The Conveyor - Fall Issue 2016

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A publication of the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association

Fall Issue

BUILD with STRENGTH Campaign Gains Traction in California and Throughout the U.S. Page 4

New Materials


Education Conference









PRODUCTS Build with Strength - Campaign Gains Traction in California and Throughout the U.S.



MATERIALS 3M Hosts Demonstration – Natural Pozzolan as Partial Substitute for Cement in Concrete




2016 CalCIMA Education Conference


Photo contributed by Build with Strength campaign.

The Conveyor is a publication of the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association. The views expressed herein are fixed expressions of the contributing writers and not of CalCIMA. All rights reserved.

CalCIMA 1029 J Street, #420 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 554-1000

Published By Construction Marketing Services, LLC

Design Aldo Myftari

P.O. Box 892977 Temecula, CA 92589 909) 772-3121

Editorial Contributors Charley Rea Director of Communications & Policy, CalCIMA

Publisher Kerry Hoover

Suzanne Seivright Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA

Editor Brian Hoover

Brian Hoover Editor, Construction Marketing Services

The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

The Conveyor is published quarterly each year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.



CAMPAIGN GAINS TRACTION IN CALIFORNIA AND THROUGHOUT THE U.S. By Brian Hoover Even the three little pigs know that constructing a building out of brick and mortar makes much more sense than sticks and straw. The Egyptians were using early forms of concrete 5,000 years ago, as they mixed mud and straw to form bricks and gypsum and lime to make mortar. The ancient Romans used a material that was remarkably close to modern day concrete to build their many architectural marvels like the Colosseum and Pantheon. Joseph Aspdin patented the method for producing Portland cement in 1824, and Joseph Monier brought us reinforced concrete in 1849. By 1889, America was building their first reinforced concrete bridges, followed by the Hoover Dam in 1936. A true marvel of innovation, the Hoover Dam consumed a whopping 3,250,000 yards of concrete, with an additional 1,110,000 yards utilized in other power plant structures. Now, can you imagine if the Hoover Dam had been built out of wood? Some things are just better and more reliable when they are constructed with concrete, like low-mid and high-rise structures for instance. This makes perfect sense, and why would you use anything else, right? Well, the timber industry has been 4

Robert A. Garbini

President of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA)

advocating for the use of wood in low- to mid-rise and even high-rise structures for several years now, and they are reportedly even lobbying to add and change legislation to help boost these efforts. Robert Garbini is the president of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), an organization that is currently leading an effort to keep concrete the preferred source for low- to mid-rise commercial buildings, particularly in multi-family housing projects. Garbini feels that it is important to fully understand the

backstory associated with this modern phenomenon. “The single-family home market has been the benchmark on how the homebuilding industry has gauged its success for many years,” says Garbini. “Obviously, history is telling us something here.” According to Garbini, the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) has long used the sale of 1 million new single-family homes as a benchmark of its industry’s success. These numbers have fluctuated over the years, and by 2006 that number had reached a record high of 1.7 million homes. The party would soon be over, however, when those sales dropped to just 431,000 by 2011, representing the lowest numbers in recorded history. The reduced sales, of course, affected most every business model and the concrete industry was certainly no exception. The ready mixed concrete industry is the single largest user of cement, consuming up to 75 percent of all cement used here in the United States on our roads, driveways, foundations and more. “We went from a record in 2006 of 458 million cubic yards of ready mixed concrete, which equates to more than 1.5 cubic yards for every living man, woman, and child, to 266 million cubic yards by 2011,” says Garbini. The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

PCA Outlook 2000-2020 Composition of Cement Consumption - CA 2010 Nonresidential Public



