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March 11–13, 2022

CVMA Spring Seminar in Yosemite

Registration Opens

October 18

Join us in person for valuable CE and scenic views at the CVMA’s 2022 Spring Seminar!

Located at the breathtaking Yosemite Valley Lodge in Yosemite National Park, this weekend-long seminar will provide veterinarians the opportunity to earn up to 12 approved CEUs, gain essential experience and knowledge, and network and re-connect with peers from across the state.

With classes being held in the mornings, afternoons will be free to savor the park’s beauty and explore the national park’s pristine landscape.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! The CVMA Spring Seminar sells out early every year, so be sure to secure your spot as soon as registration opens on October 18, 2021. Please note, registration forms will not be accepted prior to October 18th.

Seminar Session Speakers

Craig Gri n, DVM, DACVD, Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologist

Topic: Dermatology


Topic: Nephrology/Urology


Yosemite Valley Lodge

9006 Yosemite Lodge Drive, Yosemite National Park, CA 95389

$179 (Thursday) $221 (Friday/Saturday) per night plus tax

Group code 13B5KB


The Ahwahnee

1 Ahwahnee Drive

Yosemite National Park, CA 95389

$385 (Thursday) $426 (Friday/Saturday) per night plus tax

Discounted rates available until January 25, 2022 or until the group block fills up, whichever comes first. Reserve your room online at travelyosemite.com or by calling the central reservations o ce at 888.413.8869.

Sponsored by cvma.net

Watch for email notifications or visit the Learning tab at cvma.net for the latest updates and COVID protocols.

For more information and to see course descriptions, visit the Learning tab at cvma.net or call 800.655.2862.

CVMA 2022 Spring Seminar

CVMA Spring Seminar Registration Form

March 11-13, 2022 • Yosemite, California

Use one form per registrant and only fill out if you won’t be registering online. Please complete this form and return with payment to the CVMA office. Registering for the seminar does not also register you for a hotel room. Please see the bottom of the form for information on how to secure a hotel room.

CVMA Member: m Yes m No

Attendee Name (Dr.):

Mailing Address:


Do you want us to use this information to update your CVMA profile? m Yes m No

Phone: Fax:


Registration includes: Twelve maximum CEUs for DVMs, a syllabus, a certificate of attendance, and daily continental breakfast for registered conference attendees

CVMA MEMBERS by after Dec. 10 Dec. 10 m DVM $295 $325

NON-MEMBERS by after Dec. 10 Dec. 10 m DVM $395 $425

Guests Breakfast Tickets

m Guests Continental Breakfast # @ $30/day $

(Family members and guests of conference attendees, ages 3 and older, can enjoy the continental breakfast for $30 each per day. )

Hotel Information

Yosemite Valley Lodge

9006 Yosemite Lodge Dr., Yosemite National Park, CA 95389

Room rates – (Thursday) $179, (Friday/Saturday) $221 per night.

(Applicable taxes and fees apply).

The Ahwahnee

1 Ahwahnee Dr., Yosemite National Park, CA 95389

Room rates – (Thursday) $385, (Friday/Saturday) $426 per night.

(Applicable taxes and fees apply).

Conference Location

Yosemite Valley Lodge

9006 Yosemite Lodge Dr., Yosemite National Park, CA 95389

Conference registration does NOT include a hotel room.


Enclosed is a check for $ Charge my VISA/MasterCard/Discover/AMEX $

Credit Card Number

Expiration Date

Cardholder Name

Cardholder Signature

CVV Code

By registering for the CVMA Yosemite Spring Seminar, I agree to the terms and conditions of this seminar. Visit cvma.net for up-to-date information.

Book your room by January 25, 2022 by calling 888.413.8869 or online at travelyosemite.com and use CVMA group code 13B5KB. Visit cvma.net for full hotel rate information. Receive the Spring Seminar discounted hotel rate through January 25, 2022 or until the room block sells out, whichever comes first. Guest rooms are limited to conference attendees only. Limit of two rooms.

General Information

Mail, along with payment, to: CVMA, 1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815, or you can register online at cvma.net, by fax: 916.646.9156, or call 800.655.2862.

Registration fee includes: 12 hours continuing education maximum, syllabus, certificate of attendance, and daily continental breakfast for the conference attendee.

Reasonable Accommodation Request: To request a reasonable accommodation (alternate formats, interpreters, or special dietary needs) to participate in this seminar, please contact Della Yee by phone at 916.649.0599, TTY 711, or email dyee@cvma.net with your specific accommodation needs.

Consent to Use Photographic Images: Registration and attendance at or participation in the CVMA Spring Seminar and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the CVMA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, video, electronic reproductions, and audio of such events and activities.

Cancellation/Refund Policy: All cancellation requests must be sent in writing via fax, email, or regular mail no later than January 7, 2022 to receive a full refund, less 10 percent administration fee.

Attn: Meetings & Events Department

California Veterinary Medical Association-Yosemite Spring Seminar

1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100

Sacramento, CA 95815

By fax: 916.646.9156

By email: staff@cvma.net

If you have any changes or additions to this form after submission, please call us at 800.655.2862.

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