Chartridge Village Association Newsletter

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Volume 2. Issue 1. Spring 2015 e-mail:

C h a r t r i d g e News and Views for Chartridge Residents



our CVRA Committee has been giving thought and some debate on how we can pay tribute to the wonderful legacy the Franklin family provided for Chartridge residents. As many will know, a field was given in 1928 “...for the perpetual use thereof by the inhabitants of Chartridge as a playground for chidren.....”

Descendants of Caroline and Arthur Franklin will be present at the unveiling of the plaque by Norman Franklin. Described as probably the greatest woman scientist of the 20th Century, Dr.Rosalind Franklin was responsible for much of the research and discovery that led to the understanding of the structure of DNA. Her work as a crystallographer also included pioneer development of the Polio vaccine, the structure of coal and to the development of carbon fibre technology.

Arthur Franklin, J.P. and his wife Caroline, lived in Chartridge Lodge, and it was Caroline who provided the Reading Rooms, so called for her wish that children of the village In a desire to inspire today’s young people, your would have a place to learn to read and enjoy Committee is presenting the Dr.Rosalind Franklin the books that were provided. Award to the science class of Chartridge Combined School. The award to be made It was in 1953 that an adjoining field was added annually in perpetuity to a pupil in the science by their son Ellis, and a subsequent unanimous class, selected by the Head Teacher. vote extended the fields use to adults.

Thus, the Village benefited greatly from the . generosity of the Franklins, previously acknowledged only by the recent playing fields name changed to the Franklin Playing Fields. Your Committee, with the blessing of the present family, has arranged for a Blue Plaque to be placed on the outside wall of the Reading Rooms.

Date for the unveiling of the Plaque is July 19th in the afternoon. Full details of the arrangements will be announced in the Summer issue of the Newsletter and on the website.


Bangers and Bingo at the Bell Eyes down for a most successful event! The 7th January saw a packed House at The Bell for our first venture into Bingo . Thanks to Elvira and Phil for hosting our bingo night and providing the bangers and mash . A huge thanks also to Robert Kirby As our intrepid Caller. With prizes being distributed around all of the tables everybody enjoyed themselves. We will be running a second night In the autumn and it looks like you will need to book your table early if you want a chance to take part. Photo by Martin

Christmas Activities

Comic Relief Chartridge Cafe on Wednesday 11 th March also saw us selling cakes for comic relief

A big thanks for all of you who baked cakes. there were some very impressive ones We raised just over ÂŁ55 Photos by Sarah Beeson

CHARTRIDGE PERSONALITIES Jackie Claridge Interviews A Chartridge Resident:

sunshine, she has begun work on either a third novel or set of short stories, one of which will be set in Sri Lanka, with a flashback to London in the 1960s, an era that Jane loved and was very much a part.

Jane Carling, Author.

In 2010, Jane set up the ‘Writers and Scribblers’ group which is held at the Drawing Room café in Chesham. She has also been supported in I spoke to Jane on a spring morning over coffee her writing by her mentor Margaret Graham who in the sunny kitchen of her Chartridge home that has provided valuable advice and critique and looks out over the gardens, with was also the inspiration for the farmland and countryside storyline of Jane’s second beyond.• Her kitchen table is novel. where she does some of her writing. Margaret• gave her mentoring group the task of writing a story I was interested to find out how set in WW11 which Jane she first started writing and what initially found daunting. were the inspirations for her However after researching characters and settings. WW11 and reading• about the fascinating story of treasures • She told me that after a busy being stashed under Selfridges career in recruitment (she ran during the war, Jane suddenly her own business for nearly had the idea for her second thirty years) she was keen to novel. start writing and as she approached retirement she More recently Jane has formed would certainly have the time to an independent writer’s group do just that.• After Googling, she for Chesham Indie Authors, which is held on the discovered creative writing courses facilitated by first Monday of each month 11am -1pm at the The Watermill in Tuscany. Drawing Room in Chesham. It was in this idyllic location that she started learning the tools of the trade and about plotting and character-building.• Jane also regularly attends writing workshops at French House Party in Carcassonne, SW France .” All inclusive paradise for writers!”

