The Conveyor - Spring Issue 2017

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A publication of the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association

Spring Issue

AMERICA'S ECONOMIC EXPRESSWAY Q&A with Michael Johnson, NSSGA President and CEO

Transportation Trucking

6 10

Environmental Safety














Q&A with Michael Johnson, NSSGA President and CEO


TRUCKING The Transition to Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)


ENVIRONMENTAL Can Gravel Mining Improve Ecosystem Function?




SAFETY Safety Wins at 2017 Spring Thaws - CalCIMA Conference Informs Industry

The Conveyor is a publication of the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association. The views expressed herein are fixed expressions of the contributing writers and not of CalCIMA. All rights reserved.

CalCIMA 1029 J Street, #420 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 554-1000

Published By Construction Marketing Services, LLC P.O. Box 892977 Temecula, CA 92589 (909) 772-3121 Publisher Kerry Hoover Editor Brian Hoover

The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

Design Aldo Myftari

Brian Hoover Editor, Construction Mkt. Services

Editorial Contributors Suzanne Seivright Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA

The Conveyor is published quarterly ach year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC

Charley Rea Director of Communciations and Policy, CalCIMA

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Brian Cluer, PhD - Fluvial Geomorphologist, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service Environmental Services Branch



Building California’s Infrastructure Dear Readers,

It was a dark and stormy second day of the 2017-2021 CalCIMA Strategic Plan retreat; the meeting I referenced in my last newsletter. Epic storms had closed most of the poorly maintained roads from the Monterey retreat to the surrounding airports. Despite, or maybe because of, a lack of electricity, an engaged group of CalCIMA members produced a Strategic Plan by flashlight. This plan was recently presented to the Board of Directors for finalization. I am happy to share two of the strategic goals: “Align interest with elected officials” and “secure permanent infrastructure funding." As you all know we, as a unified collection of many groups, agencies and vocal citizens, contributed our fair share to help our state elected officials make the right vote on the passage of a ten year state infrastructure funding bill. The vote had its own share of stormy drama and will likely require a voter ballot constitutional amendment, but that is behind us, for now. We will continue to focus on permanent State and Federal Infrastructure funding, but recent success will also give us the bandwidth to further improve industry messaging, growing our labor force and improving industry narrative. While it is true that the success of the infrastructure bill points towards improved political weather conditions, we must be vigilant to lookout for any surprise legislative storms. Keeping the boots on the ground, the Governmental and Legislative Affairs/Legal Action Committee was recently in Sacramento in April to review continuing rule development, our 2017 priority legislation, and bills of concern we are tracking, including reports from our regional Councils and review of federal legislation and issues (think more infrastructure). Enjoy the good weather.


Aaron Johnston

VP of Safety Environmental and Quality Services Graniterock


The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue


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Michael W. Johnson is the President and CEO of the National Stone and Gravel Association (NSSGA), the leading voice and advocate for the aggregates industry. His responsibilities include strategic development and execution of industry promotion, membership advocacy, and advancing public policies that protect and expand the safe environmentally responsible use of aggregates. Before taking on this position in 2013, Johnson served as the executive vice president, chief lobbyist, and top political officer with the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA). He also served as vice president of government affairs with the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers Association (WSWA). A Kentucky native, Johnson earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science and Journalism at the University of Kentucky, where he currently serves on the alumni board for the College of Arts and Sciences. Johnson, his wife, Jill, and their two boys live in Alexandria, Virginia. 6


Michael Johnson NSSGA President and CEO By Brian Hoover, Contributing Editor, The Conveyor Magazine NSSGA members represent more than 90 percent of the crushed stone and 70 percent of the sand and gravel produced annually in the United States. Production of aggregates in the U.S. in 2015 was more than 2.25 billion metric tons at a value of $21 billion. The aggregates industry employs approximately 100,000 highly-skilled men and women. They are committed to rebuilding the nations' aging infrastructure to ensure America's economic prosperity and global competitiveness in the 21st Century.

