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Underground Construction Issue
TRAUTWEIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. Tackles Newhope Placentia Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
26 30
Partners with LADWP, LADPW and LACFCD on Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project
Bringing Decades of Quality, Commitment and Outstanding Workmanship to Every Job
CalContractor Magazine / www.calcontractor.com PUBLISHER: Kerry Hoover khoover@calcontractor.com
FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Please call: (909) 772-3121
CalContractor is published twelve times each year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. P.O. Box 892977, Temecula, CA 92589 / Phone: 909-772-3121
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Using SBH slide rail shoring linear application with rolling adjustable struts at 16’ deep and 6’6” wide.
t is easy to see when California’s highways, roads, and bridges are in need of repair or replacement, but what about our underground water infrastructure systems? Out of sight, out of mind seems to be the mantra of the day as budgets are pushed beyond their limits and costs are rising rapidly.
Much of California’s water infrastructure is in desperate need of repair and expansion, but too often relief comes only as failures occur. Orange County has more than 30 local sanitary sewer agencies and two regional sanitation agencies currently serving 3.2 million residents.
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
With a population projected to increase to 3.6 million by 2030, will they have the appropriate sewer and water infrastructure capacity to handle this growth? Well, they are headed in the right direction with the Newhope Placentia Trunk Sewer Replacement Project that will increase the size of the current
Bore Pit using SBH slide rail for 2 bays with rolling strut and sheeting guide plate for casing opening at 20” deep, 12’ wide and 42’ long.
system by replacing more than 7 miles of sewer line with larger diameter pipe. The original or existing Newhope-Placentia Trunk Sewer was constructed in 1959 and has now reached the end of its service life. The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) began Phase A of this project in April 2016 with Trautwein Construction, Inc. winning the bid at just over $21 million. The current sewer pipeline is not sufficient to handle the projected flow, and it is consequently being replaced and expanded to increase system reliability and further reduce the risk of unhealthy sewer spills. The flow had already been diverted into the Santa Ana River (SARI) line instead of being routed to the previously existing Newhope-Placentia Trunk Sewer due to the insufficient capacity. Approximately 12,000 feet of pipe will be replaced from the Yorba Linda Pump Station at State College Boulevard in the City of Fullerton, to Orangewood Avenue in the City of Anaheim, located around 400 feet south of the 91 freeway. An additional 3,500 feet of pipe located north of the Yorba Linda Pump Station, known as the Rolling Hill Sub-trunk Sewer, will also be replaced to handle future sewer flows. Mike Lowen is an estimator and project manager working for Trautwein Construction Inc., and he is working closely with everyone involved with the Newhope Placentia Trunk Sewer Replacement Project. “The initial phase of this project is scheduled to be completed in August of this year, and it has been both a rewarding and challenging project,” says Lowen. “We have or will be installing approximately 12,000 linear feet of pipeline, ranging from
Backfilling and Compacting
2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
Two Caterpillar excavators backfilling in tandem.
Trautwein's foreman Augie Mendez hard at work.
30” to 36” VCP (vitrified clay pipe) to 48” FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe).” Lowen points out that one of the bigger challenges on this project has been the relocating of much of the existing utilities to make room for the new sewer pipeline. “We relocated water, gas, and storm drain lines to accept the alignment that the new pipeline is on, and some of the sewer pipes owned by OCSD have been simply abandoned,” says Lowen.
