California Asphalt Magazine Environmental 2016

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Seeing GREEN

INSIDE: Meeting new permitting requirements with a not-so-new facility The 411 on the IGP Focus on asphalt plant burners and air quality Member Spotlight: Hardy & Harper, Inc.


Terminal Blends: The Tire Rubber Technology for Green, Long Lasting and Quiet Roads...

Publisher’s Letter Dear Readers, Over the 28 years I have been representing the construction industry, I have seen many ill-conceived regulations proposed by bureaucrats who really don’t understand our business. It is only though the active participation of members that industry’s perspective is heard. At CalAPA, through the leadership of our Environmental Committee, we have been successful in educating bureaucrats and persuading them to modify regulations to make them more workable and less harmful to our industry. A recent example of this engagement occurred when the San Diego Air Pollution Control District tried to control emissions from paving operations through a permitting process. A team coordinated though the CalAPA Environmental Committee and led by committee Co-Chairman Scott Cohen, Sespe Consulting, met with the Compliance and Rule Making staff at SDAPCD to help them understand that they could achieve their goal of dealing with companies that were out of compliance by utilizing the existing Regulation on Visible Emissions. The net effect was that we were able to dissuade the SDAPCD from requiring the entire industry to go through a very expensive permitting process for each piece of equipment. In another example, our association is engaged with the Bay Area AQMD as we wait the agency to issue proposed regulations on “blue smoke” from paving operations. Other issues our Environmental Committee is following closely include road dust, new requirements for reporting about recycled materials, health risk assessments and the ever-shifting politics of regional and state environmental boards. The CalAPA Environmental Committee also provided comments to the South Coast Air Quality Management District on the their White Paper on Off-Road Equipment and further regulations to include in the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan. We argued that cost scenarios for technologies that are yet to be commercialized must be cited and the technology must be technically, economically and legally feasible. Our comments also suggested the District should identify and address entities that enter from outside of the area and ones from within the area that are non-compliant. Such emissions-reduction should be explored before making more stringent standards for the companies that have been complying from the beginning. This is a small snapshot of the importance of involvement. At this time, approximately 10 companies are actively participating but we encourage each member to have someone participate in the Environmental Committee, which is the best way to get an early warning on what environmental regulations are in the pipeline. In the meantime, providing our membership with high-quality information on matters that may impact their businesses, and their bottom line, is part of the inspiration for this special environment-themed issue of California Asphalt magazine. Inside you’ll read reports on the latest activity as it relates to environmental regulations that impact construction activity as well as plant operations. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage your participation. Sincerely,

Tony Grasso, Deputy Executive Director 4

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

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Contents 4

Publisher’s Letter


Meeting new permitting requirements with a not-so-new facility Page 8


The 411 on the IGP


Focus on asphalt plant burners and air quality


Hardy & Harper, Inc. Asphalt Paving Contractor

Page 16

Vision, inspiration, and innovation at the heart of Hardy & Harper, Inc.


Advertiser Index On the Cover:

Sustainable practices and environmental protection are “business as usual” for the asphalt industry in California, or as some call it, “seeing green.” Cover illustration by Aldo Myftari.

Page 24



P.O. Box 981300 • West Sacramento • CA 95798 (Mailing Address) 1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211 • West Sacramento • CA 95691 • (866) 498-0761 Russell W. Snyder, CAE, Tony Grasso, Sophie You, Rita Leahy, PhD., P.E., Tony Grasso, CalAPA Construction Marketing Services, LLC • P.O. Box 892977 • Temecula • CA 92589 (909) 772-3121 • Fax (951) 225-9659 Aldo Myftari & Juben Cayabyab Scott Taylor, Taylor Environmental Services, Inc., Kathryn Hubbard, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., Catherine Sutton-Choate, Astec Inc., Brian Hoover, CMS, Tony Grasso & Russell W. Snyder, CalAPA Kerry Hoover, CMS, (909) 772-3121 • Fax (951) 225-9659

Copyright © 2016 – All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused in any form without prior permission of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. California Asphalt is the official publication of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. This bi-monthly magazine distributes to members of the California Asphalt Pavem­­ent Association; contractors; construction material producers; Federal, State and Local Government Officials; and others interested in ensuring that asphalt remains the high quality, high performance pavement choice in the state of California.


California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

Meeting new permitting requirements with a not-so-new facility. By Scott Taylor, Taylor Environmental Services, Inc.

