Associations Get Better with Age
istory tells us that great missions take time and dedication to gain the momentum and success they command and deserve. The American Red Cross, for example, is more than 130 years old, started with a handful of local volunteers and now has 13 million volunteers in 187 countries. Similarly, United Way celebrated its 125th anniversary last year, and has been able to help countless individuals and families achieve their human potential through its growth into nearly 1,800 community-based chapters in 40 countries and territories. CACM is now entering its 23rd year and, while that may not seem like a long stint compared to the aforementioned organizations, the accomplishments we have made in that time have been significant – the passage of AB 555, which defined certification; career training with more than 200 professional courses and programs offered each year; the establishment of a Code of Professional Ethics; and the development of a masters level certification program – to name a few. And, there are many more accomplishments on our horizon that support the growth and professionalism of this industry. As we travel along the path toward our third decade, CACM is poised to solidify our relevance in California’s growing CID market and reinvent where necessary. We are hard at work identifying key aspects of the CACM brand that will strengthen our foundation, enable us to spread the word about this profession and, most importantly, showcase professional managers like you who fulfill a vital need in our great state. As your advocate, CACM continues to build respect and recognition for the community management profession, and we remain committed to the ideals that drive our organization, including: • CACM’s difference is our California expertise. • Our ability to provide community managers with career growth and professional development solidifies our relevance in this industry. • There is pride in the fact that we were formed by community managers, for community managers. • We are all united in our efforts to create opportunities for a community of professionals to connect and learn from one another. When I look ahead to your future and our evolution within the industry, one thing’s for sure: CACM is the first choice for California community managers seeking professional growth and development. And yes – we do get better with age.
Karen D. Conlon, CCAM President & CEO | Vision Fall 2013