“It has been day after day of installing pipe and manholes, and much of the work has been done at night and on weekends.” The entire project could sound fairly mundane until you consider other extenuating circumstances such as the fact that several thousand feet of the new pipeline was installed adjacent to Cal State University Fullerton. “Traffic considerations in and around the university was a big issue, and our contract
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
mandated that we finish around 4,000 feet during the summer months. We had just nine weeks to install, test and restore the street before the opening of the fall session,” says Lowen. “This is why we worked so many nights and weekends.” The pipeline is being installed utilizing both open trench and trenchless construction, and according to Lowen, ground conditions have fluctuated from nice clay conditions at the top to [ Continued on page 10 ]
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Endeavor’s historic final trip to the California Science Center created unique requirements: large and customized plate inventories, and split-second timing. Trench Shoring Company accepted these challenges and succeeded. We delivered 1,400 Trench Tops® (steel plates) for installation on 14 miles of roadway– completed in just 48 hours. We outfitted non-slip Trench Tops with mandated safety lights and striping; our 3,200 –6,500 pound steel plates, protected LA’s streets from the combined weight of Endeavor’s 175,000 pounds plus its 325,000 pound transport vehicle. This project demanded experienced professionals dedicated to servicing the toughest jobs. Trench Shoring Company will be there for your challenge too!
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[ Continued from page 8 ]
Using trench shields on north side of project where the stability of the soil was better.
Switching from trench shields to SBH slide rail due to running soil.
bottom running sand. “We were issued specific requirements for the bottom running sand areas where slide rail and beam and plate shoring could only be utilized,” says Lowen. “In other areas, we were able to use jacks, trench shields, and trench boxes.” Trautwein Construction, Inc. rented all of their shoring systems and equipment from Trench Shoring Company. “I have to say that Trench Shoring Company has always been there for us over the years,” says Lowen. “They always have what we need. They are always on time. Their sales personnel are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, and their customer service is impeccable.” Trautwein Construction, Inc. is primarily utilizing conventional excavators to open trenches anywhere from 6 to 10 feet in width, and down to a depth of 12 to 20 feet depending on the soil conditions. “We are also utilizing underground directional boring on certain portions of the project where we are either unable or not allowed to disturb existing pavements,” says Lowen. Mike Lowen makes it clear that the job has gone very smoothly and he gives all of the credit to the amazing Trautwein Construction crew. “There are penalties associated with this project for not finishing on time, and our crew members have worked tirelessly to keep this job safe and on schedule. Augie Mendez is our superintendent and foreman on this project. He has been the driving force out in the field, and I promise you, there is simply no one better,” says Lowen. “This particular job is right up our alley, and this is the kind of work we like to do. We are known in the industry for taking on the more challenging projects, and this job has been full of challenges.” The Newhope Placentia Trunk Sewer Replacement Project has another phase that is scheduled to begin in winter 2018. Phase B will take place along State College Boulevard, from south of the 91 Freeway to Orangewood Avenue in the City of Anaheim. It will include a segment from Craig Regional Park to Associated Road and East Bastanchury Road in the City of Fullerton. When the project is fully complete, it will extend the useful life of the Newhope Placentia sewer lines for another 50 years. Trautwein Construction, Inc. is owned and operated by Mark Trautwein, who after working in the business for several years, decided to go out on his own back in 1989. The company started out as a public works company, working more on the hardscape and landscape side of the construction business. In 1994, the focus moved to underground utility and pipeline construction, as the company continues to grow strong with 30-plus employees. For more information on Trautwein Construction, Inc., please call their Rancho Cucamonga headquarters at (951) 369-8901. Cc
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Bakersfield, CA 661.387.6090
Corona, CA 951.277.7620
Fresno, CA 559.834.4420
Sacramento, CA 916.504.2300
San Diego
Lakeside, CA 619.441.3690
San Leandro
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Turlock, CA 209.410.6710
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Smart Works.