Nonresidential Public Residential

SOURCE: PCA Market Intelligence

He continues to point out that the scenario gets even more complicated with the growth of the Millennials, now the single largest population group currently in the United States. “Statistics show that Millennials are looking primarily at multi-family housing over single-family homes. “Maybe they saw what happened in 2008, or they have a ton of college debt. Whatever the reason, many no longer want that home with a fence, dog, and lawn. The simplicity of life seems to be their focus and multi-family living looks to them like the best way to go.” Garbini continues, “Now when you combine this group with the buying patterns of the next largest group, the Baby Boomers, the overall scenario comes even more into focus.” Garbini points out that many Baby Boomers are now empty nesters, and like the Millennials, they too are looking more to the simpler ways of life, without the responsibility of tending to a house and yard. At the same time that all of this was happening, the wood and timber industry that supplies all of the soft wood for the homebuilding industry, experienced a boom up to 2006. So they’re raking it in with record sales of 2x4s and 2x6s for all of these 1.7 million single-family The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

homes that were being built in 2006. But then things began to change, and single-family home sales decline dramatically, which negatively affected the wood industry, but they had a fallback plan. According to Garbini, the wood industry was eligible for benefits from the Agricultural & Forestry Act, as they are defined as an agricultural product. “When home building dropped dramatically with record lows in 2011, the wood industry decided to exercise their option with the Department of Agriculture and instituted a check-off program in 2011. They, of course, have to report these numbers, because it is a federal program, and by 2015 they had collected more than $30 million from participating industry interests,” says Garbini. “You combine this questionable good fortune with the fact that concrete began seeing declines in market share in mid-size and multi-family 4 to 10 story construction, and alarms begin to go off.” Evidently, builders began to respond to the demand for multi-family housing and what we see right now is what is referred to as, pedestal construction.” Garbini explains that this is where buildings begin with one or two stories of concrete, followed by five or more stories of stick built or Cross-

Laminated Timber construction (CLT). “These guys dusted off an old technology (CLT) and began calling it new technology. We had already lost 33 percent market share in this particular market since 2011 and we were very aware of the tremendous growth on the horizon. Something had to be done, and it was past time that we began re-educating contractors and builders on the obvious benefits of concrete over wood in low-to mid-to high-rise construction.” The U.S. population is growing by approximately 3 million people per year, with projections of 400 million people and 300 billion square feet of buildings, including houses, condos, high-rises, hospitals, schools and other structures here in the United States by 2040. “Let’s just say that the projections are correct and low-, mid- to high-rise inventory is going to double by 2040. Are we just going to stand by and let the wood industry take that 4 to 10-story market? Well, that is one choice, but the better choice is to take back our market share and make sure that concrete is the predominant material used in this building demographic. This is the main reason we decided to put together our “Build With Strength” campaign.” 5

Above & Right: Build with Strength display booth at 2016 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Los Angeles.

Launched in April 2016, the Build with Strength campaign utilizes three main elements: communications, direct project promotion, and advocacy. Each element is based on solid research that shows that developers and engineers want to build with concrete because they believe in the strength and durability of the product. The communications plan highlights the benefits of concrete, addresses sustainability issues and shines a spotlight on successful concrete structures. “Build With Strength” A Coalition of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is also making tremendous headway on the business development segment of the campaign. “Our business development portion takes a page right out of what the wood and steel industry are currently offering,” says Garbini. “They have design assistance programs, where engineers can be accessed by phone for help with the structural design and other answers. It was clear that we too should offer this same assistance, and we now have 6

business development and engineering professionals available to help out contractors, builders, and developers in the area of low- to mid-rise building construction.” The third segment of the “Build With Strength” campaign is the advocacy component. “The concrete industry is at the forefront of resilient construction, particularly in low- to mid-rise and high-rise structures,” says Garbini. “What happens if a structure gets hit by a hurricane, fire, a flood or even an earthquake or tornado? Will it collapse or will it withstand the elements, saving lives most importantly, and secondarily, structural assets.” Garbini points out that the people who vote on the code bodies are not obligated to select the best, or even the safest product, only the minimum standards. “We are challenging building codes at the local level. Code does not become law until it is adopted by a jurisdiction such as a state, county or municipality,” says Garbini. “What we want to point out at the local code level is that you don’t want to use light gauge,

