Chartridge Village Newsletter Autumn 2015

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Autumn 2015


News & views for the Chartridge community

Summer sunshine





Autumn 2015


OCT. 3RD SEE p.7

Pond Party 2015 photoS: pages 4-5

COME TO THE AGM! The CV-RA’s first AGM, is to be held on Monday, October 12, 2015 at 8pm, in The Bell on Chartridge Lane. This is the most important meeting of the year and, all members, and indeed those interested in joining for the year ahead, are very welcome. Volunteers are also invited to put themselves forward to help out or join on the committee. You can do this on the night or email our the CV-RA’s secretary, Karen Woodward on



~ Science award. . . . . p3 ~ Big interview . . . . . p6 ~ Caption comp. . . . . p6


Autumn 2015


President’s letter

Welcome I

t’s a busy time of year,

back to school for many, and back to the serious business of work after the slower pace of how time moves through the warmer summer months. Oh well! But there’s lots to look forward to in Chartridge— not least our first ‘Fun Dog Show’ on October 3rd—bring along your pampered pooch and enter one (or more!) of our eight classes of competition. We have even made plans for if it rains! (See page 7). And just over a week later, on October 12th, we will be holding the first CV-RA AGM. This is important to establish us for the future and I really hope you can come and help decide our future plans. We will need to vote in the new committee and broaden the appeal and impact of what we do. New ideas are always welcome and never more so that at the AGM. I look forward to seeing you! And finally following the elections in May your parish councillors are now Chris Howell, Ellie White, Peter Jones & Alan Booth contact them through www. Alan Booth CV-RA President


Events calendar






Dog Show

Franklin Field




The Bell



Frogmore Paper Mill





The Bell





Bingo & Bangers

The Bell


Hughenden Manor





Waddesden–Christmas Market Excursion



CV-RA Meeting

The Bell



Christmas Sing-Song

Reading Rooms


Boxing Day Cricket

Franklin Field

6pm 11.30am

zCV-RA Caption Competition

n Send it your suggestions to

and we’ll post them on the website. Then we’ll pick out a kids’ and adults’ winner. There are no prizes but there will be eternal glory! n Look out for further photograph competitions on our website in October, November & December!




Autumn 2015

Danyal Abbasi is first winner of Rosalind Franklin Science Award


anyal Abbasi became

the first winner of the Dr Rosalind Franklin Science Award at Chartridge School’s prize-giving assembly in July. Designed to look like the Reading Room’s blue plaque—unveiled in July at the village hall in honour of Rosalind’s grandparents Caroline and Arthur Franklin —Head Teacher, Mr Steven Butler explained that the trophy was to be presented annually, to the girl or boy considered the most successful science student each year. Mr Butler said: “Dany was recognised for his diligence, perseverance and

inquisitiveness in Science. He demonstrated a good grasp of science concepts and was able to apply these well in investigation activities; understanding the need for fair testing, making predictions

and drawing conclusions. He has a curious mind and would often challenge hypotheses or ask questions to develop his understanding”. Given to the school by the Chartridge Village Residents’ Association, the award was conceived in honour of Dr Rosalind Franklin, whose work included taking the first-ever photograph of DNA’s structure, ‘Photo 51’, and ground breaking work into the Polio virus. Rosalind often stayed with her grandparents at Chartridge Lodge—now the conference centre—when she was a primary school-aged girl. —Hilary Rose

Blue Plaque Day


embers of the Franklin family were welcomed to Chartridge Reading Rooms, in July, to see Norman Franklin, grandson of Caroline and Arthur Franklin, unveil the CV-RA’s blue plaque in their honour. For more photos and coverage please visit the website


Autumn 2015


Chartridge Pond Party

Summer fun, music, food & games at Chartridge Pond


choice of songs was well received. We are grateful to Marc for his time and his music. Thank you! A children’s corner had face painting, seed planting and Trevor Woodward’s tractor to climb on. The popular tombola was once again well stocked for adults and children alike. Other stalls included ‘Guess How Many Lego Pieces in the Jar’, ‘Name the Teddy Bear’ and ‘Pin the Beak on the Duck’. Local Chiltern ‘Indie Authors’ had a stall and one of their writers, Amanda Hatter, read to the children from her novel ‘Callum Fox and

sunny afternoon with a gentle

breeze was perfect weather for the Annual Pond Party on 11th July, 2015. Many brought their rugs to sit on the freshly cut grass to enjoy the occasion. A very relaxed atmosphere was enhanced by the live music of Marc Wellbourne whose


Chartridge Pond Party


Autumn 2015

n Chartridge Lodge & Conference Centre;

the Mousehole Ghost’. (Available to buy from Amazon; For those who were a little more energetic there was a giant Jenga game, Limbo and Boules set up on the green. All proved popular with adults and children alike and combined to create a friendly, competitive spirit. There was a mini beer festival run by Philip Bailey of The Bell, who also served delicious burgers and hotdogs. The CVRA would like to offer their thanks to the raffle prize sponsors for the their support:

n The Bell Public House; n Joanne Kirby; n Julia Cheeseman; and n Naweeda Stevenson.