Topic: America's Economic Expressway

The Conveyor Magazine (CM): What is the movement known as America's Economic Expressway all about? Michael Johnson (MJ): “America's Economic Expressway is a campaign that has been established by a coalition of the willing. This includes the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), the National Asphalt Pavement Association, the American Concrete Pavement Association, the National Stone and Sand & Gravel Association and other groups. The idea came out of the work that was being done by ARTBA and their proposal known as the BOLD Act. This was a federal transportation tax and revenue reform/ investment package that offered some suggestions on how we might get to sustainable funding for surface transportation. One of those ideas was a 6.25 percent tax on cargo carried by truck. It mirrors the existing air cargo tax, where a 6.25 percent tax is charged, not on the value of the freight, but on the cost of shipping cargo by air in the U.S. . These funds go into a dedicated account to help fund airport construction and maintenance. Our program would also place a 6.25 percent tax on the cost of shipping by truck to be put into a dedicated account for use in building and The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

maintaining freight corridors, or specifically, in this case, truck lanes. There are many safety and efficiency benefits associated with this campaign including moving heavy truck traffic from regular interstate lanes and onto dedicated truck lanes where they can move more freely, easily and safely." CM: What are the expectations of implementing this campaign on both the short and long term? MJ: “America's Economic Expressway is first and foremost a campaign designed to educate Washington about the importance of our transportation infrastructure network. The next phase is to turn that support into legislation that includes the 6.25 percent tax on the shipping of all freight by truck here in the United States to be used for highway construction and maintenance. We are all working hard to raise the awareness of just how important our trucking infrastructure network is to our economy here in the U.S. By that I mean the transportation network from our shipping ports, airports to our railways and roadways. This is essentially the circulatory system of America's economy, and at this particular point in history, we, as a, nation are contributing far less of our GDP towards maintaining and developing this critical system, in comparison to other countries that we compete with daily on the world stage." CM: What is NSSGA's involvement in this campaign thus far? MJ: “The membership of NSSGA voted at our annual convention to endorse America's Economic Expressway and become a full partner in the coalition. We have contributed significant resources to fund the campaign. This is a multimillion dollar advertising and direct outreach campaign that has already begun reaching out to key stakeholders to raise awareness and support."

When you talk about investing in freight corridors and putting additional funds into the access roads to and from ports that connect to inland ports, rail heads, and interstate highways, then you see California stands to benefit a great deal from this effort." The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

CM: What is the potential impact of America's Economic Expressway on California in particular, especially where our key ports are concerned? MJ: “If you think about America's economic expressway, much of it begins and runs throughout the state of California. When you talk about investing in freight corridors and putting additional funds into the access roads to and from ports that connect to inland ports, rail heads, and interstate highways, then you see California stands to benefit a great deal from this effort."

Whether you are talking about roadways, bridges, energy transfer, schools or hospitals, it all begins with the aggregate. CM: Have you met with or talked with Congress or other committees or agencies? MJ: “NSSGA is in constant contact with Congress on two fronts. Number one, to talk about sustainable funding for surface transportation and ensuring the solvency of the highway trust fund. The other issue is regulatory reform. Advocacy is not a one-act play for us; it is both highway funding and reducing red tape. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives recently held a subcommittee hearing looking at the critical importance of domestically produced raw materials as it relates to our building infrastructure. Ward Nye, President, and CEO of Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. testified on behalf of the NSSGA. He stressed the incredible regulatory burden that stone, sand and gravel producers face and how this limits infrastructure investment. During the Obama administration, there were many regulatory proposals put forward that made it harder, not easier, to produce the materials that are the building blocks of our nation. It takes 38,000 tons of aggregate to build one mile of a four-lane highway. Think how much further a tax payer's dollar will go if we could eliminate or reduce unnecessary and burdensome federal rules. Now, think about how much rock will be needed to support President Trump's trillion-dollar infrastructure investment plan. If the president's plan or even a portion of it is implemented, there is going to be an immediate need for more aggregate." 7

