For the second year in a row, California has experienced significant rainfall which, unfortunately, has made for another slow start to construction. With the rain behind us (hopefully!), construction activity and production volumes will increase. As the 2024 construction season ramps up, we need to remain focused on our number one goal—employee safety.
As I noted this time last year, a strong safety culture is not driven by top-down communication. A strong safety culture is defined by peer-to-peer engagement. Having a fellow employee stop their peer before or during an unsafe action is what a strong safety program looks like. For this collaborative culture to develop and be sustainable, managers and supervisors must create a workplace where employees are empowered and encouraged to look out for each other. Safety should never become secondary to production goals!
This culture needs to extend beyond our employees. We all have third-party contractors who frequent our sites. It is important to remember that, although a contractor is not an employee, it is the responsibility of the producer to lead by example. Work with your team to provide world-class safety protocols for all workers on your site to ensure everyone’s safety at all times.
While we are focused on safety in this issue of the Conveyor, I also want to remind everyone of the importance of your participation in CalCIMA. CalCIMA strives to be a high-profile organization where key decision-makers call us for input before they make decisions that impact our industry. To achieve this, we must all be active and continue to recruit new members to amplify our voices. n
California recently came through our Super Tuesday, and the political dynamics of 2024 is clear. There is no doubt it is going to be a turbulent ride.
On the national stage, another presidential election year is quickly coming into focus. It will include all of the trappings of the politics of tribalism and divisiveness which will no doubt bring with it some level of uncertainty and chaos for markets as well. In following the polls and speaking to insiders, and our national partners, one thing is clear: No one has a crystal ball for our presidential election. “Guesstimates” are all over the board. They’re also all over the board as to who controls the House and Senate after November.
In listening to Rich Thau of the Swing Voter Project at a recent conference, one thing is clear. The decisions of swing voters they tracked over the last three Presidential transitions are dominated by “perpetual dissatisfaction.” It is truly an interesting reality for me, who went into every election voting FOR someone or something, to hear that more often than not, our President is elected by those voting against someone rather than for something they believe in.
On a positive note, those swing voters, all by and large, support infrastructure investment, and understand infrastructure investment to mean hard infrastructure like roads, bridges, and fiber optic deployment.
Closer to home, our recent primary held very few surprises overall. We can anticipate continued democrat control of both the Assembly and Senate. As we head into the general campaign season, we have worked to identify a handful of “at risk” members who have been friends of our industry to support.
In California policy deliberations, there is one major overriding factor driving California’s legislature and administrationthe deficit, and the debate over the deficit. (The historic predictability and forecast of the Legislative Analyst Office has been challenged by the administration as they have chosen to use multi-year revenues and expenditure levels). Regardless, this means we will have to pivot our legislative strategies to focus on policy without cost; something our team currently has in motion.
In total, as we look at the year, we know that the dynamics of the federal campaign will create chaos, across-the-board, all the way to our local elections. In the words of my colleague, Michele Stanley, Executive Vice President & Chief Advocacy Officer at the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association, we will have to be strategic and focused to ensure that our efforts rise above the noise.
2024 will be a year of deliberate action for CalCIMA. Several of the initiatives we have been developing over the last couple of years are coming into full swing. From the execution of our strategic messaging and communications efforts, to telling our story, CalCIMA has begun to re-shape opinions of our industry. From our strategic messaging workshops (if you haven’t attended one give us a call) to the second season of our community engagement initiative to help the membership engage better with our stakeholders, we are on full throttle to help California understand the critical role we play in the human environment, sustainability, the state’s economy and everyone’s quality of life. n
Most of my career has been centered in or around the mining industry. My first day at Peabody Coal Company, January 2, 1976, was a Memorial Day for a miner who was fatally injured in a blasting incident at that mine on New Year’s Eve. This was a sobering way to start my career. Peabody had a good safety program and I experienced it firsthand as a supervisor. Always eager to learn, I was trained to use an oxy/acetylene torch, weld, and operate mobile equipment, such as dozers, haul trucks, loaders and cranes. This firsthand experience would help me gain a greater understanding of the work and how to do it safely. After working my way up to plant supervisor, I expressed an interest in joining the Safety Department, and was transferred there in 1981. During the next seven years, I grew my
technical safety knowledge in several areas, as well as my experience with MSHA.
