CallforEurope is a consultan cy that provides for profes sional information and assistance on European Policies, Programmes and Public Calls. Our mission is to support transparent knowledge and easy access to all of the opportunities offered by EU Programmes.
We think that giving fresh in formation on such themes is a valid lever for boosting Euro pean Union integration.
Our support is intended to:
• offer technical information on how to access to and manage EU grants and projects;
• make people find new trans national partnerships throughout Europe;
• stimulate public debate on how to access to EU funds. Our ambition is to serve as a technical resource center. We want to serve primarily those that usually work on writing applications and
managing projects through European funding. Call them “Euro-drafters” or “Euro-experts”: in any case, their activity demands high specialization and a constant updating on European policies, programs and public calls.
Our service is intended for them but also for any private, public and not-for-profit organ ization interested to European programmes and funds.
“This magazine aims to help ‘Euro-Drafters’ make the most of their funding call proposals”
Hello readers!
In the 27th of November 2022 edition, we commented various EU calls published during the current week. The Erasmus+ Programme issued its yearly programme. A lot of projects will be funded under calls directly managed by the Europe an Commission: Partnerships for excellence and forward-lookin projects on VET and with school institutions; Jean Monnet actions for teaching mobility; transnational Alliances for Education and Enter prises and Sectoral Blueprints; etc. Creative Europe programme funds initiatives for film and slate dis tribution. On the social field, the European Solidarity Programme funds new volunteering initiatives. Have a good read!
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
30/11/22 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
7/12/22 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Cosme Pro gramme Internationalisation Supports to Japan for SMEs 71.000 page 97
Single Market Programme (SMP)
Boosting awareness raising for mainstream enterprises to work with social enterprises ( towards a ‘buy social’ busi ness to business market).
1.300.000 page 98
9/12/2012 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Open Call 2 Pilot 460.000 page 49
12/12/22 Energy and Environment Horizon Eu rope (HORI ZON)
13/12/22 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
13/12/22 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
13/12/22 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
13/12/22 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
I-NERGY Second Open Call for Developing new services on top of existing technolo gies.
Erasmus+ Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training FPA
100.000.000 page 119
5.000.000 page 118
Erasmus+ Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth 8.000.000 page 119
Erasmus+ Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training SGA
8.000.000 page 120
Erasmus+ Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth 5.000.000 page 120
14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Digitalisation and automation enabling new railway services for passengers and freight
page 51 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe European value chains for rail supply page 53
14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Conceptual development of Automated Multi-Modal Mobil ity-Systems (“Moving Infra structures”)
page 52
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Technological development of Maglev-derived Systems page 54
14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New railway station concept for green and socially inclu sive smart cities
page 57
14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe DAC Migration Roadmap towards Deployment page 55
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hyperloop Industrial Roadm ap and pilots page 56
14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Building a community of scientific research and and enabling a network of PhD (academia teaming with industry)
15/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Eu rope (HORI ZON)
2nd Open Call - Looking for low-tech SMEs to improve their products, services, or value chains with AI!
page 50
60.000 page 33
15/12/2022 Research and Innovation Preparatory Projects Developing a system for the automated measuring of tail length and tail lesions of pigs at the slaughter line
ERC Science Journalism Initiative 1.500.000 page 58
1.500.000 page 34 15/12/2022 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORI ZON)
5/1/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Eu rope (HORI ZON)
9/01/23 Research and Innovation Horizon Eu rope (HORI ZON)
IMCAP-2023-INFOME 4.000.000 page 59
Open Call #2 360.000 page 60
10/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Horizon Europe Call for pilots exploiting the DigiPrime digital platform and services.