combustible materials on any structures, let alone more vulnerable buildings like hospitals, schools or senior centers. We are working hard at pushing legislation to ensure that wood is not used in these structures.” The second part of the “Build With Strength” advocacy segment is to receive credits for the use of resilient or fortified construction materials from insurers. “This is a big step, and we want our audience to understand that a structure should not only provide the best possibility for escape and survival but also the ability to be rehabilitated and reused,” says Garbini. Let’s state the obvious, wood burns and is susceptible to mold and mildew and water damage, and it is also more expensive to insure. There will always be those build and flip guys out there that only want to turn a profit, but there are far more that are interested in protecting their investments for the long term.” According to Garbini, the short-term goal of the “Build With Strength” campaign is to get back the lost market share in [ Continued on page 8 ]

The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue


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[ Continued from page 6 ]

low- to mid-rise structures, and then to further grow the use of concrete throughout all markets, cementing concrete's position as the material of choice in construction. “We are taking full advantage of all of the communication resources that are available, using social media, in particular, to get our message out there,” says Garbini. “We want to create seeds of thought and then go back in a year and see if we have changed the perception and intensity level. We can’t do it alone, and we are relying on our regional and state-run concrete associations to piggyback onto this campaign and spread the word, and there is evidence that their efforts are already having an impact throughout the country.” Unfortunately, success and advancements sometimes come as a result of learning the hard

way through tragic circumstances. This was certainly the case when a 526-unit apartment complex burned down in Los Angeles in 2014. The Da Vinci complex was under construction and had five raw wooden-frame stories sitting on top of a two-story concrete base structure. Fortunately, no one was hurt or killed, but the fire reduced the half-built apartment complex to ashes, prompting a city councilman to file a motion questioning whether wood-frame construction contributed to the devastating blaze. The motion called for city officials to take a hard look at whether further restrictions should be placed on wood-frame construction for residential buildings. Outside of California, the City of Sandy Springs City Council in Georgia approved a building code change to prohibit wood-framed construction for future buildings taller than three stories and

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larger than 100,000 square feet. Supporters of the change cited safety issues, as well as matters of quality, durability, and longevity. The world’s tallest structure, the Burj Khalifia in Dubai, was built using reinforced concrete. It stands 2,717 feet with 431,600 cubic yards of concrete being used in its construction. Proponents cite, acoustic privacy, building quality, return on investment, durability and energy efficiency. The word is getting out there, and the word is “Build With Strength,” build with concrete. For more information on the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association’s “Build With Strength” campaign, visit their website at, or call their offices at (240) 485-1139.

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The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue


3M Hosts Demonstration – Natural Pozzolan as Partial Substitute for Cement in Concrete By Suzanne Seivright, Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA


he concrete mix ingredient ratio can solve problems or it can create them. Ideally, a concrete mix is one that is easy to place, strong enough to meet the needs of the application, durable for the life of the project, and looks good once the project is complete. Using different pozzolans, also identified as supplemental cementitious materials (SCM), 3M implemented a series of experiments to try to match the workability of the more prevalently used pozzolan in the United States, fly ash. 10

Pozzolan characterization Pozzolans are very fineparticulate, silicate-based substances that react with lime to form strengthening or enhancing compounds in cement. They are typically used by concrete producers in the range of 10 to 25 percent of the cementitious portion of concrete mixtures. And, when used in the right concrete mix ratio, they will impact the balance between economy and requirements for placeability, strength, durability, density, and appearance. More

common pozzolans include fly ash, silica fume, slag, and metakaolin. A brief history of pozzolans According to Malinowski’s article Prehistory of Concrete in Concrete International (1991), prior to the development of Portland cement in 1824 by British stone mason Joseph Aspdin, mortars and concretes were composed of mixtures and fillers that used raw or heattreated lime for construction throughout the world. In later The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