W.A. RASIC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Partners with LADWP, LADPW and LACFCD on Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project By Brian Hoover, CMS, Senior Editor overnor Brown proclaimed a State of Emergency throughout California Jan. 17, 2014, due to severe drought conditions. California only recently emerged from a dramatic five-year drought that left reservoirs at record low levels and almost depleted the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The drought also accounted for the death of millions of trees, with millions of acres of agricultural fields lying idle, as well as drinking water shortages, increased wildfire risk, degraded habitat for fish and other wildlife, and dramatically shrinking supplies of underground water basins. Although many of the major reservoirs are back to or above historical average capacity, others like Millerton and Perris remain well below previous levels, and the state’s groundwater supplies are still critically low. In California, groundwater accounts for one-third of our water supply in wet years and more than half in dry years. California utilizes conservation facilities or spreading grounds to harness stormwater runoff, which percolates into groundwater aquifers to be pumped out for use as needed. Los Angeles County has more than 30 such spreading grounds with the Tujunga Spreading Grounds to be the latest to receive a full overhaul. According to the Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LADPW) website, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) are cooperatively working to enhance the 150-acre Tujunga Spreading Grounds. Enhancements include expanding and combining the spreading basins and installing new intake structures, which will increase the facility's storage and intake capacity and allow more stormwater to be captured and conserved. The project will result in an increase in groundwater recharge of the San Fernando Groundwater Basin, thus increasing local water supply while reducing dependence on expensive imported water. The renovated facility will also include community open space features for passive recreation and enhanced aesthetics. Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project is funded by LADWP and has been awarded a $3.4 Million grant through the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) under Proposition 84. The facility was previously set up to capture around 8,000 acre-feet, or 2.5 billion gallons of water each year. The Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project will double the facility's
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Below: Aerial view of Tujunga Spreading Grounds basin excavation and conveyor system alignment. Right: View of conveyor system, dozer trap and crossing under city streets and freeways using existing storm drain culverts.
2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
recharge capacity and deliver nearly 16,000 acre-feet (5 billion gallons) of recharge to the groundwater basin on an average annual basis. That represents enough water to sustain as many as 48,000 Los Angeles households every year. It will also serve to help replenish the San Fernando Groundwater Basin and decrease the City's dependence on imported water. The Tujunga Spreading Grounds job is being performed in two phases. Phase I is focused on basin enhancements, while Phase II will deal primarily with intake improvements and landscaping. The first phase has been awarded to W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc., who officially began construction July 2016. The total project cost, including design, management, and construction is approximately $29 million, funded primarily by LADWP. W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc. will complete Phase 1 of the project in spring 2019, at the cost of just shy of $20 million. The job site is located at the intersection of Interstate 5 and CA-Highway 170 in Sun Valley. W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc.
Above Left: Komatsu PC 1250-8 excavator loading sediment into Cat 745C articulated dump truck to be transported to dozer trap and conveyor system. Above Right: Installation of 84" RCP storm drain pipe for basin interconnect.
will take the existing 20 spreading basins and combine and deepen them into 9 larger spreading basins. Larger overflow structures and pipes will be constructed throughout the spreading grounds to convey the increased flow rates. New low flow treatment basins will also be constructed. Wes Brodeur is the project manager overseeing the Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project for W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc. (W.A. Rasic). He is a 25-year veteran of the general engineering construction industry and has been with W.A. Rasic for 15 years. Construction noise and road traffic is almost always an issue on large earthmoving projects, but in this case an innovative approach has been implemented to help mitigate these issues. All of the excavated soil will be transported through the use of a quiet, emission-free conveyor system that will produce minimal construction noise and fewer traffic interruptions. “This
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
is a unique project for W.A. Rasic because we are using a zipline conveyor system for the first time,” says Brodeur. “We are currently constructing a 5,000 foot long conveyor system to move the excavated sediment from the excavation area to the Vulcan Materials Boulevard Pit where it is discharged as fill dirt into their Sun Valley quarry operation.” Brodeur explains that they are utilizing a Komatsu PC1250-8 240,000 lb. excavator with a 10-yard bucket to do most of the mass excavating. In some areas, they are digging out the basins to a depth of 30 to 40 feet, as much as 20-feet below the original grade and as shallow as 12-feet in other areas. “We are loading the sediment into two Cat (745C) articulated dump trucks and then transporting the material to the dumping area where it will eventually be loaded into a dozer trap hopper (the beginning point of the conveyor system),” says Brodeur. “We currently have around 150,000 tons of sediment stockpiled and are expected to move over 1.7 million tons (1.3 million cubic yards) by the end of Phase I.”