Information Measures for the EU Cohesion policy (IM REG)
Information measures for the EU Cohesion policy for 2022 7.000.000 page 139
1.200.000 page 100 10/01/2023 Regional De velopment and Cooperation
10/01/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Creative Europe Programme
Music Moves Europe 4.500.000 page 122 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Best international practice for scaling up sustainable biofuels
9.000.000 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of algal and renewable fuels of non-bio logical origin
15.000.000 10/01/2023 Energy and Environment CEF Pro gramme CEF-E-2022-CBRENEWPREPSTUDIES – CEF2 En ergy – Cross-border renewa ble energy projects
1.000.000 page 121
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
10/01/2023 International De velopment and Cooperation
Europeaid Programme Supporting more inclusive societies in the Eastern Car ibbean
1,320,000 page 172
10/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
CEF-E-2022-CBRENEWPREPSTUDIES – CEF2 En ergy – Cross-border renewa ble energy projects
1.000.000 14/01/2023 Regional De velopment and Cooperation
dRural Open Call for Region al Demonstrators 1.200.000 page 114
Creative Europe TV and online content 22.000.000 page 123 17/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe SMART4ALL Third CTTE Open Call 320.000 page 43
17/01/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
SMP Pro gramme Tourism4.0 Call for selection of Tourism SMEs 7.000 page 101
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Inland ports – studies, works or mixed 350.000.000
Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed 350.000.000
Rail – studies, works or mixed 350.000.000
Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Inland ports – studies, works or mixed 250.000.000
Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed 250.000.000
Rail – studies, works or mixed 250.000.000
Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Multimodal passenger hubs –studies 400.000.000
eFTI – studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Rail Freight Noise - Unit Con tribution 100.000.000
Inland waterways and ports –studies, works or mixed 1.620.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANTS 30.000.000 page 67 24/01/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
18/01/2023 Research and Innovation Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Creative Europe Innovative tools and business models 8 883 198 page 124 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of digital solu tions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance
9.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Efficient and circular artificial photosynthesis 10.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Efficient and low-emission technologies for industrial use of combustion and gasifica tion systems from low-value biogenic residues and wastes
10.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative components and/ or sub-systems for CSP plants and/or concentrating solar thermal installations
16.500.000 24/01/2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated wind farm control 18.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Novel Thin Film (TF) technol ogies targeting high efficien cies
20.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Recycling end of life PV modules 20.000.000
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Smart-grid ready and smart-network ready build ings, acting as active utility nodes (Built4People)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support to the activities of technology areas of the SET Plan: Action dedicated to en ergy efficiency in industry
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Solutions for the sustaina ble, resilient, inclusive and accessible regeneration of neighbourhoods enabling low carbon footprint lifestyles and businesses (Built4People)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe More sustainable buildings with reduced embodied en ergy / carbon, high life-cycle performance and reduced life-cycle costs (Built4People)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Sustainable and resource-ef ficient solutions for an open, accessible, inclusive, resilient and low-emission cultural her itage: prevention, monitoring, management, maintenance, and renovation (Built4People)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Designs, materials and solu tions to improve resilience, preparedness & responsive ness of the built environment for climate adaptation (Built 4People)
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Programme
Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
Securing 5G Strategic Digital Infrastructures And Technologies
Testing and Certification Capabilities 5.000.000
Data space for smart commu nities (deployment) 18.000.000 page 66
Deployment of the AI-on-de mand platform 28.000.000 page 68
Data space for manufacturing (deployment) 16.000.000 page 69
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
Supporting The NIS Directive Implementation And National Cybersecurity Strategies
Data space for media (de ployment) 8.000.000 page 70
Data space for mobility (de ployment) 8.000.000 page 104
Large-scale pilots for cloudto-edge based service solu tions
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecu rity Ranges
15.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Cen tres With Member States
Uptake Of Innovative Cyber security Solutions 32.000.000
22.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
25/01/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
26/01/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
31/01/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
31/01/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Capacity building of Security Operation Centres 80.000.000
Specialised education pro grammes or modules in key capacity areas
56.000.000 page 72
Creative Europe European slate development 19.500.000 page 125
European Parliament Programme
Media actions EE24 8.000.000 page 126
Erasmus+ European UniversitiesIntensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation (Topic 1)
Erasmus+ European UniversitiesDevelopment of new deep institutional transnational cooperation (Topic 2)
345.000.000 page 133
38.400.000 page 132
EMFAF Sustainable transport and ports in the Mediterranean 2.400.000 page 102
EMFAF Regenerative ocean farming in the Baltic Sea Region 600.000 page 103
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022 Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
EMFAF Diversification of fisheries activities in the Atlantic area 2.000.000 page 104
EMFAF Sustainable maritime and coastal tourism in the Outer most Regions
1.000.000 page 105
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
EMFAF Harnessing preparedness and response to marine pollu tion in the Black Sea
600.000 page 106 31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
EMFAF Maritime clusters as an in novative enabler for a Sus tainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean
EMFAF Blue careers for a sustainable blue economy 7.500.000 page 108
1.000.000 page 107 31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
02/02/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANTS 595.000.000 page 77
02/02/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe NGI0 Entrust (2023-02E) 9 602 956 page 78
7/02/2023 Employment and Social develop ment
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
European Social Fund + (ESF)
SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01 7.300.000 page 166
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Chair
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Centres of Excellence
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Networks in other fields of Education and Training
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Foreign policy issues: Values and Democracy
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Internal EU issues: Digital Transformation in Europe
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Train ing: Learning EU Initiatives
18 633 414 page 135
18 633 414 page 136
18 633 414 page 141
18 633 414 page 139
18 633 414
18 633 414 page 139
18 633 414 page 138
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
14/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
15/02/2023 Employment and Social develop ment