Air quality agencies throughout the state have reported the significant improvements in the quality of the air. Even with these positive reports a list of the top 10 most polluted cities in the country include seven located in California. Results like these drives Air quality agencies and the EPA to further push stricter regulations for Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) on stationary and mobile sources. This pushes asphalt plant operations to find ways to meet these standards. Recently, EPA set a new lower Ozone standard which, if upheld, will push efforts like South Coast AQMD’s 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to create tighter restrictions. Over the last year, SCAQMD created 8

10 policy white papers which detailed their public policy on everything from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) controls to offroad mobile equipment. While the final outcome of these efforts are still developing, it is clear that facilities in California will need to carefully plan and have a detailed understanding of the impacts of emission changes on operations. Many asphalt plant operators question if an existing plant can meet these new environmental requirements. Several California operators have found ways to upgrade older plants at their existing location or find a new life for an older plant at a new location. At the same time these facilities have had to meet stricter standards. Plants that are

properly maintained can last for decades. While some components need constant replacement, some of the larger components can continue to meet production demands and environmental requirements with some careful planning. In considering a plant relocation or upgrade here are some proven strategies to getting it done. BAGHOUSES As more and more areas continue to be challenged in meeting PM emission requirements the demand for lower and lower PM levels gets higher. Plants that relocate or rebuild will likely trigger standards which are much stricter. Many local air [ Continued on page 10 ]

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

and improve heating efficiency. Most relocated or large scale modifications will find that the local Air District will require the replacement of the oil heater burner for regulatory reasons and have the added benefit of making the plant more efficient. BLUE SMOKE CONTROL

Astec’s Phoenix Talon II burners reduce CO and NOx. Photo: Courtesy of Astec Inc. [ Continued from page 8 ]

districts are establishing particulate requirements for asphalt plants that are more stringent than state or federal standards. Older and properly maintained baghouses can find new life with a new set of bags. Bag filter media is continuously improving for numerous applications. Hot Mix Asphalt plants are no different. There are limits to how much an existing baghouse can reduce particulate by just switching out the bags. However, careful research, working with bag suppliers and helping regulators understand what is reasonably achievable can eliminate the need to completely replace the bag house and allow many more years of operation. ASPHALT PLANT BURNERS Over the last several decades burners have seen an unthinkable reduction in emissions and improved operational efficiency. Many Low-NOx burners are trending toward the lean-burn premix style of burner. As the burners become more sophisticated the emissions have dropped 10

to a third of what they were 20 years ago. Rebuilt or relocated plants have had good success with retrofitting the burner and meeting tighter standards. Many facilities located in some of the larger air districts have already performed the burner upgrades to meet local air quality retrofit rule requirements. These facilities often find that they can relocate or modify their facility without having to change their burner. OIL HEATERS Hot oil heaters often operate continuously to keep the oil hot and ready for production. That type of operation can create emissions that makes them a target for reductions. Fortunately, great advances have been made on thermal fluid heaters which can help keep the emissions low enough that they become an insignificant source of emissions. New or relocated plants often can keep their oil tanks and heating systems but retrofit the heating unit to meet new standards. The low NOx alternatives can take a less-than-efficient system and reduce fuel usage

The use of Blue Smoke Control at hot mix plants has seen a lot of development in recent years. Most asphalt plants which undertake large modifications or relocate a plant today must address blue smoke control. Plants are often considering multiple solutions for Blue Smoke Control from load-outs, silo and asphalt tanks. Much of the technology available can be retrofitted to many of the existing applications. HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT All of the air districts throughout California have been evaluating their Health Risk Assessment (HRA) guidelines. Recent updates to those guidelines have created greater uncertainty as companies try to decide how much impact their plant changes will have in meeting the standards. Often it is believed that improving equipment emissions is enough. Because of changes in the methodology, many times the results of the studies change without the plant changing. Submitting an application for a large modification or relocating a plant can open an operation up to detailed evaluation and analysis which can be unexpected. Many operators only find out there is a problem during the application process. Knowing the impact of key plant parameters can aid in reaching a successful outcome and preventing surprises.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

The use of Blue Smoke Control at hot mix plants has seen a lot of development in recent years.

When agencies prepare an HRA the devil is in the details. Many times generic information is used in the analysis. Using site-specific information as much as possible helps to make sure the facility is taking advantage of the extensive controls which are utilized. Oftentimes agencies overlook details like current boundary line information, using

overly conservative emission rates without control factors, or they do not have current information on the distances to the receptors. Major projects must take the time to making sure the best data are being used. Some asphalt plants are finding ways to meet new environmental requirements without having to completely rebuild their facility.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

Projects that carefully focus on key components and projectspecific information can find extended life in an ever-changing regulatory environment. CA Scott Taylor is Co-Chairman of the CalAPA Environmental Committee.


The 411 on the IGP By Kathryn Hubbard, Technical Expert, Environmental Management Specialist, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

INTRODUCTION The California Industrial General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities (IGP) was adopted in April 2014 and became effective July 1, 2015. This article explores the implementation of the new permit within the asphalt manufacturing industry through a review of Stormwater MultiApplication Reporting and Tracking System (SMARTS) data for SIC Code 2951-Asphalt Paving Mixtures, and a comparison of the findings to the relevant objectives of the IGP. BACKGROUND During the development of the IGP, it was determined that It is not feasible for the State Water Board (Board) to develop numeric effluent limitations (NEL) using the best professional judgment approach due to lack of sufficient information. Previous versions of the IGP required dischargers to sample their industrial stormwater discharges and report the results to the Regional Water Boards. Dischargers were not required to submit this data online into a statewide database; as a result, much of this earlier data are not available. Moreover, much of the data that are available for analysis are not of sufficient quality to draw 12

