AIC 2010 Interim Meeting, Mar del Plata, Argentina: Author guidelines for publication in the Proceedings John CYAN,1 Mary BROWN,2 Joseph GREEN,3 Jane RED1 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Magentopolis 2 Acme Color Company 3 Faculty of Arts, University of Yellowstone
ABSTRACT These guidelines contain all the formats required. Please, use this file as a model or template. The maximum length of each paper is 4 pages for an oral presentation or a poster, and 6 pages for an invited lecture. The paper will be printed exactly as provided by the authors. No editing work will be possible. Thus, please be sure to check spelling and all details before submitting the paper for publication. The official languages of the AIC are English, French, and German. However, to promote the maximum exchange of information, authors are encouraged to send their papers for publication in English. Include an abstract of no more than 200 words in a single paragraph, concisely summarizing key findings. Begin the abstract three lines below the authors’ institutions and companies. The abstract does not have a section number. 1. DEADLINE AND MATERIAL TO BE SENT For publication in the Proceedings of AIC Color 2010, Interim Meeting of the International Color Association (Association Internationale de la Couleur, AIC), please, send an e-mail to José Luis Caivano,, before 30 June 2010, including: • A Word file attached with the full paper strictly following these guidelines, with graphics, tables and photographs (if any) inserted. Label the file with the first author’s last name. Be sure to check English spelling and grammar before sending the paper; otherwise, the paper will be sent back to you for revision. Please, do not send .DOCX files, just .DOC files. After a short review, you will receive an answer telling whether the paper is accepted as it is for publication, or a revision is needed. 2. GENERAL FORMATS • Page layout: A4 size (29.7 × 21 cm), 2.5 cm all margins. All the text single-spaced. • Title of the article: Times Roman 18 bold, centered. • Authors’ names: Separated by one line from the title, Times Roman 12, centered. Last names (surnames) in capital letters. • Authors’ institutions or companies: Fully spelled, Times Roman 12, centered. For authors of different institutions, use superscript numerals 1, 2, 3 as used in these guidelines. • Section headings: Times Roman 12 bold, capitals, centered. Number the sections consecutively with Arabic numerals, starting with the introduction or the first section after the abstract, and ending with the last section before the acknowledgments or references. • Subsection headings (if necessary): Times Roman 12 bold, left margin.
• Text: Times Roman 12, justified, all paragraphs with a 0.5 cm indent in the first line, except for the first paragraph after a heading (with no indent). Leave one empty line between heading and text, and two empty lines between end of paragraph and next heading. Use italics for relevant words or expressions, foreign words, and titles of books or works of art. • Captions of Figures and Tables: Times Roman 12 italic, centered. • Footnotes: Times Roman 11, justified, with no indent. • List of bibliographical references: Times Roman 11, paragraph justified, with French indent (flush-and-hang style) 1 cm. • Author’s address: Placed after the bibliographical references, Times Roman 11 italic, right margin. Provide first author’s postal address, and e-mails of all authors. Some general aspects of these guidelines have been taken from the “Guidelines for the Publication of AIC Proceedings”, approved by the members of the 2002-2005 and 2006-2009 AIC Executive Committees (AIC 2008), and from the specifications for authors of SPIE (2004). 2.1 Quotations and footnotes Incorporate quotations up to three lines into your text, enclosed with double quotation marks. Use single quotation marks only within double ones (for instance, for a quotation within a quotation). Place quotations of four lines or more in a different paragraph, without quotation marks, with continuous indent of 0.5 cm from both sides, and separated by an empty line from the previous and next paragraphs. Use a block indented . . . and without quotation marks for a quotation of more than four lines. . . Don’t indent the first line of the paragraph more than the rest. (Lester 1987: 115) Omit quoted material with ellipsis dots. (Lester 1987: 118) References should be cited in the text by the author-date system, that is, giving the last name (surname) of the author or authors followed by the year of publication in parentheses, and page numbers when necessary; for example: Judd (1941), Wyszecki and Stiles (1967: 456). If there are more than three authors, citations need only name the first author; for example: Ikeda, Obama, Kusumi, and Shinoda (2003) becomes Ikeda et al. (2003). Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text with superscript Arabic numerals and should appear at the bottom of the page. Use the footnote command of the word processor.1 2.2 Figures and tables Figures can be good contrast drawings and photographs (able to be reproduced in levels of gray). Make references to the figures in the text by means of Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Write captions in italics, centered, below the illustrations. If copyright
Footnotes may be used when an idea is to be developed or a comment added without interrupting the main discourse. Do not use footnotes for bibliographical references.
protected material is to be published, authorization in writing from the copyright holder should be obtained and submitted along with the paper. Make references to tables in the text by means of Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Place captions on top of the table (see Table 1). Do not use text of size below 11 pt.; take into account that your original will be reduced approximately 70 per cent in the final publication. Table 1. Captions are written in italics, as for Figures, but placed on the top of the table. Figures Tables
Caption at bottom on top
References in text Figure 1, 2, etc. Table 1, 2, etc.
3. LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Place the list of references at the end of the paper. Every work cited must have a bibliographical reference, and no bibliography should be given that does not have an in-text citation by means of the author-date system. Arrange the bibliographical list in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. In case of various authors, only the first one goes in inverted order (Surname, Initials), the remaining authors go in the natural order (Initials Surname), separating each author with a comma. Complete references should be given; each reference should contain the names of all authors and their initials, the year of publication, the full title of the paper or book. Then, the pertinent publication data come, which is different for books or articles, as explained next. If there is more than one work by a certain author published in the same year, identify the works by adding a lowercase letter in alphabetical order, e.g., 1984a, 1984b, 1984c, etc. For books, the title goes in italics. References to books should include also the city of publication and the publisher, separated by a colon. Thus, the items are: a) author, b) year, c) title, d) city and publisher. These four items are separated by periods. Examples: Düttman, M., F. Schmuck, and J. Uhl. 1980. Farbe im Stadtbild. Berlin: Archibook. Küppers, H. 1978a. Das Grundgesetz der Farbenlehre. Cologne: Du Mont. ——. 1978b. Farben Atlas. Cologne: Du Mont. Wyszecki, G., and W. S. Stiles. 1967. Color science, concepts and methods, quantitative data and formulas. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
For articles published in journals, the title of the article goes in normal characters. Then comes the name of the journal, in italics, volume, issue number in parentheses (when needed), and both beginning and ending pages of the paper. Examples (notice punctuation details): Hård, A., and L. Sivik. 1981. NCS - Natural Color System: A Swedish standard for color notation. Color Research and Application 6 (3): 129-138. Judd, D. B. 1941. Whiteness of light surface-colors. Journal of the Optical Society of America 31: 462-470.
For articles published in anthologies or proceedings of congresses, the title of the article goes in normal characters. After a period, write the word “In”, the title of the book or proceedings (in italics) and the name of the editor. Following that, provide the city of publication and publisher, and at the end give the pages of the article. Examples (notice punctuation details):
Ikeda, M., T. Obama, A. Kusumi, and H. Shinoda. 2003. Color appearance of color charts observed with a cataract experiencing goggle. In AIC Color 2003, Proceedings, ed. by A. Hansuebsai. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 417-421.
Unpublished works, including university theses, internal and proprietary reports, government reports, and the like should not be cited as references unless they are freely available to all persons of all countries, and are accompanied by specific information on where and how to acquire them. Unpublished works may be referred to as “private communications” but should be attributable to specific persons and should be available from the author of the paper in which the citation is made. Documents on the Internet can mainly be of two classes: reproduction of works published elsewhere (in which case the previous criteria apply, and the Internet address could be given as an additional source), or documents originally published in the Web. For these last ones, the following data should be provided: a) author of the document or responsible for the page (institution or person), b) year (of creation, update, or access to the page), c) URL address, d) complete date of access. Examples: National Research Council, Committee on Vision, Working-Group 41. 1981. Procedures for testing color vision. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Also available online, Ronchi, L., comp. 2002. Light and color in environmental design: Some annotated terms. Available online, Accessed: June 25, 2009.
For other kinds of references, such as public documents, artistic works, other electronic documents, etc., follow the criteria of the Chicago manual of style for the author-date citations and reference lists (University of Chicago 1993: chapter 16). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This section is used to acknowledge sources of funding, people or institutions that have aided the authors in the work presented. REFERENCES AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur). 2008. Guidelines for the Publication of AIC Proceedings. Available on, under the section “Statutes”. Lester, J. D. 1987. Writing research papers, 5th ed. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Co. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering). 2004. Proceedings guidelines: How to prepare a manuscript. Available online, proman&type=proceedings. Accessed: January 26, 2004. University of Chicago. 1993. The Chicago manual of style, 14th ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Address: John Cyan, Department of Colorimetry, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Magentopolis, 357 Chromatic Av., Magentopolis, M1234 New Gray, Colorland E-mails:,,,