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Nominate Outstanding Colleagues for 2022 CVMA Awards!
The past few years have served as a great challenge to many in the veterinary profession. Between adhering to rapidly changing COVID-19 workplace regulations, successfully navigating the unexpected boom in pet ownership, and then transitioning back to a pre-COVID (or hybrid) workplace, veterinary personnel have displayed their hard work, resiliency, and love for animals. Many of your colleagues have particularly rose to the occasion during this tumultuous period, perhaps working long hours while still finding time to mentor, devoting their free time to improving their communities, or participating in organized veterinary medicine to keep the needs of the profession front and center.
Every year, the CVMA recognizes dedicated and exemplary veterinary professionals through a series of specifically designated awards. The awards are o ered in several categories and include veterinarians, registered veterinary technicians, organizations, and others who contribute to the veterinary community. We rely on the veterinary community that works alongside special people, organizations, and animals to provide us with nominations so that we can make sure to honor those who are truly exceptional.
If you know someone who has made a significant di erence and who you believe deserves to be recognized, please nominate them for one of the awards listed below. The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2021. Award recipients will be recognized in the 2022 May/June issue of the California Veterinarian and honored at next year’s CVMA Awards and Installation Ceremony.
CVMA Award Categories
Lifetime Achievement
This is the CVMA’s most prestigious award, which recognizes a member of the CVMA who has made noteworthy contributions to the advancement of veterinary medicine. Veterinarians who have exerted outstanding leadership in organized veterinary medicine and/or who have otherwise contributed significantly to veterinary medicine in California are honored.
Distinguished Life Membership
Distinguished Life Membership is the CVMA’s highest membership honor and is awarded to an individual who has significantly exceeded membership obligations through active participation in CVMA leadership.
California Animal Hall of Fame
This award honors animals who exemplify the a ection, loyalty, security, and value of the human-animal bond through unselfish and courageous accomplishments.
Outstanding RVT of the Year in Private Practice
This award honors RVTs in private practices who possess outstanding professional ability and takes into account educational achievements, individual contributions, professional a liations, and special experience that sets them apart from others.
Linda Markland RVT of the Year in Non-Private Practice
This award recognizes RVTs in non-private practices who possess outstanding professional ability and takes into account educational achievements, individual contributions, professional a liations, and special experience that sets them apart from others.
RVT’s Outstanding DVM of the Year in California
This honor is awarded to a progressive veterinarian who utilizes their RVTs and sta to their fullest potential and emphasizes the importance of an educated, certified professional technical sta .
Meritorious Service Award
Nominees for the award can be an individual giving special attention to the human-animal bond, a special program or service o ered by an organization, or a media publication that demonstrated a commitment to coverage of veterinary or animal-related stories.
Outstanding Service Award
This award honors those who have been excellent representatives of the profession through active community involvement and/or veterinary service, including participation in veterinary and/or nonveterinary groups and associations.
Additional descriptions of each award, nominating criteria, and convenient forms are available under the Membership tab at cvma.net. You may contact the CVMA by calling 800.655.2862 or via email at sta @cvma.net for more information and nomination forms.