conclusions or perform basic statistical tests. A blue-ribbon panel of Experts, Board staff, and many stakeholders evaluated the available stormwater data set. They concluded that the information provides limited value due to the limited pool of industrial facilities submitting data, poor overall data quality, and extreme variance within the dataset. The previous permits required dischargers to sample during the first hour of discharge from two storm events a year, representing the highest concentrations for most pollutants. The results from this type of sampling were thought to be an indicator of whether or not additional Best Management Practices (BMP) would be necessary. The data did not detail the relationship between the BMPs implemented at each facility and the facility’s sampling results or pollutant loads in receiving water. Consequently, the Board was unable to exercise best professional judgment to make the connection between sampling results and numeric effluent limits (NELs). THE CURRENT PERMIT Many of the new requirements in this General Permit have been designed to address

the shortcomings of previous permits and the existing stormwater data set. Under the IGP, sampling results must be certified and submitted into SMARTS by dischargers, along with SWPPPs which outline the technologies and BMPs used to control pollutants at each facility. The IGP is expected to make this information more accessible, allowing the Boards to evaluate the relationship between BMPs and the ability of facilities to meet the numeric action limits (NALs) in this General Permit. Finally, the Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP) training requirements of this IGP have been designed in part to improve the quality of the data submitted. The IGP requires dischargers to develop and implement a facility-specific monitoring program. The monitoring data are expected to be used to determine:

Whether BMPs addressing

pollutants in industrial stormwater discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges (NSWDs) are effective for compliance with the effluent and receiving water limitations of the IGP, [ Continued on page 14 ]

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

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[ Continued from page 12 ]

The presence of pollutants

in industrial stormwater discharges and authorized NSWDs (and their sources) that may trigger the implementation of additional BMPs and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) revisions; and,

The effectiveness of BMPs

in reducing or preventing pollutants in industrial stormwater discharges and authorized NSWDs.

THE DATA SMARTS was used to ascertain if the three objectives outlined above could be confirmed for the facilities using SIC Code 2951 Asphalt Paving and Mixtures as the primary industrial activity. According to SMARTS, there are 123 facilities in California listing SIC Code 2951 as their primary SIC code. For this analysis, 60 of the 123 facilities were randomly


selected. The attachments of the randomly selected 60 facilities were reviewed. All of the selected facilities with 2951 as a primary SIC code uploaded a new SWPPP and site map as required by the IGP. Each SWPPP included a monitoring and implementation plan. Additional data review of the 123 asphalt plants was performed and indicated that twenty-four or approximately 20 percent of the facilities within SIC code 2951 uploaded sampling data into SMARTS. Twelve of the 24 exceeded the annual average NAL of 100 mg/l for total suspended solids (TSS). ANALYSIS Since only 20 percent of the facilities uploaded monitoring data, we could not compare available data from SMARTS with the IGP objectives to establish that the BMPs

addressing TSS are effective or not for compliance with effluent and receiving water limitations. The data do not reveal which constituents could trigger the implementation of additional BMPs, nor do they demonstrate the effectiveness of the BMPs, although they may indicate that TSS should be further evaluated at sites exceeding the NAL for TSS. CONCLUSION The IGP has been successful in making data available; however, the data do not reveal that the new IGP is achieving the three objectives discussed above for this sector. In addition, these data only represent a single year of the five years permit term and a very small number of the regulated facilities. CA

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

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Focus on asphalt plant burners and air quality By Catherine Sutton-Choate, Astec Inc. | Photos provided by Astec, Inc.


n today’s economic climate, contractors must continually evaluate the profitability of their facility. Contractors must make complex decisions about their equipment to remain competitive while maintaining compliance with applicable emission standards. An efficient drying process is at the heart of a successful asphaltic concrete production facility. It is increasingly common for contractors to enhance plant efficiency by 16

upgrading components rather than installing new facilities. Upgrading the plant burner is often at the top of the list. The obvious goal is to lower drying costs. However, this course of action may not provide the desired end result. All burners convert fuel and oxygen into heat. Combustion efficiencies are sufficiently similar among top-of-the-line burners that differences are indicated by emission rates and excess air requirements

to achieve low emissions rather than fuel consumption. Increasing plant efficiency is best accomplished by ensuring the burner is properly tuned by a trained technician, eliminating exhaust system leaks, installing Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), optimizing dryer performance, minimizing material moisture through proper stockpile management, and avoiding overheating materials. [ Continued on page 18 ]

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue



The Roadtec “Shuttle Buggy” material transfer vehicle (MTV) provides unequaled performance to other MTVs and is used extensively by government road departments worldwide to achieve consistently high quality asphalt pavement. Pavement lifespan tests have shown that a temperature differential of less than seven degrees Celsius in the mat behind the paver are key to even compaction and pavement durability.

WITH SHUTTLE BUGGY Infrared imaging behind the Shuttle Buggy™ MTV has shown in tests conducted in the U.S. as well as in Europe that the machine easily and consistently remixes to achieve temperature differential below the seven degree Celsius threshold. This proven performance has led not only to the machine’s popularity all over the world, but also allows contractors to earn maximum smoothness bonuses and win quality awards.