[ Continued on page 16 ]
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Above: 250-ton crane setting conveyor system across Tujunga Wash.
[ Continued from page 14 ]
The conveyor system, which is powered directly from the LADWP electrical grid, utilizes culverts to run beneath roads and freeways. “There are noise restrictions written into the contract and running the conveyor system under everything, instead of over, helps to mitigate sound levels,” says Brodeur. “It is also much safer, and its use will eliminate around 185,000 truck trips, which in turn alleviates traffic congestion and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.” W.A. Rasic also recently installed a bridge conveyor over the Tujunga Wash. This required the use of a 250-ton crane to lift the approximately 75,000 lb., 170-foot long military stacker conveyor into place. Additionally, W.A. Rasic bored and constructed a 96-inch diameter casing for the conveyor system to make its way under
Inset: W.A. Rasic crew installing steel beams to support conveyor over Tujunga Wash.
Laurel Canyon Boulevard. “We have purchased a large amount of Superior Industries’ conveyor equipment from Aggregate Machinery Specialists out of Mesa, Arizona. They have been a great help, taking time to advise us on the assembly, maintenance, safety and other items related to our maiden voyage with this conveyor system,” says Brodeur. “We also have several employees who have experience with conveyors, and that has been helpful as well. Even with my limited experience, it seems that I am quickly becoming the resident expert because this is such a new alternative and solution to moving earth here in Southern California.”
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Phase I of the Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement contract also requires W.A. Rasic to install a storm drain interconnect system so that the water can flow from one basin to another. “We are installing anywhere from 18-inch to 84-inch diameter interconnected RCP storm drains, specifically 1,000 feet of 84-inch and 400 feet of 42-inch RCP,” says Brodeur. “We will also be putting in another 1,000 feet of 84-inch jack pipe and 130 feet of 96-inch jack steel casings near Laurel Canyon Blvd. We will construct inlet and outlet structures for all of the interconnect pipe, and also do a little road paving before job ends.” W.A. Rasic is using a couple of Cat 345 130,000 lb. hydraulic excavators, along with a long list of shoring equipment from Trench Shoring Company
Above Left: Tujunga Spreading Grounds after rain event where water has been diverted into the spreading grounds.Newly constructed basins will supply over a billion gallons of water to the aquifer annually. Left: View of Tujunga Wash Spreading Grounds during drought. Above: LA County, City of LA, and LADWP officials attend ground breaking ceremony. From left to right: Gail Farber - Director, LA County Public Works, Nury Martinez - Councilmember, LA City Council, District 6, Eric Garcetti Mayor, City of LA, David Wright - Interim General Manager, LADWP.
to install much of the storm drain. “We have a relatively small crew on this project, as the conveyor system and heavy machinery is doing much of the work,” says Brodeur. “We are obviously working in sandy conditions, so we are using beam and plate and trench shields in the open trenches. We also have a crusher plant on-site to recycle demolition material.” Phase II of the Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project will begin in spring 2019, immediately after the completion of Phase I. Two new rubber diversion gates and intake structures will be constructed in Tujunga Wash Channel, increasing the facility's intake capacity from 250 cubic feet per second to 450 cubic feet per second. This will allow the spreading grounds to capture flows from Pacoima Diversion Channel in addition to Tujunga
Wash Channel. Perimeter landscaping and aesthetic enhancements will be installed throughout the facility. A new passive recreation area will be constructed complete with a walking path, educational signage, and low impact development features. The entire project is scheduled for completion by summer 2020. “We are excited and honored to be partnering with both LA County Public Works and The Department of Water & Power on this unique and exciting project,” says Brodeur. “The well data before the rains reported many of the underground aquifers to be 40 feet below normal. Spreading grounds are already becoming commonplace, especially in Southern California where the infrastructure for water storage is so limited. Because of this, we feel that it is
prudent to position our company to do much more of this type of work in the future.” W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc. has been constructing infrastructure projects throughout the Western States for nearly 40 years. They are considered by many to be one of the most diverse self-performing contractors in this region, with a reputation for excellence and integrity built strongly upon a time-tested value system. Please visit their website at www.warasic.com for a full description of W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc.’s capabilities, or call their Long Beach headquarters at (562) 928-6111. Cc
2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
By Brian Hoover, CMS, Senior Editor
Above: R3's Hyundai 330L excavator trenching for storm drain collection piping around a new industrial building site. Machine is equipped with quick coupler for quick change of buckets and other attachments.