CM: What sort of legislation is required to move forward with regulatory reform and the proposed tax on the shipping of freight? MJ: “There would have to be legislation introduced to carry these ideas forward. However, the effort is not at that stage quite yet. Proposals will have to come together in some form or fashion that are sustainable and produce more revenue in perpetuity to fund this surface transportation investment. It is not a one-time infusion type situation that will go away with a quick fix. Right now you have a highway trust fund that is getting around $34 to $37 billion from federal fuel tax revenues against an annual budget for maintenance that must produce $72 billion or more. We must address this shortfall in a way that is sustainable. One proposal is to increase the user fee on fuel, which hasn't been done since 1993. Had there been an index for inflation in place back then, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now. Another option is to implement something like the proposal behind America's Economic Expressway, where specific taxes are applied to things like shipping freight charges." CM: Is there a goal or time table attached to this campaign? MJ: "Well when you think about the fact that we as a nation continue to fall behind the rest of the world in our ability to compete, I would say yesterday is when this all needed to be done. The reality in Washington D.C. is that it takes time to take a proposal or bill and turn that into federal law. Then, if the legislation passes, it will require even more time to get the revenue out to the states to get this important work accomplished. Congress has recently shown signs of wanting to turn the page and make a bipartisan move towards infrastructure funding and reform. We stand ready to work with Congress and hope that they begin in earnest this summer to get something done before the 2018 construction season. We have a shot at this if we start now." CM: Has anything been done at the state level that can be pointed to as an example of moving in the right direction toward sustainable infrastructure funding? MJ: “By now we have all heard that the California legislature passed a ten-year $52 billion transportation funding bill where Republicans were unanimous in their opposition. This bill 8

raised taxes on both gas and diesel fuel with both positive and negative reviews. Meanwhile, 19 other states have recently raised their gas tax with little or no public outcry. Most of these states were located in areas where Republicans control the legislature, unlike in California. The public seems to be willing to pay for increased taxes for something as important as improving our failing infrastructure.

Infrastructure investment has traditionally had broad bipartisan support, and it still does. Where you run into trouble is how you pay for it. CM: What opposition if any are you currently facing concerning America's Economic Expressway campaign? MJ: “Opposition can sometimes come from strange places. Infrastructure investment has traditionally had broad bipartisan support, and it still does. Where you run into trouble is how you pay for it. As a nation, we are now in a situation where 64 cents of every dollar in the federal budget is automatically committed to mandatory spending programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, etc.) that are not easily altered. When you add the fact that six cents goes to paying the interest on the debt only, that means only 30 percent of the budget is available for everything else, including the military and transportation. That is simply not enough. All that is left is to look at entitlement reform or look to raise revenue through some other means like comprehensive tax reform. This is where it gets sticky and where you sometimes have trouble with a conservative Republican that wants everything to be revenue neutral and not spend one new penny on new federal programs. That is fine until you realize that the American Society of Civil Engineers has given America's infrastructure a D+ and report that we need $4.6 trillion to get everything up to current standard and meet future projections. Democrats have another view where they may not be willing to cut spending to get there, and that's when things become politically difficult." CM: Do you have any last thoughts or comments considering America's Economic Expressway or our country's infrastructure in general? The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

Right now the Chinese are spending upwards of eight percent of their GDP on infrastructure development. The United States is spending only around 2.5 percent of GDP, and that is simply not enough. MJ: “Our campaign points out interesting things like the fact that 95 percent of the trade in this country has to move through our ports and then on roads and rail to reach their final destination. You need to think of the economic expressway in the big picture. When considering a proposal that will eventually try and become legislation that is focusing on dedicated truck lanes, you also have to consider that all of this involves much more than just surface transportation. It all works together for the better good, and none of it will ever happen if we don't keep the pressure on the members of Congress to do the right thing. They must be willing to embrace what will certainly be uncomfortable and focus on the need to meet not only our current infrastructure demands but also those of the future. Right now the Chinese are spending upwards of eight percent of their GDP on infrastructure development. The United States is spending only around 2.5 percent of GDP, and that is simply not enough. When we do spend money on infrastructure, it has an impact on our GDP and for every dollar spent it grows our economy by three to four dollars. Its like ignoring that leak in the roof and then realizing how much more it cost when the ceiling finally caves in. Over the next 30 years, our population is expected to increase by 70 million people, and commercial truck traffic will simultaneously increase by 44 percent. We must be ready to handle this surge in growth if we want to continue to see economic growth. We always say when the aggregates industry is doing well, America is doing well. It is time to stop ignoring our nation's circulatory system and make some hard decisions toward a better tomorrow."

