WINTER 2015 / 2016
News & views for the Chartridge community
Autumn 2015
Xmas Fun 2015 photoS: pages 4-5
Was that winter?
JANUARY DAFFODILS Who can remember daffodils in the first week of January? Not me. It’s been a warm and wet winter, bringing almost no harsh weather but maybe many more bugs to get stuck up our noses and bring on coughs and sneezes. Who knows? Maybe the warmth of this season will extend through Spring into a long, hot Summer. We can only hope! But, for now, back to the Winter’s news...
~ Caption comp!. . . . p2 ~ Membership? . . . . . p6 ~ Fun Dog Show. . . . p7
winter 2015 / 2016
President’s letter
Welcome I
s your heating off yet?
What a crazy season it’s been! What is going on with the climate? What’s a frost? But we’ve had fun! It was a lovely Christmas around Chartridge even without much winter weather. Read about the events inside... So, what does the CV-RA do it all for? What is it all about? Where does the money go? People have been asking—so here are some answers. This newsletter is one item on the red side of the ledger, thankfully supported by our sponsor and advertisers. (Information on placing a small advert can be found on page 8) and also by the success of the Chartridge Café. We put on the free-to-attend events like the Christmas Sing-Song, where we ensure gifts for Santa to distribute to kids. Then there’s the Member’s Cream Tea afternoon in the Reading Rooms—this year to be held on St George’s Day. With the many events we stage we’ve had to buy public liability insurance—just in case! And the Dog Show for example—after which we’ve donated £220 to the Chiltern Dog Rescue. And then we’re ready to look after the pond. It might need a dredge this year and diggers can COST PLENTY. It’s all good fun! Alan Booth CV-RA President
Events calendar
29 Full CV-RA Meeting
The Bell
april 18 Full CV-RA Meeting
The Bell
23 Members’ Cream Tea
Reading Rooms
2 to 4pm
Franklin Fields
TBC pm
june 19 AGM / BBQ
july 16 Pond Party
Chartridge Pond from 2.30pm
september 18 Fun Dog Show 26 Full CV-RA Meeting
TBC pm
The Bell
The Bell
TBC pm
november 19 Bingo!
DECember 21 Christmas Gathering
Reading Rooms 6.30 to 8pm
26 Boxing Day Fun Cricket
Franklin Fields
TBC am
zCV-RA Caption Competition
n What is he saying in the speech bubble? Send in your answers to and we’ll post them on the website. There are no prizes but there will be eternal glory! n Look out for further photograph competitions on our website throughout the spring and summer!
winter 2015 / 2016
Repairs to school driveway and local footpath set for go-ahead
hartridge parish
council, through the ‘Local Area Forum’ bidding process has helped to secure funding to repair the Chartridge Combined School driveway and nearby paths. Severe potholes and other damage has led to the decision to completely remake the surface of the school’s drive for the first time in more than twenty years—and outside the budget of the school which has normal responsibility for its upkeep. Additional money has also been secured to repair the surface of the footpath that runs alongside Char-
SAVE THE DATE! for Members’ Cream Tea
his year the members’
Cream Tea Afternoon is moving slightly earlier in the years’ schedule. It will take place on April 23—which is also St George’s Day. We hope that members, new and long-standing, old and young, will be free to join us at the Reading Rooms for this free-to-attend event. n For details please refer to the
tridge Lane, from its junction with Westdean Lane to the corner of Cogdells Lane. This second tranche of funds was an unexpected win following recent deeper
POND PARTY tombola appeal bottles left undrunk since last Xmas and now you’re on a detox? Another giftpack of Old Spice for Dad taking up shelf space? You can donate surplus items to the CV-RA Pond Party tombola now! Email Or call Barbara on 837443.
cuts to local government direct grants following the UK government’s wider austerity agenda. Elsewhere, pothole damage to Cogdells Lane—that was part-filled in January— has already broken up in many places leaving the road in as poor condition as before the works [pictured, left]. Potholes can be reported online to Buckinghamshire County Council here: http:// report-it-pothole.aspx Other issues relating to roads or rights of way, etc., can be reported to Bucks CC here: http://www.buckscc.
FULL MEETINGS for all members to attend
e are hoping to go
back to holding regular meetings for the whole membership (more like we did 2014) to get together for an informal update. On these dates we also hope to host events or speakers. One idea is for a debate on the EU referendum following the success of this year’s General Election ‘Question Time’. n Please email president@
winter 2015 / 2016
Christmas in Chartridge
Singing & cricket
was the season to be
jolly and Chartridge residents came together to make merry at the CV-RA’s Christmas Sing Song and Boxing Day Fun Cricket events. Both calendar fxitures, now in a second year, and their popularity is clear. We hope that everyone who attended had a great time and if you were
unable to join us this time then we hope you will be able to make it next Christmas! There was a fine, festive crowd for the Christmas Gathering, in the village’s Reading Rooms. Father Christmas fitted us in to his busy schedule and bought treats for all the good children of Chartridge. Thank you Father Christmas. We are grateful to everyone who donated mince pies and sausage rolls and especially to our local Sainbury’s who
generously contributed to our festive spread. The evening was made all the merrier by the supping of mulled wine which in turn aided us in the singing of carols around the tree accompanied by our excellent pianist, Nick Moutrie. Thank you Nick! You’re booked :) Andrew and Pat O’Donnell won the raffle for the Christmas hamper, the proceeds of which helped fund the event. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets.