I was moved into the Corporate Training Department in Kentucky in 1988. With my experience in quality, safety and operations, I was given the job as the lead trainer and facilitator for the Total Quality Management (TQM) program. During this time, I got my first taste of the world of computers and developed a couple of mainframe databases. One was to monitor quality in real time, and the other was to capture noise monitoring data.
After a company reorganization in 1990, I was transferred to a large surface mine in southern Indiana, as a safety supervisor. During my tenure at this mine, my experience with the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) grew and I conferenced my first MSHA citations – one vacated, one
upheld as written. I continued to increase my safety knowledge by becoming a certified blaster. We engaged the miners and made numerous safety improvements. When I left the company in 1993, this specific mine had one of the lowest incident rates, lowest number of citations per inspection day and best housekeeping within Peabody Coal Company as a whole.
Looking for an opportunity to expand my safety knowledge, I joined Sherwood Medical, a medical device manufacturer in 1993. As the Manager of Occupational Safety and Health, I supported plants and other facilities in the U.S., and nine other countries. In the beginning, I spent time at several plants with an ergonomic consultant learning to conduct ergonomic assessments, implementing corrective actions and providing training to address some serious ergonomic issues. During my time at Sherwood, I was able to increase my knowledge of Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, including Cal/OSHA, and learned about safety and health regulations in other countries. After more than five years helping to make measurable safety improvements, I found myself unemployed when the Division was sold.
In 1999, I joined Graniterock as their Manager of Safety & Health Services. Over the next 20+ years, we developed and implemented an excellent safety management system. The system included a comprehensive safety training process, safety committees at all the locations to assist the management with safety meetings, identifying and implementing safety improvements, inspections and incident reviews, and a quarterly safety audit process to ensure we were doing what we said we were going to do. All these
efforts culminated in Graniterock achieving the lowest incident rate, fewest citations and improving housekeeping in 2023.
I would be remiss if I did not credit Bruce W. Woolpert for supporting my safety initiatives while he was President and CEO of Graniterock. Bruce believed in life-long learning. At his direction, I got my Class A commercial driver’s license in 2001, which led to increasing my knowledge of U.S. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) regulations. Additionally, I received a master’s degree in occupational safety in 2009.
Bruce encouraged all his managers to get involved in the trade associations. I joined the Construction Materials Association of California’s (CMAC)’s safety committee in 2000 and became the chair of the committee in 2002. When CMAC merged into CalCIMA in 2007, I continued to serve as the chair or co-chair of the Safety & Health Committee until I stepped down at the end of 2023. I have always appreciated all the safety professionals who have participated on the committee. From the first meeting I attended, I particularly welcomed the members’ openness and willingness to share ideas and safety information. As a committee, we worked to address new regulations such as the certification of crane operators, and enforcement issues like return roller guarding. We also built good working relationships with MSHA and Cal/OSHA’s Mining and Tunneling Unit.
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to my education in safety, and supported me during my challenging, and rewarding career. What will I miss the most when I retire? The people whom I had the privilege to work with over the past 40+ years! n
At the recent Spring Thaw Safety Conferences, CalCIMA members heard the tragic stories of mine employees who died from accidents involving mobile surface equipment—the ubiquitous haul trucks, loaders, and excavators at mines. A lot of good people were lost. They are missed by their loved ones, friends, and colleagues.
Kenneth Colindres was married for 21 years, with four children. He was an ex-Marine. Darrell Huff loved making biscuits and gravy for his family every Sunday. He had seven grandchildren. Martin Olvera is remembered as loving and hardworking. He had a wife and a daughter.
They had all heard and been trained in the warnings: “Wear seatbelts,” “Stay in the cab,” “Never overload trucks and trailers,” ‘Do not travel onto berms,” “Honk your horn,” “Dump from a safe location,” “Chock wheels,” “Maintain control of equipment,” “Stay clear of moving equipment.”
