Component 1

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Calin Costea

Component 1 Hotel

Context •

Inspiration From Architects • Design Brief • Specification • Location • Mood board • Primary Sketches Drawings using mood board as inspiration • Drawings using ‘Leisure’ as inspiration • Drawings using ‘Nature’ as inspiration • Building Sketches Inspiration from primary structural design • Model 1 • Development • Model 2 • Development • Model 3 • Development • Model 4 • Development • Ground Floor/ Restaurant • First Floor • Second Floor • Third Floor • Interior Design • Final Idea (Initial Model) • Final Idea (Development) • Final Idea (Finished Design)

Design Brief Hotels have always been known as big expensive buildings that travellers book their rooms at when they are travelling abroad; but for my hotel, I will make a change of that by constructing a smaller yet efficient hotel. My hotel will only have a certain amount of rooms, which will be separated by the size of the room and the floor that it is in. I will have three floors in my hotel. Not only that but it will be surrounded by a natural and organic environment. I want to create a healthy living environment surrounded by trees and a clean lake that will astonish the customer when they arrive. Not to forget that the hotel will be situated in a area where they have plenty of restaurants to choose from, bars that they can party at night, movie theatres where they can watch a movie if they prefer, and a beautiful massive park that the customers can walk around and enjoy the open land. I want to give a chance to the travellers and all customers in general who are looking to rent a place at the hotel which is not expensive due to its small size but also beneficial for the reason that they have plenty of choices and places to visit while they last there.

Specification • • • • • • • •

A small canteen area where people who stay in can come and eat lunch or dinner. Everyone will share the same cafeteria and restaurant. Each room will include their own bathroom. A restaurant (for lunch and dinner) A cafeteria (to deliver breakfast or coffee/tea) A leisure and relaxed space. Natural and organic environment. Beds for the travellers.

Inspiration from Architects Rafiq Azam

Mamun Residence

Volodymyr Nepyivoda

Rokia Afzal Vacation House

Chatel 4.0

Relax Park Verholy

Location Timișoara, Romania My chosen location is a place in Romania called Timisoara; a specific place called ‘Parcul Andrei Mocioni’ the reason I done this is because this is the area where I grew up and I have a personal connection with this city. I find the area positive with a lot of green surrounding. Which would benefit for my nature theme. Plus the city is a busy place so there is entertainment and other places to visit around so the customers are happy with the area and the hotel. On the right side there is a screenshot of my location and how I have chosen four possible places where I could situate my hotel.

Building Sketches

I used existing map pictures so that I could start to think on how to build my structures and how they should be placed when I'm comparing it to my own location. Using 8 different locations with a variety of streets and places I was able to construct a series of models for those chosen locations. It helped grasp a better understand on the placement of my structures because I have to be careful about the surrounding since it is based on a industrial tourist area so the construction will have to be taken with great care.

I collected a wide range of pictures that will help me to understand my project a bit more and I will use these pictures as my inspiration to draw from. I collected pictures from ‘Leisure’ places; locations that are relaxed and seem calm for the target media, I will then use this for my own project so that I can understand what kind of location to build my project on. Next I collected information on ‘Natural & Organic’ places because I want my project to be surrounded a healthy environment, and that is where my idea of the lake comes in. For my final idea I have collected pictures of ‘Small Hotels’ since that is what my project will be mainly based about after that I realised that I needed to collect ‘Interior Design’ pictures as well; after collecting all these images I have understood better on what I’m planning to do next to make my project a success.

Primary Sketches

Inspiration From Structural Designs

I went to the Natural History Museum located in London to take primary pictures of what I will draw on in the future. I want to use these extraordinary looking rocks as a natural form to draw on and apply these on to my own project. These objects are also related to my Natural & Organic topic that I’m aiming for so it gives me a better understanding of what I should focus on. Furthermore, I will use these natural forms for my own set of drawings based on real sized buildings that I took primary pictures on.

After I took the pictures in the Natural History Museum, I decided to draw them on my own perspective. I can use these drawings when I’m planning to construct my own building. In order to do this I will bond a certain amount of pictures together to form a final type of drawing in which I will then use it as a model for the future when I’m creating my final piece of work. For my next models I will illustrate which different pictures I combined together and how it was created step by step. The reason for this is because the customer will understand how the process was made and the reason why the final piece of work will look like what it does.

This set of idea has been carefully worked throughout since it only started from one floor and it has been developed for up to three floors. My current drawing appear to make the place seem too small for my specific theme but the reason to that is because I wanted to start by focusing on more smaller areas so that it helps me focus more on the complexity of the structure. Later on when I would be using ArchiCAD I would increase the size of the structure to make it more suitable for a hotel compartment. I used an existing picture of a building to use as an inspiration; I really like the picture that I chose because I think that it is structured very well and it contains a good design with an efficient purpose.

