The Law Journal, Winter 2023

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CO N N EC T I N G T H E D OT S E X P E R T I N S I G H T S I N T O H O M E O W N E R C O M M U N I C AT I O N S By Karyn A. Larko, Esq.

The Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (California Civil Code (“CC”) §§4000-6150) mandates that certain association communications be provided to members by individual delivery and permits other communications to be provided by general delivery. This article explores the distinctions.


shown on the association’s records for the

board election process if the board

In accordance with Civil Code §4040 and

member by first-class mail, registered or

wants the option of electing directors

§4041, individual delivery is the delivery

certified mail, express mail, or overnight

of a communication in keeping with the


by acclamation. • Hearing and post-hearing notices (although these notices may also be

preferred delivery method(s) specified by the member in response to the association’s

If a member has never responded to a 4041

delivered personally).

annual request for member contact

Solicitation or submitted their contact


information to the association, individual

It is important to know that the Civil Code

delivery is achieved by sending the

imposes additional delivery requirements

As of January 1, 2023, §4041 requires

communication to the member’s on-site

for some communications. For example,

associations to solicit from each member

property address.

a member can request that the annual budget report and policy statement and

that member’s contact information and preferred method(s) for receiving

Communications that must be provided

certain communications pertaining to

association communications via individual

by individual delivery include, but are not

delinquent assessments be sent to as many

delivery (“4041 Solicitation”). Each member

limited to:

as four different mail or email addresses

is entitled to request that communications be sent to the member at one or two specified mailing addresses, one or two specified email addresses, or at a specified mailing address and a specified email address. If a member has not responded to the

• The annual budget report and policy statement. • Notice of an assessment increase or

or a combination of the two. Additionally, it mandates that certain delinquency communications be sent via certified mail.

special assessment. • Notice of a lapse, cancelation, nonrenewal, or significant change in the


association’s insurance.

In accordance with §4045, general delivery

• Notice of a newly adopted fine unless

is achieved by:

association’s most recent 4041 Solicitation,

the new fine was included in the most

• Individual delivery.

individual delivery is achieved by sending

recent policy statement.

• Inclusion of the communication in a

the communication to the last address

4 The Law Journal Winter 2023 |

• Certain notices are required during the

billing statement, newsletter, or other

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