OUR EXPERTISE calfordseaden recognises that the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) require focused attention and co-ordination. Terry Bartholomew is the Partner tasked with spearheading our activities in this sector and leads our team of specialist advisers. Michael Moran, Partner, complements the work of Terry and has dedicated responsibility for our PFI/PPP involvement. For further information contact: Terry Bartholomew DipSurv MRICS MAPM T 01689 888222 E
Michael Moran BSc MRICS T 0121 454 1688 E
Changing people’s lives The commitment to Private Finance Initiatives and Public Private Partnerships, as a way of facilitating large-scale regeneration, has been advocated by successive governments. With major housing projects now added to the vast range of services and facilities provided through PFIs/PPPs, opportunities in the marketplace are greater than ever before. Such opportunities are further enhanced by the Homes and Communities Agency’s commitment to the Single Conversation; a process that will bring together all those parties involved in a particular location to discuss a long-term vision for that area to include the housing and regeneration priorities and investment needs, to provide a lead on offering expertise on funding and sharing of good practice, through its discussions with Local Authorities and other agencies.
calfordseaden is a substantial multi-disciplinary consultancy Practice with the relevant skills, trackrecord and resources to provide the level of commitment required to successfully deliver this service. Via our network of offices, calfordseaden are ideally positioned to deliver the services across a broad geographical area. With sophisticated IT systems and in-house support team, the Practice can facilitate inter-office working where additional resources are required during peak periods. There are modern meeting facilities in each of the offices for use by clients and their advisers. Whether you are a procuring client or a prospective bidder, we can help you to formulate and achieve your objectives. We believe that the employment of committed and professional staff is central to the long-term success of a PFI/PPP scheme. At calfordseaden, we ensure that the necessary leadership is in place to develop projects from their initial concept, through the pre-qualification and detailed negotiation stages and successful delivery on site. Throughout a project, we are available to contribute towards the successful completion of the service agreement and achieving appropriate standards of operation and levels of service to meet our clients’ expectations.
For those unfamiliar with PFI/PPP processes and the potential pitfalls, it is imperative to seek reliable advice and to obtain a clear understanding of what committing to a such a project means in terms of financial and organisational resources, including skills, expertise, cost and time. Of equal importance is to ensure the involvement of advisers appropriately skilled in the area of business under consideration and with the necessary experience to be able to provide the right level of support and advice, whenever and wherever needed, in accordance with demanding timescales and deadlines. A clear understanding of managing benefits realisation and aligning these with the requirements of Output Specifications to skills, time and resources is also of paramount importance. For those organisations thinking of embarking on a PFI or PPP project, calfordseaden offer clear and unambiguous guidance about what the processes will entail, anticipate how long it will take and the likely costs involved. Once this has been established, a decision to commit to a scheme will require expert technical advice and support from the outset. We support our clients from initial notice and expression of interest stages right through to financial close and physical implementation of the project.
OUR TEAM calfordseaden recognises that the delivery of successful PFI and PPP schemes requires more than just a ‘standard’ approach. We constantly consider and evaluate alternative approaches to procurement, process and achieving best value for our clients. Innovative solutions We employ the very best personnel in all our fields of operation and have a well-established reputation for innovative and creative thinking. With such a diverse and experienced range of skills, we can often identify alternative ways through or around a problem and respond with new ideas and recommendations. We are equally committed to achieving overall levels of specification, performance and value that will work for our clients, while enabling the relevant approvals required for all PFI and PPP schemes to be obtained at each and every stage of the process.
Terry Bartholomew DipSurv MRICS MAPM Partner Project Management With nearly 25 years experience to call upon, Terry provides project management and building surveying services on housing and commercial schemes. Terry is experienced in the management of multi-disciplinary project teams using his knowledge and skills to bring about defined results. He is a keen advocate of Benefits Realisation. T 01689 888222 E
Michael Moran BSc MRICS Partner Building Surveying/Project Management/Life Cycle Costings Michael has over 20 years experience in all aspects of surveying work, acting as Lead Consultant, Contract Administrator and Technical Adviser. He has worked on PFI projects since 1997 for housing, health & education clients, the Ministry of Defence and police authorities. Michael managed a team of surveyors and architects in delivering the design services for the Oldham Sheltered Housing PFI project. T 0121 454 1688 E
John Spence BSc Dip Arch (Hons) RIBA Partner Architecture E John is positive, creative & innovative and a great communicator. He enjoys the opportunity and challenge of an ever changing industry and leads our architectural services within the PFI/PPP sectors. Recently, John has been instrumental in the delivery of the affordable homes at Arbury Park, a major new development of 900 mixed tenure homes, primary school, hotel, retail & office units, community, recreational & sports facilities and open spaces.