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Foreign policy issues: EU-AF RICA
Single Market Programme (SMP)
European Social Fund + (ESF)
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
16/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
16/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
21/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Greening SMEs in the prox imity and social economy ecosystem through transna tional co-operation
18 633 414 page 139
6.000.000 page 110
ESF-2022-EURES-TMS-01 12.000.000 page 167
Capacity building of Security Operation Centres 15.000.000
Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Cen tres With Member States
Testing and Certification Capabilities 5.000.000
Uptake Of Innovative Cyber security Solutions 32.000.000
EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecu rity Ranges
Supporting The NIS Directive Implementation And National Cybersecurity Strategies
Securing 5G Strategic Digital Infrastructures And Technol ogies
Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Design Measures 3.000.000 page 142
Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Mas ters 142.589.571 page 143
Creative Europe Circulation of European liter ary works 21.000.000 page 144
21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Call for proposals on preven tion of NCDs - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other NCDs
Call for proposals to support the roll-out of the second cohort of the inter-speciality cancer training programme
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
23/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Call for proposals to support structured dialogue at nation al or regional level on public procurement in the health sector - HERA
Call for proposals on cancer and other NCDs prevention –action on health determinants
Creative Europe European Cooperation pro jects Small, Medium, Large Scale
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
28/02/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
1/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Fa cility (CEF)
CEF 2 Energy - Cross-bor der renewable energy works projects
CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy studies projects
European Quantum Commu nication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works
Backbone connectivity for Digital Global GatewaysWorks
Interconnection of backbone networks for cloud federa tions – Studies
60 076 809 page 145
30.000.000 page 111
30.000.000 page 112
5G coverage along transport corridors - Works 25.000.000
5G for Smart CommunitiesWorks 5.000.000
5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies 3.000.000
Preparation of works for Operational digital platforms 25.000.000
Integration of 5G with edge computing and federated cloud facilities
Erasmus+ Capacity building in the field of Vocational education and training (VET)
2.000.000 page 146
27 116 244 page 146
Creative Europe Video games and immersive content development 6.000.000 page 147
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022 Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023 DEADLINE
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Horizon Europe EGNSS applications for Smart mobility 9.500.000 page 80
Horizon Europe Copernicus downstream ap plications and the European Data Economy
9.600.000 page 81
Horizon Europe Public sector as Galileo and/ or Copernicus user 5.200.000 page 82
Horizon Europe GOVSATCOM Service devel opments and demonstrations 9.100.000 page 83
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
Horizon Europe Designing space-based downstream applications with international partners
Horizon Europe Large-scale Copernicus data uptake with AI and HPC 9.600.000 page 85
5.100.000 page 84 02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Devel opment
08/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 77.500.000 page 86
08/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe MSCA COFUND 2022 95.000.000 page 79
08/03/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Youth 6 923 231 page 168 09/03/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe European Film Distribution 34.000.000 page 148 09/03/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion Erasmus+ European Youth Together 8 000 000
14/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Creative Europe Films on the Move 16.000.000 page 139
15/03/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion EU Bodies and Agen cies
15/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Selection of hosting sites and fellows for EU-FORA Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme
Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation - Forward-Looking Projects - Digital education (cross-sec toral)
825.000 page 169
35.000.000 page 140
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022
Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
15/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
15/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation - Forward-Looking Projects - Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation - Forward-Looking ProjectsAdult learning
16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Eu rope Pro gramme
35.000.000 page 150
35.000.000 page 152
Data space for security and law enforcement 8.000.000 page 88
16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Elise 2nd Open Call 960.000 page 89
16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Innovation Fund Innovation Fund Large Scale Projects - Innovative electrification in industry and hydro gen
16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Innovation Fund Innovation Fund Large Scale Projects - Clean-tech manu facturing
1.000.000 page 87
700.000 page 90
16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Innovation Fund Innovation Fund Large Scale Projects - Mid-sized pilots 300.000 page 91
16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Innovation Fund Innovation Fund Large Scale Projects - General decarbon isation
22/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
22/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Erasmus+ Partnerships for Cooperation in the field of youth - Europe an NGOs
Erasmus+ Partnerships for Cooperation in the fields of education and training - European NGOs
26/03/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
30/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
30/03/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
20/04/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
1.000.000 page 92
7.000.000 page 154
7.000.000 page 140
Data space for security and law enforcement 8.000.000
Creative Europe Audience Development and Film education 6.300.000 page 134
Creative Europe NEWS - Media Literacy 2.000.000 page 155
Creative Europe Innovation Lab 5.438.131 page 156
Edition: Nov 27 - Dec 3 / 2022 Deadlines: 27 november 2022 - 26 May 2023
26/04/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
27/04/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
27/04/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Creative Europe CREA-MEDIA-2023-CODEV 6.500.000 page 157
Creative Europe NEWS: Journalism partner ships - Pluralism 5.000.000 page 158
Creative Europe NEWS: Journalism partner ships - Collaboratios 5.000.000 page 159
03/05/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Erasmus+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooper ation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint')
Erasmus+ Alliances for Education and Enterprises 62.000.000 page 160
62.000.000 page 161 03/05/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
03/05/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion European Solidarity Corps
Humanitarian Aid Volunteer ing 6.800.000 page 170
23/05/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe CASSINI Prize for digital space applications page 93
1/06/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
8/06/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
20/06/2023 Education, Vo cational training and Culture
Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
European mini-slate develop ment 5.500.000 page 162
Erasmus+ Partnership for ExcellenceCentres of Vocational Excel lence
52.000.000 page 163
Creative Europe European Film sales agent 5.500.000 page 164
Programme Public programmes that fund the specific call for proposals, according to specific policy objectives, and accompanied by specific working plans, financial regulations, etc.