lan Rock and Mark Trumble are partners in the underground wet utility business, serving primarily private industry throughout Southern California. The company incorporated in 2002, but both Mark and Alan’s experience go back much further. Both came from families that were well-known and respected in the general engineering construction industry. Rock grew up in the business, as
his father and grandfather were both in the underground utility construction business. “In the late 80s, my father made the decision to move the company (Southland Pipeline) from a focus on underground construction to operated equipment rental (Dependable Equipment Rental),” says Rock. “We continued operating as a rental company until eventually meeting and building a relationship with Mark Trumble.”
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Trumble also grew up in the business, working for his father’s company, Kennedy Pipeline, for many years, as well as for other contractors like the Murray Company of California. “I met Alan and Thurman Rock in 2000 and by 2002, I sort of convinced them to get back into the underground utility construction business,” says Thurman. “Thurman Rock (Alan’s father)
Below: Installing 72" peforated corrugated metal pipe storm water retention/infiltration piping system made by Contech Engineered Solutions on a site in Chino.
Right: Some of R3's crew with a recently acquired Hyundai HL760 wheel loader on a new industrial tilt-up site in Perris. Man is center with beard is John Rose, who has worked with Mark Trumble since 1984.
wanted to continue with his equipment rental business, but gave us his blessing to go ahead and split off into our own entity, and that was the beginning of R3 Contractors.” The company started out with three partners, Alan Rock, Stephen Rock and Mark Trumble. It continued and grew with each of the three partners adding their unique discipline and talent to the mix, until Alan’s brother, Stephen, sadly passed away in 2008.
R3 Contractors jumped right into the thick of things when starting out in 2002, taking on an underground utility job for a local housing track developer. The company continued to grow over the years and now provides general engineering services to high-density type projects including multifamily residential apartments and podium style condominiums, as well as
business parks, shopping centers, commercial and industrial parks and small housing tracts. Both Rock and Trumble agree that one of the more interesting and challenging jobs that they have tackled over the years would be a project they are currently working on in Marina Del Rey. “We were contracted to install around 3,000 feet of sewer, water, and drainage pipe at
2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
Below: Cat 950G Tool Carrier assisting in a backfill operation with the general purpose bucket installed. A set of 60" forks was also used for unloading pipe and other materials and for stringing out of pipe from plastic to CMP to reinforced concrete pipe.