Above Left: Natural gas flame. Above Right: Oil flame.

[ Continued from page 16 ]

Another motivation for burner upgrades is lowering emissions from the facility. The goal may be compliance with new regulations or eliminating the needs for emission offsets. Many air districts are steadily ratcheting down on emission limits for combustion sources. What was once considered routine maintenance is now a turning point at which facilities must come into compliance with current environmental standards. Burners are often upgraded to Low-NOx (nitrogen oxides) models to meet applicable BACT (Best Available Control Technology) standards. Stoichiometric combustion is an ideal scenario in which all fuel is completely burned with no excess air. The reaction produces carbon dioxide, water, and heat, while nitrogen from the combustion air exhausts 18

unchanged. However, no combustion process in the real world is ideal. Nitrogen that is present in combustion air and fuel form NOx. Its formation is exacerbated by high flame temperatures, residence time at elevated temperature, abundant oxygen supply, and high concentrations of fuel-bound nitrogen. Carbon monoxide (CO) results from incomplete combustion of the fuel. High CO emission rates are often indicative of a poorly-tuned burner. Contractors must first consider which technology is best suited for their operations. Flue gas recirculation (FGR) systems replace about 25 percent of the incoming combustion air with oxygen-depleted air from the exhaust stack. The primary purpose of the recirculation loop is to lower flame temperature and reduce oxygen availability to restrict NOx formation.

The trade-off for lower NOx emissions is higher CO emissions and fuel consumption due to reduced burner capacity. FGR systems require implementation of a forced draft system and specialized controls to regulate airflow based on burner firing rate. Water injection, or combustion tempering, reduces NOx formation by injecting water into the combustion zone to lower flame temperature. Though an effective method of NOx control, combustion efficiency is reduced, which increases CO and hydrocarbon emissions. Fuel consumption increases as well due to the heat of vaporization necessary to convert liquid water to steam. These burners are also prone to corrosion that leads to higher maintenance costs. The truth of the matter is that conventional burners need combustion modification

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

Astec’s Talon II burners deliver extremely low emission rates of pollutants.

techniques such as FGR, water injection, etc., because they do not mix fuel and air very well. An oxygen molecule will always react with a fuel molecule rather than a nitrogen molecule if both are readily available to the oxygen. Nitrogen is always intimately and immediately available because it is the bulk of the air. A fundamental part of the function of any burner is to thoroughly mix fuel and air so that oxygen molecules end up in intimate contact with fuel molecules. When that is done, nitrogen is largely left out of the reaction and NOX formation drops dramatically. Efficiency and production capacity go up.

Burners that apply high-quality mixing techniques reduce CO and NOx via superior fuel/air mixing. For example, Astec Phantom© burners combine these mixing techniques with moderately high excess air (50 percent as compared to the 25 percent required by conventional burners) to achieve extremely low emission rates of both pollutants. Astec’s Phoenix Talon II burner delivers almost the same emissions results while using only 25 to 30 percent excess air. Next, one must consider the burner’s compatibility with existing equipment. A thorough evaluation of plant operations is key. Heat and airflow requirements

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

for production must be calculated. Equipment providers should provide detailed heat and mass analysis on plant operations to ensure their customer makes an informed decision. This allows the contractor to evaluate the existing exhaust system capacity relative to the new burner’s requirements. This is especially important given that the NOx reduction techniques examined require additional exhaust system capacity, possibly more than the existing system can provide. A thorough examination of the existing facility configuration is highly recommended. [ Continued on page 20 ]


[ Continued from page 19 ]

Upgrading the burner requires a permit modification which may trigger additional restrictions. Existing scavenge systems routed to the burner may prevent compliance with new emission limits and impede combustion. Superior filtration media may be necessary to meet new PM standards with the existing particulate collection system. Retain the services of an experienced permitting consultant familiar with current regulations before making any decisions about a burner upgrade to ward off far-reaching and unintended consequences. A good permitting consultant and qualified plant equipment manufacturer, working together, can make the otherwise daunting task of upgrading an existing system with a new burner much

easier. The decision to upgrade the burner often brings about permitting requirements that may be costly. When emission standards dictate the need for a

burner upgrade, evaluating the entire facility, particularly the heat and airflow requirements, is vital to making the best choice. CA

Above & Below: Astec PhantomŠ burners combine these mixing techniques with moderately high excess air (50% as compared to the 25% required by conventional burners) to achieve extremely low emission rates of both pollutants.


California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

Herrmann Equipment and Calmex Engineering Left: Calmex Engineering’s new Bomag/ Cedarapids CR552 Tier 4F paving machine paving on Interstate 5 near Santa Clarita.