Above: Pozzolan samples: Class C fly ash, metakaolin, class F fly ash, silica fume, slag, calcined shale (Image retrieved November 2016 from the Portland Cement Association). Right: The Tufa Quarry at Fairmont provided natural pozzolans for the construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct (Image from The Department of Public Service of the City of Los Angeles. (1916). Title: Tufa Quarry at Fairmont. Source: Complete Report on Construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Los Angeles, CA.)

works, Malinowski in collaboration with other experts report in their document Prehistoric Hydraulic Morter (1993) that the oldest example of hydraulic binder dates back to 5000-4000 B.C. and was a mixture of lime and natural pozzolan, a diatomaceous earth from the Persian Gulf. Malinowski reports that the next oldest use pozzolan was in the Mediterranean region from volcanic ash that came from an eruption between 1600 and 1500 B.C. on the Aegean Island of Thera, now called Santorin, Greece. The ash consists of almost 80 percent volcanic glass, in essence, pumice and obsidian. Roman Engineer, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, who lived in the first century B.C., stated that the cements made by the Greeks and Romans were of remarkable durability because “neither waves could break, nor water dissolve” the concrete. In his work, The Ten Books on Architecture (translated from Latin and published in 1960), he indicates that the Romans developed superior building techniques of masonry construction from the techniques of the Etruscans and the Greeks. And, that the Greek masons discovered pozzolan-lime mixtures sometime between The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

700-600 B.C. and later passed their use of concrete along to the Romans in about 150 B.C. According to Kirby, R. S., Withington, S., Darling, A.B., Kilgour, F. B., in their book Engineering in History (1956), during the 600 years of Roman domination, the Romans discovered and developed a variety of pozzolans throughout their empire.

Neither waves could break, nor water dissolve [the concrete].

Above: Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, C. 80-70 BC – C. 15 BC (Image from: http://shop.columns. com/marcus-vitruvius-pollio.aspx).

According to the final report of the construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct published in 1916, the City of Los Angeles built their own cement plant along with three natural pozzolan mills called the Fairmont, Monolith, and Haiwee. At these mills, Portland cement was interground with the natural pozzolans in a 50/50 mix

identified as Tufa Cement. Due to the distance of some of the natural pozzolans in relation to 233 mile long aqueduct, natural pozzolans were sometimes blended in a 60/40 mix, with the natural pozzolans at 60 percent. Types of pozzolans Pozzolans are either natural, a byproduct of industrial processes, or purposefully manufactured. Natural pozzolans are either raw or calcined natural material that has pozzolanic properties such as volcanic ash or pumicite, opaline chert and shales, tuffs, and some diatomaceous earths. Natural pozzolans have been used within projects in the United States where they are locally available; however they have more widespread use in Europe. Pozzolans that are a byproduct of industrial processes, such as fly ash from coal-fired power plants and silica fume and slag from some steel refineries, present an opportunity for end-users to recycle this industrial waste within use of concrete production. Pozzolans that are byproducts of industrial processes tend to have varying color, quality, gradation, and other properties. In order to control quality and characteristics, 11

Top: The first pour of the demonstration at 3M Corona’s plant. Above Left: This is part of the end-of-the year road-building construction project at the 3M plant in Corona being used to demonstrate various pozzolans and pozzolan blends. Middle: Jay Lukkarila, Mining Engineer from 3M. Right: Suzanne Seivright, Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA.

some pozzolans are manufactured such as vitrified calcium alumino-silicate, and ground recycled glass pozzolans. Natural pozzolans can also have the advantage of being locally produced. In most cases pozzolans are used individually. However blends of two or more different pozzolans are sometimes used to take advantage of the characteristics each pozzolan offers such as increasing workability and particle packing, or helping with total strength development. 12

