CPRS Headquarters
Phone: 916.665.2777
Mailing address: 7971 Freeport Blvd Sacramento, CA 95832
Website: www.cprs.org
CPRS Headquarters
Phone: 916.665.2777
Mailing address: 7971 Freeport Blvd Sacramento, CA 95832
Website: www.cprs.org
Welcome to the first-ever detachable California Parks & Recreation Buyer’s Guide which features CPRS Company Members. This publication is designed to connect you with trusted vendors and products that enhance park and recreation operations. Explore innovative solutions, services, and equipment tailored to meet the evolving needs of parks and recreation professionals statewide. A new Buyer’s Guide will be included in each fall edition of the magazine.
Your feedback is also invaluable in ensuring that the Buyer’s Guide continues to meet the needs of our members. Please reach out to us directly to share your thoughts on how we can improve this resource!
We invite you to join us at the upcoming CONNECTIONS conference March 18-21, 2025, in Sacramento, where we will offer several valuable opportunities to network with representatives from the companies featured in this guide. Visit the exhibit hall to connect face-to-face with vendors and join us for special networking events, where you can casually connect with industry professionals.
We look forward to seeing you and hope you take full advantage of the opportunities to connect with the
Errors and Omissions:
The information provided in this Buyer’s Guide is for reference purposes only. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the listings, California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS) does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. All company details, including contact information and services, are subject to change without notice. CPRS assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or discrepancies. We recommend verifying all information directly with the companies listed. Company members, if you find an error in your listing, please email Bea@cprs.org and we will correct it in the online version.
THANK YOU CPRS COMPANY MEMBERS! Interested in Company Membership? Visit www.cprs.org/cprs/membership to learn about our many member benefits and to join us.
A-G Sod Farms, Inc.
Joel Addink (951) 687-7581
jaddink@agsod.com www.agsod.com
Five farms in California & Colorado producing high quality sod for sports fields and parks.
Access Trax
Kelly Twichel (619) 292-8766 accesstrax@gmail.com www.accesstraxsd.com
Access Trax portable pathways make outdoor terrain like sand accessible for people using wheelchairs.
Errol Leslie (858) 842-1513 operations@agicenergy.com www.agicenergy.com
Clean power storage - Innovative technologies and systems designed to store surplus energy from renewable sources.
Albert A. Webb Associates
Jeffrey Hutchins (951) 248-4281
Landscape Architecture as part of a full service engineering firm including survey, environmental, planning, transportation , water resources, construction management, and civil.
All About Play/Little Tikes
Commercial Nor Cal
Glen Wurster (916) 923-2180 glen@playgroundpros.com www.littletikescommercial.com
Accessible outdoor playground equipment including unique theme playscapes and park service equipment.
American Ramp Company
Josh Willis (417) 206-6816 x 107
joshw@americanrampcompany.com www.americanrampcompany.com
Design and build services of wheeled action sports parks (skate parks, bike parks, and pumptracks).
American Solutions for Business
Glenn Leonard (714) 504-2274
gleonard@americanbus.com www.pmlbstore.com
Providers of printed documents, promotional products, corporate logo apparel, brochures, uniforms, stationery, catalogs, forms.
Anne-Sophie Leclerc (877) 343-0004
anne-sophie.leclerc@amilia.com www.amilia.com/products/ smartrec
SmartRec by Amilia helps Parks & Rec agencies build lasting relationships with residents through modern and convenient registration platforms.
Aqua Source
Ron Ybarra (209) 745-6401
ron@aquasource.com www.aquasource.com
Commercial swimming pool equipment, automated chemical & filtration systems, commercial pool vacuums, heaters, deck equipment.
Aquatic Design Group
Justin Caron (760) 438-8400
jcaron@aquaticdesigngroup.com www.aquaticdesigngroup.com
Programming, planning, design and engineering services for competition, recreation, and leisure aquatic facilities.
Aquatic Service, Inc.
Rheanna Connor (949) 493-4390
rheanna@aquatictechnologies.com www.aquaticserviceinc.com
Commerical pool equipment maintenance, service, repair, installation, and equipment provider.
Architectural Nexus
Peter McBride (916) 443-5911
pmcbride@archnexus.com www.archnexus.com
As a full-service architecture design firm, we are people driven in pursuit of meaningful experience.
Architerra Design Group, Inc.
Richard Krumwiede (909) 484-2800
rkrumwiede@ architerradesigngroup.com www.architerradesigngroup.com
Landscape architecture and site planning: new and renovated parks, streetscapes, community gardens, nature parks, trails.
Athletify, Inc.
James Moore (801) 210-0599
Athletify is a sports management software platform that helps elevate lives through athletic excellence.
Atomic Technology Solutions
Roberto Wong (714) 368-3600
roberto.wong@atomicts.com www.atomicts.com
Cloud Access Control System
IT cyber security consulting, remediation, management and maintenance.
B SAFE Playground Inspection Services, Inc.
Christopher Tait (916) 850-5071
admin@bsafeinspection.com www.bsafeinspection.com
Playground and athletic field inspection services.
BCI Burke Co, LLC
Sarah Lisiecki (920) 933-6711 slisiecki@bciburke.com www.bciburke.com
BCI Burke has been manufacturing high-quality and innovative playground equipment for 95 years.
Bear Valley Springs Association
Linda L. Wetta (661) 821-5537
lindaw@bvsa.org www.bvsa.org
A private homeowner’s association that oversees the recreation & amenities within Bear Valley.
BFS Landscape Architects
Michelle Parravano (831) 646-1383
michelle@bfsla.com www.bfsla.com
Parks, trails and open space planning; design for healthy and sustainable communities.
BMLA Landscape Architecture
Baxter Miller (951) 737-1124
baxter@bmla.net www.bmla.net
BMLA Landscape Architecture - Designs that build lasting communities.
BrightView Design Group
Pedro Quijas (949) 238-4900
pedro.quijas@brightview.com www.brightview.com/services/ design
Landscape architecture practice with extensive experience in designing parks, civic spaces, sports complexes & private developments.
Brock USA
David Brown (303) 544-5800
dbrown@brockusa.com www.brockusa.com
Playground/ Athletic Consult and Supply
California Dinner Adventure
Julio Duran (714) 690-1497
Restaurant and show with pirates theme.
California State Soccer Association South
Dick Carle (714) 778-2972
dc@hyperformanceadvisors.com www.calsouth.com
Official US and state association supporing youth and adult soccer programs in Souther California.
Callander Associates Landscape Architecture, Inc.