Calmex Engineering was established in 1994 by Richard Montiel and purchased by Bob Stone around 10 years ago. With offices in Bloomington, Bob serves as the company’s president and oversees all daily operations. His company works primarily throughout Southern California but has ventured outside this area for special projects. Calmex Engineering specializes in asphalt paving projects for Caltrans on State and Federal highway work. They currently own five Cedarapids asphalt paving machines, one just recently acquired from Herrmann Equipment. “The time has come for us to update our fleet, so we recently purchased a Bomag/Cedarapids CR552 Tier 4F paving machine from Mike Allen at Herrmann Equipment,” says Stone. “When working for the State, it is imperative that we put down the best mat possible and this new paver puts down a product that is second to none.” Calmex Engineering has been working with Herrmann Equipment for many years. “Cedarapids manufactures the highest quality pavers on the market and their screed is well-known as the best in the industry,” says Stone. “We like working with Herrmann Equipment and Mike Allen’s service is exceptional. He takes care of us all the way from the sale to, warranty work, and beyond. I can’t imagine working with any other company or paving machine.”

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California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue


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California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

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MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Asphalt Paving Contractor

Vision, inspiration, and innovation at the heart of Hardy & Harper, Inc. By Brian Hoover In 1979, Fred T. Maas Sr. purchased Hardy & Harper, Inc. (Hardy & Harper), a small patch and repair company, from Victor and Marvel Caliva. By 1984, Fred’s sons, Tom and Tim, had joined the company in order to build the family business into a larger-scale asphalt paving company. If hard work and determination are to be considered an indicator of success, then Hardy & Harper was clearly on the right path. As the company continued to grow, Tom Maas set his sights on owning the business outright, as he began making payments toward that end. Tom loved and nurtured the business, remaining out on a jobsite past nightfall to ensure that a project was completed to perfection. In July 1994, Tom Maas officially became the sole owner of Hardy & Harper. He was an inspiration not only to his employees but also to his son, Dan, who was clearly a chip off the old block. Young Dan soaked up anything and everything his dad could teach him as he learned the foundations of leadership, dedication and responsibility, which would serve him well in the not-so-distant future. Dan Maas officially joined his father at Hardy & Harper in 2002 after graduating from the University of Southern California. By this time, Hardy & Harper had made its mark working primarily on local school and city maintenance contracts. As the next generation responsible 24

Hardy & Harper’s recently purchased a Roadtec shuttle buggy SB-2500e and a Cedar Rapids/Bomag paving machine shown working on State Route 138.

for the growth and prosperity of Hardy & Harper, Dan began to push the company more toward larger public works projects. His vision proved to be prudent as Hardy & Harper would grow by nearly 500 percent between 1998 and 2008. Tom Maas officially began selling the business and turned the reins over to his son Dan in 2007, knowing that the family’s commitment to quality and detail were in very capable hands. Three generations of the Maas family had now contributed to the dream of a greater Hardy & Harper, Fred with his tremendous vision, Tom with his incomparable inspiration and Dan with his forward-thinking innovation. Dennis Beyle has been with Hardy & Harper for 16 years,

originally coming aboard as a superintendent and now serving as the company’s general superintendent. “We are a full-service union-operated construction company that performs everything from asphalt paving, grading and concrete construction to seal coating and a multitude of other maintenance duties,” says Beyle. “I like to say that if you drive on it or walk on it, we may have had a hand in its construction.” Beyle points out that most of their work is in Southern California, with that occasional job in Ventura County, and north to cities like Goleta and beyond. “I have been working in this business since the mid-80s, and I can honestly say that I have really never done the same job twice,” says

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

Left & Below: Hardy & Harper is currently on a 13-mile project widening Highway 138.

Beyle. “Each job is different and unique in its own way. “From the equipment and material we use to the traffic patterns and lay of the land, every job is a fun and challenging puzzle ready to be solved.” Beyle points out that Dan Maas is constantly pushing the envelope with high standards and an eye toward sustainable expansion. “We have grown every year since Dan took over as CEO, and the projects continue to evolve both in size and diversity,” says Beyle. “We are currently working on the State Route 138 widening project as a joint venture with Flatiron,” says Beyle. “This represents one of our largest jobs to date, and we have invested on several fronts, including time, capital and equipment. We are proud to be a part of this important and dynamic project.” Flatiron and Hardy & Harper began work on the Caltrans $52.1 million State Route 138 widening project in March 2015. The job extends from just west of Phelan Road eastward to the I-15 freeway interchange. The 13-mile project will widen the 138 from two lanes to four lanes

and add a 14-foot median buffer while also improving shoulders and drainage. A wildlife crossing structure will also be constructed to allow animals to move freely beneath the roadway. Approximately 250,000 tons of asphalt is being provided by Vulcan Materials in order to pave the 13-mile stretch of highway. According to Beyle, one of the more unique projects that Hardy & Harper has undertaken would be the construction of tennis courts on top of a concrete water reservoir. “We constructed and paved four tennis courts on top of a reservoir in Dana Point for a private tennis club,” says Beyle. “This required the implementation of strict smoothness and weight requirements and some true out-of-the-box thinking. We have paved on several reservoir projects, but this was one of our more memorable jobs.” Public works continues to be the growth area for Hardy & Harper. “Our work for Caltrans and other agencies continues to grow as we add more projects to our schedule each year,” says Beyle. “That said, I want to make it clear that we continue to

