1 minute read
Members are the heart of the CVMA
Esmeralda Huerta, RVT
Mt. San Antonio College
What is your life philosophy?
If you believe strongly in something, stand up and fight for it.
I knew I was in the right profession when I was able to wake up every day, go to work, and genuinely enjoy my day no matter the ups and downs that came with it.
The best decision I ever made was getting married to my best friend, Casimar, and having our son, Kingston.

A TV show that has impacted my life is Friends and Gilmore Girls; I couldn’t choose one.
If I could have dinner with any famous person in history, it would be Bob Marley—I would want to discuss his view on life and people.
I still want to learn how to cook like my mother to keep her traditions going, especially Posole.
I am a CVMA member because: I love to stay involved so I can know what’s going on in my profession, relay that information, and mentor fellow technicians that I lead.