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CAVMRC Deploys to the Caldor Fire
Several weeks after the Caldor Fire erupted in El Dorado County in early August, the El Dorado County Animal Services requested assistance from the California Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps (CAVMRC) to provide veterinary medical resources and care to animals housed in emergency and cohabitation shelters throughout the region. Immediately after receiving the deployment call, CVMA staff members sprang into action to pull together the effort. On the ground, the volunteers were directed by veteran field coordinators Dr. Jay Kerr, Dr. Noel Dybdal, Dr. Jeff Smith, and Dr. Karen Krstich, who were supported by Dr. Dave Turoff, the CAVMRC County Coordinator for El Dorado County.
The CAVMRC would like to express its gratitude to everyone who made this deployment possible, with special thanks to all of the volunteers who answered the deployment call. Faced with extreme heat, hazardous air quality, and 12-hour shifts, those deployed provided outstanding care to animals and made a tremendous difference despite difficult circumstances.
Looking to support the CAVMRC? Please donate to the California Veterinary Medical Foundation, which helps fund the work of the CAVMRC during disasters. To donate, visit https://cvmf.net/how-to-help/.