Esprit 2, a high-end, luxury townhome and apartment waterfront development in Marina Del Rey,” says Trumble. “The challenge is that we are working in extremely tight quarters and installing 18-inch sewer clay to a depth of 18 feet. Because we are excavating right on the sea wall at the marina and down three to 4 feet below the water table, it is necessary to perform dewatering to keep the water at bay. We are working on the water lines right now and are about 95 percent complete on the storm drain and sewer portion.” R3 Contractors began this project in January 2016 and should have it all wrapped up by the end of summer 2017. R3 Contractors is known for taking on unique and challenging projects, and one of their larger jobs was at the
Regency Shopping Center that they completed a few years back in Indio. “We worked on a 20-acre site bringing water lines to and sewer lines away from approximately 30 retail stores like Home Depo, Winco, and Petco, along with all of the site drainage,” says Rock. “The tricky part of this $4 million job was the 60-inch storm drain that ran through the entire project. There was only a one-tenth of a percent fall, which means it only dropped 1.2 inches every 100 feet. It was amazingly flat, but our crews got it done to exact specifications without any issues. I just can’t say enough about the hard working, talented individuals we have working here at R3.” According to Rock and Trumble, it is their personal service and integrity that has set them apart from the long list of underground construction
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
companies in Southern California. They own and maintain a state-of-the-art heavy equipment fleet, which also gives them a distinct advantage. “The majority of our fleet is made up of Hyundai construction equipment. We go with Hyundai because the cost of ownership is less than the other leading brands,” says Rock. “We get the full package without sacrificing one bit of quality or performance, and that does a lot for our bottom line.” R3 Contractors works with George Davis from Heavy Equipment Sales (HES) the local Hyundai dealer for their equipment purchases, as well as for rentals. “We most recently purchased a new Hyundai HX 330L and a Hyundai R220LC-9A excavator. Many times we will rent a machine from HER until it just makes more sense to own [ Continued on page 22 ]
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Below: R3's newly acquired Hyundai 330L excavating soil in preparation for backfill around a newly installed storm drain manhole.
[ Continued from page 20 ]
it,” says Trumble. “We have a lot of respect for Heavy Equipment Rentals, and we have worked with George Davis for around 10 years. George is always there for us, and he stops by often to check on us, which we certainly appreciate.” According to Trumble, R3 Contractors purchased their first Hyundai machine in 2004, and they now have a large fleet of late model Hyundai excavators and wheel loaders ready to work on any size project. The founders of R3 Contractors excel in projects that require a high level of technical know-how in the planning and execution
of projects ranging in value from $200,000 on up to $5 million plus. Their combined 50 plus years of experience is always evident in the excellent workmanship and installation of underground utilities such as water, fire, sewer and storm drain systems, as well as storm runoff containment, recharging well systems, sump pump systems and other specialties like hazardous site cleanup. For more information on R3 Contractors, please visit their website at www.r3contractors.com or call their Anaheim headquarters at (714) 224-0430. Cc
Above: Workers installing trench jacks and filter fabric for a corrugated metal storm drain retention/ infiltration pipe. The CMP is perforated and encapusulated with crushed gravel and wrapped in filter fabric in order for the collected rain water to seep back into the earth to aid in recharging the aquifer and prevent runoff to the ocean.
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
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President, Scott Price, addressing the group.
Tim Steponavich from Cal Fire Air Attack discussing air operations.
The California Dozer Operator’s Group (DOG) was created to provide Agency Fire Dozer Operators and Contract Dozer Operators with a venue to communicate and continue to develop best safety and training practices and procedures for use on wildland fire incidents. The Southern Chapter of the DOG is made up of heavy equipment operators from local Southern California fire departments. The group includes members from the California Department of Forestry, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles City, Ventura County, United States Forest Service, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Santa Barbara County, Kern County Bureau of Land Management, Sacramento Metro Fire, and Vandenberg Air Force Base. DOG holds an annual meeting each year in both northern and southern California. This year’s Southern event was held March 30 at Monteleone Meadows, a private event venue located in Murrieta. The meeting was hosted by Cal Fire Riverside and featured a variety of guest speakers. Presentations were made by folks like Mike Breeze, a Cal Fire dozer operator from San Bernardino County, who spoke about new information impacting DOG members and their work with
George Davis, Sales Manager, Heavy Equipment Sales, LLC speaking to the group.