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The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue


TRUCKING The Transition to Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) By Suzanne Seivright, Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA December 18, 2017 marks the first compliance date established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for their ‘Electronic Logging Devices and Hours of Service Supporting Documents’ regulation known as the ELD Rule. The primary components of the ELD rule were completed by regulation in late 2015. However, subsequently, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act also made specific changes to the rule as it applies to ready mixed concrete delivery trucks. Thus, fleet operators should be aware of both aspects of the rules. The basic aim of the rule is to improve safety and reduce the paperwork burden for motor carriers and drivers by requiring operators of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to improve compliance with applicable hoursof-service (HOS) requirements. To accomplish this, the rule establishes mandatory ELD use for drivers currently required to prepare HOS records of duty status (RODS), establishes manufacturer performance and design standards for ELDs, addresses HOS supporting documents, and addresses concerns regarding harassment that may result from the mandatory use of ELDs. ELD Rule Applicability The ELD Rule applies to motor carriers and drivers who are currently required to prepare and retain paper RODS to comply with HOS requisites under FMCSA’s 49 CFR Part 395. This is to say that drivers who operate using 10

the timecard exception are not required to keep RODS and will not be required to use ELDs. Additionally, the rule applies to Canadian and Mexican-domiciled drivers when operating CMVs in the United States. The rule has some exceptions for motor carriers and drivers from installing ELDs who may continue to use paper RODS including: •

Timecard or short-haul (within 100 mile radius) drivers if they do not use paper RODS more than 8 days during any 30 day period; Drivers who conduct driveaway-towaway operations provided the vehicle driven is part of the shipment.

In the FAST Act, additional exemptions were added regarding ready mixed concrete truck activities. Specifically, 49 CFR 395.1(e)(1) clarifies the following: •

Drivers for short-haul operations that occur within

a 100 air-mile radius are exempt; and The driver of a ready-mixed concrete delivery vehicle returns to the work reporting location and is released from work within 14 consecutive hours. It should be noted that producers will need to monitor their drivers’ hours to verify that trip thresholds are not exceeded." A detailed fact sheet on the mixer driver exceptions is available at http://www. Documents/ELDs10-2016.pdf ELD Rule Compliance Dates

Carriers must evaluate and select ELDs, ensure they are installed and drivers and administrative staff are trained to use them by the applicable deadline below: •

Carriers and drivers who are using paper logs or logging software must transition to ELDs no later than December 18, 2017; or Carriers and drivers who use automatic onboard recording The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

devices (AOBRDs) prior to the compliance date must transition to ELDs no later than December 16, 2019. Design standards for ELDs An ELD synchronizes with a vehicle engine to automatically record driving time for easier, more accurate hours of service (HOS) recordings. The ELD Rule creates standard data displays and data transfer processes, making it easier to demonstrate compliance and faster to share RODS with safety officials. ELD manufacturers must conform to ELD technical specifications, certify and register their ELDs with FMCSA which provides a list of certified ELD units on their website. Technical specifications for ELDs have changed to require electronic data transfer to be either wireless Web services and email, or Bluetooth and USB 2.0. These changes in specifications aim to facilitate roadside inspections, and ensure authorized safety officials are always able to access this data, including cases of limited connectivity. This is to say that the ELD must provide either a display or printout. It should be noted that an ELD is not the same as an AOBRD. The technical specifications are different. Manufacturers will be able to notify owners of existing AOBRDs if their devices are capable of being updated to meet ELD requirements through software updates. However the updated devices must be certified and registered by the manufacturers on FMCSA’s ELD certification page. Using ELDs

a thorough explanation of how carriers and drivers should select, incorporate, and implement ELDs. In short, to use an ELD a driver must have only one driver account with a carrier, with a unique identification number and password. If a driver does not log onto the ELD as soon as the vehicle is in motion, the ELD will provide a visual warning reminding the driver to stop and

log into the ELD. It will record accumulated driving and on-duty, not-driving, time in accordance with the ELD defaults, and it will not allow entry of any information into the ELD other than a response to the login prompt. An ELD records actual time for each duty status entered or automatically started. A driver can record periods when using a vehicle for authorized personal