Loaders, haul trucks, dozers, excavators and other mobile equipment on mine sites have long been one of the most challenging hazards. Unfortunately, the situation has seemed to get worse the past several years as injuries and fatalities from equipment accidents have increased. Last year alone, ten mine workers died nationwide as a result of mishaps with trucks and mobile equipment.
To address this trend, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has put in place the Safety Program for Surface Mobile
Equipment. This new program requires mine operators to have a more formalized plan for addressing potential hazards from mobile equipment.
“As MSHA works with the entire mining community to implement the new rule, we strongly encourage everyone to prioritize training and to identify and eliminate machinery and powered haulage hazards that can put miners’ lives and livelihoods at risk,” said Chris Williamson, Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety & Health.
“This program does a good job bringing all of the mine stakeholders together including management, employees and contractors to focus on reducing hazards and fatalities posed by mobile equipment. I don’t think anyone would disagree that operators can focus more efforts in this area,” said Meghan Neal, Director of EHS for P.W. Gillibrand Co., Inc. and co-chair of the CalCIMA Safety & Health Committee.
The program applies to wheeled, ski-mounted, track-mounted, or rail-mounted equipment, including pickup trucks. It does not apply to portable crushers, dredges, or conveyors or small equipment, like wheelbarrows, welding carts, and hand trucks, unless that equipment is in transit.
The program centers around mine operators having a written safety program for surface haulage equipment by July 17. These are required elements:
• Actions to identify and analyze hazards and reduce risks
• Procedures and schedules for routine and non-routine maintenance and repairs
• Actions to identify and utilize emerging technologies.
• Training
• Have the plan evaluated and updated annually, or as mining conditions, safety, or equipment change
• One or more people at the mine site need to be designated as a “responsible person” to review and update the plan
• Consult with mine personnel and their representatives in developing the plan
MSHA has provided guidance on how to fulfill some of these requirements:
• The hazards to address include potential collisions between vehicles, blind spots, equipment malfunctions, unstable terrain, and traffic management.
• Potential emerging technologies to consider include collision warning systems, seat belt interlocks, global positioning systems to guide equipment operators, and mirrors and cameras to guide equipment operators. MSHA says it will not penalize operators experimenting with technology that goes beyond
meeting basic compliance with current standards. Also, attending Spring Thaws and related conferences with technology talks and exhibits will satisfy the effort to identify and evaluate emerging technology.
• Mine operators can meet the maintenance and training requirements through current
programs, if they already exist.
• MSHA approval of the safety plan is not required, but they will review during inspections.
The good news is that mine operators will not need to go it alone in developing their plans and procedures. MSHA, in conjunction with several of the national mining
associations, has developed template plans that are on their website at https://www.msha. gov/compliance-assistancetemplates-and-other-resources. In addition, MSHA will be available for compliance assistance.
CalCIMA, too, has resources to assist members, particularly those aimed at customer truck safety. These include standardized signage, brochures and pamphlets to hand drivers, and a comprehensive presentation on truck and mobile equipment safety at mine sites. These can be found at calcima.org/trucksafety.
While California mine operators have been in the forefront of safe operations, let’s make sure there are no more tragedies. n
What happens when a customer dump truck driver blames the scalehouse for misloading a truck? What options are there for a security guard working alone at night at a mine when thieves come in to steal tools and equipment? What is the company’s procedure for when a mixer driver encounters road rage on the way to a delivery? What is the procedure when a laid off ex-employee comes back to the asphalt plant to threaten former colleagues?
Unfortunately, workplace violence resulting in physical and mental harm is all too common. And, it is difficult to know where the potential dangers may come from–among employees, former employees, managers, contractors, customers, vendors, or thieves.
The statistics are sobering. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has identified workplace violence as the second leading cause of fatal occupational injury at the workplace and estimates that nearly two million workers are affected by workplace violence each year. On average, 1.3 million nonfatal violent crimes occur in the workplace annually. And, the violence is often aimed at workers who are female, Black, American Indian, Alaska Natives, Asian, or Pacific Islanders, and those who were born outside of the United States.