Benjamin Woodside (916) 985-4366
bwoodside@cavalleyoffice.com www.callanderassociates.com Landscape architects.
Julia Teske (760) 438-0525
juliat@calsense.com www.calsense.com/ Calsense helps organizations save water, time and money with smart irrigation solutions.
Capital Program Management, Inc.
Carly Reich (916) 553-4400
carlyr@capitalpm.com www.capitalpm.com
Planning and project management, construction management, and budget and accounting services for capita outlay programs.
Carducci Associates
Karly Behncke (415) 447-5234
Landscape Architecture and Planning firm serving a wide range of public and private sector clients throughout California.
Scott Garrie (888) 228-2233
garrie@civicplus.com www.civicplus.com
CivicRec®, the park and recreation management software from CivicPlus®, is built specifically for local governments.
Coast Recreation Inc.
Jack Striegel (714) 619-0100
Info@coastrecreation.net www.coastrecreation.com
Representing Landscape Structures play equipment, DuMor site furniture, and Surface America in Southern California.
Columbia Cascade Company
Steve Kirn (503) 223-1157
hq@timberform.com www.timberform.com
TimberForm and PipeLine playground and outdoor fitness equipment, TimberForm site furnishings and CycLoops & CycLocker bicycle security products.
Community Works Design Group
Scott Rice (951) 369-0700
scott@cwdg.fun www.comworksdg.com
Your source for creative park planning, landscape architecture, irrigation design, and CASp/ADA services.
Linda Duerst (310) 734-2282
LindaDuerst@chh2o.com www.chh2o.com
Aquatic design, engineering, and operation services.
Crane Architectural Group
Rick Crane (714) 525-0363
rcrane@cranearchitecturalgrp.com www.cranearchitecturalgrp.com
Architectural servicescommunity centers, senior centers, sports complexes, concession stands, park restrooms, ADA improvements.
Custom Canopies Intl, Inc.
Steve Graaff (562) 464-4766
steve@ccishade.com www.customshadecanopies.com
Engineer, design and install commercial shade canopies, sails umbrellas and other custom shade structures.
Dahlin Group Architecture | Planning | Ineriors
Colette Aviles (925) 251-7200
marketing@dahlingroup.com www.dahlingroup.com
Architectural and planning services with a passion for placemaking, including community, senior, recreation, and aquatic centers.
Dave Bang Associates, Inc.
John Wormell (800) 669-2585
john@davebang.com www.davebang.com
Suppliers of high-quality park, playground, athletic equipment, & site equipment since 1979.
David Evans and Assoc. Inc.
Kim Rhodes (909) 481-5750
ksr@deainc.com www.deainc.com
Multidisciplinary firm specializing in landscape architecture, civil, and transportation engineering, surveying, and construction management.
David Volz Design Landscape
Architects, Inc.
David Volz (714) 641-1300
dvolz@dvolzdesign.com www.dvolzdesign.com
Award winning park planners and sports facility experts! DVD provides assistance with project planning budgets.
DuMor, Inc.
Bryan Marousek (800) 598-4018
bmarousek@dumor.com www.dumor.com
Site Furnishings (benches, receptacles, bike racks, tables, bollards, grills, planters, chairs)
Quentin Leborgne (514) 849-9779
quentin.leborgne@eco-counter.com www.eco-compteur.com/en/ Pedestian and bicycle counters, counter installation and maintenance, data analysis platform and services.
First Serve Productions
Chanel Johnson (925) 872-3159
chanel@firstservepro.com www.firstservepro.com
Tennis, Pickleball and Basketball Court Construction, Repair, Surfacing and Striping Corporation.
FirstService Residential
Ashley Blair (949) 338-1908
ashley.blair@fsresidential.com www.LaderaLife.com
Property Management company offering recreation and community services to residents living within the property.
Gama Sonic USA Inc.
Federico Aguilar (678) 736-8303 x116
FAguilar@gamasonic.com www.gamasonic.com
100% solar. Maintenance-free, eco-friendly, and cost-effective lighting solutions for parks and public spaces.
Gold Bug Park and Mine
Monique Plubell (530) 642-5207
mplubell@cityofplacerville.org www.goldbugpark.org
Gold Bug Park is Gold Rush History! Offering mine tours, gem panning, blacksmith, stamp mill, museum, and hiking trails.
Grand Slam Safety, LLC
Dean Lehman (315) 301-4039
deanl@grandslamsafety.com www.Grandslamsafety.com
Impecable and removeable or permenant, indoor/outdoor fencing system; netting, divider curtains and batting cages.
Great Western Recreation
Tyler Kyriopoulos (435) 245-5055
tyler@gwpark.com www.gwpark.com
Turnkey design-build firm providing playgrounds, shade/ shelters, surfacing, site amenities, splash pads, beachers, etc.
Greenfields Outdoor Fitness
Sam Mendelsohn (888) 315-9037
sam@greenfieldsfitness.com www.greenfieldsfitness.com Outdoor fitness equipment.
Group 4 Architecture Research + Planning, Inc.
Dawn Merkes (650) 871-0709
dmerkes@g4arch.com www.g4arch.com
Architectural, research, and planning services.
GSM Landscape Architects, Inc.
Gretchen McCann (707) 255-4630
gretchen@gsmlainc.com www.gsmlainc.com
Award winning landscape architectural design for parks, sports fields, recreational, and educational facilities throughout California.
HAI, Hirsch & Associates, Inc.
Charles Foley (714) 776-4340
chuck@hailandarch.com www.hailandarch.com
Landscape architecture, park planning, master plans, sports facilities, redevelopment, & public work projects.
Helix Environmental Planning
Kate Kirsh (916) 435-1202
kate@foothill.com www.helixepi.com/ Helping clients comply with environmental regulations, manage natural and cultural resources, and construct sustainable projects.
Hermann Design Group, Inc.
Chris Hermann (760) 777-9131
chris@hdg-inc.com www.hermanndesigngroup.com
Landscape architecture, planning, and project management for community parks, sports parks, and dog parks.
Hunter Industries
Mike Madewell (760) 744-5240
michael.madewell@ hunterindustries.com www.hunterindustries.com/ contact-us
Irrigation Manufacturer - MP Rotator, Sprays, Rotors, Smart Controllers, Valves, Drip.
Paul Bower (626) 593-9618
paul@imagenagency.com www.imagenagency.com
We are a promotional marketing agency that produces custom branded apparel, promotional products, and print.