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The FMCSA’s website is clear and simple to navigate. It provides The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue


use such as the time traveling between a driver’s home and terminal, and note bad weather, crashes, or other unforeseeable conditions. HOS Supporting Documents While ELDs are highly effective at monitoring compliance with HOS rules during driving periods, supporting documents are still required to verify on-duty not driving time (ODND). The rule reduces the maximum number of supporting documents that must be retained to eight (8) documents for every 24-hour period a driver who uses an ELD is on duty. The timeframe for a driver to submit RODS and supporting documents to a motor carrier has been extended from eight (8) to thirteen (13) days. The eight (8) documents should contain the following elements: •

• • •

Driver name or carrierassigned identification number, either on the document or on another document enabling the carrier to link the document to the driver, or the vehicle unit number if that number can be linked to the driver; Time; Date; and Location (including name of nearest city or town).

Motor carriers will continue to be required to retain RODS and supporting documents for six (6) months. FMCSA acknowledges that sometimes drivers will not receive documents that met all this criteria. If a driver has fewer than the four (4) abovementioned elements, a document that contains all of these elements with exception to “time,” will still be considered a supporting 12

document. The FMCSA advises that there is no obligation on a motor carrier to create or annotate documents that it did not otherwise generate or receive in its normal course of business. If a driver submits more than eight (8) documents to the motor carrier for a single day, the motor carrier must include the first and last documents for that day among the eight documents that must be retained. If a driver submits fewer than eight documents, the motor carrier must keep each document. Supporting documents consist of the following five categories: •

Bills of lading, itineraries, schedules, or equivalent documents that indicate the origin and destination of each trip; • Dispatch records, trip records, or equivalent documents; • Expense receipts; • Electronic mobile communication records, reflecting communication transmitted through a fleet management system (FMS); and • Payroll records, settlement sheets, or equivalent documents that indicates payment to a driver.

Except for drivers who use paper RODS, there is no requirement for drivers or motor carriers to retain other types or categories of documents. If a driver keeps a paper RODS, toll receipts must be retained as well. For drivers using paper RODS, the toll receipts do not count in applying the eightdocument cap. In applying the limit on the number of documents, all information contained in an electronic mobile communication record, such as communication records kept by an FMS, will be counted as one document per duty status day. Enforcement Starting on the compliance date, enforcement officials may request access to RODS through data transfer by either transmittal of data using wireless Web services and email, or transfer data locally using a thumb or flash drive and Bluetooth. The information provided in this article aims to support industry to understand the ELD Rule. The FMCSA has a thorough checklist for Drivers and for Carriers made accessible on their website in addition to other tools and the complete rule text that can be accessed at: https:// elds/electronic-logging-devices.

The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

GOODFELLOW Crushers Goodfellow has been servicing the aggregate and mining industries throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico for over 50 years. In partnership with KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens, Goodfellow made the commitment to open a full service facility in Southern California. After months of searching, we found our new home in Rialto at I-10 and Riverside Ave.; located on 6 acres and in a 37,000 square foot building complete with full machining and fabricating capabilities. Our new location is fully staffed with a Parts & Service department to meet the needs of Southern California’s aggregate and mining customers. We also have electrical composites and control panels. With our strong dealer partnership with KPIJCI and Astec Mobile Screens, the premier manufacturer of crushing and screening equipment in the United States, Goodfellow is confident we can provide quality service the aggregate and mining industries.