3M Hosts Pozzolan Symposium and Demonstration Although there is a long history of using natural pozzolans – and there are currently products in use in California and approved for Caltrans' projects, and other sources under development -- it is less familiar to the industry due to the reliance on fly ash in recent years. However, a fly ash supply disruption this past spring generated more interest in further understanding and evaluating potential natural

pozzolan sources and their properties in concrete mixes. As a result, 3M set up a symposium and demonstration project at their plant in Corona on October 4th and 5th. To demonstrate the range of possibilities, 3M invited several experts and natural pozzolan suppliers from throughout the world. Altogether a dozen natural pozzolans were tested along with control mixes, although not every available or potentially available natural pozzolan was in the demonstration. [ Continued on page 14 ]

The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

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Above: Supersacks of pozzolan arrive to 3M where they are weighed out for each 9.5 cubic yard mixer. Right: Dr. Monika Zervaki from Imerys’ facility in Greece, discussed Milos natural pozzolans as high performance SCMs of volcanic origin leading to sustainable and durarable concrete. Far Right: Jay Lukkarila – 3M Mining Engineer, Dr. Shubahada Gadkar – Twining, and John Luekemeyr, 3M.

[ Continued from page 12 ]

Taking advantage of an end-of-the year road-building construction project at the 3M plant in Corona, 3M worked with the local contractors, suppliers, and testing companies, and received support and guidance from members belonging to the American Concrete Institute’s ‘240 Natural Pozzolan Committee,’ and the National Concrete Consortium. 3M worked with the City of Corona’s Chamber of Commerce, to host a Natural Pozzolan – New Pozzolan Symposium at the Eagle Glen Golf Club which was followed by a Natural Pozzolan – New Pozzolan Concrete Demonstration. The Natural Pozzolan – New Pozzolan Symposium included several national and international speakers: • Dr. Boris Stein – President, Twining Inc. 14

• Mr. Joseph Thomas – Vice President of R&D, Magmatics, Inc. • Dr. Thomas Van Dam – Principle, NCE • Dr. Anthony Bentivegna – Laboratory Manager, CTL Group • Dr. Monika Zervaki – Applications Technology Engineer, Imerys Filtration & Performance Additives • Dr. Rebecca Everman – Product Development Specialist, 3M • Mr. Jay Lukkarila – Mining Engineer, 3M

the United States and world in a Caltrans 25 percent cement replacement pavement mix design. The demonstration was made open to the public to participate and showcased experimental paths using different pozzolans. The goal of the series of experiments was to try to match the workability of the fly ash mix, and assess shrinkage, permeability, pumpability, etc. Initial results indicate that finishers essentially could not tell the difference between the natural pozzolan and control mixes. However, 3M is currently collecting feedback in the field from finishers as well as test results from laboratories to make determinations regarding the demonstration outcome.

• Mr. Brett Cochrane – Plant Manager, 3M The Natural Pozzolan – New Pozzolan Concrete Demonstration tested pozzolans from around The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

EXPERIENCED LAWYERS SERVING THE CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS INDUSTRIES SMARA / CEQA / Land Use / Public Lands / Mining Claims NEPA / Vested Rights / Government Relations Environmental / Endangered Species / Storm Water Wetlands Permitting / Climate Change IMPs / Public Trust Doctrine Contracts / Litigation / Labor / Tax / Capital & Financing IP / Insolvency / Prevailing Wage / Class Actions

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CalCIMA Members Innovate at 2016 Education Conference November 6 - 9, 2016 Written by Charley Rea, Director of Communications & Policy, CalCIMA Last month’s epic election wasn’t the only thing keeping our members busy in early November. CalCIMA members and other industry representatives took part in CalCIMA’s 10th Annual Education Conference in Rancho Mirage. We kicked off the conference with our technical committee workshop focusing on concrete specifications and a talk from the Caltrans state bridge engineer, Tom Ostrom, talking about the Future of State Bridges. Our education conference theme “Industry Innovation” had a myriad of talks from environmental and land use issues and operational technologies to concrete promotion and the latest legislative changes to SMARA. Our PAC Golf Tournament was well attended on a warm Palm Springs Day. The tournament winners were: 1st Place: – Donovan Collier, Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden – Brendan Ottoboni, City of Chico – Bruce Steubing, Benchmark Resources – Danny Deveraux, CalPortland Construction 2nd Place: – Darrin Dragna, Robertson's Ready Mix, Ltd. – Todd Dragna, Robertson's Ready Mix, Ltd. – Steve Martin, Robertson's Ready Mix, Ltd. – Larry Woodard, Robertson's Ready Mix, Ltd. Closest to the Pin Men: Mark Kuciel, Interstar Longest Drive Men: John Hodgkinson, Clean Energy Fuels Longest Drive Women: Melanie O’Regan, CalPortland