Although companies are already doing their utmost to protect employees and managers and address workplace violence in Injury & Illness Prevention Programs
(IIPP), California businesses will be required, beginning on July 1, to have a formal Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. This was put into effect by SB 553 (Cortese), passed and signed into law last fall.
“This groundbreaking law will help workers and employers establish a plan for the types of workplace violence that are on the rise,” said Sen. Cortese (D-San Jose) in an announcement.
The workplace Violence Prevention Plan has to address the following:
• Identifying who is responsible for implementing the plan
• Involving employees and their representatives
• Accepting and responding to reports of workplace violence and prohibit employee retaliation
• Communicating with employees regarding workplace violence matters
• Responding to actual and potential emergencies
• Developing and providing effective training
• Identifying, evaluating, and correcting workplace violence hazards
• Performing post incident response and investigations
The new law classifies workplace violence into four categories; based on whether it is from criminals, outside business contacts, employees, or outside persons with a personal relationship with someone at the workplace. Businesses will have to address each of the types that could potentially affect them.
Then, the plan must address all the potential work hazards and risks present at different situations in the workplace–when customers are present, night work, working alone, location of money or valuables, or during product delivery.
The plan will need detail on company officials and how to contact them, ways to minimize or correct potential violence hazards, how the company will respond to an incident, how medical treatment will be provided, how employees will be trained, and a process for periodic review and update of plans.
Further refinements of the requirements in SB 553 are expected as Cal/OSHA completes a rule-making on implementation. In the meantime, Cal/OSHA has facts sheets, plan templates, and reports available to assist in identifying indicators of workplace violence. These can be found at dir.ca.gov/ dosh/Workplace-Violence.html n
CalCIMA’s Fleet & Equipment Committee (formerly the Transportation Committee) addresses shop safety by implementing workshops that target prevention of dangers that mobile on- and off-highway managers and equipment operators face in the shop and on the job. This fall, the Committee will lead a workshop sharing best practices resources, and training peers focused on Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs). This training comes in response to a survey done by the Committee where DVIR best practices for safety is ranked one of three equally weighted safety topics of interest.
The workshop will address:
• How to link safety and maintenance
• Regulations on the federal vehicle inspection vehicle
• Effective policies, procedures and drive and maintenance training
• Questions and Answers
A driver’s vehicle inspection report (DVIR) is a document that a truck driver fills out at the end of the day to let his or her company know about any unsafe or missing equipment on the vehicle. The company must fix the defect(s) before anyone else drives the vehicle. DVIRs have historically been created using paper forms but more and more drivers are using electronic inspection reports, also known as eDVIRs. DVIRs are required under 49 CFR 396.11 and 396.13 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, as enforced by the U.S. DOT’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
DVIRs also serve as preventative maintenance checklists to ensure vehicles are in good working order before use. By doing these daily DVIR checks, drivers can spot minor issues before they become a big problem. A minor issue can turn into a big issue, costing the organization thousands of dollars and lost work time cutting into their
bottom line. Companies must store each inspection report for at least three months. DVIR violations can be steep with penalties ranging from $1,270 per day to over $15,000.
At a minimum, each DVIR must include any defects found on the following parts and accessories:
• Service brakes
• Parking brake
• Steering system
• Lights and reflectors
• Tires, wheels, and rims
Left: Con-Tech Manufacturing ‘Mixer Maintenance Seminar’ at Cemex shop. Below: CalCIMA members participate in Caterpillar ‘Electronics’ training at Quinn’s facility.• Horn(s)
• Windshield wipers
• Rearview mirrors
• Coupling devices
• Emergency equipment (e.g. fire extinguisher, etc.)