Innovative Playgrounds Company
Alvino Larios (877) 732-5200
alvino@innovplay.com www.innovplay.com Sales, designs, and project management for BCI Burke playground equipment, safety surfacing, shade structures, and fitness/sport/site amenities.
Insane Impact
BJ Supple (515) 221-2924
bsupple@insaneimpact.com www.insaneimpact.com
We’re a premier provider of rentable, buyable, and installable LED Screens.
Inspector Playground
James Stein (888) 293-7889
info@inspectorplayground.com www.inspectorplayground.com
Independent inspector, surface impact testing with Triax, early childhood certified, playground inspections, compliance certificates, insured.
Integra Planning & Landscape
Ric Hendricks (707) 852-0500
ric@integrapla.com www.integrapla.com
Planning and landscape architecture design services including parks, aquatic centers and recreation facilities.
Interwest, A SAFEbuilt Company
Joe Indrawan (714) 899-9039
jindrawan@interwestgrp.com www.interwestgrp.com
Comprehensive community development services including planning, ;andscape architecture, land devcelopment & urban design.
iZone Imaging
Michael Dean
michael.dean@izoneimaging.com (254) 778-0722 ext. 151 www.izoneimaging.com
Choose iZone for exterior grade sign solutions: ideal for interpretive, playground, wayfinding, and trail signage.
Mario Gamboa (866) 306-8524
mariogamboa@jetmulch.com www.jetmulchinc.com
Blown-In Mulch and ASTM certified playground materials.
Jones & Madhavan
Nachi Madhavan (805) 777-8449
nachi@jmae.com www.jmae.com
Planning, architecture, & engineering services for public aquatic facilities.
KASA Construction, Inc.
Sam Kasbar (909) 457-8260
SamK@KASAConstruction.com www.kasaconstruction.com
KASA is a full service General Engineering Firm specializing in Public Works and Commercial Construction.
Kay Park-Recreation
Chad DeBoer (319) 987-2313
chad@kaypark.com www.kaypark.com
Manufacture bleachers, picnic tables, grills, fire rings, drinking fountains, bike racks, pedal boats, litter receptacles, outdoor games, & more!
Kimley Horn
Randall Kopff (619) 234-9411
randall.kopff@kimley-horn.com www.kimley-horn.com/markets/ parks-recreation/ We offer expertise in the planning, design and implementation of parks and recreation facilities.
KOMPAN Playgrounds
Jon Teberg (800) 426-9788
jonteb@kompan.com www.kompan.com
KOMPAN is a world leader in playgroud and outdoor sport & fitness solutions.
KTU + A Planning & Landscape Architecture
Christopher Langdon (619) 294-4477
chris@ktua.com www.ktua.com
We Provide Award Winning Landscape Architectural Planning and Design Services for Parks and Recreation Facilities.
Lynne Lees (714) 659-6477
lynne.lees@thekyagroup.com www.KYASurfacing.com
We are a Specialized Contractor, focusing on modernization, sports complexes,sustainable landscapes and light construction.
Landscape Structures, Inc.
Megan Andrada (763) 972-5200
meganandrada@playlsi.com www.playlsi.com
Commercial playground designer and manufacturer.
Lincoln Aquatics
Charles Luecker (925) 687-9500
cluecker@outlook.com www.lincolnaquatics.com
Distributors of commercial swimming pool equipment, chemicals, and aquatic supplies since 1954.
LPA, Inc.
Arash Izadi (408) 780-7203
aizadi@lpainc.com www.lpainc.com
Sustainable design solutions in architecture, landscape architecture, and engineering for community centers, aquatics, and parks.
Eve Nelson (510) 595-3020
enelson@mack5.com www.mack5.com
Project/Construction management and cost planning/ estimating services for park & recreation capital projects.
Melton Design Group, Inc.
Gregory Melton (530) 899-1616
Teresa@meltondg.com www.meltondg.com
Landscape architecture, providing design services for parks, sports complexes, skateparks, & masterplans. We focus on providing personal service.
MIG, Inc.
Cindy Mendoza (510) 845-7549
cindym@migcom.com www.migcom.com
From playgrounds to park systems, MIG advances strategic, equitable and community-based planning and design.
Miracle Playground Sales/
Miracle Recreation
Kelly Spence (800) 264-7225
kelly.spence@miracleplayground.com www.miracleplayground.com
Innovative playground equipment, playground safety surfacing; park shelters & gazebos; tables, benches & athletic equipment & splashpads.
Miracle Playsystems Inc.
Kit Steven (800) 879-7730
kit@miracleplaygroup.com www.MiraclePlayGroup.com
Play equipment design, distribution, and specialty contracting firm serving all of central and Northern California.
Moore Recreation Therapy & Consulting, Inc.
Tamika Clement Moore (530) 848-0224
We’re contractors who assess and develop adaptive programs to ensure inclusion for individuals with disabilities.
Most Dependable Fountains, Inc.
Vince McGrory (901) 867-0039
info@mostdependable.com www.mostdependable.com
Outdoor drinking fountains, pet fountains, showers, misters, play towers, hydrants, jug fillers, handwash stations, & grills.
Motz Group
Shaun Garrity (513) 533-6452
sgarrity@usgreentech.com www.themotzgroup.com
USGreentech provides progressive infills for the synthetic turf market including their products Envirofill and Safeshell.
Brian Gates (800) 922-0070
bgates@mrcrec.com www.mrcrec.com
Leading supplier of playground, park, recreation, fitness and sport equipment; site amenities and surfacing.
Musco Sports Lighting
Michael Marchetti (949) 754-0503
mike.marchetti@musco.com www.musco.com
Providing sports lighting solutions for your budget, for the environment.
My Bark Co., Inc.
Mary Yelton (209) 786-4042
mybarkco@icloud.com www.mybark.net
ReadyPlay, EWF from virgin forest wood, bark products, colored enhanced mulches, and soil amendments.
MyRec.com-Recreation Software
Tracey Rivera Cooper (802) 465-9732
Tracey@MyRec.com www.myrec.com
An Industry leader providing robust, web-based software with all-inclusive features that simplify your Recreation Management.
National Academy of Athletics
Aaron Locks (707) 541-2365
aaron@naofa.us www.NationalAcademyofAthletics.com
Year round Sports Camps and Clinics offering 8 different sports for players, coaches, and parents.
NGI Sports a Division of River City Athletics
Cory Brisbin (775) 544-6306
cbrisbin@ngisports.com www.ngisports.com
NGI Sports’ tennis and track surfaces-guaranteed solutions. We specialize in innovations for sports construction.