Christopher Rainsford BSc (Hons) Dip Arch Grad DipL Cons (AA) RIBA Partner Architecture E A talented Architect with a specialism in conservation, Christopher has numerous prestigious projects in his portfolio. As design champion, he leads and influences design and production throughout the Practice. Christopher was instrumental in the successful delivery of Kent PFI Better Homes Active Lives and recently in achieving planning permission for a Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6 development on a sensitive site in Wembley, London.
Paul Miller MRICS Partner Project Management/ Urban Regeneration E Paul is a Chartered Building Surveyor with a career in the housing sector now spanning 30 years. He specialises particularly in redevelopment schemes of various sizes and complexity, including mixed tenure and mixed use new build and refurbishment projects. Paul is currently involved in the regeneration of Packington Estate in Islington, which will see over ÂŁ130 million invested in realising the vision of a modern and safe community.
David Cane BSc MRICS Associate Quantity Surveying/Cost Consultancy/Life Cycle Costings E David has 19 years experience in construction industry. The experience he has gained across a variety of project types and procurement routes, including a nationally important village housing scheme, enables him to provide clear reports and advice. He has very practical knowledge of construction costs, supported by calfordseaden’s bespoke in-house cost database and published cost information.
OUR SERVICES We offer the following expertise and services to PFI/PPP procuring bodies and consortia at all stages of the procurement process. Outline Business Case (OBC) Assist with the preparation of the OBC covering the various technical aspects that are considered essential for evaluation by the Project Review Group.
Expression of Interest and OJEU Assist in the preparation of consortium response to the Expression of Interest providing details of track record, case studies, relevant experience and the consortium credentials.
Memorandum of Information Advise the procuring body and provide technical input into the various aspects of the Memorandum of Information including: The strategic context of the project; The scope of the project; Information about the existing property and sites; The outline timetable; The allocation of risks and the PSC.
Provide technical and costing advice on: Option appraisals including: – Assessment of building condition and maintenance; – Housing consultancy; – Architectural design and space planning; – Capital & life cycle costings; Value for money & affordability criteria; Risk allocation and analysis; Viability; Public Sector Comparator (PSC).
Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Production and/or evaluation of the Memorandum of Information; Assist consortium with preparation and completion of technical response to PQQ; Preparation of technical capability and experience; Technical supporting information; Technical bid writing.
Interim Submission of Outline Proposals/Solutions (ISOP/ISOS), Invitation to Submit Detailed Solutions (ISDS), Invitation To Negotiate (ITN) and Invitation To Tender (ITT) to short listed bidders Technical assistance with the preparation of the ISOP/ISOS, ISDS, ITN and ITT documentation for both mandatory and variant bids to include: Design and performance criteria; Output specifications and availability standards; Background information on the project; Determination of supplementary information required by bidders to be deposited in the data room; Risk allocation; Further investigations; Timetable.
Review and evaluation of bids criteria including: – Deliverability – Fitness for purpose – Overall design and appearance – Compliance with the output specification and availability standards requirements – Aesthetics of the design – Operation of the facility – Security and safety considerations – Special needs and disabled/DDA provision – Construction methodology and deliverability – Environmental and sustainability impact – Analysis of all bid costs – Facilities management proposals – Analysis of risk transfer and allocation to the SPV – Management of the whole process following contract award Management of the support services and integration with the user; Bid requirements; Any other relevant factors that have a technical bearing on the project.
OUR SERVICES Technical assistance with the preparation of mandatory and variant bids to include: Stock condition surveys, analysis and interrogation; Review maintenance strategies; Investigation & risk register collation; Review and validation services to determine Local Authority requirements & dissemination to consortium; Housing consultancy; Design and planning; Master planning and programming; Cost consultancy, including whole life cycle costs; Maintenance strategy; Facilities management.
