with our accounts. Handle membership cancellations and removal of listings from Bend Bridal Guide.





W H AT O U R B O A R D M E M B E R S A R E S AY I N G : “Being a part of the board has been invaluable to my business and my own professional development. I’ve enjoyed every moment. It’s so wonderful to be able to feel so active in the community and help make decisions that shape our industry. As a board member we get to know so many business owners and my involvement on the board has led to great working relationships with so many. I feel so glad to have been a part of it!” -- Caitlin Gallivan-Gaerter of Gallivan Photo




A P P L Y TO DAY ! inquire by emailing us at boardchair@centraloregonweddingpros.com


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