Noll & Tam Architects
Trina Goodwin (510) 649-8295
trina.goodwin@nollandtam.com www.nollandtam.com
Architectural design, programming, and planning for recreation/community/senior centers and other civic buildings.
Robert Stone (714) 754-7311
rstone@nuvis.net www.nuvis.net
NUVIS landscape architectureover 40 years of design solutions for people, environments, and experiences worldwide.
O’Dell Engineering
Chad Kennedy (209) 571-1765 x102 ckennedy@odellengineering.com www.odellengineering.com Multi-disciplinary firm providing landscape architecture, civil engineering, land surveying, and 3D laser scanning.
Oriental Trading
Jerry Venner (800) 228-2003
JVenner@FunExpress.com www.orientaltrading.com Crafts, art supplies, educational items, active play, camp, and seasonal items at discounted prices.
Landon Schenck (404) 668-4242 info@rec1.com www.theottoapp.com/ Facility management software.
Outdoorlink Inc.
David Ramirez (256) 885-9768
dave@outdoorlinkinc.com www.outdoorlinkinc.com/ parks-recreation3/ Outdoorlink Smart Controllers: a cellular-based system for Parks & Recration to remotely manage electrical amenities in real-time.
Pacific Park and Play/Little
Tikes Commercial
Guy Donahoe (714) 846-4885
guytikes@gmail.com www.PacParkPlay.com
Pacific Park & Play builds communities by providing quality outdoor play spaces that bring children and neighbors together to imagine, explore and play.
Pape Machinery
Anthony Bertoldi (916) 891-8293
abertoldi@papemachinery.com www.construction. papemachinery.com/locations/ california/sacramento
John Deere Excavators, Skid Steers, Backhoes, Loaders, attachments and much more.
Parkitect AG LLC (dba - Parkitect US)
Peter Tammetta (206) 384-8188
peter@PumpTRX.com www.parkitect.ch/ US sales and support atm for designer / manufacturer of modular pump tracks.
John Ogden (760) 597-5990
California manufacturer of commercial play structures, site furnishings, and poured-in-placed rubberized surfacing.
Play & Park Structures
Michael Etchison (800) 727-1907
metchison@recbrandsgroup.com www.playandpark.com
Play & Park delivers a boutique experience with every playground design, from start to finish.
PLAYCE Studio, Ltd
Cheryl Salazar (716) 695-1987
cheryl@playcestudio.com www.playcestudio.com/
PLAYCE Studio trains indivduals in an innovative community engagement methodology using play for better outcomes.
Anne-Marie Spencer (256) 630-2231
aspencer@playcore.com www.playcore.com/
PlayCore helps build stronger communities by advancing play and recreation through research, education, partnerships, and products.
Playcraft Systems LLC
Summer Everist (888) 571-7640
marketing@playcraftsystems.com www.playcraftsystems.com
Seller of playground equipment (commercial type).
Playgrounds Unlimited
Michael Altieri (408) 244-9848
mike@playgroundsunlimited.com www.playgroundsunlimited.net
Construction services; site preparation; play equipment; water play; shade shelter installation; pour-in-place & synthetic turf safety surface.
Precision Concrete Cutting
Ernesto Martinez (866) 792-8006
emartinez@pccnorcal.com www.safesidewalks.com
Sideway inspection and repair company.
Premier Aquatics
Dan Berzansky (949) 716-3333
dan@swimoc.com www.swimoc.com
Facility management, swim lessons and team, contract lifeguards, Red Cross classes.
Productive Parks, LLC
Stephen Dittemore (630) 765-4252
steve@productiveparks.com productiveparks.com/ Maintenance & asset management software for parks and recreation: work orders, task scheduling, inspections.
Public Restroom Company
Chad Kaufman (888) 888-2060
chad@publicrestroomcompany.com www.publicrestroomcompany.com
Public Restroom Company is a design build specialist for odor free, vandal resistant, park restroom, and concession buildings.
Pure Design Werx, LLC
Voltaire Gomez (619) 313-3858
voltaire@puredesignwrx.com www.puredesignwerx.com/ Precast concrete outdoor furnishings.
R. E. Schultz Construction, Inc.
Richard Schultz (714) 649-2627
rick@reschultzconstruction.com www.reschultzconstruction.com
General engineering contractor/ playground eq. installation/park rehabs/fitness eq. installation. Site work/concrete/shade shelter installations.
Justin Jorgensen (800) 762-5002
jjorgensen@rjthomas.com www.pilotrock.com
Manufacturing and direct sales of park grills, picnic tables, benches, campfire rings, trash receptacle holders, etc.
Re-Tek West (502) 744-9946
We provide all rubber and binder materials for playgrounds and running tracks.
Rec Technologies
Rachel Williams (415) 910-9224
rachel@rec.us www.rec.us
Rec is a community-driven organization powering Parks & Rec departments with the technology and programming that enables more recreational play for residents.
Gwen McEwen (250) 884-2126
gwen@recstaff.com www.recstaff.com/ RecStaff is a staff scheduling software designed exclusively for the parks and rec industry.
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc.
Michael Bennett (818) 735-3838 mike_b@recwest.com www.recwest.com Representing Landscape Structures Inc., DuMor Site Furnishings.
RHA Landscape ArchitectsPlanners, Inc.
Doug Grove (951) 781-1930
dougg@rhala.com www.rhala.com
Park & sports facility planning, LEED certified, water conservation design, community consensus building, park rehabilitation.
RJM Design Group, Inc.
Larry Ryan (949) 493-2600
larryr@rjmdesigngroup.com www.rjmdesigngroup.com
Park and sports facility master planning and design; park and recreation master planning; landscape architecture; LEED Certified; community consensus building.
Travis Olson (541) 496-3541 risales@romtec.com www.romtec.com
Design, build, and install recreational structures ie: restroom buildings,concessions, kiosks, pavilions, storage buildings, gatehouses, cabins, sidewalk restrooms, etc.
Ross Recreation Equipment Company, Inc.
Nick Philbin (707) 538-3800
nickp@rossrec.com www.rossrec.com
44 years of providing superior recreational & outdoor products and service with attention to quality, safety, and design.
Royston, Hanamoto, Alley & Abey Jules Schaafsma (415) 383-7900 studio@rhaa.com www.rhaa.com
Landscape architecture, site planning, master planning, urban design, and recreation planning services locally, nationally, and internationally.