Best and Final Offer (BAFO) Negotiations
Preferred Bidder and Full Business Case (FBC) Advise and provide technical input into the preparation of the FBC before submission to the governing body and to liaise with such organisations as necessary; Coordinate the consortia members and manage resolution of queries raised during production of the FBC; To assist in all final preparations leading up to financial close including: – Planning applications and supporting documentation – Section 106 negotiations – Manage and respond to clarification queries raised by Local Authorities and their external advisers – Finalise technical aspects of the bid – Liaise with Due Diligence and Independent Certifier teams
To assist in the evaluation or preparation of final BAFO documentation; To include services: – Tabled under ISOP, ISOS, ISDS, ITN and ITT – To review and respond to changes in the Local Authority Output Specifications – Liaise with the Local Authority and their advisers on the proposals for the consortium and to make representations in support – Manage and respond to clarification queries raised by Local Authorities and their external advisers.
Image courtesy Hyde Housing Group
Post Financial Close and Implementation of Contract We are able to provide all of the services below to any procuring body and members of the SPV/consortium at any stage during the concession period: Architecture; Building surveying; CDM coordination; Civil & structural engineering; Clerk of works services; Code assessor & management; Condition surveys; Construction management/employer’s agent; Contract administration; Contract management; Cost consultancy; HQI assessments; Master planning; Mechanical & electrical engineering; Party wall & rights of light services; Performance monitoring; Project management; Project monitoring; Sustainability; Technical advice.
OUR EXPERIENCE Additional Expertise Our key staff are familiar with all of the main issues relating to PFI/PPP procurement through the various stages of the process and are able to assist with the wider issues involved. Such issues, some of which are scheduled below, are typical and need to be continuously targeted and revisited throughout the bidding and delivery stages of the projects: Designing and costing for the full concession period together with any hand back provisions at concession end – specification/quality v longevity/maintenance; Thorough review of the Output Specification and advise on any interpretations, definitions, which might be open to manipulation and the identification of ambiguities; Adherence to the availability standards and failure events prescribed within the Output Specifications; Thorough understanding of risk, relationship between technical, financial, legal, commercial and operational requirements, and scheduling of qualifications and areas requiring further investigations; Achieving a balance between innovation and cost; Application of prevailing standards and validation against such standards, e.g: – Planning Framework – Design & Quality Standards – Code for Sustainable Homes, including Building for Life Assessment – Wheelchair Housing Design Guide – Lifetime Homes – BREEAM/Code for Sustainable Homes – Housing Quality Indicators – Building Regulations – Secured By Design
Detailed knowledge of contractor proposals, due diligence, tests on completion/independent certifier handover requirements; The Public Sector Comparator, financial model, 'peaks and troughs', cash flow profiles and programming; Detailed knowledge of working in occupied premises, resident decanting options and phasing of works; Understanding of design protocols associated with reviewable design, scheduling of failure events/ non-compliances and seeking of derogations; Understanding of communication protocols between the constructor, SPV, housing management provider and client (LA).
OUR EXPERIENCE Surpassing most of our competitors, we have an enviable track record in supporting procurement, bidding and physical implementation of PFI and PPP schemes. calfordseaden has over 60 years experience in the housing, construction, property, retail and commercial sectors. We are appointed as Technical Service Advisers for a wide range of PFI and PPP initiatives, including procuring clients (such as Housing and Health Trusts) and project bidders (through a variety of consortium structures often involving private sector developers & funders, registered social landlords, facilities managers, contractors and other parties on a project-specific basis). In many instances, we have assisted in bringing together the bid teams and agreeing the consortium structure and modus operandi. Oldham Sheltered Housing PFI (£102 million) This is the largest PFI funded sheltered housing project in the country and involves 1610 sheltered and warden supported properties. We have worked with the preferred partner since the initial bidding stages acting as Technical Adviser, Designer and Cost Consultant to the consortium. Our role has then progressed to the provision of architectural design and building surveying services, which are being provided through to the completion of the refurbishment works with the design of all properties due to finish in May 2010.
Better Homes Actives Lives - Kent PFI (£70 million) By the end of 2009, the Better Homes Active Lives Private Finance Initiative will have delivered circa 350 apartments for vulnerable adults, including the elderly and people with learning difficulties or mental health problems. As Architects for all 17 buildings on 12 sites, we have been responsible for designing and achieving planning permission. Subsequently we have worked with the two contractors over the past 12 months to produce comprehensive working drawings for each site. Walsall PPP (£40 million) Six scheme initiative for the re-provision of residential and day care services. Five schemes are for extra-care housing providing over 280 units. The sixth is a specialist dementia unit for 40 residents with communal areas set in clusters of ten around four courtyards. Our role is as Architect on behalf of the consortium. Sandwell PPP (£30 million) Initially a single scheme proposal, now a rolling programme of three scheme developments, the most advanced of these being the 87-unit scheme at Brandhall. Our role is as Architect on behalf of the consortium. Birmingham PPP (£20 million) Two individual schemes, each comprising 87 units of one and two bedroom apartments with associated communal facilities, together with new bungalows on Turves Green and integrating existing bungalows on Meadway. Our role is as Architect on behalf of the consortium.