by Martin Cheeseman
BATTLE CRICKET On Boxing Day—undaunted by a somewhat muddy field— residents gathered for some seasonal cricket. Teams (and I use the term loosely) led by Alan and Martin battled it out for the honour of winning. Well, absolutely nothing, as it happens. The rain held off, some Christmas lunch leftovers were consumed, the odd passer-by, and dog-walkers in funky jackets, were enlisted to play and the excesses of Christmas Day
were gently worked off. Thank you all of our brave participants and to Sarah Beeson for scoring—not an easy task with some interesting interpretation of the rules of cricket by the respective teams. Who won? Well it went down to the last over with Martin’s team needing one run to win by the end of the over Alan’s team had won by 12 runs! As I said the scoring was a bit strange. We look forward to seeing you at events in 2016.
winter 2015 / 2016
winter 2015 / 2016
Why not join us?
Chartridge’s first ‘Fun Dog Show’
winter 2015 / 2016
Chartridge’s first dog show—thank you!
aturday 3rd October arrived and that could only mean one thing... it was CHARTRIDGE DOG SHOW DAY! The day started at 8.30am with Trevor & Karen Woodward, Robert & Joanne Kirby, and Richard Brown setting up the main ring on the Franklin Field. There were the entrants’ table, prizes, kids’ corner which included face-painting, “Beat the Goalie”, giant Connect 4, Twister, and Jenga to set-up—all to keep the little ones entertained
during the afternoon (and all free of charge). The Chartridge Café served refreshments and a delicious BBQ was served by Elvire and Phil Bailey from our very own The Bell public house. Jo Smith and Christine Brooks ran the all-important entrants’ table. The CV-RA would particularly like to thank the judges for the day who were vet Viki Ayres, local dad and comedian, Alex Horne and Joyce Smith. Our class winners One—The Prettiest Girl won by Daisy, a Dachshund
Two—The Handsomest Dog won by Ted, a Dogue de Bordeaux Three—Best Veteran won by Judge, a Victorian Bull Dog aged 9 ¾ Four—Cutest Puppy won by Alba a Cocker spaniel aged 7 months Five—Fancy Dress won by Ozzy, a Border Collie Six—Dog with the waggiest tail won by Bilbo, a Cavachon Seven—Musical Mats was won by Rupert, a Jack Russell x Westie Eight —Sausage Race won by Frankie, a Dalmatian cross
winter 2015 / 2016
Services & notices
Village Noticeboard
Berkeley Stores Ltd. Berkeley Avenue. Chesham Open: Monday–Friday: 6am to 9pm; Saturday: 6am to 8pm and Sunday: 6am to 5pm Call: 01494 783469
THANK YOU to Sainsbury’s
Cornwall Cottage Unique, dog-friendly, self-catering holidays. Grade 2* listed cottage in Veryan, Roseland, Cornwall. Website: Call: 01494 774290
he CV-RA, would like to extend
its deep gratitude for the kind, timely and generous support that Sainsbury’s Chesham branch extended by its support of our Christmas Gathering night in December. The Sainbury’s community team donated mince pies, crisps and soft drinks in ample supply, which greatly eased the burden to the association, of putting on this free-to-the-residents event. Thank you!
Martin The Milkman Doorstep delivery of fresh milk, other dairy produce, bread, eggs, fruit juices & more. Call: 01442 833944 The Bucks Ki Aikido Club Classes every Thursday at Chartridge Reading Rooms (Village Hall). Children: 5 to 12 years: 6-7 pm. Adults: 7.30-9 pm. Email or Call 07813 108644 French Tuition Native French University graduate gives French tuition to any level. Children or adults. Reasonable fees. Call Elvire 01494 782878
Chartridge Village News is published quarterly and delivered free by the Chartridge Village Residents’ Association. n To join the CV-RA visit our website at or email the Treasurer: n To advertise in Chartridge Village News email
Amersham Fabrics Textile Printing & Embroidery, The Maltings, School Lane, Amersham Old Town. Email:
Chartridge Mission Church
Partner sponsor
CHAPEL LANE, CHARTRIDGE, CHESHAM, HP5 2TH Chartridge Mission Church, also known as Chartridge Chapel, is a Christian Fellowship drawn from different backgrounds which shares the concern that the Biblical Gospel Message faithfully taught here since 1844 continues to be shared in its entirety despite changing trends in a changing world. You are welcome to join us for worship every Sunday at 6pm
Telephone (01494): Sheila 837451; Keith 776481; or John 783505