RRM Design Group
Jeff Ferber (805) 543-1794
jcferber@rrmdesign.com www.rrmdesign.com
RRM Design Group designs award-winning recreation areas by collaborating with people who use them.
RRM-CLM Services, LLC
Wareen Meyer (602) 569-2333
warren@camprrm.com www.clm-services.com
Provides professional park management, security, maintenance, ranger patrol & related services.
S.R.Smith LLC
Kelle Snyder (503) 266-2231 x2278 ksnyder@srsmith.com thermalpoolcover.com/ Manufacturer of “EnergySaver” thermal swimming pool covers, storage reels, and automatic re-winders.
Craig Faitel (925) 999-0117
CraigFaitel@gmail.com www.PlaygroundSafetyInspections.net
Certified playground safety inspections, safety surface impact testing on playgrounds, & sports fields.
Schmidt Design Group, Inc.
Glen Schmidt (619) 236-1462
gschmidt@schmidtdesign.com www.schmidtdesign.com
Landscape architecture, park planning, and design that balances artistic expression with environmental sensitivity.
Shade ‘N Net
Rudy Martinez (800) 290-3387
rudy@shade-n-net.com www.shade-n-net.com
Tension cable breathable fabric shade structures/vents out heat/88% sun blockage/97% UV ray protection.
Shaw Sports Turf
Jennifer Muse (706) 879-3643
jennifer.muse@shawinc.com www.shawsportsturf.com
Artificial turf manufacturer for sports such as football, baseball, and multi-use fields.
Sky Elements Drone Shows
Katherine Claeys (817) 286-3400
Katherine@skyelementsdrones.com www.skyelementsdrones.com
Sky Elements is the leading provider of high quality drone light shows in the U.S.
Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation
Tim Ittner (626) 448-0853 x16
TimIttner@scmaf.org www.scmaf.org
Professional training, education, and networking; insurance services; sport rules, training, and competition for youth and adults.
Elizabeth Anderson (951) 736-3579
landerson@spectraturf.com www.spectraturf.com
Pour-n-Place, Artificial Turf, and Loose Fill Safety Surfacing.
Spohn Ranch, Inc. Custom Skate Parks
Aaron Spohn (626) 330-5803
aaron@spohnranch.com www.spohnranch.com
Skate park design, construction, operation, and insurance. The leader in responsible skatelite, concrete, and hybrid parks.
SSA Landscape Architects, Inc.
Steven Sutherland (831) 459-0455
steve@ssala.com www.ssala.com
Award winning parks & recreation master planning, community workshops/consensus building, construction documentation/ administration.
Stand Out Merch
Shane Maddox (415) 425-1824
Shane@standoutmerch.com www.standoutmerch.com
We provide eco-friendly promotional products and give back 10% of the profit to support your organization.
Stover Seed Co.
Stephen Knutson (213) 626-9668
Stephen_K@stoverseed.com www.stoverseed.com
Turfgrass and sportsfield seed mixtures, wildflower and native seed mixtures.
Anna Dezember (661) 833-4490
anna@structurecast.com www.structurecast.com/ Precast, pre-engineered restroom, & concession buildings.
SVA Architects, Inc.
Robert Simons (949) 809-3380
bsimons@sva-architects.com www.sva-architects.com
SVA Architects is a full-service architectural firm committed to creating sustainable environments for our communities.
SyberTech Waste Reduction Ltd.
Robert Mitchell (888) 888-7975
rmitchell@swrl.com www.swrl.com
Our in-ground trash system, self-watering planters, and other products greatly save operational costs.
The Christmas Light Guy Company
Andrea Trovao (562) 824-0542
andrea.tclgc@gmail.com www.thechristmaslightguyco.com
The Christmas Light Guy Company is the premiere commercial Holiday lighting and décor company.
Jeff Schuldt (404) 595-1145
js@tinymobilerobots.com www.tinymobilerobots.us
Autonomous robots for athletic field line marking and on-field logo painting.
TMT Enterprises, Inc.
Matt Moore (408) 432-9040
matt@tmtenterprises.net www.tmtenterprises.net
Bulk Material Supplier - baseball surfaces, playground materials, top dress sand, topsoil, soil mixes, decomposed granite, organics.
Toro Tents Banners & Displays Corp
Joel Delgadillo (747) 316-1975
torotents@gmail.com www.torotents.com
Toro Tents is a premiere branding company, specializing in high quality.
Ed Kruse (951) 817-0777
trueline40@gmail.com www.gotrueline.com
Resurfacing of tennis courts, basketball courts, game courts, playgrounds, striping, installation of equipment, and refurbishment.
Turf Star, Inc.
Rick Danielson (800) 585-8001
Rick.danielson@turfstar.com www.turfstar.com Commercial mowing equipment & irrigation.
Turf Tank
Diana Durdeu (877) 396-4094
diana.durdeu@turftank.com www.turftank.com/us/ Turf Tank is the inventor of the world’s first line marking robot for sports fields.
Verde Design, Inc.
Derek McKee (408) 985-7200
derek@verdedesigninc.com www.verdedesigninc.com
Multi-disciplinary office of landscape architects and civil engineers with a focus on community projects.
Via Promotionals, Inc.
Marlene Via (661) 254-4910
viapromos@yahoo.com www.viapromos.com
Promotional items, tradeshow accessories, embriodered and screen printed apparel, graphics creat custom apparel websites.
Vortex Aquatic Structures Intl.
Kevin Spence (877) 586-7839
kspence@vortex-intl.com www.vortex-intl.com
We create water play experiences for children to develop, communities to flourish, and businesses to thrive.
Water Odyssey By Fountain People, Inc.
Christopher Thomas (512) 392-1155
cthomas@fountainpeople.com www.waterodyssey.com
Leading manufacturer of aquatic playground and fountain equipment.
Waterline Technologies
Harry Watters (714) 564-9100
hwatters@waterlinetech.com www.waterlinetechnologies.com
Sales and service for aquatic facilities - chemical delivery.
West Coast Arborists, Inc.
Amelia Menzel (714) 991-1900
amenzel@wcainc.com www.wcainc.com
WCA provides public agencies, school districts, and colleges with urban forestry management and maintenance services.
West Coast Turf
Danielle Scardino (760) 340-7300
danielle@westcoastturf.com www.westcoastturf.com
Growers and installers of premium quality natural turfgrass sod.
Western State Builders
Julian Moen (760) 270-8639
julian@westernstatebuilder.com www.westernstatebuilder.com
Playground Installation, shade structure installation, site furnishing installation.