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ENVIRONMENTAL Can Gravel Mining Improve Ecosystem Function? By Brian Cluer, PhD - Fluvial Geomorphologist, NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service - Environmental Services Branch eveloping regions need large supplies of construction D aggregate, and most aggregate is supplied from geologic river deposits worldwide. Due to the geology of river basins and the geography of urban centers coinciding on valleys filled with sand and gravel, aggregate mining has played a role in modifying rivers throughout the developing world. River channels have been dredged or modified to convey larger floods and increase property stability [figure 1], although that practice is waning, while more commonly gravel pits are dredged into floodplains next to rivers. Gravel mining, flood control, and land development go hand in hand. Historically the river valleys that were filled with deposits of sand and gravel had rivers that wandered across the valley, which provided the richest habitat and most important components of watershed ecosystems. Today, our modern efficient rivers have significant ecological problems with water quality and biology. Floodplains are vital to ecosystem services and resilience. Of the numerous watershed physical processes that occur only on floodplains, some of the most important are groundwater recharge, sediment deposition, chemical and nutrient deposition and processing, and the production of abundant microscopic bugs that are packed with fats. The bug’s nutrition is essential for feeding large schools of juvenile salmon. This is probably the biggest reason that salmon species are in trouble, the young are starving. Unfortunately scientists learned belatedly that a functioning river ecosystem 14

planning and design. The single largest limiting factor in restoring rivers is space for floodplains. Where in a developed river basin do you find land that can be made available and that can be reconnected to its river? An opportunity emerged to study the feasibility of constructing an active floodplain for the Russian River at a former gravel pit site near Windsor California. The land owner and (Figure 1) Russian River in 1940's (left) meandered government agencies across a large portion of its valley width, which also (local, state, and federal) flooded frequently. By the mid-1990’s the river had collaborated to prepare been straightened and deepened 10-15 feet to convey a study plan and obtain floods, drain the land for development, and shift instream gravel mining to pit mining. grant funding to implement it. The that supports its native fish and study included field wildlife requires interactions investigations involving mapping between river and floodplain on the land, pits, and river channel, an annual basis and for several charting river fluctuations and weeks per year. currents, sampling for toxic Modern mine reclamation substances and soils requirements typically focus on characterization. The team site stabilization measures with compiled all of the physical perhaps nominal habitat around information into a landscape the pits, but the general approach evolution model that predicts site is to prevent the river and pit response and future conditions from interacting. Since about using sediment transport and 2008 a group of scientists and river flow calculations. The planners in Northern California main goal of the study was to have been rethinking gravel pit create conceptual design plans reclamation practices in terms for an approach that would of biological and water quality maximize ecological benefits support, and in consideration and salmon rearing habitat while of the inevitable failure of not increasing flood elevations stabilization measures at some or property erosion. Additional time in the future. At the same goals included reducing or time, river management and eliminating the non-native fish fisheries restoration science have populations that inhabit the pits, advanced to include floodplain and eliminating the production of derived ecosystem services in methylated mercury in the cool The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

Figure 2. Current view of the 360 acre gravel pits site (left) and the proposed re-contoured floodplain plan (right).

depths of the pit water bodies (a problem that is not uncommon in gravel pits). What the study found is that the 360 acre property, enclosing 4 retired gravel pits, can be re-contoured with earth moving equipment using on-site sand and gravel such that the pits are entirely filled by grading down the surrounding land [figure 2]. This grading concept would create a new floodplain elevated

above the modern river bed about 6-12 feet, much like the pre-modified river/floodplain relationship. The modeling results for this conceptual configuration indicate that the modern river channel will be under less stress during floods and flood elevations will decrease. The new floodplain will be flooded every year for several weeks, and salmon habitat modeling shows tremendous

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increases in productive winter and spring rearing habitat will result. The results of the feasibility study are encouraging and we should take away from it two larger questions. Where else is this concept be applicable? And could new gravel mines be ecologically beneficial if designed properly?