Over the last few years, the Committee hosted workshops focused on other shop and driver safety topics that filled every seat. Committee members in attendance worked collaboratively to lead
the workshops by sharing best practices, resources, and their training peers. We invite you to join the Fleet & Equipment Committee by visiting www.calcima.org/committees n
• Date: June 11-12
• Location: San Marcos
• Date: June 16
• Time: 9 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
• Locations:
• Parkhouse Tire, Fontana
• Bridgestone Distribution Center, Ontario
• Date: August 29
• Location: Cemex, Fairfield
• Date: October 8
• Location: San Bernardino
CalCIMA’s 2024 Spring Thaw safety conferences took place on February 7 in Ontario and February 21 in Sacramento. Francisco Rivera, West-Regional Vice President of CEMEX, delivered the keynote address in Ontario while Margaret Reed with Reed Family Companies delivered the keynote in Sacramento focusing on the total well-being of employees. Throughout the day, CalCIMA members learned various safety measures, such as types of machine guarding, the importance of hearing protection, effects of wildfire smoke, the effects of PTSD after a workplace accident, a lockout/ tagout panel, and much more. n
Lockout/Tagout Panel members were; Augie Gonzalez, Altitude Health & Safety (left), Carlos Mascote, 3M, Daryl Charlson, Cemex and Meghan Neal, P.W. Gillibrand.
Members chat with the American Heart Association about ways to get involved and the importance of heart health in our industry.
Ca lCIMA hosted its annual Legislative Fly-In at the State Capitol on April 8-9. The event spanned two days and began with CalCIMA Key Message Training facilitated by Summit Strategy Group, followed by a workshop titled "Meeting with Lawmakers 101." The following day featured notable speakers including Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, Chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee and Kiana Valentine from Transportation California. State geologist Jeremy Lancaster from the California Geological Survey also addressed attendees, discussing a recent adverse court decision regarding the overlapping of wildlife lands with mineral lands in Ventura County. In addition to informative sessions, participants engaged in Capitol office visits and enjoyed a legislative reception hosted at the historic Sutter Club. n
Sandvik we have combined years of industry expertise and the latest advances in technology to develop pioneering mobile crushing and screening solutions for you. Utilizing Sandvik’s renowned, proven technology and smart process solutions, such as My Fleet remote monitoring, our equipment is designed to increase operational efficiency, optimize productivity and maximize uptime.
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CalCIMA golf tournament players enjoyed the day at Journey at Pechenga, the par-72 award winning 18-hole golf course on March 4 in Temecula.
CalCIMA held a golf tournament on March 4 at the Journey at Pechanga in Temecula. 100 golfers enjoyed the par-72, links-style award-winning course with breathtaking views of the Temecula Wine Country and the surrounding rolling hills. The tournament helped raise funds for CalCIMA. For more information about future events please contact Abi Hague at ahague@calcima.org n
Amcast / Blow Bars
American Eagle / Belt Scrapers
Beltway / Belt Scales
Donaldson / Dust Collectors
Kenco / Cutting Edges
Luff / Idlers
Monarch / Pulleys
Rockshield / Rubber Screen Panels
Terex|Cedarapids / Jaws, Cones, Screens & Feeders
Terex|Canica / VSI Crushers
Weg & Worldwide / Electric Motors
Weir Minerals|Trio / Crushing, Screening & Washing Equipment
We keep your environmental compliance in check so your operations run smoothly
Biology & Wetlands
SMARA & Permit Compliance
Ecological Restoration
Mitigation Solutions
Revegetation & Erosion Control
So much goes into securing your mining approvals. Maximize your investment by maintaining those rights. Keep that open mine.
In a state where community and environmental requirements are never fixed for long, you need skill, patience and agility to see it through.
Benchmark Resources has been trusted by more than 350 California operators to keep producing essential minerals for over 30 years.
Creating an elevator pitch, effective communication and overcoming your fear and anxiety about speaking were all part of the workshop.
Following the Spring Thaw, the Women of CalCIMA and Women of Asphalt California-CalCIMA Branch held the Communicate with Confidence workshop. This event focused on mastering CalCIMA messaging and included activities like public speaking practice, networking with fellow members, and introducing them to the group. Thank you Summit Strategy Group and Kit Cole Consulting for facilitating this insightful session. n
The language we use to describe ourselves is the language others will use to describe us. Laurel Laird of Summit Strategy Group explains how to use the new CalCIMA messaging and how to ‘stay on’ a message map.