Who Built Creative Builders Inc.
Jana Gebhardt-Fenk (707) 763-6210
Jana@whobuilt.biz www.whobuilt.biz
Installation of play equipment and athletic equipment.
Willoughby Stainless Fountains
David Moliterno (317) 875-0830
DMoliterno@wsf-usa.com www.wsf-usa.com
WSF manufactures outdoor site furnishings and plumbing fixtures for parks and recreation.
Wood Rodgers, Inc.
Kathryn Kim (916) 341-7760
kkim@woodrodgers.com www.woodrodgers.com
Landscape architecture design consultants.
Wyatt W. Underwood & Associates
Janet Giampaoli (213) 279-2455
janet@wwuteam.com www.wyattunderwood.org/
Playground design & build, playground equipment, shade, shelter, site amenities, and sports flooring since 1992.
Zasueta Contracting, Inc.
Andrew Zasueta (619) 589-0609
azplaygrounds@cox.net www.zasuetacontracting.com
Playground equipment installation.
ZGolf Food & Beverage Services, LLC dba Wedgwood Weddings
Kevin Lyons (951) 491-8110, Ex. 326
kevinl@wedgewoodweddings.com www.wedgewoodweddings.com
Professional full service food & beverage management and operations with a focus on weddings, special events, and golf course F&B operations.
Access Trax
Kelly Twichel accesstrax@gmail.com (619) 292-8766 ADA/ACCESSIBILITY
Community Works Design Group
Scott Rice
scott@cwdg.fun (951) 369-0700
Via Promotionals, Inc.
Marlene Via viapromos@yahoo.com (661) 254-4910
Aquatic Design Group
Justin Caron
jcaron@aquaticdesigngroup.com (760) 438-8400
Linda Duerst
LindaDuerst@chh2o.com (310) 734-2282
Jones & Madhavan
Nachi Madhavan nachi@jmae.com (805) 777-8449
Aqua Source
Ron Ybarra ron@aquasource.com (209) 745-6401
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc.
Michael Bennett mike_b@recwest.com (818) 735-3838
Aqua Source
Ron Ybarra ron@aquasource.com (209) 745-6401
Aquatic Service, Inc. Rheanna Connor rheanna@aquatictechnologies. com (949) 493-4390
Landscape Structures, Inc. Megan Andrada meganandrada@playlsi.com (763) 972-5200
Lincoln Aquatics
Charles Luecker cluecker@outlook.com (925)
Premier Aquatics
Dan Berzansky dan@swimoc.com (949) 716-3333
S.R.Smith LLC
Kelle Snyder ksnyder@srsmith.com (503) 266-2231 x2278
Vortex Aquatic Structures Intl.
Kevin Spence kspence@vortex-intl.com (877) 586-7839
Water Odyssey By Fountain People, Inc.
Christopher Thomas cthomas@fountainpeople.com (512) 392-1155
Waterline Technologies
Harry Watters hwatters@waterlinetech.com (714) 564-9100
Architectural Nexus
Peter McBride
pmcbride@archnexus.com (916) 443-5911
Architerra Design Group, Inc.
Richard Krumwiede rkrumwiede@ architerradesigngroup.com (909) 484-2800
Carducci Associates
Karly Behncke karly@carducciassociates.com (415) 447-5234
Crane Architectural Group
Rick Crane rcrane@cranearchitecturalgrp.com (714) 525-0363
Dahlin Group Architecture | Planning | Interiors
Colette Aviles marketing@dahlingroup.com (925) 251-7200
Group 4 Architecture Research + Planning, Inc.
Dawn Merkes dmerkes@g4arch.com (650) 871-0709
LPA, Inc.
Arash Izadi aizadi@lpainc.com (408) 780-7203
Noll & Tam Architects
Trina Goodwin trina.goodwin@nollandtam.com (510) 649-8295
O’Dell Engineering
Chad Kennedy ckennedy@odellengineering.com (209) 571-1765 x102
RRM Design Group
Jeff Ferber jcferber@rrmdesign.com (805) 543-1794
SVA Architects, Inc.
Oriental Trading Jerry Venner
JVenner@FunExpress.com (800) 228-2003
Bear Valley Springs Association
Linda L. Wetta lindaw@bvsa.org (661) 821-5537
California State Soccer Association South Dick Carle dc@hyperformanceadvisors.com (714) 778-2972
National Academy of Athletics
Aaron Locks
aaron@naofa.us (707) 541-2365
Parkitect AG LLC (dba - Parkitect US)
Peter Tammetta peter@PumpTRX.com (206) 384-8188
Custom Canopies Intl, Inc.
Steve Graaff steve@ccishade.com (562) 464-4766
Albert A. Webb Associates
Jeffrey Hutchins
Jeff.Hutchins@webbassociates.com (951) 248-4281
Interwest, A SAFEbuilt Company
Joe Indrawan jindrawan@interwestgrp.com (714) 899-9039
Precision Concrete Cutting
Ernesto Martinez emartinez@pccnorcal.com (866) 792-8006
Capital Program Management, Inc.
Carly Reich carlyr@capitalpm.com (916) 553-4400
KASA Construction, Inc.
Sam Kasbar SamK@KASAConstruction.com (909) 457-8260
Eve Nelson
enelson@mack5.com (510) 595-3020
R. E. Schultz Construction, Inc.
Richard Schultz
rick@reschultzconstruction.com (714) 649-2627
Agic Energy North America, Inc. Errol Leslie operations@agicenergy.com (858) 842-1513
California Dinner Adventure
Julio Duran julio@pirates-ca.com (714) 690-1497
Sky Elements Drone Shows Katherine Claeys Katherine@skyelementsdrones.com (817) 286-3400
Helix Environmental Planning
Kate Kirsh
kate@foothill.com (916) 435-1202
ZGolf Food & Beverage Services, LLC dba Wedgwood Weddings
Kevin Lyons
kevinl@wedgewoodweddings.com (951) 491-8110, Ex. 326
West Coast Arborists, Inc.
Amelia Menzel amenzel@wcainc.com (714) 991-1900
Most Dependable Fountains, Inc.
Vince McGrory info@mostdependable.com (901) 867-0039
Willoughby Stainless Fountains
David Moliterno DMoliterno@wsf-usa.com (317) 875-0830
Pape Machinery
Anthony Bertoldi abertoldi@papemachinery.com (916) 891-8293
Julia Teske
juliat@calsense.com (760) 438-0525
Hunter Industries
Mike Madewell michael.madewell@ hunterindustries.com (760) 744-5240
BFS Landscape Architects
Michelle Parravano michelle@bfsla.com (831) 646-1383
BMLA Landscape Architecture
Baxter Miller baxter@bmla.net (951) 737-1124
BrightView Design Group
Pedro Quijas pedro.quijas@brightview.com (949) 238-4900
Callander Associates Landscape Architecture, Inc.