Producers (Aggregate/Ready Mixed Concrete) – Bill Albanese, Central Concrete Supply Co., Inc. – Brian Anderson, Vulcan Materials West Region – Lloyd Burns, Western Aggregates, Inc. – Barry Coley, Escondido Materials – Dana Davis, Teichert, Inc. – Todd Dragna, Robertson's Ready Mix, Inc. – Toby Goyette, Syar Industries, Inc. – Martin Hansberger, Holliday Rock Co., Inc. – Gary Johnson, Granite Construction, Inc. – Aaron Johnston, Graniterock – Steve Lode, CalPortland – Dave Ollis, National Ready Mixed Concrete Co. – Thomas Powell, Cemex – Michael Ruddy, Jr., Allied Concrete & Supply Co. – Brian Serra, Lehigh Hanson Region West – Michael Toland, Spragues' Ready Mix Industrial Materials – Shelby Olsen, Omya California, Inc. – Steve Payne, Elementis Specialties, Inc.

And, last but not least, a special Thank You to our conference sponsors who help to make the education conference memorable.

Thank you to the sponsors of the 2016 CalCIMA Education Conference! • Applied Industrial Technologies

• Kespry

• Benchmark Resources

• Kleinfelder, Inc.

• Brown & Caldwell

• Lehigh Hanson Region West

• CalPortland

• Lilburn Corporation


• Mitchell Chadwick LLP

• Downey Brand LLP

• Ramos Oil, Inc.

• Golden Queen Aggregates

• Robertson’s Ready Mix, Ltd.

Associate of the Year Award: Greg Odenthal, Pinnacle Consulting

• Golder Associates

• Sespe Consulting, Inc.

• Granite Construction, Inc.

• Stoel Rives LLP

Spirit of the Industry Award: Gary Johnson, Granite Construction, Inc.

• Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden

• Teichert Materials Co.

• Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

• Vulcan Materials Company West Region

Our annual awards banquet attendees found themselves being serenaded by Willie Nelson (True Willie Band) while watching the election night coverage. But the banquet also did give CalCIMA the opportunity to recognize those who have worked hard this year to keep the association strong and focused.

President’s Award: Melanie O’Regan, CalPortland Benjamin J. Licari Distinguished Member Award: Barry Coley, Escondido Materials


Our Board Election also took place during the conference and the following CalCIMA members were elected to the 2017 Board of Directors:

• Harrison Temblador Hungerford & Johnson LLP • Hunton & Williams LLP

• WRA, Inc. • Yorke Engineering, LLC

• Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP

The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

Nicole Krenner of 3M, presented on 3M technology, products and innovations.

Michael Greene, Imerys Minerals California, presented on their approach to research and development of innovative solutions.

Case Swenson with Swenson, spoke about the Landmaker Structural System.

Calcima's Education Conference had numerous exhibitors.

Greg Odenthal, Pinnacle Consulting, won Associate of the Year award.

Steve, Jason & Mike Toland, Spragues' Ready Mix.

No stone unturned.

With stakes high and matters complex, you rely on meticulous attention to detail. Benchmark provides permitting and compliance support that’s vetted, technically sound, and defensible. We know that’s how to get projects approved and build a name people trust. True Willie Band performed at the awards banquet.