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

take on everything from a one ton patch project, all the way up to massive highway paving projects, and our maintenance division has and will always be a reliable constant here at Hardy & Harper.” According to Beyle, Hardy & Harper has agency contracts that have been in place for more than 20 years. “You are only as good as your last job, and maintaining our client base is every bit as important as gaining new clients,” says Beyle. “We have built strong relationships with many agencies based on past experience, and it is always a good feeling when we are asked back for more work. We currently have a good backlog of Caltrans and other public works projects, and we see that as a positive sign for our company and the industry in general for the foreseeable future.” Hardy & Harper recently became one of the newest members of the California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA). “I have attended several CalAPA meetings in the past as a guest, and I was always impressed with what I was able to take away from these meetings,” says Beyle. “We 25

Above: Hardy & Harper’s Highway 138 paving crew lead by Ted Goodwin (far left). Right: Hardy & Harper shoulder paving on 5 Freeway near San Clemente.

joined the association because we just feel that two heads are better than one. With issues like the new mix designs, new testing procedures, intelligent compaction, and CARB compliance, it is nice to have a partner like CalAPA that not only works hard to continually educate contractors, but also represents our interests in Sacramento.” Beyle points to the fact that Hardy & Harper has spent millions over the past few years on new equipment in order to meet current and future CARB compliance. They have also invested heavily in training their operators and crew on new technology like intelligent compaction. “Intelligent compaction rollers monitor temperature and count passes, among other features, and this requires the retraining of our operators,” says Beyle. “We maintain a large state-of-the-art equipment fleet that enables us to take on any size project with confidence and pride.” Hardy & Harper currently has 25 10-wheel dumps, 20 rollers, a dozen skip loaders, four pavers, three backhoes, a grade roller, a 950 wheel loader and several 26

skid-steer loaders. They also recently added two new Roadtec shuttle buggies, two new Etnyre oil spreaders, and a new Bomag/ Cedarapids CR552 asphalt paving machine. “Our dump trucks are primarily Peterbilt, and our dirt equipment is mainly Caterpillar with the exception of our John Deere skip loaders from Coastline Equipment,” says Beyle. Hardy & Harper also owns a Weiler paving machine that they purchased from Jeff Liebl with Quinn Company for their smaller projects like alleys and bike paths. “Our larger pavers are Cedarapids, and I just can’t say enough about our sales representative, Mike Allen, from Herrmann Equipment. His service is truly second to none, and we have built a great relationship with Mike over the years that has been rewarding and beneficial to both companies,” says Beyle. “We also turn to Aaron Dyer at Savala Equipment Rentals for lesser utilized equipment like excavators and motor graders.” Beyle points out that it is the company’s talented and hard working employees that make it all possible. “It is important that everyone from our operators,

laborers, and masons to our office staff, know just how important and appreciated they are,” says Beyle. “I would like to thank each and every one of our employees, and specifically recognize Gus Nunez who recently retired after serving Hardy & Harper since April 1979.” Hardy & Harper started out over 65 years ago as a small asphalt patch and repair company. They have worked hard through three generations to build a reputation based on superior performance, production, and quality. They offer a multitude of services related to asphalt paving that include asphalt remove and replace, new grade and paves, skin patching, overlays and much more. Working with Hardy & Harper is more than just receiving an exceptional finished product; it is an investment in a relationship that will last a lifetime and beyond. For more information on Hardy & Harper, please visit their website at or call their Santa Ana headquarters at (714) 444-1851. CA

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue


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When it comes to environmental responsibility, Volvo Construction Equipment takes its role seriously. With low-emission engines that boast class-leading fuel economy, you can rely on your Volvo excavator to help you to get the job done with optimal efficiency.

Smart works.

ENVIRONMENTAL UPDATE Finding the needle in the regulatory haystack before it draws blood at your company By Tony Grasso, CalAPA Deputy Executive Director

Saving your company from financial ruin is tedious work. It often involves sitting through boring agency hearings and reading voluminous proposed regulations that would render an insomniac unconscious. It also may require writing letters, meeting with bureaucrats and elected officials, testifying at hearings, and conducting surveys, research and writing white papers to support our industry’s point of view. Much of this necessary work happens behind the scenes, but it is important nonetheless. CalAPA’s Environmental Committee works tirelessly throughout the year on matters such as these, seeking to extract the dangerous needles from the regulatory haystacks before they draw blood at your company. What follows are but a few examples. In the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan is addressing On-Road and Off-Road engine emissions as well as stationary source emissions. In San Diego, road dust’s impact on Health Risk Assessment results has prompted the committee to review how the road is assessed in other air districts and doing a comparative analysis. The Bay Area District is looking—again— at the blue smoke in paving operations. The recent changes made by the state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to the AB2588 Health Risk Assessment Guidelines are causing each air 28

district to revisit their individual HRA rules, programs, and policies. In the South Coast AQMD region, CalAPA joined the RECLAIM Coalition to support the Industrywide effort to reduce the District’s desire to reduce the credits available in the RECLAIM program. The proposal was to reduce the program by 18 tons per day but the efforts of the Coalition were successful in limiting the reduction to 12 ton per day over the next six years. At the same time, the appointment of two new Governing Board members from the Inland Empire has changed the political balance of the Board. The new members have made the Board appear to be more business friendly. Their votes were the turning point for the Board upholding the NOx Reclaim Rule despite challenges from the environmental community. All the commotion cost the AQMD executive director his job. The Board voted to remove him and name an interim executive while the search continues to fill the position. The Legislature, meanwhile, is considering new legislation to expand the number of State appointees to shift the balance of power back toward what could be perceived as a more anti-business makeup. The bill, SB 1387 (authored by Assemblyman Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles) is now making its way through the Legislative processes. Along with NOx reduction, the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan will re-examine