Administration Administrations, Institutions and/or Agencies, committed to the implementation of the programmes and funding of coherent initiatives and projects according to the single ongoing call for projects.
Objective Public calls for projects generally include the general and specific objectives to be achieved by the funded initiatives. Objectives are coherent with the general ones defined by the funding programmes.
Eligible Activities Projects are expected to be implemented through types of activities identified as eligible to public funding. In many cases, calls also list activitities and connected costs not eligible to public funding from a specific European programme. Eligible Applicants
Entities eligible to apply for funding can be physical or legal persons. Legal persons can include public and/or private entities. In many cases, calls require applicants to form partnerships or legal consortia, with specific conditions for lead applicans, applicants and associate entities.
Geo-coverage Projects are expected to be implemented (in terms of activities, outputs, results and/ or impacts) in specific territories within or outside European Member States
Type of call Calls can be published for funding projects, tenders. Calls may also fund individual commitments (calls for interests) Max Duration (months) Funding of projects is expected
CINEA European Cli mate, Infrastruc ture and Environ ment Executive Agency
Executive Agency CINEA supports the European Green DealSearch, with a focus on creating synergies to support a sustainable, con nected, and decarbonised Europe. CINEA will continue to manage existing pro jects, including those taken over from the EASME agency, and start implementing new 2021-2027 programmes delivering on the necessary actions to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050
https://cinea.ec.eu ropa.eu/index_en
COST European Coop eration in Science and Technology Association
EACEA Education, Audio visual and Culture Executive Agency
COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal chal lenges.
Executive Agency
EASME Executive Agency for SMEs Executive Agency
EACEA is responsible for the manage ment of certain EU's funding programmes in the fields of education, culture, audiovis ual, sport, citizenship and volunteering.
EASME manages on behalf of European Commission, several EU programmes (i.e. COSME, part of the HORIZON Pro gramme, EMFF)
http://eacea.ec.europa. eu/
https://ec.europa.eu/ easme/
ECHO European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Office
European Commission Department
EDA European De fense Agency Decentral ised Agency
With seven regional offices and field offic es in over 40 countries, it deploys human itarian aid operations across the world, intervention strategies and policy for aid for humanitarian need and disasters.
EDA supports its Member States’ efforts to enhance their defence capabilities in a collaborative manner, supporting coop erative European defence projects and research and technology development in the defence and security sector
https://ec.europa.eu/ echo/index_en
http://www.eda.europa. eu/
EIF European Invest ment Fund Investment Fund
EIF is part of the European Investment Bank Group. Its shareholders are the Eu ropean Investment Bank (EIB), the Euro pean Union, represented by the European Commission, and a wide range of public and private banks and financial institu tions. EIF is a specialist provider of risk finance to benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) across Europe.
EMFF helps fishermen in the transition to sustainable fishing; it supports coastal communities in diversifying their econ omies; it finances projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts supports sustainable aquaculture develop ments.
https://ec.europa.eu/ fisheries/cfp/emff_en
ERA-NET Bioenergy ERA-NET Bioenergy Consortium
ERA-NET Bioenergy is a network of na tional funding organisations which support bioenergy projects.
Since January 2011, ERA-NET Bioenergy is a self-sustained network with a clear focus on joint calls for R&D proposals.
www.eranetbioenergy. net
The EUCF is a European initiative to support municipalities, local authorities and their groupings to develop investment concepts to accelerate investments in sus tainable energy. In form of a € 60k grant, the EUCF finances services and activities to support the development of investment concepts by local authorities.
The HaDEA addresses the European Commission’s ambition to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe at its heart, which will be greener, more digital, more resilient and better fit for the current and forthcom ing challenges.
https://eucityfacility.eu/ home.html
INEA Innovation and Networks Execu tive Agency
Decentral ised Agency
INEA is the successor organisation of the Trans-European Transport Network Exec utive Agency (TEN-TEA). Its mission is to support the Commission, project promot ers and stakeholders
https://hadea.ec.eu ropa.eu/index_it
https://ec.europa.eu/ inea/mission-objectives