I created this idea by using the picture as my inspiration and manipulating my drawing over and over again to the point where it came with a structure that was impractical but yet interesting to look at. I decided to use this for my own purpose and build upon it. I have come across many different types of way in which the structure had to change in different ways; and it was beneficial to me because it helped me understand visually different types of buildings. The structure seems impractical at first but it’s meant to be like that because if I choose it as my final project then I will decide to work on it and develop it by combining it with the rest of my ideas and create a final piece of drawing.

I gained this idea by building several models on locations and I chose what was the most efficient out of the rest. I then improved it so it wouldn’t be just a simple triangle and changed the overall design. The top front area is a eating outside area in which the individuals can enjoy the green background while enjoying their food. I want to create the best experience that they could receive.

The images on the very far left of the page are what I used as an inspiration when creating these ideas. I developed on that idea by creating a drawing on the left and change it in a way in which it is much more different. The drawings on the bottom are from the model I created using the picture as an inspiration. Once again when creating the model I developed more onto the idea and it looks completely different from the first step. I used aluminium bars to create my model because it’s related to the drawing I done that is consisted on lines. Plus the material I used was easy to work with and would make it look very interesting at the end. This is an idea that hasn’t been developed to the point where I can apply it as an actual building. The reason for this is because at the beginning I wanted to focus more on quick models that I can create and at the end I will take certain element from different models and apply it to my final one.

Front view

Side view

Back view

I put together a range of drawings from pictures that I collected on the trip and decided to use ‘free line’ as a drawing inspiration. It was a new technique that I haven’t tried before and I found it interesting to work with, by using the raw model on the left side I constructed a structure that could be applied to a modern hotel with the specification and context that I am applying. I included sketches and elevations to start of my idea and I have more drawings included to showcase different views from my structure. I have included front, side and back views which will serve of great use when reviewing the project; so it can be understood more easily.




Ground Floor / Restaurant Outside Eating Area The reason I am adding an outside eating area is because it fits with my theme of leisure and I can implement nature to it so it meets the design brief while making it aesthetically pleasing at the same time. I will have no more than 2 tables outside in which the clients can have dinner on. The clients would be satisfied since the location that I picked doesn’t suffer from rains or wind that might discomfort the clients that want to eat outside.

First Floor Stairs

Single Room

Double Room

I visited a event called “100% Design” in which many creators brought their own work to showcase. This event helped me gather great resource for interior design for my project, since I saw a lot of interesting structures and fascinated me. Also their choice of materials to their projects is eco-friendly which is linked to my theme based on nature, so it is good that I will use these pictures as an inspiration. I am also focusing on the interior design since I want it to be renovating, and I believe that visiting “100% Design” has helped me achieve this.

These are all drawings that are based off pictures I took from the internet and I put them in my Secondary Research Moodboard. Once again I didn’t plan to spend too much time on the secondary research by doing plenty of drawings because I wanted to focus more on my primary research that I took when I went on a trip. I only selected certain elements from the three different drawings that I plan to use for my own project. I’m planning to have a variety of rooms because my hotel will be of a small scale one so I am not able to have a lot of rooms. So I plan to have three different floors and the biggest room is going to be on the top floor, all the rooms will have a bathroom, bedroom; but only the room situated at the top floor will contain a kitchen. The reason to this is because I plan to keep the size of my building as minimal as possible. A restaurant will be located on the ground floor. I will do further work on that in my next slides.

Final Idea – Initial Model

I decided to start my final idea as a simple model in Sketchup; to work out through the best choices for my final design. By this I mean that I wanted to work through different structures to see which one fits my design brief better; the reason to this is because I want to bring out the most of my project. By constructing a square based structure it can help me to not limit any of my interior design and I can focus more on the aesthetic of the building rather than the way that the structure is built. I decided to start with 3 floors in my start-up, however it might change in the future since this is just a start-up model to get me on the right track. The first two floors will contain a set rooms and a restaurant on the ground floor, while the very top floor (3 rd floor) will be for a cafe area and many seats and tables for the customers to sit and have a relaxed time. Thanks to my chosen location, I can focus on a area where it will most of the time be warm so that the customers can spend time outside without feeling too cold.

This is my final idea, once used my SketchUp Idea as an inspiration, I decided to go on further and change the overall layout and design style to the point in which ended up being completely different. This is close to the that I am still working under development to improve it even further and apply my own creativity to it. I have used the materials to create my design because it makes the overall model look more sophisticated. However, I might use laser cut next time instead of working by hand because certain walls and windows ended up looking slightly rusty.

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