On-Road and Off-Road emissions in addition to other stationary source emissions. In the Bay Area, the Bay Area AQMD will be looking at a new rule: Regulation 6, Rule 7 to prohibit excess “Blue Smoke” from paving asphalt and chip seal operations (visible emissions of 10 percent opacity for less than 3 minutes per hour). The Draft Rule Proposal was to be presented in June 2016. The committee will be collecting data on the opacity standards for other non-attainment districts and provide a summary as well as comment on standard sampling methods and location. CalAPA staff has been in communication with the District with the intent of providing input through the comment period and any subsequent workshops. Also, the District is revising their health risk assessment (HRA) methodology and the multipliers for prioritizing (i.e., screening) facility emissions to determine if a HRA is required under AB2588. The District is updating the 2010 Bay Area Clean Air Plan. The 2016 Clean Air Plan/Regional Climate Protection Strategy (CAP/RCPS) will be a roadmap for the Air District’s efforts over the next few years to reduce air pollution and protect public health and the global climate. In the San Joaquin Valley, the District Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) has obtained Board approval to lobby the U.S. Congress on proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act was

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

last amended in 1990. We believe the effort is a good one, especially the desire to address the economic feasibility of the regulations. The San Diego Air Pollution Control District is open to discussing road dust emissions factors and the extent to which road dust impacts the results of health risk assessments prepared using the updated 2015 OEHHA HRA Guideline methodologies provided that emissions factors for other dust sources are also re-examined. The Committee is preparing for discussions in fall 2016 to address the road dust emissions factors used in the other Air Boroughs and the unpaved road dust report that was re-released by the National Stone sand and Gravel Association in 2015 and will provide a comparative table to the Committee for comment and consideration before

meeting with the APCD. “It is imperative that we, as an industry, monitor and engage ourselves in the drafting of Air Quality Plans and the related regulations that unduly impact our business in California,” said CalAPA Environmental Committee member Ken Barker of Sully-Miller Contracting. “The issues that the CalAPA Environmental Committee addresses are an important part of our company’s business future.” State law (Health and Safety Code Section 40923) requires the APCD to annually publish a list of regulatory measures that are scheduled or tentatively scheduled for consideration during the calendar year. Included in the above-mentioned regulatory measures is Rule 24 - Temporary Permit to Operate. Existing equipment would be eliminated as a category within

three (3) years after the date of adoption (i.e., all unpermitted equipment would be considered new and thus trigger New Source Review/Best Available Control Technology). The Environmental Committee meets every other month and is open for any member wanting to keep ahead of the regulations to participate. Join Co-Chairs, Scott Taylor, Taylor Environmental Services, and Scott Cohen, Sespe Consulting, along with the very engaged Environmental Committee in protecting your business future. CA Tony Grasso is principal staff to the CalAPA Environmental Committee.


Papé Machinery is proud to offer efficiency and reliability with Atlas Copco hydraulic breakers. And we’ll keep you moving with 7 locations in California.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue

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INSURANCE COLUMN If your company has a general liability policy, do you need to consider purchasing a pollution liability policy? Claims arising out of pollution liability are excluded from almost all general liability policies. The definition of a “pollutant” reads “any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminant,

including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste.” So, for example, let’s say you were to lay a tack coat ready to finish the final asphalt surface the following day

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TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Northern California Pleasanton Laboratory Technical Services Manager – Dave Ruedi 925-485-5982 Central California Fresno Laboratory Technical Services Manager – Gary Dunkel 559-434-2714 Bakersfield Laboratory Technical Service Specialist – Bob Lee 661-398-6299 Southern California Los Angeles Laboratory Technical Services Manager – Tim Reed Technical Services Aggregate – Jeff Pollard Technical Services Asphalt – Pascal Mascarenhas 626-856-6190 Southern California San Diego Laboratory Technical Services Manager – Rob Piceno 858-547-4981 West Region Technical Services Manager LEED Green Associate – Ed Luce 619-843-3069

for a homeowners’ association. That evening, unexpected heavy rains washed the coating into the groundwater and seeped into the residential wells or sewers. Your general liability policy would not cover a claim for any cleanup, bodily injury or property damage as it was caused by a “pollutant.” Another example of a pollution liability claim may result from the cleanup of asphalt from a roadway, drainage ditch, etc. resulting from a vehicle accident or overturn. The cleanup and remediation costs alone could reach hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. Policy wording and premiums differ among insurance companies but premiums often start as low as $1,500. The size of the deductible also differs by policy. To avoid the stacking of deductibles the policy should be written on a “per occurrence basis” rather than a “per claim.” Pollution liability policies can cover incidents occurring on your property and/or the property of others. Depending on its size and contents you may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency to obtain pollution liability coverage for underground storage tanks. Policies may be written for a period of 1-3 years with a premium discount offered for the longer term. CA Steve Cota, CRIS directs the Asphalt Paving Program for Patriot Risk & Insurance Services in Irvine, California. For more information regarding the above or any other insurance-related questions, he may be reached at (949) 486-7947 or