Benjamin Woodside
bwoodside@cavalleyoffice.com (916) 985-4366
David Evans and Assoc. Inc.
Kim Rhodes
ksr@deainc.com (909) 481-5750
David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc.
David Volz
dvolz@dvolzdesign.com (714) 641-1300
GSM Landscape Architects, Inc.
Gretchen McCann
gretchen@gsmlainc.com (707) 255-4630
HAI, Hirsch & Associates, Inc.
Charles Foley chuck@hailandarch.com (714) 776-4340
Hermann Design Group, Inc. Chris Hermann chris@hdg-inc.com (760) 777-9131
Integra Planning & Landscape Architecture
Ric Hendricks ric@integrapla.com (707) 852-0500
KTU + A Planning & Landscape Architecture
Christopher Langdon chris@ktua.com (619) 294-4477
Melton Design Group, Inc. Gregory Melton Teresa@meltondg.com (530) 899-1616
Robert Stone rstone@nuvis.net (714) 754-7311
RHA Landscape ArchitectsPlanners, Inc.
Doug Grove dougg@rhala.com (951) 781-1930
RJM Design Group, Inc.
Larry Ryan larryr@rjmdesigngroup.com (949) 493-2600
Royston, Hanamoto, Alley & Abey Jules Schaafsma studio@rhaa.com (415) 383-7900
Schmidt Design Group, Inc. Glen Schmidt gschmidt@schmidtdesign.com (619) 236-1462
SSA Landscape Architects, Inc. Steven Sutherland steve@ssala.com (831) 459-0455
Verde Design, Inc. Derek McKee derek@verdedesigninc.com (408) 985-7200
Verde Design is a landscape architecture and civil engineering firm focused on public projects for K-14 schools, universities, and municipalities. Specializing in athletic fields, park design, and synthetic turf (over 450 fields and 150 replacements), the firm also provides in-house planting and irrigation services, with a strong emphasis on outdoor recreation.
Wood Rodgers, Inc. Kathryn Kim kkim@woodrodgers.com (916) 341-7760
My Bark Co., Inc.
Mary Yelton mybarkco@icloud.com (209) 786-4042
Turf Star, Inc.
Rick Danielson Rick.danielson@turfstar.com (800) 585-8001
Insane Impact
BJ Supple bsupple@insaneimpact.com (515) 221-2924
Gama Sonic USA Inc.
Federico Aguilar FAguilar@gamasonic.com (678) 736-8303 x116
Musco Sports Lighting
Michael Marchetti mike.marchetti@musco.com (949) 754-0503
The Christmas Light Guy Company
Andrea Trovao andrea.tclgc@gmail.com (562) 824-0542
Paul Bower paul@imagenagency.com (626) 593-9618
Melton Design Group, Inc.
Gregory Melton Teresa@meltondg.com (530) 899-1616
RJM Design Group, Inc.
Larry Ryan larryr@rjmdesigngroup.com (949) 493-2600
Gold Bug Park and Mine
Monique Plubell mplubell@cityofplacerville.org (530) 642-5207
Greenfields Outdoor Fitness
Sam Mendelsohn sam@greenfieldsfitness.com (888) 315-9037
Landscape Structures, Inc.
Megan Andrada meganandrada@playlsi.com (763) 972-5200
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc. Michael Bennett mike_b@recwest.com (818) 735-3838
RRM-CLM Services, LLC
Wareen Meyer warren@camprrm.com (602) 569-2333
All About Play/Little Tikes
Commercial Nor Cal
Glen Wurster glen@playgroundpros.com (916) 923-2180
BCI Burke Co, LLC
Sarah Lisiecki slisiecki@bciburke.com
Coast Recreation Inc. Jack Striegel Info@coastrecreation.net (714) 619-0100
Columbia Cascade Company Steve Kirn hq@timberform.com (503) 223-1157
Dave Bang Associates, Inc.
John Wormell john@davebang.com (800) 669-2585
Great Western Recreation
Tyler Kyriopoulos tyler@gwpark.com (435) 245-5055
Innovative Playgrounds Company
Alvino Larios alvino@innovplay.com (877) 732-5200
Kay Park-Recreation
Chad DeBoer chad@kaypark.com (319) 987-2313
KOMPAN Playgrounds
Jon Teberg jonteb@kompan.com (800) 426-9788
Landscape Structures, Inc.
Megan Andrada meganandrada@playlsi.com (763) 972-5200
Employee-owned designer and manufacturer of innovative play solutions maximizing design and play value, splash play, shade and outdoor fitness.
Melton Design Group, Inc.
Gregory Melton Teresa@meltondg.com (530) 899-1616
Miracle Playground Sales/Miracle Recreation
Kelly Spence kelly.spence@miracleplayground.com (800) 264-7225
Miracle Playsystems Inc.
Kit Steven kit@miracleplaygroup.com (800) 879-7730
Brian Gates bgates@mrcrec.com (800) 922-0070
Pacific Park and Play/Little Tikes Commercial
Guy Donahoe guytikes@gmail.com (714) 846-4885
John Ogden john@pdplay.com (760) 597-5990
At Public Restroom Company, we understand that one design does not fit all. That’s the beauty in our modular designs, every restroom floor plan is fl exible and customized to the specific needs of your location. Add-on storage for bigger park equipment or a concession stand for a ballpark. We are experts in building and delivering high-quality, low-maintenance, vandal-resistant prefab restrooms. Need More Storage? Just Add
Play & Park Structures
Michael Etchison metchison@recbrandsgroup.com (800) 727-1907
Anne-Marie Spencer aspencer@playcore.com (256) 630-2231
Playcraft Systems LLC
Summer Everist marketing@playcraftsystems.com (888) 571-7640
Playgrounds Unlimited
Michael Altieri mike@playgroundsunlimited.com (408) 244-9848
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc.
Michael Bennett mike_b@recwest.com (818) 735-3838
Ross Recreation Equipment Company, Inc.
Nick Philbin nickp@rossrec.com (707) 538-3800
Wyatt W. Underwood & Associates
Janet Giampaoli janet@wwuteam.com (213) 279-2455
Zasueta Contracting, Inc.