local contractors. There was also a speaker from Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base, who talked about fire safety and air operations, and other guests who presented information on topics like GPS tracking systems. Scott Price is a fire equipment operator and President of the California Dozer Operators Group (DOG). “We had another great meeting this year at the beautiful Monteleone Meadows facility in Murrieta,” says Price. “We had around 110 guests in attendance, and I feel like we accomplished a lot, while also taking the time to socialize, eat some great Mexican cuisine and talk to the vendors who were good enough to attend and support our event.” The vendors in attendance at the meeting included Heavy Equipment Rentals & Sales, LLC (HERS, LLC), headquartered in Corona. HERS, LLC brought several machines to the meeting for attendees to check out, including a Hyundai HX260L crawler excavator, a Hyundai 60CR9A rubber track excavator and an ASV VT-70 compact track loader. Other vendors were in attendance, including static displays of current firefighting dozers and semi-truck transportation rigs. A raffle, full of great prizes was also held, along with the sale of hats, shirts, decals,
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Doug Dolezal from Sacramento Metro FIre discussing new tracking device.
jackets and other specialty items to raise money for an annual barbecue to support the Grossman Burn Center Foundation. Firefighting dozer operators primarily use bulldozers equipped with reinforced environmental cabs and cages, as well as fire curtains, fire radios, and other heavy-duty protective options. “Every agency has their unique way of equipping their dozers,” says Price. “For instance, Ventura and L.A. have two-man crews with two seats, one for the operator and one for the swamper to ride along. Most of the dozers are single cab, and we also use other heavy machinery like excavators, wheel loaders, motor graders and track loaders when fighting fires. Our equipment helps save lives, and we work closely with local construction equipment distributors to make sure that we have the best equipment possible out there on the front lines.” For more information on the California Dozer Operators Group, visit their website at www.californiadozeroperatorsgroup. org. For information on Cal Fire, visit www.fire.ca.gov. Cc
2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
VOLVO LAUNCHES DIG ASSIST IN NORTH AMERICA, AN INTUITIVE MACHINE CONTROL SOLUTION FOR CRAWLER EXCAVATORS The latest in a suite of programs offered for the Volvo Co-Pilot interface, Dig Assist provides real-time guidance for operators to ensure job parameters are met more quickly, more accurately and with improved site safety. Volvo Dig Assist unlocks the full potential of an excavator’s productivity. Utilizing Volvo Co-Pilot — the award-winning incab interface with a 10inch high-resolution touch screen — Dig Assist allows operators to easily input job specifications and track progress along the way to ensure the job is done right the first time, every time. Getting started with Dig Assist is easy. The operator begins by opening the application and setting a reference point using a tooth on the bucket to tell
the system where the earth begins. The operator then inputs the target depth and grade before beginning work. From there, the operator can visualize the bucket and the machine’s position in real time, alongside
indicator guide lines that provide a “follow the line” reference point for trenching. Additionally, an on-screen light bar display notifies the operator when target grade has been reached. Cc
CATERPILLAR EQUIPS MORE EXCAVATORS WITH COST-SAVING CAT CONNECT TECHNOLOGY Contractors can enhance their jobsite accuracy, productivity, and efficiency using the latest Cat® Connect technology. Cat Grade with Assist and Cat Payload are now available direct from the factory on several F Series excavator models sold in North America and other regions. Cat Grade with Assist, introduced last year on the 323F L, is a simple-to-use system that helps operators dig a level base with just the right slope. With a touch of a
button, the boom and bucket adjust automatically to help operators consistently get to grade with more accuracy, less effort, and less rework. Plus, it works with tilt buckets for even greater versatility. The latest technology addition is Cat Payload. Introduced last year on the 336F L XE, the system calculates load weight as the operator swings the bucket toward the truck with no interruption in the loading cycle. It eliminates the need for the truck to make an
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
additional trip to the scale, and operators can track load weights in real time to know exactly how much material is in the bucket and in the loaded truck. Cc
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2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
CASE EXPANDS D SERIES WITH CX245D SR MINIMUM-SWING EXCAVATOR CASE Construction Equipment has introduced the all-new CX245D SR minimum-swing radius excavator to its D Series lineup. Designed to provide increased digging and lifting power in confined work areas, the CX245D SR features a compact counterweight and modified boom placement that minimizes the machine’s footprint, resulting in a highly productive and maneuverable excavator that’s ideal for restricted conditions, such as road and bridge work, residential projects and urban construction.