On Saturday July, 11th, Jane and some other local published authors will have• a stall at the Chartridge Pond Party.• You will be able meet them and browse and buy their books and any budding authors out there might pick up a Jane enjoys travel and in particular knows few tips to get started Greece very well, loves the islands, especially or feel inspired to join Crete, where she is inspired by both stunning a writing group! views and climate.•This is reflected in the setting Jane’s novels are of her novels, the first two being set in Greece. Pandora’s Box and Ruby’s New Coat. Visit her website at Jane also said that the return of the sunshine and the welcome spring weather is reawakening her urge to continue writing. Inspired by the



CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Pilates at the Reading Rooms

Ki Aikido

With Steve Margolis Ki Aikido is a martial art unlike any other. ‘Ki’ is with Naweeda a Japanese word which means ‘life energy’ (just Little did I imagine when I first walked through like the ‘Chi’ in ‘Tai Chi’). ‘Aikido’ means ‘the way the Franklin Fields for the first time four years of harmony with life’. ago with my family, that I would be teaching Pilates to the local community in the nearby Reading Rooms, only a stone's throw away. As a fully certified practitioner of Pilates, specialising in rehabilitation based Pilates movement, I saw so many people struggling through injury, back pain, poor posture and general fitness issues. With gentle and precise Pilates exercise, I have seen all my clients make significant progress towards whole body health. After viewing several possible venues for my classes, I felt that bringing them to the Reading Rooms would contribute to the energy of the village, and bring people together in this great local facility.

Despite being an effective form of self defence, Ki Aikido is performed without any aggression whatsoever and classes are fun, friendly and non-competitive. This is because Ki Aikido develops the natural power that we all have This year I started Tuesday and Friday morning when our minds and bodies are coordinated. mat classes at 9.10am, and these have grown steadily, attended by all ages and abilities. Great This power has little to do with physical strength movement has been learnt and friendships and so Ki Aikido can be enjoyed by men and made. With Pilates significantly enhancing the women of all ages (my mother was well into her quality of life and health in those who practice 60s when she was awarded her black belt). regularly, it can make you feel, look and move Visually, the art is graceful and dynamic and better than you ever have before. has been described as a cross between karate You can find me setting up the hall at 9am on and ballroom dancing! Practising Ki Aikido is Tuesdays or Fridays, or give me a call and have good for your health, keeps you fit, teaches a chat about your specific needs. And for those calmness and relaxation and, most importantly, who can't make a daytime class, I teach at my helps you maintain a positive attitude to life. studio in Chartridge Lane, and also at the Bagnall Health Centre, Chesham, on Monday and Tuesday evenings. I'm fortunate to be able to work in the heart of the village, close to my children's school, and in a field which constantly intrigues me; it's truly a joy to see improvement in people's whole body health through Pilates. Hopefully you can join me one day and feel this for yourself. I look forward to welcoming you. Naweeda Stephenson (Certified Practioner of Polestar Pilates Studio) Contact: 07969 925 498 email




For Details Contact:




Book Group

The Bell




CVRA Meeting Pre-election Guest speakers Group Visit

The Bell


Waddesdon Manor


28** May


Group Visit

Chenies Manor




CVRA Neeting

The Bell



Members only afternoon tea

Reading Rooms



Group Visit

Butterfly World & Wild Flowers




Pond Party

Village Pond



Blue Plaque Unveiling

Reading Rooms


Details of the unveiling on the Reading Rooms of the Blue Plaque in the next Newsletter. 8pm The Bell CVRA Meeting August 10 September October


Race Night with food

The Bell


Theatre -Jersey Boys. (See below)

Waterside Theatre


Franklin Fields


The Bell


3 12 27 30

November Decenber

Dog Show CVRA Meeting Frogmore Paper Mill + Lunch Halloween


Bingo and Bangers and Mash


Hughenden Manor + Lunch


Waddesden Manor Christmas Mkt.