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue


DRIVABILITY To reduce road noise and help keep neighborhoods quiet, asphalt pavement engineers have developed special mixes like open-grade negraded surfaces, as well as modi ed, rubberized and stone-matrix asphalt that can lead to pavement-tire noise reductions as great as 7 decibels. * No wonder 83% of engineers, developers, transportation o cials and other key stakeholders chose asphalt as the quieter ride.** Smoother, quieter, fewer delays… that’s drivability. That’s asphalt. L E A R N M O R E A T W W W. D R I V E A S P H A LT. O R G

* World Road Association (PIARC). Quiet Pavement Technologies. Report 2013R10EN,2013 **Edelman Berland Survey, 2013

The APA is a partnership of the Asphalt Institute, National Asphalt Pavement Association and the State Asphalt Pavement Associations.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue





ANNUAL ‘DAY AT THE RACES’ Date: July 16, 2016 Gates open at noon Del Mar Thoroughbred Club 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Del Mar

246 Ghilotti Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Carolyn Murakami, HR Director P: 707.585.1221

ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Date: September 22 Pacific Palms Resort One Industry Hills Parkway Industry

PAVEWEST, INC. 401 S. Harbor Blvd., F385 La Habra, CA 90631 Donald Mangan, President P:562.694.3113

FALL CONFERENCE Date: October 26 & 27 Doubletree Hotel 2001 Point West Way Sacramento ANNUAL DINNER Date: January 19, 2017 Jonathan Club 545 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles Meeting dates are subject to change.

Scott Taylor P: (562) 762-5142 | F: (714) 842-0625 |


Watch the weekly Asphalt Insider newsletter for meeting updates or call CalAPA at (866) 498-0761 to confirm meeting date and location.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue


Contact Sophie You for further information



California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue


Alon Asphalt Company................................ 2

Peterson CAT................................................ 5

Bomag America............................................ 9

Quinn Co....................................................... 5

Coastline Equipment................................... 9

RDO Equipment Co.................................7, 35

CEI Enterprises, Inc.....................................13


E.D. Etnyre & Co......................................... 33

Sakai...................................................... 15, 35

Hawthorne CAT............................................ 5

Scott Equipment........................................ 22

Herrmann Equipment, Inc..........................21

Sitech........................................................... 22

Holt of California.......................................... 5

Sully-Miller Contracting Co...................... 34

Johnson Machinery..................................... 5

Taylor Environmental Services, Inc.......... 32

Matich Corporation.....................................31

Valero Marketing & Supply......................... 3

Nixon-Egli Equipment Co........... Back Cover

Volvo Construction Equipment & Svcs... 27

Pape Machinery.......................................... 29

Vulcan Materials Company....................... 30

Pavement Recycling Systems................... 23

WE ARE NOT JUST ANOTHER PAVING COMPANY Sully-Miller Contracting is a company woven into the fabric of Southern California’s infrastructure, making vital connections since 1923 between people, transportation and safety in the following market segments:









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California Asphalt Magazine • 2016 Environmental Issue


Haitbrink Asphalt Paving’s new Hamm HD12 vibratory asphalt roller purchased from Nixon-Egli Equipment.

Haitbrink Asphalt Paving, Inc. is a full-service grading and paving company located in Corona, that specializes in grading, paving, grinding, trench repair, concrete, seal coating, striping, and ADA upgrades. In 1987 Robert Haitbrink established the company to provide everything from residential repairs to full-street and parking lot construction throughout Southern California. Robert Haitbrink serves as the CEO, while his son, Hunter Haitbrink, now oversees all operations as president. Jason Lang is the general superintendent at Haitbrink Asphalt Paving and recently worked with Nixon-Egli Equipment to purchase two new Hamm HD12 vibratory asphalt rollers. The company has acquired other equipment from Nixon-Egli over the years, but this is their first Hamm purchase. “I was impressed that Hamm took the time to listen to operators and mechanics and get their feedback on what could make their rollers even better,” says Lang. “They made some intelligent decisions in the most recent design and it has not gone unnoticed by our people. We like all of the new features, but are particularly impressed with the great visibility, ease of maintenance and overall user-friendly controls.” Lang has worked with Nixon-Egli sales representative, Allen Hahn, for some time now. “Allen was there for us to make the entire process smooth and seamless,” says Lang. “The entire staff at Nixon-Egli has always been there for us during and after the sale with exemplary parts and service, as well as a nice centralized convenient location.”

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