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SAFETY WINS AT 2017 SPRING THAWS CalCIMA CONFERENCE INFORMS INDUSTRY Written by Charley Rea, Director of Communications & Policy, CalCIMA the safety challenges for small ready mix plants serving the large emergency repairs at Oroville Dam. The Spring Thaws also featured new interactive sessions where the audience was engaged in problem solving regarding customer trucks, contractors, and hazard recognition. These were led by Meghan Neal (3M), Brian Bigley (Lehigh Southwest Cement), and Mike Herges (Graniterock). Lehigh Hanson’s Terry Tyson began the conferences with a dedication to 2016’s fallen miners that included a candle ceremony and reading of an original poem—“Death of a Miner”-- by

Tyson, and later a talk on the “Rashomon Effect” and how observations and understandings vary by perspective. Finally, the conferences included updates by CalOSHA on recent legislative and regulatory changes, and a question and answer panel with CalOSHA and MSHA. In all, 230 industry members attended the Spring Thaws. CalCIMA thanks the many speakers, participants, and exhibitors, as well as the planning committee from the Safety & Health Committee. The presentations are posted on CalCIMA’s website,

(Above) Ian Firth, Vice President/General Manager, Lehigh Hanson Region West delivers keynote address.

(Above) Terry Tyson, Regional Director of Safety with Lehigh Hanson Region West explains the Rashamon Effect.

(Above) Meghan Neal, EHS Engineer with 3M engages audience during group exercise identifying and discussing hazard recognition.

(Above) Spring Thaw audience paying tribute to fallen miners during candle ceremony.

Spring Thaw attendees at Double Tree by Hilton Ontario Airport hotel.

Spring Thaw exhibitors at Double Tree by Hilton Ontario Airport hotel.

CalCIMA held their annual Spring Thaw Safety Conferences on February 28th in Ontario and March 14th in Sacramento. The two safety conferences were highlighted by keynote addresses from company principals Ian Firth with Lehigh Hanson and Lloyd Burns with Western Aggregates and Mathews Readymix. Each offered differing but compelling perspectives on addressing safety challenges. Ian Firth drew upon a career in international mining operations and common principles for safety around the world. Lloyd Burns provided an up-close and current example of


The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue


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The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue

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DECEMBER 4-8, 2017






The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue



of California, Inc. Bill Buckley Bill Buckley: (818) 728-5200 Cell Phone: 9949) 633-7060 Fax: (818) 788-0615 15821 Ventura Blvd., Suite 475 Encino, California 91436-2935

specialists in engineering, safety, planing and the environment

Services: Land Use and Environmental Planning / CEQA and NEPA Compliance Construction Materials, Industrial Minerals, and Metal Mining / SMARA Compliance Air Quality & Permitting Services Environmental Health and Safety and Regulatory Compliance and Permitting Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management Water Quality/Water Resources Environmental Due Diligence Services Industrial Hygiene Support to Legal Counsel Training VENTURA


P: (805) 275-1515 F: (805) 667-8104

P: (619) 894-8669 F: (805) 667-8104

Scott Taylor

P: (714) 587-2595 Ex 101 C: (562) 762-5142


Susana Perez

P: (714) 587-2595 Ex 102 C: (562) 447-4210 The Conveyor • 2017 Spring Issue


“Everything That’s Rubber”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


BAKERSFIELD 661-392-1912 Fax 661-392-1874

19428 Colombo Street Bakersfield, CA 93308

ELKO 775-778-0822 Fax 775-778-0833

2580 Alta Vista Drive Elko, NV 89801

FRESNO 559-268-7321 Fax 559-268-2619

2539 South Cherry Avenue Fresno, CA 93706

MERCED 209-722-8844 Fax 209-383-4625

2280 Cooper Avenue Merced, CA 95348

SPARKS 775-356-0192 Fax 775-356-0595

305 East Glendale Avenue Sparks, NV 89431

TULARE 559-686-1677 Fax 559-686-0237

For All Your Conveyor Belt and Industrial Rubber & Plastic Needs, Including On-site Belt Splicing

4500 South “K” Street Tulare, CA 93274

YUBA CITY 530-674-2444 Fax 530-674-1645

1690 Sierra Avenue Yuba City, CA 95993

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