CVRA Mini-meeting and Speakers


Morning The Bell


The Bell Morning Morning The Bell


The Christmas Gathering

The Reading Rooms


The Village Cricket Match

The Franklin Field

September 28. Theatre Trip. “Jersey Boys”. WatersideTheatre.7.30pm. Tickets available now, from Julia / Joanne

* To book - contact -

* This group meets on the last Monday in the month ** Includes optional morning tea in the Stables * ** Includes optional lunch in the Red Lion **** Includes optional tea at venue

8pm 6pm 11.30am


The Chartridge Residents’ Association Café The Chartridge Café, based at The Reading Rooms, opened its doors back in February. We are there every Wednesday morning, from 8am until 10-ish, serving Nespresso coffees, cakes and pastries — many baked by local volunteers — and offering a warm welcome. Our hope is that the café will provide a local meeting point in the village and it is already attracting young- and old-alike. We would like to expand the café's offerings, so if you know of anyone who would like to sell craft items, jewellery, home-made cakes or something we have not thought about then please contact us and let us know. In the summer months we hope that those of you with surplus garden produce will donate some of it to the café, we will provide an honesty box with the proceeds going to charity. As you will appreciate, community initiatives can only survive if they are supported by the community itself. So, while we welcome your custom, we also welcome offers of help. Would you like to bake a cake, or bring a neighbour who would not otherwise come on their own? Or — very importantly — if you can spare an hour once-in-a-while to help us

run the café then we would really, really like to hear from you! In the meantime, spread the word and come and visit the run Alan at Julia at -

Local and Other Services The Bucks Ki Aikido Club: Classes every Thursday at Chartridge Reading Rooms (Village Hall). Children: 5 to 12 yrs. 6-7 pm.. Adults: 7-9 pm. Unique dog-friendly self-catering holidays. Grade 2* listed Cottage in Veryan, Roseland, Cornwall. See: Phone: 01494 774290

Martin The Milkman. Doorstepdelivery of fresh milk, dairy produce, bread, eggs, fruit juices & more. Call: 01442 833944 Amersham Fabrics. Textile Printing & Embroidery, The Maltings, School Lane, Amersham Old Town.

Please Support your Local Businesses

Village Café-opens every Wednesday morning Reading Rooms from 8am


Pond Cleaning Report and photos by Richard


On 19th• February 4 young men from Chiltern Youth Action•came along and cleared the edges of the pond, removed a lot of bramble, dragged out weed and cleared a couple of gaps in the On Monday 23 rd February a group of 32 members and friends went to see Blood Brothers at The Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury. What a fantastic show! The acting was to a very high standard and watching grownups act as children in the beginning part of the play was great fun.


Marti Pellow and Maureen Nolan were part of the cast who along with the rest of their fellow actors kept us entertained all evening. Some of the group took advantage of The Wetherspoon pub nearby and enjoyed a meal beforehand. We all had a wonderful evening and look forward to the next theatre trip. Report by Barbara.

Volunteers Needed for Social Events And After We are very grateful to them for the work they have done. As well as this with weather permitting, they have offered to cut the grass a•couple of times during the summer. There is more work to be done, mostly tidying up so if anyone is happy to help one Saturday morning please contact on 01494837443.

If you can provide a little time Joanne and Julia would love to hear from you. We are looking towards developing some the social events, including the Book Club, Theatre Nights, a regular community café, to name but a few. We welcome all contributions, be it delivering flyers, baking, providing transport and so forth. If you are interested please e-mail Julia or Jo or add your details to the volunteer sheet and the CVRA noticeboard at The Bell.



In 2007 a few local residents decided to organise the regeneration of the pond, as it could not be seen clearly from the road. They were able to secure grants but had to equal the amount (I think) by public donations.

When the work was complete a date was decided upon and we all met up for a “chat and a drink” next to the pond. A loose association of several people organised the party. Over the years, the party evolved into a bar-b-q, tombola, entertainment, raffle, etc. This continued until 2010 but, unfortunately, the party was not held in 2013. I decided to resurrect the party in 2014 which went very well with a lot of people helping me and we raised over £300.

A lot of interest was generated and so a working party was organised. I believe there were about 30 people who turned up over a few weekends and they did the hand work. Specialist equipment and labour was employed to handle the heavier work and the cost dug deeply into the grant Going forward, we hope to hold a Pond Party money. The Village was able to equal the grant every year. Richard and so our first purchase was plants which were placed around the pond.

Latest News on the Pond

Photos by Sarah Beeson

Richard expressed his thanks to all who joined the Pond Working Party on 28th March. Braving the cold weather, the small group of five stalwarts tidied up the surrounding area, tending the bank edges and removing some of the weeds that had taken root in the pond. Richard appears to have enjoyed paddling in the dark water - luckily, the aquatic wildlife were asleep ! All is well now for the Pond Party in July.


Don’t Miss Members’ only Afternoon Tea Reading Rooms June 13th . 2-4 pm

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