• Utilizing Type 1L (HS) low carbon cement to reduce embodied carbon and CO2 emissions.
• Providing innovative, high performance mix designs with third party verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) available with every mix.
• Incorporating a large fleet of bulk material haulers (aggregate and cement) and concrete mixers that run on renewable natural gas RNG, reducing GHG emissions.
• Technically advanced, high production facilities providing superior quality and service throughout Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties. nrmcc.com
The CWC Forecast model offers accurate predictions for how the demand for construction aggregate, concrete, and asphalt will change over the next year in the State of California and the following Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA)
• Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim
• Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario
• Sacramento –Roseville-Folsom
• San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad
The Bureau of Land Management released draft plans for management of the greater sage grouse in six Western states, including California. The draft plan identifies six alternatives, with alternative 5 being their preferred. EMA provided initial comments in 2022 and will submit further comment by the June 13 deadline. If you would like to learn more, please contact Matt Dermody at matthewdermody@ essentialminerals.org
EMA will host the 2024 Annual Conference in Santa Rosa, California, May 6-9. Featured speakers include former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, former BLM Acting Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Casey Hammond, along with MSHA’s Deputy Assistant Secretary Pat Silvey. The meeting is an excellent opportunity to learn the latest technology and trends and network with colleagues! The meeting is open to EMA members and any prospective members (we offer a one-time complimentary registration for prospects). Registration is online at essentialminerals.org. Prospective members should reach out to Chris Greissing at chrisgreissing@ essentialminerals.org.
Through numerous memberfocused efforts, NAPA continues to support the asphalt pavement industry’s drive toward sustainability. For details, visit AsphaltPavement.org
On March 26, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency named NAPA an ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year for continued dedication toward energy efficiency and leadership in helping members reduce energy consumption. Asphalt pavement plants are invited to enroll as ENERGY STAR partners, participate in peer exchanges, engage in ‘treasure hunts’ to find savings opportunities, and more. These resources are freely available thanks to the NAPA-ENERGY STAR partnership.
In a new report, The Carbon Footprint of Asphalt Pavements: A Reference Document for Decarbonization (SIP 109), NAPA provides a comprehensive roadmap for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with asphalt pavements. By publishing the report, NAPA is taking proactive steps to help the industry and agencies to leverage unprecedented levels of federal funding and federal programs to reduce GHG emissions. The report focuses on specific actions individual companies and agencies can take to reduce GHG emissions, making it relevant to pavement engineers, asphalt mix producers, paving contractors, policy makers, and other stakeholders with an interest in reducing embodied carbon emissions associated with asphalt pavements.
These actions, along with ongoing improvements to NAPA’s Emerald Eco-Label software for developing verified environmental product declarations (EPDs), support the industry-wide goal of producing and constructing net zero carbon asphalt pavements by 2050, established in The Road Forward. With 40 member-partners
of The Road Forward already, NAPA members, industry nonprofits, and agencies are invited to sign on this year through August 30.
June is National Safety Month National Safety Month is coming up! Throughout the month of June, NSSGA will be sharing resources and content on safety topics for the aggregates industry. This year, we’ve divided June into four weekly focus areas targeting the most common MSHA violations and injury types: Culture of Care (Housekeeping), Moving Machine Parts, Electrical & Stored Energy and Slips, Trips & Falls.
Each week, NSSGA will share relevant materials with our members, such as mental health resources, risk assessment templates and safety webinars. We’re particularly excited to provide a new video and training resource on guarding, building off MSHA’s valuable guarding PowerPoint and making it more user-friendly.
June also marks the three-year anniversary of NSSGA’s Safety Shorts podcast, which delivers bite-sized episodes featuring industry guests who come on to share stories and lessons learned. The podcast focuses on real-life experiences and stories, which makes safety personal and gets listeners thinking. June’s Safety Shorts episode will be on promoting a culture of safety at work and at home. You can listen to Safety Shorts on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify.
Learn more about National Safety Month by visiting nssga.org
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