Andrew Zasueta azplaygrounds@cox.net (619) 589-0609
Western State Builders
Julian Moen julian@westernstatebuilder.com (760) 270-8639
Who Built Creative Builders Inc.
Jana Gebhardt-Fenk Jana@whobuilt.biz (707) 763-6210
Quentin Leborgne quentin.leborgne@eco-counter.com (514) 849-9779
Kimley Horn
Randall Kopff
randall.kopff@kimley-horn.com (619) 234-9411
MIG, Inc.
Cindy Mendoza cindym@migcom.com (510) 845-7549
B SAFE Playground Inspection Services, Inc.
Christopher Tait admin@bsafeinspection.com (916) 850-5071
Inspector Playground
James Stein info@inspectorplayground.com (888) 293-7889
Safe 2 Play - Certified Matters
Craig Faitel
CraigFaitel@gmail.com (925) 999-0117
American Solutions for Business
Glenn Leonard gleonard@americanbus.com (714) 504-2274
Stand Out Merch
Shane Maddox Shane@standoutmerch.com (415) 425-1824
Via Promotionals, Inc.
Marlene Via viapromos@yahoo.com (661) 254-4910
Toro Tents Banners & Displays Corp
Joel Delgadillo
torotents@gmail.com (747) 316-1975
FirstService Residential
Ashley Blair ashley.blair@fsresidential.com (949) 338-1908
Melton Design Group, Inc.
Gregory Melton
Teresa@meltondg.com (530) 899-1616
Amilia Anne-Sophie Leclerc anne-sophie.leclerc@amilia.com (877) 343-0004
Athletify, Inc. James Moore james@athletify.com (801) 210-0599
CivicPlus Scott Garrie garrie@civicplus.com (888) 228-2233
MyRec.com-Recreation Software Tracey Rivera Cooper Tracey@MyRec.com (802) 465-9732
OTTO APP Landon Schenck info@rec1.com (404) 668-4242
Rec Technologies Rachel Williams rachel@rec.us (415) 910-9224
RecStaff Gwen McEwen gwen@recstaff.com (250) 884-2126
Moore Recreation Therapy & Consulting, Inc.
Tamika Clement Moore tamica@mooreconsulting.com (530) 848-0224
Public Restroom Company
Chad Kaufman chad@publicrestroomcompany.com (888) 888-2060
Travis Olson risales@romtec.com (541) 496-3541
Anna Dezember anna@structurecast.com (661) 833-4490
Landscape Structures, Inc.
Megan Andrada meganandrada@playlsi.com (763) 972-5200
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc.
Michael Bennett mike_b@recwest.com (818) 735-3838
Shade ‘N Net
Rudy Martinez rudy@shade-n-net.com (800) 290-3387
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc.
Michael Bennett mike_b@recwest.com (818) 735-3838
iZone Imaging
Michael Dean
michael.dean@izoneimaging.com (254) 778-0722 ext. 151
DuMor, Inc.
Bryan Marousek bmarousek@dumor.com (800) 598-4018
Pure Design Werx, LLC
Voltaire Gomez
voltaire@puredesignwrx.com (619) 313-3858
RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc.
Michael Bennett
mike_b@recwest.com (818) 735-3838
R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co./Pilot Rock
Justin Jorgensen
jjorgensen@rjthomas.com (800) 762-5002
Complete Your Outdoor Space with Pilot Rock site products
R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. designs and manufactures the Pilot Rock® brand of park, street and camp site products. Our product line includes picnic tables, campfire rings, park benches, charcoal grills, trash & recycling receptacles, bicycle racks, bearresistant receptacles, and much more. Proudly made in the USA since 1959.
SyberTech Waste Reduction Ltd.
Robert Mitchell
rmitchell@swrl.com (888) 888-7975
American Ramp Company
Josh Willis joshw@americanrampcompany.com (417) 206-6816 x 107
Spohn Ranch, Inc. Custom
Skate Parks
Aaron Spohn aaron@spohnranch.com (626) 330-5803
Productive Parks, LLC
Stephen Dittemore steve@productiveparks.com (630) 765-4252
A-G Sod Farms, Inc.
Joel Addink jaddink@agsod.com (951) 687-7581
Mario Gamboa mariogamboa@jetmulch.com (866) 306-8524
TMT Enterprises, Inc.
Matt Moore matt@tmtenterprises.net (408) 432-9040
West Coast Turf Danielle Scardino danielle@westcoastturf.com (760) 340-7300
First Serve Productions Chanel Johnson chanel@firstservepro.com (925) 872-3159
Lynne Lees lynne.lees@thekyagroup.com (714) 659-6477
Trueline Ed Kruse trueline40@gmail.com (951) 817-0777
Jeff Schuldt js@tinymobilerobots.com (404) 595-1145
Turf Tank
Diana Durdeu diana.durdeu@turftank.com (877) 396-4094
Grand Slam Safety, LLC
Dean Lehman deanl@grandslamsafety.com (315) 301-4039
NGI Sports a Division of River City Athletics
Cory Brisbin cbrisbin@ngisports.com (775) 544-6306
Re-Tek West (502) 744-9946
Brock USA
David Brown
dbrown@brockusa.com (303) 544-5800
Motz Group
Shaun Garrity sgarrity@usgreentech.com (513) 533-6452
Shaw Sports Turf
Jennifer Muse
jennifer.muse@shawinc.com (706) 879-3643
Elizabeth Anderson
landerson@spectraturf.com (951) 736-3579
Atomic Technology Solutions
Roberto Wong roberto.wong@atomicts.com (714) 368-3600
Outdoorlink Inc. David Ramirez dave@outdoorlinkinc.com (256) 885-9768
PLAYCE Studio, Ltd
Cheryl Salazar cheryl@playcestudio.com (716) 695-1987
Stover Seed Co.
Stephen Knutson
Stephen_K@stoverseed.com (213) 626-9668
Soar into the fun of Volo™, a compact playstructure that ignites imagination and adventure for all! The inner ring is fully connected by the innovative LSI Flexx™, our own game-changing steel-reinforced cable netting that o ers a plethora of play sensations from bouncing and climbing to relaxing. Designed for seamless fun, this new Smart Play® playground design allows kids of all abilities to craft their own play journey in a perpetual loop of excitement. Whether seeking high-energy thrills or calm exploration, Volo is a multi-layered playground that invites every child to express and enjoy their unique play style.
To learn more, visit playlsi.com/volo
Nuehouse II for Landsea Homes Ontario, California