With an operating weight of 60,400 pounds and a 160 HP Tier 4 Final engine, the CX245D SR offers increased bucket digging forces (up to 34,600 pounds) and lift capacity (up to 22,950 pounds) compared to the previous model. Each D Series model is built to provide significant operational gains, including decreased cycle times, improved responsiveness and multifunctional controls, and greater fuel efficiency. All CASE D Series excavators are covered under CASE ProCare – a suite of product
assurances that includes a three-year Advanced CASE SiteWatch™ telematics subscription, a threeyear/3,000-hour full-machine factory warranty, and a threeyear/3,000-hour planned maintenance contract. Cc
New CX245D SR excavator replaces current 23.5-metric ton model, offers greater fuel efficiency, precision maneuverability and increased bucket digging force and lift capacity. John Deere continues to upgrade its G-Series excavator lineup with the introduction of the 30G compact excavator, filling a portfolio gap for customers looking for a solution in the three to four metric ton class. This new model will offer numerous outstanding performance features, such as increased lift capacity and improved breakout forces. The 30G will also incorporate all current G-Series features — including the standard pattern changer and standard hand-controlled proportional auxiliary hydraulics — as
well as the reliability and durability customers expect from John Deere. The 30G will provide customers with an additional model in the popular three to four metric ton size class of compact excavators. To provide better return on investment and higher utilization, the 30G will utilize 27D/26G buckets and attachments that customers may already be using in their fleet. The 30G will come equipped with all the standard G-Series features customers have come to
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
expect, including mechanical pattern changers, quick couplers and proportional auxiliary hydraulics plumbed to the end of the boom. The 30G also utilizes many components that are common to the 35G. Cc
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2017 underground construction issue CALCONTRACTOR
ADVERTISER INDEX Clairemont Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Quinn CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Coastline Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
RDO Equipment Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Coastline Equipment Crane Div. . . . . . 27
Savala Equipment Rentals . . . . . . . . . . 15
FMG, Grinding & CIR / Graniterock . . . 29
Scott Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Hawthorne CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Sonsray Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Heavy Equipment Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Trench Shoring Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Irontrac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
UB Equipment Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Johnson CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Volvo Construction Equip. & Svcs. . . . 11
Nixon-Egli Equipment Co . . . back Cover
2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
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NIXON-EGLI EQUIPMENT CO., WIRTGEN AND PAVECO, INC. Left: The new 2017 Wirtgen 120 CFi compact cold milling machine bought from Nixon-Egli Equipment. Below L-R: Sal Cardenas, Foreman, Greg Fleming, Vice President and Robert Ceniceros, Laborer.
Headquartered in Baldwin Park, Paveco, Inc. was established in 1988 to primarily perform asphalt trench and patch repair projects in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. Greg Fleming is the company’s vice president, and he oversees most of the major equipment acquisitions. Paveco recently purchased a new Wirtgen 120 CFi compact cold milling machine from Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. “We had been renting milling machines for many years and decided that the time was finally right to purchase one,” says Fleming. “This machine has all the bells and whistles, including a conveyor that swings 120 degrees. It is the perfect size for our trench and patch repair work.” The Wirtgen 120 CFi offers outstanding productivity with a unique and sophisticated vision concept, and a milling drum that comes with useful automatic features. It will mill to a max depth of 13 inches and max width of 48 inches, and it has a powerful Tier IV 345 HP engine. “We went with Wirtgen for durability and reliability. Our machine is fast, has great visibility and it provides a nice finished grade,” says Fleming. “We have been working with our Nixon-Egli representative, Allen Hahn for a long time and he has never let us down. Nixon-Egli is known for their great service and we are very pleased with our new purchase.”
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