West Wiltshire PFI Project (£45 million) Acting on behalf of the Constructor to provide advice on the production of the Contractors Proposals for the NonHRA project to build 400 new general needs properties. Coppetts Wood House and Anne Bryans House, Royal Free Hospital (£16.5 million) Keyworker accommodation initiative, including a new build development and a refurbished tower block. Involved as Architect, Planning Consultant, Employer’s Agent, Structural Engineer, Mechanical & Electrical Consultant and CDM Coordinator. North Tyneside - Older People Homes For The Future PFI Project (£102 million) Acting on behalf of the consortium to provide architectural services. Coventry - New Homes For Old PFI Project (£33 million) Acting on behalf of the consortium to provide advice on capital and life cycle costings. Barnet & Haringey NHS LIFT Project (£100 million) Acting as external project director to the NHS Trust to assist in the procurement, evaluation and appointment of the successful consortium.
OUR EXPERIENCE Northampton Schools PFI Project (£200 million) Acting on behalf of the Authority to assess the quality of completed projects. Ashford Stanhope Estate PFI Project (£200 million) Acting on behalf of the consortium to provide advice on capital and life cycle costings. Sandwell Housing PFI Pathfinder Project (£100 million) Acting on behalf of the consortium to provide advice on capital and life cycle costings. Islington Housing PFI Pathfinder Project (£90 million) Acting on behalf of the consortium to assist with the preparation of the bid including the provision of technical and cost consultancy advice. London Borough of Newham Forest Gate PFI Project (£45 million) Acting on behalf of the consortium to provide advice on capital and life cycle costings. Hale Village (£17 million - Block N1) A Public Private Partnership delivering a Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 development of 120 mixed tenure residential units. This development forms part of the wider regeneration of Hale Village. We are acting as Structural Engineer, Mechanical & Electrical Engineer and CDM Coordinator. Image courtesy KSS Group
Stonebridge Housing PPP Project (£90 million) Appointed to provide external technical advice to Stonebridge HAT, assisting in the preparation of bid documentation including output specifications, design and performance criteria, review and evaluation of returned bids. University of Westminster (Harrow Campus) PPP Project Acted on behalf of the consortium to provide cost consultancy advice on capital and life cycle costings. Woodberry Down Housing PFI Project Appointed at an early stage by the consortium to provide architectural and building surveying services. Hammersmith Nursing Home PFI Project Acted on behalf of the consortium providing architectural and employer’s agent services. Prince Regent Lane Nurses Accommodation PPP/PFI Project Acted on behalf of the consortium providing architectural and employer’s agent services.
West Middlesex Hospital Advising the NHS Trust on design compliance, preparation of room data sheets, project managing traffic survey and preparation of the traffic management plan and production of the master programme. Undertaking of option appraisals including capital and life cycle costings and assisting in the preparation of the Outline Business Case and the Invitation to Negotiate Tender Documentation. Bexley Hospital Reprovision PFI Project (Oxleas NHS Trust) Acted on behalf of the consortium providing employer’s agent services. Catford PFI Primary Health Care Centre, Trust Offices and Housing Acted on behalf of the consortium to provide architectural and cost consultancy advice. Broomfield Hospital Acted on behalf of the consortium to provide architectural and cost consultancy advice.
HEAD OFFICE St John’s House, 1a Knoll Rise Orpington Kent BR6 0JX T 01689 888222 F 01689 888299 E King's Head House King's Head Yard Borough High Street London SE1 1NA T 020 7940 3200 F 020 7940 3299 E Stewart Court 214a Hagley Road, Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9PH T 0121 454 1688 F 0121 454 1700 E Calford House Wessex Business Park Wessex Way Colden Common Winchester S021 1WP T 01962 718300 F 01962 718350 E CHARTERED SURVEYING PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE & MASTER PLANNING CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SUSTAINABILITY ADVICE HEALTH & SAFETY CONSULTANCY
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