Thanks must also go to everyone who donated tombola prizes and who gave their time to help to set up and clear up! And finally, of course, to all who came and whom we hope enjoyed the afternoon. Let’s do it again next year! —Richard Brown, CV-RA Pond Party Organiser


Autumn 2015


In person



* “I love Chartridge village”

Village Interview “ Szeretem Chartridge falut...” *


szter has lived in

Chartridge for six years, impressing many with her tasty baking (she has been a regular and generous supplier to the Chartridge Café); her handcrafted jewellery and also her beautiful patio-garden. Eszter grew up in north eastern Hungary. On arriving in England in 2001, at the age of 19, she worked, in Bellingdon, as an au pair for two families and over the course of two years, improved her English to the level required for her to study full-time for a degree in jewellery design and metalwork at The Bucks New Uni in Wycombe. Where did her creative flair come from? She told me how, at the age of eight, she set up a little business for fun, using her mother’s buttons and beads to make earrings and also repairing broken necklaces and bracelets. Her grandfather designed Eszter a business card. As an older child she went on to design and make her own clothes and studied a wide range of art subjects at school—even learning how to make her own jewellery making tools. Eszter spoke very warmly of her love of Chartridge and its people. Living in a few other places in Bucks she said her best years have been spent in Chartridge which she loves for its friendly people, the peace and quiet, and its ideal location near both London and countryside, great for walks with her Victorian Bulldog, Judge. n To see more about Eszter’s jewellery please see related article on the website:

best Probably the artridge coffee in Ch


Blue skies, butterflies & some Barbaras


n one of the hottest days of

the year I was joined by a trio of Barbara’s for the CV-RA trip to Butterfly World in St Albans. If you have never been I thoroughly recommend that you put that right! And if you have small children, then so much the bette! We did not have small children but that did not stop Barbara (let’s call her Barbara No. 1) and me from exploring the giant plant pot (pictured, above). This lovely development is sitting right next to the M25 but you wouldn’t know it. It has a long driveway, lined with wild flowers and on reaching the centre, itself, you find a clever mix of display gardens, education rooms for different insects and of course the butterflies in various colours and sizes— all fluttering gently around you. If you want to join in another excursion—or suggest one—you can contact us at uk. And you don’t have to be called Barbara to do so... If you do go to Butterfly World, then you may want to incorporate a trip to The Garden of the Roses which adjoins. A ticket for one discounts on the other. For more information please visit: —Julia Cheeseman CHARTRIDGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY n The Autumn Show—Picture Gallery: Please go over to the website at www.chartridge. to view photographs.

COMING UP: Chartridge ‘Fun Dog Show’ 2015


Autumn 2015


Oct. 3, 2015


BBQ from 1pm

FUN DOG SHOW Franklin Field, Chartridge


ome to the CV-RA’s first ‘fun dog show’ on Saturday, 3 October 2015 — with a secret celebrity judge! Ssshh! We’re hoping the weather will hold, or the Indian Summer will arrive. There will be eight competition classes for our fourlegged friends: Prettiest Girl, Handsomest Boy, Best Veteran (over 7s), Cutest Puppy, Fancy Dress, Waggiest Tail, Musical Mats and a Sausage Race. There’ll also be a kids’ corner including face painting and giant games, a ‘Beat the Goalie’ game and tea,

coffee, kids’ drinks and eats. Thanks too must go to our confirmed prize sponsors: Joel Harding of Hillier Hopkins, Matt Ash of Ash Wills, Robert Kirby Builders, The Bell Public House, T G W Compaction Services and the CV-RA Membership. Thank you all for your very important support. Competition entry prices £2 per class, £1.50 for CV-RA members. Or £5 for 3 classes and £4 for CV-RA members. Please follow our simple rules. And common sense will apply on the day: n The judge’s decision will


be final. Play fair on the day! n Rosettes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. n Dogs must be kept under control, on their lead, at all times. n Owners to pick-up after their dog’s mess – bags will be available from the organising staff on the day. n No bitches ‘on heat’ please. This is a strict rule! n No puppies under 4 months — they’re too little. n No anti-social dogs. n Staff and Organisers cannot take any responsibility for any loss or damage caused to people, animals or property during the event.

Autumn 2015


Services & notices

Village Noticeboard

Berkeley Stores Ltd. Berkeley Avenue. Chesham Open: Monday–Friday: 6am to 9pm; Saturday: 6am to 8pm and Sunday: 6am to 5pm Call: 01494 783469

Watch OUT!


Cornwall Cottage Unique, dog-friendly, self-catering holidays. Grade 2* listed cottage in Veryan, Roseland, Cornwall. Website: Call: 01494 774290

he CV-RA, in

partnership with our local Community Safety Officer at Chiltern District Council, would like to encourage the development of some Chartridge Neighbourhood Watch Groups. We are currently investigating if there are groups still in existence and then we hope to set a meeting date for anyone who is interested towards the end of the year or early in 2016. If you have some experience of setting up a group or if you would like to help establish one in your neighbourhood then please contact us at campaigns@ We will be posting more information ahead of the meeting on the website and in our next newsletter.

Martin The Milkman Doorstep delivery of fresh milk, other dairy produce, bread, eggs, fruit juices & more. Call: 01442 833944 The Bucks Ki Aikido Club Classes every Thursday at Chartridge Reading Rooms (Village Hall). Children: 5 to 12 years: 6-7 pm. Adults: 7-9 pm. Email or Call 07813 108644 French Tuition Native French University graduate gives French tuition to any level. Children or adults. Reasonable fees. Call Elvire 01494 782878

Chartridge Village News is published quarterly and delivered free by the Chartridge Village Residents’ Association. n To join the CV-RA visit our website at or email the Treasurer: n To advertise in Chartridge Village News email

Amersham Fabrics Textile Printing & Embroidery, The Maltings, School Lane, Amersham Old Town. Email:

Chartridge Mission Church

Partner sponsor

CHAPEL LANE, CHARTRIDGE, CHESHAM, HP5 2TH Chartridge Mission Church, also known as Chartridge Chapel, is a Christian Fellowship drawn from different backgrounds which shares the concern that the Biblical Gospel Message faithfully taught here since 1844 continues to be shared in its entirety despite changing trends in a changing world. You are welcome to join us for worship every Sunday at 6pm

Telephone (01494): Sheila 837451; Keith 776481; or John 783505


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