The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue


INDUSTRY NEWS In Memory of George Thomas Davis December 21, 1952 - October 13, 2016 George Thomas Davis “Tom” passed away on October 13, 2016, at the age of 63 in Villa Park, CA. He was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on December 21, 1952 to George and Betty Davis. He graduated from Washington High School in 1971, attended Cornell College in Iowa where he majored in Geology, and completed his education with a Masters in Environmental Studies from Cal State Fullerton. Tom met the love of his life, Teri, after he moved to California in 1980. They married on February 19, 1983. They later had two wonderful children, Kristen and Geoff. Tom started his career with Martin Marietta in the Midwest and worked for Livingston Graham when he moved to California. He later moved to Calmat and Vulcan Materials. After that, he worked as a land use planning consultant before he started Davis Consulting Services in 2010, with his wife Teri. His daughter, Kristen, joined the company in 2012. Tom is well known in the aggregate industry and had over 40 years experience there. Tom was very passionate about the family business Davis Consulting Services. He grew the business to have work in a wide variety of industries such as construction aggregates, inert debris operations, recycling, and TV and radio broadcasting. He was very knowledgeable in mine permitting, SMARA compliance, preparation of reclamation plans, conditional use permits, inert debris operation plans, waste discharge requirements, waste load checking programs, aggregate resource feasibility analyses, etc. Tom was blessed to have his daughter Kristen work as a project consultant for the family business. 18

He was a wonderful mentor to Kristen and was very proud of all she has learned over the years and the business woman she has become. In honor of her father, Kristen will continue to grow the family legacy of Davis Consulting Services. Over the years Tom was very active in the California Mining Association, CalCIMA and other construction aggregate associations. He was a long time CalCIMA member and supporter of the CalCIMA Environmental Committee. Tom was integral in the adoption of the Inert Debris Engineered Fill Operation regulations by the CA Integrated Waste Management Board and the current AB 901 recycling regulatory processes. Perhaps what Tom was best known for was his service to other. He exemplified the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.” His time in Rotary spanned approximately 30 years and Tom helped numerous people in the community and around the world. He was most passionate about his tree nursery project, trips to Mexico to administer polio vaccinations, and the “We Give Thanks” project in Anaheim. When not involved with his business and Rotary, Tom enjoyed traveling around the world with his wife, working on home projects, adding to his international coin collection, having swimming and bbq parties with his family and spending time with his two cats. Tom touched many lives with his kind and generous spirit, his patience, his quick wit and engaging personality. Tom is survived by Teri, his wife of 33 years, his sister Karen Jessen, and his children Kristen and Geoff.

Top: Tom working in the field. Middle: Tom and Kristen at CONEXPO-CON/AGG in 2014. Above: Tom and his wife of 33 years Teri.

The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue



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P: (619) 894-8669 F: (805) 667-8104


May 11, 2017 Ontario, CA

2017 EDUCATION CONFERENCE November 5-8, 2017 Olympic Village, CA The Conveyor • 2016 Fall Issue

Scott Taylor

P: (714) 587-2595 Ex 101

Susana Perez

P: (714) 587-2595 Ex 102 19

“Everything That’s Rubber”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


BAKERSFIELD 661-392-1912 Fax 661-392-1874

19428 Colombo Street Bakersfield, CA 93308

ELKO 775-778-0822 Fax 775-778-0833

2580 Alta Vista Drive Elko, NV 89801

FRESNO 559-268-7321 Fax 559-268-2619

2539 South Cherry Avenue Fresno, CA 93706

MERCED 209-722-8844 Fax 209-383-4625

2280 Cooper Avenue Merced, CA 95348

SPARKS 775-356-0192 Fax 775-356-0595

305 East Glendale Avenue Sparks, NV 89431

TULARE 559-686-1677 Fax 559-686-0237

For All Your Conveyor Belt and Industrial Rubber & Plastic Needs, Including On-site Belt Splicing

4500 South “K” Street Tulare, CA 93274

YUBA CITY 530-674-2444 Fax 530-674-1645

1690 Sierra Avenue Yuba City, CA 95993

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